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23492590 No.23492590 [Reply] [Original]

> He owned illustrated copies of Don Quixote and Robinson Crusoe, which he ranked—along with Gulliver's Travels and Uncle Tom's Cabin—as the great works of world literature.

> Uncle Tom's Cabin

Was Hitler Anti-Racist?

>> No.23492600
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>> No.23492634

i dont think hitler was a great speaker i just think he knew how to use the best words to maximum effect for the greatest vibe ya know?

>> No.23492650

Unironically yes. He just wanted jews to stop being evil.

>> No.23492812
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>> No.23492820

I unironically believe this and it has made my life better and my skin cleared up

>> No.23492831

Some idiot /pol/ inhabitant made this, twirling his hair, giggling, rosyfaced with pride.

>> No.23492843

>Robinson Crusoe
I went into that book after reading Jules Verne and was quite shocked... I remember it getting more and more depressing... made Jack London look like Pope John Paul II

>> No.23492849

>i just think he knew how to use the best words to maximum effect for the greatest vibe ya know
that's the easiest thing in the world... IF YOU SPEAK THE TRUTH

>> No.23492853

A lot of people think he was racist or anti-semitic when that wasn't the case.

>> No.23492859

>A lot of people think he was racist
who??? the common opinion was for that even why for later he was a flawed leader just misundrstood

>> No.23492866

People think the master race thing was racist.

>> No.23492869


>> No.23492899

just look at the Ukies and Russkies shouting at each other FASCIST NAZI HITLER NO YOU ARE HITLER I WILL DE-NAZIFY YOU RUSSIANS ARE NAZIS MOM etc
like wtf man day after day official press releases from both sides calling each other LITERALLY NAZI

>> No.23493850

What a hero

>> No.23493860

Karl May's Winnetou is a noble savage, also among Hitler's favs.

>> No.23493868

>what do you think these same people would be receptive to immigration issues
Why are jews like this?

>> No.23493872

>i dont think hitler was a great speaker i just think he knew how to use the best words to maximum effect for the greatest vibe
uh, that's what being a great speaker means, you doofus

>> No.23493888
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German racialists love black people.

>If the noblest race's rulership and exploitation of the lower races—quite justified in a natural sense—has founded a sheer immoral system throughout the world, any equalising of them all by flat commixture decidedly would not conduct to an æsthetic state of things. To us Equality is only thinkable as based upon a universal moral concord, such as we can but deem true Christianity elect to bring about; and that only on the subsoil of a true, but no mere "rational" Morality (as I lately saw desired by a philologist [Nietzsche]), can a true æsthetic Art bear fruit, the life and sufferings of all great seers and artists of the past proclaim aloud.—

>> No.23493916

They really do. After the fall of the Third Reich, Leni Riefenstahl spent the rest of her life traveling Africa and taking photos of black tribes.

>> No.23493929

This is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever read

>> No.23493934
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>This is still one of the funniest things I’ve ever read

>> No.23493940
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Fucking KEK

>> No.23493942

Literal propaganda. It was never a thing.

>> No.23493987

The body language seems to be a huge part of the charm, to be honest.

>> No.23493991

I was quite explicitly taught in school that Hitler hated black people and put them in camps (the teacher's "proof" was that one anti-jazz poster) and that he wanted to genocide everyone who wasn't blond and blue-eyed.

>> No.23493999

Everyone thought the concentration camps were for exterminating Jews when they were actually housing for all the homeless Jews who were persecuted in Europe.

>> No.23494004
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Except his speech did serious damage to his nation!

>> No.23494007

Why are anti-nazis so hateful?

>> No.23494008

Why did the SS members flee to south america instead of africa? South America is literally full of people that are a result of race mixing, it makes no sense to me. inb4 because there was german immigrants there. there was barely any germans in latin america

>> No.23494011

Because you don't have to tolerate intolerance

>> No.23494013

ok naziphobe

>> No.23494014
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Nazis are just angry chichen farmers, they didn't know what they were doing

>> No.23494017

>all of politics devolves into language games about who's intolerant so their opponents can use state violence against them
good move popper

>> No.23494018

Trips of truth. Nazis were truly humanitarians and the greatest ally of the jews.

>> No.23494020
File: 370 KB, 1187x1174, Berlin in 1945 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry about it

>> No.23494025

literally the 2024 equivalent of shoveldog poster

>> No.23494029

im being serious. they hated race mixing so why would you flee to a country populated by a mixed race? they could have fled to africa

>> No.23494031
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>might makes right

>> No.23494035
File: 383 KB, 1273x1080, Berlin in 1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes Nazis were retarded

>> No.23494037

maybe your assumptions are wrong

>> No.23494044

You're being a jerk.

>> No.23494049

how are my assumptions wrong?
duhh they lost the war

>> No.23494052

>Was Hitler Anti-Racist?
No, he was just an infantile sentimentalist

>> No.23494076
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Yeah well you're being a nazi

>> No.23494098

The idea of a superior "master" race is Jewish doctrine. The romantic nationalist ideas discussed in the beer halls about Aryans were about a historical parent race to Europeans and others which has been confirmed through DNA markers. In reality anti-black racism was a purely American thing, a product of being around blacks too much. All the eugenics attitudes attributed to Nazis including the blonde obsession was almost exclusively happening in America. Both ideas spread around the world through Jewish run Hollywood more than anything else.

>> No.23494310

>i don't hitler was a great i think he was the definition of a great speaker

>> No.23494329
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>> No.23495338

Did he read those books? Or did he just own them, as was typed in the OP? I used to rank many cultural works that I didn't see, but that's below me now. Read it to the utmost and have an opinion or otherwise admit that I've faltered in my efforts and spare the author a half-hearted piece of feedback.

>> No.23495555

the best thing hitler ever did as a true bavarian is absolutely destroy the capital of the prussians and then have it held in communist poverty for almost 50 years.

>> No.23495650


>> No.23495891

the problem is that when you look back most of the shit he complained about didn't survive because it was just trendy garbage people sorted out themselves and the other stuff was innovative and he just didn't get it.

I will say that Hitler is one of the most defamed individuals to ever live and that I greatly admire him to a degree; admire him the same way people admire Kissinger and other authoritative men who got their way. Hitler was the last leader, the same way Napoleon was the last emperor. both self made men and in no way true to the historical lineage of these roles/titles, but still in the context of their times the most complete iterations of these roles.

>> No.23495970

The funniest thing is he's basically the poster child of white supremacy, yet there's no record of him ever killing blacks. He ranted about the French putting black colonial troops on occupied German territory, and I think he took measures to sterilize them, but you always hear about him fucking with the jews, but no one even tries to accuse him of lynching blacks. It's hilarious.

>> No.23495978

Comparing Hitler to Napoleon is brainlet nonsense and extremely insulting to Le Emperor who proved himself in more than 60 battles on the frontline.

>> No.23496017

Africa was less developed + a lot of german immigration already happened in south america to places like Argentina and Brazil before ww2

>> No.23496024

Napoleon was backed by money purses. He handled a large part of the genocide of many throughout France.

>> No.23496028

It's time for the old folk's home, Ridley

>> No.23496036
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Known meth addict who blamed his people when he lost compared to fucking Bonaparte is just outright retarded

Germany is a nation composed of warmongering brutes with very few intellectual merits other than some hillbilly wannabe christian moralist, retellings of pagan folktales and emo kids with mustaches/beards, go back to creating cattle

>> No.23496043

Backed by money purses my ass, he went agaisnt retarded inbreds who managed to ger money throught stealing and manipulating and showed the european population that it is and still should be perfectly acceptable to have those folks beheaded

>> No.23496254

Unironic euro chauvinists are adorable, it's at the intellectual level of fighting over football teams, but worse still is the gut feeling that every such post is made by some half sentient eastern european with an ethnic axe to grind

>> No.23496587
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>> No.23496594

Im french, slavsniggers are even more brutish and rape-brained, specially serbians

>> No.23496604
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>> No.23496612

Autogynephilic post.

>> No.23496743

t. seething frog
no matter how much you try nobody will be fooled about how you got your ass whooped, collaborated, had to be rescued by anglo chads and then pretended everyone was in the resistance all along and totally Grand and cool. The germs may have lost but the french didn't even try.

>> No.23496750

What would Hitler get out of Don Quixote?

>> No.23496785
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Is this the fascism thread?

>> No.23496891

Not him but it's the anglos who really collaborated during WW2. They collaborated with Jews against Europe. The French for all their faults at least weren't stupid enough to let themselves get killed and commit atrocities so that they could virtue-signal to kikes and be called feel-good names by them.

>> No.23496893

try reading literally anything else

>> No.23496898

Are you genuinely not laughing at “why is he so wholesome? We have to start WWII immediately before the goyim (cattle) learn to become anti-racist and defeat us with the power of love!!!”?

>> No.23496899

He sterilized the rhineland bastards (a rational and good decision)

>> No.23496904

I think I've been conditioned to be repulsed by any image in that format, even if it is satire.

>> No.23496948

Behold brutish Tesla, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Dostoyevsky, Chopin and Lem.

>> No.23496954

So, he was a midwit

>> No.23498467

Goebbels ruined Hitler‘s international reputation, because after a Jew in France killed a German Diplomat, just because he was German and associated with National Socialism, he helped further organize the spontaneous angry reaction and made it even worse. It was known as the Kristallnacht. Hitler by that point was in power and nothing horrible happened to the Jews. They were simply removed from any positions of power and treated as outsiders. But everyone thought Hitler was responsible for this, when it was just Goebbels being a retard acting on his own. This gave fodder to the Jewish media, who always hated him. Even many anti-semites distanced themselves from Germany and it was basically impossible to be pro-German in public. To this day people still believe the propaganda of the media, instead of rationally looking at history. Most Jewish shops were already owned by Aryans. Smashing them did nothing. Other high-ranking Nazis hated Goebbels for that. Some even called him a little Beast. Chamberlain‘s reputation was ruined. German‘s foreign policy compromised. The Jewish media already constantly fabricated fake war scares like that Hitler would invade Romania or Switzerland. Some even feared he would invade Bulgaria and then Turkey. This was so insane Britain started guaranteeing the independence of every single country. Even Liberia was guaranteed.

>> No.23498488

Do you have any books you can recommend on this?

>> No.23498640

>Goebbels ruined Hitler‘s international reputation
>because after a Jew in France killed a German Diplomat
This happened after Judea publically declared war and boycott on Germany.

>> No.23498804


>> No.23498809

>he was a good boy and dindu nuffin

>> No.23498818

>Don Quixote
>Robinson Crusoe
>Gulliver's Travels
>Uncle Tom's Cabin
>Snow White

Why did Hitler only seem to like childrens media

>> No.23498819

Petty Ashkenazi pseudo-jew fingers typed these posts.

Res ipsa loquitur.

>> No.23498830
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All Aryan Ubermensch love Jews and love Israel.

All Muslim Untermensch hate Jews and hate Israel.

>> No.23498858
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Israel is not Jewish, Israel is Russian-Khazar (Askhenazi). Jews are a small minority in Israel.

>> No.23498918

Wagner is children's media?

>> No.23499005

It's manchildren's media.

>> No.23499014

>I have a nuanced, centrist position on the subject!
>I am very intelligent

>> No.23499020

Napoleon was a massive ooser compared to Hitler, lol.
>let's spread bourgoise liberalism across the continent
>let's emancipate the jews
Wow man, really cool guy

>> No.23499038
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Go fight Russia in winter and die like a good aryan warrior, kek

>> No.23499047

What are you even trying to say, retard?

>> No.23499083

It's kinda crazy how I can't even talk about Hitler with historical accuracy among my friends or whomever because they'll think I'm a nazi apologist. Do you know how bizarre it is that citing history will make people label you a nazi? That tells you everything you need to know, imo. I'm not even a super Hitler fan but I do love history, and the more I keep reading about WW1 and onwards makes me think that he was right.

>> No.23499093

If there was no Hitler there’s no Israel. And Kek at I’m not a Nazi apologist but I think Hitler was right

>> No.23499219

you just proved his point because his post seemed normal to me but yours sounds like a shrill dishonest faggot trying to bully people into compliance for ulterior motives

>> No.23499237

He also was a fan of a lullabys, and even sang them commonly. He called himself the Big Bad Wolf, or just Wolf, by the song ‘Who’s a afraid of the Big Bad Wolf’ as that one was his utmost favorite song. Also cause his first name etymological stems from wolf.

>> No.23499241

Does anyone else think Hitler was a cutie?

In a Harry Potter sense.

>> No.23499245

Adolf-chan is my waifu.

>> No.23499249

Idk. He’s not as cute as Nappy or was as a hot man like Kaiser Wilhelm was. He’s still fine although.

>> No.23499261

More like Anne Frankfurter, if jew know what I mean.

>> No.23499328

>not de Gaulle

>> No.23499489

a lot of them did go to africa, many to egypt. your question is retarded, most of them just wanted to escape the gallows, they really didn't care.

>> No.23499495
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Some of them also ended working for Mossad lol

>> No.23499498

Much more complicated than that, Skorzeny was a very unique figure. Read The Beast Reawakens.

>> No.23499499

Arnold is a shameless self promoter that knows which way the wind's blowing, in his youth he was open about Hitler being on of his heroes.

>> No.23499505

its obnoxious. People are so quick to call people nazis or compare them to hitler, our entire moral order is based on the events of the 30s and 40s, but its the one thing you're discouraged from having any actual knowledge of. I don't even mean that in a "its all a big psyop lie XDDDD" kind of way, just basic things. There was an event in the enws last week here in the uk where it was revealed that a while ago a politician said we should've accepted germany's white peace offers in 1939 and 40. After a lot of the ususal screeching died down, a lot of people were left around wondering "wait, what, german peace offers, what is he talking about? That actually happened?". They're too scared to teach it to people, even in an ideologically slanted way.

>> No.23500202


>> No.23500696


You acting like war is the only measure of a nation's worth just serves to prove that yes, you guys are indeed barbarians, go cope with that cause America just put 900 billion dollars (actual number btw lmao) in the military budget for next year, while you guys are gatekept from nukes for obvious reasons

>> No.23500699

Nothing in history is true in every single instance, of course there are exceptions, also half of the people you listed ended up hating their own country/leaving in some way, because they cant stand the average slav

>> No.23500743

Because they were fleeing persecution? Are you really this dense? They didn't go to SA to hang out and chill. They were going into hiding and that was obviously a lot easier to do somewhere where you don't stick out like a sore thumb. Also there were plenty of Germans in SA. Stop lying and being willfully obtuse.

>> No.23500744

So? What's wrong with being a Nazi?

>> No.23500778

Compared to Germany, France was without a doubt the bigger warmonger throughout European history. You'd have to be an ignorant retard to deny that.
As for Germany being uncultured, same here, one Beethoven is worth more than all French composers, Kant+Schopenhauer more than all French philosophy. The one art where they truly excel is brand marketing.

>> No.23500889
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>Is this the fascism thread?
It is now

>> No.23500899

Insane how he was right about literally everything (except his anti-Polonism).

>> No.23500905

This is 100% accurate btw

>> No.23500913


>> No.23500917
File: 1.18 MB, 948x1184, gebirgsjaeger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna post some aesthetic gold

>> No.23500920
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If you aren't working out at least 3 times per week you are failing your ancestors.

>> No.23500922
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Also, train with your firearms

>> No.23500968

You're just a low testosterone person people know they can mess with so no matter what you say every you need to tailor your speech. Lmao you don't have real friends either. Sounds like you're just the low T acquaintance that is sort of like Donnie in the Big Lebowski and this is just a way to shut you up.

This literally doesn't happen to me. I say whatever I want and if people think I sound like something that's le bad then I embarrass them.

They sense you don't have a backbone. You're the problem in this situation even if you are correct. The hesitancy and fear of social rebuke makes your conversations awkward and paranoid. You're probably not going to make it.

>> No.23501456

Wtf no sunglasses? Those guys were blind after that for sure. Im pretty sure sun blindness is painfull af too.

>> No.23502202

Defoe uses the term "white man" in it yet now zoggified Europeans will claim that they never identified as white

>> No.23502210

Shut up you nigger-souled retard.

>> No.23502278

Seething. Your resentment for what I said captures your slave morality. If you weren't as described you wouldn't have responded like you did so I nailed it. I

I don't have friends that go like UHHHH YOU SOUND LIKE A (insert label here). Doesn't matter if what I said sounds communist. Doesn't matter if what I said sounds nazi. Doesn't matter if what I said sounds Christian. Doesn't matter if what I said sounds Islamic. Doesn't mean I am. And if someone even thinks of calling you a bad label, much less people you claim to be friends, that's showing they don't respect you and view you as gullible and easily influenced. Nobody holding respect for you would say that. It's a petty attempt to moralize for them to feel superior to you and you willingly allow it >>23499083 . You're the one downtrodden like a chattel slave afraid to step out of line for fear of being called x apologist.

These people aren't your friends and view you as less than them. I would never say that to even someone I perceive as inferior in belief. I'm not even le nazi either but the fact remains labeling and assuming you have ideological motives or leanings by your speech shows.

When I've spoken with people and WWII ever comes up I've explained the intrigue and pull of a man to come from nothing and assume total control of a country. They aren't thinking I'm le nazi apologist even though I expressed border line admiration. They know I'm not because I think for myself and I'm not some socially awkward dipshit trying to carefully insert 'well ya knows' and 'huh it's kinda weird that' type bullshit. If someone said "whoah that's too far you sound like a uhhhh" I would tell them to shut their mouth , tell them I'm not and then question why they would think that until they got flustered and red in the face and made it obvious what motivated them to feel that way is because they have a problem with me not because they think I'm a literal (insert x). I wouldn't let a stranger talk to me that way let alone a literal friend.

You're the one with a problem and you'll always need to be awkward with what you say to even your friends because you can't say what you want to say for fear of perceptions. It's making your entire situation and life worse. if you were evangelizing on it and bringing up this shit for no reason sure I guess it's understandable they would have that reaction. You don't have real friends if this is how they react. I am helping you retard in saying all of this.

>> No.23502286

I am not the person you were originally replying to and even if I were, I wouldn't read your massive post because you write like a fag.