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2349926 No.2349926 [Reply] [Original]

>that one girl in class who frames every reading into oppression and race

>> No.2349930

I did sociology at uni so this was everyone in the class.

>> No.2349931

>that one guy on this board not studying a real subject

>> No.2349932

i know this feel

>> No.2349937


>real subject

>> No.2349942

I was that girl

and I'm a guy
and I was right

>> No.2349945

Know what's worse OP?

Feminist perspectives on texts.

>> No.2349947

But Watership Down IS sexist.

>> No.2349948

>that one guy in class who called his lazy preconceptions about everything "common sense"

>> No.2349949

I read about "Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics" today...

There is an analysis here: http://www.3ammagazine.com/3am/bad-faith-viii/

>> No.2349952

even on the bell jar or the second sex?

>> No.2349956

There is 1,90m lesbian in my class who's all about that.

>> No.2349976

>that awkward pause from the Professor as s/he deliberates over the least offending sentence to shut her up with.

>that feel when you just want the Prof to call her a red herring.

>> No.2349983

You just raped my brain...I hope you're happy...

>> No.2349988 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 384x454, wait wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when two lines into Eliot's "Preludes" some girl in the back screams "The narrator's female!"

>> No.2349989


>> No.2350000
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>mfw my all black female sociology class tries to give me a hard time for being a white male
>mfw I trolled the fuck out of them and kept talking about how rap is lame and how MLK was a homo
>mfw everyone hated me and I was the only person to pass that class because I'm awesome and nigresses can't write term papers for shit
>mfw my final term paper was "A Study on homosexuality in the African American Community as It Pertained to Famous Homosexual; Tupac Shakur

>> No.2350005

is that why he faked his death? to escape to some island country and make love to lithe teenage boys?

>> No.2350009
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>talking about MLK
>not calling him an Uncle Tom

>> No.2350010

>my all black female sociology class tries to give me a hard time for being a white male
That sentence deconstructs itself.

>> No.2350012

But everything is about oppression and race, it forms a backdrop to all human existence since we were tribal nomads in perennial war with everyone who wasn't in our tribe.

>> No.2350016


Homosexuality within black communities is intriguing.

>> No.2350017

>Those feminist bloggers who take popular trash lit and write 10k word essays going over it with a fine tooth comb and calling any single instance of a man succeeding or a woman failing as the single most misogynistic thing ever written, even if the fucking book was written by a lesbian black/cherokee mix

>> No.2350024


>> No.2350029

An all female all black class has one white male.

>> No.2350036

The only problem I have with feminist commentators is they never seem to know what they want out of female characters. She can't fill traditional female gender roles, because that supports the old oppressive patriarchy, she can't fill male gender roles because then she's just succeeding by imitating men. If the story sexualizes her in any way, its a terrible crime, if it doesn't sexualize her, then she's just interchangeable for a man and not really a "female character".

I know it all comes down to feminists not being a coherent group, they don't share a single ideology or agenda, its just kind of annoying. You can never win. But its just a case of not being able to please everyone, (which reminds me of an anecdote of a young prostitute at a frat party, but another time for that).

>> No.2350037
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>> No.2350053
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>You can never win.
Winning isn't everything.

>> No.2350056

depending on your victory conditions it just might be.

>> No.2350059


>that feel when I read an ASOIAF desconstruction by some crazy feminist bitch and I pointed out that Cersei is a retard because she wasn't raised to be any kind of ruler. I then asked how it would make sense that a girl who was only ever taught to 'be beautiful' and 'marry a lord and shit out babies until you die' would suddenly be revealed as a genius ruler. That final feel when I was instabanned from the site and I got over fifty emails calling me everything from racist, to sexist, to homophobic, to misogynistic

>> No.2350061
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no matter what the subject, or her position on it; state loudly and calmly "just because your daddy touched your butt once when you were a child is no excuse to act like a complete cunt for the rest of your life"

it works every time and they burst into treats

>> No.2350062

What an ugly sentence.

>> No.2350067

Yes, your right, a woman's success is always predicated on what she was taught to do, ambition is a thing for MEN.

(but seriously though, you are pretty sexist)

>> No.2350075


oh lawdy

>> No.2350088


All she does in the novel is:

1. Manipulate men with her vagina to do shit for her.
2. See above and repeat.

Because that's all she knows how to do(she makes no attempt to crack open a basic statemanship manual, never reads history, nothing. Just fucks her brother and other dudes and tells him to kill people for her) she becomes queen of the entire fuckign world, and then tries to use her vagina on people that don't give a shit. It takes like four months for her to get fucked over and HOW IS THIS SEXIST? IF YOU MAKE CONSTANT MISTAKES AND HAVE NO INTEREST IN BETTERING YOURSELF, THEN YOU DESERVE TO FAIL. This feminist's complaints remind me of that time I was in class and my professor said that the Patriarchy was responsible for people being fat, men and women.

Note that she's one of the main villians of the series, and that blogger was arguing she should win.

What? Who the fuck lets the bad guy with just because the protag is a man and the villian is a female? Imagine a power rangers where Rita Repulsa won every fucking time.

>> No.2350091

I love treats!

>> No.2350102

>All she does in the novel is:

>1. Manipulate men with her vagina to do shit for her.
>2. See above and repeat.

>> No.2350107

>A sexually liberated and empowered woman
>doesn't buy into the histories and idle philosophy of the patriarchy
>She's sooo fucking evil.
People like you make me sick.

>> No.2350121

>I was that girl
>and I'm a guy

Boner activated.

>> No.2350126


But that's all she's been fucking taught. That's the CAUSE. If you have a daughter, and you say, "Fuck you. Look pretty and make your husband cum." And she, while being intelligent, goes, "duh, okay" and just takes that bullshit, then she doesn't have the slightest intention or ambition to do the things she wants to, then fuck her.

The point is that she's living in a shitty oppressive society. Look at Arya, a young woman who wants to fight with swords. In real life, she would get told to shut the fuck up and sit down, and she's lucky her dad let her do that shit.

The books are giving you this look at this horrific society that persecutes women this badly. That's not misogynistic, if anything, women should read that shit and remember that life has come a long way for them. Of course women characters will get oppressed when the setting is an oppressive society. Should we stop writing about oppressive societies?
>oh god 1984 is so offensive the people are so oppressed, that's horrrrrible! Thank god we banned that book

Another example. I'm gay, and if I wrote a book set in the 1960's where the main character gets hospitalized a shitload of times because he was gay, would it be homophobic, or would it be a stark historical reminder that it didn't use to be as good as it is now?

>> No.2350138

You're doing it again, you're casting her in a passive role as a product of her society. Stripping away agency. You're histories greatest monster.

>> No.2350140

>Making fun of typical feminist "coming of age' lit
>Using ASoIaF as an example to prove your point
>Self-proclamation of being a faggot
>Setting up a stupid homo-faggot scenerio in a novel and getting defensive about it

A+ for trolling...really I'm impressed.

>> No.2350144

>Those feminists who frame every reading (or anything they don't like for that matter) into rape, ''enabling rape'', ''rape manual'', etc.

>> No.2350148


What's all this about raping manually?

>> No.2350149

>those feminists that are alive, whether they're male or female

>> No.2350154


>> No.2350156


>Believes in free will

I sure hope you guy don't do this.

>> No.2350157



>> No.2350160

>Sandra Harding earned her PhD from New York University (NYU) in 1973.

What is it about NYU that just churns out the worst people?

>> No.2350175

so much talk about rape today

>> No.2350180


Woop. I am now convinced you are a troll. I would have gone on longer if you hadn't added the simpsons quote.

>> No.2350191
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>that one student who just happens to be a cultural minority who takes the time to point out that the professor's assertions are of course socio-culturally situated and ideologically derived at every turn

>> No.2350203

Will is absolutely free, deterministic, but free.

>> No.2350204

Will is absolutely free, deterministic, but free.

>> No.2350222

Why do people guilt trip others for having weak wills?

>> No.2350269

Feminist perspectives on texts aren't always bad, take for example certain feminist readings into Infinite Jest or The Sot-Weed Factor which basically chalk up their girth to intellectual dick-swinging.

>> No.2350288

>that one girl who says Shakespeare was pro-feminist and uses the Taming of the Shrew as evidence

>> No.2350289

But at what cost?

>> No.2350292

New York City. For most of its denizens, just living there is their greatest accomplishment.

>> No.2350294

Enjoy Cancer. Enjoy aids.

>> No.2350296

I hate the term feminism, it is in itself promoting gender equality -- ignoring anything but female discrimination. Just call yourself 'egalitarian' or something.

>> No.2350299

'bout tree-fiddy

>> No.2350304

hey now, they need something to do with their useless lib arts degrees.

>> No.2350308

>Those white middle-class guys who become uncomfortable when their privilege is challenged

>> No.2350309

Actually, likely probabalistic.

>> No.2350311

>That feel when there is always that guy wearing Che clothing in your sociology class... who isn't passionate about socialism, he only likes fringe politics to seem edgy... in a course filled with left (real left, not American left) voting students who don't wear che clothing.

I always wondered why you never see sophomores wearing that kind of stuff, then i realised they ones who do usually drop out first year.

>> No.2350313

I'd say he was, in a sense. He seemed to see a power in women's sexuality.

>> No.2350316

every reading should be about oppression, race, and class, owned b*tch

>> No.2350317

>People taking sociology
>Not taking cultural anthropology instead


>> No.2350319

i don't know if i'd call that a 'feminist' position, though

>> No.2350322

>cultural anthropology
Sociology is easier.
Shit, I got a first for christ sake. And I'm dumb as fuck.

Plus Sociology is a better title because EVERYONE knows what it is and it somehow gets you mad stacks of cred.

>> No.2350330


No, I live in NYC, and NYU is cursed, I tell you!

>> No.2350337

No, it was to an extent given the context in which he was writing though. I think he'd be considered sexist like everyone else from the period by modern feminists.

I kind of like the idea though, liberating women while maintaining sexual dimorphism.

>> No.2350346

CA is like chasing black people through the jungle with a pen and paper and a camera. sociology is wearing a suit in an office analysing the results of a survey of Westerners that was outsourced to some market research company

>> No.2350351

i think his views (particularly the power of female sexuality / cleverness of women stuff) was pretty well within the norms of views on gender at the time he was writing, really

>> No.2350354

desdemona was a strong female character therefore shakespeare was a feminist

>> No.2350357

Exactly my point, why would anyone choose sociology?

>> No.2350363

because its expensive to travel and without travel CA is even more boring than the sociology i described

>> No.2350365

Research grants? We're passed the age of the gentleman archaeologist you know.

>> No.2350366

Maybe, I hold that there is a level of subversion to his views on gender but I don't see him as anything special.

I've just realised I completely cocked up on a paper I wrote by confusing Victoria and Elizabeth, I'm a retard I must go change it.

>> No.2350372

regicide or conquest.

>> No.2350409

>that moment when you realise your professor stutters in front of a room full of undergraduates, but not a room full of his own peers

>that feel when the semi-senile looking professor emeritus literally rides his bike along the carpeted corridor and into his office, trailing mud as he goes

>> No.2350410



It was white western civilization, christian civilization, which was so generous and egalitarian with women. And the simple fact of the matter is that the vast majority of women ARE incapable of matching men in intellect or physical strength or competence.

>> No.2350443

>less likely to graduate high school
>less likely to graduate college
>more likely to be imprisoned
>fucked if you are ever charged with any form of sexual harassment or sexual assault because you can get convicted off nothing but a lie
>die 10% earlier

interestingly, a lot of the posts I've read here are challenging female privilege, and feminist posters getting their panties in a bunch. How's that projection working out for you?

>> No.2350447

Oh god I am loling so hard I dropped a roll of 2 dollar bills and slipped in them.

>histories greatest monster
Don't you mean herstories greatest monsther

>> No.2350489

uhhh asoiaf isnt chrstiam

>> No.2350494

>that one girl who worked with the mentally retarded once and ties everything into craziness

>> No.2350569

>that feel when the semi-senile looking professor emeritus literally rides his bike along the carpeted corridor and into his office, trailing mud as he goes

Bahahah. What. Tell us more of this man.

>> No.2350586

you summed up niggers quite nicely

>> No.2350590

>that one girl who relates literally everything we read to Star Wars

I really, really wish I were kidding. Everyone gets a good laugh out of it, though. Except her.

>> No.2350593


>> No.2350597


I'd gut her taun-taun if you know what I mean.

>> No.2350620

I had a class on feminism in politics the other week and there was one extreme feminist getting worked up about most things while everyone else, male or female, agreed that sexism is wrong and though there are some inequalities the situation is improving for women greatly.

Then one guy decides to announce that any woman could get a job by getting her tits out in the interview sending the feminist student off crazy.

>> No.2350624
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That's pretty much correct, though. Women who are beautiful, as well as men who are beautiful do have an easier road through life. It's not absolutely mindbogglingly unfair, but it's better to simply accept that life will not ever be fair, and you should compete with beautiful people by working on enhancing your own physical attractiveness.

>> No.2350626

>wah my parents were disgusting hedonists who produced unhealthy mongrel children
>I deserve handouts because i was genetically cursed!

>> No.2350627

>not competing with them by marring their beauty

>> No.2350629

>marrying a much more attractive person and expecting that relationship to be built on stable foundations

Hahahaha, no.

>> No.2350631


I said marring, retard. Sabotage some perfume, for instance.

>> No.2350633

I guess you could do that, but those are some pretty fertile legal grounds you've created for the (once) beautiful person. A more economical solution would be to go for a run.

>> No.2350635

no matter how many runs i go on, i'll still be an uggo nerd

>> No.2350639
File: 39 KB, 333x500, 1313285882689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly the mindset that keeps ugly people being ugly. It's also the same mindset that keeps dumb people dumb.

"I can't become smarter or more beautiful. This is just the way I am. I'll have to deal with it."

Nope. You can exercise for a healthier and more attractive physique, and you can study fashion and learn how to speak a new language through the clothes that you wear.

I suggest you read Roland Barthes work _The Fashion System_ for babby's first look at how clothing can be a language all of its own.

>> No.2350663

>That feel when watching "If...."

>> No.2350664

intelligence is genetic

>> No.2350671

This whole oppression olympics bullshit is an American thing that you have imported here. Disgusting political correctness at the expense of true leftist thought.

Americans and women ruin everything.

>> No.2350673

A lot of modern day feminists remind me of white nationalists. No matter what the evidence, they'll never stop believing that they're the ones being oppressed by society, and that they have the shit end of the stick in every respect.

What statistics do they even have on their side anymore, beyond the pay gap? And even that comes with the caveat that over 90% of people who die because of workplace accidents are men.

>> No.2350682

The pay gap is a myth. No really, not even being misogyinistic or anything, it's been objectively proven many times.

>> No.2350685

Are you blind or something? How can you not see that whites are being ethnically displaced from their own countries?

Try getting into prestiguous colleges without being a leftist shill, or a jew/gook/nigger/spic

>> No.2350693

U mad bro?

>> No.2350697

As a feminist I really can't stand dull, emotionally-fragile women who frame their every failure to effectively engage with human society as a crime against women - of course I hate 4chan posters who think they've secured their place in the ark benevolent aliens will build for us when the Earth becomes uninhabitable by liking the one GK Chesterson joint they had to read for first-year seminar even more.

>> No.2350704

so you believe in global warming?

>> No.2350709

>As a feminist
Anyone who starts anything with this is inevitably moronic.

>> No.2350714

Just pretend I started that post with "as a gay-ass fart-huffer," ma petit 17-year-old paleoconservative.

>> No.2350736

Try again amerifuck "liberal XD"

>> No.2350757

>this is what liberals believe

>> No.2350759

>ma petit
Please refrain from writing in French if you're gonna such a blatant mistake, it automatically negates the chic-factor you're going for and makes you sound like a reddit comic.

>> No.2350773

Holy shit...this thread is so fucken funny.

Honestly, I haven't had so much intellectual stimulation in a long time.

And some of you scold me for making non-lit related posts...shame on you.

>> No.2351496

ITT: Americans buttmad at being American.

>> No.2351508
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Isn't that just conservatism, minus the open sexism/racism?


>> No.2351534


>> No.2352766

How to be a feminist literary theorist:
Step one: Find an old famous book, or a popular recent book
Step two: go over it with a fine tooth comb
Step three: Write ten thousand word blog posts calling said book racist or sexist
Step four: you win! (Extra points if book is widely known to be in the western canon)

>> No.2352780
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>that's our future