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23452848 No.23452848 [Reply] [Original]

schizo girl ed.


>> No.23452855

I like dick and women but I'm not Bi

>> No.23452858
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reminder to bully troon tripfags out

>> No.23452862

There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!

>> No.23452873

/x/ is such a shit board it's unreal. The average IQ over there must be like 75. There's like one quality thread posted a year and it's usually drowned out by tidal waves of BLUE EISENHOWER NOBODY Q TWIN FLAME HOW 2 SUMMON SUCCUBUS bullshit. The posters are convinced that anyone who expresses criticism are federal agents or disinfo shills, ensuring that discussion trends towards the dumbest fucking shit imaginable.

>> No.23452876

>They aren’t your friends. They will betray you. Just focus on the work and don’t over-expose yourself. Be polite, and present, not too aloof. Avoid becoming an outcast—there are peer reviews to consider. Become an expert and compartmentalize your work-life. Don’t tell them what you actually like to do in your free time. How was your weekend? Good, you? That’s all that’s needed. Make a deliberate effort to keep them at an arm’s length. Decline invitations. Don’t talk about the Army. Don’t go for drinks after shift. Don’t mention literature. Change jobs in a few years.
6 months later....
I did not follow my own advice. Not at all.

>> No.23452883

nobody talks about it but /x/ is probably the most botted board, if you post something actually of interest and not completely asinine bullshit you'll get flooded with three different name/tripfags replying to each other with paragraphs of unrelated bullshit to prevent any discussion from occurring

>> No.23452887
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how do i convince my boyfriend to put on a maid outfit i got for him? hes not entirely into it but im open to a favor for a favor kinda deal... i really love him and think hes cute!

>> No.23452891

i wish someone can post that picture that showed the average iq of the boards here. i'm sure x is one of the lowest

>> No.23452896

say you're gonna wear it with him too to encourage him

>> No.23452908

ill try! if thats what it takes...

>> No.23452940

Depends. Are you gay or are you female?

>> No.23452976


>> No.23452979

all females are gay they literally suck dick

>> No.23452984

Well if you're gay and you're the top then make your bitch dress up for you.

>> No.23453005

Well I spent a few hours in my summer class. Then I came home. Made some lunch. Read a chapter. Masturbated. Took a nap. Then I went for a five mile walk. Came home. Showered and shaved. Made dinner. Tried to schedule a day for a job interview. Now it's only barely 6:15pm and I have no idea what to do.

>> No.23453009

Football as a critical thinking exercise

>> No.23453030

your best

>> No.23453031

everything is going to be ok. Just hold out for a few more decades and this will all be over :)

>> No.23453054
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>> No.23453072

Death in solitude. Personal and professional failure. Rejection. Relationships dissolving or never beginning. Long hours at a job that pays poorly. Cramped apartments in shitty parts of town. Cold winters and cheerless summers. Decades.

>> No.23453077

Ash trees in the lane. Red campions in the ditches. White and yellow stars all over the meadows. The hedges and the animals and the birds.

>> No.23453085

I finally figured out what I'm going to do. I am going to take a hot bath and listen to lectures on medevial Church history

>> No.23453087

the job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, D.I.Y, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters, getting by, looking ahead, to the day you die.

>> No.23453088
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Link me the lectures or be destroyed nigger

>> No.23453105

These are my favorite

These are also good. This guy also has a good intro series to philosophy. He uploads his high school philosophy lectures which seriously helped me pass community college.

>> No.23453134

hell yea ill drink to that

>> No.23453139

Mmmmoney on my mind
Mmmmmoney on my mind

>> No.23453190

You don’t get to be happy

>> No.23453224

Wish I had a life as calm and slow as yours.

>> No.23453230

what is the personality disorder called when you have absolutely no problems ghosting anybody in your life? no feelings about it at all. your own family even, and not for any particular reason, more of a compulsion.

>> No.23453234

idk but you should fix that about yourself if you want to be happy

>> No.23453236

let's keep this hypothetical

>> No.23453240


>> No.23453241

Feels like I don't move according to my will and all I can do is give general suggestions to my body and let it pick whatever it wants. I can never do a thing exactly as I desire it.

>> No.23453243

Ass hole syndrome. It's uncurable.

>> No.23453245

Could also be splitting from a cluster B (or similar disorder), where you actually do care about some shame/trauma/rage provoked by something that happened and now you're regaining sense of control / venting narcissistic rage / whatever it is, by performatively showing how ice cold you are

Common splitting thing with autists

>> No.23453248

Rom. 7:23
But I see a different law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and making me a captive to the law of sin which is in my members.

>> No.23453250

I think I've thought myself into autism. I feel very much like I'm disconnected from my emotions and I think it's largely the fault of my philosophical and religious perspective. I'm not sure if it's good or bad.

>> No.23453255

I want schizo girl to yell at me how much she hates me

>> No.23453272

that wasn't a girl come on

>> No.23453275

I figured out the reason that I like malt liquor and rap is because I’m everybody’s nigger.

>> No.23453280
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turned 30 today. family came over but i was having a severe attack of whatever chronic illness which has destroyed my life and I couldn't enjoy the company or do anything I had planned

a truly demoralizing way to ring in my 30s and mark the fact that I threw my 20s away being stupid then being sick half the time. I hope the next string of tests i take in the coming days find something

>> No.23453289


>> No.23453296

I'm 33 and I'm doing ok
with each year I give less and less of a shit about everything

>> No.23453316

I avoid socializing, don't use dating apps, don't go out, and don't keep in contact with people.
I can't tell if it's because I'm just a big narcissistic self obsessed faggot or if I just gave up on fitting in with people because I never succeeded in the past.

>> No.23453324

what are the symptoms

>> No.23453331

she hates me the most???? who are you??? i started this thing by triggering her????? go away go away who even are ?? I say i would stop but youre steal here leave me alone leave me alone

>> No.23453334

omg lol

>> No.23453336
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>> No.23453357
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I really have been marinating lately on the idea that all legitimacy in politics and law is downstream of the capacity for violence. Hobbes, of course, talks about this extensively: the idea that the State must have the monopoly on violence to preserve order and prevent anarchy and general bloodshed.

But so much modern discourse just looks so fucking foolish in light of all this. Especially post-2020. All this talk of experts, of legality, of the rule of law, of international law, of the rules-based international order... there's nothing behind it but naked violence. And if that capacity for violence is lessened, if the United States can no longer back up all of this with an overwhelming capacity for violence, it no longer exists and has no weight.

Like: let's say there's a great disturbance of the social order. Something like the riots from 2020. 5 police officers show up to the scene. 20 armed vigilantes ALSO show up to the scene.

Which of the two groups has the rightful authority over the situation? We're all taught that it's the police officers because they're agents of the law and invested with legal authority. But isn't it really the vigilantes? In that given moment they can bring more violence to bear than the police officers because they outnumber the officers. So don't THEY have the imperative to act, if push comes to shove? Isn't it THEM that have the greater capacity to assert their will, and therefore the greater rightful authority?

What's funny is that this all sounds somewhat materialistic and nihilistic, but I'm actually a pretty sincere Christian. I'm not going to say the rule of law means NOTHING. But it's not a magic talisman. Especially because so much of our modern secular rule of law doesn't have roots in God, or Christianity, or anything like that. It draws on the whole secular idea of "natural rights" and things like that. But in that case, what really does back it up? Isn't it the overwhelming ability to deploy violence? And if the current rule of law, the current state of authority and order, someday meets its match in a force that can deploy GREATER violence than it can... doesn't all its authority just evaporate?

>> No.23453452

I could kick your ass

>> No.23453468

Watched my adventures with superman man season 1 ep 1 and it's not bad so far.

>> No.23453473

Why won’t she just look me in the eye and tell me I need what I don’t have.

>> No.23453480

Force lets you go beyond structured interactions like law. The common agreements like supposed justice are in place to mitigate the rule of force.
The spokespeople for the dominant power almost never appeal to it is as a reason why you should submit. They always say you should submit because it serves your interests. Nobody actually uses naked force because it doesn't work in the naked form.
To really coerce someone, even an animal you always want to reach an agreement where the animal feels as if it's a participant. You can't beat a cat into submission.
>5 vs 20
The 5 win as long as they have the perceived "moral" high ground, if they're perceived to represent productive agreements like justice they are like gods that can almost do no wrong, the people and spirits of the city protect them. If they're perceived as pawns of corrupt mobsters all they have is the naked power they can directly exert in that moment and they're easy to overrun.

>> No.23453482

Why won’t you

>> No.23453491

Nine Inch Nails

>> No.23453494

well in a severe event like today, my whole left side of my abdomen gets completely fucked up , front to back , I get pain under/around my front left lower rib cage, and in my left side and more towards the left side of my back, even the muscle on the left side of my abdomen kind of feels weird. I get super weak, and the main thing is that I often feel like I have to fight to remain conscious throughout these episodes which is obviously the most distressing part of the whole ordeal, on top of the normal lightheadedness, I sometimes get kind of disoriented in a way that feels like a less severe version of then you've drank too much and you get the spins. I generally find it difficult to focus and cant even hope to sit down and read a book. and of course, most of this stuff usually follows/preceeds me absolutely dumping water out of my ass, sometimes it looks like stuff I just ate comes out undigested too. when i have a rarer bad episode like today i also feel nauseous, though ive never actually vomited. often there is shortness of breath and heart palpatations too

a slightly less severe version of this plays out almost every day for days,weeks at a time, sometimes a whole months without end, where I just absolutely piss out of my ass and feel like im fighting to keep myself from passing out. usually eating dinner tends to help ease the symptoms, so like every other day sometimes I end up desperately cooking dinner while I can barely keep myself standing and i feel like I could faint at any moment

today was just brutal though. a really bad episode, and it started pretty much as soon as I woke up, had to get someone else to cook food for me. I still dont know if eating actually helps or if its just a coincidence that things have mostly run its course by then. certainly eating a few pieces of toast right away did not help, but it did seem to subside a little after I ate an actual meal .

on top of this delightful experience I have now developed really bad agoraphobia from the fear of becoming weak and fainting while outside of the safety of my own home, and also on the psychological front, I get what sometimes feels like full on psychosis and derealization or whatever

>> No.23453502

ow that's tough. i hope you win.

>> No.23453506

I make big fucking toilet-clogging shits like my father before me

>> No.23453514


>> No.23453522

I can't bereave.

>> No.23453541

You risten and you risten good, it butta, I terrr you for rast time it butta

>> No.23453544

In fields of blood, where shadows lie,
The silent screams, the muffled cry,
Meat-eaters feast on suffering's call,
Blind to the torment, ignoring it all.

Their plates are stained with innocent lives,
In their apathy, cruelty thrives,
They chew on pain, they dine on fear,
Each bite a testament to what they hold dear.

Eyes wide shut to the horrors they ignore,
The slaughtered cries behind closed doors,
In the name of taste, in the name of greed,
They propagate suffering, they plant the seed.

With every fork, with every knife,
They sever hope, they take a life,
But conscience calls from deep within,
To end this cycle, this endless sin.

For in the dark, where cruelty reigns,
Compassion fades, humanity wanes,
It's time to rise, to make a stand,
To cleanse the blood from this tainted land.

So hear the cries, let them pierce your soul,
Abandon the darkness, make compassion whole,
For every life that you choose to spare,
Is a step towards a world that's fair.

>> No.23453547

>Feel hungy.
>Think about making toasted sandwich.
>Remember I have no bread.
Welp, guess I'll go hungry.

>> No.23453549


>> No.23453554
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>> No.23453555

>Think a girl is cute and have a minor crush on her for a little bit.
>Years go by and I lose interest.
>See her Instagram story last night.
>She admitted to snorting an oxy.
>She's a druggie.
Dodged a bullet, boys.

>> No.23453560

You could have saved her

>> No.23453563

Doubt it.

>> No.23453590

Thank you anon, I hope so too. aside from the obvious fear of death and existential thoughts that comes with fighting to remain conscious and feeling like you are potentially facing your mortality, perhaps the worst part is failing to be the man you want to be. I so badly want to be there for the people in my life. I want to love and be loved. there's so much I feel like I can give, but instead, I am now just a ghost who might as well not exist, forgotten by almost everyone as ive become more and more isolated, and a parasite since my parents have been taking care of me even though they pretty much live paycheque to paycheque and my mom recently had to deal with cancer, and I cant work for shit, and last time I was working i had a bad episode and I nearly fell off a ladder. fuck, I even miss my shitty job and being a wagie. I hope I will never take it for granted again, what is the world coming too?

also, shit, my family is pretty spread out throughout the region and there are so many of them who I love, so many amazing childhood memories driving around the province visiting this or that person at their farm or whatever, but as I turn 30 myself, many of them are getting old and reaching the last stages of their lives, and here I am, feeling like I am locked in a cage, unable to go out and visit them and experience life with them before they pass away. I hear the news of so and so 70 year old relative that I love having a heart attack or so and so is starting to lose their memory, stuff like that, and it just drives me so fucking wild just sitting here being disoriented and fearful and shitting my guts out and what have you instead of being out cherishing the time that is left with these people. not to mention my old friends, old loves, and the fact that I will likely never have the family of my own at this rate since I have nothing left now and im 30 fucking years old and can barely take care of myself

>> No.23453598

Fuck stalemates, it was made up by a pussy who couldn't accept that they had lost.
>Uh, I know I'm in a checkmate position, but neither of us win or lose, sorry.
Fucking asshole, GIMME MY WIN!

>> No.23453601

im so low IQ and awful at chess that I almost always end up getting a draw even after dominating a game. feels bad, man

>> No.23453612

Fuck I posted my shit in the wrong thread

>> No.23453617
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Drinion and Rand. It's that story near the very end of The Pale Kind by David Foster Wallace. Rand tells her story to Drinion about her time in a psych ward at age 17-18 where she fell in love with her future husband because he truly understood her. The intriguing questions here are about the intentions of the husband. He explains to her that her incredible attractiveness puts her in a bind where she feels she can't trust any man's intentions, that all of them want her for her looks, as a piece of meat, and its this feeling trapped that drives her to cutting. These talks explaining this to her leaves her feeling deeply understood. They talk about how there is no person who can be that truly understanding person who validates you, yet ironically he ends up actually playing that role which she falls for, and they end up getting married, even though he was like 35, and you can speculate whether she made this impulsive decision not just for love but also out of pity, as he had a heart condition that seemed like it was going to kill him soon. But this ends up not happening and they stay married up to the events of the book, which are when shes an adult working with the IRS. It's not said directly but it's alluded to that shes seen the mistake she made, such as when she says "loved" in the past tense, or when she seems to smile "in spite of herself".
Anyway. Subject is whether you can ever trust someone's intentions. Do they care about you, or do they just want something from you? In this case, it's easy to see the situation in a way that supports the latter. Why would a 35 year old man be interested in a beautiful 18 year old girl for any reason other than her beauty. She's not especially smart or shown to be talented, she's in a psych ward for self-harm. She shouldn't have anything to offer other than her body. And yet, the idea that the man would pretend to care so deeply and be this therapist-father-mentor for her only so to manipulate her into falling in love with her seems extreme. But then consider that he's very sick and facing death at a young age. How does he feel about this? That he would die young having those years of youth stolen by sickness. A happy, rich life with a beautiful woman. And so, in such desperation and sense of approaching death, the idea that he would manipulate this young girl into loving him seems not so unrealistic. And anyway, it's not like he tricked her into marrying him. That was her choice. Maybe he just wanted to be around her for that short time.

>> No.23453620

So. That girl I had messaged. The girl who turns me on so much. The girl who is very attractive, undoubtably noticed by others. She knows this. I feel like she shares similarities with Rand from the story. She shows off her beauty, and is showered with attention for it. No way am I the only guy sending those types of messages. Some of those posts she made were just outrageous. I felt regret back then, like my attention had incited that behavior. Like I encouraged it. Which I did. I know I did. Even though I knew that showing herself off like that was not okay. Was she lonely? Did she have that same experience, doubting whether the men who showed care actually cared, and that they instead just wanted her for her looks? Growing up and getting that attention all the time from a young age? Was I willingly playing the part of the husband from the Rand and Drinion story?
Right now I am writing this for differing, perhaps opposing reasons. I am genuinely curious about this. I haven't really dug into my behavior here from this angle before. I think that the conclusions might reveal a path forward, a way to grow from this shameful immaturity. My other reason is that I seem to think I may be able to woo her still with the incredible empathy and perceptiveness I am showing here. Ha ha.
It's an intense feeling of craving. Like life without her is a farce. Like seeing a glance of something divine and then never finding it again. It's hilarious. I'm just infatuated with a hot girl. It's not even the first time, and it won't be the last. Probably a portion of it is an unconscious doubt over whether I will ever have a social life again. Like manipulating this girl into loving me is my only chance to gain this sort of thing, and that her occasional replies indicates the existence of that chance. Maybe this is at root about why I do this in general? I have no faith that I can gain a desirable relationship without using deception or straight up begging. I doubt myself that much. And it's a self reinforcing thing too. My embarassing desperation drives them away, supporting my belief that I can't meet someone who will like me for who I am. Shit, maybe I'm the one whose like Rand here. If "who I am" is a desparate beggar for intimacy, then why should anyone want to come closer? Maybe I'm who needs to grow up.

>> No.23453622
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And why the fuck do I still think I ought to send this to her? I guess I also want to redeem myself somewhat? Undo the embarrassment? Well, I better sleep on it because sending this right now is a horrible idea. She can't see my "earnestness" she sees my actions. Which is why I need to take this seriously. Like an adult.
Well, gotta admit starting with showing that I want to redeem myself is a good idea. But that might just embarrass me further. She's got her own life! Why do I think she even cares? What part of maturing means needing her approval for it? Fucking hell I'm still so desperate to be approved. Or I'm still thinking that this will get me a chance at seeing her naked. It's frustrating feeling, like I had a chance once which may never come again. But it's also something I'll quickly forget if I could grow up and meet other women. Oh well. I still want to apologize or something. It'd be nice to not leave yet another relationship/acquaintance wrecked forever. I seem to recall enjoying speaking with her. Hmmmm... It'd also be nice to not feel afraid of running into her in person. Well, I should sleep on it. It's a worthy purpose but man have I got important things to think about.

Unrelated, what's the point of making a story that captures a desperate circumstance of a meaningless life without showing a path forward? I saw that movie Free Time. It almost perfectly captured the subject, down to the complaints about "capitalism" and the constant millennial stuttering. Felt like I was watching a modern take on Notes from Underground at times, especially the breakdown at the band practice. It was basically perfect. And after some more hi-jinks, the protagonist gets a new job and the movie ends. That's it. He learned nothing, other than perhaps that what he tried to do was a total lost cause. I guess I could feel depressed by the movie. But really I'm more confused by it. What was the point? The people who watch that movie are the types who already understand Drew's entire plight. They already get it. The movie feels wasted.

>> No.23453625

Felllas help me. I can't stop jacking it. My balls are aching, but I can't stop. What can I do to stop? I want to be emancipated from my desires.

>> No.23453628

How do you feel when you read your journal entries from the past?

>> No.23453641

jacking is good

>> No.23453647

I feel good because I'm not in that dark place anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm still fucked, but not that badly.

>> No.23453651

Has anyone checked in on Mira Gonzalez lately? She's stopped trying to sell her feet pics here, I'm worried she OD'ed on dudeweed or had a midlife crisis

>> No.23453673

I like doing truth tables in my free time, I think it calms my ocd or something

>> No.23453717

Even though nuns are the icons of sexual renunciation I can't help but feel that there's an undercurrent of sexuality running through that renunciation. Rather than being the brides of mortal men, they become the brides of God, the ultimate masculine figure. Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, said to be boundless in his love, but also very choosy in who he accepts as a worthy object of that love, and often bipolar. Practically a romance novel love interest of sorts.

>> No.23453719

You know as much as I wonder why she doesn't make a move, i'm starting to think that maybe she's wonder why i don't either?


>> No.23453721

My neetbux guy talk to me like a youth pastor. He calls me "legend" and is always way too happy. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the guy, it's just odd.

>> No.23453742

Theres that girl with whom a certain distance has to be established for full desire - if shes too far then I feel the need to come close even if she doesnt give a fuck about me.

>> No.23453750

Does it BTFO Nietzsche that the first and most devoted followers of christianity were the rich and influential urban bourgeoisie of the roman empire, and lower class people had practically zero interest in it until those aforementioned merchants overtook the empire in its latter days of degeneration, banned pagan religions, and forced christianity on the masses under the threat of death?

>> No.23453752

My family just got home from work, now I'm stressed, great.

>> No.23453759

philosophy is honestly not something anyone should have ever taken that seriously. I'll give props to kant and hume for atleast putting it forward that the mind creates the world, or atleast as we expierience it, Socrates and Diogenes for trolling normies of course. and Stirner just cause he pisses alot of you faggots off, but basically philosophy is useless and almost always likely wrong in whatever propositions are posited. maybe its just endless layers of onion, or maybe we forgot our noses at home, but either way its a fools errand

>> No.23453771

I'm learning Dothraki on Duolingo.

>> No.23453772

Why should I accept the fictions of others as fact? Ideas exist to serve us and our interests, and ideas which are not mine do nothing for me. The external world is but clay to be shaped, not a straitjacket to be conformed to.

>> No.23453780

Ya know bros, I hope you guys are doing alright. Sometimes I think about all the pain in the world. all the suffering and hurt that everyone is feeling and It just hits me right in the soul. I was listening to a song earlier and thinking about that and wanted to cry, but I was at work. I've cried a few times when I've thought about this stuff. And its funny its only in these moments I actually realize how much I only think about myself and how I'm the only one going through issues when it just simply isn't true. It's a painful but thankfully humbling experience to consider this stuff, atleast I've found it is for me. Hope you guys have a good day today or tomorrow if you're going to bed.

>> No.23453786

I'm fine. My issues are only mental and physical.

>> No.23453790

>I hope you guys are doing alright.
I'm not.
>Hope you guys have a good day today or tomorrow if you're going to bed.
Thanks. Unless I wake up with millions of dollars in my bank account, I won't be OK.

>> No.23453824

Literally just don't do it. It's that simple. Hard as fuck, but extremely simple
>t. approaching 1 year nofap

>> No.23453853

Funny how life-denying philosophies are usually created and popularized by successful men, like the Buddha, Marcus Aurelius, or Tolstoy, while life-affirming philosophies are almost always written by the sick, the powerless, and the resentful, like Nietzsche.

>> No.23453858

Quit my job and I’m now unemployed before starting grad school. Feels so damn good to not have to do anything I don’t want to.

>> No.23453879

>>t. approaching 1 year nofap
how's your balls doing? didn't fall off yet?

>> No.23453881

grass is always greener, nothing new.

>> No.23453903

Nietzsche made many claims that were empirical but had very little empirical justification.
I'm still glad I read him because I recognized a few of my mental patterns.

>> No.23453904

>Nietzsche is resentful
I think you misread some french there anon

>> No.23453913

No, Nietzsche thinks actual Christianity ended with Jesus and everything after has been a Jewish death cult created by Paul. He thinks Jesus was the pinnacle of positive Jewish cultural beliefs, and Saul fucked it all up by getting hit with an Egyptian rock and thinking concussion was a good thing

>> No.23453918

Ahhhhh my medicine is being delivered at an indeterminate point today and I need to get groceries

>> No.23453924

I still get wet dreams. Waking up blowing a load into my underpants is... an experience.

>> No.23453926

He did say that there was only one Christian and he died on the cross but if I understand him correctly he still saw Christianity as a cultural phenomenon as a slave revolt, and if it was actually first adopted by the rich that would be somewhat weird.

>> No.23453936

shit's unhealthy

>> No.23453942

No, he sees Christianity as we know it as the result of Saul being a polar opposite of Jesus. He's pretty explicit about it. He thinks that Christianity is basically the worst parts of Jewish cultural beliefs, a complete slave culture, while Jesus had liberated himself from that obedient guilt

>> No.23453969

this makes me want to read Calvin and Hobbes strips

>> No.23453997

I was just carrying the rubbish bag outside and it broke, I had to pick it all up in front of the neighbours, fuck, and here I thought I couldn't feel any shittier today.

>> No.23454003

:( i am glad you didn't just leave it there like my neighbours when that happens

>> No.23454008

should've just left it, kick it onto the road, volley an empty water bottle over someone's house. let them know you’re a serious man

>> No.23454058
File: 370 KB, 1800x2775, A serious man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a serious man

>> No.23454064

Why are Schopenhauer fans so much less cringe on average than Nietzsche fans?

>> No.23454066

If you're a fan of philosophy, you're cringe and gay, doesn't matter who you like, you're all as bad as each other.

>> No.23454067

Now that we talk about Nietzche, he does say in the anti-christ that love is the greatest illusions, and that christianity is the quintissential religion of love. And there are several saints with very... physical religious experiences of that style.
Actually anon, the first christians were all Jews and slaves. The elite latching on to christianity (along with all the other eastern fad religions) came latter.
Regardless, Nietzsche doesn't have to say anything about that because his criticism of christianity is deeper than that.
He compares Christianity as practiced by Christ to Buddhism, which I think is quite adept. A hygenic religion of Decádence for people of sensitive constitutions.
It was indeed the religion of Slaves before being the religion of the rich.
Schop is less digestible, less popular, and less envigorating.
It's normal that his fans are all mild mannered pessimists instead of raucous teenagers and deranged peoples.

>> No.23454078

>the first christians were all Jews and slaves
They were Greeks, Romans and Jews first, not just Jews. Several Epistles are addressed to gentiles (Corinthians, Galatians), meaning some of the earliest churches were not Jewish at all.

>> No.23454083

>I want to be emancipated from my desires.
You think you do, but if you keep jacking off, you obviously do not want to be emancipated from your desires. On the contrary, you love to be enslaved by them. If you didn't, you would stop, wouldn't you?

>> No.23454097

Where do you guys buy books from? I haven't bought any in the past 5 years. I remember getting a bunch of the B&N classics (which are already cheap) on sale and coming out with 2 massive stacks of books for $20 and I still have heartache over losing that collection. Every used book store I've seen is expensive AF and doesn't seem worth it at all.

>> No.23454105

I buy them from the biggest chain bookstore in my country and they aren't cheap from there, like $30 a book. I would shop from more second hand book stores but they just don't have what I want or they're also expensive because I live in an expensive country.

>> No.23454130


>> No.23454145

You a Coen brothers fan? I think they're kind of hit or miss. Like, one of my favourite movies of all time is a Coen brothers movie, but they also have movies that I wouldn't recommend to anyone.

>> No.23454150

It was mostly Jews at the beginning, in Rome, for example, the Jewish migrant diaspora was the base for the church there.
It's no country for old men, isn't it?

>> No.23454157

they've made some bad movies

>> No.23454160

>It's no country for old men, isn't it?
millers crossing

>> No.23454161

I checked the B&N website and it still seems that things are cheap. However none of the B&N published classics appear to be in stock in physical. Did they phase out the B&N published classics?

>> No.23454164

Ah. Thanks.

>> No.23454167

jk i'm not that anon

>> No.23454206
File: 2 KB, 125x125, Hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's no country for old men, isn't it?
It is...

>> No.23454265

I'm going to be fucking broke in a couple months.

>> No.23454269

I'm fucking broke right now, AMA.

>> No.23454315

I'm going to be broke because I'm going to spend a lot.
What did you spend your money on?

>> No.23454320

>What did you spend your money on?
Mostly random bullshit and rent to my mum.

>> No.23454323


>> No.23454330

Massive fucking fly sleeping on my bed and I just can't seem to catch the fucker and tear it into pieces.

>> No.23454333

For me it's a house and expected child.

>> No.23454335

Why are you broke? I've got $5k in the bank and like $20k in stocks and crypto. It's not that hard to live within your means. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but the sense of security I feel from not living paycheck to paycheck is immeasurable.

>> No.23454344

>Why are you broke?
No job. And that's not for a lack of trying, mind you, motherfuckers just don't want to hire me. I'm doing a course for a cert III in retail soon so hopefully that'll help. I'll also be getting my RSA (meaning I'm allowed to work with alcohol) out of it so I'll be able to apply to bartending jobs if I ever reach such a low point.

>> No.23454350

Good luck, anon.

>> No.23454355


>> No.23454362

I refuse to read anyone who takes Celan seriously. Even Gadamer.

>> No.23454365
File: 190 KB, 610x693, 1673952990856870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I got into japanese media or Horror B movies from the 70's-80's instead of literature, probably would have been happier. Instead of dwelling on questions I can never answer and feeling ineffectual.

>> No.23454370

You can still get into those things, there's quite literally nothing stopping you.

>> No.23454374


>> No.23454378

I'm really starting to notice the similarities between movies where there's a futuristic setting, paired with ethnic minorities, and the overall principles of communism. I am seriously starting to think that these movies that are based on a time far into the future, have reached some type of communist utopia, and that it's almost indirectly saying that it's the only way forward and some type of inevitable thing. It's actually pretty scary, even when the movie never even mentions anything related to politics, the identity politics are enough to assume that it's legitimately some type of warped viewpoint that comes from a leftist crew. More on my observations later.
>captcha: KKKMPY

>> No.23454411

He doesn't want to get into that, he wants to be the type of guy who would get into that.

>> No.23454435
File: 302 KB, 1080x1162, 1717358155335024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing other people being some flavor of LGBT openly in the city while you are still closeted is total ass.

>> No.23454440

Look, I'm supportive of the LGBT community and stuff, but I'm not supportive of attention whores, and those shirts are attention whore shirts.

>Captcha: JANKJ

>> No.23454442

Not the word I would use to describe two trannies wearing shirts like those, anon. The other demographics you see doing this shit are cringeworthy just for that behavior. I don't see why faggots and trannies should be treated any differently. I don't care who you support politically. I don't want to see your gay Trump hat or your Biden bumper sticker. I certainly don't want to have my nose rubbed in the face that you're a fucking cross-dresser who thinks he's a woman. What happened to modesty?

>> No.23454444

Actively wondering if I should come back here. On one hand it‘s terminal online poisoning just at a much slower rate than Instagram or Reddit and a diversion from time which could be spent reading. On the other hand, the level of insincerity in contemporary life is taxing and a verbal free-for-all with vague literary backdrops is almost somewhat apart from that. As silly as this sounds I have to wonder too if things get a tiny bit better when this garden is watered with dunking on the oversocialized neoliberals and reactionaries.

>> No.23454452

You look at those freaks and envy them?

>> No.23454456
File: 63 KB, 694x836, 1717410035006074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? They know who and what they are, have a place in their world and a community that supports them.

>> No.23454458

They clearly do not know who they are, if they think they're a woman.
How about you actually accept yourself instead of jumping through hoops to look like a gay man with tits and long hair?

>> No.23454461

dont leave me

>> No.23454462

>I have metaphysical issue
>here's material thing

Do dumbasses really?

>> No.23454463

No you should not. You become who you surround yourself with. My plan is to replace internet browsing entirely with movies . You should do something similar.

>> No.23454471

You can be on 4chan without becoming a loser weepy bitch like some in this thread.
if you're self aware enough you'll be fine.

>> No.23454472

Statements made about the past are far more reliable and far more interesting as an impression of the present and the particular milieu from which such judgments come from than as investigations into the past.

>> No.23454476

lgbt communities are awful lmao, they're unironically extremely "toxic" and full of awful narcissists and sociopaths. a right wing guy is just going to throw a generic insult at you, your lgbt "friends" will actively plot to destroy your life and make you kys by finding an edgy joke you made ten years ago and denouncing you over it or just fabricating some kind of accusation if they can't find shit. do not, i repeat, do not make your support network a bunch of fags and trannies with seventeen personality disorders per capita, they will turn on you sooner or later and you will end up roping

>> No.23454508

>have a place in their world and a community that supports them.
I was talking about this with my girlfriend(female) today. It's sad that many people become trannies because they want this.

>> No.23454516
File: 23 KB, 198x276, 1523007874492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>29 y/o dude
>Worried about balding
>Spend 2 years growing out my hair to make a wig out of it for when I'm old and bald
>Finally long enough to get cut
>My mom begs me to just tell the salon people either that I'm donating it, or to "just say nothing" (???) because she thinks me making a wig out of my own hair sounds super weird and she's embarrassed
>She's pretty insistent and I don't want to disappoint her
>Go in
>Tell them I'm getting it cut to donate it
>Lady doing the cutting keeps singing my praises and saying how noble I'm being
>Still want to keep it
>Then ANOTHER staff member comes in and tells me how I'll be making a sick kid really happy
>All done, go to check out
>Turns out the cut's FREE since I said I'm donating it
>Completely defeated
>Tip $15 for what should've been like a $7 tip
>Going to donate the hair now
Am I a shitty person? If I'm donating the hair in the end anyway then is it all good?

>> No.23454522
File: 83 KB, 797x848, extreme violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like knowing a person you can trust? I can not trust anyone, any attempts of me putting even miniscule amounts of trust always fail and ends with me regretting having said anything.

>> No.23454526

I wouldn't know, man, I keep everybody, even the people closest to me, at arms length or further.

>> No.23454550

>You become who you surround yourself with.
Not really. There are two kinds of /lit/ users. If you are in the right thread at the right time you can find some surprisingly well read or wise people. Just hide the lower quality, lower effort threads from the catalog. Not that one should browse /lit/ excessively, or that one should expect quality discussion. I'm just saying that not everybody here is the same.
>My plan is to replace internet browsing entirely with movies
I replaced my Internet content consumption with watching free live streams similar to cable TV. Usually retrocrush. I think there's a good value in not having a choice in content you watch. You become overly picky when you choose the content you watch and rot ur brain choosing the most time efficient options. Without this choice you are forced to find something you like in something you wouldn't have watched or you're forced to be bored.
That being said I don't use 4chan as a form of content consumption. But no more youtube or other consumption medias.

>> No.23454558

>lgbt communities are awful lmao, they're unironically extremely "toxic" and full of awful narcissists and sociopaths.
This. A lot of troons don't even have real gender dysmorphia. They are just really fucked up mentally and obsessed with the power that being a tranny gives you. Becoming a tranny is such a hot topic issue that most people have an opinion on. Half of those people will follow your rules to prove how progressive they are and you have power over the other half of people with the feeling of disgust you give them. Trannies are allowed to get away with so much mentally ill shit. Being a tranny is a control freak's wet dream.

>> No.23454569

I'd like to be able to say that I've played at least one Pokemon game all the way through but they're just so repetitive.

>> No.23454570

Haven't met anybody I can trust entirely, but there are some people I can trust with some things. I generally keep people at arms length but I have one person and it's nice. I've been in your shoes plenty of times before.

>> No.23454572

Pokemon is JRPGs for plebians who have never played a good JRPG. There's no strategy at all. About 95% of the attacks are just damage attacks with a damage type. Buffing your pokemons and debuffing enemy pokemons isn't needed, status effects aren't needed. Just catch any 6 pokemon, level them up, and use random attack. So easy literal fish can do it.

>> No.23454581

So that instead of mentally ill autists your brain becomes run by pedophile jews?

>> No.23454585

>Catching that much
I'm playing Crystal with basically just a Furret, a Bellossom and a Togetic. My only other mons are for HMs. It's fun.
Chuck of all gyms was actually fucking brutal for obvious reasons.

>> No.23454606

That's only 4 catches, anon, that's about as many you do to fill out your team.

>> No.23454609


>> No.23454612

I say donate it. But I'm a Norwood 2.5 vertex and in my opinion wearing a wig is sad if you're a grown ass man.

>> No.23454618

But I mean morally am I okay if I donate it? Like I'm absolved of the lie or whatever if I retroactively make it true? I don't need to go back in there and tell them that I actually didn't initially plan to donate it?

>> No.23454621

I think I've been wanting to buy a handheld gaming console for like 15 years now.
I saw one that looks like it might be the one finally. My wish of 15 years is going to be fulfilled (probably not given my track record)

>> No.23454623

If you donate it you're morally in the clear. A very nice gesture.

>> No.23454634

Going offline is more urgent for you than anyone else in this thread. You should realize that autism is not what you have. Autists are working in labs, codebases, collecting stamps, studying military history, solving hard integrals, going on hikes, watching movies, etc. At least for the less severe cases. You on the other hand take someone's words at face value and talk in embarrassing ways. The environment you have put yourself in will only extract your political anger until they throw away your dried husk personality and life for it has no fuel left to burn. Since you seem to be able to log onto the internet and browse generally censored sites there is a chance you can grow out of this self inflicted rot.
Another reason to leave the internet is that I don't want to have other people's problems framed as if they concern me. I am not such an easy political tool. None of the news I have seen till now has changed my life in any manner. The only news I follow is financial news. Telegram group chats with friends is a good replacement. Or just something else like a nap in your free time.
If you care about the ideology then why don't you create a rebuttal in some manner huh? You just concern yourself with denigration since looking inwards has terrified you and turned you this way. This time do it with a brave heart.,

>> No.23454635

not having anyone I can trust is directly impacting my life for years now.

>> No.23454657

Jew spotted

>> No.23454686
File: 93 KB, 516x595, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My father started dating my mother when she was 16 and he was 24 (pedophilia)
>Mom wanted to date him because she always wanted a blond man and blond children (white supremacy)
>When she was 20 years old, my father threatened to cheat on her if she didn't have a child with him (emotional manipulation)
And thanks to all these little things, I am now here on this world. Thanks white supremacy, pedophilia, and toxicity, I literally wouldn't be here without you. (Also, shout-out to rape for bringing my ancestors).

>> No.23454695

I should've understood by now that if I ever feel like coming to 4chan and repeatedly refresh the catalog and check for (You)s, it means I'm extremely lonely and something in my life isn't going well.

Instead I should just reach out to old friends or go for a walk in the sunshine or stimulate myself in literally any other way possible.

>> No.23454701

you gonna continue the family tradition or

>> No.23454703

It‘s funny how hard they out themselves with amateur psychoanalytics over an obvious truth like: "Hollywood is full of pedophile jews."

>> No.23454709


>> No.23454710

Nothing is helping I had my psychiatrist appointment yesterday and she only talked to me for like 45 minutes and said nothing useful like all she said was keep taking the same medication which I already do every day and get physical activity which I already do every day and go to therapy which I already do every week even though I can’t even see my same therapist anymore because she quit so I can only see a different one and I don’t like the new one and anyway none of these things ever make a difference because I can’t stop thinking and thinking about the thing that upsets me and it never hurts any less

>> No.23454712

Do you have actual trauma or just pussy complaints?

>> No.23454714

I've lost against boredom again - I've bought booze.

>> No.23454721

mmmmm pussy

>> No.23454722

I just blame myself. It's hopeless.
This is an exhibit for reasons not to visit these sites that won't be in the cultural sphere of any reasonable man. Just think what kind of life you want. A murderous man can cure his illness but a man with no self preservation instinct is laid bare for all to laugh at and take a piece out of just like yourself. I will not be arguing with you any longer. I am neither a Semite nor a Jew. Neither do I represent the order that has turned your screws loose. Do better.

>> No.23454726

I posted that because you psychoanalyzed someone over a throwaway meme comment.
My life is great, I have no delusions and I am not depressed.
Maybe you should take 4chan less seriously, do better.

>> No.23454728

I should be the only authorized voice about nietzsche

>> No.23454730

I'm working on it

>> No.23454731


>> No.23454732


The most racist people I know live like the people they hate

>> No.23454733

yeah I was diagnosed with PTSD by a different psychiatrist like two years ago?? but my life history is none of your business anyway so I don’t owe it to you to tell you anything about my past experiences to prove that my feelings are valid because you aren’t the arbiter of that and no one cares about your opinion anyway because you have no expertise in anything and you are a intrusive blowhard who feels entitled to pass judgement on the lives of other people who you know nothing about even though your opinion is meaningless and you are the one who is a pussy

>> No.23454735

i think theres a shane gillis bit about that lol

>> No.23454744

My only internet usage in six months before this thread has been to do wordle with family and look up lifting pointers.

Yet somehow, zog society is still a tedious trash pile and pedophile jews still run Hollywood.

>> No.23454747

Okay so you don't have actual trauma then.

>> No.23454759

Fuck you I don’t have to divulge my traumatic experiences to you to prove anything to you that’s none of your business and I don’t want to talk about it also in order to be diagnosed with PTSD you have to have had significant traumatic experiences *by definition* you fucking retard it’s literally part of the diagnostic criteria

>> No.23454766

Is the PTSD because someone misgendered you?

>> No.23454782

Did you tell the doc you've been stalking someone? It sounds like you left that part out.

>> No.23454787

Do you seriously have nothing better to do than antagonise and bait people on 4chan all day??? The fact that you immediately jump to such a retarded and low effort insult suggests that you constantly have trannies on the brain which suggests that you have some sort of covert sexual fixation on them and that you yourself are going down the MTF pipeline so I'm sorry that you’re mentally ill and delusional but you will never be a woman, enjoy mutilating your body with hormones and surgeries in a vain attempt to emulate it though

>> No.23454794

naaah bruh not the meds taking therapy going guy calling anyone else ill :skull: :skull:

>> No.23454799

>Human beings have an inherent, unerring yearning for power. When an individual lacks the potential to develop any sense of control over anything else, starved of any means to feed this yearning for power, they will instead turn inward and corner their sense of agency. A starved and weak sense of self-esteem is easily singled out as the one thing that a powerless individual may still claim domination over. It's a pair of hands grabbing one's own neck and strangling that reviled sense of self until it has been killed. When it dies, a new sense of self cultivates within the figurative corpse. It's a hateful metamorphosis. It invents a new individual who seeks only to replicate that process, yearning for power as is inherent, its origins misanthropic and its aims much the same.

>> No.23454810

Do you think that I’m stupid?,? I know who this is because you said *exactly* the same thing last year so if you want to know what I talked about with the psychiatrist yesterday then you can contact me directly but I’m not going to talk to you about it here because I’m not stupid???? And I couldn’t have even told that first psychiatrist who diagnosed me with PTSD about anything like that even though that’s not what I meant but I couldn’t have told him because it was actually almost three years ago in early fall 2021 that I saw him and that was before the really bad things happened and I started feeling so upset all the time so how could I have told him?? And what does that have anything to do with me having PTSD anyway it has no bearing on that because it’s related to events from childhood not anything that happened in the past few years

>> No.23454815


>> No.23454818

Okay, so you didn't tell the new psychiatrist about all your time spent stalking this guy. Noted.

>> No.23454822

>“this guy”
Do you think that I’m stupid???? I know

>> No.23454833

That’s not even what I’m doing,??, but I kind of told her about it but she just said talk to your regular therapist about that

>> No.23454840

>kind of
Translation: you skipped over the part about your compulsive delusional obsession and instead focused on the parts that make them pity you while allowing you to ignore the problem.

>> No.23454849

never stood a chance

>> No.23454850

I'll go insane if I dom't quit my job soon but I have yet to gain skills to land another job, nor do I have enough money saved to be unemployed for more than a couple of months. I'm living the life I deserve.

>> No.23454872

That’s not true??? Why do you always assume the worst about me and characterise everything I do in the most hateful light possible I did tell her that I really struggle with obsessive thinking about specific things people have said and specific interpersonal events that upset me and i told her that sometimes when I get really upset I have a hard time regulating my behaviour and will give in to the compulsion to contact someone who I’m supposed to be no contact with because when I get rlly upset like that I feel like I’m going to die if I can’t do it ???? I did tell her that???? And I told her that I did something rlly bad but I told her it was hard for me to talk about it in detail because I was rlly scared to talk about it because people would hate me and think I’m a bad person forever and not want to help me ever and only punish me that’s what I told her and she said we don’t have time to unpack everything so talk to your regular therapist about this more and I already did talk to my regular therapist about it a lot of times and I told her I did something really bad and that’s why he’s mad and he doesn’t want to talk to me because I did something bad to him and he won’t talk to me ever and I always think about it ??? I wanted to tell her I tried to tell her as much as I could but I couldn’t tell the psychiatrist everything in forty five minutes I don’t want to talk to you about this here if you’re just going to be mad at me and not even listen

>> No.23454887

You're a fucking mess lmao.

>> No.23454893

benis :DDD

>> No.23454897

is Bukowski worth reading, fr? I'll add that I am an ugly binge drinking loser if that helps.

>> No.23454898

I’m not even delusional I know which ones are real and not real right now and you always want to pathologise everything that I think and feel like you just see me as a problem that needs to be dealt with rather than a person who could be communicated with and you think nothing I say is ever valid and nothing I feel is ever valid because you don’t understand

>> No.23454904

No that’s what you are because you take pleasure in mocking other people’s unhappiness so you are the one who is messed up if you find other people’s distress funny

>> No.23454930

I remember you saying the same thing last week. I'm not him.

>> No.23454934

Going to hang with some friends whos going to Seattle. I think it's easier to see why nobody likes the city.

>> No.23454946

I’m not even delusional I know which ones are real and not real right now and you always want to pathologise everything that I think and feel like you just see me as a problem that needs to be dealt with rather than a person who could be communicated with and you think nothing I say is ever valid and nothing I feel is ever valid because you don’t understand

>> No.23454955

You are I know that you are because he always said that when we talked about it I know that you are and you’re lying because he always said don’t ignore “the problem” or don’t avoid “the problem” and he was mad at me before for not talking to my therapist about it and told me I needed to talk to her about it and used the word and used exactly all the same specific words and phrasing in our text conversation I know and I’m not stupid why are you lying to me I’m not stupid don’t do this anymore because I know you are

>> No.23454972
File: 1.38 MB, 390x338, 1682231490996955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, my life is so kino (depressing, lonely, hopeless, pathetic, sad), so kino....

>> No.23454982

>wake up
>immediately inundated with thoughts of suicide, bitterness, and anguish
>have a cup of coffee
>subsequently empty my bowels
>take a deep breath and tell myself that all will be okay as long as i remain persistent
this isn’t normal behavior, is it? i feel like mood rapidly changes all the time.

>> No.23454987

>I'll add that I am an ugly binge drinking loser if that helps.
Do you have sex on regular?

>> No.23454994

it's normal around these parts my friend

>> No.23455010

watching interviews with my favorite pornstars and how I'd love to bang 'em or even date 'em all

>> No.23455033

Waited a whole day for medicine to be delivered so I could go get groceries. Apparently when they said they had it out for delivery, they meant they were just taking it out for a little sight seeing trip before actually delivering tomorrow.

>> No.23455067
File: 90 KB, 640x960, 1717284321275876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna look like this...

I don't want to be a male...

>> No.23455078
File: 1.24 MB, 2920x2920, il_fullxfull.3831248738_4qa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violence is the root of all authority, all laws, all rules, etc. Violence is, in fact, the root of all existence. How could you even exist without gnashing plants and animals between your teeth and dissolving them in stomach acid so you can take their nutrients? How do herbivores exist without ripping plants out of the soil? How do plants exist without ripping nutrients out of the soil? The Sun is the ultimate fuel source for life on Earth and it's 99% of the solar system's mass, but it's also a giant ball of plasma that would destroy any planet that came near it.

But all of this comes at a cost. Every action has a reaction. You burn energy to consume energy. You feel recoil when you fire a gun. You may break your hand when throwing a knockout punch.

One of the most important uses of violence, then, is to minimize your future need to employ violence. That's the legal system. It's those with power using their power to create a system where they don't have to constantly fend off attackers.

Adam Smith speculated that it used to be impossible to hoard wealth because your neighbors would eventually get so mad at the inequality that they'd raid you and redistribute some or all of it themselves. He goes on to guess that the first police were likely the strongest men from poorer clans being bribed by the rich to protect them.

By using some of their wealth to recruit the strongest men from other clans, they deprived their competition of their strongest men and bought protection for the rest of their hoard.

It's not hard to imagine this snowballing into the systems we've seen since then, in which the rich use their snowballing wealth to undermine all competition and oppress the working class.

In all eras, it's in the rich's best interest to minimize violence, though. Lest their personal police turn on them, get worn down, or get overwhelmed.

>> No.23455094
File: 19 KB, 653x249, get fukt transphobes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not material
Let me guess, you've never read a single study on the biological underpinnings of transgender identities in your life so you just blindly assume there is no evidence of a physiological basis for it?

>> No.23455101

I didn’t say anything last week and you’re lying please just tell me why you are doing this

>> No.23455111

There's a non-zero chance that I have ADHD, but getting tested sounds like too much work.

>> No.23455134

Nta but a lot of tranny brain studies are tainted by the methodology. The initial ones were understood by the participants to be a way to access treatment, i.e. if they could show girl brain, they would get hormones from the doctors who would see they had girl brains. When they found out this was not the purpose of the study, those that had been told they had girl brains pointed out they'd lied about estrogen and they wanted more.
The thing about neurobiology is you can give someone who isn't trans opposite sex exogenous hormones and their brain will scan as like the opposite gender, even though they're not trans and don't want to be.
Using it for early identification is incredibly hazardous, because if you were using it for early identification of anything you're going to have a margin of error several hundred people wide.

>> No.23455141

That's a symptom. Get tested.
I've known people that were given take-home tests for it, lost the tests until the last minute, then rushed to fill them out and only got their basic info down before they had to hurry to their appointment only to still be 15 minutes late, then had the psychiatrist take their crumpled form with no questions filled out and diagnose them with ADHD then and there.

You need a diagnosis because the ONLY effective treatment for ADHD known to man is medication. Read the Adverse Health Outcome Fact Sheet here: https://www.russellbarkley.org/factsheets.html

Unmedicated ADHD cuts YEARS off your life and significantly worsens virtually every single aspect of it.

>> No.23455151

You want people to think you're disgusting?
I don't get it.

>> No.23455150

I against I
I and I survive

>> No.23455152

Not taking ritalin would take months off Russell Barkley's pay packet so maybe choose a less vested interest

>> No.23455153
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We're talking about structural analysis. Not anything you can lie about or change with medication on short notice. And the kids in the previous study certainly weren't primed or biased, nor were they all HRT or any other treatments.

>> No.23455158

Out of all Mary Elizabeth Winstead characters this is the one where she looks ugly, now death proof Mary Elizabeth Winstead is pure sexo

>> No.23455200

>Not anything you can lie about or change with medication on short notice
You can change your brain structure within six months by reading maps and the brains they're studying are going to be WEIRD (western educated industrialized rich democratic) raised brains which already have significant difficulties with things like distance and colour.
>They're not exposed to exogenous hormones at all
Where did you find a brain like that? Did you attach charcoal filters to their mother's water supply during her childhood or something or did you just try to hand wave that too?
>not primed or biased
Impossible if you gave them and their parents informed consent on the study

>> No.23455208

The linked fact sheets include HUNDREDS of citations.
It's not up for debate. No lame conspiracy theories matter. Stimulant medications are the first line treatment for ADHD now because decades of study has proven them to be the best solution.

You know why? Because ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Meaning part of your brain didn't develop correctly. So living without treatment to correct that is like being born without legs and refusing to use a wheelchair, or like being nearsighted but refusing to wear glasses.

ADHD is a physical problem so you need a physical solution. And stimulant medications are physical solutions. ADHD adapts to all cognitive and behavioral therapies eventually and renders them useless. ADHD cannot adapt to chemicals in your blood stream changing how your brain functions.

>> No.23455225

>No none of the psychiatric industry would take bribes
M8 there's a reason most all the companies he's worked for have been fined so heavily for misadvertising the effect of medication that they have bigger corporate settlements than BP did for flooding the Florida gulf with oil. That's thousands of patients harmed by literal lying shills. The industry is so fucked it's one of the few industries ever where corporate level officials have gone to jail for false claims about their products. Do you have any idea how many thousands you have to kill for white collar managers to get jail time?

>> No.23455230

>You can change your brain structure within six months by reading maps
To be clear, your claim is that somehow the vast majority of anyone to ever participate in a structural study of brains, with regard to sex and gender specifically, including CHILDREN, were somehow able to alter the morphologies of their brains to align with their preferences or future identities?

That's your assertion? That they changed their brains rather than their brains changing them by just being different from the start?

>Where did you find a brain like that?
You lose. You know how fucking stupid it is to imply that maybe all of these kids' moms were on hormones of some kind. You know that's fucking ridiculous. You have to be trolling.

>Impossible if you gave them and their parents informed consent on the study
You think they sat these kids down and explained sex and gender to them and educated them to fully comprehend what the fuck was being studies?

You have got to be fucking joking. No fucking way do you think you can asspull a series of 1-in-1,000,000,000 confounding factors and use that to invalidate multiple studies that find transgender identity to arise from differences in brain structure.

>> No.23455237

Don't care. Didn't ask. Go read the fucking citations. You're not arguing against just one of the leading experts on ADHD in the world, but against EVERYONE HE HAS CITED. I don't give a fuck what you think of Barkley or his past associates. The conspiracy required to falsify decades of research from all over the world would be so vast and convoluted that there'd be whistleblowers by now.

Take your paranoid delusions and see a psychiatrist yourself.

>> No.23455241

>That they changed their brains rather than their brains changing them by just being different from the start?
That's how neurology works. It's how people can recover from strokes and why there's a special label for brains raised in western education in a rich industrialised democratic country. Sorry neuroscience wasn't going to change itself for your prejudices, it's like a science thing.

>> No.23455250

>No, I only like science that confirms my prejudices
That is a problem for doing science, but it also doesn't help the patients for you to force drugs on them because you can't conceive of being wrong.
At least Barkley was getting paid in money not just ego to shill. I don't know how you excuse it on just ego.

>> No.23455264

you don’t know anything Adderall and Vyvanse can make you go totally crazy they are rlly bad for you

>> No.23455310

You said you would never do this so why did you lie and why won’t you even answer me please I’m not stupid like I know it is you I feel like I’m going nuts please don’t do this

>> No.23455343

Grown-ass lesbian living rent free in my brain

>> No.23455365

Stop strawmanning and address what was said.
If you think you have evidence that refutes my own, show it. I've indicated two good sources now and can go get several more if you want to keep pretending to be a retard.

>> No.23455375


>> No.23455379

>No I want brains to be independent of cultural influence and to lack plasticity and also to be unaffected by exogenous hormones
Sorry, I can't make that happen. It's probably better you get used to the idea you might have to call someone by their preferred pronouns because it's the social thing to do, instead of trying to hunt down a brain scan which can predict gender to enforce social acceptance. The latter hurts people who don't scan the way they feel they need to.

>> No.23455395

Respond to what was said or don't respond at all.
I speak from experience. I speak from having ADHD all my life and spending 20+ years trying EVERY non-pharmaceutical treatment and intervention and finding that NONE of them work long-term. I did this because the old recommendation was to treat stimulant medications as a "last resort" for ADHD.
Well, it was my last resort. I couldn't hold down a job or stay in college because of my ADHD, so I finally caved and all of my symptoms vanished. Not only that, but all of the other coping mechanisms I learned suddenly worked 100x better!

I spent weeks living in a Buddhist monastery, meditating every day, to learn to quiet my racing thoughts and nearly went insane from boredom because meditation does not significantly reduce ADHD symptoms. The DAY my doctor had me try a sample of adderall, I realized I could meditate EFFORTLESSLY at the drop of a hat.

Before medication, it was a struggle to reach a meditative state and stay there, even when in a monastery and being guided by an expert.
After medication, I could sit back in my chair at the university library and meditate for 20 minutes without effort.

Before medication, cognitive behavioral therapy did nothing to treat my anxiety.
After medication, I realized that my anxiety was caused by secondary and tertiary thought processes hyperfocusing on negative things and dragging me into a downward spiral.

Before medication, it was a struggle to do any chore. I used disposable dishes and utensils because I couldn't reliably make myself do the dishes.
After medication, I remodeled my goddamn kitchen and not only started doing the dishes every day, but started eating much healthier, too.

I could go on and on and on. It's a night and day difference.
Seriously, there's a reason people with ADHD that go without medication die significantly younger on average than those that do have medication.

>> No.23455399
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I have yet to meet a woman who claims to be a nihilist. Plenty of men but not a singel woman. Are they less open and afraid of admitting it or are women just more religious for some reason?

>> No.23455406

I'm cis.
I'm just also scientifically literate and not a blithering moron.

Again: Stop strawmanning and address what was said.
The fact that you have to make up psychotic delusions that don't even resemble what I said should be a red flag to you, but maybe you have an IQ below room temperature, I guess.

>> No.23455424

Women are de facto nihilists, they don't really believe in anything seriously only whatever suits them better currently

>> No.23455441

What is it about the Panthers that make them so much more appealing to me than BLM?

>> No.23455445

I had a dream that one of you autists had your phone number posted on this general. So I called to get some book recommendations and you were a total ass hole. What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.23455460
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I have to write a paper where I summarize a bunch articles and provide the theoretical framework used by the authors.
How do I do this? These articles seem so dense and I feel paralyzed when trying to write something. Can any academic pros help me.

>> No.23455462

You're mistaking it working for you for it working for everybody. You're invested in it being true, and fuck this guy >>23455264 if the drugs fucked him up, you got yours. This is part of the problem with studying a lot of these diseases, because if anon who thinks the drugs fucked him up has parents who like him when he feels fucked up because he seems less ADHD to them, that's a success story in a parental report study, and a failure in a self report study. You can interpret people who are on high doses of speed analogue as getting cortical thinning from speed, or from ADHD where the solution would be more speed. Any meta-analysis is going to point out those problems from confounding, from method of report, from varying thresholds across different standards. It is good you found something that works for you, but that doesn't mean it worked for everyone. It's like 30% are non responsive to any medication, stimulant or not, and for those guys all they get are the downsides.

>> No.23455481

Read and take notes as you read.

>> No.23455486
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My runescape membership ran out

>> No.23455488

>No i'm comfortable with my view of gender which also means a lot of cancer patients who thought they were cis have interpreted their brain wrong because the scan says they're trans
You needing to medicalized trans people isn't a good scientific argument, nor is it socially good for trans or cis people. It's just a fancy way of saying
>Physical attribute=social gender
Which is the same logic used to say trans people aren't trans without risky and potentially debilitating surgeries. You're making up a delusion that there's a physical clear cut line for gender, when neuroscience is very careful to point out everyone is prone to hormonal effects. That's why you can change someone's brain to read as though they're swimming in estrogen, even though they're a straight cis gendered anti trans nazi you're keeping locked in the basement to rub estrogen cream on for three months (for science purposes of course)
There isn't any physical marker for sex that should be socially applied in the way you want it to be because it's fascistic to demand people match their MRI gender to make you feel socially safe.

>> No.23455491

The scenery of the bigger city is somewhat nice but there's too much gang shit I've noticed and druggies using it as a safe heaven.

>> No.23455499

>demand people match their MRI gender to make you feel socially safe.
It seems a bit impractical if you can't have a validated gender until you get an MRI. You'd need a lot more MRIs for a start.

>> No.23455540

Furiously masturbating before a job interview was a bad idea

>> No.23455546

>no physical marker of sex because it's fascism

>> No.23455567

My (own) sloppy ass efficient means rules. (not efficacious)

So, I'm decided to remove my testes, but I don't know how to get it done. I haven't been on hormones for a few months, because of moving over states which made them unavailable. I always take my medicine as prescribed.
Everything (my testes, engagement in masturbation) is irritating, annoying, and very aggravating to my timeline. It takes a lot of my time up to do something I don't even like, would rather spend time on doing something else entirely, but begs the urgency of organic needs, demanding my attention as if it matters.

It's not even good, and requires a lot of forearm muscle to carry through, as well as I don't like much of the masturbation content I'm consuming, is rather disgusting and looks quite low IQ, or even fucking stupid, filthy, and disgustingly retarded. The motivating idea particularly that I hammer with stamina my penis is absolutely fucking bonkers, like a chimpanzee or alien hominid malformed and having Down's Syndrome. The image of gender, soul, spirit, anatomical psyche-dynamic or psychosomatic under shit, I do not care. I do not want your cold, rotten, smelly, green ham. To think human possessed spirits called humanity, people engage in this rotten habit is ironic and makes me feel like killing myself.

Under conditions like these, the way(s) to salvation(s) (how's thesis doing?) via proper reasons of life extension sourced looks like
Sterilize, eradicate, eliminate

>> No.23455588

can I get a qrd on schizo girl lore? she is a stalker? how did she select her target? surely not just some random anon... right?

>> No.23455590

>You're mistaking it working for you for it working for everybody.
I'm citing dozens if not hundreds of peer-reviewed papers. How fucking stupid are you?
First you dismiss all of the empirical evidence and express bewilderment at why I would support the science, but when I tell you why I support the science your dumb ass comes back and says "you're mistaking it working for everybody!"

Go fuck yourself with your moving goalposts. What I said is a fact: Medication is the FIRST treatment recommended in 2024 because it's the most effective by a wide margin. In fact, no other treatment works for a majority of people! Medication is the only treatment that works for more than 50% of people with ADHD.

You can take your stupid little semantic bullshit about "b-b-b-b-but stimulants aren't tolerated by 100% of people with ADHD therefore you shouldn't even recommend it!" and fuck off.

>> No.23455604

Literally any meta analysis is going to point out the confounding problems, the non responsive, the reporting method, and the varying thresholds across systems. They are doing that because a black and white answer which smooths data to the point of it being an immediate yes for meds would fuck 1 in 3 patients. You're just not allowed take risks like that for people without informing them you're doing it.

>> No.23455606

More low-IQ strawmen.

>Which is the same logic used to say trans people aren't trans without risky and potentially debilitating surgeries.
No. Because if there is not physical association then being trans really is just either socialization or a choice. The progressive position is that some people are trans and they don't have a choice in it.

>You're making up a delusion that there's a physical clear cut line for gender
No I'm not. You're assuming one. I'm saying brain structure correlates with gender identity and trans people tend to have structural differences in some areas that resemble the opposite sex. I'm not saying that 100% of transgender identity arise from clear-cut, black-and-white differences in brain structure.

>it's fascistic to demand people match their MRI gender to make you feel socially safe.
Nowhere did I do this. I'm just saying that it's a fact and it's real and it shits all over the idea that transgender identity is a purely metaphysical issue.

>> No.23455616

A common occurrence:
>go to store or supermarket
>pick up items and go to checkout
>female cashier briefly makes eye contact with me and quickly looks away while looking displeased, angry, offended, or repulsed
>say the usual polite small talk lines but any responses are very quiet or monosyllable
>person in front of or behind me in line receives a much warmer response from the same cashier even though both of us are likely complete strangers to her
I don't get it.

>> No.23455618

>progressive position is that some people are trans and they don't have a choice in it.
Nah. The progressive position is everyone is larping their gender, and trans are no different to anyone else. That's gender trouble 101

>> No.23455621

What has that got to do with anything?
The only way to find out if that applies to you is to get diagnosed and try the medication.

>> No.23455625

It actually means coping skills are first line, and maintained whether you progress to medication. It's called a least harm approach, and it's the same reason why doctors hold off on other medication you might not need. It also avoids the harm of giving medication without the need for teaching coping methods, which means that people who do need medication don't get stuck with only the benefit of medication when other beneficial therapies should be open to them.

>> No.23455629
File: 2.59 MB, 540x300, nl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend when starting group chat 2 weeks ago: "Guys, assume Discord records everything you say. Don't post anything in here you wouldn't want your employer to see"
>friends all agree
>i agree
>wake up this morning
>343 messages of unironic hitler worship in the group chat

>> No.23455631

Happens to me too. Probably we're slightly autistic.

>> No.23455634
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chocolate and fruit isn't a good combination

>> No.23455637

You picked the wrong type of fruit for the chocolate

>> No.23455646

Here's my solution to this and every other problem in life:
>do what is right (treat employees like human beings)
>be a nice person (be generally pleasant, say "no thanks" instead of "no," make eye contact, smile)
>do an initial, reasonable check of everybody's reactions, to see if I'm getting obvious bad feedback (are they looking at me like "dude are you crazy?" or outright telling me "please stop that"?)
>always listen if directly confronted, unless they are obviously unreasonable/crazy/dangerous
>other than that, fuck niggers fuck normies fuck jannies fuck facial expressions implying displeasure fuck ever analyzing a normie's reactions to me since normies don't even regulate their own reactions and are all monsters who constantly act like total shit and aren't even nice to service workers themselves yet as soon as the shoe is on the other foot and someone is even mildly awkward they will utterly destroy them for not doing the normie dance right FUCK normies never listen to normies don't care what normies think)

>> No.23455654

This. It doesn't help when the interaction goes well for me either because inside i'm like
And I'm not very good at keeping that inside

>> No.23455657

Turn of the century, turn of the memes, turn of the habitat, and to stars and the beyond.

Wear your memes on your brain, body, and organism well and proud.

>> No.23455662

>Anon's gotten into the Whitman again

>> No.23455665


>> No.23455668

How's the universe doing?

Is the rooted terminal objects still shifty in appearance, timeline and data? Is that Holy Bible and your soul still the same as it used to be?

Does the internet fall in the forest with no one hearing it?

How's the age and scroll doing? Are these the images of the right domain- right? How to go there? Can we?

>> No.23455671

>Does the internet fall in the forest with no one hearing it
I'm sure the racoons do, but you'll never get them to talk

>> No.23455679
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Back in the day I used to think that I was schizoid, now I think I may be trans.

The not knowing your own feelings and weak/nonexistent connection to my own gender could explain why I feel neither like a male or female.

>> No.23455680

You don’t know anything I’m not schizophrenic and I’m not a stalker that’s just a dehumanising term you are using to pathologise my feelings and act as though nothing I do or say or feel can be valid and we knew eachother irl before I ever even used /lit/ so he wasn’t a random anon and I can’t tell you everything but he will come in this thread probably and tell you a distorted version of everything to make me seem crazier and leave out all the context and leave out everything that he did because he won’t ever acknowledge how much he hurt me even though that’s what he accused me of doing with the psychiatrist but he does the same thing when he tells other people about it he distorts it to make me seem worse and make himself seem innocent and pitiable he never tells them what he said to me but life isn’t black and white you know and I admitted everything I did that was wrong to him and apologised to him so much for everything that I did even though that doesn’t fix it but he will never acknowledge that he hurt me so badly and tried to intimidate me and vaguely threaten me when I was just leaving my seminar and wasn’t doing anything wrong even and he will never acknowledge that his actions and predisposition and paranoia and anger and total lack of empathy played any part in what transpired even though they significantly did and he will post his summary of it like he did before and he will never imagine how I will feel reading it because he doesn’t care how much it hurts because his view of life is “I don’t owe you anything so why should I care” and then he will deny it and say “I’m not him” and say I am crazy but I always know when it is him because I’m not stupid???

>> No.23455691

I don't think you're either. Take a step back from how you feel and try to see it in a detached way, as an outside observer. What you feel, and indeed your whole identity and sense of self, is in many ways fleeting and arbitrary and should not be taken so seriously most of the time.

>> No.23455696

he must have really fucked you good huh

>> No.23455698


Gee. Then why do so many resources all list stimulant medication as the "first-line treatment"?

Coping skills don't work.
ADHD is adaptive. Any trick or skill or coping mechanism you come up with will eventually get boring to you and it will stop being effective. This has few exceptions, like taking the doors off your cabinets so you can visually see what's in them without opening them will always be helpful if you have ADHD. But games like "how much cleaning can I do in my kitchen before the microwave is done?" always only work for a little while and then get boring.

A root problem is that the formation of habits requires positive feedback, and people with ADHD don't experience the little pulses of happiness that neurotypicals do when they complete tedious or boring tasks, so people with ADHD can't build or maintain habits unless the task continually satisfies them.

You know what helps with that? MEDICATION.

If you're part of the minority that doesn't tolerate medication well, your next best option isn't even coping skills. It's strenuous physical activity. Physical labor that burdens your musculoskeletal system improves every single facet of ADHD symptoms to such a degree that it would be the first-line treatment were it not for the fact that you have to work to fatigue to experience the full benefit of it, and most people can't spend an hour or more every day lifting weights to failure.

>> No.23455713

you gotta be more careful schizo girl. I am a well practiced and subtle baiter. now I know what you look for in a reply to spot your stalking victim. I can mimic his speech now. you'll never know what's real anymore.

>> No.23455714

I told you to wash your hands before shaking hands retard

>> No.23455723

it randomly showed up on my for you page but it cemented a truth I've always felt. the wateriness of fresh fruit next to the milkiness of chocolate. horrible.

>> No.23455731

He’s not my victim life isn’t a movie where there’s a hero and a villain and you actually don’t know how to imitate him because you are not him and you could never be him and I’m not the schizo you are an evil person who likes tormenting people and kicking them while they are down

>> No.23455733

Have you ever heard of punctuation?

>> No.23455740

I'm not trying to be him right now, you're acting crazy.

>> No.23455741

Yes??? I just can’t do them when my thoughts are going rlly fast

>> No.23455742

is the internet metaphysical?

>> No.23455745

I actually think I'm ADHD I can't focus on any one thing it's really getting in the way of things but I don't want to get on medication at all. WWJD

>> No.23455752

Wanna come to place, watch a movie and maybe do the duty?

>> No.23455753

I know I am i know that you think I’m crazy I’m sorry I’m not trying to be crazy if i can get calm i can see things more clearly and understand but I just get so upset and I have to release the bad feelings somehow because he won’t even talk to me and I need to talk to him

>> No.23455756

noted. im done with you. its not even fun anymore.

>> No.23455757

Don't ask WWJD, ask what would have happened if you had this "problem" in the 4th or 14th century

You would have been told "deal with it fag" and beaten with a hammer if you kept fucking up, so you'd quickly discover inner potential for self-control you realize you always had. Now it's modern life so you can go jerk off to ultrascat while squirting a HFCS nasal spray

>> No.23455759

does his name start with an A, perchance?

>> No.23455772
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>Take a step back from how you feel and try to see it in a detached way, as an outside observer.
There is the childhood variable, I used to be a feminine child, long hair, loved dressing up, nailpolish.
There is the sexual variant. I have AGP and can only cum if I am the girl. I also love transgirls, even the clocky ones IRL are wonderfully enticing.
There is the dysphoria variant. I started hating my body. Shaved my beard off, loathed and cried that I could never be a mother, generally had an awful mood.

>> No.23455807

I want to move across the country, but my mother is becoming increasingly helpless as she gets older and lives alone. My whole family lives here, but I can’t trust any of them to help her out when she needs it.

I don’t know what to do…

I wish I moved around more when I was younger so I at least could’ve experienced what it’s like.

>> No.23455818

No one in the 4th century had this problem. It's because of high EMF or vaccines or something isn't it

>> No.23455821

I can’t even tell you anything about him because I can’t tell you any detail and I thought I was getting better for a while and the thoughts were going away but the bad feeling came back and nothing is getting better

>> No.23455826
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ill try

>> No.23455832

nta but google is going to prioritise your results to answers you like and sponsored results. if he's anti ritalin, his results for that are all going to be not ritalin.

>> No.23455835

So, faced with cum, not real, it's just a game, all that. (Yeah, who gives a mccrap about orgasm?) (I want the testes removal, enlightenment and bliss rules)

And then also, practicing 4 step Acceptance meditation we found that acceptance is just 'euphoria.' The feeling of community. Why is this whole movement about being 'accepted,' because of euphoria rules it's used to bill insurance, which is literally shit, because my existence is being rejected since I was a child (that way, for that reason amongst others).

I'm the reason your insurance is billed that way, in other words. (hurrr, I feel bad, because of religion and my gender rejection. FACT)

FUCK. Not even the gender therapist will see me, because they refuse to. So much for tics on boxes affirming the positive.

When signing onto the planet,
Violence is real, and I will cease to exist knowing love.

>> No.23455851

what are you wearing?

>> No.23455902

classis 08'
for what you lost
infinite death
what you've lost

>> No.23455908

A straitjacket :)

>> No.23455915

That's hot

>> No.23455919

So when the employer says at the end of an interview "we're considering a lot of candidates right now, we'll let you know if you got the job in the next two weeks" does he really mean to say I didn't get the job

>> No.23455922

He means what he said but he also means what you think. Move on.

>> No.23455938


>> No.23456706

They can prove it, then. Every credible source says the same thing. I doubt google can dig up any contradictory ones that aren't new age garbage.