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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 300x401, rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2345737 No.2345737 [Reply] [Original]

Henry motherfucking Rollins, /lit/.

What are your thoughts on his literary works?

I personally love his raw fucked up shit (no angsty teen)

How is he perceived in the states? (britfag here. btw.) As he does seem somewhat underrated imo.

>> No.2345739

he sold out long ago.

>> No.2345744

Get in the Van was pretty good despite all his doom and gloom

Black Flag should get a medal of valor for all the shit they persisted through

>> No.2345745

love him. i collect his books, read a bunch of them. the style changes over the years and based off the type of book it is. he is the reason i am still alive.

>> No.2345753

I loved his book "Solipsism". I still to this day flick through it when I'm feeling a little down.

>> No.2345756


>> No.2345763

He's 4chan's supportive, infinitely more attractive and confident older brother.


>> No.2345776

Jesus. How paranoid and defensive can someone be?

>> No.2345778

I've seen him speak maybe 4 times, going for a 5th time in a few months. Listened to pretty much all the spoken word stuff. Early/middle period kills me with depression (I still like it though), late period is very inspiring and optimistic about life.

Maybe the most important thing I ever learned was from him: there's a difference between cynicism and criticism. The former is life denying and paints everything with the same apathetic brush, the latter is life affirming and tries to make distinctions which life worth living.

>> No.2345786


I think his actions were justified.

Shouting at him "get in the van" during an interview is not respectful in any way.

Also, fuck hipsters.

>> No.2345790


you must be new to rollins.

>> No.2345792


>> No.2345802


"she's got more balls than any over tattooed trust fund kid who's traipsed through here in the last 48hrs"

Henry, I love you.

>> No.2345809
File: 61 KB, 500x347, 1322775937880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be called Henry 'Trollins'.

>> No.2345821


Please don't taint my thread with John Lydon pics.


>> No.2345833

My most sincere apologies if I have offended dear anon, I'd no idea you were so opposed to Lydon. I'm curious as to why.

>> No.2345837


Shitty musician, shitty human being, sellout, etc.

>> No.2345840

Rollins is fucking insipid. A self-professed prophet knowitall who showed up late to the party and piggy-backed on the coattails of an entire movement of visionaries.

Shame that he outlived them and gets to have the final say.

>> No.2345841


Well my dear namefag friend, the fact that you chose to post a picture of him selling his soul doing a uk butter tv commercial was in itself very offensive.

>> No.2345843


Would you care to expand on this?

>> No.2345845

>post pic of some "punk" for a butter ad
>whats so bad about it

>> No.2345846

I believe that my explanation is rather definitive. I'm not sure what more you want.

>> No.2345848
File: 35 KB, 500x385, tumblr_l3pdlrLjFX1qb2k3io1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fucked Lydia Lunch, which was pretty awesome.

Beyond that, I think he's a douche.

>> No.2345849

I agree, but he *was* quite entertaining. He seems to do as he likes, and he's not unintelligent. He's acceptable enough to use as a reaction image in my opinion.

>> No.2345854
File: 54 KB, 506x316, 67362..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>showed up late to the party and piggy-backed on the coattails of an entire movement of visionaries.

What party?

What movement?

What visionaries?

>> No.2345856


Said visionaries being?

>> No.2345862

What party? The first punk movement.

What movement? See previous.

What visionaries? The proponents of the movement.

>> No.2345865


Since when is Malcolm McLaren a fucking visionary?

>> No.2345866


You're an idiot. Please stop posting now.


>> No.2345871

I wasn't the guy you asked, i just used common sense. If that's how you feel, fine.

>> No.2345893

why are his books so god damn expensive?

maybe when he is dead they will come down in price a little.

>> No.2345894

A terrible characterization of the argument. Thanks, anon. You've done a service. Fuck off.

Rollins the literate and spoken word artist is a low brow Biafra, a downtrodden dullard without the education to back up his commentary. An ignorant zealot. A political activist more addicted to the banners than the cause. A man who stews in violence and cynicism who uses the front of "punk rock" to beget further violence and cynicism. He's mellowed out in old age, but honestly, his manner is still as vulgar as his days when he first jumped up on the stage with Black Flag.

He's an early example of a punk rock corporatist and pseudo "social activist". His stint on MTV was sound and fury. Just like his writings. Enough to boil the blood, but not enough to elicit a change in demeanor or action from the crowd. He emphasizes anger without direction. Sound and fury.

>> No.2345898

i saw some episodes of like a twilight zone ripoff anthology that he was the narrator slash host for

it didn't own but he was better at it than bowie at least

>> No.2345900

I could easily argue that both he and Westwood were the true visionaries in realizing the capital potential of a new disenfranchised youth movement that fit their "Situationist" pretenses.

Rollins (like the others) is just another frayed bondage strap on an expensive pair of designer pants. A safety pin on the SEX shop patch.