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/lit/ - Literature

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23454971 No.23454971 [Reply] [Original]

It’s 0, isn’t it?

>> No.23454976

idfk man like 5 or 6. leave me alone

>> No.23455097

yeah it's 0. i come here because i'm an ex-philosophy-major so i have read a lot of nonfiction in the past and this board is so much less bad than /his/

>> No.23455102


>> No.23455116
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12, but it's been that since the beginning of May. I need to get back on the saddle hard.

>> No.23455180


>> No.23455287

12 so far

>> No.23455322

I wanna say 5, but I’m almost to 6. I was pretty consistent at the beginning of the year, then I fell off after I tried tacking a large book (~1400 pages). I dropped that book and have gone to shorter reads, but I do want to finish that longer book.

>> No.23455341


>> No.23455396

I think 8 or 9. I'm not really sure. The two books I'm reading now are massive, so it'll stay around that number for awhile.

>> No.23455401

74 but a lot of them were poetry collections and novellas

>> No.23455487

I read Lord of the Rings .

>> No.23455502

Akchually I started my /lit/ journey this year. Here's what I've read so far, in order:

>Blood Meridian, liked it a lot
>Invisible Cities, loved it
>The Great Ghatsby, hated it
>The Trial, a fucking pain to read but very deep, shame it's basically a draft

Now reading Treasure Island.

>> No.23455528
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>> No.23455548
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you may double that number, frendo.

>> No.23456712

I'm rereading Moby Dick.

>> No.23456772

I havent read a book in over five years. im turning 19 soon.

>> No.23456776

book counters deserve the lash, anyone who keeps score cares more about the opinions from without instead of the knowledge gained from within. I'd rather read 1 book deeply and know the mind of the author than skim over 70 books in a year and learn nothing.

>> No.23456794

That's not true. I've read at least 1000 books and probably closer to 2000 and not just to say I did it. I just liked to read *that much*. Don't discount us so handily

>> No.23456804

71, why?

>> No.23456855

20 including 2 that are over 800 pages.

>> No.23456911

>t. slow reader

>> No.23456916

11, I've been slacking but I usually read the most in the summer

>> No.23456949

I fear not the man who has read 10,000 books, but I fear the man who has read one book 10,000 times.

>> No.23456978

>spanish edition

>> No.23456998


Zero but I’m trying to write one instead.

>> No.23457054


>> No.23458718

I've read 8 books so far this year and I just started a 9th.

>> No.23458953

2, but it was 1700 pages in total so I think they count for more. Dostoyevsky is a master, but jesus christ I just finished Idiot and im broken. That ending was horrible, his other books also end pretty good so I wasnt prepared for it.

>> No.23460242

Zama - Antonio di Benedetto
Zazie in the Metro - Raymond Queneau
Hopscotch - Julio Cortázar
The Long Petal of the Sea - Isabelle Allende
Infinite Jest - DFW (~third of the way through)

Struggling this year compared to last, but starting to get into the groove

>> No.23460328

I only listen to audiobooks, and I only listen to the same 4 audiobooks, but I've listened to them 18 total times

>> No.23460333

But I listened to 15 audiobooks

>> No.23460953
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>> No.23461069

11 so far. I'm a slow reader. But I'm definitely going to read more before the year is over.

>> No.23461534

15 if I'm remembering right

>> No.23461547

>listening to audiobooks doesn’t count as reading
Yes it does, and I’m tired of pretending it doesn’t

>> No.23461591

16 finished out of 47 started

although i find ways to cheat, like at the start of the year i counted every shakespeare play i read, then in april i counted every plato dialogue, and now im reading and listening in french which is kinda braindead easy to finish without understandly greatly.

i can always reread something so i dont really care.

>> No.23461610
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I've gotta start reading shorter books if I want to hit my goal

>> No.23461615

But you didn't read the Shakespeare plays or Plato dialogues this year, did you? So why count them as being this year?

>> No.23461620

I've read 42 books this year. Currently slogging through Anna Karenina. Vronski killed his horse somehow and I can't figure out how he did it

>> No.23461642
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Four of those were short stories but I'm also tracking pages read this year so I don't mind "cheating" on book count as much, it's basically the only thing that can force me to read short stories at this point.

>> No.23461664

13, sweaty. Try again

>> No.23461671

4. I hate law school. Not counting my law books of course.

>> No.23461699
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26 so far

>> No.23461712

I've listened to several audio books so... yes.

>> No.23461725

what's the point of reading more books if in the end you've read less

>> No.23461730

By short I really mean around 300 pages. I have a lot of 300 page books on my to read list but for the last couple weeks I haven't read anything shorter than 450 pages. I've read 7 books that are over 600 pages this year

>> No.23461731

What was your undergrad in? I'm thinking of going to law school. I graduated with a philosophy degree

>> No.23461743

Yeah I had plans to get back to reading, I have time but the biggest problem is that I just don't know what to read. Are there any good fantasy authors nowadays? I heard Sanderson is pretty good is that true? Can Anons recommend me something?

>> No.23461752

I dunno, I think at least 10 so far.

>> No.23461765

You can ride a horse to death in a number of ways, typically by heart failure - spurring and whipping forces them not to stop or slow down even when they are dead tired, and extreme physical strain of a a race can lead to a cardiac arrest in them due to micro-spasms, insufficient oxygenation of the heart muscle, pericardium hemorrhage from an arterial rupture (the flesh sack that protects the heart gets filled up with blood, blood is mostly water, water = non-compressible, heart cannot expand on a diastole) or blood clot blockage, same as humans.

In Vronsky's case though, he specifically did poor legwork on jumping a barrier, landing his ass out of the saddle on the horse's spine like a bag of bricks, which is also possible. A rider cannot just "sit" in the saddle through a barrier jump since he's not attached to it (which is necessary for maneuvering your weight for different situations) - as the horse's jump reaches it's apogee, the rider keeps flying up a bit under momentum, and as the horse lands he has to cushion the fall by spreading the impact between stirrups and saddle, effectively landing on his feet and ass at the same time. Otherwise the impact of rider's ass slams the horse, causing it to stumble and/or lose tempo, costing you seconds in the race. Vronsky messed that maneuver horrendously (probably due to Frou-Frou being his very recent purchase, and him not getting used enough to her jumps), flying straight up out the saddle and landing ass-first on horse's spine behind the saddle with his full weight.

Additionally, Frou-Frou was a thoroughbred horse. Those come with a shitton of health issues, due to being actually literally seriously some of the most inbred organisms in nature's history, all to minmax their speed and appearance (largely by trading in bone density and structure). They are extremely fragile and kinda brainfucked animals. And it was even worse in the XIX century thoroughbreds.

>> No.23461770

11. My goal for this year was 12.

>> No.23461772

adding this to my horse knowledge mental journal next to "ridden hard and put up wet"

>> No.23462279


Join our book club to start reading more books per year

>> No.23462306

There's a fantasy book general on lit that is exactly what you're looking for