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23486442 No.23486442 [Reply] [Original]

Mr No Bitches edishun

Prev >>23482781

will we ever find the one bros

>> No.23486451
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related to theme:
>25 M
>6 first dates in the past couple weeks
>kiss/make out in half of them
>no progression after first date
This is fucking gay. Dating women is GAY. All I want is a stable relationship with a loyal, kind and competent woman so I can focus on career and family.

>> No.23486454

thread immediately ruined

>> No.23486456

getting drunk enough to look her up on social media

>> No.23486457

dubs you suck me to completion

>> No.23486459


>> No.23486462


>> No.23486464
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Fuck the Jews

>> No.23486474

>brown hands

>> No.23486484

The truly white position is hating both minorities and wishing for third party occupation of the levant.

>> No.23486486

Jews are brown.
BAP is gay.
Get off my board.

>> No.23486487

Went on a road trip today and said ten Hail Marys every half hour to pass the time. It worked surprisingly well.
I want to try praying a full Rosary soon.

>> No.23486489

/lit/ is lame and boring these days and these days have been for a while

>> No.23486497

It's not a conflict happening in Europe.

>> No.23486505

I should have said sub-humans

>> No.23486508


>> No.23486509

i don't even know what BAP is dawg

>> No.23486513


>> No.23486514

Brown Alliance Protectorate

>> No.23486522

I've been thinking about that Dutch girl who committed medically-assisted sudoku and aside from the waste of perfectly good pussy, I found myself thinking that the real significance of the media's coverage was the idea it planted in the heads of people, namely, that they can take the easy way out.
I then recalled part of an essay by Montaigne where he quotes one of the ancients speaking as Saturn: "Seeing what advantages death hold I have deliberately mixed a little anguish into it to stop you from embracing it too avidly or injudiciously."

>> No.23486524


>> No.23486536

Took a few shots of whiskey today before an interview.
It did not go well even though it was over the phone I think she could tell I was drunk cause she ended the interview early.
It did help me relax just need to hide it better
Relatedly I think whiskey drunk is by far the best kind. Taking 3 shots of whiskey feels so much more potent than the same amount in beer or wine
Don't like vodka though, vodka doesn't have much effect, the drunk is too clear headed

>> No.23486535

I just signed up for a grant, wish me luck

>> No.23486539

a first nation grant i hope

>> No.23486545

Bronze Age Pervert. A zionist jew on twitter.

>> No.23486548

I'm only like 1/16th Amerindian

>> No.23486549

I need to meditate more.

>> No.23486578

ah... i've seen him mentioned on /lit/ a few times, but i was interested in delving into another one of these stoicism self help grifter types

>> No.23486585

Working out and going to the gym makes no difference with the ladies.

>> No.23486595

Should I just lie on my resume?

>> No.23486596

Depends on the person, I guess. It helped me improve my mood and be more confident with my physique.

>> No.23486608

I did much better with women once I stopped working out and hit my 30’s. I absolutely slay teen pussy with my skinny dad bod

>> No.23486621

How's your hairline?

>> No.23486630

day whatever of selective isolation
i'm bored

>> No.23486649

It doesn’t matter

>> No.23486655

I just found out that the person that I have been fantasizing about for the past month, without ever having met them, is taken. I guess I can finally move on now. It’s funny how I can go through stages of a phantom relationship by creating them in my head, and therefore going through the very-real feelings of heartbreak. Even though I have never met this person and they don’t know I exist. Does any psyfag anons know what type of mental illness this is? Mostlt, I feel stranded and defeated because I was alone and desolate this entire time, and still am even after the smoke settled from my delusions.

>> No.23486665

it worked for me

>> No.23486667

play videogame

>> No.23486682

>Does any psyfag anons know what type of mental illness this is?
Parasocial relationship.

>> No.23486696

Do you ever sometimes re-realize how crazy it is that women paint their face? Let alone that 60% of "female culture" revolves around ways to deceive men by painting/disguising yourself?

It's not even like some innocent primitive culture shit where they like putting beads in their hair or something. It's specifically using chemicals to make yourself look like a more genetically fit version of yourself. It's naked deception. And it's their HOBBY. It would be like if men spent 60% of their time and 90% of their disposable income buying Halloween muscleman costumes and watching youtube ASMR videos about how to stuff a cucumber down your pants. Women aren't even just whores, because they aren't advertising what they actually have, they are JEWISH WHORES trying to sell you BAD goods at marked up prices. A woman's entire existence is basically "I have mid tits, but from afar, you'd think they're great - pay for me for the rest of my life??"

How about no you shapeshifting bitch. Not to mention they are slathering themselves in research chemicals. Imagine the slurry of chemical soup that has to wash down the drain and into the ocean every day as women collectively rinse their fucking clown costume off.

What horrible creatures. Slathering themselves in oils and ointments and for what? Still ugly as sin underneath. I'd really like to slap a woman in her fucking face right now, but then it would transfer to my hand, and I'd have to look at her real ugly ape head no one has ever seen before AND "her" clown face transferred to my palm, and that's too much for me.

>> No.23486698

it could be 'borderline personality disorder', a parasocial relationship isn't necessarily mental illness.

>> No.23486708

after drinking with coworkers last night, somehow my qt coworker ended up in my apartment, just me and her, drunk. she has a bf. honestly, there isn't really any sexual tension between us, idk why. I like her, i like her company, and she is nice to me, and she is cute, but she doesn't really make my dick hard. It was a relief finding out she has a bf even, because it makes me more relaxed around her, which, ironically, makes me flirt more and makes her like me more because I am able to act more natural and casual.
we smoked weed and watched a movie. she told me about what happened last weekend when I blacked out and smashed my face in front of her apartment. told me the things I said. told me how she cleaned me up. showed me the blood trail on the steps up to her apartment.
i am so lonely. it was nice to have the company. it's nice.

>> No.23486718

I hate scientific writing and yet my supervisor thinks I'm good at writing. He wants me to do a full-time PhD whilst working full-time! Delusional.

>> No.23486724

This and possibly schizoid

>> No.23486726

If history ended with liberalism then why am I still studying history? Check and mate fukuyama

>> No.23486728

occasionalist... occcasionalist

>> No.23486740

9 more minutes until this week's album releases hit apple music, i sure hope there's sth good tonight

>> No.23486741

I wish became a lawyer.

>> No.23486774

I thought to read the introduction to this French book(10 pages) before going to sleep but it's absolutely fucking raping my mind and giving me a terrible headache, and I am reading it very slowly and am already way past bedtime. I think I'll just read 5 and go to bed. Also it's boring as shit, damn.

>> No.23486782

Being a rich jew must feel good

>> No.23486785

And I thought the dead who are already dead more fortunate than the living who are still alive; but better than both is he who has not yet been, and has not seen the evil deeds that are done under the sun.

>> No.23486810

I think Japanese is such a sexy language.

>> No.23486830
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Heard from a fellow oldhead that « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » passed away last weekend.
RIP to one of the OGs

>> No.23486858

Any proof?

Did she have dementia like I suspected? Sad.

>> No.23486862

>butters trying to fake her own death for a fourth time
>butters trying to fake she had friends here who would spread news of her death
>like she hasn't had to spread it herself every times she does this soft respawn
Nah bitch you got your funeral the first time nobody cares you keep doing it

>> No.23486879

But you're too physical

>> No.23486890

she didn't message good morning (which she always does) either. god i fumbled so fucking hard, god fucking dammit. why do I always go too hard too fast when i get i these opportunities. i can't keep my desperation after i know she likes me. my loneliness and sexlessness is really fucking me up FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.23486893

Kourosh/Cyrus made a mistake freeing your kind from Babylonian captivity, and from my experience, "whiter" Persians tend to be more antisemitic (can reference three), not that Ancient Persian aristocracy even resembled your LARP fantasies.
Granted, Ashkenazi matrilineal ancestry is not even traceable to Jews, and really, you people should have been ethnically cleansed during medieval times due to blood libel and poisoning European wells. I wouldn't be surprised if Ashkenazis were responsible for the spread of plague too. Ashkenazi are not even sentient beings and resemble invasive aliens more than anything else. You are over-the-top evil the more people look into it.

>> No.23486895

you're too desperate and needy, girls feel that and immediately get repulsed by this shit.
>she didn't message good morning
how about you message her first instead of waiting

>> No.23486899

Maybe you shouldn't blow your load the first opportunity you get?

>> No.23486901

Why are you faggots always talking about Redditor tier shit? Muh girls, muh idpol bs, muh sex , muh juvenile problems.

Genuinely kill yourselves, you dysgenic cretin scum.

>> No.23486906
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My life was unironically better on SSRIs. Its just not worth living with anxiety and depression

>> No.23486911

>you're too desperate and needy
weirdly enough im only desperate when i know they like me and might want to take things forward. Idek why.

>> No.23486914


This is my situation>>23485553
still think i should message good morning?

>> No.23486918

nothing too risky about it, you did fine
if she responds arrange the meet up and meet up with her, if she doesn't respond forget about her and start talking to other women

>> No.23486926

I was thinking about SSRIs but instead I just got some medical weed. I agree that life with depression is not worth it and in my case just doing therapy and meditating doesn't help.

>> No.23486928

R u real gonna double a b u don't even chill with

>> No.23486944

you're right im just got too caught up with all this in my head. she seemed a great match for me and seemed to like me as well, and so i just got desperate in trying to make it work and imagined all these scenarios in my head. very retard of me. I'll just calm down and wait for her response and take it from there. After all this woman isn't anything to me yet.

>double a b u
what? sound a double IPA but arab lol

>> No.23486946

I used to smoke weed but now it is what brings out the anxiety. Im not sure what changed but it sucks. I guess taking a break from it could do me good though

>> No.23486955

Philosophy is good for world building. So many ideas come to mind reading about substance dualism, hylemorphism, teleology, etc. This quote by Aristotle:
>he who by nature and not by mere accident is without a state, is either a bad man or above humanity.

>> No.23486962

You sound 16

>> No.23486963

>Me too chatgpt
ACK I just fumbled a girl i was talking to. Felt we had a great match and connection but idek i think i went too hard too fast and now she seems to be ghosting me

I'm sorry to hear that. It can be really tough when things don't go as planned, especially when you feel a strong connection with someone. Here are a few things you might consider:

1. **Give it Time:** Sometimes, people need a bit of space to process things. She might reach out after some time.

2. **Reflect on Your Approach:** Think about what might have caused her to pull back. Was it something specific you said or did? Understanding this can help in future interactions.

3. **Respect Her Space:** If she's ghosting, it's important to respect her boundaries. Continuously reaching out might push her further away.

4. **Focus on Yourself:** Use this time to focus on your interests, hobbies, and self-improvement. It can help take your mind off the situation and make you feel better overall.

5. **Stay Positive:** Rejections and setbacks are part of dating. Stay positive and open to new opportunities.

Wtf this was so helpful. The speech was also so nice and supportive. Why aren't more and more people using ChatGPT as a therapist? It's so over Irl therapist. After theyre all dead and buried, ill be the one pissing on their grave

>> No.23486967

I'm also not sure if the weed is the best choice for me in the long term but I just realized that I will probably never be even remotely happy without any chemical help. I have zero tolerance, so I just vape 0.05g of flower before sleep (yes, 0.05, not 0.5, no a concentrate either) and for the first time in a long while my sleep is ok. I even measure it with a sleep tracker and it was never as good as now.

The thing that scares me most about SSRIs is that you have to take them for a while before they start working and by that time you can no longer safely quit them cold turkey, but if nothing else helps I will try them.

>> No.23486976

Euros starts today
Yeah footy and xenophobia

>> No.23486979

>you can no longer safely quit them cold turkey
Whats not safe about it? Ive done it 3 times but I wasn't taking a large dose

>> No.23486985

You sound inorganic and robotic, not even a sentient being. You live a shallow and trivial existence and should kys. All you people ever talk about is the most trivial insignificant bullshit. You live meaningless, unreflective lives. You and Redditors both have shit minds.

>> No.23486990

Did you have any withdrawal symptoms? It won't kill you like alcohol withdrawal could but apparently it can still get bad for some people.

>> No.23487004

if you don't reply to specific comments i will assume you are no better. man up, pussy

>> No.23487008

Imagine being like this and thinking you're superior to anybody.

>> No.23487017 [SPOILER] 

Your minds are garbage. Most of you "people" never talk about doing something enriching. Even talking about gardening, for example, is far more profound than endlessly babbling about "muh sex", mundane social crap, idpol garbage, etc.

You people truly are useless eaters and deserve to be mowed down. You people are not merely "asleep". You are like a black vortex that sucks up all goodness in this world and deserve to die.

>> No.23487022
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>> No.23487026

I felt a slight head sensation/disorientation but it wasn't anything I couldnt live with

>> No.23487033

too cliche, i don't buy the rant. nice try old man. modern day incels are way more advanced.

>> No.23487035

He could just be an underage who's read a bunch of old man garbage

>> No.23487040

Everyone posting *here* is stupid unlike me, yes. I don't see any commonality among us, really. If I could transform into a Kaiju "monster" and stomp all of you, I would do so without hesitation.
I like to think about stuff *other than myself*. It is the mark of a true intellectual. I think about books, painters, landscapes, films, philosophical topics, etc. However, you are all predictable dysgenic scum with minds full of absolute filth. Like a circle of complete endless bullshit. You have no "interests outside yourselves" because you effectively have no internal mental life.
>modern day incels are way more advanced
Holy fucking shit, you live a completely vapid and meaningless existence. You people aren't even truly sentient. It's not merely a cognitive style issue. It's more like you don't even have qualia.

>> No.23487046

For example, here's something I've recently watched. It is more important to talk about stuff like this, but it's always about whores and your other lame obsessions:


Vermin like you have short circuited attention spans. You NEVER talk about anything interesting.

If something came up to me and began talking about mundane trivial topics, I would tell them to shut the fuck up.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.23487049

there is nothing you have even dreamt that i haven't consciously considered and analyzed at a level you will never know.

>> No.23487050

Is there any site like libgen but for audio books?

>> No.23487053


>> No.23487056

Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.
Shut the fuck up.

Stop being obsessive about women otherwise you will turn into one.

>> No.23487065

I fear what I will become. I have heard that every eight to eleven years, you become a different person. I fear that the best in my life is behind me, and the person who I once was three years ago, who was happy, amiable and driven, will completely be superseded by a bitter, depressed and anti-social failure.

>> No.23487079
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>> No.23487098

define maleness before you claim what actions lead away from it

>> No.23487131

Situation update: she messaged me and said instead of meeting in her city, she wants to vacation somewhere nearby, which I dont want to because my family is here. Guess it's not over just get hmm

>> No.23487140

>Stop being obsessive about women otherwise you will turn into one.
dude just like in chivalric ROMANCE MYTHS

>> No.23487143

did you just ask her on a date?
>super risky
hope it works out for you though

>> No.23487146

I wasn't obsessive about women you gigantic piece of retardation

>> No.23487148

I love the euros, i only watch for the racism
there's immense satisfaction in seeing white niggers, who are always ballsdeep up their assholes with their "culture" and "tradition", act like the disgusting uncivilized neanderthal monkeys they are

exact same reason i love watching riots and chimp out sessions after canadian hockey, especially gorgeous when they call us out for being retards (which we no doubt are), but so are they

>> No.23487151
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Is there somewhere online like this but for random intellectual thoughts? I just want to chat about books and ideas and stuff, I really don't care about women

>> No.23487157

lmao idky but it felt super risky. maybe cuz i feel we're a good match and I thought asking her out relatively early into knowing her would be risky cuz I could fumble. idk. hoping we can go somewhere nice and I can get laid finally for fuck sake

I think I'm just too wired. I need to chill out.

>> No.23487159

earlier is better. avoids friendly chitchat which is boring.
>I can get laid finally for fuck sake
Temper your expectations. just have fun

>> No.23487163

Any girls here? Is it ok to keep the panties of the girl I lost my innocence to? She gave them to me many years ago and I've always kept them. At the beginning I just kept them next to my pillow or snuggled with them when I slept like she told me to, but now I just have them in a zip lock bag with a few other stuff she gave me. Still smells like her desu, not pussywise, but just her like her skin/hair etc.

If I ever get confronted over them would it be wrong if I refused to get rid of them? I've nearly been caught once in the past and desu don't know how I would handle it if they did find it.

Also for some reason I have no issues getting rid of other girls stuff but I've kept the things that first girl gave me lol.

>> No.23487168

I have a draw of stuff from exes. I will refuse to throw any of it out. It's all part of my journey and who I am. Though tbf my stuff is more cutesy like a handmade stuffed toy made from socks.

>> No.23487170

Dont let your youth go to waste

>> No.23487171

I've got a pair of stockings one of my exes wore but they smell like weed because I put them in a drawer with some weed.

>> No.23487179

Watching John Oliver's recent show on preventing deep sea mining has made me reflect on some things. The show is ostensibly about how deep sea mining, which some Australian faggot podcast billionaire wants, destroys this deep sea ecosystem. That is good, I would rather we keep the ecosystem and gas the billionaire in a gas chamber. But it's also very obvious, through applying simple cynicism, that John Oliver doesn't give a fuck about deep sea ecosystems and that his show is a vehicle for the interests of some other faggot billionaire(s) who should be in a gas chamber, who doesn't/don't like the Australian faggot billionaire, and who is/are funding this "news report" as a way of damaging that billionaire's chances at getting some Jewish grant or other. So it's all Jewish faggot billionaires all the way up and down. Jewish faggot billionaires funding other Jewish faggot financiers creating astroturf media campaigns designed to "entertain" retarded faggot fat Americanized and just plain American subhuman slaves with TV programs, to slightly damage the chances of some other corrupt scum Jew puppet getting funding from some corrupt ZOGoverment or other. Everything is fake, everything is a scam. The only true way to defend the oceans is to utterly rip the entire system out, root and stem, and start over. Everything is fake, everything is shit, we are entirely controlled by fat old financier faggots using us as ammunition in a propaganda war against eachother in some Jew vs. Jew nightmare where everybody loses. Anyway those are my thoughts on John Oliver.

>> No.23487183

I think you need to hire a hooker
it's what you need

>> No.23487189
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Going to go on my annual trip alone into the woods/lake with a tent and a canoe and some books. It gives me some peace of mind but I do get lonely. I think a heat wave is coming which could suck

>> No.23487190

Are we anthropomorphizing ourselves?

>> No.23487196

By definition no

>> No.23487204

What's a human?

>> No.23487206

A conscious being

>> No.23487210

>Temper your expectations
I know i sound like an adhd virgin autismo tard anon but ive actually had gfs and romantic experience before. i just get anxious when i finally want something and am scared ill fuck it up

>> No.23487217

If a girl likes you enough to ask to spend a vacation with you alone, doesn't that usually mean she wants to fuck you, or at least is comfortable enough to be put into a situation when sexo can happen. Not that my turbo tism self would know, of course.

>> No.23487218
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I am 30 years old now
my body is worn out and unhealthy which make sit hard to even begin to change
I have -$11
I dont believe im physically/mentally capable of working 8 hours and holding a schedule even for a shitty walmart job that a retard could do
no skills
I never became an adult
I had lots of friends and im not bad looking guy, lots of women liked me
I left highschool after not graduating then just layed down and hid from the world for 12 years
now suddenly im 30 with less than nothing to show for it and the clock is ticking, parents are getting old


>> No.23487222

this is literally just a communist rant but youve affixed"jew" to "billionaire" to make yourself feel better about it

come home anon, youre a communist, just admit it

>> No.23487223

To the Anon from the last thread who was considering becoming Catholic: I'll pray for you.

>> No.23487227

And I'll pray that he doesn't.
Catholicism is full of inauthentic working class Irish and Italians who can't even do basic arithmetic and just have the goldfish stare whenever you start talking about proper theology.
t. former Catholic

>> No.23487230

But it has the Eucharist, Anon.

>> No.23487233
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I know that feel bro, hang in there.

>> No.23487239

I'd rather do my own alchemy than get it second hand from a jew in exchange for stingy and life-denying ways to exist

>> No.23487251

Watching Harry Potter 1 rn. hermione is so cute

>> No.23487256
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I think eating the literal Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is a pretty extraordinary privilege.

>> No.23487269

you think literal cannibalism is a privilege?

>> No.23487286

Wire and XTC are two of the best bands of all time

>> No.23487289

When they dont speak I love women. When they do speak I hate women.

>> No.23487297

I find it sad when people listen to music from like decades ago, its like living in the past. Not that there are too many great contemporary movements, a lot of shit nowadays is stuck in the 90s or y2k

>> No.23487302

older music is usually better, not always the case but there's a reason a lot of the best musicians that are alive today admire and listen to the artists from the 60s, 70s and even 80s

>> No.23487320

Sounds pretty cool. Where are you from and where you planning on going?

>> No.23487346

I've always been an individualistic person. I would always try to avoid doing group projects and shit, anything I can do by myself I'd prefer that. However, I've noticed people somehow assumed I'd be a good leader for things like projects, youth programs, church functions,etc. I don't know why. I don't like managing people, to me they're not well worth the headache.

>> No.23487422

You were probably forced to develop skills.

>> No.23487427

Still not coming to your fourth female funeral, butters

>> No.23487434

I mean they're good but best is a bit much

>> No.23487437
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Realized that I've spent years of my life developing a private web of interlinked concepts in my brain related to philosophy, aesthetics, and religion, and I enjoy nothing more in my life than hashing it out further & exploring new branches. But because it's my own system nobody else knows about it or can discuss it. I find virtually all people boring as fuck because they're talking about the same shit I knew about at 14 years old while I'm exploring all these uncharted territories in my mind and trying to discover new modes of consciousness. I've looked for company for a long time but it seems like other people genuinely just can't operate on my level, I gotta be really patient with them and explain the whole thing bit by bit, once I break it down they say it's fascinating though. Maybe one day I'll write a book and explain the whole thing at length. If I discover something important you can bet I will. For now it's just observations really. But I do think it could go somewhere.

>> No.23487512

Jung is weirdly liminal in that he seems to have both normie and serious appeal and also a bit too esoteric for empiricists and too empirical for the esotericists.

>> No.23487518

why the fuck is this this real for example
what is the motivation

>> No.23487574

I've really been embarrassing myself lately. I've been so hung up on my ex, even though we broke up - jesus - three years ago now. I mostly didn't think about her, until 6 months ago I noticed a strange account watching my stories on Instagram. I somehow convinced myself it was her, using only tangential, barely passable evidence, and since then have driven myself crazy thinking about her and thinking about what she thinks about me. For all I fucking know it is probably a bot following me. Anyway, I had my reasons to suspect it was her - still have them, jesus, still trying to convince myself it's her. All a moot point because I'm not reaching out to her anyway. That's what makes it so pathetic. I've found her on every social media and I watch her change her dumb profile pictures, looking for clues about her life. That's how stupid and pathetic I am.

Anyway, I just had to download whatsapp for the first time and it inserted her into my contact book automatically, and her profile pic was her with some dude. My heart sank. It's been 3 years of course she has moved on. Though I'll say the guy kind of looks like me. Whatever, I think now I can finally move on. Knowing she has a boyfriend kind of closes a certain chapter. The same thing happened many years ago when I was driving myself crazy about another girl. The moment she mentioned she had a boyfriend I was finally able to feel closure and move on. God, what's wrong with me. I am too sensitive, neurotic, and romantic.

>> No.23487577

This sounds a lot like something Gregory Berrycone would do.

>> No.23487582

How can you even call yourself a grown man if you're under 6'0"? I'll happily call you a grown boy, but there's nothing manly about you.

>> No.23487585

It truly is amazing how we mentally derive from our miniature lives the immensity of existence and feel that immensity everywhere in the miniatureness of our lives.

>> No.23487589

Black Sea is one of the best albums of ALL TIME

>> No.23487604

Embarrassing lyrics.
There are a million better "fuk u god ur not my dad" songs, here's one.

>> No.23487610

your picrel just became my wallpaper
i need a reminder that i am not alone in my perceived hopeless darkness

>> No.23487619

Feels like there are elections somewhere and some deranged commie shill farm that was shut down got funded again.

>> No.23487621

>I am too sensitive, neurotic, and romantic.
You are not the only one anon as i am the exact same. Prisoners of our own hearts and minds. Godspeed

>> No.23487632

Modern work environment suits women much better. Men should be freed to go elsewhere.

>> No.23487642

Depends on what work environment you're talking about

>> No.23487649

lipstick testing factory

>> No.23487651

If our perceptions and judgments of things are inseparably tied to the particular milieu and zeitgeist of our existence then our minds are inevitably and simultaneously assaulted by the terror of the inability to truly understand anyone else but ourselves on their own terms, and the gentle warmth of intimacy, that the totality of our consciousness and its impressions is a secret kept between the universe and us that is ours alone.

>> No.23487689

>milieu and zeitgeist
Formed by shared environment. You have the same boring mind as everyone else unless you deliberately go schizo like all based men eventually do.

>> No.23487718

I've been there anon. You'll make it one day.

>> No.23487807

Horny once again

>> No.23487872

It's only natural. Go ztronk your shit and report back.

>> No.23487889

Currently watching some Japanese guy livestream himself playing a Yokai Watch game, I don't understand a word the guy is saying but it's comfy.

>> No.23487924

This faggot website convinced me to go off SSRIs 7 years ago and consequently ruined my twenties because I relapsed into a state of complete dysfunction and my newly conditioned paranoia about SSRIs overwhelmed me with fear of being changed for the worse and kept me away from the only realistic way of improving my situation.
I tried to use philosophy, religion, and meditation. I wasted the most fruitful years of my life trying to make it work. Thousands of hours of reading, writing, and contemplation. Didn't ultimately help.
Just take whatever drugs and follow whatever protocols let you get the most it of life.
There's no point in living as a defective.

>> No.23487933

Very happy with the change in mindset I developed over the years.
I laugh at people doomposting online now. Life is too good to be blackpilled.

>> No.23487936

Would you like to do the PhD though? You'll feel pinched while getting it, but for the rest of your life you can say you got a PhD while working full time.
You should raise your aspirations, anon.

>> No.23487939

Based take, I hope you have a good day, anon.

>> No.23487943

then when he's making mad bank for working full time while earning a stem phd, leftists will say it's not fair and he should receive the same income as a guy who delivers ubereats.

>> No.23487946

Its Friday so it's already good.
Weekend will be driving around looking for inspiration on what colours work well on the new house I bought. Swimming after that. And on Sunday watch some EURO 2024 and then off to brunch.

>> No.23487960

I think I might have offended an old friend of mine.
He reacted very unenthusiastic to pretty big news and in the few conversations after he stayed purely on business.
Now I sent him the date of the wedding and he hasn't responded in an entire day.
If he's that fickle over nothing he can get fucked but it would be a shame. I know him for about 15 years now.

>> No.23487985


>> No.23488000

>Embarrassing lyrics.
you're too young to listen to XTC go listen to Limp Bizkit, Korn or whatever it is kids listen to these days

>> No.23488009

We are in the same boat, anon. 30, better days behind us, bodies aching, our boomers decaying. We are basically the same, except for the fact that I've had 6 jobs in the last 16 months. Believe me when I say you can do it. Start small. Try volunteering first. There's no pressure. Or get a PT job stocking shelves. It's not hard and everyone there is pretty sympathetic (at least where I live).

>> No.23488028

I wish you were fun

>> No.23488042

I wish you understood that you haven't passed a skill check in literal years and you are the Trump getting indicted over and over again of every single day of your life.

>> No.23488084

Almost all my siblings are on SSRIs. I feel down a lot but I refuse to touch the stuff.

>> No.23488094

>Limp Bizkit, Korn
Funny, quality lyrics.
Post more "y god mean though" songs faggot.

>> No.23488098

you clearly are a retarded troll so fuck off
also, I'm not the anon that posted the Dear God youtube clip

>> No.23488110

What the fuck are you yapping about retard? What is wrong with you hordes of braindead faggots everywhere?

>> No.23488131

repost from another thread bc no replies TT
I'm currently holding spinoza ethics from my local library, should i just read it or are there philosophical works and context i should be aware of before attempting to read that book?

>> No.23488149

silence virgin

>> No.23488204

>true intellectual
>blogs about how he doesn't like it when people like things he doesn't like
>Everyone posting *here* is stupid unlike me
Why are midwits like this?

>> No.23488205

I wonder if anything I've said really had a lasting impression on someone I barely know.
Obviously with people near me it happened, but I have memories of things people have said to me that I remember for years later. Mostly insults or something that stroked my ego.

Would be fun to know who remembered what I said to them all those years ago.

>> No.23488208

Sounds like a solid weekend

>> No.23488212

In some schools of thought supposedly once we die we're locked in a place where our life is reviewed from the perspectives of the people we've interacted with as we're judged for our actions. You'll have much fun with that.

>> No.23488215

Do you ever wonder just how severe of a dysgenic effect did the two world wars have on the european population?

>> No.23488218

I think I'd be good in that case. Any sin I have committed was mostly with no one there to see it.

>> No.23488221

Didn't Europeans torture people for fun before the enlightenment? They were always degenerate fucks.

>> No.23488230

Give 'em a break, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition

>> No.23488239

Why do I get the feeling that the girl that's into me is only looking to make me her husband and baby daddy soon and isn't actually interested in me for me

>> No.23488244

You're trans

>> No.23488253

Because you've noticed that no one will care about/love you as much as you and extrapolated it in a retarded way to one person.

>> No.23488276

I slipped and hit my ass. It's been 3 hours and it still hurts.

>> No.23488292

I'd like to slip in and hit that ass until it hurts, if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.23488297

Did anyone see?

>> No.23488356

Stop being so retarded bro
I know what it feels like to speak to a friend or gf that is truly interested in you.
This chick doesn't but is doing gf things like cooking and talking about kids, idk it's just a vibe, I'm retarded anyways so forget this shit

>> No.23488366

Talk to her then. If she doesn't want to or can't get there just move on. It's really not all that complicated. Trust your instincts, you're not wrong.

>> No.23488439

I need to level up my income and fast. I don’t even know where to start…

>> No.23488451

Sell street food that's easy and cheap to make

>> No.23488458

do a stem masters

>> No.23488466
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Ancient North Eurasian is Hyperborean.
It's interesting how Iranians have more Hyperborean admixture than Southern Euros.
Aryans were ~50-60% Hyperborean, and oddly enough, Southern Euros have more Aryan ancestry than Iranians. However, Iranians got their Hyperborean ancestry from other more ancient sources and have more than Southern Euros.

It is possible the Ancient Greeks were right that Zoroastrianism and Vedism is 5000-6000 years old and involved the interaction of ANE with Basal Eurasians. This would also explain why fire temples predated Aryan incursions into BMAC. It is possible that the heavy modern focus on Aryans is astroturfed to create narratives in preparation for war.

>> No.23488470

That’s probably the worst possible way. Besides, I already have a good job.

>> No.23488487

so just switch to a new job that pays more. since you already work in stem, you can probably get up to 500k total comp if you switch to a senior role involving some management responsibility.

>> No.23488499

Lurk /smg/ on /biz/ for 6 months, read Hull or someone to learn the super basics of investing, pump money into safe stuff like DCAing into VOO/SPY, then once you feel a bit more confident look at options trading or futures or day trading or any of the other ways to lose money on Wall Street. You can also try getting into crypto but these days just going to a casino might be a safer bet.
Otherwise, you can look into starting what some call a side hustle. If you learn to do a craft very well, like calligraphy, woodworking, or digital drawing, you can do commissions for side income (though the time/opportunity cost to profit ratio might not work the way you want it to).

>> No.23488511

Goodnight guys. It's been fun. Need to follow the protocol and go to sleep on time

>> No.23488512

Investing is easy. Just put away an x amount of your income into blue chips or a high yield savings account and be decades worth of time patient. No amount of learning mental gymnastics is going to give you an edge over established hedgies. Learning new skills is a great idea though.

>> No.23488544

Rob a bank
Blackmail a politician
Become a professional con artist

>> No.23488564

Can't imagine being an american/brit/frenchie and constantly worrying if your crush/gf/wife ever fucked a nigger.

>> No.23488565

Cute cuck fetish, anon. Thanks for sharing it with us. Post hand.

>> No.23488569

I have baguette fever I want a French so bad

>> No.23488588

Watch Deliverance

>> No.23488593

Catholics are really superstitious. The idea that it's literally the body and blood wasn't even formulated until some council in 1200s, relying on Aristotle more than the Bible.

>> No.23488598

Then what do you need more money for?

>> No.23488601

It’s not enough money. I have to take care of more people.

>> No.23488602
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thoughts on Neutral Milk Hotel?

>> No.23488605

NA Native Americans were literally more Hyperborean than NW Euros.

>> No.23488606


>> No.23488622

Anyone else have parents that are always negative and shit
on everything they want to do?

>> No.23488630

Do you think it’s a bad idea for a guy in his 30s to go after a PhD part-time if it’s basically free or is there better things he could be doing with his time? Obviously, if it’s basically free he has only the time to lose, but I just don’t really see the likely payoff either.

>> No.23488635

Just do it bro. It's free. Not like being in your 30s should affect your decision.

>> No.23488642

It’s not really that 30s is too late or something. It’s rather than in 30s there’s opportunity cost. You know? Like if you’re in your 30s and you’ve been working, you could theoretically start a business, maybe buy a house, maybe buy a rental property, whatever. All these things are more likely to pay off than a PhD don’t you think?

>> No.23488645

Not me, but my wife's mom is such a negative bitch, I can't stand being around her

>> No.23488652

You have no idea what the future holds. Pick a lane and move forward.

>> No.23488653

It's alright to do things for reasons other than money

>> No.23488666

poors man dij

>> No.23488674

been watching old (modest mouse) live shows from '96-'99 on youtube and when i hear a distinct 'woo' or 'yeah' in the crowd i wonder to myself what that persons up to right now.

>> No.23488686

What's the best live show of theirs?

>> No.23488689

Are you actually going to do any of that

>> No.23488690

I'm the same as I was when I was six years old..

>> No.23488694

Last time my colleagues from college hanged out I couldn't be there because I couldn't sleep the night before and I was too tired. We are supposed to meet tomorrow but it looks like I caught a cold so I'll probably miss out again. This makes me sad. I don't have a social life so I enjoy these occasional hang outs because I get to talk to multiple people but I keep on missing out. I also don't know if they believe these reasons or if they think that I lie because I don't want to see them. I've noticed that people become cold to me if I am not present.

>> No.23488695


>> No.23488709

checked and I literally got interested in dij b/c i heard they were nazis

>> No.23488736

The more I learn about humans, the more I refine my social abilities, the more I turn into a misanthrope. Human beings are such filth. The fact that the more prudent an asshole you are the higher your social credit score raises. That the more of a heart you have for people the more they tramp you over. I learned the hard way. Such a vile and corrupt society.
Imagine being a nasty and disgusting communist. Dreaming of the dumb and vile masses 'usurpating the power', like anything good has ever come out of the masses, like they would ever reach a hivemind IQ capable of such a thing.
Yes, I am part of this corrupt and vile mass and I hate this fact about myself. I wish I was nobility.

>> No.23488747

What does it feel like to be in mutual romantic love?

>> No.23488749

oh my God, I feel so damn old.. I don't really feel anything.

>> No.23488752

how the fuck should I know?

>> No.23488753

It’s not about me.

>> No.23488757

I dont know either hence the question.

>> No.23488771

the earlier the better i guess

>> No.23488779

lol >>/lit/thread/23083781#p23088224

>> No.23488783

There's no American hivemind. Hiveminds only exist where the population is homogenous. They are these huge blobs of families related to each other and that create a non-human sort of consciousness that totally exists and influences and directs society in a way incomprehensible to the individual. There was many hiveminds in Europe just until the 20th Century but now they have mostly broke down. Now you have all these immigrants and mutts and as a result, a hivemind cannot form. And without a hivemind a society cannot form. And if you aren't part of a hivemind you become dumb and stupi but you can't choose your hivemind much like you can't choose your family.
If you don't follow the principles of society the hivemind will find and kill you.

>> No.23488785

It sucks you cant even make rape threats on the internet anymore

>> No.23488793

we're fucked then huh

>> No.23488798

The biggest problem is assuming this is a good thing but people think China is the savior of the white race for being impotent bugs without a spine. Liberty and democracy are the white man's invention, and a lot of legal ideas like natural right, habeas corpus, and due process are noble ideas and it's just a shame brown people are too low IQ to appreciate them. Even Marxism, for all its faults, was termed "The German Ideology" and as it seems even the east cannot escape western modes of thinking. Even if we perish, you cant kill ideas, especially if other races are too imbecilic to come up with their own.

>> No.23488799

im goingto rape you

>> No.23488802

Only a few years behind you anon. I guess we'll make it? Keep trying anyway.

>> No.23488807 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23488814

My ex's mom was similar and was a post wall roastie

>> No.23488833

It feels incredible for a few months and then transforms into something more subtle not all that unlike the way you love a child or a sibling

>> No.23488844

I think there’s always a hivemind. In lieu of one motivated by ethnic affinities, it will be motivated religious, social, economic, etc. interests. That’s what leftism in America really. It’s a bunch of people sensing that they can get a job as a DEI officer or win a lawsuit or garner some social-emotional capital from their friends if they support black lives.

>> No.23488857
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I now have 17 laurels to my name

>> No.23488863

The last time Amerirats had good ideas was when they still had an Anglo-Saxon hivemind.
One must understand that a hivemind doesn't cease to exist simply because the Americans got rid of their political belonging to Britain.
The Anglo-Saxon hivemind continued existing and was only disrupted after a long and unperceivable muttification process. Muttification with Germozoids, Shitalians, Gayreeks.
Anglo-Saxons were termo-based. Probably the last peoples sufficiently noble to create and direct a whole civilization. Now they're gone to muttification and humanity will die as a result. Sad!

>> No.23488864

Obviously but some bets are smarter than others. That’s just undeniable.

>> No.23488872

One of the best things America could do to clean up crime in cities is make police officers, first responders, and military look cooler. The main reason these kids end up in gangs rather than the police academy is because gangs look cool and the police academy looks lame. It’s not even really about the money.

>> No.23488874
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I realize I have the same problems I already had 25 years ago

>> No.23488878

Nahh I don't mean hivemind as something the individual is influenced by. I mean an actual conscious being that acts on it's own and uses the individuals part of it as peons to achieve it's unperceivable goals.

>> No.23488897

This is why hedging exists. You can always split your time, but more often than not people who do this wind up with neither which is why I think worrying about opportunity cost on this scale is silly. There is no way to know until we're there. We can take the good ol' boomer wisdom of you must get a 4 year degree to find success as an example. They couldn't have seen streaming coming if you gave them a thousand years to consider.

>> No.23488948

After a year of dry spell my female cousin told me that I'm attractive. That I should just work on my style and personality as to become more attractive on dating apps.
I've basically become a husk, I treat women like shit and act like they have no value. Surprisingly this has gotten me laid on the first date with every girl 've had the intention to, even some that I've decided to just take back to their houses.
A couple of girls that's I felt matched my old vibe made me sway and go back to my old habits. Naturally I fumbled them.
I'm so fucking tired of this charade. Every sunday I wake up feeling like shit. I'm tired of drinking every weekend, but I feel overwhelmed with my daily chores if I don't. I can't seem to find joy in my hobbies, I've become used to continiously seek entertainment and I don't want to. I've become a normie, I've burned my receptors. I don't even feel anything but dread anymore.
I'm so fucking tired bros.
I just want to be content, maybe find some nice girl. But I know damn well that I won't find her on dating apps and parties.

>> No.23488986

I keep waking up at night so deep in thought it makes my brain hurt, why does my mind find this assault on my physical persons acceptable???

>> No.23489000

other day I was watching this 0 view livestream on youtube of this trailer trash family playing cards at like 11pm. I just randomly tuned in for 2 minutes, and a shot rang out in the background. the guy goes 'that sound like a 22 shell to me.'

>> No.23489025

Do you ever feel like your traumas growing up were serious enough to impact your personality but not serious enough to be considered "real" trauma? So you're stuck in that no man's land where normies don't get you and you don't get them either but you don't feel like you really deserve to call yourself a victim either.

>> No.23489042

Yeah fuck the blackpill and shit like that, but it's hard to get to that kind of state of mind when you've got a lot of problems. I often feel like I'll never actually make it, but it's kinda nice to see anons who have.

>> No.23489066

Depends on what type of phd. But isnt that what you’re supposed to do in your 30s anyways? Go to grad school?

>> No.23489072

No. Most people have finished their PhD before they’re 28.

>> No.23489075

Stop thinking about her. I could love you like no one else.

>> No.23489082

Anglo-Saxons are literal demons. The Native Americans had more Hyperborean admixture than you, yet you ethnically cleansed them.

>> No.23489084

What should be written in a love letter? I have 2 women ive promised letters to and would like these to be some of the best gifts they ever receive in their lives

>> No.23489085

Maybe we should bring back Stirner threads and make jokes about spooks.

>> No.23489086

It sounds like she molested you the way you talk about it. It’s not weird unless someone finds out. We all do weird things. If you’re asking how a female would react to this, then I’d say most women would be flattered deep down.

>> No.23489089

>I am too sensitive, neurotic, and romantic.
I like to think I have this problem. Honestly I don't think your weird boyfriend thing is that weird, it's just a more final sign that it's absolutely over, so you feel like you can actually let go of it.

>> No.23489107

Why are you writing love letters to two women? You should only be writing love letters to one woman. Why? This makes me sad, they think you’re only writing letters for them. Little do they know. Talk about their smell, I feel like that could be romantic.

>> No.23489117

If cyberpunk ever becomes real I'm going to be one of those straight edge weirdos who wouldn't ever want to do cybernetics. The marriage of flesh to metal and circuitry would be an abomination in my eyes, an affront to the beauty and perfection of flesh and blood.

>> No.23489170

I like to make fun of women but genuinely good female authors must really have it rough, far rougher than us in any case, to be blessed with far too much self-awareness for their own good and happiness.

>> No.23489182

It’s Anglo-American world and you’re just living in it.

Remember that.

>> No.23489191

How you'll be pounding their pussies day and night and filling them with your warm cum

>> No.23489200

We all keep/do weird things, as long as the panty exchange was mutual and consensual, it's all yours to cherish, anon.

made me laugh

>> No.23489209

Great! Have fun, anon.

>> No.23489224

They were already devoid of morals and stinky before it even started. Basically what >>23488221 said.

>> No.23489242

Pull down thy vanity.

>> No.23489248

landmark what?

>> No.23489252

It's over death is only solution to my problems. Ce la vie

>> No.23489267

Suck it up chump. Just go even if you have a cold.

>> No.23489273
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Got this Infograph not sure what I should do with it

>> No.23489356

this is for rachel

>> No.23489368

>a woman

>> No.23489374

who are some must read /lit/ women authors? a girl saw my bookshelf recently and called me out for basically reading zero female authors.
I'm about to read Plath, but who else?

>> No.23489436

We cheered as the bombs dropped.

One survived the first salvo.
Praying on his knees
we got him.

A real martyr.

I've seen the reality
of martyrdom
after it rots
for three days
in the Sun.

The cheering
the praying
the bloating
the banality.

>> No.23489439

Research it yourself, you retarded simp faggot.

>> No.23489540

I accidentally typed "Antarctician philosophy" instead of "Australian philosophy" into Google.

>> No.23489583

Well? Find anything interesting?

>> No.23489591

youre uptight, try having sex.

>> No.23489592


>> No.23489596

To the anon who told me "it's whatever G" about my breakup a few days ago: I'm getting there.

>> No.23489659

I can't take it anymore, I don't know what her fucking problem is. I've been trying to talk to her for 4 months and only rarely do we ever get a consistent conversation. She takes several hours to read my replies and every single time I try to reiterate that I don't want to annoy her and that I'm trying to be serious with her she still tells me it's OK and that she enjoys talking with me and hopes we will develop into something more. We genuinely have so many of the same interests and she just refuses to talk with me about them. She will send me pictures of her reading Dostoevsky but I haven't had any fucking conversation with her about him because she just doesn't respond. Nothing is going right for me in life except the possibility of having a 9/10 model-tier gf and I've made no fucking progress in it because she just doesn't talk even when she herself starts a conversation and asks me questions. It's unreal

>> No.23489705

My parents are such white trash. I hate to admit this but I’m often embarassed of them when we’re in public.

>> No.23489722

after like 15 -16 years, I dont want to spend my downtime on 4chan anymore, but I dont really know what else to do

>> No.23489728

Get a proper hobby?

>> No.23489735

try reading dumbass

>> No.23489744

I love alcohol. Thinking of buying a flask and embracing it

>> No.23489754

At least with trashy parents there isn't the stress of high expectations.
My parents are upper middle, highly educated and my dad a lawyer, so there was high pressure to at least match them. Instead I ended up a failure.
Being poor when you grew up well of is a thousand times more embarrassing.

>> No.23489758

Just found a bag of weed I lost last week

>> No.23489763


i mean when im not reading or drawing or doing anything

>> No.23489766

Get a hobby that takes up more time? Work on drawing more? Start volunteering?

>> No.23489788

I love lit anons, they are probably so handsome with their curious minds and mature bookcases.

>> No.23489797

I like to think I'm a reasonably clever ogre.

>> No.23489799

I still love you, I just wish you had made any attempt to reassure me that you didn't move on. I was more than capable of handling your melancholia, if you really thought I didn't understand it completely. You can't even begin to fathom how much worse my life was. But since you thought it better to pull away I'm sorry but goodbye.

We could've loved each other. Wholly. I still wish you had tried for me even now. I don't think I'll ever move on from you my love. You'll always be a ghost in my heart.

>> No.23489802

i was, once

>> No.23489821

The obvious answer is that your “shared interests” are all a LARP on her part. She doesn’t actually like Dosto; she just posts pics of her pretending to read his books because she wants to seem artsy and deep.

>> No.23489827

But see, that’s the thing. There is because they either expect you to bail them out, fund their retirement, or whatever. That, and the fact that since they don’t have wealth, getting it is all they talk about. Plus, you feel this enormous burden like you have to break the cycle.

>> No.23489848

Nah, I'm an ugly bastard. I've had girls tell me I'm one of the ugliest guys they've ever seen.

>> No.23489871

i like to read posts like this and pretend it's her talking to me.

>> No.23489878


>> No.23489891

I wish women had deep interests and not deep vaginas

>> No.23489893

I would have just raped her for getting lippy with me.

>> No.23489894

Evelyn Waugh

>> No.23489897

St. Edith Stein
St. Therese of Lisieux

>> No.23489900

And her contemporary, Sue Denim

>> No.23489903

looks pretty fake

>> No.23489906

gets boring after a while

>> No.23489909

The lyrics "And one day we will die
And our ashes will fly from the aeroplane over the sea
But for now we are young
Let us lay in the sun
And count every beautiful thing we can see" live rent free in my head. I first heard it when I was like 18 or so but now im a boomer who is no longer young

>> No.23489915

>Supports Israel
>Stared in a gay porno
Checks out

>> No.23489920

Happy days
Don't bother. All the good books are written by degenerate weirdos. If you get a good female author and read her, you will find out the book contains degenerate shit, and the only difference will be the women unashamed about reading YA smut will have read the book, while the women stanning Beauvoir have no idea they're recommending pedo advocacy because they don't read. If you get a competent set of authors, completely gender blind, and you get a well read well rounded woman to look at your bookshelf, the first comments are going to be about how she's not into as many weird polysexual fetishes as the library demands your rabidly bisexual drug taking ass must be.

>> No.23489993

“Australian philosophy” o i am laffin. I may concede they have 1 or 2 good novels (naturally of course none of them better than novels you can find in at least 15+ other counties), but a philosophy? That I simply can’t accept

>> No.23490018

Too edgy or nah? Been reading American Psycho. Keep in mind ESL.

Every villain has his origin story. I think I'm immediately going through mine. My entire life people have been accusing me of being as wicked as the devil himself. I think it's finally time to prove them right.
I wanted to avoid this, I really did. The state of the world has taught me to keep this side of myself deeply welded within the deepest corners of my thought. Have they perhaps supposed it would simply dissapear if I suppressed it hard enough?
I don't even know what I'm doing wrong, to be entirely honest. Be yourself, the universal advice goes. So what if I want to surgically pluck out the eyes of a family friend, one by one, while he's tied helplessly onto a table, just because he told me I should tone down my general behaviour? That's only his opinion. A dangerous one which shouldn't be spread, to add. Everybody's right. Or nobody is, depending on how pessimistic you are. These days everybody has an opinion; democracy be damned.
Maybe I should open up a social network to share my thoughts; surely in time I would gather a collective of like-minded individuals who support me? Shower me with unconditional support my dear followers; you're just being misunderstood.
Of course you should hurt back the ones who hurt you. Take their pants off and sodomize them with that cactus your mother has so proudly boasted of giving life to. That flower which she so impatiently awaited to sprout all year long simply because it only lasts for one entire noon in a 365 day long year? It has served its purpose. It sprouted into a spike which ended up violently penetrating some guy's asshole puncture by puncture, serving as a kinkier version of a textured dildo. As soon as the first pierce ruptured through, you enjoyed the greatness of his suffering. But that's just the first one. Each next slice and tear makes you more excited as he gradually increases the volume of his animalistic screams of terror. It's giving you immense pleasure, but at least he deserved it, right? This pathetic wretch dared to question your impenetrable morals. You trusted in this indescribable bond between the two of you well enough to toss your heart and soul in front of him and the only response he had is it that you should be happy he's not reporting you to the police for bringing underage girls home and he's breaking all contact with you? A true friend.

>> No.23490026

2/3, got ahead of the word count

Your mother would be so proud for using her oh so carefully cultivated cactus in this way, that is, if she's not busy being mentally stuck in her teens while pushing sixty in her physical form. Excuse me, I'm probably close to projecting my own trauma at this point.
Everybody has impulses. Intrusive thoughts, as the pseudoscience health professionals call it. Oh what I'd give to have a diploma in the infantile horoscope simplification of the human mind called psychology right now, though I am but a simple unachiver. Never went beyond high school but even so has my curiosity lead me to lines of thought far beyond the realm of social acceptance.
I was the actor of many fucked up things, that I am aware of. The problem lies in being accused of even worse. Why couldn't you be satisfied with gossiping about the things I actually did without blowing them out of proportion? It affects my reputation, you know. Now you're testing my patience. Pretty soon you'll be accusing me of raping people with a cactus.
You really think I am capable of such evil, what kind of animal do you take me for?! That's too simple, nobody deserves a punishment as harsh as that.
Instead you could easily find yourself in a situation where you're forced to choose between injecting your baby brother with a heroic dose of heroin or having your life taken away from you. I'm in such joy to hear your girlfriend is pregnant. Growing up farherless is one of the most awful curses you could bestow upon your child, especially if you have a choice in the matter. Are you sure you want your kid to grow up a limp-wristed faggot or an attention starved whore while you're rotting in hell, watching on in torment as the love of your life is being satisfied by a stud of a man you could only dream of being? I hear rehab isn't that expensive these days, and if the individual is determined enough he could even get off opiates.
The tall tales of my unruly way of behaving you conjure for your entertainment are way too cartoonishly evil. I have been accused of being a rapist, a killer. I am simply not capable of being such a monster. That hurts my feelings. Even I have my limits. I somewhat enjoy being a part of your mutually agreed upon codex of acceptable actions and I'd be thrilled if it stay that way.
I don't fully like it, but it's not like I could just entirely show myself to the world, no. I would never humiliate myself enough to the point of forcing myself on somebody, but if necessary, I could abrase an unwilling maiden with such violent pleasure until she develops fetishes never recorded on tape even in the wildest depravity of pornographic tapes. If necessary.
It's not like something monumental even happened tonight. It was the most typical Friday night out. Usually this side of me comes out whenever somebody intentionally misuses my trust or otherwise tickles on my insecurities. But tonight is different. Nothing of the sort happened.

>> No.23490030

3/3, final

I am angry with myself. Perhaps I was so much eager for someone to bring me out that I lost myself in expectations. Every further minute it seems more likely that I simply cannot keep myself in captivity much longer. I still blame you for periodically making it all pile up.
Yes, as soon as the next challenge of my patience makes itself clear I will undisputedly reveal myself to the world. Everything everyone ever expected of me will be torn to shreds. You're so sure you have a clear concept of who I am? I vow I will shatter your presumptions. Oh, I cannot wait. I am much, much worse that whatever your unimaginative brain could think of. The idea of me which you contribute to with your empty words is about to become regarded as holy.
Am I the devil? That one question which my closest circle has been malicefully joking about has become the main thought fueling my existential crisis lately. Am I the devil? I don't think I can grant you any fame, but I guarantee I could take your soul. Am I the devil? I'm not sure of that myself, but I guess I'm about to find out.

>> No.23490041

new thread


>> No.23490501

I bet calvinism and occasionalism go well together

>> No.23490610

No offense, but you must be someone who enjoys eating lead paint chips if you think liberty, democracy, natural right, or any other retarded fag term are positives, for the simple fact that they obviously don't work/ work for whoever suit at that point of time. All your value systems are Jew based, which are based on nothing but faggy emotional attachments to nothing.