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23476087 No.23476087 [Reply] [Original]

discuss metaphysical literature

>> No.23476098
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Judgments are abstractions, limitations. To intuit intellectually is to break free from that limitation and see the manifold content of concepts concretely as one in the mind's eye. This intellectual intuiting however demands the development of seemingly superhuman powers of attention, concentration and memory in order to hold what is normally held separately and consecutively in small chunks, i.e. abstractions, of conceptual content called judgements all at once in a sustained concrete and unified, yet clear and distinct, intellectual intuition of a mental object, a synthetic unity, the concrete concept.

>> No.23476191

Rereading Leibniz's Monadology. He is obviously far from obscure but it is a shame how neglected he is relative to Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, and Hegel on this board.

>> No.23476202

philosophers are egoists who can hardly accept that their minds are physical and mostly can't in fact
since science has been encroaching on what has traditionally been the field of philosophy/psychology, the 'mind' shrinks and now exists only for potentially explaining qualia
the human mind will never comprehend the world as it is, but we can only experience it by empirical research due to biological and physical limitations of our own brains

>> No.23476231

It’s because he was a devout Christian. The others may have also been religious but it’s less known.

>> No.23476234

Pray tell me are internet signals physical too? There is no evidence that the virtual world is a real and you could be a bot.

>> No.23476251

it is empirically verifiable

>> No.23476372

>minds are physical
>does metaphysics
many such cases

>> No.23476382
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>Rereading Leibniz's Monadology
good. be the Leibnizposter you were meant to be.

>> No.23476642
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2024 is when we finally restored the best of ancient metaphysics. No more nonsense about "becoming", etc. Life's good, Eleatic bros.