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File: 411 KB, 2000x1918, Competitive hobby horsing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23474148 No.23474148 [Reply] [Original]

"Competitive hobby horsing" edition

Previous: >>23466979

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6o8h5FwcNU

>> No.23474158

It's always good to put your work in a competitive environment.
>I associate AO3 with fanfiction/smut and RR with trashy genrefic
yeah, my stuff isn't even particularly literary, but it doesn't quite fit in with the rest of stuff I see on AO3.

>> No.23474540

Threadly reminder that if you write genreslop you’re not a real writer and AI will replace you soon.

>> No.23474549

Post your writing, anon. You won't because you don't write and you don't know what you are talking about. Stalking these threads when you don't even write and are filled with jealousy is pretty pathetic, you know.

>> No.23474571

It’s better than your gay shit about elves tossing laser crystals into hyperdrives in spaaaaaaaaace.

>> No.23474591

We're going to go around in circles again aren't we? I'll just dig up my old post from the last time you seethed about this, because it shut you up last time.
>the fact that you're assuming I write genre fiction just because I defend someone else writing it shows how much brainrot you really have
and just a reminder:
>You won't because you don't write and you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.23474604

Most slop is litrpg dungeon isekai nonsense, not sci-fi. Nobody is writing sci-fi since audiences don't give a shit about outer space these days.

>> No.23474612

Thank you for the correct. I’m surprised sci fi has fallen off so much.

>> No.23474614

>You won't because you don't write and you don't know what you are talking about.
We're waiting.

>> No.23474616

another classic, because you're so unoriginal
>adding nigger to your post won't deflect the fact that you have no idea what you are talking about and are contributing a metric tonne of fuck all to this thread

>> No.23474621

Hi. I have a question for native English speakers:
Is the use of 'them' for when the gender is indefinite common? If so, is it more common than using 'he' as the default? In my language, the masculine is the default, no one uses the plural person for when the gender is undefined, but I'm using a tool that suggests "improvements" in the original English text and it has often changed the "he" to "them", even when it's in the singular, but it only does this when the gender is undefined.
Should I follow the tool's suggestion or is it just being influenced by modern linguistic fads?
Thank you.

>> No.23474627

>Is the use of 'them' for when the gender is indefinite common?
It is technically correct to use it, yes. I would need to see the actual sentence to know if the change is appropriate. You may just need to use 'it' instead of 'he' or 'them', if it's about an inanimate object.

>> No.23474630

>Is the use of 'them' for when the gender is indefinite common?
yes. english uses indefinite pronouns all the time
you can look up pronoun antecedents if you want to learn further details but you have the gist

>> No.23474631
File: 7 KB, 600x371, images (17).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor, poor, peabrained anon! It's time to write another 200-word litslop chapter if you wanna make it.

>> No.23474651
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When I am stressed I like listening to these ‘Life of a Poet’ videos cos they’re just so vapid and unserious, and the interviewer is constantly embarrassing the poet with bad quote he/she gave years ago.

>> No.23474676

Am I retarded or is this showing that long chapters are better?
As avg words per chapter rises your "total views ranking" gets closer to the #1 slot, which is good, right
what is that graphic even from

>> No.23474692
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>Evelyn Waugh understands that if a writer is to develop, he “must concern himself more and more with Style.” By approaching words with the attention and craft of a tailor, the literary artist not only communicates but also gives pleasure to others.

To what extent do you think about style in your own writing?

>> No.23474701


>> No.23474720
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>tfw can't publish locally in my country because I know more english words than spic ones
Globalization sure did a number on national literature.

>> No.23474731

Don't say that please. I don't want to be famous, or even expect to make money, but I don't want to read posts saying that publishing sci-fi to RR is a recipe for zero views.

>> No.23474761
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How do I know if my roman a clef is worth writing?

>> No.23474762

Sci-fi's unpopularity in novel hubs is based on the premise of the genre having potentially far too many hard concepts to grasp for the reader who is only looking for a simple dopamine fix.

>> No.23474766

Nah not zero views just less than fantasy. Higher than other genres though.

>> No.23474772
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>Another rejection letter

>> No.23474889

fuck off idiot

>> No.23474912


>> No.23474962
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Found some time to poke around at this cover. Adding the flowers has stopped me from seeing a spaghetti western poster. Think I should be done with it
Looking forward to writing more tonight. I'm not particularly inspired but I haven't been at it in awhile. Writing simply feels good

>> No.23474965
File: 30 KB, 371x600, IMG_0272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a retarded chart. The thing the writer has control over is words per chapter, which means it should be along the X axis (horizontal). Views is being affected by word count, so it’s the dependent variable and should be on the Y axis (vertical).

>> No.23474970

how do you get out of the amateurish description of describing sighs, facial expressions, people turning around. Basic stuff that is boring but feels necessary as you are writing.

>> No.23474982

does it advance the narrative or evoke feelings out of the reader? is it deliberately designed to contribute to some form of creative cohesion? no? cut that shit out
it's prose, not a script
be more attentive next time you read something. it's easy for practiced readers to not notice how little description is required for the imagination to start filling the blanks
write some short stories with restrictive word counts. being forced to fulfill your intent without fucking about helps to teach writers word economy

>> No.23474992

don't overdo it, for starters. when you do do it, use creative prose. you can also use subtext, and this is probably what makes the difference.

>> No.23475006

>it's prose, not a script
It's funny you say that since I started writing screenplays. It might be a leftover from that style of writing.
>does it advance the narrative or evoke feelings out of the reader?
Most of the time it can probably be cut. One problem I am repeatedly running into with a big cast is when someone is talking to a group.
Let me try and write an example of all these amateurish things and you can suggest how to fix them?
>"Let's go on this adventure!" A said the group.
>"I don't think so." B said. He turned to C. "What do you think?"
>C sighed. "I'm not interested."
>B looked at D. "What about you?"
>D's face had an anxious expression. Instead of answering, he turned and walked away.

>> No.23475052

Why does B need to ask C for his opinion when A already asked him that? And why is D worthy of mentioning only to justify he's not talking? A lot of clutter.

>> No.23475063

So this is probably the crux of the issue. There are moments when I am trying to give everybody in my main cast a chance to say their piece. Maybe better to just skip it completely.

It should've been >B said. A turned to C. btw but the point still stands

>> No.23475064

Yes but my point is more that longer chapters = higher (closer to #1) "total views ranking", which means long chapters = more views
Unless I'm misreading
The anon who posted it seemed to read the graph as if '200 word chapters is how you get views'

>> No.23475078
File: 48 KB, 625x640, wg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will people get the William T Vollmann reference if I make my killer's trophies the happiest memories of the hookers he kills?

>> No.23475098

you don't dictate the imagination, you guide it. you don't need to point the prose at every call and response
to address your scenario exactly I don't think there's anything wrong with that sort of exchange intrinsically but it's definitely the sort of thing that'd get tiring if you did it frequently. I think that's because you're doing the least with the least. the dialogue informs the audience that the group isn't interested in the adventure. but the dialogue is boring; it doesn't involve the reader, it's not making them feel neglected like character A may feel, it's not building a sense of conflict; that you've chosen to use dialogue for this does nothing to bring out effect. why not a paragraph describing the exchanges? or lowering the psychic distance between narration and character to pull at some sort of feeling?
the answer is that this is efficient. it's boring but you get the point across quickly. you can't have every line be a masterwork in wordplay and prosaic intrigue. sometimes you need to just say shit as it is
if that's the merit of this approach then you can still achieve it through prose rather than dialogue. dialogue is fine but if you feel that this styling of yours is amateurish I suspect the issue is more in repetitiveness than usage. push your language and try a different approach
leave details out. the imagination isn't a camera lens and the reader can't see exactly what you see so don't try to force them to

>> No.23475103

sorry, i was being a grouch; but, some anon asks, after phoneposting their saved simp shit, if their story might have some inherent quality worth writing about. worth writing...
how can we know your goal with this?
and how would either the potential story, or your goal (that we can't know), supersede your own judgement, motivation and ability to tell the story?
you feel me?

>> No.23475105

The other anon is reading it right. It’s a little more understandable in the version of the graph I posted. Total views ranking increases as average words per chapter decreases.

>> No.23475121


>dialogue is fine but if you feel that this styling of yours is amateurish I suspect the issue is more in repetitiveness than usage. push your language and try a different approach
Yes it's true. I only brought it up today because I've noticed I've been doing it a lot. If it's grating on me as I am writing it then it will probably grate on the reader.
> I think that's because you're doing the least with the least. the dialogue informs the audience that the group isn't interested in the adventure. but the dialogue is boring; it doesn't involve the reader, it's not making them feel neglected like character A may feel, it's not building a sense of conflict; that you've chosen to use dialogue for this does nothing to bring out effect. why not a paragraph describing the exchanges?
Yeah this is really great feedback. I'm rethinking a lot of the interactions I've written from this alone. I'm writing in a rote "let's hear everybody's opinions/actions before moving on" way instead of looking for the central feeling or point of the scene and writing around that.
>the answer is that this is efficient. it's boring but you get the point across quickly. you can't have every line be a masterwork in wordplay and prosaic intrigue. sometimes you need to just say shit as it is
If I'm honest, my action doesn't have this problem, and may even be too fast. It's only when I get to big cast scenes where there's a lot of back and forth conversation that I feel this sluggishness. This along with the fear that I am info dumping made me realize this is a problem I need to fix soon.

>> No.23475130

no, but they'll be thinking of 'clay the serial killer'

>> No.23475143


Funny you mention that because mine actually does end with the killer phoning in a radio station telling about his exploits

>> No.23475164

>and how would either the potential story, or your goal (that we can't know), supersede your own judgement, motivation and ability to tell the story?
Not sure what u meant by this

I’m just saying is my story just gonna be some BULL like every other retard, or is it actually interesting and of its time and worth telling?

>> No.23475169

idea guy mentality
do a good job and it'll be good. simple as

>> No.23475171

>I’m just saying is my story just gonna be some BULL like every other retard, or is it actually interesting and of its time and worth telling?
All I can say to you is that you don't really know what your story is until you are writing it.

>> No.23475219

Yes but "total views ranking" implies higher = worse.

A #1 place in "total views ranking" implies you have the most views.

Being #6234 in "total views ranking" implies you have low views.

Otherwise the chart would just say "Total Views" and not "Total Views Ranking"

>> No.23475223

Can u expand on that?

>> No.23475236

Oh yeah. Huh. Well I don’t know, then.

>> No.23475254
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>On a role with my new book (I just started)
>Women start messaging me out of nowhere. Horny shit. Distracting shit.
Fuck my life where were you for the last 20 ODD FUCKING YEARS

>> No.23475271

Are you literally me? Weeks ago I had a self-motivation boost to write 300% as much as I used to, but at the same time I became friends with an egirl I met on the bus and now I can't manage my time on either.

>> No.23475273

Yes. Your question asking "is something worth writing" is like asking "is the car fast". I'd need to know details about the car and what constitutes "fast" for you. It's too broad a question.
Because you're probably reluctant to tell me about the specifics of your story I said
>All I can say to you is that you don't really know what your story is until you are writing it.
Which just means that while we could talk all day about what is a good idea or a valuable idea pretty much any writer will tell you that you have to sit down and write the story to see what makes it distinctive enough to be "worth" it.
That's why anon said >>23475169 because ideas are a dime a dozen and you are thinking like an "idea" guy (all ideas no writing)

>> No.23475276

How come nobody messages me?

>> No.23475280

The Demiurge must think you aren't a threat to his world order.

>> No.23475299

women only distracted me from writing

>> No.23475351

what's the book about?

>> No.23475365

So can I put my cringe about dragons here? am at 171 pages but I got a demo for free. I'm a nepobaby with a job and I just want people to read my stuff. will self publish.

>> No.23475378

post it based scalefag

>> No.23475397

Here you go, I got a furfag pajeet friend that draws for me at lower costs. she's quite good imo


>> No.23475532

Yeah and I’m waiting for someone smart enough to appreciate my work.
So I remain no worse than anyone else here.

>> No.23475534

Hi I am smart and will appreciate your work

>> No.23475544

>You won't because you don't write and you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.23475550

>I'm a nepobaby with a job
unless you have a fast track to publishing I don't think this matters much

>> No.23475669

I had a scene that didn't work because it was too short. It was a guy bribing hotel staff and it was basically
>he walks up to counter
>sorry we don't have any more rooms
>here's $300
>here's your room key sir

So I re-wrote the whole thing to build it up slower, have the guy size up the clerk and find his weakness to exploit it before offering the cash and it ended up being twice as long but so much better.

>> No.23475708

Belrozte frejgor comlqute rendexhi varnowk. Pezzj drenti hytusi zol ropgriu. Ceriopk. Benja iriobal knardst.

>> No.23475720
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>> No.23475722

dont ever type these words in my thread ever again

>> No.23475734
File: 307 KB, 1200x1697, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More and more. One way I heard someone talk about style is 'the process of cutting away everything that feels untrue or parroted or pretentious'. That's a big part of my thinking on style. But I also think about style a lot because a lot of my stories get improvised as I'm writing, and style is important in that regard because it determines what kind of improvised connections you make, what kinds of things feel appropriate to introduce into the atmosphere of the work. Style really is like an atmosphere, in fact: it's like the specific mix of chemicals in which certain organisms can thrive. You can say some things in some styles that you can't in others; and therefore the style suggests certain things worth saying that wouldn't have been suggested to you otherwise. The idea that style is a purplish filter you layer on top of a preexisting content is a very unhelpful notion.

>> No.23475743

How do I come up with more creative scenarios for conflict between villains and heroes other than them just having normal fights between them.

>> No.23475744

I am scared of manifesting a future where Mia gets another boyfriend and I have to watch

>> No.23475780

Have them fight with their minds, Batman vs Riddler style.

>> No.23475785

How does listening to their crappy poetry not make you sick?

>> No.23475791

>have to sign in to see anything on google drive now

>> No.23475792

It's pride month, what did you expect?

>> No.23475806

have their out of costume personas have a friendly rivalry

>> No.23475837

Ideological differences. Have one be lactose intolerant and the other be head of the pro-milk lobby. They can clash at a public debate.

>> No.23475842

How do you come up with chapter titles? I'm terrible at naming things. I couldn't even decide on a name for my cat until it was two years old.

>> No.23475926

I suck at naming things too. I end up using name generators to come up with things usually.

>> No.23475986

About 30k words into my litrpg slop anons, I can taste the luxurious life of a career author already

>> No.23476066

just stick to numbers bro, nobody but you will ever put much thought into the chapter names.

>> No.23476080

You're never going to beef up your word count that way.

>> No.23476150
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, 1715268710183357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make good money writing fiction

>> No.23476161

Have them play jokes on each other which are hard to solve
Have them have a contest in who can make the most number of useful items for humanity
Have them debate each other
Then afterwards, have them make peace

>> No.23476169

Write the title last. Read what you wrote and whatever you think of is the title.

>> No.23476175

Instead of blood money? No, just kidding. Lies and fantasy are not good, so I suggest you write the truth and derive your own kind of truth money out of truthful language, where you reach a situation where you can trade truths with another human.

>> No.23476177

Depends on the genre. Strategy for erotica is gonna be different for sci fi novels
Generally: understand the market, output a lot of words at <some minimum quality requirement>

>> No.23476178

Design a lot of cute girls. Story doesn't matter if people can easily fap to them.

>> No.23476185


>> No.23476201
File: 18 KB, 317x256, 1717994700574548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write chapter
>Looks good enough
>Read chapter next day
>Want to add and correct shit because everything feels wrong now
>Nevermind, keep writing, go to the last part and continue
>Keep adding new things to the characters and the plot but it all feels dumb and empty
>Can't move forward
I'm going to smoke some weed.

>> No.23476205

>Is my story going to be BULL?
Yes, you will producerbull a producerbullstory. Eventually. Since you're asking, it means you're still learning.

>> No.23476210

You're not gonna make it if you write something you don't enjoy but seems proffitable, like isekai slop or women romance novels.
At least that's what I got from it.

>> No.23476225

I was going to write today but I ate a meatloaf instead. Now I sleep.

>> No.23476226

This is a reasonable take, but I'm starting to think that I may actually like writing enough on its own terms that I may be able to enjoy doing it for money regardless of content.

>> No.23476230

You do you. Whatever I do for money turns into a soul-crushing unbearable grind.

>> No.23476250

I'm the anon he replied to. No, he'll 'make it', but ultimately, people are searching for truth to big and small life questions. If he learns how to contribute to the set of knowledge that we humans have, then he adds truth value and can be taken seriously by others, otherwise, he'll remain in his fantasy writing world and have fantasy writing conversations with fantasy writing writers on a screen, of which he can never be sure they're real.
Writing is a means to leave behind a message to others, and if I read something, there'd better be some truth to it, even if it's a 1:1000 truth:fantasy ratio, because otherwise I won't have learned something. 1:1000 is hard to handle. 1:10 is okay, 1:100 is disciplinarian, 1:1 is a conversation, 1:0 is dry university work. They're styles of operating. I do 1:0 or 1:1 most days, so that's my bias.

>> No.23476256

Use it to fuel your fire and get motivated.

>> No.23476266

1 sheet of paper is hardly fuel. Use logs for fire. Just write more and put more effort into it.

>> No.23476277

'I know you got soul. If you didn't, you wouldn't be in here.'

>> No.23476280

Not that kind of fire, autist.

>> No.23476281

Peaceful dreams upon the literaries in your head are wished upon you.

>> No.23476287

Based James Brown reference!

>> No.23476296

Hi motivational poet! It's okay, I've been called autistic before. I now let it 'fuel my fire', in the cliché. I learned that clichés are clichés because there is an essence of truth to them. I'm not mad. I just like to play with words and meaning. Got you!

>> No.23476301

The Hardest Working Man In Showbizz!

>> No.23476302
File: 176 KB, 1437x1098, 1717994966268273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your ratios, what would be a concrete example of each?
Where would a novel like Red Dragon by Thomas Harris fall in?

>> No.23476341

I want to write fantasy but I don't want to have magic in it. Is this possible?

>> No.23476355

will people read it: no
But people aren't going to read your shit either way so just write what you want brother

>> No.23476365

Thanks. I feel inspired :)

>> No.23476385

Uhh is this really a thing in writing though? This feels like amateur mangaka advice

>> No.23476387

I haven't read it, but going by the title I'd say the dragon is either a metaphor for smoking, which'd make it metaphor-based so somewhere about 1:15 if I catch all the innuendo's, or it's really about imagined dragons, which don't exist, or perhaps as a reference to some animal, but I'd have to know of the animal.
In a way every book can be 1:1, if I read it 'correctly', that is, perceiving what is in the mirror that the text holds up to me and reflecting on what I think I should do about it, either now or later.
>I've read YELLOWFACE by R.F., Kuang, and made an effort, id est I read it while at a lecternish table, and reacted emotionally to the thefts and the pancake scene, most scenes, in some way, and I read T2 Trainspotting by I. Welsh and réálly liked some scenes and some scenes not, and that made me realize my tastes for the kinds of interactions I like. Example: Crack: dislike. Success in travail: Like. Drugs: Dislike. etc. 1:1-1:10, because lets be real, crack and porn exist somewhere in the world.
Now then, at school, we'd be sitting down, and got to ask questions, so I'm constantly hearing uncertainties plus I'm thinking about that and some response with authority. 1:3ish.
At a college lecture, I'm being bombarded with truths and system think, so that's 1:0, 1:1 if there's a working group and we have to debate or converse.
It depends on some factors, whether I can see allusions and metaphors, have read widely or deeply, etc. The better I'm able to use reading skills and think about what I've read/am writing the more truth I'll find in a book. It's not ónly about perception, but it is for a big part.

>> No.23476391

Well, sómeone has to write the AI-generated porn videos. But it's not my style.

>> No.23476394

You put the harem on the front cover to entice buyers. No one's going to want to read a book with ugly girls on it.

>> No.23476401

Writing fúéls the magic!

>> No.23476403


What is going on here?

>> No.23476409

but harem isn't popular in writing, again that's an anime and manga thing, or at most a LN thing, not western
wait is this thread not actually filled with writers??

>> No.23476411

low-tier zalgo text

>> No.23476412

What are you saying? Your story is filled with all dudes? It's going to be hard to make money with that approach.

>> No.23476415

>Design a lot of cute girls. Story doesn't matter if people can easily fap to them.
>What are you saying? Your story is filled with all dudes?
Actual retardation

>> No.23476424

When I create characters I draw them out. Even if readers never see my drawings, I still have the image to go by and then if the story becomes popular I can post my stuff as anonymous fanart, spurring others to follow.

>> No.23476427

Those are accents intended to help with pronunciation: they imply stress on the vowel and mark importance.

>> No.23476433

Pragmatical importance on that word in the sentence, I mean.
>t. Euroschooled

>> No.23476436

Honestly pretty based but doesn't seem relevant to the discussion, was it meant to be a non sequitur?
either way, based passionate anon

>> No.23476458

Lots of famous novels have massive majority male casts, with only token female characters
Get the fuck out of my writing thread you weeb

>> No.23476474

"They" and "them" are nominally used when gender is unknown, but I would avoid using it unless the character is actually in some bulky clothing with a face mask that makes it impossible to discern gender.

Otherwise you're just going to look like a pandering faggot.

>> No.23476477

not your thread, troll

>> No.23476514

In normal English "he" is the default if the sex is not known and "they" is only plural. But now we are living in 2024 clown world where English "he" literally means "she" so it's anyone's guess now.

>> No.23476518

I'm the troll? ME??

>> No.23476526
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>> No.23476772

>In normal English "he" is the default if the sex is not known and "they" is only plural.
Wrong. I've literally never seen it be used like this outside of ye olde English. I'm not even talking about the tranny ages.

>> No.23476777
File: 22 KB, 393x386, Balaclava Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's my fucking friend messaging me every 5 fucking seconds about shit I don't care about. Like cars.

Holy fuck I don't care about your engine sound videos.

>> No.23476795

Well that's how it was taught to me in the 90s high school English class. If in doubt, default to He.

>> No.23476808

where the fuck are you from?

>> No.23476818

California, at the time.

>> No.23476830

Where the fuck are you from that you weren't taught this?

>> No.23476845

>short scene at the end of a chapter
>serves no real purpose other than just to establish what happens next
>cut it and just summarize it at the start of the next chapter
>still lost 500 words


>> No.23476855

>serves no real purpose other than just to establish what happens next
Good time to have some character exposition.

>> No.23476893

I don't see how. They were basically just talking about their travel plans. I only wrote it originally so the reader wouldn't get confused about what day it was.

>> No.23476917
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>They were basically just talking about their travel plans.
Are they just standing and talking? Camping? Good time to sprinkle in SOME flavor. Maybe one of them remarking how quick the days whizzed by.
In my thing, I literally have a character remark how long they've been traveling together. This scene serves no purpose other than putting the passage of time into perspective, but it leads to character exposition.

>> No.23476952

Hmmm I always figured "they" was used when a concrete person is being talked about, as in a gender exists but is unknown, but "he" is used as a default referring to a theoretical person, as in "an author should do x, because he ..."

>> No.23476961

>I always figured "they" was used when a concrete person is being talked about, as in a gender exists but is unknown

It's more like there is an author who wrote a book 500 years ago and the name has been lost to time. You would refer to that author as a he.

>> No.23476963


>> No.23476992
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>> No.23476994

north america
english isn't a gendered language. being taught that is some weird stepford village shit

>> No.23477014

Ok, since you told me to, I'm going to try it. I had them just sitting around talking but I'm going to re-do it with more action so they're fighting lightly in an argument and still get the same info across.

>> No.23477115

Can't stand a chud who pretends like singular they never existed because it triggers them to think that somebody might mistake their standard usage of modern english as tranny newspeak.
Here's another thing that may shock you if you've never read a book on grammar: there is no authority on how English ought to be used. There are only chroniclers of how English appears to be being used; chroniclers who have long chronicled the usage of singular they.

>> No.23477127

Yes, how people talk in daily casual conversation is different than how you use the word in formal writing. In papers and literature "they" is meant to be plural, regardless of how you use it while drunk at the bar.

>> No.23477144

Completely different scenario. You can safely assume anyone who wrote anything 500 years back was a man.
"He" when referring to an unknown soldier is 100% valid. If you think otherwise, you're a tranny faggot and you should dilate.
"He" when referring to some spaceman in a bulky suit you have never seen before with a voice you can't quite tell if it's a man or a woman is incorrect. "They" should be used here.

>> No.23477169

no, you're ascribing far too much credence to a debate that has always been oxford comma level for first year university students to fight over in their survey classes. Formal writing avoids informal-sounding language. This has exactly nothing to do with the widely accepted use of singular they in all forms of media including fiction.

>> No.23477170

That's it. Fuck dialogue. I'm writing a story without dialogue.

>> No.23477198

once upon a time it was a mans world.

>> No.23477203

that's honestly how you should approach it. don't add a single fucking line unless you have a reason to.

>> No.23477251

I'm stuck on one of my chapters. Essentially, I have a girl, her brother and their grandfather on a ship in the middle of a storm. The original version of the chapter was set somewhere else but had the grandfather teaching the girl magic, which at the same time taught the reader how magic works. However, I decided to scrap that and go to the ship during a storm as a setting. I've written a scene where the grandfather uses his magic to save the ship and had intended to write another scene where he then teaches the granddaughter magic but now I'm thinking that having both scenes in the same chapter is too much. If you were reading, would you prefer to see both scenes or one or the other?

>> No.23477278

>start a story riffing off fairytales
>only have read andersen's tales
Who are the quintissential fairy tale writers?

>> No.23477283

Grimm brothers, Lord Dunsany, idk anyone else. You could probably find a lot of them on wikisource

>> No.23477284 [DELETED] 


>> No.23477301

>A whisper spread like toppling dominoes among the crowd, growing louder with each falling tile.

>> No.23477305
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>Lord Dunsany
the only one that matters.

>> No.23477318

>Leave fight in cliffhanger for the night
>A reader actually comments "Moar plz, you can't just end it like this", thereby proving they like and are invested in my story
>Looking forward to writing today now

We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.23477329
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>mfw people read my shit but are quiet and don't comment/rate/review/anything
I get it, but fuck's sake.

>> No.23477346

So now what you do is take the day off and really blue ball him. It just makes the craving more intense. He'll appreciate it in the long run.

>> No.23477367

“That’s it. Fuck dialogue. I’m writing a story without dialogue,” Anon A said.
“That’s honestly how you should approach it,” Anon B said. “Don’t add a single fucking line unless you have a reason to.”
Both Anons nodded with a self-satisfying grin and proceeded to suck each other off.

>> No.23477385

More like zoomzoom addictbrain latches onto something else.

>> No.23477397

The door opened. Anon C peeked his face in, only to be met with rapacious and lascivious noise of wet flesh meeting wet flesh, along with cacophonous and voracious slurping.
Anon C slowly, cautiously backed out, leaving the two massive faggots to their devices, ultimately departing and saying nothing.

>> No.23477426


>> No.23477431

>old west
>poor manlet fuckup (slightly retarded) from Texas decides to join a gang and rob a bank
>turns out the gang was just taking advantage of his retardation and he gets left high and dry by the actual gang members
>now a wanted criminal, he is forced to flee west, on foot, with the goal of reaching San Francisco and starting a new life there
>at first he's bitter and angry, contemplating giving up, his life fucking sucks and he knows it
>but in the vast wilderness and in the towns he stops at along the way, he learns to appreciate what he has and the simple pleasure of being alive
>actually becomes somewhat competent, less of a fuckup, less of a bad person
>not long after he makes it to the ocean he gets unceremoniously shot for the small bounty on his head
is this worth writing

>> No.23477444

I think bandits would have higher pay on their head alive.
Would be more poignant if he was imprisoned and sentenced to decades of hard labor.

>> No.23477449

It sounds pretty interesting. You'd have to really dive deep into his mindset and explore how it changes over the course of his journey to pull it off. I don't know if I'd go with such a downer ending, but it depends on the tone you use and what your overall message is.

>> No.23477452

>chapter is 675 words
>literally can't think of anything else

What's your shortest chapter? Compared to your average, I guess. I usually get around 1500.

>> No.23477481


I aim for 2000, but I probably average closer to 2250 or something.

>> No.23477499

True. I'm not sure how to write that in without dramatically changing the story though.

Of course most bounties did not allow you to kill someone extrajudicially, but if you did few were going to bother prosecuting. My idea was that someone calls out his name, he spins around, sees a guy pointing a gun at him and reflexively grabs his own gun, which gets him shot. So less of a premeditated thing and more of a "shit went wrong" thing.

Yeah I'm not sure that I can pull it off. But I think it would be good practice for a character driven story.

>> No.23477512

I like the idea but
>but in the vast wilderness and in the towns he stops at along the way, he learns to appreciate what he has and the simple pleasure of being alive
is doing a lot of heavy lifting in the synopsis, you will need to have a clear idea of what this will be like as it sounds like it will be the meat and potatoes of your book. So make sure you have an idea of the towns he stops in and what makes them different

>> No.23477522

I am actually incredulous.
700 words is not a chapter, that is a single scene. I usually hit 3k but often go to ~4k because folding the overhang into the next chapter just wouldn't work as well.

>> No.23477527

Thoughts on writing your book out of order?

>> No.23477529



>> No.23477534

If I have a later scene in mind already I will write it but I always end up writing the majority of my first draft in chronological order. It's much easier than stitching together a bunch of disparate scenes.

>> No.23477558

>I'm not sure how to write that in without dramatically changing the story though.
Very easily. By asking a question whether a shit life is worth living, even if you appreciate being alive.
It doesn't have to be an answered question.

>> No.23477580

How many scenes do you put in a chapter? I usually have just one or two.

>> No.23477586

Yeah: just write it and publish it, and let the future handle the rest.

>> No.23477587

I hate being a "every story must have conflict" guy but when I could only write short chapters I was not putting enough conflict or obstacles in the characters way. So each chapter ended up being "Character does X successfully." I was also skipping descriptions and pushing through the story as quickly as possible.
The solution is probably to go back and expand, but if you can't then consider merging some of these chapters because 700 is not enough.

>> No.23477591

>chapter ended up being "Character does X successfully."
That's pretty much what this one is. But he spent the last 3 chapters struggling to get it, so it's not like it's unearned. But I do feel he still gets it too easily, despite all that.

>> No.23477593

Yes, it is a story that can be well converted into a film. As you typed it it's not so much about the crime and the shooting as it is about the redemptive power of travel on foot. Also, there is character progression, which can leave the book/play have a postive, moral tone. There are many chances to improve the protagonist's character, and many different people to show. Since you already typed sóme out, it's worth developing in full. Don't worry if it takes five years.

>> No.23477595

Usually two or three. I know I said that 700 was a single scene, but that's on the low end.

>> No.23477603

If it's as you say where it is a short chapter to end a plotline, and it comes after a few longer chapters, then you're probably fine to do it.
>But I do feel he still gets it too easily, despite all that.
Well what is "it" and what does it mean to the character? You can expand the chapter without adding artificial conflict by exploring it as a character development moment. Is getting "it" a symbol for something in his arc? What did he have to sacrifice for "it"?

>> No.23477605

Turn off the phone and ignore

>> No.23477606

2,538 words yesterday

>> No.23477618

I wanna dip my toe into Sword and sorcery stuff ala Conan, but I need a better grasp on the genre. What should I read to better understand the genre?

>> No.23477628


Took people's advice from last thread and decided to write a longer chapter, how is it so far? Tried to focus more on the human aspects.

I posted before a short chapter involving another character in this same setting, I assume it's probably not a good idea to write too many different stories at once?

I have more to this but I am still rewriting some parts of it

>> No.23477631

The Black Abbot of Pthuum by C.A. Smith is a favourite of mine.

>> No.23477643



>Write new chapter, which is first half of fight, and publish it, with new cliffhanger
>Reader comes back, with new comment
>"AAAAA, need mooooaaaar, plz"

I'm so happy. Someone out there truly appreciates my fantasyslop

We're all gonna bake it bros, just keep cooking.

>> No.23477646

living the dream anon
I need to finish my book before publishing serially
I will be you one day

>> No.23477906
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Syngeneia Kathairein is old Greek for ''Cleansing of Kinship''

Did you drop out of college?

>> No.23477909

Just don't have sex with your first fan. If you manage to keep your dick out of your fans you'll be fine, which seems hard to do for some reason.

>> No.23478011

I write every chapter exactly 3000 words, ALWAYS, ALL OF THEM

>> No.23478098
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Same. But I write two.

>> No.23478106

Of course. There's no reason you have to think of the events in your book in the order they happen. Write whatever part of it you're feeling at the moment, and put it in order later. Ideas don't arrive linearly, so why should the prose?
Stupid troll

>> No.23478108

nta but if I had a hot lady gushing over my work to the point of horniness it'd be difficult to resist

>> No.23478195

I may sound like a fag but if you're famous there's some power imbalance going on.

>> No.23478199

I understand the power dynamic thing when it comes to boss-employee relationships, but I honestly don't see how it can be compared to writer-fan. Sure, the fan may consider the writer to be "above" them and that would be unhealthy but it's not like the relationship would impact somebody's livelihood or financial situation or anything like that?

>> No.23478200

Native (British English) speaker here. I grew up with the west country "dialect" as a social language and standard, ie, RP English at home.

The context in which indefinite pronouns are actually used (as opposed to technically allowable but unnatural to the ear) is fairly limited.

Something like.
>They stood on the street corner. They looked around restlessly. Their breath fogged in the cold air.
While technically correct, is unusual enough that it would raise eyebrows and feel "off" to natives. The indefinite pronoun is being used quite conspicuously to mask the gendered pronoun that someone would in all likelihood actually use in describing that scene.

>Someone knocked on the door. I asked their name.
>A smart address book sat by the phone, with the neatly handwritten numbers for every kind of service in town, that the distinguished guest could call for at their leisure.
Is perfectly ordinary and acceptable to natives.

In other words, it has to be genuinely unknown, rather than a ham-fisted attempt to avoid using gendered pronouns. In the first example, a native speaker would most likely use a placeholder gendered pronoun (usually male). In the last, using the indefinite pronoun is a relatively modern thing. Historically, the word "his" would be used. If your writing is set prior to 1970 or so, only the second example would really be authentic.

>> No.23478207

well the more famous person can use their platform for malice if shit hits the fan. who are fans going to root for?

>> No.23478220

I didn't consider that. My problem with this is how far do you want to take it? If someone has 100k followers on twitter and their partner doesn't does it still count as a lopsided power dynamic even though they're not famous? Should famous people only be allowed to date other famous people?

>> No.23478223

>have a basic plotline for my magic school story
>just can't decide on a love interest
>none of the female classmates gets me fired up
>let the draft sit for a few months
>suddenly have revelation on a walk
>forget the students, the MC's love interests should all be older women and staff members
>the fog has lifted and many previously unsatisfying details work again
just be yourself!

>> No.23478229

You're not at all bothered that the other person is after you only because you're somebody famous/successful/do a thing they like, and disregards who you actually are?

>> No.23478231

the real slop was in the whole time
have fun anon

>> No.23478272

Wow, it's the last Victorian men in the world. Seriously, get over yourselves and have some fun! Just watch out for the usual problems, e.g. VD, pregnancy, and stalkers.

>> No.23478281

Honestly, no? If they like my writing then they would probably have some affection for me on the personal level. It's not quite the same as someone only liking me for my money, for example, which is completely independent of my personality and thoughts.
Yeah stalking seems like a risk.

>> No.23478285

Sub 1,000 words is a “longer chapter?” And keep your shitty d&d campaign to yourself.

>> No.23478295

>If they like my writing then they would probably have some affection for me on the personal level
Well, solid self-deception fixes everything

>> No.23478305
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maybe I just want a woman that cares about my writing

>> No.23478308

It would be hard to convince the reader that no one on the way offers him a lift. Walking on foot through the deserts of nevada and new mexico sounds completely unrealistic, so is crossing the rockies. There's a good novel about a young guy who leaves his family, pregnant wife and good land to go prospect gold in california in the 1840s, i don't remember the name but it's composed of another part where a soldier falls in love with a californio spanish girl and becomes a millionaire by selling to the prospectors. It was my first foray into american novels as an esl teenager. It was really entertaining and informative on how hard that trail is not to mention having to deal with the comanche who are usually on horseback.

>> No.23478346

I've remembered the name: Sierra by Richard S Wheeler

>> No.23478371

Hello /wg/ homos, reviewfag here. I will buy and review your book on Goodreads and Amazon if you have few reviews, just shoot me an amazon link.

>> No.23478389
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>Seriously, get over yourselves and have some fun!
Shut the fuck up femoid.

>> No.23478399

Nice try, glowfag.

>> No.23478404

no way am I doxxing myself AND opening the door for anon-hate-fueled review bombing

>> No.23478411
File: 51 KB, 1400x800, lgbti-flag-artwork-CMYK-print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking about a scifi religion like 600 years into the future that is an offshoot of this LGBT pride stuff, but i don't want to just make a stupid parody.
My world is full of insane ideas i take at face value and present as straight as possible, so far it works in my eyes, but idk about this one.
I am dealing with an alternate timeline that splits in 1969 so i can get rid of what i feel is the bad part of modernity, in which this is included. I don't know if this ideology itself is just too destructive, selfish and just evil to even permit to exist, even as a weird underground sex cult, though i do think it would he funny to have a UN soldier reveal he is part of the government UNESCO sanctioned gay sex cult with the stupid flags and shit.

How would this cult even look like, what would they venerate? Actually take it like it's a real thing, it can be ridiculous but needs to make sense.
I have a rough idea though it might be tainted by my uh... lets say terrible experience with the LGBT types so i might be very biased here.

>> No.23478416

I would but I hate Amazon and will never put anything up on their site.

>> No.23478417

>what would they venerate?
Look no farther than the American nigger.

>> No.23478418

my roughest idea is they have regular orgies on christian holy days out of spite, and they venerate brown people who are placed as living idols on top of shrines where they goon in a circle around them.
also raping children and mental fuckery that comes with the tranny shit.
Protagonist is a ladyboy and i need ideas that are designed to woo him, either he finishes his quest to finally become a man, or he gives up like a coward, leaving his world behind for foreign material pleasure.

>> No.23478419

yup doesn't even need mentioning.

>> No.23478424

also lots of satanic references really they're doing such a good job already at looking like insane rapist bad guys

>> No.23478425

I'm against telling people what to write, and this does sound quite funny, but you know this is unpublishable, right? Even if you self-pub there's no way you market this without backlash.
Anyway the modern alphabet mafia venerates their idea of "progressiveness" over everything else. In the authoritarian tradition they define what is "progressive", venerate that, and disparage everything that does not fit. And you could also play on the whole "identity as truth" thing they have going which is ripe for interesting philosophical discussion.

>> No.23478440

also you don't want to make it a stupid parody but it will probably become one, so maybe just lean into it. I know this because the way you talk about it. Strong political views like yours are impossible to hide completely when you are tackling something head-on like that.

>> No.23478446

i want that discussion.
I want to mirror my own experiences, my own journey to becoming a man, to being lied to and tricked to thinking i was someone else, or that i was in the wrong body, i want to make people see just how terrible these things are.
I intend on only having one character be part of the cult, an evil manipulator trying to make the protagonist submit, only being their translator and object.
I want to write it in a way where the gays will write essays explaining how its not actually that bad, how it's "media literacy" or whatever they say.

I really want to play with identity and what it means to be a man even when the world takes your masculinity from you, inate mental differences between the sexes that cannot be crossed, and the inbetween zone of body mutilation for religious veneration, ie the protagonist accepting his unfortunate situation, while at the same time destroying his own world by helping strange foreigners that promise him their world will accept him.
Also playing with themes of agency and how it doesn't matter what the protag does, as he already fucked up by translating for the invaders, though he tries to make a stand, have his voice heard and he tries to act, even with violence, he still fails because he kills his world in a vain attempt to become a man.
Caesars legion is a parody, but played completely straight, and i will personally die for caesar and felt genuine heart pain when he started having headaches and dozed off. I want that skill.

>> No.23478447


>Subtext of part 1

>Prologue, one page long, no context given

>Chapter subtext
>Excerpt of an in-universe document, one sentence

>Beginning of chapter 1

Phew. What a start!

>> No.23478450

also inspired by some SE asia anon i chatted to, might have been fake, who claimed that his mother wanted a daughter and had him transitioned against his will, forced to present in a way which is not his.

>> No.23478452

I can't imagine being this paranoid.

>> No.23478458

Then you have more than enough to work with.
>I really want to play with identity and what it means to be a man even when the world takes your masculinity from you, inate mental differences between the sexes that cannot be crossed, and the inbetween zone of body mutilation for religious veneration, ie the protagonist accepting his unfortunate situation, while at the same time destroying his own world by helping strange foreigners that promise him their world will accept him.
Is interesting. I think if you focused on that loss of masculinity you could get something good out of this. I'd probably read it.
Also Caesar was a bitch and I stole his power fist.

>> No.23478489

I can. Makes for interesting world-building and plot ideas.

>> No.23478492

I'm struggling with good reasons for why exactly the protagonist's masculinity is taken away, any wishy-washy religious reason or "ooh the alien psychadelics have estrogen in them" explanation feels too tacky, to me these religious things just are because that's how it's always been and will be. Don't even know if a good reason is important, he's the town's holy cow, only natural to have him castrated and forced into a constant humiliation ritual, he is venerated, yet his fate is pitied, he can see through the veil, though it doesn't let him see where his path will take him, only vague analogies that are hard to piece together.
I don't feel like explaining a lot of things, i expect the reader to just say "yeah, of course they do that" cause thats my experience reading about foreign cultures with weird traditions like that.
Feel a bit self-concious posting it under my name, conservative as hell culture where i live and i know the story about a christian ladyboy crusading against his own race to support the big bad evil liberal UN won't really slide with anyone in my country (i think)

I really like political drama about states n greater powers, religious stories that are written from a position of sincerity (devout catholic), and just the weird insane shit that happens in the world in general. I feel the personal drama gets better when the characters all represent not only types of people, but the ideas those types of people gravitate to, and how much you can learn from "role models".

sorry if i'm blogposting i don't really have friends with whom i can get into these kinds of topics and i am just so full my head is going to explode just writing and drawing and illustrating isn't enough.
>Also Caesar was a bitch and I stole his power fist.

>> No.23478495

i got off the rails but the point of the gay sex cult is that it is yet another way to completely avoid male responsibility

>> No.23478505

>sorry if i'm blogposting i don't really have friends with whom i can get into these kinds of topics and i am just so full my head is going to explode just writing and drawing and illustrating isn't enough.
all good that's what this thread is for
I guess you want to put a lot of thought into how the cult itself views men and masculinity, then show the character responding to that or how it makes him feel, In the same way 'man' is considered the 'other' in a lot of progressive politics.

>> No.23478510


>Short summary of the author's life on the inner side of the cover's flap
>Bookmark that came with the book is lazily non-descript and just has the tile on it, you throw it away for one of your own

>Publishing information
>Title but bigger, translated by the author himself (he's ESL so I guess that counts)
>Index with 4 levels of indentation

>Introduction to the work and series written by the author himself (he couldn't get anyone else to read his books before self-publishing them)
>Prologue, pure lore dumping, no one actually reads it
>Mention of the "annals of lore", three companion addendums that are not included with your purchase of the book and that you can unlock by becoming a Patreon for only 2€ a month including world building notes (they're all handwritten, totally indecipherable and taken with a 480p camera)

>ACT 1
>Dumbass quote from some in-lore character the readers will never meet

>A short poem by a real person, it has no lore basis for being there, the author just liked it
>Dumbass quote from some other in-lore character the readers will never meet

>Beginning of chapter 1
>First letter is drop cap
>Book goes on to talk about the main protagonist wanting to take a shit


>Despite being a fantasy novel the work as a Conclusion with more poems and quotes and by people you don't care about

Good old structure. Nothing beats that.

>> No.23478524

Could it but would I you tell be but confusing awfully.

>> No.23478529

the cult the protaginist is in is entirely seperate from the gay sex cult. I dont know if thats clear.
It's his culture, the local cult of his town, a result of some 800ish years of schizo insane conclusions one after another. I present it as "beautiful" and "real", though flawed and sadistic, in comparison to the "ugly" and "ersatz", though tolerant earth culture.
His cult is a christian mother mary worshipping cult, where he and the other eunuch ladyboys are spouses to the virgin mary, who is too pure to be in the presence of a masculine individual. They are the only ones permitted to enter the temple and they cannot leave the main holy square. It's my way of commenting in the endless cycle of society and the lack of agency life gives you.
The gay sex cult i dont intend on being that deep, i just like thinking these things through.
>I guess you want to put a lot of thought into how the cult itself views men and masculinity, then show the character responding to that or how it makes him feel, In the same way 'man' is considered the 'other' in a lot of progressive politics.
can you elaborate on this, i feel you are getting somewhere?

>> No.23478536

I'll be honest, I'm getting lost in your explanations of the cult.
>can you elaborate on this, i feel you are getting somewhere?
The man is your MC, right? So really nail down what the perception of men is in your world and use that as the central conflict.
Sorry, I can't elaborate much more because I'm a bit confused at the whole thing now.

>> No.23478610

4chan doesn't lend much space, but the general point of his cult is that it was founded by some long forgotten hippie matriarchy tribe of christians who split off from the main colony group (which is irrelevant) and they discovered this alien sap that made women sieze and die, but allowed men to see beyond the veil, though they lost their masculinity. They discover that the best age to start ingesting it is 12 plus castration to limit testoterone, which interferes with the sap. It makes them live unnaturally long lives (200?) and they remain youthful and feminine physically through the whole of it, dying of old age with no wrinkes.
The point is that they are supposed to suffer for the sins of men. They cry on their knees to salute the warriors, they have to hold uncomfortable poses and heavy baskets to greet dignitaries, they have to show skin in a society where the only woman who can show more than just her face and hair is the matriarchal Queen. They are meant to suffer every single day of their long lives, for the town, for God and for the mercy of Earth.
I guess they conclude that feminism probably won and the UN would like this display of man-hating.

They are supposed to watch the skies for the inevitable return of Earth.
In the broader culture of the planet, the men are the ones who do the heavy work, who die in war and farm crops, the women make the home, run the streets, bring life and make the world cohesive.
Every town has different conclusions about sex, life and whatever starting from these ideas.

The planet the original colony landed on is special, the only planet with earth-like complexity in life, plus it has this species of Schizo alien bug-birds that i use as vessels for holy spirits to interact with man.
The protagonist is the lucky eunuch who gets to directly speak with mother Mary, who is actually a bird speaking in her voice behind a painted screen. I present this as the bird literally being Mary and so forth. You can claim it's not real, but that's not the point, it just *is*.
He doesn't just trip balls about spacemen returning, he speaks directly with God and presents the visions of the other. His visions are clearer, he is special. Even though he is able to predict that the end is nigh, he still fails to see how exactly it will come, and he is left dumbfounded when actual sky signs start appearing (a new bright star in the sky, strange straight clouds, weird hmming noises in the distance). He sides with them because they need a translator, he know rudimentary english, and he wants a way out of his life of suffering, a way to affect the world.
>The man is your MC, right? So really nail down what the perception of men is in your world and use that as the central conflict.
Sorry, I can't elaborate much more because I'm a bit confused at the whole thing now.
Yes, the ladyboy is a sort of self insert main character (1/2)

>> No.23478631

Call me a faggot all you want this is just something i feel is not represented in any story. It just doesn't work if he's not a ladyboy, if he's just a frail twink or a real woman, the story needs the body horror and the social scars, the sex-inversion becoming a passive object when you yearn to be the one who commands men, to die in war.
I started the story originally with a dream sequence about him getting taken, weird chanting, nuns and a talking Mary idol, but i don't like starting with that, feels too obvious.
Important stuff is his father died in war, his mother can't find real work because an unmarried woman with children automatically becomes a ward of the state, thus her unfortunate children are pawns to be sacrificed eventually (unless they grow up to maturity)
really big symbols in the story are high heels and a match-lock engraved rifle, his father's rifle. Very basic symbols of femininty and masculinity if you ask me. For him the high heels are the cross he must always bare, a way to make his presence (and social position) always known, a way to limit his freedom by hurting his feet, a way to hurt his masculinity. The rifle for him is a path to freedom, if he can only get his hands on it he would finally have the agency of a man.
Yes my basic assumption is that no matter what women always have less agency than men and that a man with reduced agency is basically a woman. (thus the ladyboy shit)
The main conflict for him is being presented with many different paths to "becoming a man", with him stating to his closest and only real friend (maybe his brother who didn't get unlucky?) that he will literally
"go on a quest to become a man" the reality that the choice of siding with the invaders cannot be undone (if he flees he will just get raped and lynched by some degenerate who recognizes his Church property tattoos)
Ie one path is the warrior, what he dreamed of as a kid, or maybe a bull fighter, or whatever "masculine" stereotype he's presented with. He is also presented with "feminine" roles and how they, even though they are passive, can be the path to inner peace and acceptance of the role society has so cruelly given hm.
He's supposed to figure out that none of that tacky shit makes a man, that it's about making a stand when everyone else is in cacophony and is passive, about asserting who (you) are no matter how much the world wants to scar you. You are a man because you were born a man, and you will always be a man, nothing can take that from you, only you can take it from yourself.
Maybe i just suck at explaining it or i bloated it too much and there's too much to explain idk, i can go more into detail if i am lacking in explanations about things.

>> No.23478643

How do I stop forgetting how to write? I keep making absolute slop consisting of he said she said he did she did and I don't know how to narrate...

>> No.23478659

It’s got elves and a wizard.

>> No.23478668

>forget the students, the MC's love interests should all be older women and staff members
Gross. Why would he want decrepit hags when there's a wealth of fresh puss on all sides?

>> No.23478682

He had the hands of conquerers.
Gnarled, wooden things
With hard-fought victories
From every corner of the playground.
He used just a lick of varnish
to give him an edge.
A 9 inch piece of string,
Deftly pushed through a pinhole
By his father's precision screwdriver.
A purple reminder on his ribs
As his dad found the seed's guts
Not fully wiped away.

He was sued for 120,000,000.
Insider trading...

Don't know where I'm going with this lads

>> No.23478690

Do any of you write smut on the side? I'm thinking about developing a pen name and writing some since it sells easily and can help to pad your wallet a bit in between other stuff.

>> No.23478696

I wouldn't even know how to write something like that, having never been in a relationship myself.

>> No.23478697

none of this means anything to anyone but you. and until you can think in story structure, what is the point of these ideas? you might as well be telling us about some dream you had.
>How do I stop forgetting how to write?
ignoring this non question;
you need to understand what your goal is with each scene, while keeping some mental overview of your story. via experience, iteration, careful planning. whatever. story structure

>> No.23478700
File: 759 KB, 720x931, rite banners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>23478424 >>23478418 >>23478419 >>23478417
You're both just jerking off your politics and you're as subtle as baboons working shifts at the printer. Maybe try your luck at writing for the Babylon Bee.
Having read your other posts I don't think it matters what the gay sex cult actually believes in detail. "Secret" societies like the Free Masons could simply be ripped off by substituting their esoteric rituals with gay orgies and you get a cult that believes in an higher being, extorts membership fees to organize an annual meeting (the big gay orgy) and performs a bunch of "esoteric" rituals to worship the higher being (gay orgies). People don't even join them because they're gay, they're just there to network. Their rite banners can just be different pride flags.

>> No.23478701

Sex scenes in erotica are about as realistic as romances are in romance novels
Which is to say it's almost better if you've never had sex, because realism is the opposite of the point
(As long as you aren't getting obvious basic shit wrong)

People deservedly make fun of reddit but /r/eroticauthors actually has a bunch of working professionals who frequent it, and there's a lot of great advice there on marketing, targeting audiences, etc

>> No.23478704

>As long as you aren't getting obvious basic shit wrong
Which is exactly what I would do.

>> No.23478709

>none of this means anything to anyone but you. and until you can think in story structure, what is the point of these ideas? you might as well be telling us about some dream you had.
Yeah that's the problem.
I suck at telling stories with words, but some things images just can't get across without it being just too obvious. I mean part of the whole story is also just my take of "LOOK AT IT, SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS AND IT'S ALWAYS INSANE" Which goes along the personal story things well, i don't think the idea itself is very unrealistic or impossible in the real world. Shit like this just happens regularly.
I am actively learning and taking notes on how other writers pace their narrative and the elements that i find keep drawing me to the stories. Feel like i've figured a lot of it out mostly and have started writing a very very rough first draft, though i would rather it is some animated CRPG so i actually make the agency element real and cause i find it easier to visually get a person, idea, faith, state or world across than to explain it. Though i may be way over my head with that one.
I think it leads to an interesting narrative even if it's mostly ideas and concepts i hold very close and dear to my heart and guard with my own soul but that might be way too much just sending all of it off to be sacrificed like a lamb.
I feel like it's a good story that is worth telling, i have read and seen a lot of weird stories i don't think i am really doing anything too weird in comparison, nor something that would in practice be hard to explain. I am aware that most people just won't get it but then it's not for them man.

>> No.23478711

Then go take a sex ed class dude. It's really not that complicated. The harder part is the flirting, foreplay, and lead-up interactions of the two (or more) characters. The sex is the easiest part of erotica.

>> No.23478715

Reminds me of there was a girl artist who posted on a smut site. The username didn't give away she was a girl, but her art did. She drew all the dicks upside down. Obviously because of not having one, and yet somehow she still managed to never look up a picture of one either. It was pretty funny when she got called out on it.

>> No.23478720

i know a lot of gays personally, good friends, i've been a part of that gay culture and it ruined my soul, i have a lot of animosity towards it, but i mean they do actually use a lot of satanic symbols (many even venerate them lmao) and i can see the LARP going too far eventually.
Maybe that's just my slice of gays but it's not super good.

Yes i am generally thinking it's this just cope thing where the whole point is that it's a social elite club like scientology or whatever where the ridiculous religious shit doesn't even matter at all, just the ritual.
Yes my idea was that they just have all those pride flags and like you have to get to the one i posted in the original post which is like the last rank with the most ridiculous colors and shit.
I don't think i am making a homophobic stereotype, i am merely copying what i know and taking it to its logical extreme like with all other things.

>> No.23478728

I only skimmed it but it makes sense to me. You have some kind of internal cosmology going on and some of it may be transpersonal enough to be of interest to someone else. Just keep writing the visions down and don't worry about what they mean so much as making sure they're consistent with whatever is going on to contribute to this process. It doesn't really have to make sense on a conscious level but there are some things of interest in there.

>> No.23478751

your ideas SHOULD make sense on a conscious level;
i've tasked anon w/ thinking in story structure, because we need some underlying foundation to build your ideas on. right now, you can't even write a 4chan post and have it mean something.

i question if you are capable of writing something other than 'stream of conscious'.

internalize your fucking ideas, have a conscious understanding of what you're trying to communicate. do this before you regurgitate your untranslated mess.

for example,
>I suck at telling stories with words, but some things images just can't get across without it being just too obvious. I mean part of the whole story is also just my take of "LOOK AT IT, SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS AND IT'S ALWAYS INSANE" Which goes along the personal story things well, i don't think the idea itself is very unrealistic or impossible in the real world. Shit like this just happens regularly.

you respond to me, beginning with 'i can not communicate my ideas well'. barely.

you then immediately shift, in the same paragraph, into (failing to identify) subtext, juxtaposition, surrealism, whatever. something along this line.

fix your shit, retard. this is a writing general, writing has structure

>> No.23478755 [DELETED] 

I have a way too deep interpersonal cosmology and i can personally say that i have spoken directly to Jesus, several pagan indios gods, my own anima (who i spoke to regularly and is the source of my pain and suffering which is why i eventually crucified her, though i do miss her. She was the social side of me, the one who was fun to be around.) Got lost in a lot of tranny ideas and i feel as though they are an incredible evil on this world meant to kill the spirit of men like me, to crush our soul.
Not schizophrenic (maybe a little)just a fucking junkie, plus it was rarely an actual conversation. Only once did it feel like the other was something else, and that was Jesus and the other gods, though i now see them as ancient demons come to trick me.
Though i'm capable of recognizing the difference between the spiritual and the real, i know i am the type of person who can very much get lost in these ideas, but i don't care honestly. I stopped instense vision questing a while ago, do go on vision sometimes though i mostly channel it to make the story and the world i want.
I pray regularly to the rosary, have an icon i sketched in my darkest days that i still keep and venerate. I think finding God was genuinely the best thing that happened to me, normies tell me i have this superhuman dedication despite seeming like the junkie that can never get anything done. Regularly blow their lazy asses out of the water, i get shit done.

>> No.23478767

oh, your thoughts really are scrambled. sorry for calling you a retard.

>> No.23478779
File: 397 KB, 602x585, baddesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, be prepared for your audience.

>> No.23478781

i am a retard never should have posted that, this thread doesn't need my soul in it.
My thoughts are clear to me, of course they are.
I genuinely intend to learn that, how to write a story, i am not denying it, i am learning.
English is not my first language and i naturally gravitate to the ways my language structures ideas from words, i am aware that this leads to a lot of confusion, i do not care, i find english on its own to be inadequate and barbaric. I could also just be a retard man you never know these things.

>> No.23478793

hope you understand that i don't do these things for the art, or for people to see (though of course that is a feelgood ego boost when it works), i simply do them because i must, because i feel as though i will explode if i do not do them, i naturally learned a lot of artistic methods and rules through intuition from looking at others' work, i don't think writing should be any different.

>> No.23478809

It was even shorter before, I haven't written much longer stuff

Sorry to hear you don't like it

>> No.23478811

is arabic your first language?

>> No.23478815

I am a slav.

>> No.23478822

>I'm struggling with good reasons for why exactly the protagonist's masculinity is taken away
The easy, obvious reason would be that his genitals are mutilated, ie circumcised.

>> No.23478824

that's not a reason it is simply a means to that end. I don't think a real reason matters enough, i think i have enough context to let whoever infer it.

>> No.23478838

I want another Voyage to Arcturus out of this, let him work and leave it to a good editor to clean up the drafts.

>> No.23478853

how is having his genitals mutilated in a jewish blood ritual to mark him as a slave not explicitly a reason?

>> No.23478858
File: 394 KB, 704x441, neither unholy, nor satanic, nor a religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they do actually use a lot of satanic symbols (many even venerate them lmao)
Ironically, for the most part. The idea of Satanism itself was entirely made up by Christians as far back as the inquisition and only in the 20th century was the idea subverted into becoming a general opposition to Christian dogma, which is why you see metal, rock and atheists using "Satanic" symbols. There are unironic theistic Satanists who actually worship Satan but that's like the meme going post-ironic, plus those only originated a decade after atheistic Satanism was a thing due to break away groups so it's not like there was always some Satan worshiping secret society out there.
Gays using Satanic symbols is not far fetched when atheistic Satanism largely espouses non-conformity and individuality but I doubt that they seriously worship Satan unless they happen to be a part of some very niche groups as in theistic Satanists. The concept of theistic Satanism in of itself is odd since you'd have to have no exposure to actual Satanism (atheistic) in order to come to the conclusion that it's a religion that can substitute Christianity instead of it being a parody of Christianity's own conception of Satanism, or at least not know or believe in any of the arguments against the existence of any Gods. Then again a lot of Christians don't realize that it's a parody given the moral panic over "Satanic" shit in the 2000's so perhaps that's where unironic theistic Satanists come from. A quote by Voltaire comes to mind right about now.
If you actually want a structured belief system for this cult you can't just say that they should be modeled after LGBTQIA+ stuff, you'd have to come up with actual values and tenants they believe in according to the 1969 setting you have for your work as well as a plausible timeline of events that led to their creation just like how Satanism as a timeline of Christians unironically creating actual Satanists centuries into the future because some people were too retarded to get the joke.

>> No.23478864

Has anyone written anything on crabs?

>> No.23478877

You assume satanism when it's a luciferian gnostic witchcraft or paganism of a practical sort, if that and only in some cases, most is that ironic mockery you mention. Your last sentence nails the exact thing I'm talking about and is responsible for the whole witch narrative in Christian history. Although I would be cautious with that as historic examples are extremely heterodox but still Christian in nature, albeit everything abjected from society.

>> No.23478886

not the type of reason i am looking for.

>> No.23478935


Did a poetic translation of the Romanian anthem (first 3 stanzas), how is it?

Arise, from the sleep of death, awaken thee, Romanians!
Your country has been wounded, by the tyrant barbarians!

And now, or never Romanians, a brand new future abounds
A future which will force your, cruel enemies to bow down! Your enemies will bow down!

And now or never Romanians, show to the world that our great home
Still bears the ancient and true, bloodline of mighty Rome! The blood of mighty Rome!

The Emperor's name lives on, in the hearts of every citizen
Triumphant in battle, the name of Trajan! The name of Trajan!

Great shadows of Romania, Mihai, Stefan, Corvine!
The Romanian nation, built by your grandchildren! Built by your grandchildren!

Our arms will bear the sword, our veins will burn with flame!
"A life of liberty, or death" we all proclaim! "Or death" we all proclaim!

>> No.23478945

im writing a paper and I was wondering if I used the word "pathos" in this sentence correctly:

"There were several scenes depicted in the film which would take advantage of the viewer’s pathos."

>> No.23478964
File: 201 KB, 880x853, game dev rp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any advice for writting video game character dialogues?

>> No.23479014

Pathos for the movie?

>> No.23479043

make them hella gay

>> No.23479077

no pathos for the gay community

>> No.23479090

>Any advice for writting video game character dialogues?
What the fuck do you mean nigger?

>> No.23479101
File: 56 KB, 490x609, LC - Miku inspired anime girl thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamedev here. I can code, make the music and draw.
But i dont have experience creating characters and writting dialogues.

>> No.23479102

>Video game character dialogues
As in dialogue for a video game or dialogue a video game character would say?

>> No.23479121
File: 169 KB, 1600x990, gamedev dialogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dialogue for video game characters. Its for a small indie game for mobile, not a big rpg.
With the average attention spen they need to be shorter than book dialogues.

They still need to be "cool". Ideally good.

>> No.23479129

I guess the use of pathos is fine but it might be better to describe what those moments are and how they’re exploiting the pathos. Is it like the Barbie movie where the narrative grinds to a halt so a character can monologue. Or maybe it’s a documentary where there’s particularly manipulative musical choices. That kind of stuff.

>> No.23479145

only advice i can give is to read books. Start on simpler side like harry potter. Then read something like game of thrones then move on to shakespeare

>> No.23479151

I think you have a good grasp of what's needed. I'd say also add pop culture references. A man chooses, a slave obeys is a good one.

What do you think of my poetic English translation of Desteapta-te Romane? >>23478935


Here's an instrumental version, how do the lyrics fit? I tried to preserve as much as the original meaning as I could, but there were some things lost as Romanian and English have varying number of syllables for the same word.

>> No.23479155

Sorry meant for >>23479121

>> No.23479170

honestly, man, i just talk to myself in the shower and remember the dialogues i thought up and later write them down, if i take long enough i think about forks in the story and talk them out in my head too.

>> No.23479179

What is a "fork" in a story?

>> No.23479194

i mean the different dialogue options and how they interact with everything, makes a new path in the story, a fork in the road

>> No.23479198

>But i dont have experience creating characters and writting dialogues.
I don't know what to tell you, other than write characters that have depth.
They need to have their own motivations and reason for existence in the story. They can exist "without a reason", but that reason has to be a literary reason.

>> No.23479237

it actually depends on the type of game; whether it's linear or not, how often they'll be hearing the dialogue, things like that

>> No.23479252
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, gamedev boring dialogue example.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mostly action. Kinda linear. Similar to "the cult of the lamb".

The dialogues are sporadic and short. The average mobile gamer doesnt want to read much.

>> No.23479261

Modern games suck ass because the dialogue drones on forever. Just treat it like you would in a book. Make every word count, get right to the point, and don't waste the player's time. They want to play the game, not read a story.

>> No.23479267

did you just generalize like thousands of games across however many genres, bro? cool. how nuanced and insightful.

>> No.23479276

Yes. I speak from experience, you can trust me.

>> No.23479321

I originally had it as one chapter but split it in two. Looking again, I think I'll combine them again but in a different order. That way he doesn't show up and bam, right away finds the treasure. There's development divided between before and after getting it instead of dumping it all at the end.

>> No.23479427
File: 22 KB, 540x492, 1624364380586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>Think about writing
>Go to work
>Think about writing
>Have lunch
>Think about writing
>Finish work
>Think about writing
>Get home
>Think about writing
>Go to sleep
>Think about writing
How do I stop bros? It consumes everything.

>> No.23479440

>Wake up
>Think about writing
>Go to the park because NEET
>Think about writing
>Have lunch
>Think about writing
>Get drowsy instead
>Fall asleep watching anime

Yeah my day's shot already. But I saw an ocicat on a leash at the park, so that was pretty cool. I heard they go for up to $2,500.

>> No.23479453

How many ands is too many in a sentence?

>> No.23479499


>> No.23479533

>scene involves 23 year old guy approaching same aged girl
It is literally impossible to write this without making it look like he's hitting on her.

>> No.23479592

I mean, why else would he even approach her?

>> No.23479596

I mean yes, that's the reason, but I don't know how to write it without making my MC look sleazy.

>> No.23479612

I asked ChatGPT how to say hi to a woman. Here's the answer:
>“Hey,” he said, keeping his tone light and friendly. “That’s some impressive gear you’ve got there."

So there you go. Easily done.

>> No.23479668

he's not just cold approaching her, right? they're in a situation where they are sharing some sort of interest which can lead to a conversation. if he's interested in her then being genuine isn't creepy. he approaches, he makes a comment about something and asks her a question. she responds positively. it escalates. etc. you are only thinking it's creepy because in your head simply by approaching her she is going to instantly get the ick and think why is this creep even talking to me? but that doesn't have to happen. maybe she thinks he's cute. or funny. or she's doing something and he helps her with whatever it is and they share a moment. but him simply approaching her isn't sleazy.

>> No.23479825

>>23479321 again
Okay. I rewrote them and combined them into one chapter that is 2076 words. I think it flows better now too. Better chemistry with the characters. Thanks anon(s) for the help.

>> No.23479842
File: 586 KB, 346x252, homer taking notes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noted. Gonna read a book, autistically larp as one of the characters when im alone and never add a filler character.

Ty Litbros.

>> No.23479855

>never add a filler character.
It's okay to add a filler character if she's cute and will sell more copies. Every game needs a good waifu.

>> No.23479863

I made a book and made about 6000 from it off of Amazon.

>> No.23479866

That's pretty good. Congrats. What genre?

>> No.23479875

I made a few on philosophy and history but one book has like 99% of the sales. I found out years later it was advertised on business insider.

>> No.23479876

A filler caracter reveals a poor writter.

>> No.23479878

My writing has won awards

>> No.23479885

If she's hot and sells 100,000 copies who cares

>> No.23480005
File: 218 KB, 751x601, eljoqer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Writing and worldbuilding an entire world, class system, religions, race politics and writing system
>for basically just an elaborate erotica
>Literally picrel
It isn't even mainstream. Just for my niche, unpopular little fetish that has far too little materiel and offers no prospects of monetary gain or literary fame.
Fucking... Interspecies Reviewers but in writing. And unpopular.
I am truly wasting my life.

>> No.23480028

I’m always surprised whenever I run into writers who create their own culture, class system, religion, tech, etc. from the ground up (as in they start with their setting in the Mesozoic or some prehistoric part, then take millions of years of fictional evolution into account). I’d assume these things were intuitive, that you’d come to understand the world you were writing in the act of writing it. That you would write surface level things and allow your reader to extrapolate its history and relevance, providing the illusion of depth. Am I missing something by not engaging with this DND game setting creation?

>> No.23480048

nah, reviewfag is legit. see for yourself https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/144028475-william-pearce

>> No.23480062

I have an idea for an isekai it’s about a writer who gets killed in a writing accident and so he ends up in his writing where he can use writing powers to navigate his writing which keeps getting more bizarre as he proceeds.

>> No.23480066

what's the niche?

>> No.23480073
File: 149 KB, 776x858, lit good female dialogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If she's hot and sells 100,000 copies who cares
The extra copies that would had sell if the character was good.

>> No.23480077

I never did it like that desu. That's too much for even me.
I believe the people who worldbuild to such detail don't actually intend to write much in the setting they've developed, they just enjoy the process of developing.
I just think of a concept and setting then start asking questions. Like who, why, how, what, when... and apply them to form a picture.
Who is it? How do their clothes look? Why do they wear them?
Now apply this to everything I introduce into the world.
I seldom actually write these backgrounds into the story itself but I keep notes so that whenever a question is asked or I want to keep things consistent I can just refer to them.
>Am I missing something by not engaging with this DND game setting creation?
Unless you enjoy the inherent activity of doing exactly that, then no, I imagine.

>> No.23480106

Is having a literal shadow person that follows the MC around throughout the novel hack? He's not necessarily evil or anything and doesn't talk or do that much, but he's just there in the background, reminding MC of his presence.

>> No.23480130

>Follows MC around
>Does nothing
>Doesn't reply when questioned
>Hides from the eyes of anyone else
>Saves MCs life at some point by snapping the neck of a knife-wielding prostitute
>Refuses to elaborate and leaves
>Is never seen again

>> No.23480136
File: 193 KB, 1280x914, Mysterious_Stranger_on_alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23480137

the most worldbuilding i ever do for anything i write is writing an essay of the setting itself to keep its internal consistency, ala Howard.

>> No.23480163

Unicornically something like that, except once the MC mental health heals the shadow person goes away and it's supposed to be a sad moment :3

>> No.23480195

So, like Watson from the Sherlock Holmes stories?

>> No.23480231
