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File: 290 KB, 1060x1004, Eckhart Tolle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23489979 No.23489979 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23490049

Seems enlightened and Power of Now sounds useful, but my mind is too broken to stay in the now for more than a few seconds.

>> No.23490067

Only morons dunk on Eckhart. He’s not the best writer but the ideas are serviceable. Respect.

>> No.23490188

looks like the result of race-mixing among the Middle-Earth races

>> No.23490380

you could say he is a real Meister

>> No.23490467

Where do I start with him?

>> No.23490596

Power of Now

>> No.23490616

I read The Power of One one time, and it was by far the least memorable book I've read. I read every damn word between the covers and forgot all of them a week later.

>> No.23490755

Ah! Because you were living in the Now, you see.

>> No.23490763

Funny timing, I just saw this guys name while reading some mommy blog. Looked him up and saw a pic with Gwenyth Paltrow. That gave me an idea of the kind of person he appeals to

>> No.23490765

By that logic Jesus is trash too.

>> No.23490767

The guy who gave himself a psychosis and spent 3 months just sitting on park benches?

>> No.23490768


>> No.23490782

Better than being nailed to one.

>> No.23490805

He had a relatively low level contemplative experience and mistook it for enlightenment, many such cases. That's why you need a good teacher from a legitimate tradition to snap you out of these juvenile ideations, but they're hard to come by these days.

>> No.23490819
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It's a very simple but profound idea, being present can end all illusions.

>> No.23490824

I agree. You get it - this is why this is the traditional way of doing things in virtually all high cultures.

I personally do not trust Eckhart - fake name (he admitted it), hates Whites and Germans, is promoted by Globohomo Chabad-backed puppets like Oprah, is always on the best-seller list and supported by the regime, etc.

>> No.23490827

Who is enlightened?

>> No.23490842

I'll answer with Abhaya Caraṇāravinda Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda, but I'm not here to push anyone in particular. I am, however, describing the reasons I have a terrible gut feeling about Eckhart Tolle. You don't get to be pushed on Oprah that hard if you're legit and spiritually good for people.

>> No.23490848

>hare krishna
>krishna consciousness

lmao gtfo

>> No.23490876

Not an argument. The subject is Tolle's questionable viewpoints and anti-White/anti-European/pro-Globohomo bend and why the system loves him and pushes him so much on the goyim.

>> No.23490884

Did you expect him to be a white supremacist? Is how racist someone is your metric for enlightenment?

>> No.23490906

No, but I become immediately suspicious when they start spouting anti-White rhetoric and, for the third time, when Globohomo-approved outlets like Oprah push him onto the public. Please address this point, for the third time, Sir.

>> No.23490916

What specifically has he said against white people?

>> No.23490924

Very few people.

>> No.23491011

He looks like Rick Astley if he stepped out of an old folks home.

>> No.23491014


>> No.23491053

Looks like he has a learning disability

>> No.23491431


>> No.23491458
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Never read anything by him but im very jealous of the epiphany he had that caused him to break out of depression. Wish i could get that

>> No.23491547


>> No.23491712

Dude changed my life when I was 19. I was kind of a douche that craved attention a lot, he sorta fixed that for me. Got me into meditation and life became better for me.

Haven't read him in 10 years now, maybe I should read it again to see if it aged well..

>> No.23491795
File: 167 KB, 1080x935, ConsciousTea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a great sense of humour. Very droll.

>> No.23491831

Overrated new age trash just like most other shit like The Secret etc.

>> No.23491938

jesus christ

>> No.23492804

he means well but fails to realize just because he stopped thinking doesn’t mean he can tell someone else to stop and it’ll work for them. I guarantee more people have had nervous breakdowns from fighting their own thoughts after reading his book then people have become enlightened.

He also interprets everything he reads as describing his state. He’s convinced awakening in advaita and enlightenment in all branches of Buddhism as well as any similar concept elsewhere is just describing the same thing he has. Ironically close minded.

>> No.23493425

thank you

>> No.23494653

His YouTube channel has some good clips of him too.

>> No.23494667

Power of Now is a good book.
Works on my machine.
>fighting their own thoughts
if you're trying to control your thoughts rather than observe them and letting them go you misunderstand a core concept.

>> No.23494672

saved my mum from killing herself after my dad died so i owe him everything

>> No.23494699
File: 29 KB, 235x310, IntellekuellerAnschauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23494712

Look up die Aufklärer

>> No.23494886

Find God, embrace suffering

>> No.23495213

IIRC Jesus was not nailed to a park bench — wasn't it a telegraph pole or something like that?

>> No.23495220

Buddha is quite the candidate. And probably the end of the list also.

>> No.23495244

This, sometimes I do try to focus being in the moment and it does work but it's too short-living, it seems like you need constant reinforcements to enforce that kind of state, I do think it would be blissful to be able to live like the present moment is the only thing that exists, I have reached similar states when I tried some drugs

>> No.23495357 [DELETED] 

discord gg/WVTk3xBh

>> No.23495398

based on my very limited exposure and ignorance, he's the self-help version of "Just be positive bro"...."just turn off the negative thoughts about past and future, focus on the Now it's super easy...."

The Power of Regretting Past Mistakes

jim carrey also loves him and preaches him. yes that jim carrey the actor. the one with only 1 offspring, divorce, and an ex-gf who suicided. the jim carrey who said he was just a bunch of atoms or whatever during a redcarpet interview. no i'm not saying you should have a ton of offspring but if you're as rich as he is, you can afford to have a stable family.

>> No.23495409

it takes practice and it takes reading and learning from good "be present" thinkers who give you the exercises you need to strengthen that habit. maybe eckhart does it for his fans but i've never felt drawn to his teaching.

the biggest Truth is that you only have control over your present moment and how you feel about what you're doing right now. we've all made mistakes in the past and we can minimize or avoid those by being more Present(tm) and basically making better decisions. i think you would need to think about things more economically to fully appreciate and take advantage of Now moments. also planning carefully and executing on plans. you can probably learn more from self-made CEOs and billionaires than self-help fuckers who never really built a business beyond talking in front of a camera or writing the same shit others have written. anyway, even taking a small vacation requires a ton of planning and execution so you're not late for the flight or cruise ship.

>> No.23495540

It's actually the natural state, it's the ego that perpetuates time. Read J. Krishnamurti.

>> No.23495597

yep, also why many ppl find it therapeutic to go hiking, camping, or just "inna woods" in general. even just going to the local beach is great if you live near one. the concept of numeric time fades and you're more in the present. also why vacations are important. years ago, i let myself get overworked and wanted to an hero.

society inflames the ego (you gotta get rich!!! you gotta pay attention to time, be on time, etc.) and that is what leads to the individual losing the moment. besides, everything is enhanced when you just savor the moment. would you want to eat a great meal while also thinking about yesterday or tomorrow? no. same with getting sex. the present is obviously the most important. but even if you do something simple like go for a job interview they already mindfuck you by asking about your past. society, ego, all bad.

>> No.23495611

All of eastern mysticism comes down to “dude just stop thinking” and “just empty out yourself broo”. No dice. I will choose to think and suffer, thank you very much.

>> No.23496216


>> No.23496337
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Daoism is an imperfect expression of the fundamental theorem of calculus as a metaphysical principle.
It is also a principle of conscious perception, which is divided into two modes: that of instantaneous change in the present moment (present-mindedness,) and cumulative change over time (the goal-directed mode of temporal narrative experience.)
Neither of these modes are prior to or more real than the other; they are mutually necessary.

>> No.23496393

>no, I will not stop hitting myself
Okay, good luck with that.