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23499619 No.23499619 [Reply] [Original]

How would you feel if someone killed themselves because of how depressing your novel is?

>> No.23499652

open condom; never used.

>> No.23499712

I have no truth inside of me that hasn't been said a thousand times already; they would have done it eventually.

>> No.23499722

I’d feel bad for them but couldn’t blame myself for the actions of an insane man

>> No.23499729

How would you feel if your actions weren't your own responsibility but someone else's?

>> No.23499737

I wouldn't care. Life and death are the same.

>> No.23499755
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I helped them put themselves out of their misery and to find very deep peace, which are good things...good for them and for everyone

>> No.23499757


>> No.23499758


>> No.23499768

Would feel p. accomplished, desu.

>> No.23500668

I would be proud if my words could remove weak seed from the Earth. People have been shitty to me since well before kindergarten, so I have no empathy for them.

>> No.23501383

mad. they were supposed to kill others, not themselves.

>> No.23501395


>> No.23501756

Someone literally did. But that's their choice, not mine

>> No.23502473

Ask Goethe

>> No.23502483

I'd pretend I was horrified, but I'd be quietly proud that i had written something with that kind of power.

>> No.23502519

I’d feel elated because I hate most people

>> No.23502561

I would feel like my work has been successful and impactful.

>> No.23502594

what if they did it weeks later, you can't prove there's a connection !

>> No.23502638


>> No.23502738
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>How would you feel if hundreds of millions of people were killed because of how evil your book is?

>> No.23503010

Dear rabbi,
It's kikes committing a genocide now

>> No.23504047

Suicide is based. I am not based enough to do it. If my words and thoughts managed to convince someone to do it I would feel honored. (In actuality I'd probably be worried the family of the deceased and media would come at me)

>> No.23504208

I would be happy that I made an impact on the world, no matter how little, that I determined one person's whole life in such a way, even if almost accidentally. I'm so insignificant that if I made someone die (without harming or even touching them) I would be able to confirm that I, in fact, matter, even if it's in a way completely harmful to others (but not myself). It would be life affirming, and also a little addictive. And if the sham book I wrote was enough to push them to do it, they probably didn't have a good life anyway, not one worth living, certainly. You should ideally be pushed into suicide by a far better work (as in Young Werther or the Critique of Pure Reason). I don't think I can compare to Goethe.
Your job is to impact the reader, but not necessarily for the better. It's their fault for reading it, not mine for writing it. I would also write another book, albeit there would be less success. I don't think I matter anyway.

>> No.23504270

I would find it silly.

>> No.23505101
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I would start advertising the the book with a warning label and a kill count

>> No.23505135
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It's just another suicide statistic. If someone shamed me publicly for killing their kid/relative id try to make them kill themselves with the sequel.

>> No.23505414

ok. do you have his email or smth?

>> No.23505426

Awe and wonder, for I have not yet made one

>> No.23505440

How would you feel if hot women told you they masturbated to your writing?

>> No.23505483

I don't think I'm capable of expressing myself if I don't actually feel what I'm putting to paper, so I would probably empathize and feel very sad for the person who would commit suicide.

>> No.23505597


>> No.23505611

where's torah

>> No.23505616

>How would you feel if hot women told you they masturbated to your writing?
I would lick her fingers

>> No.23505677

I'll feel that my novel has reached grandiosity.
I'll follow him afterwards tho

>> No.23505679

You speak directly to my soul.

>> No.23505745

My great great great great uncle milled himself after reading the sorrows of young Werner

>> No.23505791

i used to do audioporn and i wrote my own scripts. sometimes i'd get "appreciative" messages after. it was a good feeling.

>> No.23506348

kek, you've unironically given me a reason to finish my novel, a pseudophilosophical hard sf novel about a man living 2,000 miles beneath the earth's crust

>> No.23506407
File: 56 KB, 562x819, 1718846524820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

multiple people have gotten the tattoo from this sketch:
is that the fault of the guys in whitest kids you know? should they not have done this sketch?

>> No.23506433

Post an example anon

>> No.23506440

Average 4chan user novel

>> No.23506669

I posted an excerpt on twitter once and people seemed to like the descriptions anon. Basically giant tungsten drills burrow into the earth and establish mining colonies that are semi-independent from the transnational megacorp-like nations above, wherein NATO v Eastbloc nuclear war is common but since the atmosphere is like Venus anyway no one seems to mind. But I was a postmodernist pseud when I wrote the beginning in 2015 so there's a lot of vague dialogue between the protagonist and his superiors about epistemology, which is already something worth killing oneself over reading imo, but coupled with the minutiae of territorial political elections and post-left organizing in the slums of the underground apartment-complexes

>> No.23506742

Well, as my best-selling and hard-hitting work of philosophy clearly explains, death is fake and we all live forever. So it's all good in the long run.

>> No.23506756

The “Torah” is in the Bible retards

>> No.23506764

Finally understood

>> No.23506786

The Talmud is not

>> No.23506833

>so there's a lot of vague dialogue between the protagonist and his superiors about epistemology, which is already something worth killing oneself over reading

>> No.23506852

Good because then I wouldn't have to kill them myself

>> No.23506931

i wasn't able to get into my old reddit account but here's a comment that was left on one of the posts:
>"Fuck I wish someone would treat me like an object, I wish someone would just tell me how stupid and useless I am. This audio made me so..("uoohhh" emoji)"

>> No.23507281
