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23506505 No.23506505 [Reply] [Original]

I was robbed of my destiny of being a three kingdoms tier Chinese hero. I should be the next Alexander or King Baldwin IV. I should have st least several substack articles by Nick Land written about me. But I don't have a miraculous birth, special circumstance or are particularly attractive or charismatic. But my heart is. In my heart I'm Napoleon. Genghis Khan. What gives?

>> No.23506513

Alexander was an overrated nepo baby. Nothing to do with a self-made Great Man like Napoleon.

>> No.23506529

When does it become self made? Middle class to nobility? Or are you only self made if you start out as a street sweeper?

>> No.23506535

Clean your room.

>> No.23506709

If this were true you'd find a way to become who you are. Somehow I doubt the people you're presenting as equals would spend their time blogging while posting picture of washed up pedophiles.
He did inherit a professional army from his dad, but he did do some sick starts during the campaign. Climbing up impregnable mountains and shit, losing his army during a desert flex march. Real King shit. You'd probably wouldn't even get passed the Greeks, let's be real.

>> No.23506717

Grow up you fucking loser. If you were born in Alexander's position you'd still be a loser because your brain is so small and the mind determines the value of the outside world, whether on a kings throne or a beggar's street. Read Schopenhauer's Wisdom of Life.

>> No.23506754

You and me both, pal!

>> No.23506998

Bullshit. These people didn't embody the World-Spirit by obsessing over how special they were, they became filled with a need which overcame all other needs, a need to accomplish some thing which none had yet accomplished, and this need overwhelmed all else. One might say the World-Spirit drove them rather than the other way around. If you do not have such an overpowering goal to accomplish, some distant peak which you must summiteven at the cost of your life, you will never equal any of the figures you compare yourself to.

>> No.23507259

I guess kill an elderly pawn broker

>> No.23507264

nigger you didn't know about Baldwin IV until like a couple months ago with the tiktok memes. shut yo goofy ahh up

>> No.23508043

So world spirit = being a nepo baby?

>> No.23508063

Alexander thought himself to be a god and constantly charged in recklessly into the heat of the battle. Nepo baby or not, you can't teach that and without it he wouldn't be great.

>> No.23508082

According to his royal scribe Buttus Buddius?

>> No.23508084

So he was a nepo baby faggot with a god complex. Got it.

>> No.23508085

How do you cope with making useless, gay threads?

>> No.23508091

According to literally everyone who came across him and the outcomes of the battles. He was a smug pompous cunt, but he put his money where his mouth is with his actions. Why are you crying?
Unlike you who's just a baby. Good job.

>> No.23508103

And unlike you who's just a faggot. Good job.

>> No.23508114

Better than a baby, a whiny baby with no imagination to come up with own thoughts. Sheesh.
>inb4 waagh

>> No.23508151

You never joined the army or ran for office.

>> No.23508163

>How do I cope with not being the world spirit?

>> No.23508169

my god who is this man? he is SO handsome. i would give little mouse kisses all over his gorgeous face

>> No.23508175


>> No.23508180

Nah, babies are better than faggots.
>with no imagination to come up with own thoughts
Like worshiping the same old boring idols every dull fag worships like muh Alexander.

>> No.23508183

Jon Zherka

>> No.23508192

Strong disagree, although I see why someone with the mind of a baby would say this.
>Like worshiping the same old boring idols every dull fag worships like muh Alexander.
Who is worshipping? Your self loathing whining simply doesn't align with the reality that it takes more than rich parents to get to greatness. Resentful little bitch.
You're into unemployed pedophiles? I hear he's available.

>> No.23508197

Alexander was the face of something deeper that included his dad and Aristotle.
The battlefield now is purely memetic and gay. You have to be a gay memelord to manipulate the weave of fate.

>> No.23508200

>Strong disagree
Yea because you're an actual faggot.
>Who is worshipping?
You are. You've been worshiping that overrated nepo baby degenerate ITT.

>> No.23508205

Am I or are you just a whiny bitch to wrapped up in your feelings to see straight?
>You are
Alexander was a retard for leading his men through a desert leading to him losing 75 percent of his army only to try to flex his martial skills. He wasn't perfect and his recklessness stemmed from a delusion. Still miles ahead of whining self loathing little bitch ass baby too afraid to take on the world because he didn't get a god roll in life.

>> No.23508213

dont bother he's a notorious chud!
also the odds of being born into alexander the great's situation is fleetingly rare. i'm thinking 1 in 5 billion odds!

>> No.23508216

Reading your posts makes me feel like my IQ is dropping. Your vocabulary is pathetic and your grammar is a joke.

>> No.23508222


>> No.23508224

a lot of people are realizing that grammar is overrated and used as a bludgeon of talentless conformists

>> No.23508226


>> No.23508242

I wasn't either of the other anons.

I'm just sick of seeing people type like retards, like the all-lowercase effeminate hipsters who see capitalization as "le scary patriarchy" or "too authoritative" or some retarded SJW and/or virtue signal nonsense.

>> No.23508259

My post had proper capitalization.

>> No.23508272

Don't flatter yourself, you're nothing special, just another garden-variety millennial narcissist.

>> No.23508286

Stupid red scare tranny. Deriding your superiors as "strivers" will never not be pathetic. Why is it always the ugliest and stupidest nerds who try to appropriate the lingo of jocks and cheerleaders? How could anyone watch those ugly hags and think they say anything insightful?

>> No.23508291

Don't get mad, I'm probably better than you in every measurable way, and my ego is in check.
Yours on the other way is as fragile and it is gigantic.

>> No.23508293

You two should fuck. The sexual tension is INSANE.

>> No.23508294

I agree
hey faggot let's fuck

>> No.23508295

Everything following "like" is just a single example. You were still typing like a retard with your vocabulary.

>> No.23508299

Stupid "post-left" tranny who thinks being right wing is haute couture
>Tee hee aren't I naughty?
Shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.23508308

Don't resist.

>> No.23508313

wtf zherka on lit

>> No.23508317

just kiss me already you wasted genius bastard

>> No.23508511

I’ll never be Zherka I’ll never be Mizkif I’ll never be Paul Town or Nicky Fuentes with all their social media attention and femanon groupies…. What’s the damn point of it all

>> No.23508528

have you tried?

>> No.23508616

>or booger nick
Yeah, who wouldn't want to be an ostracized nazi who fumbled a Kanye level of clout. True.

>> No.23508741

The only one or any note is Zherka. Fuentes is just a catty homosexual and isn't smart or interesting. At most he just says basic shit in a devisive way. PaulTown is an ugly, insufferable crackhead who thinks he is much smarter and more insightful than he is. Mizkif is just a generic rich, arrested in development eceleb

>> No.23509991

i am also what niggers call, "the goat", in my heart and soul. Though as St. Augustine had said, we are not animals.

>> No.23510011

lmao this post made me laugh for some reason. Very based post.

>> No.23510037

Are we still pretending that any of the "history" on Alexander is real?

>> No.23510060

what else are they lying to us about