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23503152 No.23503152 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23503160


>> No.23503178

I knew a guy who looked similar, very neckbeardy and gay. The plot twist? He's almost been a national boxing champion. Knocked 4 guys out cold in a bar fight once. Since then I greet him every time I see him.

>> No.23503184

You only greet men who have knocked other men out? I usually just greet people because it's a friendly thing to do.

>> No.23503267

You want to be a bald overweight pug faced peasant with smashed in short protrusion nose indicating a small dick? This explains the both OP ugtard and the boxer fag>>23503178 . The guy in OP is interest in revolution. The boxer guy was interested in fighting. Both violent people that were born to be irrelevant footnote nasty dumb people in history filled only with resentment for their betters. The guy in OP looks like shit, one of those people that look like they're in their late 30s or 40s but then you find out he's only 26. Picture him in just a T-shirt and he is soijak incarnate. I hate anyone who looks like this which explains the faggotry of the boxer and larping 'communist'. They're not interested in anything other than existing to spite attractive men who are always more intelligent, interesting and better looking than they are. Little "gotchas" ,meanspirited moralizing, and lies make up their shameful actions toward their better. They're scum if you get to know them. Like their external ugliness, their soul is rancid too. Sex obsessed and always with ugly fat bitches or men, which they shout about banging a fatties from the rooftops in the vilest of ways, further using this as a way to take jab at people who look better (hence are better) than them, the true face behind insults calling people incel, demonstrably seen with the vaush fag whose was making fun of someone that lookes better than him for not having sex when a literal hambeast goblin emerges in his camera frame. Scum waste time gaming or watching some stupid cartoon shit and just frivolous entertainment while grabbing snacks and chowing on them all day. I HATE anyone who looks like soijak in real life. I wouldn't care if this guy was trad in front of a church. Soifolk are all scum and treat you horribly or backstab you if you look better than them. God forbid you meet one in real life, they'll backstab you if you work with them, make fun of you or shame you if one happens to be in a friend group outing. This is the case 100% of the time, I have yet to meet ONE (1) single good person that has this physiognomy. They are all trash and you need to stay away from them or recognize immediately their resentment toward anyone or anything that is obviously better than they are.

>> No.23503286
File: 147 KB, 600x900, Philip Seymour Hoffman RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an extremely common american physiognomy

>> No.23503292

What is this post?

>> No.23503381

I think this guy just want to seethe about us without making it obvious. anyways, American website.

>> No.23503392

Tweets and nothing from anyone who doesn't already agree with you.

You're off your meds again.

>> No.23503397
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You can't dumbass, he was a different person and you're you. He lived in different material circumstances in a different economic and political world. Make change how you can collectively and/or individually

>> No.23503504

Literally who

>> No.23503863

Stop disrespecting the dead, chud.

>> No.23504675

isnt he the one who started the right wing = chud thing

>> No.23504678
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>> No.23504715

It was their fans. Their original insult was virgin but other leftists complained that it is body shaming or whatever, so they had to come up with a unique insult that doesn't evoke any type of shame.

>> No.23504742 [DELETED] 


What will happen to me if I call that telephone number?

>> No.23504791

The chud insult predates the complaining about virgin insults.
Also the complaining was on the Chapo subreddit which the podcasters openly disavowed and mocked (nick mullen who is a friend of the Chapo crew openly mocked the complaints)

I have lost interest in the Chapo crowd (their foreign policy takes can be as bad as the tankies, and their ideas on strategy are a dead end) but people conflate the podcasters with the types on that shithole subreddit.

>> No.23505320

Chapo was literally just "NPR takes but with swearing" from some of the ugliest people I have ever seen

>> No.23505377

Chapo Trap House was almost single-handedly responsible for spawning some of the worst and most boring poli-sci edgelord podcasts of all time. It was like the Velvet Underground for insecure leftist grad students.

>> No.23505384 [DELETED] 
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Are you talking about these subhumans?

>> No.23505446

No I wasn't talking about trans people dipshit, I was talking about people who listened to Chapo and decided that they, too, could start a podcast where four nobodies sit around a table saying "capitalism is retarded lol" for two hours straight.

>> No.23505982

If you go on Felix Biederman twitter he reposts clips of Hamas and Hezbollah destroying IDF tanks, that's not something you will see on NPR. They might not be full-on tankies but they aren't shitlibs either

>> No.23507089

I hate people who look like >>23503286 and >>23503152 and >>23504678.
That's what the post was about.
I don't even know who the guy is in OP. I can tell you I dislike him and wrote all I did exclusively because of how he looks.
You're mistaken. I articulated in detail why I despise balding, pudgy, ugly men with disgusting unkempt facial hair that are the real life equivalence of soijak and expressed why people who look like this are invariably shit people. This is a rational hatred founded on real life experience.

Contrast this with soijak looking men - prone to mania, hysteria, hypermotional states. They're the ones that are mentally ill.

>> No.23507107
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>> No.23507148


>> No.23507167

>get treated horribly by others due to unforeseen social conditioning
>become withdrawn and more isolated
>get harassed out of new deviant behavior
>exacerbate deviant behavior with aggression
>outcasted and given vilified reputation

Moral of the story: IT'S THE JOOOOOS FAULT!

>> No.23508740 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 600x424, 1660500624155277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo? You are talking about the same subhumans?

>> No.23508851

/qa/ lost to /LGBT/ btw

>> No.23509944

Tankies are shitlibs who stan capitalist states as long as they pretend to be communist. Supporting a nationalist organization such as hamas also makes you as much of a liberal as those who support Israel. The working class shouldn't support either side in an inter-bourgeois war.

>> No.23510176

Retard. I hope for you sake you are larping because this is beyond parody

>> No.23510180

homo eroticism would probably do it

>> No.23510187

based sperg

>> No.23510190

>lost to /LGBT/ btw
not even reddit loses to lgbt. coping retard

>> No.23510244

Since when do libtards care about dumb shit like that? They love making fun of virgins, incels, spergs, etc.

>> No.23510318

>which one?
All of them.

>> No.23510327

These people banned you if you typed the word "crazy" because it was ableist, even if you used it describe a situation/thing.

>> No.23510585

Ah yes, inconsistency and selective outrage, right.

>> No.23510796

I'm not talking about chuds retard. Soijaks are treated well by other soijaks. They have fat GFs. They only feel resentment for people that look and act better than them. Way to miss the entire fucking point.

>> No.23511154

You're the retarded-one here if you can't see that these are basic marxist positions. But good luck to you and the fundamentalist retards that you cheer on for yet another nationalist project

>> No.23511162

The Torah
You guys are all marching towards hell anyways might as well get their faster

>> No.23511164

Absolutely based take and only mouth-breathing retards misunderstand you.

>> No.23512384

Go outside.

>> No.23512436

Yeah the impoverished oppressed people kept in a concentration camp and half-starved with Israel (backed by the biggest imperialist countries in the world) controlling virtually any facet of their life and killing them at will are the ''bourgeoisie'', you are a fucking retard and the retardation you spout is not even remotely close to what a principled marxist position should be

>> No.23512598

Lenin could never get over the fact that Plekhanov and Zasulich were smarter than him. A brilliant politicial strategist and idealogue but a god awful pseudo-philosopher and failed economist. For the former read Machiavelli, for the latter you don't need to read anything. If your still a Marxist-Leninist by your mid 30s, chances are your as much of an illiterate pseud as he was.

>> No.23512650

>samefagging over reddit takes

>> No.23513536

Not samefagging, that's obviously for idiots. Also, fyi my takes aren't at all popular among reddit "communists". In fact, you'll get immediately banned from r/socialism and r/communism, both of which are run by marxist-leninists, for even slightly deviating from their leftist politics; their third-worldist nationalism, their cross-classist idpol and their anti-fascist dogma.

>> No.23513712

Chuddies seethe at Matt because they implicitly know he is correct. I am a Marxist and will never debate with you idealists but I just want you to know you are wrong and will suffer eternally for your ignorance. Because when you die with the knowldge that the universe is deterministic and you will live the same exact life over again you will die despairing knowing that you never accepted fate and will hate what became of you for all eternity. Those final moments will be hell made manifest more real than any biblical description, burning, terrifying, and worst of all utterly alone with the damp self hatred only onesself can manifest.

I also want you to know that I love you all and want you to realize the truth before its too late.