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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 473 KB, 674x746, voynich manuscript1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2345430 No.2345430 [Reply] [Original]

HELLO DENIZENS OF THE INTERNET. I was having a nice think upon the voynich manuscript, care to weigh in your thoughts on what it is? I personally don't think its a hoax for the sake of being a hoax because the leisure time and riches to afford the materials, education, and time it took to write a book in medieval Europe were pretty hard to come by. Its pretty clear its some sort of scientific text (for the time), but the real question is why would the author put so much effort into those strange drawings and that cipher? and that's sorta where my brain gets stuck...

>> No.2345438

fuck off

>> No.2345466

It is obviously the language and of a few pre-indo-european survivors.

>> No.2345470


>> No.2345478

What is wrong you people? OP's thread here has an actual potential for discussion.

>> No.2345497
File: 91 KB, 500x734, Bohemienne_au_Tambour_de_Basque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess they see it as a picture book.

Is it?

>> No.2345499 [DELETED] 

A cult's manifesto?

Would make sense to encrypt it in with the inquisition

>> No.2345500

A cult's manifesto?

Would make sense to encrypt it in with the inquisition going on.

>> No.2345504

useless (no one here is going to crack the encryption), hackneyed, boring and not-/lit/ related discussion.

>> No.2345515

No, just based on it's age and thoroughness, I think it was real.

It's probably an experiment from some missionary that tried to recorde a foreign language.

>> No.2345720

Probably just an extremely elaborate hoax designed to con codex collectors of the time, the prices easily justify the time it took to produce

>Based on a 1666 letter that accompanied the manuscript when it was being sent from Johannes Marcus to Athanasius Kircher, the book once belonged to Emperor Rudolf II (1552–1612), who paid 600 gold ducats (approximately USD $80,000 in 2011) for it.

>> No.2345732

Guys I cracked it!

It says, "Be sure to drink your ovaltine!"

>> No.2345748


Elementary Particles, right?