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23501598 No.23501598 [Reply] [Original]

This book has ruined my life.

>> No.23501607

>Benatar is an atheist and has stated that he has no children of his own.[20][21] He is ethnically Jewish and he has criticized the "regressive left" at institutions such as the University of Cape Town for creating an environment hostile to Jews. He has also criticized South Africa for its increasing willingness to distance itself from liberal democracies and cozy up to autocracies, and in particular has criticized South Africans who sympathize with Hamas
>ethnically Jewish
>don't breed goyim
>muh Israel

Can't make this shit up.

>> No.23501611

Books, ideas and thoughts do not ruin your life unless you're mentally ill.

What actually ruins lives of sane individuals are externalities such as lack of money, bad living conditions and other people.

>> No.23501619

I was just looking up this book and was thinking about making a thread about it. The antinatilism book. I’ve been wanting to read it. I think that I’ll agree with the point of the view of the author. How did the book mess you up?

>> No.23501624

I’m glad I’m not as stupid as you. Actions always start with ideas, in the end it’s always ideas that destroy people.

>> No.23501625


There’s obviously no god and belief in him is just LARP coping with the misery of life, or just actual delusional retardation

>ethnically Jewish

Nobody chooses what ethnicity their born as

>don't breed goyim

He’s telling everyone not to breed, not just non-jewish people

>muh Israel


>> No.23501661

The logical end point of his philosophy is eugenics and pronatalism. Low IQs are never going to implement antinatalism therefore it is imperative that high IQs (Europeans) breed to one day implement antinatalism. The soundest approach for a real antinatalist is to have as many kids as possible, say 10, and raise them religiously with this end goal in mind and all 10 of your antinatalist children.

If you don't have kids, you're not a real antinatalist. Fast forward 300 years. Browns inherent the earth and they ban his book as evil because da jeebus or da prophet book says so!

>> No.23501667

>worldview so weak it crumbles when a random jew writes words

>> No.23501696

If you want to talk about idiocracy go back to /tv/

>> No.23501699

Just like all the Bible thumper threads, people lose their minds. Jewish lit is dangerous.

>> No.23501743

That’s because you’re a pussy

>> No.23501761

>There’s obviously no god
Rope, tranny
>Nobody chooses what ethnicity their born as
>He’s telling everyone not to breed, not just non-jewish people
You’re a rat faced kike

>> No.23501767

Not an argument

>> No.23502059

how is "nobody chooses what ethnicity they're born as" a cope? It's a fact.

>> No.23502088
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>Asymmetry argument
Is a tautology that can be rejected and/or interpreted differently. Anti-natalists aren't very bright so they're completely filtered by this fact and will assert its validity while attempting to monopolize its interpretation. This is the core of their ideological belief structure and they are unable to be anything other than disingenuous when responding to criticism directed toward it.

>Quality of life argument
Is the real justification for anti-natalism. Whenever you point out it's subjective and unquantifiable anti-natalists will just deflect back to the asymmetry tautology while pretending it isn't central to their argument (yet whenever they bring up their anti-natalist bullshit they always sperg on and on about quality of life). Even Benatard himself admits it's only "vaguely true."

Deep down anti-natalists don't actually believe their own bullshit and make excuses so as to avoid the logical conclusion of their worldview. What's more when they reduce their argument back to a tautological stance, as retarded ideologues are wont to do, they betray the fact it coheres with morally atrocious outcomes (like mass murder and suicide).

Are ideologically possessed sad sacks who project their negative ideation out onto the world. They don't actually care about the reduction of harm and are simply obsessed by violence and misery. They are prone to mental illness and personality disorder and let their resentment guide their experience of the world.

Anti-natalists are annoying morons and the only thing they have right is that they themselves shouldn't breed (note: most of them only come to this conclusion because they know they'll never find a willing partner that will put up with their bullshit).

>> No.23502216

You're seething every post on Benatar you come to seethe. I'm having kids is to raise them as strong antinatalists to have more kids to raise them as strong antinatalists ad infinitum till the objective is achieved. The only way antinatalism will be implemented will be thanks to people like me, meanwhile idiots like you who think life is le good will have two kids and wage slave your whole life and cope with trad cuck shit. Go pray faggot and thank God for your shitty life and think it's le good when it's not. I'm going to have a wife or two and pump out as many kids as I can. More than Amish people have.

Of course brainlets like you resort to words words words muh tautology and then other pseud shit which is just thinly veiled ad hominems and you see the literal moralizing in your post too.

You actually made the whole antinatalism movement worse and much more real with your book page of posts criticism to it for 1 plus year.

Guess what? An antinatalist sees your post and realized if they kys or stop having kids you win and life will be suffering forever probably some Brazilian future dystopia with a mixture of christcucks, mooslims, and hindoos. Nope. A real antinatalist sees this and realizes procreationmaxxing is the only way to win this game. Life's going to suck for your ancestors once hundreds and then thousands and then millions of antinatalists start having the highest birth rate in the west because that's they have the highest IQ and will raise to the top and implement eugenics, ban procreation or nuke everything lmao. Maybe they'll even be able to fix the world up instead and life would actually be worth living without diseases, down syndrome retards, low pay, cripples and so on.

Ever think about any of that, shithead?

>> No.23502275
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>writing this many words of seethe about a pasta and while failing to engage with any of it's arguments

>> No.23502283
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>Benatar/interviewer go for a walk in the park
>surrounded by lovers and families enjoying a nice sunny day
>interviewer forwards the idea that life can be improved
>Benatar raises his voice and starts sperging that life never improves (objectively false by the way)
>Benatar literally starts crying: "life is unacceptable"
>interviewer is taken aback by his outburst and at a loss for words (Benatar is inconsolable)

Benatar is a mentally unstable weasel. No wonder he mostly avoids interviews. On top of that he admits that his ideas are damaging while using the excuse that his work is academic and only meant for those that seek it out (note that these people are likely to have personality disorders and mental illness). Benatar objectively creates suffering and given that he's under the delusion that his work is toward the opposite: he's delusional and irrational.

>> No.23502381

Hahaha every fucking time

>> No.23502390

>There’s obviously no god
>I'm hypnotized beyond all reason and I don't even know it
>The post

>> No.23502492

Its available free online or on libgen. It ruined my life because I've spent like 3 weeks now reading and rereading the book + all the secondary literature + David benatars responses, trying to refute the argument in chapter 2 myself specifically. But i just can't, so I am led to conclude that my birth has actually been a bad thing. And if that's the case then I should either kill my parents, or kill myself.

>> No.23502499
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and this book will fix it

>> No.23502500

>and they are unable to be anything other than disingenuous when responding to criticism directed toward it

I've read every academic criticism directed towards it. Most don't even grasp the argument - it's embarrassing. Those that do have weak responses.

>> No.23502525


>> No.23502545

Maybe go touch grass?
It’s pretty nice out in the northern hemisphere right now.

>> No.23502562

>Most don't even grasp the argument
The phenomena you exemplify in your post is addressed in the pasta. Benatards are incapable of understanding that the tautology their argument is based upon can be rejected and/or interpreted differently. Whenever this is done anti-natalists become confused and project this confusion onto the critic. "BUT NOT BAD THOUGH!" Lol.

>> No.23502578
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>Maybe go touch grass?
He's an anti-natalist. Touching grass will give him a panic attack and pic-related will illicit an existential crisis, lol.

>> No.23502596

I'm glad I'm not as stupid as you. Ideas are responses to previous actions, in the end it's always actions that destroy people.

>> No.23502625

I read it and it didn't ruin mine

>> No.23502633

Just your average neurotic Jew passing his schizoid fixations off as compassion and concern for humankind.
I bet he's a faggot too, like that slimy kike Harari. Reeks of unnaturalness and intellectually masked perversion.

>> No.23502664

>given that genetically engineered humans which experience near-infinite pleasure will be built by us one day
>in a world where anti-natalist ideology does not succeed, there would be near-infinite pleasure (good) and no pain (good)
>in a world where anti-natalist ideology is successful, there would be no pain (good) and the near infinite pleasure would be taken away (bad or at least neutral)
therefore, if we believe the first premise to be true, it is better to not accept anti natalism.

though i think this argument is also good at showing why predicating an argument on the pleasure and pain of a non existing thing leads to any conclusion you like

>> No.23502670

best way to refute it is to enjoy a life well lived :)

>> No.23502679

Open individualism, and the fundamental/necessary nature of consciousness utterly BTFOes this whole book, since if everyone is the same subject of experience, that means that by choosing to not procreate or by killing yourself, you are potentially robbing yourself of many good lives, and instead leaving only the bad lives due to the aforementioned fundamental/necessary nature of consciousness, meaning how it is preferable to create a good life than not, since life is both unified and necessary, which utterly BTFOes the assymetry argument.

Yes you wont, feel deprived by preventing these good lives, but the point is that due to you needing to exist, and continuing to exist after death, the best course of action one can take is guarantee as much positive states of consciousness come into existence as possible, with as little negative stater of consciousness, since not doing so will only guarantee an hour overwhelming abundance of negative states of consciousness in our future compared to the alternative scenario, making the utopia an infinitely more preferable outcome than extinction.

>> No.23502680

Let me guess you never read the book and think the argument consists in out of context graph? Thought so.

>> No.23502694

language has an inherent bias towards dissatisfaction (because you don't need to communicate anything in situations where you are satisfied). this bias of language is reflected in philosophy; rationality has a pessimistic character. people don't spend as much effort creating elaborate arguments to justify life because they have nothing to gain from it, and because the value in life is hard to express verbally. i can't tell you why walking through the forest, watching a river, or spending time with nice people puts me beyond any doubt that life is worth living--they are life-affirming experiences, rather than life-affirming thoughts. unfortunately i can't share them with you.

>> No.23503133

Yea I’ve already long come to the same conclusion without having read it so I think it’ll be more of a balm to my soul, hearing someone speak the truth so many fervently refute— the others here can’t face or handle the truth. I don’t blame them the self awareness of our whole situation is a horror.

I’ve taken the more pacifist route. Trying to add good and kindness to this world, despite how evil and cruel it is. The biggest fuck you I can give it. Rebel in your own way though. Hope you find some peace with yourself despite it all.

>> No.23503139

I like Ralph Waldo Emerson and it’s hard to write about enjoying nature when humanity has destroyed most of it. Same with society and family.

>> No.23503142

should have been
Better never to have gooned
The harm of cuming

>> No.23503151

>avoids discussion of the book and criticism in order to seethe
What's the matter, anon? Are you afraid to present the best possible rendition of it you can because you know it will be instantly torn apart by half a dozen anons just like every single Benatard thread?

>> No.23503174

Pt. 2
To expand upon what I was saying earlier, in a way I’ve always known it’s better to have not existed— let me tell you about my childhood. I grew up extremely religious Christian school, sheltered, chapel on Wednesday, church on Sunday. I remember thinking to myself that I wish I didn’t exist or hadn’t been born to be relieved of the the daily monotony. I hated life. And while there is a lot of theological interpretation by people on this earth on what exactly Jesus preached about, what it means, what’s good and what’s evil… My parents, assuming god exist, potentially damned me. Since we don’t know what happens after we die, not really, we don’t know what theological interpretation or religion is even correct. Its Schrodinger‘s cat we are and are not damned at the same time until we upon that box upon the final frontier. And what if you do reach heaven? If there is a heaven I don’t fancy living forever, no matter how much of a “paradise” it is. There is still only so much you can do before you’ve done it all. Living forever sounds like the worst trap one could conceive for a soul.

I now have been freed from a lot of the religious crazy I was grown up in and don’t think there is an after life so I’m just biding my time on earth waiting for it. I try to enjoy myself when I can and don’t completely hate pain. I sometimes wonder if pain isn’t always a bad thing. But yes it’s better not to have been born.

>> No.23503179

i dont understand the point of trying to intellectualize something that is beyong rationality. you cannot create some kind of perfect argument to convince a sentient animal to deny their programming, our decision to live is mostly driven by absurdity, not some inner sense of logic about why our lives are worth living

>> No.23503276

I won’t read it precisely because he’s a Jew >>23501607 thanks for doing the hard part

>> No.23503407
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>Don't make me tap the sign.

>> No.23503419

The best possible rendition is chapter 2, better never to have been.

>> No.23503426 [DELETED] 

Are you saying you don’t need your brain to perform actions? Because that would make. Lot of sense you seem brainless.

>> No.23503434

This is overwhelmingly funny. Underrated response.

>> No.23503444

Are you saying you don’t need your brain to perform actions? Because that would make a lot of sense— you seem brainless.

>> No.23503463

never read it, but does it address of the possibility that consciousness or something of that nature & sort, in terms of significance atleast, could be individual specific(that which is unique to you and you only ) & gene deep and that the only way of ensuring it's survival is reproduction?

>> No.23503482

Interesting thought

>> No.23503491

Schizo response. What are you even talking about anon?

>> No.23503502

>What are you even talking about anon?
idk, survival of memories kind of thing, the survival that can only happen if you manage to reproduce and have living descendants. I think we have just started scratching the surface of physical reality and this is especially true in the biological sciences. We may just be unaware as to what kind of information could be stored in the building blocks of life and what the consequences could be if it doesn't get replicated. This like playing pascal's wager against 3.5 billion years of physical reality that has underpinned the evolution of life, and this is one wager that you really don't wish to see yourself in the losing end, no matter how small the odds of the loss could be

>> No.23503515
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Ignore the people who are not bothering to read or understand OP. It’s in their best interest to not grasp the full horror of existence.

>> No.23503524

>you don't need to communicate anything in situations where you are satisfied
You've never had a girlfriend.

>> No.23503534

>I can't think for myself and offer an enlightening summary while presenting my own thoughts on the material
Because anti-natalism is basically an ideological cult for retards and incels.

>> No.23503547

>ideological cult for retards and incels.
I think the vast majority of incels do wish to breed

>> No.23503551

Sure, but a number of them cope by declaring themselves anti-natalists because no women will have a relationship with them.

>> No.23503558

only the most brootaly depressed & mentally ill minority of the minority

>> No.23503570

I think the overlap between anti-natalism and inceldom is much greater than you're willing to admit.

>> No.23503602

There probably is a lot of overlap between depression and identifying with this book. I’m not an intel, because I went out if my way to make sure to play the pick up game and sleep around a bit. Date a bit. But I’ve always been unhappy with life and identity with the message of this book. I genuinely see the world is negative way.

>> No.23503636

I'm op and I have a gf

>> No.23503641

Just read the book you lazy fuck.

I've literally read every single link in this document. I have nothing original to add.


>> No.23503663

>I can't think for myself and offer an enlightening summary while presenting my own thoughts on the material

>> No.23503671

It is a good example for making Americans seethe. So it did its job

>> No.23503716

do you have the idea to breathe every time you do it?

>> No.23504375

Like clockwork

>> No.23504444

Asymmetry is retarded. The consent argument is way better

>> No.23504451

It's like he had a feeling life sucks and came up with these ad hoc arguments.

>> No.23504723
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Ever see his cringe "comedy"? Pee-pee poo-poo.

>> No.23504825

You can make someone's entire life orbit one point and cripple the rest of their life, but why?

>> No.23504889
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>> No.23504892

It was self evident from the beginning my nigga, the absence of Ti in this board is sickening!