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/lit/ - Literature

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23506478 No.23506478 [Reply] [Original]

Post a fake novel title and write a plot summary for the title posted above yours
>The Shade of Burned Trees

>> No.23506638

Small family farm in PUERTO RICO struggles to make ends meet after a BAD SEASON. local CRIMINALS are harassing the family's youngest DAUGHTER. The FAMILY DOG has to be PUT DOWN.

>Ebony Purple

>> No.23507216

Tanya had been weed addicted since age 17. Now that she's been convicted of possesion of 10,000 teaspoons of marijuana, she'll have to learn to grapple with the day in day out of life behind bars. A gangbanger, a shotcaller, a retired seamstress, a former pimp...they have nothing in common, until now.
>Cannibal in the Sun

>> No.23507243

A writer plagiarizes overlooked literature and becomes famous. When asked in an interview on TV about the inspirations for his characters, he is left stuttering. His younger sister, who he always cherished, eventually recognises one of his stories is based on a book they were read as children. Distraught, he looks himself in his apartment for weeks. For the first time, his writer's block is gone and he pours his emotions into his magnum opus. 2 years after publication, his novel has sold only 500 copies.
>Confessions of a Deity

>> No.23507253

In this charming YA edutainment novel, Dionysus gives a tell-all interview about his rise to godhood and the many scandals on Mount Olympus.
>Interlocutor's Frenzy

>> No.23507286

A young man cannot cope with the loss of his lover, he searches for a way to bring her back both through the divine and infernal means. As he makes contact with the beings from beyond the veil he sinks deeper into madness and it becomes ever more harder to distinguish what is real.
>Devil´s Lullaby

>> No.23507539
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A psychopath sadist in 18th century Ottoman occupied Greece steals a 5 yo kid from some family and embarks on a pointless journey through Peloponnese death stranding style.
The name of the book comes from a scene where he hides the baby from Ottoman soldiers looking for Christian kids to recruit (Devshirme). The kid is crying and he sings it the lullaby so they are not spotted.
>Patterns of Mediocrity

>> No.23507950
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A young man is taught from very early on in his life that he is a talented artist but upon leaving school and entering the real world he is exposed to the reality that he is average at best and will never be exceptional.

>The Tales Of Captain Bourdeaux

>> No.23508858

An old sailor recounts to fellow pubgoers his first-hand accounts of a number of increasingly fantastical nautical adventures. The tales seem designed to strain the credulity of the audience, and they are at times bordering on the supernatural or absurd, causing his listeners to either balk at his claims or demand proof. Little do they know that the telling of these tales was actually an elaborate pickpocketing scheme.

>Shootout on Cactus Island

>> No.23509163

Notorious outlaw Jack Haywood thought he could leave his past behind by fleeing to South America, but little did he know that your past has a way of following you...

>The Last Train Home

>> No.23509180

Jack Onishi Watara died. Death wasn't permanent. He wakes up and finds himself in another world! But it's not like Earth, in Gaia, magic abounds in the world! He's recommended to join the guild and become a great adventurer! His first quest? To find the fyrebyrd known as the Feehenix!

>> No.23509186

A mild mannered autistic trainspotter finds himself accidentally stumbling into the seedy underbelly that connects London's Underground. Through this detour around the country's capital, he comes across memorable characters such as Abdul, the radical Islamist; Deez, the lovable yet ruthless east-London warrior poet who's always thinking of his next bar; and Mary, that toothless beggar who promises she doesn't drink or do drugs, despite shooting up on the train home. As our friendly autist realises the city isn't the one they show on the TV.

>The Spectacular Misnomer

>> No.23509361

It is the year 3024, a group of techno-archeologists are putting together archived scraps of the long lost Great Internet, in order to understand what exactly caused humanity's second great dark age. Although getting to the bottom of this is more difficult than they thought, as they have to dig through layers upon layers of post-modern irony and the rapidly changing digital linguistics that their society left behind centuries ago for practicial purposes, in favour of a more straight forward, minimialist language.

>> No.23509366

This bold autobiography, which is partly an end-of-life confessional and part political manifesto, chronicles the inner workings of the National Institutes of Health in the United States in the early 21st century. In this Nobel prize-winning book, an unapologetic Antoni Fauci reveals his true thoughts for the first time, talking about how words can be redefined to fit an agenda and serve a political interest. The novel reaches its crescendo when, in the early days of September 2021, the brilliant idea to simply redefine what a "vaccine" is, and what the word "vaccine" means in the dictionary while in the midst of the pandemic, finally comes to fruition. This is an unapologetic tour de force wherein Fauci and his close partners are presented and acknowledged as able to deftly outmaneuver their political rivals, and ends with the line, "well even if I was actually wrong, we got away with it, didn't we?"

>Martian Landscapes

>> No.23509369

Forgot mine:
>The Last of The Jews in The U.S.A

>> No.23509683


After President Rusty Tump's attempt to finish off the master race once and for all, an elite group of kosher commandos/wizards go underground and bring Old Testament justice to the 21st century.

>Taxes Smaxes

>> No.23510108

After the failure of his small business, a man moves to the remote Colorado wilderness to set up a new fronteir.
>Bittersweet Sixteen

>> No.23510743

Sixteen escaped prisoners have to get from Kamchatka back to their homeland in Circassia. As they trek across winter Siberia they are confronted with the harsh realities of 19th century Russian Empire. One by one they fall to various challenges so that the rest can escape. Their biggest confrontation nearly at the end is with the Russian army in Turkestan. In the end, only the 12-year-old (blonde) boy survives from the entire group and successfully returns home. The final chapter is him reminiscing about the comrades who died.
>The Sickle of Gods

>> No.23510813

In the utopian magical universe of Ebonia, the well being of the kingdoms depends upon the BBC of the kings. As long as the black kings are healthy and virile, harmony reigns across the lands.
The utopia lasts until king Kang wakes up one day and discovers that his genitals are missing, cut off by a swipe of something sharp. Having lost his source of power, king Kang withers, the crops of his land fall, crime rises while the quality of life plummets. But when his neighbor king Fent finds himself emasculated, the first war in several millennia erupts across the lands of Ebonia.
As more and more kings are castrated, and as Ebonia furthers deeper into strife with every lost genital, the teenage PCP magician Madisha discovers that legend of the Sickle of the Gods, a powerful artifact giving its owner absolute rule over the forces of reality, is true and that its up to her to find the culprit behind the apocalyptic castrations.

>> No.23510843

A transgressive masterpiece about a man who decides that feces is cleaner than the darkness of humanity, and humans are the real 'waste'. Ends with him creating the eponymous character, an anthropomorphic, six-foot-tall log of poo, who then proceeds to shit out an entire human man. This is now how humans reproduce.
>Satan's Millipede