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23465668 No.23465668 [Reply] [Original]

A man told Buddha, "I want happiness."

Buddha said, "First remove 'I,' that's Ego, then remove 'want,' that's Desire. See, now you are left with only 'happiness.'"

>> No.23465669

Waoow saar this really make think

>> No.23465671

>You vill eat ze nothin
>You vill be happy
Over 2k years before it was cool at that.

>> No.23465674

>removes the want to eat

>> No.23465682

>happyness is actually the default state, you just have to remove obscurations/impediments of it
Sounds like Buddha BTFO'd his own theory of dukkha

>> No.23465720

Death is freedom

>> No.23465797

That sounds like the kind of shit corporate HR tells you when you're overwhelmed by stress and your life is shit and your KPIs aren't good but corporate won't take responsibility for you being too stressed to function at your job

>> No.23465811

Bow to Leviathan, worm.

>> No.23465828

I watch myself seethe
Which is different from seething I believe
It doesn't own me, I own the rope
At least that's how I cope

>> No.23465830

He's not saying happiness is the default state, he's saying that any state is a matter of being.

Want to be happy? Stop wanting to be happy. Be happy.
Want to be depressed? Stop wanting to be depressed. Be depressed.

It genuinely is that simple.

>> No.23465835

Life isn't the default state, it inherently imposes impediments which cause suffering. Reaching toward a goal turns any opposition to the Satan.

>> No.23465849

he's a good summon but I'm more of a Shiva player in my final fantasys

>> No.23465859

Want to stop bombing children in gaza. Stop wanting to stop bombing children in gaza. Bomb children.
Want to stop hating jews? Stop wanting to hate jews. Hate jews.
It’s genuinely that simple.

>> No.23465860

>Want to be happy? Stop wanting to be happy. Be happy.
Wow buddhism is just like my corporate propaganda!

>> No.23465866

>at last I truly see.png

>> No.23465877

quick on the uptake there, 66. How many kids you kill today?

>> No.23465887

Do I get to kill more kids by being supportive of Israel or against? Their score is fantastic but I worry they might be running out of opportunity already. On the other hand there's Ukraine but seems like there's mostly older people there.

>> No.23465892

>Do I get to kill more kids by being supportive of Israel or against?
that you asked speaks volumes
hell is hot
you should repent

>> No.23465904

I know, I know. My bad. I shouldn't have doubted Israel's ability in committing genocide.

>> No.23465906


>> No.23465911


Well, yeah. Where else are you going to steal the lessons of contentment to pacify peasants, other than the OG?

Nonetheless, choosing happiness doesn't mean you intellectually have to accept your environment. You can be happy and internally still while bombing Amazon warehouses just because you also chose to hate them.

>> No.23465916

now lets break down this word as well as zionism
get you on the right path and that
sorted so's to speak

>> No.23465919

Bombing Amazon warehouses will only kill some poor sobs working minimum wage, they don't deserve this. Bomb investment banks instead.

>> No.23465946

>Now, philanthropists may easily imagine there is a skilful method of disarming and overcoming an enemy withoutgreat bloodshed, and that this is the proper tendency of the Art of War. However plausible this may appear, still it is an error which must be extirpated; for in such dangerous things as War, the errors which proceed from a spirit of benevolence are the worst. As the use of physical power to the utmost extent by no means excludes the co-operation of the intelligence, it follows that he who uses force unsparingly, without reference to the bloodshed involved, must obtain a superiority if his adversary uses less vigour in its application. The former then dictates the law to the latter, and both proceed to extremities to which the only limitations are those imposed by the amount of counter- acting force on each side.
> - Clausewitz, On War
Those poor sobs are Bezos' soldiers whether they want to be or not. Corpo jihad, aloha snackbar.

>> No.23465970

Just take up bomb making as a hobby. It's interesting stuff. Then if an Amazon warehouse or an Israel ever attacks you you can chat to them about bomb making.

>> No.23465973

Are you calling me a philanthropist because I don't want to kill some minimum wage sob?

>> No.23465982

>The word philanthropy comes from Ancient Greek φιλανθρωπία (philanthrōpía) 'love of humanity', from philo- 'to love, be fond of' and anthrōpos 'humankind, mankind'.

>> No.23465983

that's some low bar for love

>> No.23465997

It's the kind of love it is, filial as in family. You're aligned and at least somewhat protective but not aroused by them intellectually or physically.

>> No.23466010

>filial as in family
Since when does that definition extend to random strangers?

>> No.23466212

Then remove happiness.

>> No.23466221

This is how words and concepts develop. The filia you have towards other life is analogous in some ways to a familial relationship. The concept and word is built on top of that basic part of human life, all words and concepts can be traced to their more basic forms.

>> No.23466299

not really, dukkha is an illusion

>> No.23466336

Have you ever heard that one where my fist is an illusion? I bet I can pet your man apple with my fig fist and use your illusion.

>> No.23466492

I can blow your Minecraft house up.

>> No.23467662

yet i cant remove my lust.

>> No.23468755

Ok how does the abstract form of happiness have any relevance to anything my man

>> No.23470500

>a privileged rich NEET tells others to own nothing and be happy
Was Buddha the Klaus Schwab of his time?

>> No.23470575

Dukkha comes from attachment. If you don't care about something, then its loss won't make you feel sads. Attachment is the root of all misery. Even physical pain won't matter much to you if you realize that you are not your body. You are not your brain. You are not your mind either. You are consciousness. Your body is simply a vehicle you are using to travel in and interact with this material world.

>> No.23470651

This makes sense if you consider that some wisdom can only be gained through experience. If you examine people who have made significant wealth, you'll find they're still the same person and their troubles don't necessarily go away. Money fixes all your money problems, but you're still left with everything else, and often, that's far more substantial. It takes the wisdom of gaining that perspective to dictate to others with any authority that accruing material wealth and striving endlessly on the hedonic treadmill isn't the answer.

>> No.23470696

Because you are a slave to lust. You worship lust as a be all end all of human life.

>> No.23471135

What if I acknowledge that the state of wanting has absolutely nothing to do with the thing wanted? What if I just enjoy wanting like some poet or whatever?

>> No.23471163
File: 136 KB, 489x669, легушка_будда.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Buddha and his many disciples were passing through a village. A few of his opponents gathered and began to insult the Buddha in a heated and vicious manner. He listened very calmly in silence. And that calmness made them feel uncomfortable. There was an uneasy feeling: they were insulting the man and he was listening to their words as if they were music. One of them said to the Buddha: "What is it? Don't you understand what we are saying?" "It is with understanding that such a profound silence is possible," the Buddha replied. If you had come to me ten years ago, I would have thrown myself at you. There was no understanding then. I do understand now. And I cannot punish myself because of your foolishness. It is your business to decide whether to insult me or not, but to accept your insults or not, that is my freedom. You cannot force them on me. I simply refuse them; they are not worth it. You can have them for yourself. And now my disciples are going to beat the shit out of you.