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23478093 No.23478093 [Reply] [Original]

I want to detox myself from all of the degeneracy, HOW

>> No.23478111

Spend a week in a forest without your wankbook and books to wank to. Stop consooming shit and survive, forage, cook food, fletch, hunt.

>> No.23478113

You'd like Eumeswil probably

>> No.23478117


>> No.23478118
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>> No.23478126

Numbered Discourses 7.50
5. A Great Sacrifice


Then the brahmin Jānussoṇi went up to the Buddha, and exchanged greetings with him. When the greetings and polite conversation were over, he sat down to one side and said to the Buddha, “Does Mister Gotama claim to be celibate?”

“Brahmin, if anyone should be rightly said to live the celibate life unbroken, impeccable, spotless, and unmarred, full and pure, it’s me.”

“But what, Mister Gotama, is a break, taint, stain, or mar in celibacy?”

“Firstly, an ascetic or brahmin who claims to be perfectly celibate does not mutually engage in sex with a female. However, they consent to being anointed, massaged, bathed, and rubbed by a female. They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. This is a break, taint, stain, or mar in celibacy. This is called one who lives the celibate life impurely, yoked by the yoke of sex. They’re not freed from rebirth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress. They’re not freed from suffering, I say.

Furthermore, an ascetic or brahmin who claims to be perfectly celibate does not mutually engage in sex with a female. Nor do they consent to massage and bathing. However, they giggle and play and have fun with females. …

they gaze into a female’s eyes. …

they listen through a wall or rampart to the sound of females laughing or chatting or singing or crying. …

they recall when they used to laugh, chat, and have fun with females …

they see a householder or their child amusing themselves, supplied and provided with the five kinds of sensual stimulation. …

They don’t see a householder or their child amusing themselves, supplied and provided with the five kinds of sensual stimulation. However, they live the celibate life wishing to be reborn in one of the orders of gods. They think: ‘By this precept or observance or fervent austerity or spiritual life, may I become one of the gods!’ They enjoy it and like it and find it satisfying. This is a break, taint, stain, or mar in celibacy. This is called one who lives the celibate life impurely, yoked by the yoke of sex. They’re not free from rebirth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, sadness, and distress. They’re not free from suffering, I say.

As long as I saw that these seven sexual yokes—or even one of them—had not been given up in me, I didn’t announce my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans.

But when I saw that these seven sexual yokes—every one of them—had been given up in me, I announced my supreme perfect awakening in this world with its gods, Māras, and Brahmās, this population with its ascetics and brahmins, its gods and humans. Knowledge and vision arose in me: ‘My freedom is unshakable; this is my last rebirth; now there’ll be no more future lives.’”

>> No.23478141

Why don’t you start by actually learning what hedonism is

>> No.23478144

Start with Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics and aim for your personal standard within those virtues.

>> No.23478278


>> No.23478311
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Sartor Resartus:

I asked myself: What is this that, ever since earliest years, thou hast been fretting and fuming, and lamenting and self-tormenting, on account of? Say it in a word: is it not because thou art not HAPPY? Because the THOU (sweet gentleman) is not sufficiently honored, nourished, soft-bedded, and lovingly cared for? Foolish soul! What Act of Legislature was there that thou shouldst be Happy? A little while ago thou hadst no right to be at all. What if thou wert born and predestined not to be Happy, but to be Unhappy! Art thou nothing other than a Vulture, then, that fliest through the Universe seeking after somewhat to eat; and shrieking dolefully because carrion enough is not given thee? Close thy Byron; open thy Goethe.

I see a glimpse of it! there is in man a HIGHER than Love of Happiness: he can do without Happiness, and instead thereof find Blessedness! Was it not to preach forth this same HIGHER that sages and martyrs, the Poet and the Priest, in all times, have spoken and suffered; bearing testimony, through life and through death, of the Godlike that is in Man, and how in the Godlike only has he Strength and Freedom? Which God-inspiredd Doctrine art thou also honored to be taught; O Heavens! and broken with manifold merciful Afflictions, even till thou become contrite and learn it! Oh, thank thy Destiny for these; thankfully bear what yet remain: thou hadst need of them; the Self in thee needed to be annihilated. By benignant fever-paroxysms is Life rooting out the deep-seated chronic Disease, and triumphs over Death. On the roaring billows of Time, thou art not engulfed, but borne aloft into the azure of Eternity. Love not Pleasure; love God. This is the EVERLASTING YEA, wherein all contradiction is solved: wherein whoso walks and works, it is well with him.

>> No.23478409

Do you have a religion?

This is a silly post.
Stoics are not motivated by hedonism of any kind.

>> No.23478453
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The anti rekeita plan.

>> No.23478500

The mental gymnastics hedonists go to to justify their selfish existence will never cease to amaze me.

>> No.23478543

don't resist, eat the shit of capital. it's better this way

>> No.23478551

Maybe try starting with the greeks

>> No.23478670
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St. Augustine's Confessions

>> No.23478823

Love something more than hedonism.
The good news is Jesus loves you, and you may do so in kind.
You won't be free of your desires over night, but if you apply the teachings of Christ and His apostles, and if you believe Jesus Christ is your lord, savior, and God, you will be able to conquer your passions through the Holy Spirit.
I recommend reading the New Testament in order, and the the Old Testament.

>> No.23478998

It means jerking off to porn

>> No.23479201

I mean, it’s true though, anti-hedonism is just morally whacking yourself off, it’s the opposite extreme of hedonism, both please the spirit in different ways, either way you are chasing pleasure.

>> No.23479217

>I cant get pussy therefore sex is bad and shouldn’t be desired and no one should have it

>> No.23479248

I can't tell if this is trolling or a lack of education.

>> No.23479280

>read Otto Weininger's sex and character
>realize attraction to pic rel is indicative of latent homosexual humors in the blood
How do I cure this affliction, preferably also through reading?

>> No.23479389
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Altruism exists. People can make sacrifices for the benefit of others and never even see a result. Hedonism on the other hand is wrought from moral relativity and subjective values, and I can see how morally relative materialists can’t conceptualize living with sacrifice since they’re too busy gratifying themselves and their tribe to ever help anyone at a cost. It’s not hedonistic to be disciplined or altruistic; that line of thinking is ridiculous. Helping others, despite it sometimes benefiting you in some small and immaterial way, is not the same thing as being selfish.

>> No.23479412

Wouldn't anti-hedonism be asceticism, not altruism?

>> No.23479415

PLEASE read a fucking book. What you are talking about is closer to moral egocentrism than hedonism. Hedonism simply states that the only absolute good is pleasure and the only absolute bad is suffering. Utilitarianists, who WOULD sacrifice themselves without question if the sacrifice would help others more than it hurt themselves, are hedonists. If you're going to be a pseudointellectual at least learn the actual meaning of the terms you use instead of applying your pop-philosophy understanding of them.

>> No.23479432

You're talking theory over practice.
In the same sense that most times when communism is attempted it results in totalitarianism. When hedonism is attempted it results in cooming.

>> No.23479448


It is quite clear that what OP means as "hedonism" is the kind of life where one looks for the pleasures of the senses and believe them to be the good.

>> No.23479450

In pursuit of absolute pleasure, one’s moral basis is servitude to their own gratification - regardless of whether that gratification comes at the cost of other people, their loved ones, and even their own bodies. Pleasure for one is not pleasure for everyone. There are limited resources; that is the definition of iniquity. Utilitarians are not hedonists, but rather they are partisan to their group. I’ve not misattributed a word I’ve said, and even if I did, you understood the point. If anything, I’m not entirely sure your definition or understanding of hedonism holds water.

>> No.23479466

All I really know is Christian writings...

there is a focus there to think about death and visualize it so you take your life more seriously and acting will and resolving the issues you have

follow the advice of St. Chrysostom: “Go to the grave; contemplate dust, ashes, worms; and sigh.”8 Behold how that corpse first turns yellow, and then black. Afterwards, the entire body is covered with a white, disgusting mould; then comes forth a clammy, fetid slime, which flows to the earth. In that putrid mass is generated a great multitude of worms, which feed on the flesh. Rats come to feast on the body; some attack it on the outside; others enter into the mouth and bowels. The cheeks, the lips, and the hair fall off. The ribs are first laid bare, and then the arms and legs. The worms, after having consumed all the flesh, devour one another; and, in the end, nothing remains but a fetid skeleton, which in the course of time falls to pieces; the bones separate from one another and the head separates from the body. They became like the chaff of a summer’s threshing-floor, and they were carried away by the wind.9 Behold what man is: he is a little dust on the threshing floor, which is blown away by the wind.
Behold a young nobleman, who was called the life and soul of conversation: where is he now? Enter into his apartment: he is no longer there. If you look for his bed, his robes, or his armor, you will find that they have passed into the hands of others. If you wish to see him, turn to the grave, where he is changed into corruption and withered bones. O God! that body, pampered with so many delicacies, clothed with so much pomp, and attended by so many servants, to what is it now reduced? O ye saints! who knew how to mortify your bodies for the love of that God whom alone you loved on this earth, you well understood the end of all human greatness, of all earthly delights; now your bones are honored as sacred relics, and preserved in shrines of gold, and your souls are happy in the enjoyment of God, expecting the last day, on which your bodies shall be made partners of your glory, as they have been partakers of your cross in this life. The true love for the body consists in treating it here with rigor and contempt, that it may be happy for eternity; and in refusing it all pleasures, which might make it miserable forever.

>> No.23479476

this is a very good book that goes into the importance of narrative in having a rationally ordered life and controlling your desires

also if you haven't read it probably clarifying to check out Libido Dominandi. Your degeneracy isn't accidental it's an intentional thing to dominate your people

>> No.23479613
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Read Plato

>> No.23479800

More please omg

>> No.23480086
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>> No.23480121
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Nietzsche and Byung-Chul Han are the antidotes to modern hedonism

>> No.23481650

Filtered by epicurus

>> No.23481653 [DELETED] 

become Orthodox

>> No.23481683

if you had read sex and character you would know that attraction to pic rel would be indicative of the amount of feminine/masculine pulse in (You) that is expressed through your organism. there is no book you can read to change that anon-san. i recommend finding yourself a good, masculine woman with strong sense of leadership (OF acc, pornstar, luxury prostitute) that can provide for you and submitting yourself to her. im afraid the other option you have is embracing homosexuality

>> No.23481997

Sounds like you've taken leave of your ability to distinguish causes.

>> No.23482536

>heh if i just lie about what you believe then i can make you look wrong!

>> No.23482862


>> No.23482902

Stunning face and body, but the nigger swag is repulsive

>> No.23484121

Which entails?
If you mean porn, getting a gf helped me. I could not get aroused with the real thing, my mind immediately distanced itself from porn and masturbation to get ready for the next time.

>> No.23484948


>> No.23484958

>>realize attraction to pic rel is indicative of latent homosexual humors in the blood
What? because she has vaguely male features?

>> No.23485331

why the simping brother

>> No.23486863

That’s the thing, you don’t.

>> No.23486864

It doesn’t, though

>> No.23487544
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Seek fulfillment, not happiness. The first will get you far, and the second is something meant for women and children.

>> No.23487608

There is literally nothing more trite and unintelligent than to unironically believe that the problems of today are that people are "seeking too much pleasure" and that pleasure is LE BAD

You can tell yourself as much fiction as you want about being a big tough nofap stoic with super-self-control but you are just jerking yourself off. You are a loser who lacks the power, drive or even desire in the first place to seek those "pleasures", so like the fox with the grapes you tell yourself you're actually better than the people that do and that they're "degenerates" and god will reward you for not touching your penis.

I bet you fuckers actually buy into the meme that "rome fell because of DUHGENERACY!!"

>> No.23487635
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her body is too masculine imho
face is great thoughalbeit

>> No.23487639


>> No.23487695

I'm currently holding spinoza ethics from my local library, should i just read it or are there philosophical works and context i should be aware of before attempting to read that book?

>> No.23487700

God I hate how this bitch bites down on the inside of her cheeks and thinks no one notices. Why do zoomers do this?

>> No.23488282
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