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23486198 No.23486198 [Reply] [Original]

>During the war, Fanon was exposed to more white European racism. For example, European women liberated by black soldiers often preferred to dance with fascist Italian prisoners, rather than fraternize with their liberators.
>after this sexual frustration he proceeds to write an entire book based on pseudo-freudian drivel claiming whites are machoistic and deep down really want to fuck niggers in the submissive role but repress it because of... muh racism

Boy all leftist thought really is just one giant cope for an inferiority complex this is so clearly such a gigacope on his part. He even ended up marrying a gypsy woman obviously as some way of proving he could get a white women and the funniest part was she wasn't actually white, he to settle for the closest thing he could get a gypsie lol. Guy must have been in a state of constant frustration. Truly the original nigcel bbc spammer

>> No.23486219

>For Fanon, this idea of white masochism was a revelation, capable of explaining why white people did not simply oppress black people, but also seemed to exhibit a strange longing for them. He had already concluded (on what he claimed was the basis of personal experience and psychiatric practice) that overt white racism toward blacks—or negrophobia—had sexual origins. White women who fear the supposed sexual danger posed by black men actually long to be violated, Fanon wrote in Black Skin, White Masks: “isn’t this fear of rape, in fact, a demand for rape? Just as we say that there are faces that are begging to be slapped, can’t we say that are women begging to be raped?”

literally trying to justify why he should be able to rape white women

>> No.23486246


>> No.23486382
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he was a major incel/chud of that era. not as a bad as Sayyid "Caliph of the Incels" Qutb tho

>> No.23486752

Fanon is the greatest argument against treating niggers with respect.

>> No.23486760

Yakub of chuds

>> No.23486786

I remember reading somewhere that the the black division of the army had a ridiculously high rate of reported rape while in Europe, so I don't think they needed an excuse

>> No.23486791

>He was described by his female assistant as a “sadist,” of projecting his own proclivities onto whites.

>> No.23486795

>He had already concluded (on what he claimed was the basis of personal experience and psychiatric practice)
>personal experience

>> No.23487264 [DELETED] 


>> No.23487473
File: 1.93 MB, 1500x7900, negro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the negro problem

>> No.23488030

This pretty much describes to a t all the non stop fetishization of bbc in american made porn. To a foregneir, it seems americans, both "male" and female, live their lives constantly fantazisizing about black fellas fucking them and their kin. Can an american explain this?

>> No.23488054

Racists justify their worldview any way they can. Yours, and his.

>> No.23488063

>One writer
>All leftist thought is [abc]
I thought you guys were educated, didn't deal in generalisations, able to divide arguments correctly.

>> No.23488456
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>> No.23488683


Once again, the chud-minority non-contradiction is self-evident. The only thing the establishment fears, etc.

>> No.23488767

If blacks are equal why don't niggernogs take black women. No, they take white women because their own smell like pigs probably. What other reason would there be? To 'show' it to their white masters? Improve their race maybe?

>> No.23489360

Understandably so. Most of them stunk. Have you not experienced the peculiar stench of a smelly african person? The contest for number one spot is between them and the curry-smelling indians.

>> No.23489366
File: 250 KB, 736x960, 1605233838047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downright peculiar...

>> No.23489454

this nigga looking alittle zesty...