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/lit/ - Literature

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23494787 No.23494787[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thinking that the Church has gone astray or that you need to be part of a movement to reform it is a Protestant mentality. This is why 99% of tradcaths are converts or reverts. The standard Catholic mentality is to do what the priest/bishop says. Breathe a sigh of relief that none of this is your responsibility and go to mass in the vernacular like a normal person. Inb4 "muh reverence". I've been to a couple of Latin masses, the priest is just mumbling through it all like a magic spell. They reformed it for a reason. Also like most Catholics I cannot afford a suit. Francis was right, and most trads are basically pharisees.

>> No.23494869

Sorry, but after Traditionis Custodes I don't trust him

>> No.23494976

How is this /lit/ related?

>> No.23495123

Because ~60% of /lit/ has ironically converted to Catholicism over the last five years.

>> No.23495125

it's worth pointing out that you ARE allowed to be critical of the pope and the Church in general (to a point) as long as you ultimately accept and follow the existing rules. saying "I dislike Francis's liberalizing rhetoric and would prefer a more conservative pope" is fine. saying "Francis is an antipope and we need to ignore everything he says" is not fine. the Church does permit freedom of conscience within prescribed limits.

>> No.23495130

Just asking for a burning.

>> No.23495133

I was raised Baptist and have lots of Catholic family as well, we love each other as one family and are one in Christ. Also get along with Orthodox Christians and admire a lot of their traditions, very beautiful chant.

>> No.23495143


>> No.23495227

Some of the greatest saints in the history of the Church were reformers. You actually sound like Satan when you say Catholics should not fight for a holier Church.

And Pope Francis himself agrees there are some moral problems in which the trads are right.

>> No.23495240

It's only slightly in that churches use bibles, which are books, but that's a leap in my opinion. This belongs to >>>/his/ or even >>>/pol/.

Thou providest no source.

Yea, yea, train the body, the mind, the spirit, ánd the soul!

>> No.23496711
File: 9 KB, 259x194, dfhfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thou providest no source

>> No.23496723
File: 75 KB, 646x768, st-catherine-of-siena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's completely in line with Catholicism to be a reformer when the Church is corrupt. You just have to do it in a saintly way. And no two saints are the same.

>> No.23496727

Oh, so we’re gonna forget the Franciscan and Dominican orders who wrote tons of systematic and mystical theology huh? Just like that?

>> No.23496729

/lit/ is a Jesuitical or Opus Dei board

>> No.23496728

Apostate ideology. Enjoy Hell. Also, off-topic.

>> No.23496867

I both like traditional Catholicism, and am sympathetic to many of the arguments against vatican 2, but I don't match the psychological profile of someone who would convert to traditional Catholicism. Sometimes you'll see a measured piece published on the sspx website, but even the ecclesia dei people seem entirely crazy. What do?

>> No.23496872

As Cardinal Burke likes to say, "Just go to Mass." Stay in communion with the Church and receive the Sacraments. Don't twist yourself into knots and trust that all will turn out well for Rome in the end. If you feel called to help with the reform, do so, but don't abandon Rome and the Papacy because of the allure of schismatic sects, and especially not because of something you read online.

>> No.23496877

>What do?
Ora & labora

>> No.23496883

>Catholic mentality
>Protestant mentality
uh-huh yeah, tell me more about how your fairy tale is better than their fairy tale bro

>> No.23496887

>I've been to a couple of Latin masses, the priest is just mumbling through it all like a magic spell. They reformed it for a reason.
So instead of making better priests they dumbed down the ritual? Do you realize what you are saying?!
>The standard Catholic mentality is to do what the priest/bishop says.
No, the priest & bishop is there to guide you, not to give orders

>> No.23496905

It's not. OP is a fag.