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23468918 No.23468918 [Reply] [Original]

Any books like this?

>> No.23468921

Crying of Lot 49, Inherent Vice, Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.23468938

Against the day, Vineland, Bleeding Edge

>> No.23468944

Germinal was a big influence if I remember correctly

>> No.23468946

Is this actually good in terms of story and writing?

>> No.23468964

No :(

>> No.23468971

The writing is distinctive, equal turns hilarious and heartbreaking. I think I preferred the original version, which had far less voice acting.

>> No.23468981

There is a "Psychological" voice acting mode which does not have VA for skills. The VA for skills is atrocious and completely homogenizes them

>> No.23469013

>The VA for skills atrocious

>> No.23469034

Nah. Decent art though, cool looking UI and I really liked the idea of talking to your own brain.

>> No.23469045

Transgender Marxism

>> No.23469055

The real answer is to read Kurvitz's(the game designer) 'Sacred and Terrible Air'. The Group Ibex fan translation is the only good(or even readable) english version out there.
Find a .pdf or .epub here:

>> No.23469224

no, and you need to go back to /trash/ where you belong. i was really hoping you had kys

>> No.23469556

I was discouraged from giving it a try by people complaining about it who seemingly have never played it.
I like the writing and a lot of the themes or at least my interpretation of what some of the themes are. If you ever experienced problems with addictions and since you're here you probably have or a break-up since you're here, you probably haven't the main character might resonate with you a bit more

>> No.23469561

But not stylistically similar at all. This is very much post-modern.

>> No.23469845

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.23469858

the fat union boss talks a lot like dirk gently

>> No.23469863

Mr. Everart is helping me find my gun

>> No.23470886

anything sartre, specifically "no exit and three other plays" if you compare them side by side its pretty clear Kurvitz was deeply inspired by "the flies", and then "no exit" with his whole world ending space fog that makes people crazy when they stay in it too long. i could also see the plot of "dirty hands" taking place in the disco Elysium world.

>> No.23471066

The developers said they were inspired by China Mieville and the Strugatsky brothers. Mieville is one of the worst writers I've ever had the displeasure of reading, and the Strugatsky brothers range from OK to great. Especially The Doomed City slots in with the whole "weird city" dynamic you see in the game, and that Mieville is also known for. Of course, The Doomed City is about communism failing to deliver, so if you enjoyed the game's political themes you might not enjoy that one.

I was swayed to buy the game by people like >>23469556 saying all the criticism was wrong. I found all the criticism to be correct, and couldn't stomach the game for more than few hours. Total waste of money. It lacks subtlety, and it has a very modern sense of humor in the worst way possible. Occasionally it's funny or smart, but most of the time it isn't. And personally I find serious themes very hard to take seriously in a narrative that constantly underpins them with Reddit tier humor. The gameplay also falls completely flat, and I can't recommend it.

>> No.23471082

>Tranny Elysium

>> No.23471119

>The Doomed City is about communism failing to deliver, so if you enjoyed the game's political themes you might not enjoy that one.
What do you mean? The game constantly dunks on communism. Which is to be expected from a game, coming from a country that suffered under communism for the best part of the last century
>I found all the criticism to be correct
Which criticism exactly, out of curiosity?
The main criticism I've heard leveraged at it, is that it has a political bias when in reality it's more just making fun of all ideologies to show how stupid it is to obsess over politics and base your personality on it.

>> No.23471129

This is a disengenous framing that makes the game seem much more puerile than it is. It's not saying "You" are stupid for basing your personality on a political ideology. It's saying dysfunctional people like Harry latch onto political ideologies as coping mechanism for whatever problems they have in their own lives.

>> No.23471212

John Cowper Powys: A Glastonbury Romance.
>There occurred within a causal radius of Brandon Station one of those infinitesimal ripples in the creative silence of the First Cause. In the soul of the great blazing sun there were complicated superhuman vibrations [connected] ... with the feelings of a few intellectual sages who had enough imagination to recognise the conscious personality of this fiery orb as it flung far and wide its life-giving magnetic forces. Roaring, cresting, heaving, gathering, mounting, advancing, receding, the enormous fire-thoughts of this huge luminary surged relentlessly to and fro, evoking a turbulent aura of psychic activity.

>> No.23471233

You will never be a woman.

>> No.23471321

im a man yea

>> No.23471326
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Some book about mental illness.

>> No.23471340

>it's more just making fun of all ideologies to show how stupid it is to obsess over politics and base your personality on it
Wow, what a pathetically middling-intelligence thing to say.

>> No.23471348

If you've never read a book and your only exposure to writing is video games then you will consider it a masterpiece.

>> No.23471416

I haven't read it but maybe The City & The City by China Mieville

>> No.23471485

>The game constantly dunks on communism.
The game constantly repeats the most facile "critiques" of communism (muh 100 million dead, muh failure) as if they were the only ones, in order to dunk on critics of communism.
The closest thing is Bend Sinister by Nabokov. You could also try Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin.

>> No.23471500

Granted, I didn't finish the game, but that wasn't my experience. I found it to be far more sympathetic to communism than to the other ideologies in the game. Which is underpinned by the creators themselves expressing sympathy for communism, inviting communist YouTubers to voice characters, and citing a communist writer as one of their sources of inspiration. And more to the point, communism seemed to be portrayed more correctly, as an actual ideology, while the others just boiled down to base feelings. Or, in the case of centrism, the desire to feel nothing at all about anything. In those segments where you very obviously picked between the different ideologies in a conversation to raise that stat (bad game design, in my opinion) the obviously communist option also often felt like the most reasonable one. The others are simply boiled down to stereotypes. Maybe you can argue that's all fair under the banner of "making fun of", but smart it ain't. If communism were treated the same way as the other ideologies in the game it would be presented as the boomer Republican view of work-shy scum wanting shit for free. Which I'm sure everyone can agree would be incredibly lazy writing.

>Which criticism exactly, out of curiosity?
The above, obviously. But also that it's pretentious, that the gameplay is terrible, and that the writing just isn't that good. The game strikes me as something a lot of people really wanted to like, and so they did, blinding themselves to its shortcomings. Enough people like it, and have enough smart things to say about it, that there's obviously something there under the muck. But I don't have the desire to go looking for it.

>> No.23471525
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You can tell those writing have skill and talent, but the on the subject matter of geopolitics, it becomes immediately clear they lacks any depth of knowledge of the matter as they are literal Communists. This only makes it funnier as the studeo literally jew'd over IP, money and related things.

>> No.23471538
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>The game constantly dunks on communism
No, it does not. It bemoans the failures of the past in a rather soft-hearted, sad way, but calls the root of Fascism hatred of women.

>The Doomed City slots in with the whole "weird city" dynamic you see in the game
I totally missed this but I see it, hodgepodge monotony and the people falling in to simple roles despite the completely mad world they find themselves in.

>> No.23471640

Sacred and Terrible Air by Robert Kurvitz

It's what the game is based on

>> No.23471785
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Reminder that one of the most rational level-headed and likable characters in the game (Lilienne) is a fascist revolutionary
>Reveres the sun as if it were a deity (reminiscent of traditionalist pagan beliefs commonly associated with esoteric right-wing values, is also used to portray monarchists/fascists in the DE universe (Gary the Cryptofascist has a flag on his wall with the old Revacholian suzerainty's logo, which is a sun, and your own portrait adds a sun-like insignia in a Fascist run as well), likely connected to the black sun)
>names her skiff "The Sun"
>wields a sword (like the in-game royalists) (also like Mussolini)
>Shivers explicitly says she owns a pair of cavalry boots
>taught her daughter the word "revolutionary" (and yes, the definition of "revolutionary" used in DE also includes fascism, Call Me Manana calls you one if you choose fascist-leaning dialogue options)
>she's a no-nonsense working class citizen who's skeptical of the union, critical of the drunks around her, and infuriated with the delinquents and criminals in revachol
>titus says that the fishing village staunchly refuses to unionize, likely at the behest of Lilienne and the washerwoman
>Lilienne's daughter hums the overworld theme, which was a tune used by the Revacholian royalist forces
>successfully going on a date with her doesn't lead to her practically opening her legs for you, instead she sets boundaries and thanks you while considering a second bout later down the line to see if you can stick with your sobriety and piece your life back together
>esteems her family above all else
>immensely cooperative with the police, even with the knowledge of harry's recklessness and endangerment of multiple people, including and especially himself
>whereas the washerwoman calls the RCM a bad omen, Lilienne has splash dialogue that says she is relieved to see the RCM
>her outfit's color palette is the same as the revacholian suzerainty's flag (blue and gold)

>> No.23471874

It's good for a video game, i.e. no.

>> No.23472273

I don't want to be that guy, but someone has to say that if you like Reddit you are going to love it and you are going to think very highly of it.

>> No.23472277

Leftoid midwit slop? There's fucking plenty

>> No.23472301 [DELETED] 

yeah I did, they were pretty bad but the one where he talks about the color white and how white skin is superior was kino

>> No.23472483

What is that? A novel?

>> No.23472507

the commie shit ruins it

>> No.23472515

>Mieville is one of the worst writers I've ever had the displeasure of reading

>> No.23472544

>The game constantly dunks on communism
lol no it doesnt. It dunks on milquetoast communists for not being communist enough and how sometimes communism is applied wrong. Then it turns around and says all other ideologies are objectively evil in principle.

>> No.23472608

the VA for the skills is the best and all of them having the same voice makes sense as they are literally (You)r subconscious. would you want each one of the 16 skills or something to have a stereotypical whacky reddit voice?

>> No.23472633

The comedic writing is top-tier. The rest is inconsistent.

>> No.23473480

Kek, didn't expect to see you on /lit/. You have a disco elysoum radar or something?

>> No.23473510
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>> No.23473556


>> No.23473560

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

>> No.23473781

The comedic writing is top-tier.

>> No.23473816

I don't read books about jews

>> No.23473847

I've read that and apart from some aspects of the setting and writing it's not that similar

>> No.23473865

>apart from some aspects of the setting and writing
well what else would be similar in a fucking novel? the music? the gameplay?

>> No.23473899

>calls the root of Fascism hatred of women
But doesn't it treat the rest of ideologists in a similar way?
>fascists are just insecure about women having rights
>commies are retards who don't know how the economy works
>liberals are just a bunch of rich guys who don't want to pay taxes
>moralists are a bunch of cowards who are to afraid of having an opinion
At least that was my take on it
Have any concrete examples? It's been a while since I played, but I remember many references to how commies executed people, about their brutality and indoctrination. Hell the whole penultimate confrontation shines a big part on how fucked up communism is

>> No.23474055

It's fine, nothing mind-blowing honestly. I thought Pathologic 2 had better writing overall, if we're talking about games.

>> No.23474163

Didn't finish the game because life kind of got in the way. Barely was on day 1 when you go explore the city. Had me groaning a lot more than laughing with its snarky reddit-level replies to everything you do. I lifted the weight and explored the game design studio, that was about where I left off after mostly exploring the whole town. Seemed to me the game makes communist leaning choices the most rational. I wonder if it was a coincidence.

>> No.23474187

This. People who say that the game isn't overtly communist-leaning are just not knowledgable enough about it and so the themes, jokes, and texts fly over their heads. Not very post-modern. But I thought post-modernism was against all these modernist narratives about class struggle and modes of productions determining everything down to the height of the average home's threshold

>> No.23474208

>didnt even play the game
>"hurr durr it was reddit"

its all so tiresome

>> No.23474217

>But doesn't it treat the rest of ideologists in a similar way?
Only insofar as Harry has issues with women due to being an unlovable retard whose one and only girlfriend left him. All the other fascists, except Garry, who is just autistic and therefore equally unlovable, have gripes with women.

>> No.23474240

>commies are retards who don't know how the economy works
You read that into it? Did ypu seriously play the game? Aren't you neurotypicals supposed to be good at reading jokes and sarcasm? I doubt the creator, who is a leftist, would call communists economically illiterate. The only problem which they seem to have is that communism requires everyone to be completely inolved and dedicated to the cause. But, and this is where marxists again show their self-centerdness, the same can be said of literally any other fucking ideology in existence! Capitalism or whatever can theoretically run smooth as butter if everyone in the system is of an exceptionally good moral character, hell, it's built upon an idea of mutual respect for private property and contracts. If anything, all this does is delegitimize historical materialism by placing ideology and human consciousness above material conditions

>> No.23474248

the game fundamentally is not about ideologies, its about the people that believe in them, the game is about human psychology, not about endorsing your favorite flavor of politics.

ironically all the people who play the game and get mad about how their ideology is portrayed are exactly the kind of people who need to finish it

>> No.23474264

I see. What would it take for you to think some game is in some way about ideologies? If abstract, impersonal entities exhibit them?

>> No.23474289

I suppose the game would have to indicate in any way that it thinks having the 'right' opinions is a way to better society alone, but it doesnt. Most characters are depicted as human beings, it doesn't reduce people to what team they are on.

So yeah if the game literally just came out and started lecturing you about politics in an impersonal way then it would be about ideologies, but it never divorces them from the people that believe them. It does this explicitly with Harry by representing his ex wife as the figure of moralism (Dolores Dei), to him they are one and the same thing.

>> No.23474367

It's an incredible work of art with exceptional writing. One of the defining narrative works of the early 21st century. Don't listen to the people on here, anon, they're inhuman and dead to the world.

>> No.23474377
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The creators of the game are self-professed Eastern European, Marxist, Hegelian Communists.

>> No.23474506

>the root of Fascism hatred of women
Y'know, I've spent far too many years on this godforsaken site, longer than it has had a right-wing slant, and this genuinely explains plenty of developments I've seen happen here. Is the rest of the game as insightful?

>> No.23474514

Here come the poltards

>> No.23474530
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>longer than it has had a right-wing slant, and this genuinely explains plenty of developments I've seen happen here.
Since its inception this site has has a right-wing slant.

>Is the rest of the game as insightful?
Yes. The introspective aspects of the main character are very well written and accurately and meaningfully depict his wretched existence. The voice acting is 10/10.

>> No.23474545
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here you go

>> No.23474561
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>> No.23474578

Try to read a bit better next time. I said I didn't finish the game, not that I didn't give it an honest attempt. Not playing it at all is something different.
>You have to finish something completely before you judge it
Full retard.

>> No.23474655

It has good both but the world building really made it less enjoyable for me. Setting it in post Soviet Russia or maybe an alternate future where communists had won in Spain but were later toppled would have made it more enjoyable than having to play in fantasy countries and nationalities

>> No.23474688

I fail to see how that disqualifies this game from being ideological
It's like you think believing in an ideology is impossible because we're human

>> No.23474711

Also, the devs clearly think that communism is the best way to improve society but, see here>>23474240

>> No.23474725

Fascism is literally dismissed as being a cover for Incel ideology. A thing so comically 2018 of leftists to think I consider Disco Elysium's treatment of Fascism to be a quaint time-capsule more than an insult.

>> No.23474728

It's a shame the second game was cancelled because the thing had potential to be funny.

>> No.23475340

>Fascism is literally dismissed as being a cover for Incel ideology.
what do you think fascism is a cover for.

>> No.23475412

Fascism is
a) the recognition that one's ruling institutions are terminally outmoded and that a state of emergency is required for a single leader to unilaterally remake them in a more progressive direction
b) a unitary state with a class-collaborationist, corporatist economy

>> No.23475417

I get around

>> No.23475437

And? Everyone has something they think is true, but thats still not really the point of the game. They go out of their way to criticize left wing ideologues more than the right wing ones.

>> No.23475439

You said you didnt play past day 1, you hardly scratched the surface. Not an honest attempt.

>> No.23475480

>They go out of their way to criticize left wing ideologues more than the right wing ones.
that's a bare-faced lie

>> No.23475482

I gave the reasoning for why as well. You are attempting to tell me what is or isn't an earnest try from outside my perspective, which is inherently a dishonest view. It's also cowardly backpedaling on your part to try and revert to that now, when what you said was that I didn't play the game at all. You must think we're on /v/ or something. In any case, my original post still holds water.

>> No.23475548

It's not a cover for anything. It's just the leftard version of Bio-leninism.
I'm not even fully ruling out ssome fascists being sexually frustrated as part of it. Same with Bio-leninism. But in the game it's just a simplistic just-so explanation for a phenomenon which they:
A) Do not really understand
B) Makes them too uncomfortable to study deeply or actually enage with.
Either that or my analysis is surface level, too.

>> No.23475554

So what’s the difference between that and communism? Solidarity with class at least makes sense. And i bet anons would be freaking out if Biden seized control because he thought institutions were outdated. From what I see is that far right anons want someone exactly like themselves to be leader, almost in a vicarious way in a sort of power or revenge fantasy

>> No.23475640

>far right anons want someone exactly like themselves to be a leader
God, no. I'm far too emotional to be able to properly conduct a nation's affairs, and not nearly well-learned enough.

>> No.23475655

>So what’s the difference between that and communism?
-communism at least pretends to favour a decentralised state
-communism believes in abolishing class because different classes are implacable enemies, the opposite of class collaboration
-communism doesn't have a corporatist economy. depending on who you ask it either has a gift economy or a planned economy
>anons would be freaking out if Biden seized control
yes, because he would remake institutions in order to inflame class conflict and to put the interests of foreigners ahead of people dedicated to the national people.

>> No.23475863
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You are either a liar or you are an idiot.

>> No.23475887
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These are both inaccurate.

>Class Collaboration
>Rebirth, Renewal and uprising are central themes
>Formation of a single national unity all are able to act within
>Free Market with conditions and/or stipulationz
>Militaristic/Authoritarian Leadership
>Vitalism, health and youth are celebrated
>Ethnic and/or Nationalistic focus
>Inherently Aryan in form and goal

>Class Warfare
>Revenge, entitlement and overcoming are central themes
>Formation of a single inter-national unity all can act within
>Planned economy with almost no free market principles
>Partially Democratic
>Council based decision making
>Productiom, materialism and consumption are celebrated
>Internationalism and globalist focus
>Inherently jewish in form and goal

>> No.23475896

Your companion throughout the entire game who is treated as a rock in a sea of tumult is a centrist who thinks communism is stupid

>> No.23475922

The sidekick is a literal bugman who loves old cars.

>> No.23475950

Right, you don't get cars in communism, 15 minute cities and all that

>> No.23475958
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Yes it's the novel the lead designer wrote initially(that failed commercially)that's set in the same universe after the game(though it takes place 2-25ish years after DE).
Im pretty sure Kurvitz said in some interview he had never read Mievelle while writing the book or the game. Though I'll take this opportunity to join you in shitting on CM and give an anti- book recommendation as I read The City and The City shortly after my first DE playthrough because some mong on here recommended it... possibly one of the most stupid books I've ever read. Like even more than Clive Cussler supermarket dreck. Serves me right for hoping for anything from this board or genre fiction readers

>> No.23476074

i cant believe we're on the /lit/ board and this is the effort you put into your posts, ok fine whatever

there are no snarky reddit level replies, you just presupposed that was the intention behind the writing so you could convince yourself it was shit.

>> No.23476126
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>i cant believe we're on the /lit/ board and this is the effort you put into your posts, ok fine whatever

There is no point in engaging with a person who begins his argument with something obviously false, you have already demonstrated your inability to understand (in the case that you are an idiot) or be truth (in the case that you are a liar).

You are like a troon who while not demanding people use their pronouns, they do passively insist that you tolerate their behavior as if they were a female.

>> No.23476221

Bro the main antagonist of the game is a communist, not that you'd know that because you didnt finish the game, so fuck off calling me a liar

>> No.23476516

I'm a poltard and I enjoyed the game quite a lot.

>> No.23476572

I really don't think I should bother replying to you anymore, even other posters are calling you out for being disingenuous. Plus you're a lowercase poster. Anyway, the game has reddit humor, dunno why you're crying about it.

>> No.23476635

its funny and it actually does a decent job of self-reflective criticism of communism
unfortunately the other "ideologies" are just played as surface level goofs

the whoddunnit mystery is eh, depends on how many mysteries one has consumed sort of like watching the same porn over and over

>> No.23477709

>you have to finish eating the turd before you're allowed to say it tastes like shit
Typical commie attitude. It's the exact same logic as "not rrrrreeeeeaaaaaaaallllll communism". Because "real" communism is, of course, the mythical communist afterlife that no communist government will ever call into being. And really, you gotta love the argument that it can't support communism because it's also mildly critical of it at times (according to commies, anyway, because I didn't see anything of the sort in my hours of play). I guess Stalin was just a regular, old anti-communist with the numbers of commies he killed.

>> No.23477714
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Please give me a book like this, I beg you.

>> No.23477756

The Devil Rides Out by Dennis Wheatley
Fourth Mansions by RA Lafferty

>> No.23477790

>"le... good"

>"le... bad"

>"Disco Elysium's treatment of fascism is .. le unfair"

Measurehead and Gary the Cryptofascist are more human, good and real people then you and they are fictional parodies.

>> No.23477863

>then you
Then he what?

>> No.23477872

Then he his gun.

>> No.23477880

>you can't dislike thing I like

Yeah, incel vibes, my dude.

>> No.23477903

>everything that doesn't present my personal set of convictions as the objectively good and correct and based set of beliefs is
Thing is - you are allowed to be a fascist and like fascism in DE, and to even make a number of valid metaphysical points on it in "Turn back the wheels of time" quest.

You are angry because the game refuses to divorce those convictions and theory from the human individuality that requires and thus produces this theory and convictions. Which is indeed peak inceldom - like quoting sexual statistics to explain why you can't get laid.

>> No.23477913

>Measurehead and Gary the Cryptofascist are more human, good and real people then you and they are fictional parodies.
This, right here, is why Disco Elysium (and many other communist projects) fails to stick the landing. There is not just the inability to understand what drives other people towards anything other than Marxism, but the unwillingness to understand. It's totalitarianism 101: Even looking at the enemy might make some people want to join them, so people can only ever see their shadow. The fascist characters in the game are clowns, dancing for the entertainment of a communist audience, but this faggot thinks they're representative of real people.

>> No.23477936

>a minor social movement post-dating the appearance of fascism by almost a century is an instrumental core concept of fascism

>> No.23477970

>The fascist characters in the game are clowns
They aren't though. They are all fundamentally good people - Measurehead, Gary and Rene. The game delves extensively into what drives them. It's understandable, it's human and it's real - it's absurd to demand a man like Rene or Gary to not believe what they believe, because they are fully justified in it. At most Gary can be a bit more considerate in terms of things that are not his to take, which has nothing to do with fascism.

Measurehead respects others and helps them, values community, and spends every day actively working to make himself a better individual in every way, more so than any other character in the game. What does it matter if his race theory is absurd? It makes sense to him, and makes him a human pillar of Martinaise.

Rene was raised to believe in a higher calling and personal responsibility, and never once shirked the call of duty - he is the only character in the game that stared down the actual helllike conditions of war and treachery and did not blink once. He did the right thing every time, only to be discarded by the callous and ungrateful people who speak a lot about their ideals, but act like animals. How can anyone sensibly call him out on his convictions of everything going to shit when it objectively was better in his time? None of his actions can can be even called questionable, and it's beyond obvious that it's the world that failed him and the high ideals he stood for. Rene has every single right to be bitter - he earned it with hard work and blood.

Gary is a smart and capable individual who feels compassion for his community - and the only thing he faced for it was exploitation, dismissal and powerlessness. He wants his home to do well, but it's being actively raped by far-off people who don't care about the people of Revachol, which bred his resentment and admiration for times when Revachol actually ruled itself, for better or worse.

They are not clowns, they are tragic and sympathetic characters.

>> No.23477975

You are the one who brought up the incel vibes, my dude.

>> No.23477982

>everyone on 4chan is the same person
You are the one claiming incels are a vital part of fascism. Which is retarded for the reasons state above.

>> No.23478043
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, fuck off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game discussion is nothing but political shitflinging about muh communism and muh fascism
>when the point is that Harry's a literal schizo with an elaborate coping mechanism to distract himself from the fact that the love of his life betrayed and left him
>Hardly any interesting discussion on the characters or the world they inhabit
It's all so tiresome.

>> No.23478048

>You are the one claiming incels are a vital part of fascism
Nope. Inb4
>everyone on 4chan is the same person

>> No.23478050

Obviously, the threads discussing the game are populated by literal schizos with elaborate coping mechanisms to distract themselves from the reality of their lives.

>> No.23478119

>politics are a major part of its narrative
>game has obvious political bias
>creators have obvious political bias
>only praise it gets is for including politics and its political bias
>nooooooooo, why are you discussing major themes of its narrative?
You're not a better person for pretending something doesn't exist, Anon. The whole "main character is a crap person with crappy coping strategies" isn't exactly a fresh theme, either. And it's muddled by so much of it being written as pure comedy. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. Which is to say, you can't make bold political statements and then go "but ackshually it's not about politics at all". Of course, YOU could talk about these themes, but instead choose to write a passive-aggressive greentext post decrying the fact that no-one is doing the thing you could be doing.

>> No.23478127

Anon I understand that you are used to talking about books you never read but are you expanding that to talking about games you never played?

>> No.23478145

People say it's "one of the best written video games", but gamers will also talk up shit like Kojima, or Persona's writing, while ignoring something that's actually well written like Hypnospace Outlaw, or Pikmin, or Phantasmagoria 2.

The thing about gamers is they're insecure, and if anything appears a bit intellectual on the surface, they leap for it.
But then what those games tend to be is stock YA fiction, with a veneer of philosophy or psychology, or maybe a basic anti-war, or political message, that people who are adolescent and starting to understand things for the first time are easily impressed by.

>> No.23478158

>The thing about gamers is they're insecure, and if anything appears a bit intellectual on the surface, they leap for it.
>But then what those games tend to be is stock YA fiction, with a veneer of philosophy or psychology, or maybe a basic anti-war, or political message

Meanwhile /lit/ page 1:
>First Law thread
>Ayn Rand thread
>Sapkowski thread
>Eragon thread

>> No.23478173

> but gamers will also talk up shit like Kojima
Nobody on the whole planet believes that Kojima's games are actually "well written". Not a single person in the world. Kojima's works are notorious for their zero editing.

People who hype him up talk about his singular originality and authenticity: he does what he thinks is cool, and he does it all the way, with gusto and creativity in every facet of the work from visual style to gameplay elements. The utter disregard for sensibility and thematic restraint is not a negative quality, it's part of the charm.

He's the essential vidja gonzo auteur, so pointing out that he's poorly-written is kinda laughable, and taking praise of his works as praise of the quality of their writing is downright ridiculous.

>> No.23478175

I'm not saying half of the people on /lit/ aren't the same.
You're on 4chan, so basically you're a "gamer" who decided you're too good to be a gamer.

Though the Eragon people are cool. They know what they like, and aren't trying to impress anyone.

>> No.23478178

Man, ten or twenty years ago, the overwhelming consensus is that MGS was the best written shit in video games.
Maybe now that's a bit of a meme, but that shift in opinion was a long time coming.

People still think Silent Hill is hot shit, btw. Why? I dunno. It has allusions to Jungian psychology? There's a twist where the guy's wife was dead the whole time? So fucking what? Does that make it well written?

>> No.23478183

>You're on 4chan, so basically you're a
Anon, I...

>"Hey I like Eragon"
>"Cool, you know what you like without trying to impress anyone"

>"Hey I like Disco Elysium"
>"Insecure, leaping for anything that appears a bit intellectual on the surface, stock YA fiction, with a veneer of philosophy or psychology that people who are adolescent and starting to understand things for the first time are easily impressed by"

Anon I'm beginning to suspect that you are unfortunately a massive pseud.

>> No.23478191

If you just like Disco Elysium, I'm not going to give you shit.
It's the whole dialogue around the game that it's the "best writing in video games" that I find suspect. Because people who say that stuff have famously awful taste, and are usually trying to impress someone.
It's the desperation that they not be seen as babies for still liking video games, when it's healthier to just get over that insecurity.

>> No.23478202

>People still think The Luzhin Defence is hot shit, btw. Why? I dunno. It has allusions to psychoanalysis? There's a twist where the guy kills himself? So fucking what? Does that make it well written?
Do you know what "well written" even means?

>> No.23478212

>It's the whole dialogue around the game that it's the "best writing in video games" that I find suspect.
Best in 2019, easily, for the lack of competition. The GOAT hype is the same in every case, as you pointed out.

>It's the desperation that they not be seen as babies for still liking video games, when it's healthier to just get over that insecurity.
Rather atypical of DE fanbase though. That kind of people plays sims, gsg or le interactive cinema. DE's fanbase is somewhat more of tumblrcore, all self-indulgently childish and playful until you drop a "nigger" in their presence.

>> No.23478215

Does that make it well written?

>> No.23478228

Writing quality is not "what", it is "how". Silent Hill has a very basic horror plot, but it is very well written - the characterization is delivered succinctly, the worldbuilding is minimal but extremely atmospheric, the plot beats are delivered subtly yet clearly, the pacing is just right all the way through - the essential quality of well-written game is that the subtext is pleasant to read.

That's how it's well written - by having what writing it has and needs being done in a masterful manner. You seem to be under the impression that something being "well-written" means that it is literally Ulysses.

>> No.23478256

I can't say I was ever impressed by Silent Hill on the writing level. It's interesting and atmospheric in that old Japanese video game way, but the characters still come across as these strange stilted non-humans.

I think at the very least, for something to be "well written", characters should feel believable within that setting. You'll notice I referenced Pikmin as a well written game, which I did partially as a joke, but I do genuinely believe the Pikmin diary entries are better written than Silent Hill.

>> No.23478263

>my dude
Please fucking go back.

>> No.23478312

Anon, I... >>23477903

>> No.23478351

That really is the one thing you faggots can ever say, isn't it? Feel free to reimburse me the money I spent on this trash fire propaganda nonsense.

>> No.23478353

>good writing

>> No.23478355

Pointing to another post doesn't make you less of a reddit-level cretin. Go back.

>> No.23478378

This alone should be enough to skip it entirely.

>> No.23478598
File: 35 KB, 375x248, 1717953093207518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong in those broad differences between Communism and Fascism?

Its like when they call somebody an antisemite for noticing what jews so. Its not incorrect, mistaken or wrong. Not ever. It is always you are a bad person for noticing it.

>> No.23478622

You can't reason with them anon. They employ the same tactics that are described in the book. They slip through your fingers and go at it again from another angle. Relentless, even if you get them to admit something, the next day they will just turn around and pretend like they have no idea what you are talking about. They will pretend it never happened. Even explaining basic, very easy to comprehend things will be met with "wtf are you talking about" or similar canned phrases. You simply can't consider them sentient.

>> No.23478662
File: 16 KB, 640x360, kekleyourshekle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23478686

How does fascism in the USA even work? Descriptions of it just sound like empty platitudes

>> No.23478774
File: 288 KB, 1586x1564, 1712463067305086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing works in America. You had a land of plenty, of beauty and founded by the best and brightest of the greatest nations of the age. In less time you have destroyed it completely. You had the blood and soil to create something that could of been a paragon of a new world, a new age yet you perverted, destroyed and subverted everything you touched. Art, history, tradition, the family, beauty, heritage, theology, spirituality, architecture, sex, . All of it dead because of America and its poisonous tentacles, all over the world.

If I could outline, down to the very detail, how Fascism would work in the USA and even set it up to run, within a century you would already subvert it.

>> No.23478795

And you'll never guess (((who))) is behind it all.

>> No.23478804

Greedy Americans. Every single Founding Father was adamant about permitting the jew in to the country, within a century that was overturned. You are covetous and greedy, aspiritual and crude. America is a golem, just like Russia.

>A country has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our sins.
>― Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, For My Legionaries

>> No.23478891

The founding fathers were all Masonic golems themselves. Crooked from the getgo.

>> No.23478895
File: 80 KB, 1080x1197, IMG_1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>da joos

>> No.23478948
File: 74 KB, 618x755, a0Mw7oqY_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What did he mean by this?

>> No.23479047

>Franklin enjoyed a 52-year Masonic career and strongly influenced American Freemasonry with the publication of The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (1734).
Sorry but they regularly lambast their own. Just because Israel didn't exist yet doesn't mean masonry isn't Jewry.

>> No.23479258

>Inherently Aryan in form and goal

AHAHAHAHAHHA way to self report your bias. If you have to provide a propagandized form of your own ideology and a strawman of an "opposing" ideology, then maybe your stance isn't very good. And please read up on your own literature, fascism isn't really "class collaborative" unless that "collaboration" is the lesser masses obeying their strong superiors. Nietzsche is very openly elitist and anti-egalitarian, and fascism follows his ideology quite heavily. Fascist "populism" is purely aesthetic, it's the same "populism" that commies have also used to get the common man to go along with the destruction of his rights with the promise of being uplifted.

>> No.23479274

Out of context. It was a failed dice roll. Obviously that's not a cool thing to say, and it backfired completely. 4chan is even worse than Twitter when it comes to manipulating opinion with cheap tactics

>> No.23479312

>bad writing is OK is you fail a roll
What will be next? Graphics degrade every time you fail? Controls become worse?

>> No.23479336

compared to other video games, maybe, just because there is a lot more text in it compared to other games, and the effort of "writing" is a lot heavier in this game compared to something like pokemon or legend of zelda or whatever other games you can think of. however, it would be like asking if the gameplay of a choose your own adventure book is good. compared to video games, no. just like this game's writing isn't good compared to books or actual written works.

>> No.23479392

Interesting comparison, because this game is more like a choose your own adventure book than a video game. It literally has no gameplay besides choosing dialogue, which occasionally prompts a dice roll based on your stats. Another Anon in this thread said he thinks the game's praise flows from an insecurity in the gaming community of wanting to be seen, fully, as art. I think he's partially correct. The other part being that the game was propelled along by the publisher the devs made a deal with, who would then hilariously oust them from their own property. It has a No Man's Sky feel to it. Something no-one would have cared about, that would have been niche, that people have been carefully palpitated into believing they absolutely need. And similarly, I think a lot of people who have cast judgement over this game normally don't play games like this, and are simply not aware of what's good in the first place. And how do you even judge game writing? The same year Outer Wilds came out, and despite having very minimal writing it's considered a moving, meaningful game by pretty much everyone who played it. But DE just throws the thesaurus at you. One could argue that if you're saying a game is good because of the writing alone, it has already failed as a game in the first place.

>> No.23479551

yeah i totally agree. it reminds me of the way dumbasses on social media overuse and misuse the word "esoteric." it's for sure intellectual insecurity, as anyone who even reads very casually will recognize how badly DE attempts to rip off ideas and even style from much better books that have come before it

>> No.23479594

Interesting how you didn't actually refute his criticism of communism being Jewish (even its creation is inherently Jewish)

>> No.23479649

You confuse participation in an a group as egalitarian, the military is no egalitarian.

You confuse the means by which a party is elected, read further documentation of what was enacted and what was done. This was also anti-egalitarian.

>> No.23479704

Shut up, faggot. If you think the writing is bad, then you've never played it and your opinion is worthless.

>> No.23479712

>no replies to this post
yeah I think chuddies are getting btfo pretty hard ITT

>> No.23479724

It really is the only thing you can say. That's the fucking laughable part of it. You faggots are so insistent that your little propaganda piece is great, but none of you can ever form a coherent argument around that belief. It's just like your ideology: Believe me, or else! And all this for a fucking visual novel. Who knew the road to success in that genre was to replace the anime titties with hydrocephalic commie waffling, huh?

>> No.23480071

I agree that there's a lot of insecurity on the part of the gaming sphere, but I do think it is well written, not just as a game but as a story in general. I think Harry du Bois is a remarkably well fleshed out character, and would be considered so regardless of the medium he was dropped into. The fact that the game utilizes its medium to give him further depth is in no way a slight on the writing. "Good writing" in a game doesn't necessarily mean minimalist, and I'm sorry but
>DE just throws the thesaurus at you
what? Disco Elysium isn't filled with purple prose or ten dollar words, it's generally pretty punchy. The rest can boil down to opinion but nobody should be finding the actual text difficult to parse.

>> No.23480083

No, I think books do not like Disco Elysium.

>> No.23480102

video game writing peaked with Left 4 Dead

>> No.23480209

Based Tupac poster

>> No.23480257

>Are by chance sporting anal beads?
This game is cringe comedy kino.

>> No.23480282

Millenials are a uniquely corny generation.

>> No.23480783

Poor wording, perhaps. I mean the game is verbose. It replaces gameplay with writing. That's one of the reasons why I think this insecurity is instrumental in propelling its reputation. A lot of video game enthusiasts seem to be uniquely embarrassed by the "game" part of games when the whole discussion about video games as art comes up. DE dealt with that by excising gameplay entirely and declaring itself revolutionary for it. Come to think of it, there's a good argument to be made that DE's writing is actually terrible for a video game, because it lacks interactivity.

>"Good writing" in a game doesn't necessarily mean minimalist
Yeah, except I never said it did. I questioned how one should even judge game writing because video games can be extremely broad in delivering their core message, to which Outer Wilds is a good example, especially compared to DE. Where DE is no gameplay and all reading, Outer Wilds is mostly gameplay and a little reading. So why, of the two, are we gravitating towards DE as the "well written" one? Simply because there's a lot of writing in it? That just limits elevated video games to only the verbose ones.

And I still think it's terribly written. I can't speak for Harry as a character, because the game wore out its welcome before I could truly get into it. But what I saw didn't much impress me, and the amnesia thing is a tired, old trope. The problem with its approach is that's all it's got. I can't just leave the writing for what it is and enjoy the rest of the game. Because there is no rest of the game. If you're not someone who enjoys that Reddit practice of spelling wörds like this to denöte they're being spöken by a fascist, bröther, that's it. You got nothing.

>> No.23480965

>i liked the interactivity part therefore its the best written thing ever

why are gamers like this?

>> No.23480984

not him but you're clearly exaggerating. The game is very obviously made by leftists who "attempt" to give an accurate reading of fascist characters but literally are incapable of doing so as they fundamentally don't understand fascism. They outright equate it with being a stuffy traditionalist (capitalism in decline type commie ideas here) and at a point outright say call it just pure misogyny with everything else being window dressing. Essentially, they are "deeper" than the average fascist caricature, so you think they are good portrayals when they are caricatures just less so than normally. Still the characters are quite funny and likeable despite being somewhat of a leftist caricature of fascists and this is really where these game shines - It's humor. The rest of the writing is pretty mediocre as everybody just spill out to you their personal beliefs and feelings on every subject with the level of insight from these characters being on the level of a politics 101 class. But I get its not absolute slop writing like most video games and your monkey brain likes the interactivity so therefore it's a masterpiece.

>> No.23482216

No they like the writing. Gamers are complete retards. Right now they think Stellar Blade is a masterpiece because you can dress the pc in skimpy clothes even when the gameplay is a rip off of 2 other shitty games.

>> No.23482258

Games are meant to be fun, not philosophical treatises. Get your head out of your ass. You're not better than anyone, you're not smarter than anyone, and you will probably never produce anything of value, so have some humility.

>> No.23482275

Stop arguing with your 70 year old mother and argue with someone who actually wants to.

>> No.23482289

Mask off

>> No.23482297


>> No.23482300

> say game has trash gameplay but is porn
> retard thinks I said anything about philosophy

>> No.23482305

This is the precise insecurity the other anon was speaking of lol. Games are supposed to have FUN gameplay. Also if you think they are art (which they rarely are tbf) then they can also make you feel other things than just fun, but ofc you're a /v/ tourist retard who will kill himself when the shame hits too hard

>> No.23482314

It's often very clever and funny, but falls flat whenever it tries to take itself seriously.

>> No.23482410

He's right. If despising videogames is not a virtue worth having, then no virtue is. Might as well be hailed the biggest retard on the planet.

>> No.23482487

I was never wearing a mask, retard

I'm not insecure. You're projecting. Real recognizes real, as the negroes say. You don't recognize talent because you have none. I don't even particularly care about this game, I'm just sick of dumb faggots and their retarded opinions on this utter void of a website.

Your insufferable faggotry is the reason why the right is losing the culture war

>> No.23482520

Didn't know my mom was 20 years older and posts in DE threads on 4chan. Crazy shit!

>> No.23482534

We. Are. Winning.

>> No.23482551

this thqh

>> No.23482552
File: 201 KB, 843x508, 68490645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's been a while since I played, but I remember many references to how commies executed people, about their brutality and indoctrination. Hell the whole penultimate confrontation shines a big part on how fucked up communism is
It can also be read as a critique of communism within a world explicitly based around Marx's theories of historical materialism (like straight out of a socialist textbook) and has a lot of themes that are immediately familiar to people who do a lot of leftist reading or have experience with leftist groups. Commies happily killed people during the revolution, argue with each other as praxis, blindly ignore the working man's lived experience in favor of discussing communist theory.... but other ideologies are critiqued not as how people treat the ideology, but at what they do for the people: ultraliberalists care only about getting money, moralists care only about control, and fascism has no ideology behind it other than a pitiful longing for the past and gut xenophobia. Communism on the other hand is not about control, but about faith in humanity's future while standing against humanity's worst impulses, and trying to wrestle the fate of the universe from those hands.... and it failed. And if we're being honest, that's what happened in the real world, too. That makes communism in the game wistful and sad.

Communism is also an ideology. It's not a coherent, fleshed-out sociopolitical framework that you follow to the dot that promises prosperity. It's a guidepoint of ideals, about what people should have in their lives. And, as with all ideals, its nature is as a guideline for how we shape the reality around us, which is an endpoint that can technically never be reached.

Ideology is communism's condition of existence. In the USSR ideology turned into a dogma subordinated to the tactical maneuverings of the socialist regime until it fell apart from within. Other ideologies don't have to be as "ideological" because they can let historical inertia do a lot of heavy lifting for them, or in the case of the right, just say whatever they want because they're really just after power. And even if the ideological core of communism is totally rad and amazing, that doesn't change that it lost, and the only way it's gonna do better in the future is if people sit down and look at what didn't work in the past (and not to deny or destroy it like the fascist Harry), and then work together to make it happen next time.

>> No.23482619

>wörds like this to denöte they're being spöken by a fascist
Trve, fascist cvltvre never spvlls things fvnny

>> No.23482621

No, the world of Disco Elysium is like a bizarro world version of our own, where fascism got crushed 100 years ago and communism collapsed 50 years later. And the people that still follow in these ideologies are basically just coping with their shitty lot in life. How you could see a character like Rene and think he is depicted as a clown to be mocked by a left wing audience I have no idea, The main flaw the game hones in on with these characters is their longing for the past which no longer exists and isnt coming back. That is very representative of real people and what the real experience of people who believe in unpopular ideologies are like.

>> No.23482686

> I'm not insecure. You're projecting. Real recognizes real, as the negroes say. You don't recognize talent because you have none. I don't even particularly care about this game, I'm just sick of dumb faggots and their retarded opinions on this utter void of a website.

Read your own sentence thrice and follow through its logic from the start and end.

You're a bitter retard who called me pretentious for caring about GAMEPLAY in GAMES instead of how pornographic it is. This is subhuman /v/ shit and you should just keep it there until the weight of your reality makes you want to kill yourself.
I've never once not changed my opinions when found wrong. I will definitely change my opinion on something by the end of the year. It wont be communism though because its only for the economically illiterate losers.

>> No.23482701
File: 381 KB, 2307x2348, 854557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone having such /pol/ tier takes of this game on the literature board is really disappointing desu, the game is so much more than its politics, every character is depicted as a human first of all, the main antagonist of the game is a bitter insane communist, why people insist the game is propaganda for commies still i dont get at all, i can only assume you played 10 minutes, talked to the racist lorry driver guy, recognised yourself, got mad and uninstalled.

>> No.23482707

>You're not better than anyone, you're not smarter than anyone, and you will probably never produce anything of value, so have some humility.
The amount of projection in this post is staggering.

>> No.23482739

Im sorry anon its the bell curve meme. It is just reddit tier stuff

>> No.23482750

>why people insist the game is propaganda for commies still i dont get at all
If you read the posts in this thread it's pretty clear that it's stormniggers who are assblasted at what they perceive to be the game's portrayal of fascism. These people are very neurotic and thin skinned.

>> No.23482772

Stop this tranny delusional think. I care about writing and art so much more than politics and this game was reddit shit. Make fun of fascism or a support of commies idc as long as the characters feel interesting and the dialogue is good. Neither is true. The characters are just a bunch of checkpoints. There's not a moment of realness to their actions or beliefs.

>> No.23482775

Checkpoints in a writing sense not gaming

>> No.23482777

The fact that fans of the game think any criticism of it is part of a fascist conspiracy speaks for itself, really.

>> No.23482797

>These people are very neurotic and thin skinned.

A few moments later...

>> No.23482814

feel free to read any of the criticisms of this thread where they continuously say the game is a commie conspiracy, this is tiresome, its a piece of art, take it or leave it and dont reduce it to political bs

feel free to actually critique the game beyond 'tranny shit' or 'its reddit'. i am actually curious what you think "realness" is and what is inferior about the way the characters are presented, and what would be a better way of doing it. but you dont want to give real criticism, you think you can just say tranny and reddit and thats it

>> No.23482817

i refuse to buy anything shilled on 4chan that includes this game and underrail

>> No.23482885

> what you think "realness" is and what is inferior about the way the characters are presented

The characters like a certain emotional honesty which makes characters interesting. Basically if someone was in this situation, would they react like this? And mostly the answer was no. They are nothing more than their wiki description. Idk how I'm supposed to provide examples for a lack of something though. I wasn't moved at all btw with your banal interests in the pretentious writings of a bad video game but I fucking despise how you twisted my words where I call your line of thinking tranny like and you equate that to the game, to outgroup me and live in your echochamber where only retards and chuds dislike your obvious "masterpiece" but thats not how it works.


This is especially obnoxious you realise my tone isnt angry so your made up a narrative where it was, which is why I call you a tranny thinker, you think like a delusional weak man who has to constantly force his misery onto others and consistently lie to themselves and others.

Sorry I didn't focus too much on critiquing your game for midwits, I don't care about that as much as your lack of any integrity.

>> No.23482948
File: 422 KB, 680x570, wednesday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People get extremely upset when you suggest the politics of the game are not important which is funny because that's the entire point of the game's politics. Just about everyone with the exception of Joyce, Evrart, Sunday Friend, and Lilienne is a miserable fuck coping with the pain of living in the shithole that's Revachol. Still, I guess that's the point. Most are too blind to see that's it's all a pointless delusion distracting you from the real world.

>> No.23482973

Give an example of well written characters that you like then. Pick any, they don't have to be from Disco or even vidya.

>> No.23482989

Why tf are people still bumping this shit thread? Kys op and take this to /v/ or /trash/

>> No.23483004

>Basically if someone was in this situation, would they react like this?

that depends on who the someone is i suppose, i thought that the characters were pretty honest and believable. are there any particular characters you thought reacted unrealistically? and to what in particular?

>> No.23483134

not him but seriously? theres thousands of better written books than this game you can't actually think its one of the best pieces of writing ever the fanboys for this game are insane

>> No.23483149
File: 71 KB, 1856x277, The revolution is dead and we have killed it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said nothing about the game being one of the best pieces of writing ever. Anon made a criticism saying the characters lack emotional honesty and realness and I asked him to give examples of characters that do. And it is a well written game by the way.

>> No.23483156

I mean they do, they just spill their guts to you like a wikipedia article. Get over the fact it is due criticism.

>And it is a well written game by the way

See what I mean. You're literally compulsive about the fact you have to police everybody that it is a well written game and you will sperg out writing hundreds of comments to prove it so.

>> No.23483201

this describes my writing. result of being overly self-conscious, ie. not BASED

>> No.23483225

ok, and where does philosophy and bible discussion belong?

>> No.23483268

I'm not policing anyone, I'm just disagreeing with other people and giving my own opinion. Since when did expressing an opinion turn into "policing"? And I still don't have an example of something that has well written characters, so in lieu of that, having no negative examples, we must therefore conclude that Disco Elysium is indeed a well written game, no, the greatest piece of creative fiction ever made.

>> No.23483277

I’m told the King in Yellow is the main correlate but I guess that might be too obvious since it’s pretty well known.

>> No.23483326

We Have Always Lived in the Castle.
Literally anything by Ambrose Bierce or Lovecraft.
The King in Yellow is also a good suggestion.

>> No.23483429

Not projection, just honesty. Your delusions of grandeur will be revealed as such later in life, when you look back and see only mediocrity. This happens to most people, and it will happen to you too if your blinding hubris ever allows honest self appraisal. If you think you're special, prove it.

>> No.23483522

damn son, all cool?

>> No.23483562

>matter of geopolitics

>> No.23483602

doesnt fully explain why ppl subscribe to the fascism meme

>> No.23483663

sounds like youre projecting your own shit

>> No.23483680

kek its allways "ZE JUICE" and not a soulles machine of a horizontal managerial class comprised of ppl in three letter agencies in government, people who professionally sit on corporate boards, associate deans of god knows what at universities and ambassadors of a second tier nation that was a donor of a political party

>> No.23483686

WASP neoliberals

>> No.23483695

this post is almost as pretentious as DE

>> No.23483694
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-frightens-the-jews-more-than-a-perfect-unity-in-others-the-unity-of-feeling-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-121-93-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try kikes. BLM could protest and burn the commons of every single college campus in America and nobody did anything, many kikes supported and encouraged this behavior. Students can not tell jews to stop killing kids and they have their names black listed in their chosen fields, their studies halted and their more.

I gleefully await the day Israel collapses.

>> No.23483697

Modern society's problems are all due to neoliberalism, which is a fundamentally narcissistic, hedonistic economic structure that gave birth to digital technology, the most socially destructive form of technology so far conceived. It has nothing to do with Jews. We're living in the society of the last man, a world created specifically for the laziest, dumbest, and shallowest.

>> No.23483703
File: 257 KB, 1024x1004, 1716941934837000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who owns Hollywood? Jews
>Who runs every major porn site? Jews
>Who runs owns every major publishing house? Jews

Modern society is the result of ignoring 2000 and more years of warning about jews. Neo-liberalism is a symptom of that.

>> No.23483708

>Who owns Hollywood?
No one.

>Who runs every major porn site?
The ones who pay for porn are as much a part of the problem, but what's more problematic than both is the neoliberal economic structure which led to this dilemma.

>Who runs owns every major publishing house?

>> No.23483710

my sides but unironically

>> No.23483713

Hollywood was founded by jews anon.

>> No.23483717

>critiquing your game for midwits
I noticed loooong time ago midwit is midwits favorite word
but no offense im aint implying youre a narcissist or somethin

>> No.23483718

No, it was founded by Americans, and some of the greatest movies of the 20th century were produced there, mostly during the golden age.

>> No.23483721

I wonder who is behind this post?
And this one? Why suddenly two anons in 2 minutes replying to one post on a slow board? And I didn't even say anything, but you just leapt to the conclusion of jews and Anglos? That is awful antisemitic behavior of you.
>you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".

>> No.23483732
File: 197 KB, 700x920, a1k5ZJlj_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is a statement of fact, not a rebuttal. Hollywood was founded by jews fleeing New York.

>> No.23483733

Don't get hung up on the word "Anglo," the primary issue is neoliberalism. Anglos were just the ones who pushed neoliberalism the furthest.

>> No.23483738

You're incorrect that it was all Jews and your implication that Hollywood is pure evil is pure faggotry.

>> No.23483740

see moron cunts? you have no interest in this game whatsoever. as someone pointed out earlier, you're a buncha thin-skinned stormniggers. so do go on, continue relying on your "JUICEDEBUNKER white helvetica on a black background next to chud daddy figure taken out of context reaction pics. that's all you have left in your tanks

>> No.23483747
File: 104 KB, 1559x698, kikery3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not say it was all jews, I said it was jews. I'm sure there were a few different groups, but only conspires together. Only one.

Hollywood is disgusting and I hope to see every single participant hanged.

>> No.23483751

>Hollywood is disgusting and I hope to see every single participant hanged.
This is an ignorant anti-American statement. Tons of artistically brilliant movies and genius acting talents were created in Hollywood since its founding.

>retarded antisemitism
>retarded anti-Americanism
aka, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.23483758
File: 54 KB, 640x428, CtnRt1QWEAAMF6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am also anti-American you stupid fucking golem.

>> No.23483764

You're an ape is what you are.

>> No.23483765

Obviously not all Anglos. Hell, not even all jews. But they often walk in the same circles.

Sorry, the game is mediocre and shallow. The thread has moved past its initial discussion of redditcore slop. If you wanna talk about video games, go to /v/.

>> No.23483771
File: 7 KB, 208x243, eRNST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have clothing older than your nation. Your words are as meaningless and empty as your Culture.

The game was a solid 6/10, some high points in the writing, the art style fit well. I got bored halfway through and lost all interest.

>> No.23483775

>Your words are as meaningless and empty as your Culture.
This is very easy to say when you're an ape who hasn't explored a single bit of it, which you haven't. Pure resentment coming from you. This is why you're incapable of grasping the actual problem (neoliberalism, not Americans or Jews).

>> No.23483804

god bless israel but without any irony. the last time I checked they were winning bad. hehe. tho they destroye some hospital for pisslamist little brownlet sandniggas recently and eversince retard leftiest zoomies keep flooding tiktok and insta comment sections with their "all eyes on jaffar" shit

>> No.23483821
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1715977140643049.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worldwide condemnation
>Internal protests against government
>ICC warrent for the arch-kike
>Growing antisemitism amongst all demographics
>Reduced funding and resources
>Increased resistance
>Demographic bomb
>Decreased worldwide presence
>Lowering military competence
>Eroding international support from allies

You need to check in more frequently, my kike in Moloch. From the river to the sea, no jews shall there be.

>> No.23484032

>are there any particular characters you thought reacted unrealistically? and to what in particular?
Here's the thing, I feel like most current gen writing exists exclusively to appeal to a specific demographic. For ingrouping. I find that to be utterly soulless, if you want to make a socialist game, explain your stance in YOUR words, not from marx or twitter and SOOOO much of shit is just this appeasement (or pandering if you will) from and to losers. Hence my use of the term reddit. It has an "thanks for the upvotes, stranger!" vibe which seems to be the MO for most internet addicts. You look like a validation seeking lonely monkey when you act like that. This game exemplifies it in spades. EVERY SINGLE DIALOGUE and character is like this. You ask for an example but all of it is the example and if you don't see that then examples won't matter because writers and players alike have no clue what a meaningful work of art even looks like, tehy just understand twitter. Still I personally didn't take Pissfaggot too seriously. As for characters I do like, I won't even use a great example but of Plato, his socrates and any other character, even when every single story is just a political debate, exemplify who they are in their subtleties. Platonic dialogues btfo DE as hard as humanly possible.

Here's pissfaggot from the award winning visionary work Disco Elysium everyone: https://youtu.be/BoFsZVCpbew

You just did it yet again, created a story where I'm with what you perceive as the bad kind of people and you're in the good guys group. For the game's supposed messaging about politics being a replacement for a well adjusted life, you don't seem to take the message to heart.

>> No.23484039

Mooselimes are and will also be worse than jews

>.t not a jew

>> No.23484045

>.t a jew

>> No.23484433 [DELETED] 

>im not policing
>open thread 10 hours later
>still replying to every poster obsessively telling them its a masterpiece without accepting a single shred of criticism

>> No.23484436

>im not policing
>open thread 10 hours later
>still replying to every poster obsessively telling them its a masterpiece dismissing every piece of criticism as fascism

It's funny you accuse critics of this game as all being fascists raving about a communist conspiracy when it seems you are the one raving about all critics being part of a fascist conspiracy

>> No.23484585

Gravity's Rainbow
Inherent Vice

>> No.23484792
File: 249 KB, 1134x502, 1718284368449199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut your goatfucker brown mouth, ISRAEL WIIL GROW, and got chuddie cannot stop her with your pepe posting

>> No.23484802

I'm just sayng you're a narcissist midwit, wasn't even serious but ig I've hit a nail lmao

>> No.23484845

> I noticed loooong time ago midwit is midwits favorite word but no offense im aint implying youre a narcissist or somethin
> I'm just sayng you're a narcissist midwit

I barely remember the adjectives that you throw, it's more so the underlying principle of it. You're constructing your own world through internet discussions where everyone except you is a retard. All this just to avoid real life responsibilities. Man up and quit engaging in such cowardly behavior anon

inb4 another random sentence which isn't written to understand another's perspective but to balm your own aching ego.

>> No.23484915

>feel free to read any of the criticisms of this thread where they continuously say the game is a commie conspiracy
This is just a dumb no u. Nobody is even implying a communist conspiracy, because they don't need to. The devs aren't cryptocommunists. They're out and proud. People are saying the game is communist. Which it is. Which communists deny, for some reason.

>its a piece of art, take it or leave it and dont reduce it to political bs
Art can't carry political messages now? I'm not one of those "everything is political" faggots (because everyone who believes that is just projecting their own totalitarianism), but this is a setting where politics play a major, major part. People suck this game's dick for talking about politics. And people lose their fucking minds when you say "I think the devs may have gone a little easy on their own ideology, which we know is their own ideology because they have publicly stated that fact".

>> No.23484918
File: 452 KB, 1536x2048, 1718280226187069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, thats why I think you have an overly high opinion of yourself. you're acting like an online Carl Jung, but for me it feels like when u say things like "all this just to avoid real life responsibilities" or "gamers are just insecure and if something appears a bit intellectual on the surface, they leap for it" it sounds like your superego is having a conversation with your ego. and then for some sociopathic reason you weaponize this inner struggle against the posters here. but why? all cuz culture got you hooked up huh?
anyway I kekked at the platonic dialouge btfoing DE part, that was funny

>> No.23484919

*culture war

>> No.23484927

Find a flaw.

>> No.23485080

I don't have to be Carl Jung to be annoyed at your blatant retardation. Any negative discussion of this game makes you call others names, Stellar Blade is garbage, so is disco elysium and thats true for both their stories and gameplay. Platonic dialogues will remain whatever this game wanted to be but failed. Anyways, karmic justice is real and that's why the devs are homeless fentanyl addicts or something by now. Enjoy reading your Marx & Engel.