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File: 260 KB, 573x800, H.G._Wells_by_Beresford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23454826 No.23454826 [Reply] [Original]

what's the best herbert wells book?

>> No.23454836

His iterview with Stalin (PBUH) is the only thing he "wrote" that is worth reading

>> No.23455217

his interview with Orson Welles is wholesome kino

>> No.23455233

I farted on Stalin's grave in Moscow.

>> No.23455677

War of the worlds is a personal favorite, but the invisible man is better due to it being a character driven thriller, and the 1930s adaptation is a great comedy horror.

>> No.23455708

Food of the Gods is remarkably prescient in the age of techbros, ai, digital solutions looking for a human problem.

>> No.23455738

That's because much like the techbro age, Gilded Age/Industrial Revolution was filled with enterpreneurs and inventors who dreamt big to advance society but also had massive egos and corrupt tendencies. The sleaziness of tech elites (whether it be Bezos,Musk,Nadella, and so on) parallels with the likes of Gilded/Industrial elites (Rockefeller,Ford, Carnegie, and so on). But the benefits and good deeds of the latter were far more prominent and tangible (outside exceptions like Gates and maybe Jobs). Not even the AIs (which are fairly flawed and limited) and smartphones can match up with the rise of cars,planes, and radios

>> No.23455750

citizen kane

>> No.23455755

Orson was like 24 here too

>> No.23456640

Outline of History. Read the part about Napoleon, Brits have Napoleon derangement syndrome worse than any recent case of tds. Fiction - Time Machine.

>> No.23458259
File: 21 KB, 283x406, IslandOfDrMoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the only right answer

in what way is food of the gods relevant at all?

>> No.23458274

Should of shat on it like an Indian after curry everydays.

>> No.23459039

>in what way is food of the gods relevant at all?
Arrogant educated men releasing their latest invention into the wild, regulated by those with limited funds, with no regard for economy or environment, to solve a problem that didn't exist, insisting they then are the ones to solve further problems, with zero repercussions.

Doesn't ring any bells about social media, ai, crypto?

>> No.23460066

it's funny because I made a youtube video where I made those observations that you're making. I can prove it ( https://youtu.be/dYGucdyXRBo?si=1u_4G1pcn1SJlxzZ ) but the funny thing is that reading your answer just now I thought of Covid. well, I'm glad someone else appreciated that book

>> No.23460418

I think coving was the result of runaway capitalism rather than privileged hubris, but I'm sure it played ots part. Neat, I'll check out your vid

>> No.23460444

After he wrote his famous scifi novels at the start of his career, he wrote dozens more that nobody here will have the experience to have canvassed to enough of an extent to give you a useful answer.