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23503150 No.23503150 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many negative reviews of the bible on goodreads? Why are people treating a religious text as if it's a novel?

>> No.23503154

People need to lash out at their parents somehow

>> No.23503156

Well it's a website where you rate how much you like books you read, so if you read the bible and don't like it you would give it a low amount of stars. I wouldn't worry too much about it op, there isn't a lot at stake there, it's just people putting their preferences online

>> No.23503157

>why do assmad atheists review bomb the bible
You know why. It's for reddit updoots

>> No.23503163

>Frankly I don't see this book having much of an impact
What is that name for this oh-so-clever ironic style of posting? I see Indians on Quora doing it all the time.

>> No.23503164

Normies being "edgy."

>> No.23503185

Jesus Christ is the Stumbling Block and the Rock of Offense. Their own awareness of their sin and unpayable debt to God will not permit them to act rationally. They are God-haters because God demands holiness and they love vice, so they do what they can to inflict pain on him. A futile exercise.

>> No.23503196
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The jokes write themselves

>> No.23503241

Edgelords. The opposit end of the spectrum that come here to scream about how awesome the bible is.

Both are worth avoiding.

>> No.23503254

Not a very good read desu

>> No.23503262

This is clearly satirical. It's not really funny, but it's not meant to be taken as a serious review.

>> No.23503264

>This is clearly satirical
i dont think the butthurt is satirical
i think it's actual butthurt

>> No.23503460

Because those who like the Bible don't actually read it. They let their pastor cherrypick verses for them.

>> No.23503474

Why do you think, retard

>> No.23503481

Atheists are hate-filled psychopaths. It's why they're so drawn to socialism/communism. They do nothing but speak lies and slander, they refuse to argue in good faith all the time too.

Why are you trying to save face for some guy you don't even know? You're a fucking loser.

That's not even the dumbest shit you atheist retards say, and you'd probably say worse if it wasn't being mocked so much right now. You pathetic coward.

>> No.23503486

Here's an example, just lies and slander from atheists who refuse to argue in good faith. Do the entire world a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.23503490
File: 112 KB, 925x278, Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 03-16-07 _his_ - Why do atheistgolem hate Christianity so much - History & Humanities - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504277

These people read the Bible as if they are reading a modern work of fiction. They do not understand the gravity of knowing what your ancestors believed nor knowing how your modern sensibilities evolved over time.

There's no desire to deduct or glean any sort of self-knowledge nor an appreciation for the absolute. They do not try to build upon their ancestors but reject them as monsters. They do not see or understand that a new religion is forming right in front of their very eyes, one which is ultimately aimless, denounces absolute truth, and will only result in confusions and turmoil.

>> No.23504319

No lies detected

>> No.23504327

Because christianity is the most powerful religion in the west. This gay copypasta from the tradlarper is thoroughly disingenuous.

>> No.23504357

>claims others are disingenuous
>falsely calls something copy/pasta
Typical atheist dishonesty to proselytize their blind faith state religion.

>> No.23504407

Why are you?

>> No.23504409

Still not literature

>> No.23504435

I find it strange of athiests tackle the Bible as if it was written from start to finish by one singular author and not the fact that it is a tome compiling culturally relevant texts written through multiple generations that survived due them being so ingrained into multiple cultures.

>> No.23504483

It literally is, you're just upset because you hate God and hate the contents of the Bible.

>> No.23504501

>Why are there so many negative reviews of the bible on goodreads?
Antisemitic sentiment is on the rise.

>> No.23504506

No retard it's scripture

>> No.23504521

You know how people treat Greek mythology like fiction? They can do the same with the bible, because they don't believe in it, just like they don't believe in Greek mythology. Just like Greek mythology, that doesn't mean they can't appreciate the literary aspects.

For example, everyone loves the story of Moses even though it's literally nothing but made up seething jewish revenge fantasy.

>> No.23504672
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Yeah but the prose is terrible and the poetry all translated off a translation

>> No.23504794

people love fanfiction, and the bible is the perfect example. they put a lot of effort into those translations to make them as beautifully written as they can. that's a big part of the reason there have been like a hundred different versions of the bible

>> No.23504795

It’s an attempt at smug comedy.

>> No.23504797

Lol nobody review bombs the illiad
It's a demonic force

>> No.23504840

no one is trying to get people to worship zeus or any other greek god like they do the evil, foreskin eating desert demon yahweh

>> No.23504861

1 star ratings are from atheists. 5 star ratings are from believers. But who are the enlightened beings who give the bible 3 stars?

>> No.23504864

obviously extremely well read scholars who have issues with particular translations

>> No.23504875

nta but religious texts contain narratives, parables, and stories that convey moral lessons, historical events, and cultural traditions, so implying that isn't literature is a bit silly.

>> No.23504911
File: 399 KB, 1240x1754, eb0e410b6dc341f9b6f0061dcc51a7c0641e1cd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like the best thread to ask in because I don't want to clutter up the board, but does the bible pick up in the second half? I've been reading it and made it to Psalms but the only book I really enjoyed was Job. The rest was very dry.

Question 2: Do the rules get retconned at some point? There are tons of rules about sacrifices, mixed textiles, shellfish, etc. which I don't see modern people following. They even do a few human sacrifices which I'm pretty sure they don't do anymore?

Thank you for your time.

>> No.23504961

Deuteronomy-Kings is a great read, did you skip that? I like Judges a lot personally. Job is kino for sure. Some prophets like Jonah and Daniel are interesting but some others can be meh. The Gospels+Acts are definitely great though you may not wanna read Matthew/Luke back to back because of the repetitions.

For Q2 for Christians with the NT yes because a new covenant with God gets established there. Also Jews don't do a lot today because they lack a temple.

>> No.23504980

>Do the rules get retconned at some point?
the ew testament is a ret con. the infallible, all knowing, all powerful creator of the universe decides to change his mind. he just does. that's how the story goes

>> No.23504991

When did he "change his mind"?

>> No.23504995

Y'all are clearly the butthurt and hate-filled ones. Can't take a joke.

>> No.23504996

when the rules for getting into heaven changed and christians became the alleged chosen people

>> No.23505012

Religious fanatics can't take a joke because their belief system is their entire identity; the mind will make a person do, say, and believe all sorts of things to protect one's identity

>> No.23505030

After the Jews rejected his Son. It's not a change of mind but a fulfillment of what was his purpose all along. Same with the "rules changing": because the Old Covenant was fulfilled, and so the law in shadow and type was rendered obsolete, but the spiritual core of it remained in the New. The plan was always to get all the nations to believe in Him.

>> No.23505117

>well, yeah, there was a ret con, but ackshully
you are one supremely mazed rat.
jew stories are fiction - and unfortunately not very well written

>> No.23505226

>They even do a few human sacrifices which I'm pretty sure they don't do anymore

Ask /pol/ about jewish human sacrifices.

>> No.23505260

/pol/ thinks foreskin cutting = human sacrifice

>> No.23505283

you may want to reread that part of genesis again if you don't instinctually understand that loss of an entire lifetime of pleasure is a form of human sacrifice
speaking of human sacrifice, the foundational myth of reform judaism, aka christianity, is literal human sacrifice

>> No.23505314

>December 25th 2007
Edgy Reddit atheism was super popular back then. Also he spent his Christmas posting a review on the internet instead of spending time with his family which means he must have been particularly spiteful towards Christianity in that moment.

>> No.23505719

Job is the best long book, Ecclesiastes is the best medium book, Jonah is the best short book. In the NT Jesus says that only a few of the commandments actually matter, and he lists what they are. Some Christians pervert the word of Jesus by ignoring his explicit list and instead using a vague proclamation of "fulfilling the law" to justify going back to the OT to pick-and-choose commandments according to their whims (so women are no longer forbidden to wear men's clothing, but you're still forbidden from being gay), but such perversion happens in every religion.

>> No.23505740

I'm not very well versed in this matter, but isn't Leviticus at least partially about instructing Jews on proper forms of sacrifice, i.e., to prohibit them from human/child sacrifice to Moloch?

>> No.23505900

Leviticus probably does, but the sacrifices had always been to yahweh - or other members of the pantheon that yahweh was apart of - and the name of the thing being sacrificed is called a moloch.
A lot of the rules in the old testament are the way they are because judaism came from pantheistic roots, which is why yahweh is such a petty bitch and had all sorts of rules about not worshiping other gods. If it was actually the one god of the universe, and secure in its godhood, it wouldn't be such a petty tyrant.
The story in genesis has Abraham sacrificing Issac at god's orders, but then god stops him from doing so and instead he only has him mutilate his genitals. so rather than a complete sacrifice of the first born - like what allegedly happened in egypt - it was changed to a sacrifice of flesh, which is obviously still a type of human sacrifice.
The obvious thing to remember is that all of these religions evolved from something that came before - and they still are evolving because they obviously are not "The Truth".

>> No.23506153

discord atheists seething about it while not having children

>> No.23506504

It's literally just leddit atheists being heckin clever by review bombing le evil nazi book.

>> No.23506518

Because people don't want God in their lives, even though He is everywhere present and fillest all things.

Hell's gate is locked from the inside.

>> No.23506543

because muslims strap bombs to themselves, and try to kill you for even talking about muhhamad. Also most atheists are just reaction to christianity and their parents.

>> No.23506556

>I don't see this Book having much of an impact
So this faggot skipped history class?

>> No.23506559

You actually believe this dude read the entirety of the Bible

>> No.23506566

It's his clam penis hat.

>> No.23506570

Lol. Still haven't met an atheist that has read the entire bible (I've met a lot and heard just as many excuses). It's like saying you hate Braveheart but you only sat through the first five minutes.

>> No.23506582

Moses: Lord, where should we go?
God: Head north.
Moses: Lord, we have gone north, where now?
God: Head west.
Some atheist 4000 years later: See? God changed his mind. Checkmate Christchud!!

>> No.23506588

Nice username 14yo mulatto faggot

>> No.23506591


>> No.23506606

None of them even read it.

>> No.23506609
File: 183 KB, 1200x796, PurposefulFren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to find meaning

• Changing definitions is a curse.
• The popular points to the curse.
• The counter creates to the cure.
• The counterpopular points to the cure.
• The cure is applied by the mostpopular.

>> No.23506618

That last line shows how hard he seethes at it. The fedora is eternal.

>> No.23506656

You autism is showing. Everyone christcuck in this thread takes this review as his literal opinion on the text when this is clearly a parody of *book reviews*. The last line cements that. Let the author die.

>> No.23506686

Seethe nigger

>> No.23506692

>I am le ironic
>Please laugh
Why are millennials like this?
Your esl is showing btw.

>> No.23506712

NPCs think they're in their favourite TV show.

>> No.23506726

zomg this is just like that moment in goyslopera #1437!!!

>> No.23506804

right on. people take fiction way too seriously. imagine being like that, molding your entire life due to some story - a poorly written story at that. couldn't be me

>> No.23506838

Reminds me of those idiots who attacked an armed man in Kenosha, as if they thought they'd be able to instantly disarm him with some move they saw in some stupid movie/show.

>> No.23507483

you are reading a dictionary desu. theres a reason people didnt actually read it for centuries because its pointless. its a reference guide for how to act on things and how to determine new things are to be dealt with. but read the new testament at least. its shorter too and you can finish at acts.

>> No.23507555

what kind of person leaves a goodreads review of the bible

>> No.23507657

This is the most obvious joke review I've ever seen. If you even for a second thought this review was sincere then you really need to start interacting with real humans again.