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23505547 No.23505547[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Juneteenth. Fuck this charlatan holiday.

>> No.23505550

Uhh... mods?? Ban this fucker!

>> No.23505551
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I'm told it has something to do with the... you know...

>> No.23505560

wtf is that

>> No.23505564

It's nothing, don't worry about it.

>> No.23505568

It's the day black folx rise up and take back the country they built

>> No.23505569

The Irish and the Italians built this country

>> No.23505570

Yes, black folx

>> No.23505571

but they haven't built shit

>> No.23505574

A celebration of the day black people stopped working

>> No.23505583

They build up moisture in the vaginal walls of every white woman living and breathing on God's green Earth.

>> No.23505609

Why not? It's a significant event for a major ethnic group within the country --- one that has been here since its founding

>> No.23505613

Chang pls

>> No.23505618
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>> No.23505620

Just like kwanzaa right? Are we still allowed to talk about that totally real and storied holiday?

>> No.23505632

Kwanzaa seems kind of retarded and rooted in black nationalism but Juneteenth corresponds to something actually important

>> No.23505663

Isn't the an entire month for nigger bullshit? Why Americans so obsessed with these creatures?

>> No.23505669

ITT: Black people do it so I hate it

>> No.23505671

And what's that? As a non American I can tell you this Juneteenth crap popped out of nowhere and I have no idea what is being celebrated.

>> No.23505673
File: 75 KB, 1059x929, 1703260925192924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said that and I look like this

>> No.23505687

Is he desperately trying to be an honorary white? He's clearly black

>> No.23505757

he's octaroon at best

>> No.23505769

Isn't he romanian? That isn't white but it's not black either, it's like a kind of hispanic

>> No.23505772

Idc, I get a day off

>> No.23505782

>he works

>> No.23505785

Lincoln announced tge emancipation of the slaves sometime in 1862 but it didn’t take effect until January 1, 1863. The civil war was going on so half the country said fuck off to Lincoln and kept their slaves. By July 4, 1863, the war was lost but the rebels kept fighting anyway out of sheer pointless stubbornness and indifference to the value of human life but they finally surrendered in April of 1865.
It still took another few months for the last slaves to be freed on June 19th, 1865 due to Southern stubbornness and depravity. So the blacks celebrate June 19th as the day slavery finally ended in the US

>> No.23505790

>take back the country they built
They shoveled horse shit and picked strawberries for 90% of US history, we would have been just fine without them

>> No.23505793

His dad is black and his mom is British
He lives in Romania because he admittedly said it's easier to bribe officials

>> No.23505930

No, he only lives there for tax purposes.