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23475921 No.23475921[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you want an antinatalist gf?

>> No.23475964

Isn't that just every millennial couple thoughbeit. You know - vasectomies, birth control, fur babies, and all.

>> No.23475976

as an oldschool gnostic I should want this but the carnal urge to PLAP PLAP PLAP GET PREGNANT is too strong

>> No.23475977

No, because I want to force babies into her 24/7

>> No.23475996

>a woman who doesn't reproduce
What's the deal with filtering yourself out?

>> No.23476027


>> No.23476030

No because I want to creampie her. Also, oddly, I find women who don't want children to be quite repulsive, despite not having any desire to reproduce myself. It seems as if I'm unable to escape Nature's intentions.

>> No.23476035
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Incels ITT: Yes, because I like the challenge of breaking a woman's will and restructuring her to suit my needs.

>> No.23476063

yes because im a cuck and the idea of her denying my babies is kinda hot and also morally just

>> No.23476100
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Yes because I don't want babies but I want to creampie her and see my sperm dripping out of her cunt. Also, it would be nice to find a girl who really "gets it" to cope with.
No because anti-natalists are insufferable cunts who need to let the world know how based and wise they are for figuring out existence is shit.

I'd be fuckbuddies with OP's girl to be quite honest family desu

>> No.23476103

i'd like to impregnate one

>> No.23476123

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23476130

>he thinks that was a quote

>> No.23476132

All of the midwit ones, at least.

>> No.23476144

>Incels ITT:
this would signify it is, yeah

>> No.23476156

I've been in online antinatalist spaces for like 10+ years (not a boast) and I have to say the current crop of "antinatalist activists" are mega fucking cringe. This bitch, Lawrence anton, those stophavingkids retards. I mean holy fuck how did we get to this?

These freaks are doing the same playbook as the grifting cringey vegan "activists" that came before. The John venuses, that creepy Australian guy, the earthling Ed's. You use a moral philosophy for self promotion, make a patreon get some money get some fame and profit off your audience.

Fuck this whore.

>> No.23476163

then who do you think it was quoting if so? certainly not the "incels itt"?

>> No.23476180

>people who dont want kids should have kids anyway

>> No.23476181

With each passing day I realize more and more that true enlightenment is found by looking and stepping away from all this eceleb Internet shit. Thanks. They can all continue having their ultimately pointless and fatuous discussions.

>> No.23476188

People that openly rebel against the natural law should stop, yes

>> No.23476189
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What books make a person think like this?

>> No.23476193

>It seems as if I'm unable to escape Nature's intentions.
The fact that you capitalize the word nature probably explains why it seems that way

>> No.23476198

confused at this enigma

>> No.23476206

The Bible

>> No.23476209

Dumb modes of thinking attract dumb people....yeah... go figure

>> No.23476213

>rebel against the natural law
That would be like, if someone went faster than the speed of light or spun straw to gold. Not reproducing is perfectly legal under natural law.

>> No.23476222

some day you may

>> No.23476229

Etymologically, "natural" comes from "natura" or generate, birth, creation in the teleological sense. This is what the term natural law has meant classically. It is a rebellion against one's proper end.

>> No.23476235

I decide my proper end

>> No.23476239

Plenty of those exist though. They shouldn’t have a choice though, we’re facing a demographic crisis.

I look like this and say this

>> No.23476248

why do you want neglected and abused children though

>> No.23476265

Last time someone spoke like you, women abandoned their forced birth spawn in orphanages to get raped and tortured, and about 20 years later those kids shot to death the person who had originally spoken like you.

>> No.23476271

First of all, a semantic technicality does not prove that reproducing is "one's proper end". Secondly, "natural" comes from that stem because it assigns "nature" as an origin, or the source from which all things are born from so to speak. Natural does not mean something is "of birth", nor has it ever. So not only is your response just weak red herring but you also dont even know what the fuck youre talking about.

>> No.23476273

t. never broken a horse or a woman in his life

>> No.23476279

>anon is a dumb ignorant shit
as usual for this board

>> No.23476282

>So not only is your response just weak red herring but you also dont even know what the fuck youre talking about
welcome to /lit/

>> No.23476284

NTA There's a valid argument on saying not everyone should be a parent and that a lot of parents aren't fit to be on that position, but having antinatalism as a core belief is woefully retarded.
Stop being filtered by reductive materialism and being enchanted by self defeating ideologies.

>> No.23476290

No. Antinatalism is a zoomer trend. That wasn't a word anyone said in Millennial circles. The things you've listed aren't the same.

>> No.23476298

wait, you think i'm referring to a nationally regimented policy of forcing women en masse to have babies they can't take care of? i'm describing a single woman, who i've ensorcelled with my massive brain into a submissive housewife, not some dumb national agenda. you're definitely not comparing apples to apples here.

>> No.23476299

Most people who don't have children don't have "antinatalism as a core belief," they just don't want their life to get worse by having children with all the perceived burdens and problems that entails. Yes they are selfish and can think only of themselves and their one own life, and you are the one who wants selfish people to reproduce.

>> No.23476307

harem litrpg talk is in the science fiction & fantasy thread

>> No.23476309

No. Of course not. Antinatalism is degeneracy. I won't even go on a date with a woman if she's not:

1. Single
2. Christian
3. Wants children.
4. Can presumably have children.
5. Takes marriage seriously.

Those are literal basics of human existence, but they are becoming difficult to find among white Western women. They are in the process of fully destroying themselves as best they can. Of course, it won't last, a subsequent generation will reject them and their retardation, or else they'll so fully destroy their own gene pool they will simply be replaced by an exotic genes. Either way is natural.

>> No.23476314

>non-white people have been part of America's history since before the arrival of columbus

>> No.23476315

just because you're a tranny or whateber has no bearing on the obvious success of said method. sadly, women don't have the same mental endurance they pretend to own in public.

>> No.23476320

I didn’t say that


>> No.23476322

>you are the one who wants
I'm not the one with retarded youtube channels peddling this misery of ideology.
If you don't want to have kids, fine its your choice. But saying that I'm imposing something into people is just dishonesty and deflection.

>> No.23476328

My friend was born in 1985 and has five kids. I wish people would stop assuming all millennials are childless freaks with “fur babies”

>> No.23476330

>youtube channels

>> No.23476332

>No. Of course not. Antinatalism is degeneracy. I won't even go on a date with a woman
All you needed to say

>> No.23476335

I know you think you've said something intelligent, but you haven't. You've only outted yourself as knowing nothing about American on top of not understanding my post in the first place. Filthy.

>> No.23476336

At the end of the day anti-nalatists can never recover from this.
>Fine, kys then

Verification not required.

>> No.23476338

But it wasn't all I wanted to say, was it, retard? Don't tell me how to speak, you arrogant tranny.

>> No.23476340

>wah wah why did you call out my racism waaaaaaah
Natives were here before you, white people are the "exotic" shit here.

>> No.23476344

Did you already forget the OP?

>> No.23476351

Yeah, I have a friend with seven and five acres. Most millenials I know have at least a couple.

>> No.23476353

I don't care for that faggot

>> No.23476354

>First of all, a semantic technicality does not prove that reproducing is "one's proper end".
When you have discussions it might be helpful to define your terms (semantic technicality) so that you make sure people are on the same page. Sorry, didn't know you were new to this.

>Secondly, "natural" comes from that stem because it assigns "nature" as an origin, or the source from which all things are born from so to speak
What do the Stoics mean when they say to "live according to nature"? And when they say that some people live "contrary to nature" - is that a non sequitur like the previous anon said it was?

But I'm sure the evolution of language doesn't apply to "nature" just like "happiness" (Eudaimonia) in Aristotle's ethics didn't lose any meaning either.

>> No.23476357

>t. didn't understand the first post or the second
Why even talk? You don't know what's going on. You don't even know what racism is.

>> No.23476360

>trannies out of nowhere
Stop projecting embrace the real you. The only way youll be happy is if you admit to yourself youre a woman in a mans body.

>> No.23476361

I support antinatalism in India and africa, is that okay? What would be her reaction if I said that?

>> No.23476366

Just kys, you trite mother fucker. I'm so tired of you low IQ clowns, it's not even funny. Either discuss Ideas or shut the fuck up. Your sick hunger for (You)s on lame ass jokes is disgusting. Literally, kys.

>> No.23476367

you bastard bitch

>> No.23476368

Antinatalism started when people started creating eunuchs

>> No.23476375

incidentally so did stable seraglios

>> No.23476383

I don't care what the Stoics meant. Where the fuck did the Stoics come from? Where the fuck did Aristotle come from? You fucking pseud. I'm saying that not reproducing isn't a rebellion against nature and you have yet to prove me wrong. Respond to my actual fucking arguement.

>> No.23476386

It's supposed to make me laugh, not you

>> No.23476390

whatever chud, you're still racist and "exotic"

>> No.23476398
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it said the thing!

>> No.23476400

Prime example of premium mediocrity rebranding not wanting to have kids to antinatalism to sound smarter while not understanding what that even entails.
At the end the only antinatalists that I respect are the ones who commit suicide.

>> No.23476405

aaaaaand here comes the pilpul

>> No.23476475

If you can't look at that girl and automatically realize she has BPD you're NGMI. That's the look of a girl you, at the very most, risk fucking at a party and hope she doesn't decide to tell everyone you raped her when you ghost (she will).

>> No.23476483

>lies to himself AND misunderstands the post
Goddammit ESLs, just leave. I'm so tired of having "arguments" because you retards can't into English.

Just shut it, you moron. Just literally stop talking. Get the fucking chip off your shoulder and quit looking for every opportunity to take offense and try and wave your idiot's version of moral rectitude around like a battle standard. You're fucking pathetic. You're a fucking idiot. Just shut up.

>> No.23476487

All this anger would just go away if you embraced your true gender identity

>> No.23476489

Anti-natalism is an incel cope and she's just mining for social media simps. But you do you, it's probably the closest you'll ever come to having a "waifu."
>Natives were here before you
Only the ones born before he was and these did a shit job of keeping his ancestors out. I'm glad to hear you're anti-immigration though.

>> No.23476497

>And he just continues on, a pathetic retard ruining this board for all serious discussion.

>> No.23476503

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23476511

I was born in '99 and have a kid though

>> No.23476512

The /Lit/-Spirit, who watches over your posts and condemns you to an eternity as a half-wit, faggot, ass-eating tranny.

>> No.23476515

>y-you mad?
He refuted you though.

>> No.23476517

Irrelevant, obviously. And don't you dare fucking ask why.

>> No.23476524

What do you think the word "refute" means?

>> No.23476528
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He refuted you and you couldn't come up with an argument, I watched it happened real time. You're a faggot and a coward/liar!

>> No.23476530

Women that have abortions are demonic.

>> No.23476536


>> No.23476538

>retarded idiot thinks I want to talk to it
Your sitcom quips won't help you here, hog.

Shut the fuck up you stupid fat hogdyke.

>> No.23476539

confute but without the nuts

>> No.23476542
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woah, nothing gets passed you eh?

>> No.23476544

You're watching someone troll a schizo with a rage addiction in real time. Zero value in taking any of it srsly

>> No.23476548

>so BTFO she starts replying to herself
hahaha JUST

How does it feel being too stupid to refute some kid on 4chan? Now tell me what your degree is in so i can laugh harder

>> No.23476551

imagine your dad's carrying on like this on 4chan

>> No.23476557

No I'm actually bullying a low IQ leftist hogdyke and laughing my ass off

>> No.23476566

Did you make this one up yourself?

>> No.23476570

no, that's quoting FW

>> No.23476577

If im a troon then shouldnt you be misgendering me?

>> No.23476578

Good job, retard. Ya, it's just for you! because you're a fat, unpleasant lesbian (the meaning of hogdyke, you actual simpleton) and I'm punishing you for your insolence.

That would be so fucking based

>> No.23476583

No you're a fat dyke who abuses it's partner (look up the abuse rate between dyke couples, they have serious mental problems, as do all queers)

>> No.23476584

Do you ever wonder why everyone in your IRL thinks youre insane, and also everyone on 4chan thinks youre insane?

>> No.23476590

You never made an argument. You tried to claim that what I said was a non-sequitur which I responded to in full. Then you said I didn't know what I was talking about in regards to the word nature itself. I then give you an example of nature being used in the classical sense (teleological). Now you say I need to refute something I never argued for. Yes, not reproducing in itself isn't against nature. But if you were paying attention, you would see that this reply chain started with the discussion of couples using contraception.

Contraception is against the natural law, which, in this specific case, is against the natural end of the reproductive act since it denies the ability for the sexual organs to reach their proper end. Now, is that "against nature"? Well under your definition, probably not. Whether or not that is morally permissible is ALSO another conversation. But that is why the meaning of natural law is important. You accuse me of semantic technicalities yet you are intentionally obfuscating the conversation by frantically changing the points of contention like a schizo so it suits your needs.

>> No.23476598

idk about you but used condoms definitely seem "against nature" especially when you see em on the sidewalk

>> No.23476606

I didn't read the thread and wanted to know what happened. My guess now is that you started samefagging because the other anon stopped responding.

>> No.23476611

For whats it worth it definitely was qouting those in that thread that are, or at least it appears so

>> No.23476613

Ultimately, the high IQ take is only anti-natalism for the darker races, unless we are allowed to force them to work again (since they rarely will of their own volition). Just look at how much of a burden they are to the tax system, and how a place loses it's superior qualities basically as a result of these demographics moving in.

As for mixed race, this is highly unfortunate, since mixed race people can generally be competent and function in civilized society, but it is clear to anyone with a refined sense-intuition that all of these people suffer deeply from internal strife of a split identity. They are uncomfortable in their own skin, and I don't blame them, since their parents cared more about heir own selfish interests above the interests of their future children.

If this offends you, you should not even bother delving in to philosophical topics, since you're unqualified.

>> No.23476621

>having friends past 12th grade
Woman detected

You guessed wrong, you have a poor intuition.

>> No.23476620

see? told ya. definitely didn't have to get the ball rolling to prove my point, nosiree

>> No.23476622

>intentionally obfuscating the conversation by frantically changing the points of contention like a schizo so it suits your needs
This is literally what youre doing by randomly mentioning Stoicism, and Aristotle, and eptymology, and now condoms. I'm trying to avoid distraction and get to the heart of the issue. Let me put it this way; if you're implying that what you call going against natural law isn't morally wrong, then we agree at the heart of the matter and there is no reason to discuss further

>> No.23476628

Yup. This is the ultimate blackpill.

>> No.23476627

aren't you the same person who posted the "no one understands" and the "yassification of palahnuik" threads?

>> No.23476629

I don't have friends, nor did i ever claim to

>> No.23476636

Ya how did you know?

>> No.23476639

Nope. Two retards arguing and one started samefagging.

>> No.23476641

ru really? don't mess with me man

>> No.23476647

>the high IQ take
>its a low IQ take

>> No.23476655

Ya I guess your little avian brain can't even conceive of another poster stepping in to introduce a little anarchy; id est, Joker style. Maybe try not sucking dick? Go to rehab if you have to man, anything to get off the cock

>> No.23476656

as a mutt with hybrid vigor (aka heterosis) there is no split identity, i am superior to both of my parents, and neither culture is indicative of my thoughts or principles. Forging my own path in this inelucid wasteland of twats has been a worthy engagement of my talents, however.

>> No.23476658

Ultimately, the high-IQ take is that the government should give me an $1mil allowance that replenishes every year so I can do whatever I want, and to have as many kids as possible then cut all contact with the mothers and never let them see a dime of that money.

>> No.23476664
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>same vibe

>> No.23476667

>literally no argument
Nice opinion.

>> No.23476671

>my minimum-IQ retardation should ever be taken seriously

>> No.23476676

>This is literally what youre [sic] doing by randomly mentioning Stoicism, and Aristotle, and eptymology [sic]
Again, if you had any reading comprehension, you could understand that these examples were raised to show what natural law means in the context of morality and how language barriers can affect the meaning of words.
>and now condoms
Contraception can also mean birth control. I wasn't here to argue that "going against the natural law" is morally wrong because obviously we have completely different world views and further discussion would be useless if arguing fundamentals is irrelevant and silly to you.

>> No.23476679

i wonder how he's doing

>> No.23476693

It's good you're confident but it's just cope. Every single mixed-race person I've ever met is uncomfortable in their own skin and is just off, even the ones who come from good families with high-performing parents. Actually, especially these latter ones. No doubt it's just White Supremacy Systems, right? hahahaha

I recognized this long before getting redpilled on these issues, back when I was a normalfag going to parties and stuff. There are all sorts of problems with it, biological and otherwise (subconscious egoic problems), which is why in all normal, healthy societies, it was not promoted or generally condoned.

>> No.23476701

>still no argument
Literal cope. You're like a child.

>implying that wasn't the point
You're simple.

>> No.23476715

>to show what natural law means in the context of morality and how language barriers can affect the meaning of words.
That was never a point of contention! You bringing that up was changing the point of contention! Do you see what i mean now???

>> No.23476717

Ask him:
Same. Vibe.

>> No.23476748

These aren't points of contention?
>That would be like, if someone went faster than the speed of light or spun straw to gold
>Secondly, "natural" comes from that stem because it assigns "nature" as an origin, or the source from which all things are born from so to speak. Natural does not mean something is "of birth", nor has it ever.
Defining one's terms is "changing the discussion"?

How can we know:
>Not reproducing is perfectly legal under natural law.
If we don't know what natural law means? We would be talking past each other past at that point if we didn't discuss definitions.

>> No.23476755

desu, it's just all the people vying for your support in their own cultural causes, once you get past that, the tension relaxes. also not being in poverty helps a lot. no, i think you're just getting a few false positives due to the expectations you have for a given mulatto to fall into step with one or another, and haven't opened the door to a third option, and thus have a few problems recognizing the new song we're singing.

>> No.23476761
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You're literally too stupid to read at a high school level, why are you posting here? Or maybe you knew it was irony but are so desperate for a rhetorical advantage that you had to pretend not to recognize it? No, that's giving too much credit, I can tell that you're simple by interacting with you, hogdyke. Back to r3ddit.

>> No.23476803

I'm referring to deep egoic stratas, not the surface-level inane libtard thing you're talking about (muh cultural support for muh subsarahan/chinese/jewish/whatever-as-long-as-it's-not-white heritage).
>no, i think you're just getting a few false positives due to the expectations you have for a given mulatto to fall into step with one or another,
Apart from your abysmal writing, that's nice, but I've been friends with and known many mixed race people over the years (easily friends with 5+), before I was even aware of the reality of race, the Self, and other internet philosophy topics, and it's the same pattern. There is a fissure in their core, they lack a certain presence or gravitas which comes naturally to most people.

If you can use it to your advantage, go for it. It makes sense that it would work, actually.

>> No.23476822

"trust me bro, i have lots of mulatto friends"
mk, whatever you say

>> No.23476839

eh, you know what? generally you're right. most aren't capable of full internal synthesis, clay and iron i suppose. most of us do lack confidence, but i think that age will fall away fairly soon, if i can come up with a way to be whole, surely others have.
the presence you describe is history, though. we're a fairly fresh people you know. we haven't even begun to describe ourselves as such, but i think the idea will catch on quickly enough.

>> No.23476847
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How many of you can actually get laid?
How many of you could raise a kid?

>> No.23476857

kids are harder to kill than you think, and women are dumber than you think

>> No.23476858

>Woman detected
NTA but I know plenty of guys who have friends. WTF does that have do with anything?

>> No.23476863

How many women have (You) fucked this year? How many women will let (You) put a baby in them?
How many kids can you raise better than a nigger?

>> No.23476864

Me, numerous times.
>take care of kids
Possibly but it’s a money issue plus I’m germaphobic

>> No.23476871

Ain't it funny that all antinatalist women want their men to get vasectomies?
Maybe they should put their money where their mouths are and get a fucking IUD or take contraceptives. Once again, they want men to solve their fucking problems.

>> No.23476874
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>None of the anti-antinatalists ITT have kids

>> No.23476875

Likely female

>> No.23476876

this year? one, as to the baby thing i talked a cuban girl into it once but it just didn't work out, she was too young. (26)

>> No.23476878

Not reading your sperg, sperg.

>> No.23476880

I want women to be slaves honestly

>> No.23476888

There ya go another woman posing online with a book and the hot topic of the past year, good god I can’t stand it.

>> No.23476891

No. If philosophy dictates your decision whether or not to reproduce then you are fucking insane.

>> No.23476899

>he wants a servant that can't cook or clean or nurse due to mastectomy and is overskilled in nagging
but why?

>> No.23476904

>reproduce to pwn the anti natalists
>be stuck with kid youre too autistic to raise

>> No.23476958

The shit quality of your replies speaks in his favour, nigga.

>> No.23476977

oh no, he has the audience on his side

>> No.23477003

Women should be illegal

>> No.23477216
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Uhhh /natalistbros/ - our response?

>> No.23477264

Philosophy is simply a ponderance of the senses, why shouldn't it influence the decisions made in your life? It's quite literally what it was built for.

>> No.23477272

>tattoo'd woman not breeding

>> No.23477273

Antinatalism is a problem that takes care of itself. In fact the more those with a predisposition toward antinatalism remove themselves from the genepool the more entrenched natalism becomes.

>> No.23477280

Millennial here. I have a kid.

>> No.23477282

Jesus, I can hear the spit in her mouth. She needs to drink so water ffs.

>> No.23477285

Why would I want to date a brain-damaged whore.

>> No.23477290


>> No.23477292

kek lool at that frumpy ass bitch

>> No.23477294

Literally what would be the point

>> No.23477296

3rd anon here. Yeah, your'e retarded and your jokes weren't funny. His angry rant got a laugh though (note at your expense).

>> No.23477298

There's literally nothing wrong with genetic bottlenecks. They're useful to weed out the bad DNA. Let all the anti natalists just die off

>> No.23477303

>Jesus, I can hear the spit in her mouth.
You weren't kidding.


>> No.23477307

lol I didn’t think of it like that

>> No.23477348

I agree. Western Euros should stick to mixing with themselves. Every race they mix with turns out worse from my experience. After all, Ashkenazis are the most demonic race in all of humanity, and I blame that more on the Euro side since Mizrahi are honestly not as bad.

>> No.23477355

I think having no friends throughout all my teenage years and then being hit with covid lockdowns in m early 20s screwed me over for life.

>> No.23477366

Oh my God do you just spazz out about this shit in literally every thread?

>> No.23477371

Why shocked? I was agreeing with the white ethnonationalists. Stick to your own race.

>> No.23477378

Go on, start shrieking about nordicists again. Your immense inferiority complex is always funny to watch.

>> No.23477380

I was agreeing with you. Stick to mixing with your own race. Separation and distance is the best. We will never understand each other, and I want nothing to do with you.

>> No.23477383

Yeah I'm sure an ugly, big nose Persian like you wouldn't want the competition.

>> No.23477399

I don't have a big nose, pompous Zoomer garbage. Go an hero already, terminally online dysgenic moron.