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23499725 No.23499725 [Reply] [Original]

Would he have admired Donald trump?

>> No.23499743

He was anti american and trump is pro american
He was pro war whereas trump is anti war
He wants Japan to become an imperial superpower again and Trump wants America to isolate and not interfere in other countries affairs unleash they threaten our business
He wanted Japan to invade korea again and Trump signed treaty to pull out troops from afghanistan

>> No.23499774

I don’t know a lot about Jap politics but wasn’t Shinzo Abe the Japanese Trump and he was assassinated by a communist? Mishima might have supported Trump giving autonomy to Abe and working with him on international matters though the entire democratic framework is obviously something he wouldn’t care for.

>trump is anti-war/ trump wants Anerica to isolate

Those are both false misconceptions. Trump only hates foreign interference because he thinks the countries weren’t pillaged properly. In Syria’s case, he said quote he wants to “secure the oil.”


Trump has never pushed isolationism from any point that wasn’t driven by profit.

>> No.23500238

This guy looks like a massive faggot

>> No.23500357

He would’ve admired his BWC

>> No.23500363 [DELETED] 

Shittiest thread award

>> No.23500364


>> No.23500384

God, these threads get worse every day.

>> No.23500472

Not really. Trump of course is a highly amusing character and we all admire him for the laughter he has given us

>> No.23500915

All real niggas do

>> No.23500919

No intellectuals from that era would respect modern political leaders the slightest. If you just listen to the way they speak it's night and day

>> No.23501047

Our daily manlet thread.
It makes no difference what he would have thought of Trump. Be your own person

>> No.23501210
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just guessing but i think he wouldve prefered trump over the average democrat or socdem euro but would still find him cringe and onions or some shit

>> No.23502433

Would he have admired Shinzo Abe?