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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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23508258 No.23508258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

4chan's metrics are declining in general, why do you think they got rid of IP counters? Most of the threads and posts nowadays are schizos spamming the same thing over and over. 4chan has no relevance any more, in large part because of the election tourists who've destroyed the site's culture over the past decade. We have no influence, no creativity, no humor. We are destined to rot away until the server costs finally outweigh the generated ad revenue and hiro pulls the plug. The sooner the better, quite frankly.

>> No.23508264

There's already a thread for retarded blogposting like this, btw.

>> No.23508268

Giving a shit about the site’s influence is some gay ass behavior. Hell that’s the reason the Facebook grandmas came over here to begin with.

>> No.23508271

I've been here since 2007, I notice no real change. It's 99% stupid posts, people starting arguments over nothing, etc, and 1% flashes of brilliance you wouldn't find anywhere else. Nothing has changed at all. Most of the supposed normies who pass through 4chan think it's a dumb site with low-quality content (they're right btw) and do not stick around, also about 70% of them wouldn't even be able to figure out how to post.

>> No.23508354

All the intelligent people have left

>> No.23508365

4chan is dying because of coomers.. “election tourists” is a retarded theory you must be a liberalnigger

>> No.23508370

Really bro? Go look at /b/ right now. In 2007 porn threads were rare, now they have completely taken over

>> No.23508381

/lit/ is a slow board because nobody reads anymore.
4chan is kept alive by teenagers arguing about faggot shit on /v/, the CIA trying to honeypot incels on /pol/ and Bane memes on/tv/. Everything else is just secondary.
I'm away from my computer now but I have a "4chan is dead" image saved from 2010. It's always been dead. And it's never going away.
Captcha: G00K

>> No.23508395

/b/ exists after 2009?

>> No.23508405

there are more boards now than when /b/ was big. all the non-porn threads just moved to other boards. the biggest loss though is that this site isn't funny anymore. when i first came to 4chan, it was cuz there were threads that were funny as hell. i remember browsing /b/ and just laughing so hard over basic ass memes or other stupid shit. now everything is either mean spirited or one of those "ironic" pepe threads which are not funny.

>> No.23508496

>in large part because of the election tourists who've destroyed the site's culture over the past decade.
>posts /pol/ meme

No 2016-2018 was probably the apotheosis of 4chan relevance.

The reason this place is dying is due to the yearly fresh crop of teen posters being sucked into tiktok instead.

>> No.23508501

you're not welcome here. go back to /b/ or /pol/ with your retarded shit

>> No.23508504

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/ . If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/ . Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.23508505

I said this to another anon in a thread a few nights ago. You've outgrown 4chan.

>> No.23508508

>trying to gatekeep /lit/
dude plz this board has only gotten worse since you arrived. op has a valid point. getting rid of the unique post counter is a definite indication of decline.

>> No.23508527

Bullshit, one of the best things about 4chan is that you can argue both sides of any issue, flame yourself, etc, and then generate an interesting/amusing thread. The unique post counter was a bad idea in the first place. Any real chantard understands this.

>> No.23508530

saming has always been frowned on dude

>> No.23508532

If any 'chantard' understands this, why was samefagging always looked down on?

>> No.23508538

It's only frowned on if you get caught you stupid nigger. I'm samefagging right now, I literally wrote your posts.

>> No.23508545

that guy who used to post those god awful buddhism threads was the worst, he would always post these huge walls of text and then ask himself canned questions that he already had the answers ready for.

>> No.23508557

what if the traffic is declining because they got rid of awful but prolific people? that australian twink guy with a lame youtube channel seems to be gone? that loser who would make threads of dfw headshots is gone, good riddance. the buddhism guy who would talk to himself while everyone scrolled by is gone. all those guys were just noise we had to scroll by and now they're gone, so less traffic may not be bad.

>> No.23508561


and it gets worse in the run up to the POTUS election.

its the mods fault. they wanted to turn 4chin into some deluded "culture wars" hub and fucked the entire site up. Boards like /lit/ were and are affected in a more negative way than other boards after 2015 or so.

>> No.23508567

>what if the traffic is declining because they got rid of awful but prolific people?

then the quality of the site would go up ......... which it hasn't

>> No.23508574

4chin has only gotten better since 2016. Oldfags should rope.

>> No.23508584

maybe under the last owner, but all the new boards have been video game boards, and the traffic on /vg/ has actually passed /pol/ recently, so if anything there is a push to turn this into a gaming site like twitch or discord. granted something like /vg/ probably gets a ton of traffic from bots shilling games, but still if you add up the traffic of all the video game boards it totally dwarfs everything else.

>> No.23508586

It's because 4chan is a majority Hispanic/Indian/Mudslime 3rd world site nowadays. Before ~2016 it was mostly young white American, Anglophone and Northern European men. The average IQ then was probably 120, now it's 100.

>> No.23508590

ya i know some of the funny stuff on /b/ i used to chuckle at were based on those finland memes which you don't really see anymore.

>> No.23508596

Oh fugg :DDD

>> No.23508598

The validity of a given statement or thread depends on if their database identifier ends with repeating numerals therefore this is a bad thread and you're all wrong.

>> No.23508602

Oh yeah? Check these then.

>> No.23508607

/pol/ was this site's most egregious mistake.

>> No.23508608

>visiting /b/ after your first year or so of being here
for what purpose

>> No.23508610

Rope, nigger. NewGOD site.

>> No.23508613

well back in the day it was basically anime and /b/ so if you weren't into anime that was where everybody else had to go

>> No.23508620
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>33 replies for a nobody retard
Thats unheard of on any social media

>> No.23508623

That wasn't the answer I was looking for, /b/ has always been shit, once it wears out its welcome/novelty, there is no reason to return.

>> No.23508630

thinking /lit/ is some how "better" than /b/ is your mistake.

>> No.23508649

this is not true. thirdies don't even know english. it's sad to admit that white people are retarded nowadays, but hey, you can always blame it on the jews

>> No.23508652
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Man I just come here to post about my interests, and always have. If I want to post about anime, I go to /a/. If I want to post about cars, I go to /o/. If I want to post about literature and philosophy, I come here. This site has always been about me discussing things I like with like-minded people in an anonymous, judgment-free setting.

Anyone who ever tried to make 4chan more than that didn't understand this place. We were never out to save the world, or anything like that. If we wind up saving the world ANYWAY that will just prove that real life is retarded, that it could need so retarded a savior.

>> No.23508719

Anon, (broken) English is widely spoken in the Indian subcontinent, West Africa and Southeast Asia. That's where all the thirdies are coming from.

>> No.23508720

Good. Infinite growth is pernicious. Human scale communities are better.

>> No.23508725

but the quality has dropped.
I go to /ck/ to discuss burgers and its full of dipshits posting about American politics

>> No.23508733

We'll have to hope that this election is the end of it. I'm personally rooting for a major catastrophe to hit the United States, like a civil war or a Soviet-style collapse. The whole internet, really the whole world, needs to be rid of America and its politics. I think everybody's just about fed up with it. I even say this as an American.

>> No.23508746

this site taught me how to make potent explosives and jam highway radar. now it's full of porn threads, Zionist schizo posting and dubious cia bait.

>> No.23508750

>We'll have to hope that this election is the end of it.
I'd bet a limb it won't be.

>> No.23508776

It, or something like it, was probably inevitable. All the people who get kicked off other sites for bad behavior will eventually end up in the place with anonymous posting and almost no moderation. Final destination for schizos and nazis. 4chan's long 'rivalry' with reddit is really because of bitter refugees who can't stop seething about their shadow bans.

>> No.23508784

Reddit is fucking awful, though, and people who complain about it are right to do so.

It's not merely the fault of 4chan's userbase that this site as degraded. The fault also lies with the world itself: things really have gotten worse, clownworld really does exist, everybody else really has lost their fucking minds. 4chan is kind of a safe haven from a lot of that but even here it's going to affect us in ways great and small.

>> No.23508795
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>judgment-free setting.

>> No.23508805

>muh IP count
Accusations of samefagging were almost impossible to prove anyway.

>> No.23508815

4chan was never above culture wars. You retards really belive that before 2016 /lit/ was a French salon.

>> No.23508821 [DELETED] 

TikTok and Instagram devoured the entire internet with their algorithmic based content. It’s quite remarkable how fast it happened

>> No.23508832
File: 239 KB, 828x1470, 9F54304A-60B2-423B-A83D-2D3C9080A905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TikTok and Instagram devoured the entire internet with their algorithmic based content. It’s quite remarkable how fast it happened. Teenage girls share Dostoevsky book charts from /lit/ these days and yet /lit/ itself is dead. Unreal

>> No.23508853
File: 9 KB, 182x277, Hisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I want to post about literature and philosophy, I come here.

>> No.23508855

Yeah reddit is awful. I've gotten huge waves of downvotes for saying something that was demonstrably true, just because it didn't jive with the 'culture' of any particular subreddit. Retarded site, good illustration of why democracy is bad.

>> No.23508864

yeah but ppl shilling on behalf of professional culture war guys like peterson and tate ignored sites like /lit/ before, the only paid shill on olde /lit/ was that steve green, bob green, whatever guy who always had very obviously non-organic threads about his movie tie-in books. now we get professional culture war crap on the reg. gamer gate was when political people started paying attention to 4chan as something they could take advantage of.

>> No.23508867

>Dostoevsky is my daddy
This account is bad. The faint veneer of appreciation for books, only wearing it as a fashion statement.

>> No.23508876

if they want to improve 4chans metrics they could try modernizing the site, when was the last time they added any new feature? i've never browsed 4chan on mobile but i'm assuming it's awful? also not advocating anything as satanic as embedded tweets, but they could at least add support for webp or videos with audio, etc.

>> No.23508883

also the site doesn't support emojis? really? a whole generation of kids grew up with emojis but this site is still stuck in the bush administration. yeah, i know, you don't like emojis...you are old.

>> No.23508913

I still haven't left

>> No.23508915

You should definitely go outside

>> No.23508919

Emojis are not critical to written expression.

>> No.23508925

neither are anime boobs and stale pepe memes, but that never stopped anyone.

>> No.23508945

Stop posting race baiting garbage and slit your fucking throat, dysgenic cretin. Your race isn't perfect either.

>> No.23508958 [DELETED] 

it's clear most of the really seething racist stuff is coming from the developing world where that kind of stuff is still normal though

>> No.23508966

It's coming from low class hicks. I've lived in the Deep South and know what they're like. It's just low class people.
The Migrant Crisis was bad because borders were opened and people were not screened, even as ISIS gloated about intermingling with the people. There was no filtration process involved at all, which is a recipe for disaster. Only low-class hicks use them as a representative sample to judge entire cultural legacies and proceed to dehumanize large swathes of people.
One big cultural problem with America is it doesn't embrace classism at all.

>> No.23508980

The activity is frowned on.
And all samefags are eventually discovered (because mods are in your walls).

>> No.23508981 [DELETED] 

if you live in the deep south around "low class hicks" as you say then maybe you haven't interacted with many people from the developing world. i live in a large city a huge migrant population from latin america, africa, and asia. the only people i hear saying openly racist stuff are people from the developing world because that kind of speech is normal there. what do you think is more likely? the few million hicks got access to broadband and decided to come on 4chan instead of streaming netflix? or what google calls "the next billion users" all got cheap ass phones with internet and some of them found their way here to a site that is mostly text and so will load faster on their junk phone than tiktok or whatever?

>> No.23508989

>America doesn't embrace classism at all
We're one of the most stratified societies by class in the world. Lower class people often speak a dialect of English that's not even mutually intelligible with the speech of wealthy people. And you live in the south? One of us must be blind/retarded, inclined to say that it is you. In the south, you can often tell just from someone's last name whether they are rich or poor.

>> No.23508997 [DELETED] 

and you think these guys can find palestine on a map much less seethe about it?

>> No.23509004

>if you live in the deep south around "low class hicks"
I used to when I was younger. Not anymore.
>Then maybe you haven't interacted with many people from the developing world
I did. I used to work in the city.
The average person, regardless of race, does not live for any higher values. There are numerous reasons for this though. Most likely stems from industrialization introducing behavioral sinks in dense urban areas.
>what do you think is more likely?
It's probably a mix of both.
Hicks tend to say shit like "glass the Middle East" and fall for low class populist leaders like Trump, who was a cuck to Jews like every other politician. A lot of hicks act like "temporary embarrassed politicians" even though none of them really have any political clout.
Out of all races, Ashkenazis are the worst on average due to their rudeness and being endlessly uptight attitude.
I have caught a few "white supremacists" who were in fact Ashkenazi. Their goal is to increase resentment among all races.

>> No.23509006

A lot of "low class hicks" have adopted what were previously cherished liberal values en masse, such as LGBTQ and atheism.
What you're seeing from the developing world is more like tribalism than racism, though.

>> No.23509021

I used to live in the Deep South.
America is socioeconomically stratified like every other country. It has great wealth income disparity too.
Granted, America does not really have a "high culture" populated by a high-class intelligentsia (note, it did in the past). Consider how much modern artwork exists more as a form of providing "breads and circuses" to the masses.
I am tired of everything being politicized.
Mass migration is dangerous for social stability, but the proper reaction is not to online bullying and scapegoating various races.

>> No.23509030

Yes, I know one who went from being a neocon jarhead to pro-BLM transgender. His mom was supporting his transition on FB.
I don't keep in contact with any of them. Just stalk them from time to time.

>> No.23509031

Just go look on /int/. It's all Indians and Pakistanis and Brazilians and whatnot. Basically everyone knows English nowadays

>> No.23509042

Suburban half-Hispanic kids are more likely to be racist than "hicks" nowadays, who are the embodiment of the Yellowstone meme. You're stuck in the 00s.

>> No.23509044

ya it's kinda funny that this guy from the deep south is trying to be magnanimous but is just exposing that he doesn't have much experience with different cultures

>> No.23509060

Culture rapidly changes generationally to the point where there are more discontinuities compared to the pre-industrial societies. Everything is in fast motion in other words.
During my time, rednecks were celebrating GWB's reelection in my Middle School hallways.
They were massive shit-faced grinning bullies and even if they've improved in certain regards now, I will not forgive them. I am a recluse.

>> No.23509063

Even Lovecraft didn't like them. He wrote a story where he portrayed one of them as a cannibal.
America should Balkanize imo. I know that's a treasonous thing to say, but it's ultimately in its best interests.

>> No.23509067

This is true but cucks itt are in denial mode. In 2003 when 4chan was founded, America was like 70% white. Nowadays it's barely 50%. Same story with Europe. And the internet was probably even whiter than the general population in 2003, before Obamaphones. Even if no people who actually lived in the third world gained internet access, the 4chan demographics still would have shifted for the worse.

>> No.23509087

People of Western Euro descent are diverse in mentalities, regional cultures, etc. Deep Southern Americans, for example, behave like negros who are deferent to Jews. Even Carl Jung held negative opinions on Americans of Euro descent.
Most of the intelligent Americans come from New England and maybe a bit from West Coast like Oregon, not entirely sure about that.
Deep Southern Americans are subhuman tier. As I've said, even Lovecraft agreed. Many of them also believe in Rapture, a very dangerous Messianic worldview.

>> No.23509097

Also, the redneck area I used to live in is gradually being flooded with Indians.

>> No.23509104

damn you're gonna spend your life as a seething leftist because some kids in eighth grade celebrated george bush being reelected? go to a shrink or something dude, that's a really bad reason to waste your life

>> No.23509109

indians are generally conservative, see nikki haley, vivek, and every dosa place with a picture of george bush next to the ginesh

>> No.23509119

This is stupid, you've been reading too much Albion's seed; it's not 1830, or even 1930 anymore. White Americans have been basically the same since the 50s if not before. And people move around like 5 times a year so many "Deep South" Americans are actually from the North and vice versa.

>> No.23509122

Indians are one of the most liberal groups in America. You seriously have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.23509131

Black people vary a lot too. Country/hillbilly black people are similar to country whites: very religious, polite, they hunt and fish; then you have the really low-class ones who are about as low as you can get, same thing as with white trash. But the country blacks don't particularly like urban blacks and urban black culture, in general. A country black friend who had to move to the 'hood was complaining about it just like a white would, "mann there are all these damn people in the street and you don't even wanna wave or nothin' or they might think you throwin' up a gang sign! haw haw".

It really BTFO the idea that culture is somehow genetic when you realize how different country vs urban blacks are in the south.

>> No.23509132

I'm neither leftist nor right. I reject the entire dichotomy. Also, a leftist would not say, "Mass migration is a mistake." Most leftists were supporting mass migration from Syria and more during 2015. I got kicked out of an online literary forum for speaking against it.
>go to a shrink or something dude
No, I was beat up and had a black eye. People didn't even know my race until someone spread a rumor.

>> No.23509135

how may indians are in your city? how many indians do you know? the first out of the closet trump supporter i ever met was an indian, and he gloated all through 2016 as trump was winning. did you not see that huge rally trump had with modi in texas? come on dude

>> No.23509147

All the Indians I've met have been libtarded 2nd generation women or restaurant owners who I didn't talk politics with. And if you look at actual statistics and don't just go off the Indians you've met you'll see that they are very liberal.

>> No.23509150

Americans, from my experience, have no real traditional culture or strong ethos, so ultimately, their identities become whatever DNC or GOP engineers them to be. This is not the case for every single American ofc, it's just a pervasive trend.
I, myself, am not even registered to vote. I refuse to vote.
Moreover, I dislike the politicization of everything and believe real friendship is formed from shared interests and not political affinity (and note, we only receive 15-20% of the real news due to a filtration process involving CIA and media). Few know the true machinations behind the news is what I'm saying.

>> No.23509155

how many indian liberal politicians are there? both indian governors were republicans. harris is half-indian, but she spent her whole career as a ballbusting prosector, so hardly a lib softy.

>> No.23509159

>claims to not be politicized
>drops wild conspiracy theories about media and cia collusion

>> No.23509167

>>wild conspiracy theories about media and cia collusion
nta how can you be THIS bluepilled in the current year? that's like babby's first "conspiracy theory that's actually not just a theory"

>> No.23509172

It's not exactly a conspiracy. There is decent evidence for it.
Also, a bit off-topic:
I once read an article from a senator before about how social cohesion is maintained now through social engineering. One aspect of social engineering involves altering the frequency of cues in advertisements pertaining to acceptance of social deviancy. Prior to periods of economic downturn, sexual and social deviancy are normalized for one reason or another, which ties into various industrial complexes.
Social engineering is a real field and much of what they do is confidential, though it comes down to a matter of data mining and manipulating societal consensus.
In my view, largely developed urbanized areas in the modern post-industrial, globalized world can be considered as analogous to "factory farms". The chaos of the factory farm is managed for the sake of economic and industrial reasons based on periods of economic downturn.
I am just remembering this vaguely.

>> No.23509173

The tone and culture is totally different. It’s not very humorous or creative. It’s just a dumping ground for alienated young men who are bitter and angry. Part of 4chan’s problem is the internet’s problem as a whole though, there are no niches and subcultures anymore. Anyone can easily access them. As for /lit/, every time I come here it’s the same things more or less repackaged slightly differently. What happened to only posting here if you read books? Without scrolling through I know exactly what off topic books for —- threads will be up. With the counter gone I wonder if it’s a few really overactive spergs spamming the same shit repeatedly, or a bunch of go with the crowd NPC’s.

>> No.23509176

Kamala Harris

>> No.23509178

>See this chud?
>That's (you)
>You're not relevant goy

Implicitly racist but okay

>> No.23509181

one, which i already addressed.

>> No.23509188

Just look up Indian politicians. Most of the Indian congressman are Democrats. And 74% of Indians voted for Biden.

>> No.23509192 [DELETED] 

stuff like this is the worst
yes best buy is alternating the frequency of gay guys in their ads at the direction of the cia to push social deviancy, it's definitely not that gay guys have more disposable income because they are dual income no kids family units and so have disposable cash to blow on consumer electronics.

>> No.23509197

oh ya i forgot about ro khanna

>> No.23509206

It's obviously a deliberate conspiracy because including gays and trannies alienates more potential customers than it brings in (see the Budweiser thing). Also like 50% of people in commercials are black, and blacks are poor.

>> No.23509209
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Only the most doomed characters still post on the internet. Everybody else left already and is out there living and enjoying their life. Dead internet theory is real, the old internet is dying.

>> No.23509216

white people buy stuff they see black people wearing. it works. those absurd plastic clogs were a total flop until they started marketing them as a black thing, then the stock went up 5x.

>> No.23509219

Why do so many tv advertisements show interracial couples then? Why do so many of these advertisements have such diverse people? Neither the average black nor white man asked for that.
I think it's because they want to increase ethnic and social tensions in preparation for the "Great Reset" and easier transition into Industrial 4.0. Basically, people fight with each other as automation grows and inflation increases.
Also, inflation is increasing even as "experts" deny it. They don't factor for food or energy costs in inflation costs because they say it's volatile, which is nonsense.
Just like the narrative surrounding Corona was manufactured, so too are many modern problems manufactured for a certain ends.
Corona most likely didn't even exist, and if it did, then Vitamin D3+K2 supplementation was sufficient in warding it off.
I'm not politicized, but I am a social pessimist who sees industrialization and globalization as the true root of the modern world's ills. Mass media is an example of industrialization.
There are many other issues ofc.

>> No.23509233

3-4 years ago I made threads about a certain book every month. They were popular. Around 2022 they stopped getting traction and this board just fell off a cliff. Only one or two threads are any good on the catalogue. Most people just have no interest in talking about literature

>> No.23509234

just get rid of your tv. i haven't seen an ad in so long.

>> No.23509236

A nog and his money are easily parted

>> No.23509241
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>I've been here since 2007

>> No.23509250

The site wont just shut down.
What will happen is that it will be flooded by AI chatbots, active and posting 24/7, replying to each other endlessly.
You will have government bots, advertisement bots, schizo bots, coomer bots, and so on. All of them will be able to imitate 4chan's posters flawlessly. You wont even notice when dead internet stops being a theory.

>> No.23509257

Holy fuck guys, You definitely should go outside, This shitty website is just a website in a virtual world, Make the best out of life and stop obsessing over a garbage site

>> No.23509259

Not a furry but Maid Marion was my first crush as a kid.

>> No.23509271

lol yeah man I do remember back in the day when people like me were the megacancer. Cheers to a proper oldfag. At the very least, I will say this, I came here years before I ever tried the other place.