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23458438 No.23458438 [Reply] [Original]

What would you think if you saw someone reading Lolita in public?

>> No.23458469

I'd think they were wanting to explore a classic piece of literature. The opening remains, to this day, one of the most beautiful things I've ever read.

>> No.23458487

I would rub my crotch and make mmm sounds so everyone knew that the premise is insanely hot.

>> No.23458516

but likely they are a pervert
these hoity toity intellectuals always put perverted sht in their books and camouflage by adding lots of words
I have seen this in several other books but I can't remember titles authors

>> No.23458526

Anyone who would dare to read such a controversial book in public is most likely retarded

>> No.23458559

I agree, i really don't understand the hate for the work desu. It is not actually a pedophile work, it felt more like a mystery novel towards part 2 and the prose is immaculate. I understand people preferring content over style but Nabokov has undeniably great style and if people really hate DoA then should they not respect the vision that Nabokov had of prioritising aesthetic experience over moralising??

>> No.23458641

I'd think they're just doing it for attention

>> No.23458647

Probably filming some hidden camera reaction 'content' slop

When I was reading my copy I made sure to remove the front & back cover & to tape the spine

>> No.23458669

I'm more embarrassed reading poetry in public. Must make me look such a fuccboi. Check out this prick reading Frank O'Hara on the train

>> No.23458672


>> No.23458711

I was reading it on an airplane and a 60s woman told me it was her favourite book and she did her dissertation on it
My mum then said she was probably hitting on me

>> No.23458720

based herd mentality retard

>> No.23458733

go ahead, read the pedophilic book in public. But don't come to complain once you get punched in the face by randoms or lynched by the mob

>> No.23458755

Why do women like that book so much? As a man I felt disgusted by it

>> No.23458769

this is the second video I've seen of this exact joke, which in turn is stolen from a post about a guy reading mein kampf on a train.

>> No.23458802

Are you russian, or some other kind of slavic? I noticed they seethe about Lolita the most, probably to cover their own pedophilic tendencies, like they'd fool anybody with this cheap maneuvre.

>> No.23458816

I am not a slave.

>> No.23458832

That's why I read Stephen King's It in public

>> No.23458892

what? it is not about how I view the book (in fact I never read it, but I appreaciate nabokov's works). it is about how the commom people view the book. you can read it in public if you want, but be warned you will get a lot of hate from randoms.
Im not going to address your non sequitur fallacies

>> No.23458915

What book will get you pussy if you read it in public? I assume it has to be women coded slightly more classic but not cliche.

>> No.23458917

If you are reading for this purpose, just stop. We read because it sharpens the mind, keeps it active, not for cheap pleasures.

>> No.23458922


>> No.23458923

Baudelaire 100%
Maybe not recognizable enough to normbots but arthoes will jump you

>> No.23458928

dial 8

jane Austen is the golden mean of classical literature and normie slop. You'll be the first man she can discuss it with.

>> No.23458979
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I read it in public and wasn't aware it had all this negative view. Honestly never had any reaction from anyone lol. I read it before tiktok though so maybe its now a thing (like in the vid OP posted). Anyway very cringe to care about what others think, especially since it's not like reading mein kampf or something, its well acclaimed literature

>> No.23458992

Did you enjoy the part where Humbert cums in his pants after Lolita places her naked legs on his lap?

>> No.23459177

Yeah I had a huge boner unironically

>> No.23459207

I did see some girl at the bus reading it last year. I don't know what I think of that.

>> No.23459209

Nobody would care. Girls are worried about the dribbling pervs on their phones trying to get an up skirt or watching porn on public transport or just trying not to get raped by the guy who won't stop staring.

>> No.23459212

I just talked to a girl who was thinking about bringing Lolita to a bar to get men to talk to her.

>> No.23459222


>> No.23459249

Sexualisation of women starts young. Really young. You might be disgusted, but there's plenty of guys who'll wolf whistle a 10 year old in a school uniform. Adult predation of children is a lot more common than we'd care to admit.

>> No.23459253

Man she's ugly

>> No.23459256

if it was a cute girl i would think sexo sexo seeeeexxxx that little slut wants to get raped by older men

>> No.23459258

>Father, we thank you for allowing us to respond to this thread. Although we may personally disagree with the content or ideas presented in the book. Although we respect his decision to publicly read the book. Exposure to different perspectives Even perspectives with which we may disagree can provide valuable insights about the world around us. It is important to deepen our understanding of the world around us and expand our thinking. Thank you God for blessing us with love and respect for others in public. And lead us to Your will so that it may rain on the earth. Amen.

>> No.23459261

Anaïs Nin.

Despite the commissioned and gratuitous pederastry, she's considered a totemic feminist.

>> No.23459264

was she ugly or something

>> No.23459269

If it’s a man I’d assume he likes stylized prose. A woman, on the other hand, is incapable of appreciating art and so I’d assume she’s inserting as the girl and getting her rocks off.

>> No.23459276

You're out of your mind if you think more than 1 out of every 10,000 women would even recognize the name. Even that is probably being generous.

>> No.23459287

I will never forget the time house workers wolf whistled at these hot freshmen girls and they waved back hi boys. Even i got hard.

>> No.23459297

Not at all, just daddy issues I think

>> No.23459314

>Not at all
u gonna fugg her?

>> No.23459393

>reading Stephen King in public
>reading Stephen King at all

>> No.23459394

Literally no one cares. When I read Lolita for the first time it was in a high school library. My high school was pretty hand off with restricting what kids are allowed to read and with student behaviour in general. The first Mishima book I read was a copy of life for sale that I bought at the WH Smiths in Newcastle train station on a school trip.

The premise is that pedos are insane and will engage in insane amounts of bullshitting to justify their actions, which are actually sick and perverted; the book is an attempt to explore the mind of such a pedo. What sort of person would disagree with this premise?

The worst thing that happened reading this book in public was that I got a funny look from a girl in my class who had also read the book but disagreed with my opinion that the book is good comedy.


Definitely possible

This will not happen unless you live in a 3rd world shithole filled with zealots. In such places it is likely the zealots have not heard of “Lolita” or if they do it’s in a place with an empowered priestly class like Iran in which case you should know not to read this book in public there.


>> No.23459397
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ITT post your face when reading Mein Kampf in public

>> No.23459398

If she was underage, then I'd report it to the police.

>> No.23459403
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>> No.23459713

I swear i saw this exact joke but for Mein Kampf

>> No.23459725
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>> No.23459799

I wouldn’t give a shit because it’s a classic and 99.9% of people don’t even know the plot of it

>> No.23459867
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I wouldn't think anything, I would just listen. Which is what no one else did.

>> No.23459869

why would you read in public

>> No.23459950

>Disagree with the premise
What, is representing a pedophile as an internally dishonest and monstrous abuser going too far?
I don't think this person understands "the premise" if they're disagreeing with it.

If I were to see a Lolita-reader in the wild, I would assume they were just a lit enjoyer. It's an intense read.

>> No.23459972
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>> No.23459987

I prefer to hide my powerlevel. Maybe Lolita isn't that bad but in general what's the point of triggering normies? It's not herd mentality to do some things in private, the more you deviate from the norm the more solitary you tend to become and I don't mind that.

>> No.23460037

>I'm just reading it for the "stylized prose" I swear!!!!

>> No.23460580
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>> No.23460605

Whomst are you referring to? Dolores was not prepubescent. and had already lost her virginity before the affair with Humbert began.

>> No.23460717

Getting all in a fuss about Lolita you might as well get in a fuss about Silence of the Lambs, yeah it's wrong to fuck little girls it's wrong to wear people's skin it's wrong to do all sorts of things. Relax.

>> No.23460726

O my OP

>> No.23460823

That cover alone would justify burning it.

>> No.23460891

>I am neurotic and afraid of others disapproval

>> No.23460897

Never mind the weird child sex in that book, it's reading Stephen King that's the real problem

Meanwhile I'll be out here reading select parts of G;R out loud on the train

>> No.23460916

Unironically this. I wouldn’t care what others think of me reading it; no one would care nor should care anyway. Just read whatever you like with no regard to external feedback, zoomer.

>> No.23460987

I've never touched Lolita but isn't it like a sad book? Like you're meant to feel bad for the girl? That's like reading a dystopia novel and saying "Gosh, I don't agree with these policies..."

>> No.23461042

>Dolores was not prepubescent.
Fair point, I was just using the broad colloquial meaning.
>and had already lost her virginity before the affair with Humbert began.
This is not relevant.

>> No.23461062

All true, but I’m still not quite so sure why this gets them to read it tho. Also, I’m not the guy you were replying to
Were you also a freshmen at the time?

>> No.23462185

Most normalfriends are on their phones when they aren't actively doing something. That takes out like 85% of the people sitting around you. Of that 15% left how many do you think even know what lolita is?

>> No.23462259

>but I’m still not quite so sure why this gets them to read it tho
I think a part of that is related to the overt sexualisation. Girls exposed to more adult literature earlier. Maybe they read it to understand, or to experience some fantasy of control. Maybe it's passed on or taught as an effort to expose girls to the adult world, prepare them.

I remember hearing that a lot of girls that like horror movies do so because in a horror movie girls in danger are listened to.

>> No.23462292

I read Fanny Hill in public. Nobody knows what it is.

>> No.23462455

That's one of the most retarded rationalizations for "I like it because it makes my pussy wet" I've ever heard.

>> No.23462536

I honestly have no clue how you got to that. But good luck calling everybody else retarded, it seems to be working well for you.

>> No.23462592

Why do westoids and Americans in particular get so outraged by underage sex?

>> No.23463364


>caring what others thinks

>> No.23463376
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low power level pleb

>> No.23463483

All very interesting stuff, thanks for the reply

>> No.23463973

Do you enjoy the idea that children who can't really make decisions for themselves would partake in life altering activities? If you don't understand why age of consent and statuatory rape laws exist you are either heartless or stupid.

so its both then.

>> No.23463980

The best part is that he's clean, well-dressed and decent looking.

>> No.23463995

Attention-seekings are the most deserving to be depraved of their addiction with utter desolation.

>> No.23464000

Women plagarise so much stuff, such as reading and publisher ownership, from men.

>> No.23464444

This. People ITT are vastly, vastly overestimating how much random strangers give a shit about what other randomly strangers do for their niche hobbies.

t. Read Lolita recently in public and nobody noticed

>> No.23464446

O my op , my ooo pee, ooohP

>> No.23464468

half the posts on most boards are tiktok webm's, and screencaps of Twitter/tabloid sites.

>> No.23464494

‘Tis a zoomer site now

>> No.23464675

Limpwristed NPC

>> No.23464689

Most would not say FA because they haven't got a clue about the contentious things about said book.

If you want an exercise in courage and challenging others' easily pestered comfort and prejudices (if you read A, you're A), try reading Mein Kampf in public, which I did many a year ago, on my way to uni everyday (London). I imagine reading anything with the austrian painter on the cover is problematic.

Did something similar a couple of months after: read Mao's read book, a comemmorative hardback version (gorgeous-looking). Can only recall some odd reactions, and all from asians.

>> No.23464958

I haven't gone out of my mom's basement for decades, but you're an NPC for not wanting to read Lolita in the bus seat.

>> No.23464962

I read it from beginning to end in trains.
You also think that Harry Potter is controversial because Rowling said that men shouldn't share restrooms with women.

>> No.23464966

>Probably filming some hidden camera reaction 'content' slop
Zoomers are so stupid.

>> No.23465183

harry potter is a normalfag book, no one would care if you read it even if you were dressed as a wizard
lolita, on the other hand, would definitely catch glimpses from retards or weebs (the same, honestly) who would immediatly call whoever reading lolita a pedophile
it is just how it is

>> No.23465208

>harry potter is a normalfag book,
For children, in the early millennium, maybe.

>> No.23465267

if by children you mean 7-12 years, I agree this is the age harry potter aims at
but harry potter is the capeshit of books, and by that I mean it is literature manchildren commonly read and nobody gives a shit
also a lot of young women read harry potter

>> No.23465274

that he's a pedophile
and i'd be 100% correct

>> No.23465284

No one would even know about Lolita unless they’re in the know, and if they really know, which is most of them who know; they will know it to be harmless and insurmountable to any actual book that could make one look a felon.

>> No.23465575

I admire his focused, judging look for what is actually just straight up hentai.

>> No.23467261

Woman: Whore with budding misandry. Will eventually plaster herself in tattoos and impale her face with metal. If she gets fat, she will become a lesbian. If she stays skinny, she will become a group slut.

Man: Pedophile. He's afraid of women. He will eventually become gay.

>> No.23467268

Pedophiles, even those who don't act on it, are seen as worse than murderers.

>> No.23467937

they are worse than murderers

>> No.23467942

This guy fuuuucks.

>> No.23467984


I want to believe that most of us agree with this.

>> No.23468060

>i really don't understand the hate for the work desu
I didn't either, but turns out (get this) the average person is fucking retarded.
Since the book doesn't right out say "Oh by the way, Humbert Humbert is the bad guy, that's why he raped Lolita, fyi" most people draw the wildest and most retarded conclusions. They don't realize the book doesn't antagonize pedophilia because HH is the one telling the story and he's trying to get you to agree with him. Even the copy I own has a little comment added by a """literary critic""" who calls it an erotica love story.

>> No.23468135


>> No.23468164

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.23468215


>> No.23468589

I am a man, read it at 15 and popped a boner to the sex scenes. Lolita was basically my age. Girls that like the book on the sexual basis just self insert and wish to be sexually pleased by a slightly older, strong paternal man, theres nothing wrong with it, there are few books that are culturally and sexually attractive.

>> No.23468683
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>> No.23468763

She just want to get rape by older guys. She is probably pdo.

>> No.23468781

I read that same edition on the bus. A friend asked me what I was reading and I just handed him over the book so he could read the synopsis. He was disgusted but he was a faggot so I didn't mind.

>> No.23468851

Why? Children want to have sex but no one wants to get murdered. Pedophiles provide something that children want, murderers provide something that no one wants therefore murderers are worse.

>> No.23468875

Her mom is actually my landlord. Total landwhale. Father's not in the picture, hence the daddy issues. Thinking about making a move on the landwhale as my in.
wut do bros?

>> No.23468932

I had a friend who was into anime and aware of what lolis are but had no idea where the term originated from.

>> No.23469185

Low tier bait

>> No.23469502
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Just make this gesture every five minutes to show that you do not in fact approve of pedophilia.

>> No.23469553
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try reading this one instead

>> No.23469565

I hate the reputation this book now has

Great book, rightly considered a classic...but so many fucking idiots thinking that Humbert is a self-insert and his views are being advocated by the author...and even if they were, separate the art from the artist and recognize it on its merits

>> No.23469697

Calvin & Hobbes

>> No.23470093

Are you trying to say adults who read HP are not normalfags because of Peter Pan Syndrome or something? Or are you trying to say adults who read HP are alt-right neo-nazis and the vast majority of "normal" people stand against Rowling?
Because I work as a low-level grunt in a Fortune 500 company and my team played bingo games based on the first three HP stories last week and not a single person complaining about heckin' valid transarinos.

>> No.23470132

Controversial? I'd think reading like, The Art of the Deal would be more controversial.

>> No.23470179

>but so many fucking idiots thinking that Humbert is a self-insert and his views are being advocated by the author
This would be easier if he didn't insist on putting older man-underage girl relationships in all his other books as well.

>> No.23470207

>recognize it on its merits
>separate the art from the artist
Not necessary and it'll only be a detriment to forming an honest analysis.
If someone thinks a protagonist is necessarily supposed to be a projection of the author, they're retarded, but I'd say likewise for someone who entirely separates an artist from his work.

>> No.23470334

I'm talking about reading the books on bus as an adult. I've read Harry Potter. As a child.

I don't know how any adult reading hp in public wouldn't give off creepy vibes.

>> No.23470406

Either american or the rest of the third world

>> No.23471430

since most people don't read and the plot is already generally known, suspect him of being pervert:poser:genuine 7:2:1

>> No.23471602

what does she mean 'disagree with the premise'? the premise is that pedos are bad. people dont know what words mean and yet they read

>> No.23471756

Based and cunnypilled
Despite her outward disdain, secretly fantasizes about being Lolita.

>> No.23472238

Organize a stoning mob. Reading is for nerds and I will not have it in my neighborhood.

>> No.23472251

Didn't read Ops post, saw a foid and got too mad. No clue what the thread is about, just had to share how much i hate females.

>> No.23472926
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NTA but I've noticed that people with the "correct" opinions disapprove of men who date younger women, even if the woman is of age. So you can scrupulously follow the law, and still piss off these cunts. I don't know why I should have to pretend that murescent old biddies are attractive.

>> No.23472940
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>In public
Nothing would be more based desu senpai. Bonus if they dual wield Marquis de Sade in the off hand.

>> No.23472986

I can confirm this does not work. I read Les Fleurs du Mal in public (in French) and no one approached me. I was holding the book at face level so people could clearly see what I was reading.