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23485732 No.23485732 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.23485748


>> No.23485752

>some literal who has an opinion
"Big Bang Theory" was disproven already. Fuck off.
At least put "sage" in the options when you respond to this drivel.

>> No.23485756

>some literal who has an opinion
It's a well-known author of novels:
>At least put "sage" in the options when you respond to this drivel.
You didn't do it yourself and demand it from others? That's rich.

>> No.23485774

>"Big Bang Theory" was disproven already
When lmao?

>> No.23485783

>retard on x.com has idiotic opinions
Thank you for reposting these riveting insights.

>> No.23485789

It's crazy that Tao Lin is known as "some literal who" from Twitter. What happened to this place?

>> No.23485793

gish galloping yappersville population: 1

>> No.23485796

He's on my shelf right now and he's still a literal who. What next, are you going to give any attention to Mira Gonz's opinions?

>> No.23485800

Tao is possibly the most autistic man alive

>> No.23485812

The theory relies on dark matter being real but it was proven not to exist

>> No.23485813

Right about what?

>> No.23485830

You're an idiot, dark matter is an observable phenomenon, and is still widely accepted by physicists.

>> No.23485831

should we tell him?

>> No.23485837

Does he also believe the Earth is flat and there is a firmament above us, because I do.

>> No.23485857

yes, he's right. he doesn't believe in those things.

>> No.23485872

How do you know? Believes are mental states which are inaccessible to outside observers.

>> No.23485878

I appreciate that Tao is willing to share his opinions, even if they make him vulnerable to criticism. I don't really buy his whole dustification theory about the twin towers though. Something like that requires such a tight-knit group of people who are willing to commit atrocities without spilling the beans, I just don't think it's possible as humans are too fallible.

>> No.23485880

Chuds kept mentioning it so journalists all agreed it's a racist theory which means the science is settled.

>> No.23485884

Sage and report all twitter threads

>> No.23485885

Did anyone buy Trip or Leaving Society? What did you think about them?

>> No.23485887

No let him keep going it's funnier that way

>> No.23485909

he must know

>> No.23485915

>widely ACCEPTED

>> No.23485927


>> No.23485931

Based. Chuds btfo'd by science yet again.

>> No.23485935

Me and Yoko

>> No.23485939

obviously not. i would be surprised if he could explain in detail what these theories he doesn't believe in actually say about reality and operate them to make predictions about the world. i would be even more suprised if he could identify concrete ways he expected them to fail that are not already common knowledge (such as relativity's incompatibility with quantum mechanics). i assign about as close to zero probability as i ever get to him being able to make better predictions than those theories in places where those theories fail.

>> No.23485940

Those are like minimum requirements for a person to be worth talking to

>> No.23485945

believing or not believing?

>> No.23485953

>You didn't do it yourself and demand it from others? That's rich.
I clearly did.
>When lmao?
Oh, don't worry. Researchers "researchers took a more careful look at the data" and turns out, nah, we were wrong.
Too bad they never "take a more careful look at the data" from the beginning though! :)

>> No.23485955

>le predictions
That's stupid, because if you believe in the theory of relativity, you cannot believe Newton's laws of motion are true, as they presuppose an empty space. Yet you can predict stuff with Newton's theory, but it's wrong: same can be true for relativity.

The solution to all of the problems of modern physics is really obvious and it's staring everyone right in the face. Nobody will ever do anything about it though. Fuck Giordano Bruno.

>> No.23485958

>That's stupid, because if you believe in the theory of relativity, you cannot believe Newton's laws of motion are true, as they presuppose an empty space. Yet you can predict stuff with Newton's theory, but it's wrong: same can be true for relativity.
yes, correct. all models are wrong, some are useful.

>> No.23485959

>believing or not believing?
not believing

>> No.23485961


>> No.23485968

>yes, correct. all models are wrong, some are useful.
the extent of usefulness can only be known once the extent of what is actually true is known. If you stick with usefulness, well, mud huts were useful, dogs' activities are useful: there was more knowledge to be gained, though.

>> No.23485980

What's wrong with black holes? There's lots of evidence.

>> No.23485981
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>It's a well-known author of novels:

>> No.23485985

>If you stick with usefulness, well, mud huts were useful, dogs' activities are useful: there was more knowledge to be gained, though.
i'm not sure what point this is making. yes, mud huts were useful, and then brick houses were more useful, because they kept being useful in situations where mud huts failed. if we keep going eventually we'll find theories that make better predictions about reality within the regions that we currently have trouble with, and that'll be a genuine advance.

>> No.23485989

>this one retarded pop-sci article goes against this other retarded pop-sci article

>> No.23486026

Belief is irrelevant. Even this retard would end up using the best model if he had some actual reason to model the thing.

>> No.23486063

Leave Society
>modern medicine is FUCKED
>so anyway I did some kratom and jacked off yesterday

>> No.23486142

Newton's laws predict things accurately because locally on the manifold we don't observe the curvature of space-time so everything seems flat and Euclid's parallel postulate holds. Newton's laws are a subset/special case of the theory of relativity. Another example of /lit/ poster arrogantly commenting on something he doesn't understand.

>> No.23486179
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What's the best way to learn Physics and Astronomy? I'm interested but have no idea where to start.

>> No.23486355

Unironocally learn calculus first if you haven't yet, and work your way through a college introductory textbook like Giancoli or Serway and Jewett. You don't need calculus at that level, but if you work through that you'll know a lot in a simplified way, and that may be all you're interested in.
If you want to keep on going then it would be Griffith's electrodynamics and Linear Algebra. Then you can do Quantum Mechanics and differential equations. From there you can branch out into what interests you.

>> No.23486363
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Correct on all points. Imagine unironically believing in:
>renormalization (called by Feynman 'hocus pocus' and 'not mathematically legitimate')
>uncertainty principle
>curved space
>virtual particles
>symmetry breaking
>borrowing from the vacuum
>backwards causality
>dark matter / dark energy
>pushing quark flavor and color

>> No.23486366

Law of the conservation of energy; the universe couldn't have a beginning with that law in place.

>> No.23486373

fpbp, too many eastern dicksuckers around here these days. Reminder these soulless bugs will never do anything worthwhile for humanity.

>> No.23487014

The point is that without advance in knowledge about the existence of certain properties of the universe those properties cannot become manipulable or useful. If you know more, there's more you can use, therefore use does not define knowledge.

>> No.23487029

>Newton's laws predict things accurately because locally on the manifold we don't observe the curvature of space-time so everything seems flat and Euclid's parallel postulate hold
Yes, but that's not what Newton's theory says, does it? Newton's theory would have never happened without the concept of empty space, and its concepts like force and momentum are predicated on the stability of the empty space. Relativity upsets that foundation and yes interprets the applicability of the formulas through itself but nevertheless, even its consequences like wormholes contradict Newtonian laws of motion.

As an aside, it is retarded to think space can curve because its curvature presumes another space to which it can curve. Einstein's theory is retarded.

>> No.23487034

Twitter screencap posters need to be permabanned

>> No.23487038


The Elites got Tesla, the slaves got Eisenstein.

>> No.23487045
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Read it in book form then

>> No.23487057

LITERALLY none of that information is relevant in your life

So in a sense I do not even care if anything on that list is false or right, only neurotic boring people get emotionally involved in that trash

>> No.23487066

>I don't believe.... just because

>> No.23487070

He's completely right
>t. Humanities major with a PhD in Asian literature during the middle ages

>> No.23487077

I don't believe in the theory that the universe is not powered by attention whoring

>> No.23487114

Who was that one chick in Alt-Lit who ultimately quit writing and literally became a hooker? It wasn't Mira, it was somebody else.

>> No.23487313

Ya mom

>> No.23487325

in the first one he is saying time is one variable while space is a rich variable

>> No.23487326

He's correct, but he forgot:
>Nukes are real.

>> No.23487340

you are such a fucking nigger. the big bang theory does not suggest that the universe and energy just popped into existence. the big bang is just the extremely quick expansion of space.

>> No.23487547
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>the big bang is just the extremely quick expansion of space.

>> No.23487617


>> No.23487691

Are his novels any good?

>> No.23487702

He's right. The Big Bang has never, ever posited ex nihilo; that is a purely religious view of the universe, i.e. God's creation of the universe from nothing.

>> No.23487740

It's spacetime that curves you ignorant fruity art faggot, that's a completely different thing. Are you retards this stupid about science? At least scientists and mathematicians read, you faggots get a panic attack when presented with an equation.

>> No.23488036

>It's spacetime that curves you ignorant fruity art faggot, that's a completely different thing.
Spacetime is just three dimensions of space plus time, so it represents all of space which supposedly curves somewhere, so again: if spacetime describes all of space, where does it curve, retard? Clearly, not all of space can be contained in this "spacetime".

>> No.23488043

>the sun is a giant lightbulb
quality thread

>> No.23488128

Retard take. Read more. Stop posting. You're a faggot

>> No.23488196

Lool it's always great when a piece of shit pseud like you gets exposed and shown the stupidity of their whole worldview

>> No.23488219

>if a paper is 2d how does it curve???

>> No.23488287

"Well known" is a bit of an overstatement, he's a mid hippy wannabe who writes stupid and whiny books. Anyways even if he was a good writer/poet why would anyone give a shit about his opinions on physics?

>> No.23488298
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>> No.23488311

Lmao you are a retard, do you know this? Have you not heard of no volume 2-d surfaces like mobius strips and 4-d structures like klein bottles. Your concept of curvature assumes some change in volume-contraction and expansion, which might not be necessarily accurate. This is topology not geometry.

>> No.23488318

jannies do your fucking jobs

>> No.23488373

Paper is not 2D, you piece of shit: it has a thickness and so moves in space. Moreover, spacetime does not just contain one object in space, like paper, retard, but rather it contains all of 3D space. Non-euclidean mathematics is false because the idealized 2D surface inside the paper really does not curve but rather changes the properties of the lines. You're a retard for falling these scams.

>> No.23488386

Mobius strip does not curve anywhere in the second dimension and the only change effected in the second dimensions is that the drawn line is different. What's more, it is dimensionally ambiguous, as is every other mathematical object: the depth part of it is completely fake and can be replaced with a 2D space between the circles, so it does not achieve anything unique.

All structures are non-dimensional. Klein Bottle is equally a 2D and 3D object, as is shown by the fact that it can be drawn as mere lines on a 2D surface.

You're a dumb piece of shit pseud that should stop reading forever.

>> No.23488392

I mean, you can phenomenologically prove the non-reality of every dimensional concept and mfs still end up with extreme reification of dimensions in the form of spacetime. Just proves what pathetic fucks you guys are.

>> No.23488393

Lmao keep reaching, faggot

>> No.23488397

No but he is based. Fucking Jew science ruined the world

>> No.23488398

you're mad that I moved past everything you believe and am better than you

>> No.23488422

That does not mean you can measure volume or determine whether the curvature of spacetime is spilling over into more unavailable space you ignorant faggot. The purpose of those examples was to show that your retarded concept of unavailable spacetime doesn't hold. In topology, you can stretch a structure or curve it without assuming its change in volume or surface area.

>> No.23488428

>In topology, you can stretch a structure or curve it without assuming its change in volume or surface area.
Yes, but these are OBJECTS IN SPACE, not the actual fabric of the 3D space itself, which is what allows these objects to manipulated in the first place, you worthless cunt.

>> No.23488453

Again, what stretches isn't space but spacetime, the whole fabric of reality, there are no objects in spacetime, only events, those events either slow or quicken from a certain initial frame of reference, this is not geometry anymore, how many times do you need to hear this you low iq faggot?

>> No.23488462

>spacetime, the whole fabric of reality
Which contains the whole of 3D space, you retard. It is immaterial to what I said whether there are objects in spacetime, as spacetime itself is treated as an object, whose curvatures actually explain time dilation etc. in the models.

>> No.23488469

So basically: 3D space is part of an object that curves: it may contain events, but it ITSELF curves, but to where can it curve, since all of space was supposed to be just a part of it! MORON.

>> No.23488471

I don't care about anything you have said so far, actually, so try harder with your incessant faggotry

>> No.23488474

>, actually,
lmao nice protective laughter

>> No.23488476

So what if it does, just because you think we can't talk about it physically changing why are we talking about the universe as an object verbally? Why are we allowed to do it verbally, treating the universe as an object and subject of conversation?

>> No.23488482

You don't even know what the fuck you're taking about so it should be me who's laughing but I just can't give two flying tin fucks about you or your insipid drivel, you feckless bitch. Try harder

>> No.23488483

>just because you think we can't talk about it physically changing why are we talking about the universe as an object verbally?
The answer is clear: its fundamental nature is non-spatial, so it is not beset by the paradoxes of spatial properties.

>> No.23488484

He doesn't know

>> No.23488486

Lmao again, he doesn't know

>> No.23488488

>bitch fuck bitch bitch fuck
what an npc breakdown looks like

>> No.23488490

>Crying this hard in 4chan, of all places
Reaching hard

>> No.23488491

lmao, so the universe is neither spacetime, nor space? So we are only left with time.

>> No.23488497

Yeah, that's a 100% fact and even time is doubtful because it leads to incoherencies.

>> No.23488522

it might as well contain no logic if that's your contention, which eventually becomes self refuting, also facts are observable, as are the predictions of relativity, at this point i don't even think anything else you say will be coherent since you are mixing epistemic terminologies like facts with metaphysical mumbo jumbo

>> No.23488551

>it might as well contain no logic if that's your contention, which eventually becomes self refuting
Every spatial object is incoherent and contradictory, so there world must be something else than spatial. This is something that is observable: that is, a simple phenomenological study shows the cracks in the space idea.

>> No.23488556

How is it incoherent?

>> No.23488575

Any depth might be interpreted as flat and any flatness can be interpreted as in depth, even folding et al. can be explained by a disappearance of the paper below, and at any rate folding can be reproduced on a 2D surface, as videos show. Any angle can be interpreted in two ways even if depth is assumed. Any movement might be interpreted as being of any length but with correspondent increase in the size of the object. Any corresponding tactile sensations might be related to these alternate visualizations. So, there can't be any true interpretation of any spatial information, and there are no spatial objects, since these alternate interpretations have different properties.

>> No.23488585

So you are talking a verbal representation of geometry and coming to the conclusion that the verbal representation is incoherent, what does that have to do with geometry? If a circle is a line that intersects itself, does that mean that the verbal representation is incoherent or that the geometry is incoherent?

>> No.23488608

No I'm talking about actual experience

>> No.23488659

no, i asked you about geometry, now you are moving goal posts?

>> No.23488661

He’s probably been reading about scalar waves

>> No.23488665

Watch youtube videos

>> No.23488668
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>> No.23488714
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>> No.23488788

This is a senseless response that doesn't allow for converging discussion between my clear anti-Science perspective with his Science-worship persective.
Think of it as a form of catholicism. The pop-sci article is similar to the oped interpretations of the bible and the dissertations and such are Pope sitting in his chair making declarations.
Frankly, in my operations outside of pop-sci, all I can do is offer a clear, and obvious, statement about the takeaway when the telescope clearly brought it further into doubt the big bang theory. However, without a peer-reviewed paper being explicit the matter, all we can do is argue over the interpretation. In this case, it will be pop-sci bullshit opinions written by a journalist against me, an actual academia who isn't willing to give his creds over.
That is to say, if we want to engage in these discussions, we have to play by the rules of the game, if only a little. In this case, it's pop-sci bullshit with no real basis or science backing.

>> No.23488870

This thread has literally 0 to do with literature. I’m not sure this board even has jannies.

>> No.23488883

The author of the quote is a novelist. So the connection to literature is not "literally 0". Learn to think, man.

>> No.23488928

Oh ok, didn’t realize tweets counted as literature these days.

>> No.23488941

He's 100%. There is no reason to believe the "oh my science!!" people

>> No.23488952

You mean "no reason other than proof"? That's stupid. Stop posting

>> No.23488974 [DELETED] 

He is wrong for posting on twitter and so are you and I did not read that

>> No.23488979

Does 'sage' still work? Seems like the thread was bumped after your post.

>> No.23489214

Yes, sage still works

>> No.23489247

No one likes a pedant. That's why you're currently posting on /lit/ instead of getting ready to go out on a Friday night.

>> No.23489771
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I agree, that's why it's just a theory. Just like evolution.

>> No.23489841

As a scientist you all deserve the rope.

>> No.23489877

Why, that's not very objective of you

>> No.23489901

The prescence of carbon in the early univese debunks the big band alone

>> No.23489929

He could have also mentioned space expansion (red shift), but the list is pretty solid

>> No.23489941

Scientifically speaking you all objectively deserve the rope.
Look at this creature pretending he has any clue what he's talking about or is capable of putting together any thought on any subject. This is the best of you faggots.
>I don't hecking "believe" in red shift
Too braindead to even mean anything.

>> No.23489958

Why are you existentially threatened by people merely disagreeing? Is the state of modern science an unassailable dogma?

>> No.23490065

Oh I believe in red shift but I don't believe that it's linked to "space" expanding

>> No.23490117

Wow! What an original and controversial thinker! He's going so against the grain here!

>> No.23490132
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>the theory that stars are powered from within by explosions (they seem to be powered from outside by electricity)

>> No.23490646

Almost every poster here agreed with him so far. Also, he doesn't believe in black holes. And he believes in some aether. And Einstein is wrong. /lit/ agrees.

>> No.23490650

>no-effort twittercap threads have made their way to /lit/
>get 100+ replies
i don't even read books i just lurk /lit/ because it was one of the last boards with majority humans on it... 4chan is dead

>> No.23490701

The universe is recursive consciousness sealed within a nonpoint we call "God"

>> No.23492321

> i don't even read books i just lurk /lit/ because
It’s your fault, too. I at least had a period many years back, when shifting from late adolescence to young adulthood, where I read obsessively and voraciously for years, especially trying to school myself in as many of the classics as I could, so I could feel like I could converse intelligently about the Western canon. I gradually became less and less of a reader of so many novels (admittedly also at least partially because Internet use fried my attention-span, I plead guilty), and have switched those books I now read largely to nonfiction and philosophy, but at least that period I had of devoted reading for years still lets me sometimes shitpost semi-intelligently about various works and understand the allusions to various authors.

Do something like this even if in a simpler and shorter way, pick up even an easier but well-regarded book, novel, or classic that’s on high school syllabi, make a thread or two about it, share your own insights. Be the change you want to be instead of just always waiting around for others to shovel information and entertainment and intellectual stimulation and provocation into you as a passive consumer. And don’t get so stuck up on /lit/ dick-measuring about how hard and difficult and long and complex and experimental and canonical and ground-breaking the work is, even a thread about Salinger’s or Hemingway’s best works could contribute something better than most threads.

>> No.23492358

You do know that if you apply GR to like a ball falling the equations simplify to just be Newtonian physics, pretty much, right? It only matters for big masses and things going really, really fast

>> No.23492380

Every time you use GPS, you're using satellites running on Einsteins theory. They use time difference between when your signal is sent out from your phone and is received on the satellites (you need at least 4 to know your location) to calculate where you are, and their clock speeds are adjusted to account for time dilation.

>> No.23492547
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He discusses some of his ideas on science in this talk from earlier this month:

Personal highlight is when he trails off, stares intently at something behind the camera for a few moments, and then says, 'Sorry, I thought I saw Lex Fridman.'

>> No.23492577
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This tweet is giving me the ick.

>> No.23492696

Why'd you switch to non-fiction?