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/lit/ - Literature

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2345024 No.2345024 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you guys read in a day?

Does this just naturally happen, or do you exercise some degree of willpower to achieve that?

I read at a rate of about 30 pages every two weeks (basically no reading at all). Trying to up to 100+ pages per day.

>> No.2345032

An hour or two depending on how much homework I have to do. It dips far below that towards the middle and end of the semester...

>> No.2345035

Bout 50 pages in two books if I have time off or it's the weekend with nothing big pending.
For an hour or an hour and a half before bed if I have class.

>> No.2345043

50-100 pages a day of personal reading.

In addition to about 100 pages a day for my course. But that is more skimming and annotating than reading.

>> No.2345091

however much i like

i've read four books since the first of january, i'm not too scared about falling on my to-read list.

>> No.2345105

I read about 50-70 pages a day

I have to actively schedule my time so I don't end up absent-mindedly browsing the internet all day

>> No.2345115

Depends on the book. Some books you get caught up in. I have done it a couple times were I start a new book like it so much I read it in one sitting.

>> No.2345127

that pic is awesome.

It depends, some books take longer than others depending on my personal interest, readability, page size and font size.

I read Humboldt's Gift by Saul Bellow and it took me like three weeks at least but the book I'm reading now will be done by day after tomorrow.

>> No.2345140

50-100. I used to be able to finish seven hundred page books, but now it takes me a fucking month two three books (simultaneously)

>> No.2345245


I take a book into the toilet with me everyday and have done for years. It is a most tranquil setting.

I also read everynight an ebook everynight until I fall asleep.

Depending on how much I am enjoying a book I will read for hours at the weekend on occassions.

A couple of years ago while reading "Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest" I read the entire book between evening meal and afternoon the next day 600 or so pages if I recall correctly.

>> No.2345409

I put a book in the bathroom and I always read it when I shit. Slow moving, but it works.

I want to read every night to put me to sleep, but I always end up browsing 4chan instead.

>> No.2345489

Usually ~80. I try to read instead of internet. Sometimes if a book is really shitty I feel aversion to reading anything after, for a while.

>> No.2345495

>exercise some degree of willpower
There's no point in forcing yourself to enjoy something.

>> No.2345501

There's two parts to reading for me: enjoyment, and knowledge.

There are a lot of books I want to read that aren't the most enjoyable, but I want to have the knowledge attained by reading them. This requires my willpower to read.

There's also books I read simply to enjoy.

In any case, I almost always enjoy myself if I just sit down and start reading. It's just a matter of starting.

>> No.2345526

personally, the book is virtually always one that i genuinely enjoy. the problem is that unless i put in a bit of effort to read for longer than feels natural, my attention span is shit. i have to exercise discipline in my reading, or else it takes me weeks/months to finish a medium-length novel, and eventually reading, as a hobby, tapers off entirely, to where i have to check goodreads to see what i was reading last.

>> No.2345711

50-100 of reading not related to my courses. Like previously mentioned, I don't always enjoy the book, but nearly every book I've read came with some proverb or knowledge I hadn't previously had or analyzed thoroughly.