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/lit/ - Literature

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23479337 No.23479337 [Reply] [Original]

>too antisemitic to enjoy kafka

>> No.23480058

His works wouldnt be as good if he weren't a being a schizophrenic jewish gooner.

>> No.23480067

Shouldnt that make you enjoy it more?
Personally i didnt like it because i was already past my edgy depressed teen phase when i read him

>> No.23480562

I might be a huge antisemite, but Kafka is ourjew so I declare him to be an honorary Aryan. There now you can read him

>> No.23480573

I'm a philosemite and I don't like him.

>> No.23480574

I think antisemitism is wrong and have the opposite problem really

Heard the original Mad Max movies were great but that Mel Gibson is an antisemite

>> No.23480854


have you guys ever thought of just judging people by their character and actions/ideas since that way you could avoid making yourself look stupid and villainous while simultaneously being able to address all of the actual evil jews who do exist in the world?

like, you can have your "based jews" and actually enjoy good literature like kafka and music like Mendelssohn and your favorite films made by jews, and you can not randomly desire to genocide little working class jewish girls who are not in on come conspiracy against you like some kind of super villain, while simultaneously actually being able to dislike bad people, including bad jews?

>> No.23480856

Mendelssohn sucks. Wagner was right about him.

>> No.23480857

>be Jewish
>read Nietzsche
>write nightmare story about waking up as an insect

He has an interesting relationship with his ethnicity to say the least.

>> No.23480859
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>he lets ideology dictate his life

>> No.23480862

Jews are are almost Jews in terms of custom. Not much else to it.

>> No.23480865


For you it is ideology, for others it is life and death

Hate is beyond ideology, and as an emotion, beyond reason

Hate leads to the imprisonment, enslavement, and slaughter of innocents

If someone promotes hate against the ones I love, such as antisemitism, I don't support it

>> No.23480872
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>let me prove it's not an ideology by describing my ideology in detail

>> No.23481434

What authors/books helped you evolve?
t.still stuck in it

>> No.23481548

>enjoying Kafka

>> No.23481551

>little working class jewish girls

>> No.23481562

>not antisemitic enough to enjoy kafka

>> No.23482526

NTA but you're a complete fucking retard. you don't get to chose not to have ideas. even thinking that having ideas is bad is itself an idea

>> No.23482733

>too antisemitic to enjoy kafka
EXTREMELY antisemitic here. Metamorphosis was genuinely hilarious.

>> No.23482832

he's an incredibly jewish writer, everything is very procedural, semantic and neurotic, devoid of humanity. you're not missing much tbqhwyf

>> No.23482861

He isn't evolved. You aren't in some lesser "phase". People get sad, people get happier, people get sad once again, the seasons pass and sunlight will shine again. Just because he isn't edgy and depressed now doesn't mean he won't be in the future. Plenty of people get depressed and kill themselves later on in life. Plenty people get edgier the older they get. Those are the people who get called "cranks". Anyways I'd recommend Stranger in a Strange Land.

>> No.23484380

Imo Kafka was early 20th century literary goyslop. It is the epitome of midwit. Maybe you're reading it in senior year or something. I don't care that he was a Jew, it's just mediocre and boring once you are well-read. Read Persuasion and Rhetoric.

>> No.23484385

What? A Jew waking up to find out that he is a man-sized cockroach? Dude...

>> No.23484400

This poster? Is trans btw.

>> No.23484502

u r retarded anon kafka was an absolute antisemitie
kafka would have been an SS officer if he didn't croak

>> No.23484514

he deserves a place besides Carlo Michelstaedter and Otto Weininger (who were promoted by ze axis powers as exemplary persons of Jewish extraction)
heck even Furtwangler played atonal Jewish music to Hitler and Hitler was like "ok, yeah, goodbye"
antisemitism is overrated

>> No.23484542

and if I already posted this, may I remind you that Goebbels was like "yo Hitler chill out with the Jewish stuff we are way ahead we don't need to overshoot victory" to which Hitler said "stfu I want KILL JEWS written in all newspapers everyday"
Goebbels + Himmles is where it's at, so practically we need to cut back antisemitism to a third
denying women the right to vote is where it's at...

>> No.23484547


>> No.23485048

Him being a jew was irrelevant for me. No, the sheer magnitude of absurdism in just that story alone was hilarious. The agonizing relatability of being nothing more than a unit that converts life force into debt-backed currency is so terrible that I cannot help but laugh.

>> No.23485655

This. He just turned from one type of bug into another. One that's a little unwieldy to have around in your house, especially if it's man-sized.

I bet he came up with this while pushing papers around-
>man, I feel like a fucking bug
>wait, what if I was an ACTUAL bug
he sits back, realizing how fucking funny it would be-
>what if I just woke up as a human sized bug, and I couldn't come into work that day
It's still insane to me how and why they gave this to us in primary school, when none of us had any clue what the fuck this Jew was even writing about- the agonizing and soul crushing pressure of white-collar, paper pushing bureaucracy bullshit.

>> No.23485681

Wait kafka is a JEW ?

>> No.23485711

he was no JEW he was an Austro-Hungarian homie

>> No.23485901
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Didn't ask

>> No.23485983

>Mfw /pol/ starts posting hatefacts in my thread

>> No.23485995

>too homophobic to enjoy Mishima
It's tough to deal with

>> No.23485996

If that makes you feel better. You're easily impressed if you think Kafka is that interesting or profound. Do you watch tiktok and netflix shows too?

>> No.23485998

This guy considers Netflix art on par with classics by Kafka

>> No.23486017
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Same but
>too germ*nophobic to enjoy anything but Beethoven
>unironically actually

>> No.23486096

>You're easily impressed if you think Kafka is that interesting or profound
NTA but I don't think you understand why people enjoy Kafka. It's not that it's "profound", it's that it's relatable. If nothing else, just "the absurdity of life" commentary alone is enough for a good laugh.
>demeaning statements to "prove your point"
You usually don't need to resort to putting people down to prove your point, with some obvious exceptions, unless you don't really have much faith in your own perspective.
I'm certainly not "impressed" by Kafka, but it's "interesting" that economic problems never change, down to the human experience and the relationship troubles that go along with it.
Now for the lesson:
This profane implication that everyone here is equal and should be reading "more refined literature" is a retarded. Let the plebian enjoy his literature, let the aristocrat enjoy his. An aristocrat doesn't punch down, and if you think this then you've given hollywood too much of your attention, whether directly or indirectly.
Do you understand what I'm informing you of, anon? The tonality of your response, or a lack of one, will communicate this understanding.
There is an implied lower quality element to the quality of Netflix, but considering the goyslop for the masses, it could be considered on the same level of certain classics. The appeal of Kafka is, in part, due to its relatability, both economically and in terms of social isolation / role. It could be seen on the same level, in certain ways.
The "classics" aren't defined very well, although there is a distinct implication of certain qualities. Age and popularity tend to be the most common features of a "classic" -- But what of Steven King's books? Many, if not all, could be called "classic", sure, but quality? It's generally accepted, at least here, that his writing is garbage. In fact, he has found his way to being a hack both in the old AND the new definition.

>> No.23486214

The implication is that if you have your mind blown by Kafka, you have low standards, and are thus primed for goyslop entertainment, along with all the 3rd world NPCs / vulgar herd. Kafka is schlock-y compared to other stuff from back then, hence it's popularity. You can't prove me wrong, so I expect more cope-posting like the stupid child that you are.

>> No.23486221

My line's drawn a little further back for sure

>> No.23486244

Yes, good post, you are wise.
>Do you understand what I'm informing you of, anon?
From a purely rational-discursive frame of reference, yes. If there are other lessons dependent on higher faculties then I might have missed it, although I detect some sympathies.

>> No.23486264
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>meanwhile in reality

>> No.23486272

When did 4chan (and by extension /lit/) become mostly about hating Jewish people, women, and troons, and racebait? A decent chunk of threads go right to those topics eventually

>> No.23486275

my theory is that his stories are merely Jewish allegory highlighting alienation living as a minority in a society close to genocide. basically, he can never figure out why he is loathed by so many by just existing. The Trial is another of those “what have i done wrong, why am i hated?” stories that leaves out the reason: because he is a part of the bad tribe.

>> No.23486292

That's an extremely retarded take, clearly the result of external influence and trying to make the substance of the work fit a preexisting narrative rather than a genuine reaction. Easily 90% of Kafka goes back to his relationship with his father. You think Kafka writes constantly how he's terrified of and troubled by his father so much because of anti-semitism? lewl

>> No.23486300

jews are like evolution
it's impossible to look at today's media or politics and not see them as origin point