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23501695 No.23501695 [Reply] [Original]

His philosophy should not be concluded as philosophy as it is the antithesis of philosophy, The Anti-philosophy. His philosophy (i know) deconstructs philosophy in it's purest essence and criticizes the moral and it's authenticity.

"One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil.” Calling yourself a Nietzschean or praising his works itself means that you didn't understand his concepts, His works are only a manner of criticisism against society and its values, It is anarchism at its purest form therefore why take him that much seriously ?

He has great manner of writing thought but a person must not take him as a form of enlightment because his philosophy is Immanent and does not give practical solutions to life. He is much like Rasputin from Russia.

>> No.23501848

That quote is from TSZ, Zarathustra sends his disciples away and commands them to resist and be ashamed of him, for there is a chance he misled them. Zarathustra asserts a man of knowledge must be able to love his enemies and hate his friends. Zarathustra asserts his disciples have not found themselves but rather found him, when they lose Zarathustra they will be able to find themselves, and it will be Zarathustra's turn to find them. Perhaps you should go find yourself, and see if your old teacher returns to you.

>> No.23501861

>His philosophy should not be concluded as philosophy as it is the antithesis of philosophy, The Anti-philosophy. His philosophy (i know) deconstructs philosophy in it's purest essence and criticizes the moral and it's authenticity.
You can say this about a lot of philosophy but a couple decades onward surely it will turn out to have been simply philosophy after all.

>> No.23501966

>It is anarchism at its purest form therefore why take him that much seriously ?
This is non-sequitur. Unless it's anarchism for the sake of anarchy, which it's clearly not, why would it not warrant being taken seriously? Do you think Nietzsche invented Critique as a mode of philosophy?

>> No.23502420

>therefore why take him that much seriously ?
Because his deconstruction cuts deep and no other thinker cuts as deep. Not even Stirner. If you care about deconstruction at all, then you consider power more valuable than truth, and Nietzsche has more power than any of the philosophers.

>> No.23502818

Emil Cioran has a way better and realistic deconstruction than Nietzsche's emotional philsophy.

>> No.23503155

>His works are only a manner of criticisism against society and its values, It is anarchism at its purest form therefore why take him that much seriously ?
You just contradicted yourself by this statement.

>> No.23503193
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I pity him. His life was truly a tragedy, but despite that he still pursued his passion which was to write (even if it was all just criticisms and aphorisms). Imagine holding a fully loaded minigun amongst a horde of enemies, that is what Nietzsche is...a weapon which if fallen in the "wrong" hands, will result in destruction of self and others (like in the case with leopold and lobe). Jews always have wrong hands which they conveniently use to soil art and swindle money.

Its Jews like BAP that have tainted and subverted the works of Nietzsche. Its cause of these frauds that the high and complex criticisms of Nietzsche are subverted into degeneracy and propaganda.

>> No.23503852

I think you just missed the positive side of Nietzsches philosophy, its not only negative anarcho-criticism of culture and society. He presents a positive account of being and ethical ideals of breeding higher men. Its only that the negative side is easier to understand, so most people take away the idea that he is a critic.

>> No.23504201

I haven't read Cioran, but Nietzsche's philosophy is only emotional if you've only read quotes on Goodreads as opposed to his full books.

>> No.23504232

He vulgarized Schopenhauer's thought and made him better known by the general public with his concept of will to power, which is a desire but not a will in itself.

>> No.23504273

I've never seen anyone who I thought was smart be so enamored by Nieztsche to endlessly talk about him 24/7 like /lit/ does.

>> No.23504383

Well read Nietzsche's books instead of reading quotes from goodreads

>> No.23504394

>Breeding higher man
Such a simple minded trajectory

You could contribute or shut up

>> No.23504404

You retards already have multiple Nietzsche threads. You could stop spamming the board over your mancrush, you little half-a-homo.

>> No.23505066

?? First time i post about nietzsche lol, Stop using 4chan 24/7

>> No.23505537

>Such a simple minded trajectory
Cope. All of human life is centred around breeding and there is no escaping it. It's our mode of propulsion into the future.

>> No.23505665

>Cope, All of our human life is breeding
You're going to die sooner or later.

Such a very simple minded thinking, I pity you for having a pleb mindset of breeding, Regardless of skin or genes, If you have a level of consciousness then that makes you far better than an animal and a brute. But then you gonna die, Will your breeding accompany you afterwards ?

>> No.23505703

Nice 90 IQ reading of Nietzsche.
Go read the "preservation of species" sections from The Gay Science and try see how they relate to Schopenhauer's conception of will.
Or just go read self-help since that's the only level at which you seem to be able to interface with metaphysics.

>> No.23505746
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Who mentioned Nietzsche in my post ? I'm talking about the topic you mentioned which is "human is centered around breeding"
What's even this incoherrent rant and random bullshit you're saying, Why are you even aggressive lol, Did i strike a nerve.
>Gay science and relate to conception of will
I would tell you to see Emil Cioran's true perception about life and its illusion since it has a more lucid approach to life and its banality but seeing the way you reply tells me you still maintain a shallow perception about life and how you think that your bloodline matters.

I suggest you read more in philosophy than just reading summaries

>> No.23505762
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>All of human life is centred around breeding
Caged animals don't breed, so clearly there's something more central

>> No.23505763

Nietzsche's philosophy is shallow and so your 55 iq argument.

>> No.23505887

>Emil Cioran
>how you think that your bloodline matters
You have quite literally never read Nietzsche to think that's what I was getting at
Your 8 minute video essay tier understanding of Nietzsche is shallow? Yes I know

>> No.23505976

If Nietzsche was smarter, he would've been Lev Shestov. But anti-philosophy doesn't sell. People read philosophy for the same reason they read Harry Potter -- to be entertained.

>> No.23506036

Nietzsche is basically proof that you can't use the library while you have a job. For example if you get some piece of knowledge for free as a consequence of it being plentiful, then you can definitely pull one over on someone who gets a scarce form of it at a greater cost. You can keep driving him to the same point and he will never get any closer to the truth.
The question, otho, of whether growing a giant beard makes you like Marx is a finite resource altogether. You could make a linear chart of all the ways in which Nietzsche is a traditional philosopher, and it won't convince the person who for whatever reason has extensive knowledge of some trifling bibliographic detail. If you made a movie out of the consequence of a certain modality of existence, primarily one being from the birth of substantive literature split into the regulated civil structure of a work-at-home lifestyle versus the tributary consequence of work, for example, in naming a successor to the intellectual legacy, it would almost always go to the tributary consequence of work which is never in the image of the actual structured infinite of work as an ideology. Often times people will look at a man like Nietzsche and think "well, what does he do?he is not really a musician and the fruits of intellectual effort are merely aesthetic or ascetic. In as much as he is a specific literary career set over against the domain of philosophy, he is also the failure of the supposition that the experience of a particular domain of knowing is finite and exhaustible.

>> No.23506041

He literally states "An author's greatest fear is not that he is misunderstood, but that he is understood". As soon as I read that I knew he was a turbo pseud, an idiot, and dishonest. Into the trash he goes.

>> No.23506078

You can criticize literally any other philosopher and people will respond in good faith. But god forbid you say shit about Neetchee and a hundred retards crawl out of the woodwork to say
>you never read him!! u must be a christcuck!!

>> No.23506100

>Takes pride in reading Nietzsche
>Doesn't even know who Emil Cioran is
If you actually have read Nietzsche you would realize he mocks everyone who praised his works.
But the problem is you haven't even read one single book of philosophy and you're literally telling me that you watch it via video essays.

You're literally the most retarded person i've ever argued with in this mongolian website. Please please read atleast one book i beg you

>> No.23506105


Example of how accurate your post is this:

This retard literally worships him and didn't even understand what OP fucking said

>> No.23506110

Nietzsche didn't invent critique. The same points nietzsche brings up about philosophy are the same points the Asians had brought up about it in times before Christ walked the Earth.
These are perennial concepts. Even the Greeks came upon these same insights. There's nothing new or "nietzschean" about being meta.
He just happened to be living in a time of peak sentimentality and delusion because Europe was at its peak, and he was the guy who sounded the alarm this time.

>> No.23506123

I see Mainlander's Philosophy as being a better alternative to Nietzsche's immanent, abstruse and immanent "philosophy", Nietzsche shouldn't be called a philosopher but a critic of philosophy, Nietzsche presents great critic of Philosophers and dismantles their philosophy without providing the solution (he does but it is unpractical as i said). Much like Camus is a novelist but still made a book about philosophy therefore even seeing Nietzsche being called a Philospher irritates me.

Emil Cioran and Mainlander are what his philosophy should be, To be concise and on point to what it should provide to this world, albeit even Schopenhauer could be also a great alternative which Nietzsche even criticizes.

People who worship Nietzsche haven't read him.

>> No.23506126

Even himself he pointed to this by saying that nothing is new and everything is being reinvented.
People don't even read shit i swear to God

>> No.23506140

Good post. Too much of philosophy is about following people and crudely tracing their footsteps, rather than creating one's own path.

>> No.23506181

We wouldn't have Meditations if old Marc had read Ecclesiastes.

>> No.23506512

>>Doesn't even know who Emil Cioran is
Keep jumping to conclusions like your original post. I know who Cioran is. He's a whiny retard with shitty belaboured prose that midwits eat up. It's funny because he worshipped Nietzsche. And unlike your dogmutt ass I can read him in the actual French.
Rest of your post is more wrong or unhinged claims I never made.

>> No.23506526

ESL bitch OP wasn't able to form a coherent critique of Nietzsche. Not a single one of his main points was even contested. Consider >>23501966 and >>23503155 and consider rope.

>> No.23506574

You didn't even read him, What's the point in arguing with you when you for information off him from google, Cioran literally made fun of nietzsche

>> No.23506577

>Didn't provide
Didn't provide or you're the whiny bitch who can't accept that being Nietzsche's bitch is what Nietzsche himself hates.

Point is even if OP made the best argument in the world you'll still find a way to whine about it and call it incoherent, Problem is not in OP It's in you

>> No.23506821
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His philosophy operates as a misguided coping mechanism for the poor who have stumbled into the true nature of the spirit and need some method of denial, sometimes it’s for edgy “might makes right” narcissistic retards, other times it’s a weapon of anti-Christians, it’s the anarchist and teenage edgelords bible and sometimes a favorite of intellectual fart sniffer. It’s impossible to debate his ideas as they are “anti-dialectical” and the cheesy vague poetry and the haziness of each statement provides a smoke screen, oil slick and ejector seat against anyone willing to challenge his ideas. Like every western philosopher some of his criticisms are accurate and he made a few good “slam dunk” points and was very intelligent but really he also was an arrogant bone head and the people who exalt his ideas are often bone heads also.

>> No.23506840

Brilliantly explained.

>> No.23506898

He explicitly refers to himself as a psychologist and does not like philosophers, labelling him as one always seemed odd to me.

>> No.23506906

Did you even read the post you replied to?

Shestov sucks, and Nietzsche's books didn't sell either, until liberals co-opted his work to prevent it from being properly read in the future.

>> No.23506942

Was Cioran influenced by Nietzsche?

>> No.23507721

Nietzsche was an incredibly humble person, both in his personal life and in his writing. You only think otherwise because you've only read his Wikipedia article, his commentators, or at most, the the last few books he published — which were not meant to sound arrogant, but were meant to inspire a call-to-action among the more sensitive and quiet types in Europe who were in the process of being eliminated by the stock exchange worshiping rabble, who reduce life to money, have no respect for high art and culture, and live like drugged up hedonists. All throughout his work, the type of person who Nietzsche wishes to empower, and who he loves most, is the humble, quiet, and contemplative type — his 'intellectual few" who see everything as part of a beautiful whole, who move slowly through life (not impulsively or compulsively), and who love the earth.

>b-but he said life is will to power! he said the strong should dominate the weak!
If this is your response, then you don't actually understand what Nietzsche thought strength was. It wasn't the violent tyrant; that person is WEAK at the psychological, internal level, which is the level Nietzsche was solely concerned about. Rather, the strong person is the intellectual person — that is, the introspective, cool-headed, pragmatic type, which was the true character of Caesar and Napoleon, who he praised. But Nietzsche was a complex thinker and understood that such a type is not without "vices," like the ascetics wish to portray great individuals as being, and this is the reason for why he encouraged an intensification of "vice" among "good Europeans." The strengthening of "vice" is a strengthening of the will to power, which in turn is a strengthening of mind and character; the individual most capable of humility, quiet, and contemplation is the one who is redeemed from all disciplinary repression, especially in matters of sexuality (hence his dramatic opposition to Christianity).

>> No.23507736

>Nietzsche was an incredibly humble person, both in his personal life and in his writing.
>"why I write such excellent books"
>"is difficult to be understood, especially when one thinks and lives gangasrotogati, among those only who think and live otherwise—namely, kurmagati"
>some are born posthumously"
Humble to a fault, that one

>> No.23507746

Ecce Homo is a tongue-in-cheek semi-autobiographical work in which Nietzsche was having some fun after already establishing his intellectual authority in his previous books.

>> No.23507750

Maybe. Its not the sole example of him saying wildly arrogant and self aggrandizing things

>> No.23507753

Nietzsche's a cheeky writer, but it's also warranted and humility does not at all mean one should not dance and have some fun.

>> No.23507756

So your appraisal is that he was incredibly humble, except that he regularly said deeply un-humble things, but, this was all just jokes?

>> No.23507761

Nothing is "un-humble" in his writing. Arrogance is when an unremarkable person acts more remarkable than they are. Nietzsche always acted appropriately for who he was. The majority of his writing was not self-aggrandizing statements, either; his philosophy is geared around perspectivism, i.e., discovering and respecting the Other.

>> No.23507766

I know his philosophy well. Very well. Lol.
He was not always kidding around.

>> No.23507770

>He was not always kidding around.
No, but he had every right to talk about himself in a remarkable way. It was earned.

>> No.23507774

Every philosophy thread on /lit/ is teenagers in way over their head. That's why Christianity is still so popular, it's much easier to grasp and makes you feel like you have answers.

>> No.23507784

He was given professorship very young, that's his one great claim. He didn't stand out much though during said tenure, and eventually left it, wrote a bunch of books in obscurity that none of his contemporaries read or liked when they did read it, was viewed as a crackpot by them.
What right did he earn to talk about himself that way?

>> No.23507792

His triumphs were intellectual, not sales-based.

>> No.23507809

Yeah but the only judge of his intellectual triumphs in his own time, was himself. Again, every one of his contemporaries thought his books were junk.

>> No.23507810
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>a misguided coping mechanism for the poor who have stumbled into the true nature of the spirit and need some method of denial,
"But the people ye remain for me, even with your virtues, the people with purblind eyes—the people who know not what spirit is!
Spirit is life which itself cutteth into life: by its own torture doth it increase its own knowledge,—did ye know that before?
And the spirit’s happiness is this: to be anointed and consecrated with tears as a sacrificial victim,—did ye know that before?
And the blindness of the blind one, and his seeking and groping, shall yet testify to the power of the sun into which he hath gazed,—did ye know that before?
And with mountains shall the discerning one learn to build! It is a small thing for the spirit to remove mountains,—did ye know that before?
Ye know only the sparks of the spirit: but ye do not see the anvil which it is, and the cruelty of its hammer!
Verily, ye know not the spirit’s pride! But still less could ye endure the spirit’s humility, should it ever want to speak!
And never yet could ye cast your spirit into a pit of snow: ye are not hot enough for that! Thus are ye unaware, also, of the delight of its coldness.
In all respects, however, ye make too familiar with the spirit; and out of wisdom have ye often made an almshouse and a hospital for bad poets."

>it’s the anarchist and teenage edgelords bible
"And just own to it! Little had ever taken place when thy noise and smoke passed away. What, if a city did become a mummy, and a statue lay in the mud!
And this do I say also to the o’erthrowers of statues: It is certainly the greatest folly to throw salt into the sea, and statues into the mud.
In the mud of your contempt lay the statue: but it is just its law, that out of contempt, its life and living beauty grow again!
With diviner features doth it now arise, seducing by its suffering; and verily! it will yet thank you for o’erthrowing it, ye subverters!
This counsel, however, do I counsel to kings and churches, and to all that is weak with age or virtue—let yourselves be o’erthrown! That ye may again come to life, and that virtue—may come to you!—” "

>it’s for edgy “might makes right” narcissistic retards,
"To stand with relaxed muscles and with unharnessed will: that is the hardest for all of you, ye sublime ones!
When power becometh gracious and descendeth into the visible—I call such condescension, beauty.
And from no one do I want beauty so much as from thee, thou powerful one: let thy goodness be thy last self-conquest.
All evil do I accredit to thee: therefore do I desire of thee the good.
Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings, who think themselves good because they have crippled paws!"

>> No.23507818

He knew there would be thinkers in the future who would understand and respect him. History since then has vindicated him.

>> No.23507846

He didn't "know" that, he assumed and believed it. He did happen to be correct. But this wasnt due to any right he had earned. Just confidence in the value of what he was saying. The line between that, and arrogance, is paper thin.

>> No.23507856

>Nietzsche presents great critic of Philosophers and dismantles their philosophy without providing the solution
"Intelligently doth the body purify itself; attempting with intelligence it exalteth itself; to the discerners all impulses sanctify themselves; to the exalted the soul becometh joyful.
Physician, heal thyself: then wilt thou also heal thy patient. Let it be his best cure to see with his eyes him who maketh himself whole."

"Similes, are all names of good and evil; they do not speak out, they only hint. A fool who seeketh knowledge from them!
Give heed, my brethren, to every hour when your spirit would speak in similes: there is the origin of your virtue.
Elevated is then your body, and raised up; with its delight, enraptureth it the spirit; so that it becometh creator, and valuer, and lover, and everything’s benefactor.
When your heart overfloweth broad and full like the river, a blessing and a danger to the lowlanders: there is the origin of your virtue.
When ye are exalted above praise and blame, and your will would command all things, as a loving one’s will: there is the origin of your virtue.
When ye despise pleasant things, and the effeminate couch, and cannot couch far enough from the effeminate: there is the origin of your virtue.
When ye are willers of one will, and when that change of every need is needful to you: there is the origin of your virtue.
Verily, a new good and evil is it! Verily, a new deep murmuring, and the voice of a new fountain!
Power is it, this new virtue; a ruling thought is it, and around it a subtle soul: a golden sun, with the serpent of knowledge around it."

"Verily, I have done this and that for the afflicted: but something better did I always seem to do when I had learned to enjoy myself better.
Since humanity came into being, man hath enjoyed himself too little: that alone, my brethren, is our original sin!
And when we learn better to enjoy ourselves, then do we unlearn best to give pain unto others, and to contrive pain.
Therefore do I wash the hand that hath helped the sufferer; therefore do I wipe also my soul.
For in seeing the sufferer suffering—thereof was I ashamed on account of his shame; and in helping him, sorely did I wound his pride.
Great obligations do not make grateful, but revengeful; and when a small kindness is not forgotten, it becometh a gnawing worm.
“Be shy in accepting! Distinguish by accepting!”—thus do I advise those who have naught to bestow.
I, however, am a bestower: willingly do I bestow as friend to friends. Strangers, however, and the poor, may pluck for themselves the fruit from my tree: thus doth it cause less shame."

"Therefore do I tear at your web, that your rage may lure you out of your den of lies, and that your revenge may leap forth from behind your word “justice.”
Because, for man to be redeemed from revenge—that is for me the bridge to the highest hope, and a rainbow after long storms."

>> No.23507868

Contribute to the argument or shut the fuck up