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/lit/ - Literature

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2348831 No.2348831 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ like sci-fi?

>> No.2348835

No, I prefer SF and science fiction.

>> No.2348839

I like it better than most fantasy, if that means anything for you.

>> No.2348841
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Heinlein is always fun if you're in the mood for a light read.

>> No.2348845

Science fiction is not fantasy. The two are distinct.

>> No.2348851

Dude it's the same thing, one is in the future, one is in the past. Duh.

>> No.2348853



>> No.2348859


Generally (good) science fiction and fantasty is about building a world in which the human condition can be explored from outside of our own context. The difference being that proper SF does so by extrapolating our current understanding of the universe, and will attempt to maintain a degree of scientific plausibility (FTL being a major exception in many cases, see Alastair Reynolds' Revelation Space series). A great example of this plausibility is Niven's Ringworld, where after it's publication, engineers in universities all over the US crunched the numbers and declared it to be unstable, leading to corrections (and some retcon) in later novels.

Fantasy on the other hand does not have to adhere in any way to plausibility, that is in my mind the greatest deleniation between the two genres. Which is why I boil red when people refer to Star Wars as Sci-Fi.

>> No.2348889

Do you "boil red" when people call The Time Machine sci-fi?

>> No.2348907


You view to view science fiction through the eyes of someone living in the era that the book was written. The time machine was written in 1895, when humans were only beginning to explore the concept of time in an abstract manner. So yes, it is most certanly science fiction.

A more recent example is Stranger in a Strange Land; a book about a human raised from infancy by martians. The very idea is preposterous when read in an era where we have robots crawling the surface mars. However, in 1961 we had no means of observing mars beyond terrestrial telescopes, it wasn't until the advent of orbital telescopes that we started to develop an understand of Mars.

>> No.2348927
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"Bread Overhead" by Fritz Leiber. Best non-Futurama episode ever?

>> No.2349063

Greg Egan - Axiomatic
Greg Egan - Luminous
Greg Egan - Oceanic

>> No.2349077
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hey lit care to list all the good SF books i just finished the song of ice and fire series (whats out so far) and im looking to take a bit out of something different than fantasy

>> No.2349774


What are you in the mood for?

Classic golden age stuff, epic-scale, hard science fiction, space opera, adventure? Light or heavy?

>> No.2349793

I just finished reading Ender's Game and The Speaker of the Dead. I've heard terrible things about the next two books, are they worth reading?

>> No.2349954

Most certainly. They're very different to Ender's Game, but if you enjoyed Speaker you should like them.

I loved them for their biological intrigues. The end was a little deus ex machina, but it sufficed.

>> No.2349964

That boat is absolutely HUGE. You can see him floating along that peninsula and second and yet the land doesn't show much, like even the beaches and rocks and possible trees or animals or buildings were all too small to be seen.

>> No.2349968


You just ruined that painting for me.

>> No.2349999
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Pic pretty accurately describes current dialogue.

>> No.2350007

It's sci-fi, man. Who's to say we haven't developed a fuckhuge ocean liner in the future?

>> No.2350030

Neuromancer is fucking amazing

>> No.2350038

Dumb as fuck.

>> No.2350095

only molly

>> No.2350117

Even more scary the captain is Italian

>> No.2350124

Too soon. I died on that ship.