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/lit/ - Literature

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23507087 No.23507087 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.23507100

I'm gonna give up and just abuse drugs and alcohol until I die

>> No.23507104

I'm going to kill myself. I'm just waiting for something exciting to happen before I do so I don't die without something good happening to me.

>> No.23507109

It's over.

>> No.23507113

Just done with the final draft of my first novel, but right now I'm looking for conventional work since I'm dirt poor.

>> No.23507116

You say this but I never wanted one.

One can just read books, you know.

>> No.23507117
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>> No.23507120

How long is the book? How long did it take u to write it? What's it about?

>> No.23507143

The first draft was 197 pages, but now I've cut it down to around 130 (my original goal). Started writing in 2022 but college got in the way, and before that I was reading a lot to help me become a better writer. As for the book, it's about a restaurant owner in NYC living through the 2020 Lockdown and having to cope with being forced inside all day while every time he heads out something terrible happens, like him getting assaulted, robbed, having his car stolen, being harassed by the cops, while the city itself goes to hell from forced store closures, high crime rates due to a lax enforcement of the law, widespread drug usage, with it all culminating in a race riot akin to the George Floyd Protests.

>> No.23507149

I have proudly written over 40,000 words on 4channel.org and am the proud recipient of Best Forum Post 6/17

>> No.23507168

How many times does the n word appear in it?
I'll read it if it's more than 40

>> No.23507172

Considering I'm actually trying to sell this thing and don't want it tainted with /pol/ rhetoric, 0.

>> No.23507187

I wrote 10,000 words on a SF project late last year. I was aiming for 60,000 and it was going good but then I got busy and also read some snobbish criticism that made me start thinking SF is for children so I'm not sure what my next project will be but something more realist.

>> No.23507245

this sounds like a seinfeld script and having a race riot with no racial slurs is hilarious, don't quit your dayjob

>> No.23507250

Sounds like invisible man?

>> No.23507284


>> No.23507636
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Yeah, uh... It's going great.

>> No.23508070
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2 beta readers have like my novel. I don't think I'm going to be published but I'm glad I did it

>> No.23508074

>having a race riot with no racial slurs is hilarious
What do you expect - the MC to suddenly call out “NIGGER” in the middle of a BLM riot?

>> No.23508429

if the author is going to use a race riot as a major part of its story then yeah i would expect slurs

>> No.23508469

I've been writing, revising, workshopping, spamming agent queries and attending in-person pitch conferences for years. I want to give up this shit-not just trying to get published but writing in general-but I just fucking can't. Even now i have novel ideas I'm working in even though i know they'll never be read..I wish I had something better to do with my life than write worthless dogshit nobody cares about, but I don't.

>> No.23508473

I wrote a self-published book, but only a few people bought it.

>> No.23508488

>snobbish criticism that made me start thinking SF is for children so I'm not sure what my next project will be but something more realist.
This is a crab trap. Don't let people who write in dead genre seethe you into changing what you want to do. Ultimately you'll probably not get many readers regardless, so do what makes you happy

Same kek, on track to move 100 copies though

>> No.23508494

Not bad, I like my funny little short stories

>> No.23508642

I have an 87 page manuscript I need to edit and work on before submitting for publishing again

The issue I have is that there's 3 sections and each represent a different period of my life.

So when I go back and edit something I wrote three years ago it can be a little jarring.

>> No.23508665

Really good. Very pleased with the book I published and the feedback it has received so far (it's advertised here). Been playing some old timey crpgs and taking notes on topics that inspire me for the next one. Also might commission some artwork at the end of the year and include it in the new book. I'm definitely not living off the proceeds of my writing, though, if that's what you meant. I have a full time job/career.

>> No.23508698

To add to this, it's poetry. If you're wondering why it's so short lol.

>> No.23508710

I'm trying to get ghostwriting clients. It's not what I want to do--I'm a writer and a poet, and I'd love to make a living purely off my art. But I've gotta pay the bills, and I have some experience with ghostwriting from the past.

I'm hoping to land a decent client and get a five-figure contract at least.

>> No.23508714

We're glad to have you.

>> No.23508758

I don't even want to know how many words I've wasted in this cesspit.

I feel selling a story about modern American racial angst, if you're white, is going to be extremely difficult, even if it's not /pol/shit.

>> No.23508790

Have any tips getting published? I don't mean anything extravagant, I'd like to know if there's any options out there other than Amazon

>> No.23508800

I just used Amazon, it's easy, cheap, and the quality is good. I understand there are a number of other options if you're looking at being digital-only, but given the format of my book I wanted it to be primarily in print (although I did break and make a digital version).

>> No.23508804

Good. Will be publishing all my experimental literary fiction with >>23505059

>> No.23508856

What did you do to market yourself? That seems the hardest part. I feel like just slapping my shit on Amazon is like writing in chalk on the sidewalk.

>> No.23508870

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I want the work out there, to speak for itself. I write poetry for the arts sake, not success. I just want it to reach as many people as possible. Getting it on paperback would make me happy.

What's your approach to edits? I just read things over and over again and make lists for things to change later. I started trimming whatever doesn't contribute to the central intent, and keeping note of what needs a rewrite

>> No.23508931

I just shared it on my social media, sent it to a few accounts/people interested in philosophy and fiction, and made a thread here on the release day. I also have a couple of ads running here, and I was invited on a few podcasts.

But I didn't put much effort into marketing. The book is not intended to make money so much as it is a project that contributes to the discussions I have on the internet and my thoughts about philosophy.

As for writing in chalk on the sidewalk, there are a lot of ancient authors who kind of did that. If you want someone to engage with your work, then embody it and talk to people here and elsewhere about it. If you have some other purpose for the book beyond it being an extension of your own presence/thought, then it is a different sort of project than my own.

Yes, getting a copy in print is a nice feeling, especially when you are confident that the content was written with care and truly presentable.

My approach to edits was much the same as your own: I would just reread and revisit chapters over and over again, making various changes. I would also take notes from time to time when an idea occurred to me, then come back and implement that idea into the text. I also reached out to a few people and gave them 15-20 pages of the text and had them comment on the writing style, which was quite helpful. I wanted to make sure everyone could understand what was being said, and that the text wasn't too long-winded.

Even with careful revision, there are a couple of small mistakes that made it into the final copy. They're not huge errors and I think the eye would pass over them if not paying careful attention, but I will eventually go back and correct them (a relatively easy process on Amazon).

>> No.23508961


>I also reached out to a few people and gave them 15-20 pages

I should definitely do this. I had one person read through it and they noted that some of the intent was being lost along the way, and that it felt at times limited in what it was trying to tell the reader.

I handed him the whole thing, probably overwhelmed him. Getting a few more sounds like a better idea, wider scope and perspective

>> No.23508967

Poorly. I found out that Choose Your Own Adventure is a lot harder than it looks.

>> No.23508979

The book I released is Choose Your Own Adventure style, what did you find hard about it? Any particular strategies you employed?

I had previously made a video game with a branching plot and lots of variables, and I enjoy playing those sorts of games, so I was somewhat prepared for the challenge. I would say the most important tool I had was a flowchart/map of the whole text. The final book is over 300 pages and there is no way I could have kept track of everything without that map. It was also a pain in the arse update the page numbers in the final copy and making sure they all worked.

>> No.23508987

Yeah what >>23508979 said

You need to prepare some form of guide otherwise you're going to get lost yourself in the mess of different threads, pivotal choices and important moments to keep in mind for future payoffs.

>> No.23509051

I'm almost done with my first draft and it's way over the wordcount.
My roadmap right now is
Finish Draft > Comb it over once to resolve glaring issues > Give it to some people close to me for feedback > Revise > Do some sort of critique exchange with people in a group im in as well as anyone else willing to take a look at it > More revision > Maybe try to find an agent but probably just give up and post it to my website or something.

I realize friends and family sort of suck, but i think there's a non zero value in their input. At the very least i can look for things that multiple people noticed and some of that should point me in the right direction.

>> No.23509054

>no social media whatsoever

Guess I'm screwed.

>> No.23509080

You just got to make sure it's something you're proud of putting out there. You were right to pull all your resources together for that.

Other people can give their opinions, sure, but only you are going to know what direction ultimately is best for yourself and your writing.

Don't give up. You've come farther and done more than most. Stay the course.

>> No.23509123

How do you intend for people to see your book, and why would they pick it up?

In my case, I think people see my book because I share it online with people who have talked with me. Be it on /lit/, the rpgcodex, twitter, whatever. I also sent a copy to some people who might not talk to me often/at all, and I paid a small amount for some ads on this site.

In terms of why they would be interested in going further and picking up a copy, I think they might do it because they have an interest in philosophy, antiquity, and/or branching novels. Maybe the format and arguments are particularly novel and they want a unique experience. They might also do it because we are in the same online circles and it's nice to support each other, and also they might have discussed/argued with me directly and would like to continue that conversation.

I wouldn't say you're screwed. I would just ask how people are supposed to see your book, and why would they be compelled to actually get a copy. Maybe you are planning to post some compelling excerpts on places like /lit/, buy some ads, and you have an amazing front cover. Who knows. But you should have some sense of how people will come to see it and why they would be motivated to click the buy button. Or else accept that you're a bit like Heraclitus, depositing a single copy at the temple and calling it a day, or like LaoZi putting his words in writing before going through the hanguguan. Maybe it catches on, maybe not, but it's not what it's about.

>> No.23509125

>Jaime and Caitlin
So this cursed couple still exist outside ASOIAF?

>> No.23509249

I'm aiming to publish historical fiction. Is my best bet to look up relevant podcasts and booktubers and proposition them?

Do you market yourself before you've actually published the book or just after?

>> No.23509258

My substack is slightly growing, which is super exciting. Currently, I have 23 subscribers and I have no idea where they came from since I have never posted it anywhere nor market it on social media. It’s mostly just my translations and personal essays. I recently submitted a few poems to various literary journals but they’re reading periods are so long that I might eventually forget I submitted

>> No.23509273

I’m having a hard time coming up with ideas that I wouldn’t want to be part of a greater series. I’ve read way too many sci fi series and watched all the classic long running shows like Star Trek and stargate. I need to find a way to get comfortable with one and dones which contain concepts and plot lines that I would be content with being contained to one book.

>> No.23509306

I'm not a writer and I never will be. I don't actually enjoy writing. I just wanted to be the sort of person that did.

>> No.23509327

If you're writing historical fiction, I take it you're interested in history? Maybe go find some related forums or other online communities and get involved in the discussions.

By the time you've finished writing your book, you'll be recognised by these groups and some of them will be happy to read some sections and give you feedback. They'll also probably buy a couple of copies and leave a review. If those sites allow ads, you could also run some.

To be very clear, it won't make you much/any money. I guess if you keep writing books you'll have a large collection and your name will get more recognition, whereupon it might be profitable, but if this is a one off then don't go into it expecting any financial gain.

>> No.23509333

About 12k into what I think is going to end up 40-60k. It's finally moving and I like the general vibe and what I have so far. Editing is going to be the real challenge.

>> No.23509497

I've made a firm decision, and I feel filled with inspired energy. Any day now, I will begin writing every day. Any day now....

>> No.23509549

>when it's complete

Shit's been done for years. Trying to get published traditionally is like punching a brick wall until all you have left is pulp and bone shards.

Did you cold approach people about your book (digitally or in person) or did you just rely on an existing network?

>> No.23509627

I spend nearly all of my time imagining my works of fiction but never write a single word of it on paper. I have been doing this daily for three and a half years.

>> No.23509695

squbily shibby shat

i reveal your brains with my baseball bat

and so quite well demonstrably

>> No.23509734

I have no creative motivation whatsoever as I am severely depressed and believe myself incapable of producing anything of worth, thus I don't try.

So not well, though it's not my primary concern.

>> No.23509741

I mean, if you're already used to discussing the topic of the book online, it will be pretty natural to approach people with your work. I like discussing Hellenic and Chinese antiquity and philosophy, so there is an "existing network" so to speak, but also I cold approached some people who I thought might be interested in a copy. But I didn't approach it like a financial endeavour, it's more a record and continuance of these discussions by other means, and producing a work that stands in its own right and that I can reference and share.

>> No.23509752

I would add, if you're writing a CYOA style book you should try to push the envelope a little, see what you can do with the format. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I am excited to include in the sequel, but for the first book I have a night/day cycle, I have a couple of fake chapters that you can only encounter if you break the rules, an inventory system, and a couple of other things. I can see now that there even more ways to use the format.

>> No.23509764

The main character in bittermoon is everyone on /lit/

>> No.23510957

You don't know much about race riots apparently.

>> No.23511382

you are joking rn

>> No.23511510

I want to work with my wife writing a children's book series. She has some nice illustrations that would fit the 10-12 audience, that time in your life right before you hit puberty and things are still a bit mystical.

>> No.23511525

The Diana Wynne Jones demographic is one of the toughest to write for. Good stuff when you get it right, immediately disposable once your balls drop when you get it wrong.

>> No.23511545

I quit my job, got renters to cover my expenses, moved a futon into my office, and got a prescription for amphetamines.

>> No.23511585

How many times have you kneeled to the niggers?

>> No.23511623

She is an autist, so her stuff is genuinely on that level. Sometimes she wants to be a perfectionist, but most of the time she can just whimsically make a thing and it seems to fit that age group just so. Even if it doesn't succeed, at least we will have something for the kids.

>> No.23511930

As long as there's some meaning and the characters are reasonably stupid instead of painfully dumb or power fantasy competent, you're in the right area. Some of that middle grade fiction gets lost in the internal logic of a nonsense world or is just cheap genre schlock for an easy audience. Or "funny". The good stuff treats the reader as competent and only spells out the most obvious.

I learned a lot studying some of those authors, that shit is hard to write well.

>> No.23512020

That's the best part, in my opinion. Children's books should always respect the reader, kids are able to parse a lot more than they're given credit for. Sure, at that age abstract thinking is generally new, but too many people intellectually coddle their children. Nono, this is not for kids, it's too mature! Just about anything within reason (ie not explicitly sexual or overtly violent) can be for kids without effectively talking down to them. She is like a kid herself so most of the stuff she dreams up naturally takes itself seriously, but without spelling everything out. Subtlety, proofing, and some of the prose would be my job. I would help ensure that the stories are pure of intent, not just entertainment.

>> No.23513624

They read differently and notice more than adults. I don't know if it's questionable reading comprehension making them read more carefully, or a shorter attention span that sticks closely to the text and events, but mystery structures and subtext don't slip by them. I think they're also in that mode of magical thinking that we can call a hypnotic trance that bypasses the critical faculty and lets symbolism and embodied writing through. The dreamlike and psychedelic are much closer to their own experience and taken in a different way.

Probably why I wasn't too hot on some jewish authors, they're qabbalistic with it and go down some very strange Paths on the Tree.

>> No.23513633

Relatable. I just write in my journal. There I feel I have the most freedom to say the interesting things I'd want to say without having to restrict myself.

>> No.23513642

I'm actually feeling pretty good. I've been profitable for the first time in ever.

>> No.23513888

I tried. Not hard enough. When you're overexcited and writing, the results are often catastrophic.

Don't go to KDP alone. Just don't. Unless you really know what the fuck you're doing. I didn't.

My collected work is a long one. A mess of genres and no central theme that leaves a reader feeling completely lost. Fiercely violent, perverse, dark, and tragic. Ambitious with its epic scale that speaks of so much agony and inhuman cruelty. It is a lot of horror, sometimes psychological, that shows little mercy.

I should have taken a lot more time with it.

>> No.23513937
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Third book comes out soon

>> No.23513938


>> No.23513963

Just submitted my 100k word novel to some publishers, now we wait

>> No.23515054

Self-published a 3.9 million word novel. Only 98 downloads :(
It's over.

>> No.23515072

What's it called? I'll download it

>> No.23515074
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It's with an editor now. I'm waiting on it and working on my second. Also started jotting down thoughts and feelings for a memoirs/writing advice to be released posthumously.

>> No.23515081

Mongol - Corpses of the divine.


Thank you kind anon :D. First time I posted it on /lit/ was back in 2021, when it was >5000 page or half. And I removed the NSFW words like nigger, kike and the Holocaust denial.

>> No.23515136

A novel has been with my agent for over a year (been working on it for the past 3 years) for some reason editors say they love it but cant take it on. I've written some new novels in the past 2 years but my agent isnt too keen on them and prefers the initial novel i sent them and we keep looking for editors. It got to a point today where i just stared at my screen and cried from all the frustrations related to trying to get this thing published and out there. Something you want so badly to attain and put into motion but keep getting stopped and rejected over and over and the situation makes me feel like a failure . I just keep pushing

>> No.23515142

sleep tight stealer

>> No.23515289

Until you get meaningful feedback (or secondhand gossip), you're not able to move on. Shit sucks but at least you have someone working for you that believes in it.

>> No.23515344

i have 6 weeks off work. i have to start and finish a short novel or it wont happen again in my lifetime as im old. wish me luck

>> No.23515349

One of my screenplays got me into a film festival later this summer. Other than that nada

>> No.23515372

not real .

>> No.23515490

u sound stupid and gay

>> No.23515516

I auditioned for a writing career but they are very stingy with who gets paid to work as a writer of things