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23459462 No.23459462 [Reply] [Original]

Books which exonerate Nixon and put him in the Pantheon of the greatest American statesmen where he belongs?

>> No.23459465

Probably Buchanan?

>> No.23459664

Well he's certainly one of the most important American statesmen of all time (along with his BFF Kissinger) but I don't think that's any reason to celebrate him unless you're one of those environmentalist hippies

>> No.23459674

I don't think that Nixon should be celebrated, but he's definitely due for a reassessment of his career and achievements. Boomers thought this man was the anti-Christ and it's pretty clear they were as hysteric about Nixon as the Christians were about Nero.

>> No.23459680
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>> No.23459684

Silent Coup: The Removal of a President
Hippies hate Nixon THOUGH

>> No.23459700

that's a good point, any hippie smart enough to remember that Nixon founded the EPA would also be too smart to continue being a hippy which is probably what happened to the hippies as well once they had to start paying taxes

>> No.23460229

This, pathological hatred of Nixon is a Boomer meme. Watergate is a total nothingburger compared to what has happened in US politics since.
Nixon always struck me as the kind of guy who would fit in more as a European statesman than an American president.
More on topic with this thread, here's a couple
>One of Us: Richard Nixon and the American Dream - Tom Wicker
Considering he was a political opponent of Nixon, it's surprisingly sympathetic and highlights Nixon's lesser-known domestic achievements.
>Nixon: A Life - John A. Farrell
Not really revisionist, but definitely sympathetic, I haven't read it in a while, but it struck me as fairly balanced.

>> No.23460235

People will be saying the same thing about Trump in 50 years.

>> No.23460248

Trump is well liked now unless you're a femcel

>> No.23460262

>you're one of those environmentalist hippies
What's your beef with the EPA? Nixon hated hippies, so I doubt there's many fans of him among that group

>> No.23460695

I have Conrad Black’s biography which I heard is a more nuanced interpretation of his life, before, during and after his presidency.

>> No.23460917
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I'm voting nikki :)

>> No.23460951

Nixon is an interesting guy. Literally everyone who ever met him seems to agree he was smartest dude they ever knew.
Grew up in real buttfuck poverty too - only Clinton has a comparable background of recent presidents

>> No.23460967


>> No.23460985

Third party. Throwing your vote away.

>> No.23460997

There’s a YouTube channel called Nixon foundation or something his family as clearly set up and it posts shit daily.

Anyway it’s a decent follow, the guy was way way smarter than any of the other guys we’ve had since.

He also implies that they got rid of him because he was going to correct the lobbying issue

>> No.23461000

Why do Americans still vote under this false dichotomy. Both parties seem corrupt and don't care about the general publics interest or will.

>> No.23461001

Democrats were celebrating Bush 2 years ago.

>> No.23461024

>Why do Americans still vote under this false dichotomy
because the alternative is a violence, and ooooo that's a big no-no,

>> No.23461040

Why does it lead to violence?

>> No.23461048


>> No.23461050

what are you going to do then to address lobbying? And what are you going to do to address the permanently entrenched bureaucratic apparatus from manipulating or outright interfering with the machinery of democracy?

>> No.23461070

Fair but violence against who? And how? It's all well and good to talk about violence and chaos, resetting society but the actual details..my view is that people are too fragmented, too polarized for any meaningful action to take place.

>> No.23461075

>violence against who? And how?
oh no i ain't falling for that one

>> No.23461089

The fuck? Oh..I swear I'm not a Fed good Saar.

>> No.23461107

Limit the amount allowed by lobbying groups. But, more importantly, limit the salaries of elected officials to be closer to the median income; prevent them from serving as a Congressional member and Senator, i.e. they can only be elected for either office, and once elected, cannot be elected for the other; limit terms further; require public vote on major spending like war or aide.

I doubt a single elected official would be for all of that, let alone most of it. Which already shows it's too far gone.

>> No.23461110

I dunno do we ever question how you run your country, Hans? Mind your own business.

>> No.23461115

>do we ever question how you run your country, Hans?
We literally wrote their constitution for them and tell them to this day how their military is allowed to function

>> No.23461160

Useless burger

>> No.23461245
File: 90 KB, 500x793, dr m nix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pathological hatred of Nixon is a Boomer meme
So true. Interesting that LBJ isn't the one giving le blue man his orders here isn't it?

>> No.23461354

His memoirs, RN, are very good. When Eisenhower was threatening to take him of the VP ticket, Nixon recounts how he told Eisenhower to “shit or get off the pot” right before Nixon gave his Checkers speech which kept him on the ticket

>> No.23461360

To you, I have nothing to afford you. I only do things for my own people. You are an alien to me.


>> No.23461739

And this is why I will never acknowledge or accept thar Americans have a link to Europe. Not in any capacity.

>> No.23461755

>american electoral system is fucked from federal to state
>two parties that benefit most from it would never allow any change to the status quo
>supreme court frequently strikes down radical attempts to change it on the smaller scale
why does america hate democracy?

>> No.23461763

>Silent Coup: The Removal of a President
wrong identification of Deep Throat sank that, no?

>> No.23461845

Your first problem was thinking this country was democratic in the first place. On paper it was always seen as a federal republic which frankly not many people even knew or can even explain the difference. Now I said on paper it was federal republic but in reality it's a kleptocratic nightmare.

>> No.23461857

That’s great my family is WASP we’ve been here since the 1600s might as well be a new country, Nigel.

>> No.23461860

We’re not a democracy. Never have been, never will be.

>> No.23461880

The Nixon Tapes edited by D Brinkley & L. Nichter. All the dialogue feels Shakespearean. You sense the raw unfiltered Nixon here. This is great stuff.

>> No.23461898

>compared to what has happened in US politics since.
You understand this isn't a good thing right?
Fuck Nixon and fuck all the assholes that have come since.

>> No.23461905

>limit salaries
This statistically leads to higher corruption, but most politicians make their money via free lobbying gifts or 'consultation' during and after their terms. Get rid of citizen's united and bring back punishing taking money, and remove the ability to spend for advertising and you'd get politicians that actually have to fucking do shit again.
>require public vote on major spending
This is retarded, California does this shit and it's why it's falling apart. Besides the stupidity of adding an extra layer of voting when you already voted for your reps already.

>> No.23462345

Pat Buchanan Nixon's White House Wars
Conrad Black Richard M Nixon
He certainly wasn't wholly 'based' but he was probably one of the last Presidents who actually cared about Americans.

>> No.23462385
File: 43 KB, 397x648, 9781429958233-3054088586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This here is a small collection of short stories. I believe the second or third short story is exactly what you're looking for. If you know there's zero chance you'll read it, let me know and I'll happily give you a summary - spoilers and all.

>> No.23462393

He had the same issue that Trump had where despite relying on conservative votes to get the Presidency, there was a lack of experienced conservatives in politics, so he had to rely on establishment liberal Republicans (keep in mind at this point there was still a large libtard faction in the party) and Democrats to staff his admin. He was quite closed off from day-to-day administration, and was more interested in foreign policy, which gave these staffers free rein to push through the same policies as LBJ. He didn't necessarily agree to this, but didn't oppose it either, partly because he thought that if he acquiesced here, then the Democrats wouldn't oppose his foreign policy, which, again, is what he really cared about. He was basically elected to end the war honorably, which he did, but at the expense of the other reason he was elected, to end or cut back the Great Society and "civil rights" laws. He even used some Great Society programs to pursue his own goals, like a revenue sharing program to gain the support of working class urban whites.

>> No.23462408

nta but can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.23463753

I dont hate the EPA. I think it's important

>> No.23463755

There are big media groups in my country partially funded by the CIA who always push for pro-american policy under the veil of inclusivity so yes

>> No.23463773

>“Henry Kissinger Soviet Spy”, Frank A. Capell

Goleniewski named him well prior to him becoming a political player in the White House-- there's nothing about his Harvard thesis warranting the acclaim, save party discipline and fellow travelers glad handing his way on up the chain. Tricky Dick was too effective. Same for Reagan, or they wouldn't have tried to nix him too.

>> No.23464846

The Workers and Socialist Party in South Africa?