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23489282 No.23489282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23489284
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lmao what a fag

>> No.23489290

migatrards are embarrassing lol

>> No.23489295
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Previous 'Toss

>> No.23489302

I don’t get it

>> No.23489311

trump is a criminal and that's a good thing because the gays like criminals or something

>> No.23489317

I don't see a toss.

>> No.23489318

On the painting bruh not hard

>> No.23489320


>> No.23489329
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>dump is bad at business supposedly the one thing he's good at

what a narc

>> No.23489332

why are all alt-right faggots so disingenuous and incoherent?

>> No.23489336

Leftists mock Trump for breaking the law but the irony is that most leftists themselves break the law by illegally consuming marijuana.

>> No.23489337

it's their nature

>> No.23489345

Potheads are some of the most annoying people in the world.

>> No.23489347


>> No.23489350

weed is legal to use in half the US, most leftists don't consume weed anyway.
retarded comic

>> No.23489352

Nice projection. Almost every leftist thinker is about the same way.

>> No.23489357

It's not about pot, it's about the common anarchist sentiment among hardline leftists like antifascists that the police need to be defunded and committing crimes against the capitalist system of oppression is good.

>> No.23489358
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OK but he's still a narc

>> No.23489364

>b-b-but whatabout

Directionbrain lol

>> No.23489375

/lit/ deserves these threads

>> No.23489378

No we don't

>> No.23489379

which is different from paying a whore while your wife is pregnant, then commit fraud to help your campaign.

>> No.23489387

>t. believes a whore and makes shit up

>> No.23489388

In what way are you suggesting that that is true? Be specific.

>> No.23489397

NTA. It's called projection, anon. It's the number #1 defense when someone notices their hypocrisy.

>> No.23489402

You fixate on the bong because you're retarded and probably stoned right now. It's legal in many places, but it shouldn't be. You're lazy, filthy, stupid, and perpetually confused on account of it as evidenced by this thread.

>> No.23489409

Whataboutism is legit and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.

You’re probably annoying too stupid hippie and/or wigger.

>> No.23489410

read the replies to this thread and admit you're wrong

>> No.23489414

Trump admitted in court

>> No.23489415

You're the maga shitposter lol

>> No.23489419

Kill yourself

>> No.23489423

>makes shit up
We've been over this.

>> No.23489424

You seem upset. Trump is disgusting criminal scum who shills for Jews and Israel. No amount of seething will change that.

>> No.23489425

maybe in 10 years when my cat dies :3c
when are you going to kys?

>> No.23489426
File: 20 KB, 602x401, main-qimg-14b7c878733ca7ad4409400f4fe9eda1-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donnie dump is a whore

>> No.23489427

No, we haven't. He admitted he fucked the whore.

>> No.23489432

All billionaires have open marriages
t. knower

>> No.23489433
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Seeing the mental gymnastics trupmtards put themselves through makes me happy enough

>> No.23489438

But lying on business records AOK huh?

>> No.23489441
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>being a migatard in 2024

>> No.23489446

Ahem >>23489295

>> No.23489468

>making shit up
Trump didn't testify. You're making shit up.

>> No.23489473

I mean the faggots defending the Israel orange slave

>> No.23489477

The culture war has badly exposed the double standards and retardation of both the left and the right. Many people need to take a deep breath and not take cultural war politics seriously. It’s embarrassing and has ruined the internet

>> No.23489479

Yes we all just need to be reasonable and maintain the status quo of 8% inflation and ethnic spoils

>> No.23489485

lower iq in general

>> No.23489505

He didn't because he can't without exposing himself

>> No.23489515
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>the idol of the cuckervatives is an adulterous criminal who has ties with epstein and simps for a foreign nation

>> No.23489518

Sex with fertile young girls is very conservative, granted the Jews still manage to make it cringe
Ukraine lost

>> No.23489523

he paid a porn whore for sex lmao
>Ukraine lost
Who cares. Russia is better.

>> No.23489524

>libtards pretend reactionary right is the entirety of the conservative movement
>creates chaos by encouraging their base to act like them through identititarianism and gender nonsense
>turns out the right is pretty good at organizing itself and targeting nonsense
>"uh, guys...this 'culture war' is silly and you shouldn't care about it anymore, ok?"
Lol, no refunds.

>> No.23489526

One hohol died screaming in a pool of its own blood while we typed these posts

>> No.23489531

Stonetoss is a literal nazi though

>> No.23489532

>he paid a porn whore for sex
Actually, he paid a pornstar not to brag that she fucked him.

>> No.23489537
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based mass replier

>> No.23489554
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Indeed, thanks for replying to all my posts, stranger!

>> No.23489565

>turns out the right is pretty good at organizing itself and targeting nonsense
No, they aren't lmao
they're split on Israel