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23487228 No.23487228 [Reply] [Original]

What did we think of this

>> No.23487232

Used to live in the heart of the city; now live in the suburbs. Let me tell ya, silence is a beautiful sound.

>> No.23487240

Empty wagons make a lot of noise

>> No.23487242

> What did we think of this
The author moved because it was too noisy for her


>> No.23487245

>Latinx worships rich whites
many such cases

>> No.23487451


>> No.23487487

This pretty much sums it up. “Loving quiet” is not the prerogative of rich and/or white people - EVERYONE would prefer quiet when you’re trying to relax and sleep, it’s just hard to attain if you live in a city and are under a certain income threshold. We should unironically spend several billion dollars in a new national program to re-soundproof every house and apartment and make it obligatory to ensure all new housing is equally sound-insulated. That may sound insane, but I promise you if we did that the general quality of life index would skyrocket and I’m not joking even a little bit.

>> No.23487579

based fellow total soundproofing advocate

>> No.23487684

Low class people love noise and want everyone to hear them.

>> No.23487687

I wss watching some yt video, it was a (white) american family having having some kind of a party, and basically everyone in the vid was screaming/shouting. They were behaving like total ni****ers desu.

>> No.23487789

It would’ve cheaper and easier to tell degenerates in cities to stop playing music on stoops and loud enough to be heard from the street. There is no reason people need to act like every day is a block party.

>> No.23487791

*would be

>> No.23487853

why are poor people so anti-social making all kinds of god awful noise at all hours? it's almost like there's a correlation between being an anti-social pos and failing at life. weird.

>> No.23487866

even though i think government "green" mandates are bullshit, i love hearing about democrats banning combustion engines. the less i have to hear horrible proletarians revving their engines as they race to their shift at mcdonalds the more relieved i will be. everyone should be forced to drive a tesla or walk. make it happen, libs.

>> No.23487897

I'd argue it's not just quiet, though that is great in itself, but also the type of noise.
Living near the beach involves the near constant background of surf and waves. Forested areas have chirping birds, wind rustling through the leaves, the creak of settling trees. Nature abounds in sounds but of a relaxing, peaceful sort, one that calms the soul.

>> No.23487902

I live in a real working class neighborhood and besides the constant barking dogs the real dick headed thing everyone likes to do is unnecessarily honk their key fobs 3-4x every time they come and go somewhere …. Especially at odd hours of the night

>> No.23487904

well it's the same for city noise. if you're on the 10th floor and hear faint sirens and rap music wafting up from below, it's comfy urban background noise, but when you're on the second floor and all you hear are constant sirens and biggie smalls, it starts to get really annoying.

>> No.23487913 [DELETED] 

oh ya plebs are absolutely fascinated with any kind of wireless technology. there's some douchebag who lives on my street that has some kind of remote start shit on his mustang or whatever, so the engine will power up and start rumbling and then he won't actually come out and get in for ten minutes. he always does that shit around like 10:30 at night so probably heading out to his third shift warehouse job or something. fuck off.

>> No.23487971

>rap music
>comfy urban background noise
I have lived in large cities most of my life and that is flat out ridiculous. There ks nothing comfy about urban noise, by its very nature it is unsettling.
Calling it comfy is exposed red brick tier delusion

>> No.23487988

get your money up and move out of the basement dude

>> No.23488004

>exposed red brick tier delusion
Testify! Not only about the noise, but about exposing brick.
I had to learn how to plaster, just to cover up all the brick some urbo-renovo-flipper did to my house before I bought it. I had to learn it myself, because all the people who could plaster are dead. Much quieter and cooler since I did it. There is a reason real brick houses had plaster walls.

>> No.23488025
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>> No.23488026

I wish I could accurately convey the experience of lying on a snowy hillside looking up at big pine trees in total silence save for your breath and your heartbeat. Snow is an amazing sound dampener and often when you're skiing there are little to no external sounds. Other than maybe the wind.

>> No.23488034

Holy shit my man. I am constantly wishing eternal hell on whoever decided cars all need to loudly 'beep' whenever they are locked or unlocked now. I have taken to loudly yelling 'beep' out my window at them. Also the number of cars and bikes with extremely loud exhaust is only increasing. This is no place for a sensitive aesthete like myself.

>> No.23488037

the middle east is hell. get me out.

>> No.23488071

Kek great post, anonymous...very Ignatius J. Reilly of you...impressive. Very nice.

>> No.23488073

>Forested areas have chirping birds, wind rustling through the leaves
Also owls hooting, foxes mating, crows torturing a squirrel or chipmunk to death, and feral cats facing off against foxes.

>> No.23488108

I agree on the dangers of noise pollution but the proper measure is to change urban planning and transport technology so that cities are walkable and cars/trains/planes etc are quieter.

>> No.23488115
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>> No.23488126
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Hilarious! Who taught this oyinbo pidgin English?

>> No.23488144

The thing is man...cities will NEVER get better as long as you have brown minorities living in them. Any "comfy" city left is either predominantly white or Japanese or Korean. Having brown minorities makes any talk of urban renewal a non-starter. It's just not possible. A quick glance at any major city will prove that. Greenpoint, Brooklyn is a prime example because it is a predominantly white (yet also working class) neighborhood of Polish people that is quite nice and livable. Go two miles east into Bushwick and it is an absolute shithole because it is predominantly Puerto Rican and black. You could and can make Greenpoint nicer. But you can't make Bushwick or any other neighborhood with browns nicer because they refuse to live in pleasant conditions for some reason. What's that? Ah yeah bachata music, litter, food deserts, and violence are just part of their 'vibrant' culture that whites are ruining with gentrification.

>> No.23488156

That’s right, we do. And if you don’t like it we’ll blast Necrophagist so the whole neighborhood can hear and if you complain we’ll just shoot you.

>> No.23488161

Just shoot their tires out

>> No.23488164

okay relax with the larping, timmy

>> No.23488166

I would know with my Hispanic neighbors blasting reggaeton in the middle of the damn afternoon while I’m trying to read.

>> No.23488170

I’m just joking around, dumbass.

>> No.23488267

Because they are weak Their nerves are exhausted from being sedentary, so they become overwhelmed by people laughing and having fun.

>> No.23488288
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>"An artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity."

>> No.23488310

rich people all work out with personal trainers at boutique gyms and eat 100% organic food. they are healthier than you which is why they prioritize self-care like good sleep.

>> No.23488327

>move into an apartment downtown
>sorority girl neighbor on one side, college aged dudebro on the other
>every single weekend both would play their absolute dogshit music until late into the night singing along to it or screaming at Fortnite
>I'm not exaggerating, every single weekend
>apartment complex has on-site security dudes and I could file noise-complaints with them
>the more noise complaints a person gets, the more their rent increases
>I file noise complaints on both my neighbors every single weekend
>their rent sky rockets
>I move out and live several miles from downtown
Psh, nothing personnel kid. Words cannot describe how rage-inducing it is to get woken up in the middle of the night to a handful of drunk white girls singing along (off-key, mind you) to Empire State of Mind.

>> No.23488330

Of course they are, they price the food so people like me have to resort to robbing people

>> No.23488335

well next time don't trade ur ebt card for fentanyl

>> No.23488359

working out, taking supplements & eating a plant-based diet (as is trendy right now) is all bad for you.
ironically people who don't know anything about health & so don't wear sunscreen and eat a lot of red meat will be healthier than influencers talking about eating 5 a day and plenty of fibre.

>> No.23488361

Why don't we just eat the healthy grass-fed wealthy people?

>> No.23488369

influencers aren't rich people, they are actors that work for rich people.

>> No.23488380

>working out is bad for you
lol cmon

>> No.23488402

it's very stressful (by definition), all stress ages you.

>> No.23488416

I heard age ages you

>> No.23488420
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>> No.23488425
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>> No.23488432

It really boils down to the fact that white people existing makes the browns seethe.

>> No.23488440


>> No.23488448

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid all stressful things so preparing the body for them is the better option.

>> No.23488492

it raises your tolerance to stress because you get used to have cortisol in your bloodstream, but it's not healthy, it's just making you weaker. why bodybuilders and athletes keep having heart attacks

>> No.23488500

>why bodybuilders and athletes keep having heart attacks
That's a lot different than just working out. Especially bodybuilders who are typically roided out.

>> No.23488508

>the car didn't just DIE, a rod went through the engine block

>> No.23488520

that guy was also a known shill, err, i mean "influencer" for the tobacco industry. if you think he has sound medical advice, maybe try smoking two packs a day?

>> No.23488527

yeah of course. but also why would stressing your heart ever be good for you?

>> No.23488528

I'm hispanic and I hate that fucking shit. Sorry for that on my behalf

>> No.23488529

Because it makes your heart stronger? Are you an idiot? Though there are obviously limits.

>> No.23488533
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>working out
Bait would've been fine if not for this. What a retard lol

>> No.23488538

>why bodybuilders and athletes keep having heart attacks
Unironically COVID vaccines. That shit's a recent phenomenom

>> No.23488539

would you recommend cardio to somebody with heart disease then?
no human exercised in nature
>inb4 hunting
humans didn't chase animals, they set traps or threw things.

>> No.23488541

>food deserts

>> No.23488546

>the answer to noise pollution is more density

Are you a real person, or just a walking caricature of a leftist?

>> No.23488547

the man who popularised running and 'started america's fitness revolution' (jim fixx) died age 50 of a heart attack

>> No.23488550

>would you recommend cardio to somebody with heart disease then?
Yes with limitations.
>no human exercised in nature

>> No.23488553

What about the black towns and neighborhoods in Maryland that are upscale? Sounds like cultural problem

>> No.23488557

does the idea of exercise (exerting yourself for no reason) exist anywhere in nature? humans in nature live like lions, just sort of chill.

>> No.23488560

People don't buy enough fresh produce or steal it, so the stores move out and people without cars can't get fresh food.

>> No.23488568

I don't know how to tell you this, bud, but humans don't live in nature anymore. And the stress of living in nature is far more than exercising 3 times a week.

>> No.23488582

>And the stress of living in nature is far more than exercising 3 times a week.
projection of modern neurosis and actually indicative of the state of constant tension and stress that urbanized living induces

>> No.23488583

what's natural is healthiest. degenerative diseases don't exist in indigenous tribes.

>> No.23488584

Go live in nature with no modern conveniences then. I'm sure you'll find it completely stress-free.

>> No.23488590

Yes, let's turn every house and apartment into a serial killer's dungeon. What could go wrong?

>> No.23488592 [DELETED] 

You're a glass-full kind of guy, no?

>> No.23488638

Aberrations on the norm

>> No.23488693

You cant just "go" to nature. If youre born in industrial society, you can never leave it behind you.

>> No.23488712

Then exercise. It's modern couture.

>> No.23488716

if only zyzz hadn't taken the covid vaccine

>> No.23488769

Funny how certain people will be suspicious of some mainstream ideas while still swallow whole everything they're told about another

>> No.23488809

It's fairly obvious if you've spent any amount of time exercising before.

>> No.23488816

I was an athlete in school & university. It feels bad wdym

>> No.23488824
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Leftists be like
But they don't know the real secret of life ... good things are good and bad things are bad!

>> No.23488830
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>> No.23488843

Can't relate, just noticed how tired and depressed I feel when doing nothing vs. exercising a few times per week. Especially now that I'm above 30.

>> No.23488846

Explain why african villages are comfy then

>> No.23488867

>Used to live in the heart of the city; now live in the suburbs. Let me tell ya, silence is a beautiful sound.
I used to live in the heart of a town, now suburb. The town after 6 was as quiet as the grave. The suburbs just seem to encourage every idiot to be loud all day because they can't see each other through the fences.

I get what you mean though.

>> No.23488868

>fat beaner standing motionless blowing dust around in circles while listening to FUCKING APPLE EARPODS WITH NO EAR PROTECTION for hours
Is this the greatest psychological warfare technique ever waged on normal people? Just important subhuman monsters who don't even care if they go deaf, disposable kamikaze beaners who live to shuffle dust and die deaf and retarded?

>> No.23488880

She had to share an apartment with a family. That was probably the biggest problem. Headphones solve the sirens.

The pandemic was a stressful time too.

But quiet should be a right for everyone.

>> No.23488887

>High class people do not like hearing nigger rap being blasted near them and drunk or drugged people shouting
I'm shocked, SHOCKED!

>> No.23488893

They literally routinely walk through their villages banging pots and pans to scare away ghosts. I'm not kidding.

>> No.23489018

alright how do you scare away ghosts then smart guy

>> No.23489090

where did the word "hispanic" come from? surely, the correct term that has been around since forever is "latin american"? am i missing something?

>> No.23489940

firecrackers duh

>> No.23489983

Same for the balkans
I hope Nazi UFO's arrive soon (either that or Jesus returns)

>> No.23489989


>> No.23490019

Goatis my man

>> No.23490020

Yeah. They don't even like their shitty music, they just play it because they imagine (rigtfully so) that they bother normal human beings.
Gypsies in Europe even stepped up the game: they parade in residential areas in the middle of the night, shouting swearwords and sums of money while holding a phone that's obviously turned off (the rest of the time they are literally barking ar each other, for the same reason).
Stuff like this has turned me irreversibly racist... while before I considered deportation a humane and valid alternative, today I am more realistic: only a crusade can cleanse the internal organs of the Western world
May Lord Jesus help us all, Amen.

>> No.23490029
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Read this, in the last chapter or so it summarizes differences between civilizations that relied on desensitization (poignant example are gypsies who start abusing their children from the second they are born -- including here their disgustingly colorul "traditional" clothes) and ones that build walls
Building walls in order to have some peace, like they did in the Middle East, Greece, Europe, is the only way to civilization without "cannibalism"

>> No.23490032

I can handle it during the day. I lived in the eastern part of Hong Kong Island for a bit and I actually liked having a meat store below my apartment butchering pigs at 7 AM sharp every day. Gave me a great sleep schedule and the area came to life when I did. But more importantly it was quiet when I wanted to sleep. Ironically when I was in the "quiet" Canadian suburbs it was way worse because wannabe gangster Pajeets in their shitty modded Honda Civics were always driving around revving their goofy lawnmower sounding engines at midnight.

>> No.23490064

He was being ironic you fucking moron

>> No.23490176

The strangest thing I've observed is that birds don't seem to be phased at all, by any noise, in any quanitity
Yet they hear just fine

>> No.23490187

If you learn how to speak bird you will realize that most birds are saying "goddamn niggers" most of the time

>> No.23490201

no xhe wasn't

>> No.23490203

That's aggravatin'

>> No.23490205

What does that have to do with exercise? The Greeks were very pro-exercise

>> No.23490217


>> No.23490296

Bullshit. The worst part of living in a suburb is the dogs. It doesn't matter if it's a low middle class or upper middle class place. Dogs are everywhere. Especially upper middle class places where you have a density of DINKs and their surrogate children. They tend to own like 3, 4, 5 dogs.

>> No.23490300

yes, that's what modern leftism is all about

>> No.23490306

>good things are good and bad things are bad!
Define for me, if you will, goodness and badness, respectively.

>> No.23490325

>EVERYONE would prefer quiet
Then why do they make so much noise if they prefer quiet? They just have to shut the fuck up

>> No.23490333

>t. Latinx

>> No.23490338


>tfw my job is to duel wield two leaf blowers whilst listening to
My headphones are sound proof and have bluetooth so I can listen to weeb music all day.

>> No.23490339

True but anyone who isn't a white nationalist at this point is a lunatic
Density is not causing all the fucking noise. People walking on foot are not causing all the fucking noise. Cars are. Behead carniggers.

>> No.23490355

I only read the headline. This is a retarded thing to worry about right before an economic collapse greater than the great depression

>> No.23490378

Mostly about stress and accomodation
But yeah the first chapter actually compares Athens (which built walls and went out to sea) to Sparta who poked fun of people building walls and also made the pro-excercise Athenians look like wimps... where did all that excercise and child abuse and barking lead them huh? Yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.23490475

I'm gonna tell you why the rich love quiet: because they're fucking lazy asses that have sleep problems because they never do any work. They don't know the feeling of getting up at 5am and going to bed at 11pm completely exhausted from working and commuting all day.

>> No.23490479
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>> No.23490486

Didn't actually explain why rich people love quiet. Just told some story of how Puerto Ricans are loud and that's awesome y'all. 0/10

>> No.23490499

If you're going to bed at 11 and needing to wake up at 5, why wouldn't you hate the fucking retard blasting rap music with the bass so ridiculously high that no headphones could block the vibrations? You should be the most sensitive to needing sleep.

>> No.23490725

fuck off faggot, working class animals (which is what you are) all have 20 dogs you own who you let bark all day long and during the night too without any concern for noise pollution

>> No.23490740

Or just have a functioning police that fines people who play loud music or do repairs outside certain hours and days.

>> No.23490836

I'm gonna repeat it to you because you don't seem to comprehension too well what you read: working people can sleep with noise because they're tired and they don't give a single fuck about your needs.

>> No.23490944

>Xochitl Gonzalez
Ándale, the mexicanest bean.

>> No.23490969
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does every leafblower have a metal man imprisoned in it? what'd happen if i let him out?

>> No.23490987

because silence allows contemplation. i've been to several homes in which silence does not exist and hasn't been experienced, and there is a certain realization that the prolonged periods silence i've experienced have been of an absurd entitlement.
truly, being able to sit and read, say, a few hours completely uninterrupted by noise? the value cannot be understated in the development of ideas, creative thought, understanding. those who bathe themselves in the shroud of noise for protection have never been able to adjust to it, to occupy it with their own mind.

>> No.23491000

you're forgiven. you guys have a good metal and hardcore scene, I will give you that.

>> No.23491004

I'm not a big fan of Sartre, but Hell is other people quite often.

>> No.23491087

I'm Brazilian.
Rich people usually move to gated private communities to have peace and quiet.
Poor neighborhoods basically have loud "music" blasting the entire night, loud motorcycles, gunshots, promiscuous women fighting each other, etc.

The issue is, youtubers and funk "musicians" are very rich. And they move to those gated communities due to status. Where they go on to play loud "music" the entire night, ride on motorcycles modified to be louder and scream at each other.

This leads to those gated communities losing value, since the normal wealthy people want to move away and no one wants to move in. After all, no one will pay a premium price to have the favela experience.

This is likely the future of America.

* The Music they listen to have lyrics that basically makes that fat Minaj chick look classy in comparison.

>> No.23491093

People who participate in noise making like noise. Those that don't find it grating. This really shouldn't be that hard to understand.

>> No.23491097
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>reading this thread
>door open to my nice quiet apartment balcony
>think smugly to myself about how i don't have to put up with this shit
>some nigger literally starts BLASTING pop music a minute ago
This is not a joke nor can it be a coincidence

>> No.23491159
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Ayy la ogra de las americas. I genuinelly though she was beaner. Are you sure it's her real name and not some jew fridge woman larping?

>> No.23491161

i think it’s just autism

>> No.23491173

"Working" to the point of exhaustion every day is not what a workin man does but what a slave does
Slaves should absolutely NOT be living near people, especially in cities/suburbs

>> No.23491177

It should be illegal to be a blobfish like this.

>> No.23491182

Everything is autism if you are a nigger or a streetshitter (or behave like one)

>> No.23491195

Gentrification = white people moving back into neighborhoods their ancestors built and lived in for centuries before non-whites ruined them
So cry me a river

>> No.23491197

Kek keep getting insomnia because some dog is barking, loser

>> No.23491199

Fitzgerald led me to believe that rich people used to like loud Gatsby-like parties

>> No.23491202

I can confirm this. I’m a lazy ass who doesn’t have work (hard or long) and I have severe insomnia.

>> No.23491204

That are new richs..

>> No.23491207

Every banker and entrepreneur (like 60% of rich people) knows this feel btw
Why do broke people think they’re the only ones that work or miss sleep?

>> No.23491211

>destroy your health in order to be able to ignore the barking dog, and sleep
>destroy your health because you can't sleep because the barking dog
let me guess: you are a sick dog who can't stop barking so came up with some shitty satanist cope

>> No.23491212

Everyone that’s rich today is new rich. I don’t see why there aren’t any fun white neighborhoods. White people are insufferable now desu. They’re not much better than non-whites. They’re just not as loud.

>> No.23491230

God. I fucking hate murrican minorities, especially mexicans.

>> No.23491237

I'm talking about physical exhaustion. Bankers and entrepreneurships burn themselves out physically and mentally and on top that they are drugged and stressed as fuck. It's different. Moderate bodily exhaustion -the one that menial work produces- helps people sleep better.
>jeet detected
You got some nerve calling others 'slave'.

>> No.23491247

Same. It's happening to me right now. We all suffer in this, bros...

>> No.23491249

>If I had any authority, I should soon produce in the heads of these carters an inseparable nexus idearum between cracking a whip and receiving a whipping.
Based. There are categories of people who learn exclusively from beatings (not the threat of beatings but harsh "inhumane" beatings). Unfortunately police, in Europe, is the main culprit for not applying the law, so they should get the first beatings until they learn that it's better to do their job than to fraternize with some filthy gypsies etc
I envy american police

>> No.23491253

>street shitting satanist calling others "jeet"
You should be deported

>> No.23491258

Why can't dumb people shut up?

>> No.23491260

>EVERYONE would prefer quiet
>People who participate in noise making like noise
So which is it?

>> No.23491268

Schopenhauer was a genius.

>> No.23491269

Are you retarded?
Or just aiming to interrupt the thread with our barking, like that other faggot with his "hey bro all you need is to become deaf"

>> No.23491283

My dear Jaykwon, you can't even maintain consistency between statements and you're calling me retarded? This is binary; either EVERYONE would prefer quiet (your words,) or some people prefer the quiet and some prefer noise. I can't break it down any more simply for you.
So which is it?

>> No.23491303

I am not the person you replied to
Thank you for confirming you are a retard
Now go away

>> No.23491311

>Go live in nature
And get shot by some ranger or get arrested for trespassing in (((government))) property? The jewernment owns every forest, mountain and grassland in your country. There is nowhere to go. Try living off the land and they'll throw you in jail for cutting down trees and killing "protected" animals. Only their lumber mafia buddies can do that.

>> No.23491322

You're definitely either AI or black/pajeet. These are the three most common things that have difficulty with maintaining a position between statements. You can improve that skill by reading more.
I feel bad for you. I'll leave this thread because it seems like it's all you have. I hope one day you can ascend beyond wrestling in the mud of your own ignorance.

>> No.23491336

I am a different person than you had the argument with, you retarded schizo
But thank you for leaving, you stink

>> No.23491344

Get a room.

>> No.23491348

Backin the days there were tons of monasteries and even if you didn't wish to join you could settle down somewhere next to them and nobody would bother you (this is how many cities in Europe were founded...)
Guess what, in Europe monasteries were effectively banned after Henry VIII (Great Britain) and the French Revolution (continental Europe)... and most of the people housed there were kicked out and became criminals out of necessity
That was the beginning of the end if you ask me

>> No.23491389

There’s a reason you’re posting on the chanz and don’t make any real policy decisions lol.

>> No.23491406

Soundproofing is deceptive because you ignore the warning signs that you should take your best neighbors and move away to a place where you can enjoy your shared values (peace & quiet).
Otherwise once you step out of your soundproofed haven you risk running into half a dozen hungry crack whores

>> No.23491589

what did it say

>> No.23491725
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an assortment of articles:

>The changes would also prohibit any sound that increases the ambient noise inside a residence by 10 decibels during the day and 7 decibels at night and would cover everything from barking dogs to car alarms to ice cream trucks.

>So his 45-page proposal includes a five-minute limit on dogs barking at night, extended to 10 minutes during the day, and phasing out ice cream jingles in favour of a bell by 2006.

>“Vehicles with illegally modified mufflers and tailpipes that emit extremely loud noise have been a growing problem in recent years,” said City Council member Erik Bottcher, who heralded the arrival of the radars to his district to help reduce “obnoxious” noise.

>Motorcycles and scooters — often with their exhaust systems illegally modified to boost noise and power — are a particular problem in Paris, according to Franck-Olivier Torro, spokesperson for campaign group Ras Le Scoot (or “Enough with the Scooter”).

>To reduce noise, cities need new sensor technology that can tell the difference between a dog barking, a garbage truck and a revving motorcycle engine.

>For more than a century, politicians and polite-sounding organizations have battled the din of New York. Browse slide shows, video and articles from the archive chronicling the never-ending quest for quiet.

some more academic stuff:

>Keizer (2010) "The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want: a book about noise"

>Vaillant (2003) "Peddling Noise: Contesting the Civic Soundscape of Chicago, 1890-1913"

>Baron (1982) "Noise and Degeneration: Theodor Lessing's Crusade for Quiet"

>Smilor (1979) "Personal Boundaries in the Urban Environment: The Legal Attack on Noise 1865–1930"

>The Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Law Library includes proposed noise legislation and existing noise laws from federal, state, and municipal sources. We are currently building this resource, so expect it to expand in the future.

>> No.23491769

Is this why gypsies can't stop clapping like some five year olds on crack and use (illegally imported) firecrackers from October to April?
Cutting off their hands would be a fair punishment... or lighting a huge wad of firecrackers glued to their testicles, that would surely scare off any ghosts!

>> No.23492082

Black dude outside is arguing with his abrasive black gf because she disrespected him by acting strident and brassy in front of "other niggas" and it makes him look like "a bitch." She just keeps repeating who gives a fuck what strangers think of you, she doesn't get he's not saying it in a general way but in a man way, that it's embarrassing for your woman to treat you like a cuck in public. She's acting very trashy, I feel embarrassed for him. I hope he beats the shit out of her.

>> No.23492330


>> No.23492339

I walked Bob Dylan on stage

>> No.23492368

This. Fuck the suburbs and the loser hobbyless faggots that find any picogram of leaf litter as an excuse to use these things. They make it impossible to be outside in peace

>> No.23492385
File: 165 KB, 773x1024, nietzsche53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher thought requires quiet and higher culture requires higher thought. By "rich people" the author just means cultured people.

>From lack of repose our civilization is turning into a new barbarism. At no time have the active, that is to say the restless, counted for more. That is why one of the most necessary corrections to the character of mankind that have to be taken in hand is a considerable strengthening of the contemplative element in it.

>> No.23492388


>> No.23492506

Who names their kids like this?

>> No.23492582


>> No.23492649

can't the democrats ban those fuckin' things? i mean surely it's a hell of a lot greener to use a god damn rake isn't it?

>> No.23492692

Its a burger thing. They couldn't be bothered to differentiate the latin american races so they just slapped a dumb label on it.

>> No.23492699

You mean they couldn't be bothered to differentiate the fucking gangly oven-roasted pre-Columbian goblins pouring constantly out of the jungles of South America with their 2% Spanish blood

Why would you bother to differentiate them?

>> No.23492715

Because they're different you retard.

>> No.23492719

>These are the Incoids, they cut out the man's heart before eating it
>These are the Mayoids, they wear their baseball caps sideways and eat the heart while it's still beating
Tell them both to turn down that fucking "ai ai ai" music on their boombox and finish power-washing the deck

>> No.23492724 [DELETED] 

i used to work with an inca girl, she was so cute she probably could have made a fortune as a twitch e-girl if she hadn't gone into engineering

>> No.23492754

This is why the European psyops to rename gypsies into "roma" rustles my jimmies... like they were from egypt and now they are from rome? Thats the most retarded PR stunt ever, in reality they are a slurry of castless streetshitters, pre-ww2 arab immigrants (the shady kind) and the kind of turks that the turks most certainly didn't want back.
Nothing to do with Egypt or Rome.

>> No.23492780
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Who the fuck defends gypsies anyway?

>> No.23492781

>why do people who have to go to work in the morning and have to spend time studying hate loud ooga booga bixnood music from useless subhumans that do nothing but commit crime and violence???
God, I hate these people

>> No.23492787

I've started training myself to see people's net economic productivity as an index hovering over their head. When I get on the train and see 30% of people actually going to work while 70% useless fucking Mexicans try to sell them stolen water bottles and blacks misbehave or get into fights, I really try to see it as an economic totality, with big negative red numbers above the Mexicans/blacks and positive green numbers above the normal people. It's blackpilled me even more than I already was.

>> No.23492801

Also note, all the most carefree and happy people are jobless drug addicts and layabouts. Everyone having a good time on this sinking ship is one of the freaks who made it sink to begin with.

>> No.23492809

ethnic Romanians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Greeks: they practically worship gypsies, behave like gypsies, learn from gypsies

>> No.23492819

>see 30% of people actually going to work
reminds me of the guy in this thread who said that if you work yourself to death, stereotypical nigger/gypsy behavior won't even bother you anymore
that explains a lot; even if it bothers them, they probably imagine that if they fulfill their economic goals they might actually get "somewhere better"... in reality liberals / democrats / commies made sure that everywhere it's the same: filthy

>> No.23493036
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we did it boys, 6 slide threads just materialized out of thin air
that's a lot of disquiet, isn't it?

>> No.23493083
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t. seething zoomers whove never done an honest days work and speculate on the purpose of blowers

>> No.23493087

you dont need ear protection for a blower lmao fucking zoomer retards holy fuck

>> No.23493103

own existence is a constant reminder of their inferiority

>> No.23493108

figure it out dood

>> No.23493116

god hates smug cunts

>> No.23493187

wait till a zoomie put some sugar in your fuel tank
or you take a nice quiet crossbow bolt in the knee

>> No.23493202

This really what all modern politics and social organization boils down to. Main character race if there ever was one.

>> No.23493204

It only seems quiet from the outside. On the inside is my own personal symphony. So much easier to hear it when the outside is quiet.

>> No.23493209

that is a beautiful way to put it anon, thank you for making my day better

>> No.23493214


>> No.23493230

no gays go on noisy parades and need loud house & techno music to drown out the voices of all those molested children crying out inside their head

>> No.23493241

Could it be intelligence, not class? While the ones with LOC do tend to be low caste, it seems they're less creative, hence less likely to have an inner voice. The noise they hear is probably soothing to them. Not that I condone it, just pondering what it could be.

>> No.23493243

In that case you're only gonna be seeing green for White men and some asians.

>> No.23493252

Because even if idiots run electricity to the village, the villagers tear out any wires that are worth money and that provide electricity so they can sell it and buy alcohol.

>> No.23493258

they are probably just imitating what their fellow low caste or low intelligence or low creativity or whatever "friends" are doing
such behavior arises from time to time, doesn't matter what starts it (an accident?) but it mostly remains localized and dies out
the problem is that some people made an industry out of it (e.g. filthy gypsy music in the balkans, which is consists of bastardized turkish melody & orchestration + lyrics consisting of violence, money, and "bitches") so now it's all-pervasive
probably the same conduit lead to "rap music" in the USA and other parts where negroes are common
this spread like wildfire on the radio and then on the internet (youtube etc)
instead of banning it outright, people are debating if people not liking it should be punished for raycissm or not

>The persistent problem of copper theft has paralyzed important Rodalies lines in Catalonia, causing great disruption in the public transport and generating a considerable impact in thousands of citizens daily. This incident has not only affected the usual train schedules, but has also caused a coordinated response from Renfe, Adif and local authorities to mitigate the consequences and seek long-term solutions.
reminded me of this, most probably romanian gypsies

>> No.23493391

he would be very grateful. his life in there blows!

>> No.23493407

>I've started training myself to see people's net economic productivity as an index hovering over their head.

This nibba is living in that one Nickleback music video

>> No.23493422
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the bane of my existence. tho boomer/mexican symbiotic demon kills this country in a million different ways

>> No.23493426
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once again proven right

>> No.23493431
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>I have taken to loudly yelling 'beep' out my window at them.

u are a hero

>> No.23493554

You know it's weird but it has been a long time since I've heard a nibba blasting music, and there aren't too few of them around where I live either. The last one I heard was a middle-aged negro gentlemen on a motorcycle blasting freaking GOSPEL music on a Saturday morning which was about the most inoffensive kind of music in the universe to blast. It's really Mexicans and Central Americans who I hear blasting their polka music.

I think their one dystopian music video would be the most exciting Nickelback extended universe to live in:

>> No.23493563

Because they're subhumans and believe that "good" is anything good for them and "evil" is anything bad for them. They want to play an identical bass line loud enough to shake your apartment for 12 hours. But don't you DARE chop an onion at 1pm while they're sleeping, that makes them cranky.

They're fucking evil, anon. That's why.

>> No.23493609

Whenever I hear someone walking with a music speaker playing, it is always either a Latino or a Black. God, I miss when my city was 99% White.

>> No.23493704

I dont disagree with the premise
I disagree with the idea that the people who live in cities deserve to be happy

>> No.23493710

I lock my car twice as Im entering my building and then lock it twice again once I'm inside just to make shure it's locked
That's four beeps every time I come home
What do you think of that, fucko?

>> No.23493718

Roma is how they call themselves in their pajeet language. It is a coincidence that it sounds close to Romania which was their main intermediate stop before pouring over western yurop.

>> No.23493735

You should've fucked them anon
They were literally begging for it

>> No.23493809

Nobody deserves to be happy.
But nobody deserves to be unhappy either.
Unquiet is a matter of health, not happiness.

>> No.23493824

>Roma is how they call themselves in their pajeet language
There is no proof for that. They could have started callig themselves like that just a few decades ago, a century max. Either way I don't care I just want them out of Europe.
That's a larp too because "Romania" was the term for the Byzantine Empire, look it up if you don't believe me.
The regions that make up what is today called Romania (a "country" barely 100 years old) are Wallachia and Western Moldova. Both have Latin grammar but preponderently Slav vocabulary, I have no idea how that happened and I don't care ether.
>Intermediate stop
The migrating hypothesis is a meme too otherwise there wouldn't be any gypsies in the Balkans and it's chock full
They are just low iq criminals made up of the dregs of a lot of brown races (ironically with the exception of Egyptians).
I prefer black people or turks any day.

>> No.23494330

>On the inside is my own personal symphony
I see you have tinnitus as well

>> No.23494336

I've seen some real heart of darkness Aztec looking latinoids on the train all sitting in the same little compartment (they weren't friends/family, they were just individuals who happened to be taking up the same area) playing really loud games, TikTok videos, etc on their phones

I really don't understand why the equation "brown = awful" is so accurate. Even I'm not so racist as to think that being white is just a magical superpower that makes you a good person. But the older I get the more my brain makes these connections unconsciously. For example I just cannot imagine going to someone else's country and acting entitled to the place. That to me is the craziest, most embarrassing thing a person could do. Yet they all do it. Finding one who doesn't do it is impossible.

>> No.23494495

except poor people have a much higher tolerance for noise so your post makes no sense.

>> No.23494711

Just read it. I don't know if she actually lives like this or she, like so many college students, word/sentence-dumps to fill space but twice she brought up how they disliked the noice but to them (the noise-makers) it's a symptom or externality of "joy". And then never makes the concession or admission that if there is a fundamental clash, one side doesn't win or receive moral carte blanche just because they are happy about it.

This might be the first thing I've read written by Xochitl Gomez. If I were looking for flaws in her person, this would stand out to me as something suitable to bring up. If I were to hear that she's actually overbearing or thoughtless in her personal/professional life with reference to the well-being of others, I wouldn't be surprised because the way she tackles this issue seems to show signs of that very thing.

I don't like people like that.

>> No.23494844
File: 152 KB, 586x529, black people genetically different.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really has to be some kind of genetic thing. People who evolved in horrid frozen tundras are just smarter and more quiet than the average ape person for whatever reason. I legitimately think they feel safer the louder and larger their group is, like fucking Orkz or something.

I don't know what genetic benefits either of these behaviors entail, but I just can't imagine it being anything else.

>> No.23494851

With changing tones. But it's in addition to the existing music.

>> No.23494931

desu, can they just leave now? The integration thing clearly isn't working.
Look, I will pay whatever I have to pay, to help rebuild the third world to a liveable state, as long as they go there.

>> No.23494938

"-And coming up on the half hour two New England neighbors were found dead today, mutually strangled to death in what locals had long called 'The Tranton Beep Feud," with the final straw of the ongoing noise complaint turned deadly rivalry, statements by"

>> No.23494956

I think it was the French, who essentially fabricated the idea of a kinship between "Latin" peoples to see if they could legitimize a pan-romantic empire, and thus their tenuous and ultimately short-lived hold on Spain and, in the Americas, Mexico a bit later.

>> No.23494977

Holy shit I'm going to go read this right now this is an idea I've been trying to articulate for years.

>> No.23495195

Be sure to alsobcheck out Gustave LeBon' "The Psychology of Peoples" as his city builders vs people who live in huge villages even if they call them cities (see India) ties in nicely with the Walls book even if a bit less relevant to this fine thread
Also please try not to use swearwords or blashpemy, thank you

>> No.23495200

Sounds kinda like Ferdinand Tonnies, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft

>> No.23495299

When you live in the capital city of a pretty wealthy country but you visit a dozen pharmacies, some of them supermarket sized, and none of them had earplugs (the comfy premium ones you can sleep with... although I will mention that none of them stocked earplugs of ANY kind)... yet the people are incredibly noisy, also partly due to the infrastructure which is collapsing and police corrupt to the marrow of their bone... you just know that the people of said country rely exclusively on theft, lies, and slavery.
I'll call it "the stolen golden earplug principle"

>> No.23495526

Xochitl sounds the part of the insect carapace where feces is processed.

>> No.23495531

The second. It should have been obvious from my post.

>> No.23495550
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Enjoy your tinnitus.

>> No.23495559

you live in fear

>> No.23495564

china is always loud.
Its the middle of the night in a suburb ob beijing and theres trucks breaking in half over speedbumps getting the material to the midnight road repair construction workers.
New York yuppies dont know sound pollution works together with productivity until they have gone to chinese major cities.

>> No.23495582

Is this really a book worth talking about?

>> No.23495640
File: 316 KB, 1063x801, if you knew how bad things are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>commie bugmen take all technology from white people
>commie bugmen then proceed to lecture white people
btw Asians (at least Indians and Chinese) are less affected by high density housing and all that comes with it... yet applying your copes & preferences to white people, with the aim of gaining an economic advantage, is the worst blend of racism and hypocrisy: it is treason

yes this thread should be made weekly until the words of The Merchant of Venice come true:
>How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
>Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
>Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night
>Become the touches of sweet harmony.

>> No.23495688

>Even I'm not so racist as to think that being white is just a magical superpower that makes you a good person.
It's not magical, and it's only a superpower in comparison to the biotrash of the world. But it is, sadly, true.

>> No.23495718

>china is always loud.
China is notorious for doing thing like insects at grand scale. Want to bask in the din of your fellow hivers is definitely going to be racial thing. Same with Indians to a large extent.

Evolution is a motherfucker.

>> No.23495720

>We should unironically spend several billion dollars in a new national program to re-soundproof every house and apartment and make it obligatory to ensure all new housing is equally sound-insulated.
Good luck with that when most new houses are made in cheap drywall.

>> No.23495723

I find this incredibly interesting, and appreciate this thread much.

>> No.23495731

>working out
>taking supplements
He didn't say this.
>eating a plant-based diet
He also didn't say this.

>> No.23495738

>does the idea of exercise (exerting yourself for no reason) exist anywhere in nature?
LIVING IN NATURE is the exercise, you RETARD. Compare a fat housecat to a wild virile feral cat and you'll find the former gives out much faster.

>> No.23495764

Weird how every sedentary fuck who sits in an office for 8 hours then drives straight home to sit on the couch is complaining about their back and knees by age 30, they should be the pinnacle of health.

>> No.23495786
File: 587 KB, 2400x1805, Lloyd Lawson Optometrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Social psychologists and police officers tend to agree that if a window in a building is broken and is left unrepaired, all the rest of the windows will soon be broken. This is as true in nice neighborhoods as in rundown ones. Window-breaking does not necessarily occur on a large scale because some areas are inhabited by determined window-breakers whereas others are populated by window-lovers; rather, one un-repaired broken window is a signal that no one cares, and so breaking more windows costs nothing. (It has always been fun.)

this is the only thing that works (and makes commies, criminals, & psychopaths absolutely seethe judging by the amount of vandalism that article incurs)
once a person gets uppity and raises his voice WHACK he needs to be put in his place (either by Police or a posse or a well aimed paintball ball preferably red)
otherwise the whole crowd gets progressively more and more uppity and next thing you know they rob a liqueur store and invite all their friends over for a week long party, including some junkies and bums who will set up their permanent residence within an earshot of your bedroom
heck they may even sue you for disturbing their "black joy" or "latin joy" or "criminal joy" or whatever as >>23494711 remarked

>proud of his quite serious OCD symptoms
>What do you think of that, fucko?
I unironically think that you do not have the mental health requirements needed to be issued a driver's license

>> No.23495826

>I unironically think that you do not have the mental health requirements needed to be issued a driver's license
big words coming from someone who has a meltie from car lock beeps

>> No.23495830

the photo lmao. the uppity lifeless white people silently seething at the vibrant women of color just living their lives

>> No.23495835

>big words coming from someone who has a meltie from car lock beeps
I am not the person you had that conversation with... see? You are too retarded or schizo or drugged out even to notice

>> No.23495849

Hispanic means Spanish descended though. Not French, Portuguese, or Italian

>> No.23495875
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>living their lives
I wouldn't call the incessant need to bark about menstruation and how much money they won from scams "a life"
they need to be power-washed off the sidewalks, together with their entourage: "girlfriends", pimps, dealers, thugs, clients (who would even touch such a slag?!) etc.

>> No.23496135
File: 232 KB, 952x1377, VOPBHB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelling only has one book ("Fixing Broken Windows" 1996/1997) but James Q. Wilson has quite an assortment, even if his main body of work is political science and city policy -- and not policing,
e.g. "Crime & Human Nature" co-written with Herrnstein (of "The Bell Curve" fame..) or the juicy morsel in pic related

>> No.23496280


>> No.23496346

Oh my fucking walkable cityerinos

>> No.23496350

Thought this was a book and it might be fun to read it. Turns out it's, of course, an Atlantic article. What a shitty organization that is.

>> No.23496391
File: 76 KB, 602x651, township.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change urban planning and transport technology so that cities are walkable and cars/trains/planes etc are quieter
could be simpler than it sounds once you forget about dysgenic architecture (e.g. commieblocks) and dysgenic policies (e.g. feeding people who bite your hand any chance they get)... you don't even have to draw in eugenics, it's enough to forget about dysgenics and the population of USA will probably fall back to 100 million as it was in 1900 (about the same as Europe in 1750, before industrialization got out of control and became a cancer)
for example:
you can leave your car (or get off the sparkling clean and well ventilated train) and take a golf cart which is enough to access your house, civic center, nature areas, golf course, "hobby industry," veggie farms, and of course all your 10.000 neighbors who adore you and you care about
all this in a 6x6 mile rectangle, separated from similar "suburbias" by wide swaths of nature where animals frolic (and you can even hunt for meat while you are expecting Jesus to appear in case of an apocalypse)
80% of the population could live in such communities and 20% in mega-cities, just like the Lord intended, instead of today's situation where the situation is reversed

>> No.23496406

see good books here:
if you actually insist on reading an actual book that approaches the faggotry of the article in the OP has posted, check out Mike Goldsmith's 2012 book "DISCORD The Story of Noise"
it's that kind of a pop-science non-practical feel-good slop that makes the midwit feel smart

>> No.23496494
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>> No.23496699

gentrification is code for anti-white

>> No.23497124
File: 42 KB, 800x997, 1712600729253073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in 18th and 19th century you were granted coats of arms (titles) if you contributed with anything... like if you "gentrified" a field into a plantation or smth...
today it's frowned upon if you throw trash in the trash can instead of next to it

>> No.23497357

nah you type never are once called out
also I'm an outside mocker much like the two elderly gentlemen in the muppet show

>> No.23497864

It's much easier to ignore counterexamples than to rethink your theory

>> No.23497871

Is chronic stress good for you?

>> No.23497881

The poor guy had a hereditary heart disease. That's why he became obsessed with running for health in the first place. He had seen family members die early and tried his best to overcome it.
So that doesn't prove that running is bad for you.

>> No.23497889

It's a shitty comparison. Humans are one of few animals that need to continually exercise to stay strong. Our muscles naturally atrophy if they go unused, unlike say gorillas.

>> No.23497950

>working out is chronic stress

>> No.23497979

>chronically stressing the body isn't chronic stress

>> No.23498123

Working out doesn't stress me though, going to the gym is fun

>> No.23498312

It's because these people can't think.
Saw a video of a monkey eating happily seconds after it touched a power supply and lost all it's limbs.
It's incapable of despair because it can't think.
It's not even noise to them it just is, similar to the *chirp* phenomena.

>> No.23498316

I can't remember the last time I went from nodding in agreement to breathless laughter so quickly

>> No.23499009

I will tell you why. It’s not rich people that live quiet. It is people with a low time preference. There is overlap between low time preference and wealth.

People with a high time preference will party and make noise and nuisance. People with a low time preference will work on little projects either for fun or for profit. If the street is filled with hooligans on dirt bikes blasting techno or rave music (for Europeans) or hoodlums in shitboxes blasting rap and engaging in territorial disputes and pitched battles over distribution rights for narcotics (for Americans), then it is hard to focus on these little projects. I cannot sew an overcoat very well if my wonderful neighbours are blasting techno or having a domestic quarrel whenever I am trying to sew.

This. I live in a half privatised council estate in England. The local authorities use the remaining public housing to store pensioners and unload their problem cases. So the underclass often have rows in the middle of street.

True and I’ve seen it firsthand

>> No.23499348

I hate being in any city. I like planting my ass down in my little bit of the valley and only hearing animals.