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23498756 No.23498756 [Reply] [Original]

Post books that scare the globohomo

>> No.23498767

My diary.

>> No.23498794

This book is scary to everyone for different reasons

>> No.23498814 [DELETED] 

The Diaries, Turner

>> No.23498825

The Culture of Critique

>> No.23498833
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>> No.23498837 [DELETED] 

Everyone likes hebes though, jews and chuds alike, the only people that don't are the jews' fat ugly wives which is why they don't let us proles fuck hot tight horny little hebes

>> No.23498851 [DELETED] 

My caretaker has instructed me to apologize for this post and promise never to make one like it again.

>> No.23499006
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>> No.23499015
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>> No.23499025
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LMFAO, what are you, a child or a retard?

>> No.23499027 [DELETED] 
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I am a 37 year old man with moderate to severe autism

>> No.23499031
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>> No.23499054

I refuse to believe your post about having a caretaker delete your post was serious.

>> No.23499065 [DELETED] 
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What sort of person would even think to lie about such a thing?

>> No.23499091

A troll on 4chan.

>> No.23499117 [DELETED] 

I thought I was the 37 year old autist...

>> No.23499300

Being a troll and being a 37 year old autist are not exclusive conditions.

>> No.23499324

this shit sucked, especially the last quarter.

>> No.23499339

On a re-read of it right now. It's good except for those moments when Pierce forgets that Earl is supposed to be a fairly average guy and it's like he turns to the camera and starts dumping some rhetoric on you.
It's good shit, it's just a little jarring.

>> No.23499386

Why did Europeans swing so hard against immigration?

>> No.23499470

Imagine that you lived in a place all of your life. Not only that, but your ancestors have been there for millenniums. Then all of a sudden you're told you have to take in a huge influx of immigrants that will take up all the space and inevitably outnumber you and your people over time. Wouldn't you be opposed to that?

>> No.23499583
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Cuz its ruining Yurop (and US)

>> No.23499623

The ironic thing is that even when you're on the other side and you rally against your own people's abundant immigration out of their home country for no real reason, as there is no conflict going on currently and the economy isn't as messed up as they'd like you to think, you're treated as a pro-government shill and are told to leave the country as a result. I feel bad for the europeans, but I feel worse for our dying heritage and this bastardization of our perception of life. When I look at immigrant children, all I see is a severance of history, cutting off a wealth of hereditary knowledge. Where there is an opportunity for a healthy synthesis, it gets trampled over purely materialistic pursuits.
The worst part of it all is both sides having to subsist under an increasingly powerful surveillance state. God help us all.

>> No.23499649
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bush one would have had this author killed of he ever got the opportunity

>> No.23499657
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an archaic blueprint for offmeat consciousness

>> No.23500042

leftist and/or nigger spotted

>> No.23500052
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>> No.23500059
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>> No.23500062
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>> No.23500067

I bet you believe orgones are real too.

>> No.23500188

You can see them with your eyes

>> No.23500251
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>> No.23500288
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Dumfuk globetards

>> No.23500340

I liked it up until the third act where they suddenly take over LA with around 2000 guys. Like Pierce just decided he needed to start wrapping things up. Plus you can tell he released it in installments because some things from early chapters directly contradict events in later chapters.

>> No.23500346
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Few things are as effective for redpills as when the jews take the mask off for a bit.

>> No.23501050
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>> No.23501113
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I'd really like to get my hands on Camp of the Saints.

>> No.23501305
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>> No.23501670

where did you get that?

>> No.23501688

The Dispossessed Majority

>> No.23501712

what do jews get out of hating themselves?

>> No.23501836

I bought it from someone on Ebay. It's the 1996 edition.

>> No.23501847

This is just what happens when they drink their own poison.

>> No.23502107

Based I have the same watch

>> No.23502118

To be French is to be globohomo.

>> No.23502126
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Come home.

>> No.23502151

The Pope kiss the feet of people who are not my people. There is no home for the White Man in Catholicisms.

>> No.23502154


>> No.23502164

Oh, I didn't expect this. Very nice. Now the problem is figuring out a proxy.

>> No.23502217

If Europe were still Catholic they wouldn't have an issue with immigrants because they would have had enough children.

>> No.23502219

Do you live somewhere where ordering this is a problem?

>> No.23502238


>> No.23502301

Even jews have a shred of humanity that wars against the desert demon yahweh. But they've been so warped for 4000 years that the humanity usually loses the battle. The creation of christianity and islam was a move to strengthen this demon.

>> No.23502319

checks out.

>> No.23503206

Is Rockwell a good author?

>> No.23504498

>If Europe were still Catholic they wouldn't have an issue with immigrants because they would have had enough children.
There is not a single christian nation that has a positive birth rate.

>> No.23504926

The self-hating Jew stereotype is a thing for a reason. They have to find some way of reconciling the extreme cognitive dissonance between the whole tikkun olam thing for external consumption and the ultra-ethnocentrism practiced internally.

>> No.23506073

I kind of liked the takeover, but more from the logistics point of view.
I like what Covington did in the PNW series more, in terms of guerilla war.

>> No.23506125

The New Testament

>> No.23506193

There shouldn’t be any immigration into Europe. In a healthy Europe every family would have at least 3 kids. In a healthy world a growing European populace would be emigrating outward to help the world defend against Jewish tyranny

>> No.23506342

There is no self-hatred. "Self-hating Jew" is a label used to de-legitimize texts like these, to box them away as the products of mental illness and therefore not to be taken seriously.

Rather, they are simply Jews being honest about Jewish bad behavior. A rough equivalent would be a Catholic frankly admitting the shortcomings and bad behavior of the Church that contributed to the Reformation.

>> No.23507372
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All these probably.

>> No.23507398

any arabs here know why its Brutukul instead of Brutukulat? In western translations its always the plural

>> No.23507432


>> No.23507977

It's a fitting climax, more so I think that flying a nuke into the Pentagon, my gripe is that it just kind of happens. In one chapter the narrator laments that even with a competency crisis, decreasing quality of life, crime waves, and the Organization's insurgency, America is so big and people are so comfortable it's incredibly difficult to even push the needle, which is a valid observation about trying to foment this sort of revolution. He also notes the Organization's dwindling manpower and resources. Then a few chapters later they're able to spark a race war within the US military, comandeer entire battalions, deport every non-white from LA, and mass murder every single white-passing person in LA county. It needed more build up.

>> No.23509970


>> No.23510135


>> No.23510166
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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose

>> No.23510173
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>> No.23510189

The indiscriminate mixture of bourgeois liberal conservative books and anti-capitalist fascist books is very funny -- whoever compiled the image fails to see the contradiction. The worst part is they are all lowest common denominator. Instead of Georges Sorel or Carl Schmitt or Giovanni Gentile, there's The Turner Diaries (a "classic story" by the chartmaker's reckoning). Instead of conservative thinkers like Cicero or Oakeshott or Scruton, there's a bunch of paranoid John Birch Society propaganda. Imagine the neo-Nazi revolution succeeds and afterwards there's no one left who even remembers what the Western canon was, because they never bothered to read it.

>> No.23510678

I dont see the point of the chart when any right winger of today spouts the lift side rhetoric and never stands or speaks up for gays or their existence. Youre not like the right wing tolerant guys.

>> No.23510698

>Right-wing books.
>How Propaganda Works - Jason Stanley
>Google books description: Drawing from a range of sources, including feminist theory, critical race theory, epistemology, formal semantics, educational theory, and social and cognitive psychology, he explains how the manipulative and hypocritical declaration of flawed beliefs and ideologies arises from and perpetuates inequalities in society, such as the racial injustices that commonly occur in the United States.

>> No.23510700

Those are fake "right-wingers" paid shills. All true rightists acknowledge the superiority of male eros

>> No.23510731

I used to support gay rights but so many gays have embraced pedophilia that I can't do it any longer.

>> No.23510799
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Popery is globohomo. All false world religions will unite under Rome, it's in prophecy, and it's being fulfilled today what with ecumenism and jesuit infiltration and the papacy uniting with Islam, among other things.

There is not a single Christian nation.

>> No.23510802

The King James Bible.

>> No.23511553

can be purchased in every bookstore in every part of the world for the price of a hot dog. Ingested, digested and incorporated in its entirety by the organism of Capital.

>> No.23511572

>so many gays have embraced pedophilia

>> No.23512471


>> No.23512484

As far as historians go, sure. White Power is a great read if you're interested in what was going on in the 1950's and 1960's from the perspective of the losing side of the culture war. In certain ways, you may find yourself suspecting this book was written decades after we learned the results of the 60's as well as what is going on today being very similar to then, with the major difference between how isolated the degeneracy was vs how widespread it is today.

>> No.23512487
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>> No.23512509

This. It's a hodgepodge of schizo shit and actually an insult to the right since there are many serious right winger thinkers

>> No.23512643

>John Birch Society
libtard identified
the right can say what it wants about birchers but no rightwinger can seriously say they were paranoid

>> No.23513119

Honestly, why should I as a straight speak up for you, when have you ever speaken up for me.
I'm tired of all these groups demanding that I back them but never giving anything back in return.

>> No.23513295

so post something better
oh that's right you can't
whiney faggots

>> No.23513639

>find audiobook of this on youtube
>reader keeps cutting in to affirm that he agrees with what he's reading
>download audiobook from audiobookbay
>it's the same one

>> No.23513664
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The wandering *ch-who* did *ch-what*?

>> No.23514609

This is solved by actually reading the book yourself.

>> No.23514610
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>> No.23514612
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Stop trying to reinvent the wheel, pseud faggot.

>> No.23514631 [DELETED] 
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>Marx has influenced many right wing
>Muh left wing muh right wing
Neckurself pseudo faggot anybody that takes marx seriously is to be dismissed. Anyone that is against private property is to be lined up against the wall and shot unironically.

>> No.23514644

yeah but it seems kind of pulpy, like it's maybe a bit better than the turner diaries. i prefer audiobooks in those cases when i can get them.

>> No.23514956

Terrible chart as well but obviously better than the other one
This is a thread for right-wingers not bourgeois idiots

>> No.23514957

the 1950's called, it wants its brainworm back, brainwashed retard

>> No.23515044 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23515050

Private property is a liberal thing . I thought you were right wing..?

>> No.23515051 [DELETED] 
File: 280 KB, 498x496, 1604070809520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Private property is thing for working people who actually have jobs
>again muh left wing/muh right wing
Fuck off back to r*ddit kike.

>> No.23515053

Working people don't own the means of production, retard.

>> No.23515056 [DELETED] 
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You are free to buy a piece of land and work of it however you please. according marx and his kike teaching you arent allowed to do that. You have to be 18 to post here kike boy.

>> No.23515331 [DELETED] 
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>tranny janny deleting posts he doesnt like.
I can do this all day nigger.

>> No.23515390

What's a good political chart?

>> No.23515423

Not sure I've seen any unless they are about a special interest. Otherwise it makes sense just to read the major works of political philosophy from antiquity to the present

>> No.23515486

I have read Capital
Here's how many (You)s the reading lists gets when I want to control the board

>> No.23515603

This book scares no one. The topic is fantastic but it lacks a charismatic and layered central character to wrap around yourself, inhabit and grow with through the story, and truly feel. If this novel had such a character, one we all knew by name like we do fucking Holden Caufield, this book would be a monster. If one of you were to simply write the same book with this way and admit it in the forward it would STILL have a massive impact. "I simply wanted to fix the Camp of the Saints and bring it's message to more people in a way that inspires."

>> No.23516369

He is very honest. In his autobiography This Time The World he showcases many of his failures; personal, economical and political.

His life is a great example that you cannot dedicated your whole being to the cause and be a good father and husband at the same time.

>> No.23516382

why do chuds jerk off to this book so much?

>> No.23516417

Maybe read it instead of throwing a tantrum?

>> No.23516445

I was just asking, don't get so triggered, chuddie.

>> No.23516488

Camp of the Saints is brilliant because it was written in 1973, at a time when its predictions were distant and fantastical.
The same book published today would look like no more than a political hackjob.

>> No.23516671
File: 242 KB, 534x843, Planetary_Politics_after_the_Cold_War.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Human rights universalism indeed started (out) from the rich countries of the West and was first politically instrumentalised by them (i.e. first used by them as a political tool), however it increasingly finds a hearing and advocates in the less developed and the poor countries of the East and of the South which understandably see in this human rights universalism a welcome means to highlight their claims in relation to the distribution of the world's wealth and the world's resources. The said less developed and poor countries are of course faced with a dilemma, because they are nolentes (or) volentes not in a position to apply in their interior those principles (fully), in respect of whose realisation (i.e. implementation) at the international level they expect a noticeable improvement in their position (or situation) as nations and states. The perception, which is widespread in the West too, that only the improvement of these less developed and poor countries' material position (or situation) will enable the ethicisation of their internal social-political life, helps them at some time (or other) come out of this catch-22 situation (or tug of war).

>It is to be expected that from possible advances in this direction the less developed and poor countries will derive a right to greater "help (aid)" on the part of the rich nations. Either way, the West will come under moral and political pressure which it cannot easily evade. Whoever wants to explain the debacle of real (actually existing) socialism with reference to the fact that this real socialism could not redeem (i.e. carry out) both its eschatological as well as its direct (material) promises, must also seriously think about the possibility that the nations, which want to follow the path of the West but could not go down that path, will eventually in their disappointment turn against the West and at the same time against its universalistic ethics. Because the less developed and poor countries will be disposed to interpret their failure as the betrayal of the full (i.e. well-fed or satiated) and egotistical West of the West's own ethical principles. In the expectations which the West has awoken through the world export of its ethical universalism, an explosive potential is hiding (latent). The victory of the West's ideas has not relieved the West, but on the contrary loaded it with tasks (or duties) and a burden of guilt under whose pressure it itself could fundamentally change.

>> No.23516673
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>The collective self-confidence of the (former) colonial peoples and the peoples of the "Third World" in general, as it became noticeable above all in the decades of decolonisation, seems today to have evaporated or to only still be represented by a few middle and major Powers, however its meaning for the formation of planetary politics after the Second World War can hardly be overestimated. The said collective self-confidence was not merely based on the new possibilities of political work (i.e. action) hinted at after the consolidation of Soviet communism, but just as much on the sense of world-historical role, in fact mission, which likewise directly or indirectly sprang from communistic influence

>From the perspective of the communistic interpretation of History, the proletarian peoples had to fulfil at the world level a task (or duty) analogous to that of the proletariat in the interior of the developed capitalistic nations; in this way, they got for the first time a world-historical identity and were assigned a world-historical position. Therein, incidentally, lay the hitherto unnoticed political relevance of the well-known Stalinistic five-stage schema of the course of History. In the rigidity with which this schema was formulated and defended one only saw dogmatic stubbornness, but it was a matter of something much more substantial. If all nations, with ultimately insignificant divergences or modifications, must go through all the stages of historical development, then the distinction between advanced peoples or peoples capable of progress and forever backward peoples does not apply; the question of the historical uniqueness of the Occident and of the unrepeatability of its achievement in terms of its civilisation and culture cannot be posed at all. The five-stage historical (five stages of History) schema is therefore transformed into a command in favour of development, a promise - even more: into the certainty of participation in a development at whose end all nations will stand at the same stage (or tier).

>> No.23516677
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These actually scare the modern system in a way most books here don't in the slightest.

OP's book for instance does nothing to really bother elites.

>> No.23516915
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I agree that the ending was somewhat weak. I felt that the sudden change was to highlight the snowballing of the Organisation, where once they control territory they can really ramp things up, which still doesn't address the issues you raise, nor how they got to that state in the first place. I can't remember how much time is supposed to have passed between all that. Perhaps it could have taken place during the protagonist's incarceration and waved away a bit more.

It's worth reading, but I really do recommend Covington's Northwest Independence series, even if the slow is a bit starter.