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23464511 No.23464511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever been approached by a woman in a book store?

>> No.23464521

Looks like the one in my area. Gotta find her.

>> No.23464526

Yes. Would've gone for them if I'd been single, desu.

>> No.23464539

Of course. With like 75% of guys being considered undateable or choosing to not put themselves out there, women are more desperate than ever

>> No.23464545
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Yeah, when I went to the Shakespeare and Company in Paris. Too bad I didn't know French.

>> No.23464554

>broad shouldered
Literall not me

>> No.23464556
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Damn. Look on the bright side, anon. You could've ended up with a French girl.

>> No.23464622

Literally me
But I’m a baldcel
And more pertinently, I never set foot in a bookstore in my life

>> No.23464643

>Broad shouldered
>Cultured (I assume)
Anon, either you are literally a chad or you are lying.

>> No.23464650

Sometimes when I'm in bookstores I imagine I might meet a cute girl who likes reading.


>> No.23464655

Once a woman stood uncomfortably close to me in one but that was it.

>> No.23464659

>With like 75% of guys being considered undateable or choosing to not put themselves out there, women are more desperate than ever
honestly, average men should just opt out of this clown show which is dating in the current year. I keep seeing thirsty averagecels getting humiliated when they could simply say fuck it
I would rather be alone but keep me dignity

>> No.23464667

>me dignity
oi, right on 'guv, salt of the earth ya are

>> No.23464669

Why are you so fucking retarded.

>> No.23464674

Strong and broad-shouldered yes.
Tall no, because I was an obstinate bitch and didn’t eat just to piss my parents off so didn’t grow tall.

>> No.23464722
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And what about easy on the eyes?

>> No.23464744

There’s nothing Chad about being bald imo but I’m not lying about being tall and broad-shouldered, thank you for calling me that though.

>> No.23464748
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yes, because when i look at them they often look down

>> No.23464881

>I never set foot in a bookstore in my life
Based on your posts over the last few weeks, it shows.

>> No.23464903

modern women are truly insufferable

>> No.23464908

they're just like us <3

>> No.23464990

Yeah, said all the lying pua. In reality you're a man and are expected to make the first move.

>> No.23465017

Men should start spreading the meme that "young" is for men what "tall" is for women. This would spread very quickly because it would be instantly comprehensible to them, in the worst way. They would realize just HOW bad it is not to be young.

>> No.23465019

I have never shopped at a book store in my life.

>> No.23465023

Men usually dont care about what other men do so they just fuck anything with a hole

>> No.23465030

There are little tribes of people who hang out and socialize at bookstores, and I imagine they do meet new people there through mutual friends. There is usually a little coffee shop inside the bigger stores to accommodate these people. However, as a rando who shops alone, I have never interacted with another shopper at a bookstore and I have to imagine most other people who shop alone would be the same.

>> No.23465032

That doesn't negate the fact that youth in women is what height is in men. A young 6/10 is hotter than a 10/10 who is five years older than her.

>> No.23465051

For sure, but if in practice most men will still chase 40y+ women
And in practice women will rarely accept manlets as their partner
Then they can't be compared

>> No.23465059

>A young 6/10 is hotter than a 10/10 who is five years older than her.
That just isn't true. It takes that old scythe of time much longer to outdo the brilliance and beauties of nature!

>> No.23465063

>Have you ever been approached by a woman

>> No.23465070


So, you're saying a guy would rather have a pig over a 10/10 just because the pig is younger?

You must be a woman because a guy would settle for a 10/10.

>> No.23465077

anon.. easy on the enter key

>> No.23465081

But it's

>> No.23465083

I've had clear opportunities to approach a woman by nonverbal signalling but I was mentally ill and furiously reading self help books/philosophy to amalgamate a system that worked for me (I did.)

Still can see two of them.
One was with her father, seemed like they were nice enough.

>> No.23465102

I'm a bald short creepy chinese guy. No woman wants to touch me even with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.23465104

Why are you Chinese?

>> No.23465106

And bald?

>> No.23465115
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I was recently reading at a coffee shop, a woman approached me, said she thought I was cute and gave me her number

>> No.23465120

What a creep. I hope you laughed at her.

>> No.23465122
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For what end? No man whose opinion matters will think less of you for trying and failing than for not trying. And if you're avoiding women, why give a shit how they view your "dignity"?

I think you're just coping or afraid. "No" only hurts the first couple times, "yes" feels good every time.

>> No.23465123
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Was she cute?

>> No.23465124

What are you, Reddit? We don't like paragraphs here


>> No.23465126

She was cute tho

>> No.23465128

Are you a twink? If so...can I have your number? It's for a friend I swear

>> No.23465129

>I really feel passionate about the environment and taking care of the earth
>I can't stand ebooks, I like feeling the weight in my hand.
>why no, I don't know if my town has a library, why do you ask? Are you homeless?

>> No.23465134

Because I was inflicted with a horrible curse by the Jews wishing for more goyim to serve them.
Yes. 5'10, 175 lbs. So fat too.

>> No.23465135


>> No.23465137
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when will women stop harassing us?

>> No.23465139

That's not an excuse.

>> No.23465140


This is no 4chinner....

This is a Mongolian basket weaving form.

>> No.23465141
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Get off this board right nou, you turbo normie!

>> No.23465146

I thought it was an fbi honeypot?

>> No.23465152

It's not harassment if I enjoy it

>> No.23465154

Excuse me, I read Moby Dick because my library just happened to have it while was printing out my job application.

>> No.23465155

Yeah of course, but making women feel bad about the wall isn't about the fact that men are dogs and would still fuck them at 60, it's about the fact that the man of their dreams wouldn't, and any husband would instantly say "yes!!" if a genie offered to give their wife her 21 year old body permanently.

That's not true. An 18-21 year old has a je ne sais quoi that boosts her number. She has babyfat and better fat distribution, a better skin and hair "glow." Women over 25 are noticeably old-looking. It's subtle but it's there. A lot of men still would pick the 10/10 as a girlfriend, yes, but then they also have to worry about the fact that the 20~ year old has 5-10 more years on her, and the 25+ year old only has a few before she looks like her mom.

Again, it's about the fact that any man would rather fuck the 10/10's younger self than her current self. Depreciation is real and evident. Women over 25+ look sallower, more gaunt somehow, and "drier." Men aren't great at articulating this but they can pick up on it. It's the real source of The Wall idea, men trying to find a way to articulate that basic instinct of "she's lost her youthful glow."

>> No.23465156

No. However a young girl will always be more attractive than her old self regardless of their attractiveness.

>> No.23465157
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>> No.23465158

Fucking pedo

>> No.23465175

Just using it colloquially to refer to the naturally non-saggy extra fat deposits a girl has between 16 and maybe 23. You can really notice it once you know what it is. Look at any hot young girls walking around and you'll realize much of their hotness comes from their natural pertness, they can even be a bit chubby and their body just holds it up, it never looks dried out or deflated.

Something about the face and eyes too, they always have more of that "pop" that attracts men to women's faces.

>> No.23465182

Yesterday I was reading Wittgenstein while on the bus and a schizo milf approached and started yapping on how she was mindbroken by the internet. She was really surprised when I told her I just turned thirty
, a bit disappointed. Still, she asked if I wanted to get off at her stop. I politely declined because I am married.

>> No.23465187


>> No.23465192

You are three inches taller than the average Chinese man and you can get a QT real-life anime wife. Why are you complaining?

>> No.23465196

>tall, intelligent, broad-shouldered
Is she looking for Plato at her bookstore?

>> No.23465199

>And in practice women will rarely accept manlets as their partner
Skill issue, desu.

>> No.23465198

No she's looking for me

>> No.23465201
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>Have you ever been approached by a woman in a book store?
Store detectives!

>> No.23465205
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>you can't like younger women
>b-because YOU JUST CAN'T, OKAY?!

>> No.23465224
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>Barnes and Noble
sorry dumb broad, intelligent men are browsing libgen, not a physical bookstore

>> No.23465250

I was just thinking this yesterday. Something like, "We'll start dating women our own age when you start dating men your own height."

>> No.23465292

Thanks, I was looking for this meme kek. Plus you're too easy

>> No.23465294

Yea I'm just yanking ya chain

>> No.23465393

I've never been in a book store. I've only been to libraries.

>> No.23465444

>175 pounds
Nigga wtf?
Im 5 pounds lighter than you and 7 inches shorter and I have a child with a woman I love.
I think you need to learn to appreciate yourself a bit more.

>> No.23465457

Yeah. My wife came up to me after she finished finding a book on interior design she wanted when we went there for her birthday.

>> No.23465460

I liked to go through the bookstore to browse for books I wouldn't otherwise have considered to read.

>> No.23465517

I'm tall,broad shouldered, fit, decent face, rich. Depressed. I was approached in HS and college. Turned everyone down. Now I'm a 30 year old incel.
I'm so lonely and I hate myself.
I tried putting myself out there but there's nowhere to fucking go.
And I feel like I just won't be happy with any girl I end up with at this point. I'll just settle out of desperation.
It doesn't matter what you have going for you.
I wish I wasn't born in a nightmare hellscape American city. I wish I wasn't in 2024 where nobody goes outside for any reason and dating is exclusively on those dating apps.

>> No.23465560

No hurts every single time. Especially when you receive nos regardless of how much you work on yourself or how low you go. Every no chips away at your self esteem and in the current dating game, where people have astronomical expectations, millions of options and not willing to put in the work, it all just feels hopeless.

>> No.23465567

She wanted you anon. That the extent of female flirting. Yes they are that dumb

>> No.23465592

Even if you get many a yes, doesn't mean you're a winner.
Some may get laid a lot, but are left after a while.
Some may stay together, but the girl doesn't want a child.
Some may marry and get a child, but then the woman files for divorce within the first ten years.
Only lesbians.

>> No.23465597

shit poem

>> No.23465614

You may have sex. Cheers!
You may have a girl, but she leaves in a while.
You may marry, but she bears no child.
You may father, but she divorces after years.

>> No.23466165

I'm skinny but I lift
Why would it be creepy if a woman gives you her number?
I'm literally a khv

>> No.23466195

>why would it be creepy to walk up to a stranger and give an unsolicited opinion on his appearance
Gee I don't know.

>> No.23466726

Ass hair disgusts me

>> No.23466804

Unironically my fetish. Not even joking.

>> No.23466828

People generally just want to be left alone at bookstores/libraries i guess. or maybe i'm just unapproachable :(

>> No.23466873

I'm too much of a sperg. Only go to second hand bookstores or just buy my books online. As it turns out most bookstores don't carry academic philosophy or primary sources from the reformation.

>> No.23466896

This. I download everything I can, but I still like to browse the local bookstores weekly because it exposes you to new and old stuff you wouldn't have hit upon naturally any other way. I also read certain periodicals and follow certain only blogs, but only to the extent they can fill me in on anything I wasn't already aware of. There's a bookstore in the city that usually has a pretty good selection of fiction (classic and contemporary), non-fiction, literary non-fiction, bios, essay collections, and they update their selection pretty frequently (it helps there are several universities in and around the city); but the only thing that sucks is that the first floor has piss poor cell reception, so I usually have to make a quick list of the good stuff I find on the ground floor and then run upstairs to one specific corner of the second/third floors, at the opposite side of where the stairs are, to grab a faint trickle of data so I can reference how many of these I can get from one of the websites in the sticky. It's frustrating and rewarding in the best way.
>maybe i'm just unapproachable :(
I thought the same for a while. I generally leave people alone and like to be left alone when I go to used bookstores. Frankly, it surprises me when people say they go to these places to meet people. The only people I've ever met at bookstores are either annoying girls or guys that are really full of themselves.

>> No.23467055

Maybe women would find it creepy, but men never recieve compliments, so it's always welcome

>> No.23467225

Yeah at least a couple times but I botched it both times by being autistic

>> No.23467238

women only find it creepy if you're unattractive and not confident

>> No.23467239

>looks exactly like a lanky fag I know irl

>> No.23467243
File: 743 KB, 1920x1641, Sir_Joshua_Reynolds_-_The_Ladies_Waldegrave_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are young and you know it.

>> No.23467244

Women are so retarded.

>be a 6/10 (at best) woman
>go to a random bookstore
>set expectations to meet a 10/10 nerd hunk
>expect this nerd hunk to approach you

Lol. Good luck, ladies.

>> No.23467246

100% your fault. You're just retarded.

>> No.23467382

It's an engagement bait

>> No.23467387

>set expectations to meet a 10/10 nerd hunk
realistic because you can always find me at local bookshops
>expect this nerd hunk to approach you
i agree this one's unrealistic

>> No.23467446

Don't misgender me.

>> No.23467459
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>Imagine, if you will, the smell of the following.

>Landwhale goosed my gooseneck - from behind - I pulled my knife and offered a pro bono caterpillar titty reduction; she practically rolled out the book store in a ham stampede, a kidney stone rock slide with deceptive speed, bariatric boar in a chinese noodle shop-- I heard her leg ligaments twang audibly (this shocked me more than having my hog besmirched by a fleshberg's trotters) The Harmony of the Spheres allows this: this is the unfortunate price of Absolute Freedom. I groaned as the Godhead groaned this calamity into existence, "I am that I am" flatulence, insulin insensitive pneuma, gander of Amun-Re squawking and ejecting ejecta into the waters of cellulitic Chaos, Rod of God magnum magnificence raising the veil.

>> No.23467473

>men trying to find a way to articulate that basic instinct of "she's lost her youthful glow."

Pregnancy widens the hips -- which has a manifest effect of likewise opening the facial structure. With modern dentistry, nutrition, and chinlets for lack of masticating stone age foodstuffs like a cow, the beauty gains are non-trivial-- and this is on top of Stem Cell exchange dump to and from the fetus and umbilical chord, aiding recovery and quite literally, reversing aging (on top of hormones affecting telomeres).

>> No.23467482
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>> No.23467503

i was reading on campus once when a girl came and said something like „hey do you mind if i sit here?“ even though there were unoccupied tables left to which i responded „nah it‘s fine i have to go anyways“ and went to a different location to continue reading. i only realized days later and i think i now know why i never had a girlfriend

>> No.23467528
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If a women ever approached me id assume it was a prank or she were a serial killer desu

>> No.23467539


You guys are clearly virgins, underage or both
Young women are annoying and bad at Sex. They are extremely horny too, but all women are, older ones are just less likely to show it openly. Older women know exactly what they want, so Sex is longer, hornier and both parties tend to cum more than once.

Young women =/= young love. When you're 30, it's almost impossible to date an 18y old girl. At least for me. Hell it was even impossible for me when I was 22, since women that age are just retarded. Especially the educated ones. They never worked a second in their life, daddy paid for most things, in contrast to a girl that grew up somewhere more rural and had to help out in the household.

Since I'm already complaining, I would never ever date a western, 18y city girl.
The best women are:
1. older than 25
2. had to help her perents when she was young
3. comes from a second or third world country

>t. married and I had Sex with women since I was 16 (she too) onwards

>> No.23467545

Not reading all that.

>> No.23467553

>Young women are annoying and bad at Sex
All women are annoying.
Few if any are "good" at sex and often will just lay there and if you're lucky buck their hips.
Urbanites as a whole are insufferable and anyone from a city is often trash.
Rural white women from a married or at least with both parents still together are the best.
A young rural white woman from an intact family is better than a old one.

>> No.23467554

bad poem

>> No.23467592
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Women always sit in front/beside me too when there are countless other seats. Are they just clueless? What does this mean? I'm muslim anyway, so I just politely change my spot