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23449860 No.23449860[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why women like big dicks so much?

>> No.23449866

It comes from gay culture as Houellebecq subtly pointed out:
>The problem—and it was a new one for me—was my dick. It probably sounds strange now, but in the seventies nobody really cared how big their dick was. When I was a teenager I had every conceivable hang-up about my body except that. I don’t know who started it—queers, probably, though you find it a lot in American detective novels, but there’s no mention of it in Sartre. Whatever, in the showers at the gym I realized I had a really small dick. I measured it when I got home—it was twelve centimeters, maybe thirteen or fourteen if you measured right to the base. I’d found something new to worry about, something I couldn’t do anything about; it was a basic and permanent handicap. It was around then that I started hating blacks. There weren’t many of them in the school—most of them went to the technical high school, Lycée Pierre-de-Coubertin, where the eminent Defrance did his philosophical striptease and propounded his pro-youth ass-kissing. I only had one, in my première A class, a big, stocky guy who called himself Ben. He always wore a baseball cap and Nikes. I was convinced he had a huge dick. All the girls threw themselves at this big baboon and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarmé—what the fuck was the point? This is the way Western civilization would end, I thought bitterly, people worshiping in front of big dicks, like hamadryas baboons.

>> No.23449868

i have a small dick and my gf sometimes complains about it but generally uses it anyway. so i think this is overblown. much worse is having erectile dysfunction

>> No.23449874

because they're animalistic and shameless, governed by breeding instincts. bigger dick evokes masculinity and higher testosterone level, stronger offspring. physically, average sized dick is sufficient to satisfy any blown out cuńt but vast majority of women are size queens either way.

>> No.23449876

Do they? Or it is male ego projecting?

>> No.23449905
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>> No.23449937
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As a guy who has about 7 inches I think I realised what it is. I don’t think they actually care about dick size but whenever I consider the fact that I have a big dick I get a confidence boost which lets me act in a certain way. This is what they actually find appealing in my experience.

If you’re looking for a deeper answer I suppose it has to do with the fact that we associate big dicks with the ideal of masculinity, if you believe in that ideal and strive for it but feel you don’t exactly measure up then it stands to reason it would shake your confidence in your masculinity. Your instinct in that case would probably be to compensate in some way maybe by becoming overly aggressive or obsessive about certain masculine traits, humans are generally good at sensing that kind of manufactured behaviour and will see you as fake.

In other words, embrace your size and don’t let insecurities poison your mind.

>> No.23449975

>As a guy who has about 7 inches
>the fact that I have a big dick
Who’s gonna tell him?

>> No.23449977

Tell him what?

>> No.23450012

I don't

>> No.23450042

sir this is a /lit/

>> No.23450057

It's like the 5G of intercourse. A measurably more robust connection. But ultimately the content is what matters. A woman will have a far more exhilarating experience with a man who has a smaller dick but can turn her on with his behavior than a well-endowed but fumbling neophyte.

>> No.23450081

7in is plenty and the perfect size.
t fag

>> No.23450101

Sex is not real, but if it is, who the fuck would care what women think?
Lol get on my level.

>> No.23450107

This is true. Disregarding female judgements is the ultimate big dick.

>> No.23450114

I don't know anything about this guy other than that he's some sort of internet guy on the naughty list, but that's funny and a good observation.

Also, i find the big dick trend in porn odd. Mainly i think it's weird that men would be focusing on penises in their porn. When I partake in pornography, I usually have to watch solo or lesbian porn because dicks are so veiny and nasty looking IN MY OPINION. Second, my weenie is normal size, maybe a little thick, but probably on the shorter side. Some women I click with sexually and some I don't. But I've never had a woman ask me to shove my entire forearm and ram it repeatedly against her cervix, so i don't think the big black dick porno meme is really anything to carry over into reality and feel insecure about unless you're an aspiring porn star. And since I'm on the topic, whenever people post Blacked webms in /tv/ or /pol/, the blowjobs look ridiculous. Some hottie lit up to look as pale as possible trying to fit the tip of a monster dong in her mouth, just kind of awkwardly bobbing up and down on 1/10th of the guy's penis. Doesn't look fun to me. Grass is always greener, whitebois.

>> No.23450134

The arm isn’t the same as a shlong. You can’t be face to face with your forearm up there. I get what you’re trying to say but you’re missing out on an important aspect.

>> No.23450196
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whack this trolling sht

>> No.23450270


I just assumed that he's living in Japan or South Korea.

>> No.23450296

the same reason men like tight pussy so much

>> No.23450303

7in is maybe 50, 55th percentile. so really it's not that big. I remember being about 7 inches in about late middle school, and being very worried, because most of my friends at the blowjob parties were closer to 8 inches. Luckily, I kept growing and caught up with them by HS and maxed out around 8.5.

7 inches is okay. You won't really be able to hit the cervix, but if you're a homosexual like >>23450081
it'll be okay, because smaller dicks are better for anal.

>> No.23450312

Men lie about their dick size 98% of the time

>> No.23450315
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This guy preaches this but fucks black women. Fucking hypocrite and retarded antisemite

>> No.23450321

it's true that smaller dicks are better for anal, but gay men are still bigger size queens (no pun intended) than women

>> No.23450323

I thought he was gay?

>> No.23450324

You have it backwards. Bigger dicks are better for anal. Fags are obsessed with big dicks, that's where all it comes from.

>> No.23450325

That was a jewish psyop.

>> No.23450337

To be fair, it is very difficult for a woman to discriminate on characteristics of a disposable cuk, wrt a promise of good disposable sex.
The size of the cock matters to women with:
-the small size, which clearly no woman loves
-the thick cock, which women loves ; A woman also knows that men loving to perform live, men love be complimented on their performances as well as to hear that they have bigger cocks than her previous orbiters
-the long cocks, which women loves to think that they could handle and seems exotic, but are bad for vaginal, but very good for oral and anal

The clues coming with an orbiter about financial wealth and tastes are more deterministic about the quality and quantity of entertainment and pleasures not directly related to sex, than the size of the cock, because the size is clearly and advantage, but there is no evidence, through the size, about the ability of the man to make the woman cum without effort.

So yeah. women have easier access to sex, but most men are not much endowed and even the few who have thick cocks do not perform well, in short or mid term, because they think a fat cock is enough. Thank god for women:
-that most women get orgasms from their clitoris
-that most men, irrespective of their physique or social background, love to eat pussy like a true pussy janny [but men are so stupid that they begin by eating pussy, instead of finishing by it]

so what do women rely on to be as sure as possible that the beta will make them cum? they rely on:
-what the betakuk brags about [but men easily distort the truth on their abilities to please women, in bed or not]
-what the other women who selected the betakuk say about the disposable dildo. this is why women talk about sex between them. they want to know if the current orbiter that they have for short term casual sex is indeed acceptable.

>> No.23450347

Because they lose nothing from it and gain the subjective power of measuring men. Historically, women are used to being the object of the sexual encounter (measured by their appearance, youth, etc.) Women measuring men is a reversal of this master/slave relationship and their will to power. Also porn.

>> No.23450392 [SPOILER] 
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hm that sounds about right. I'd say 8, 8.5 inches is fairly normal size for an American? Unfortunately there are some women around who won't tolerate anything under 10. I dated one for a while and we had to use a dildo and a vibrator just to make the relationship work as long as it did. Webm related.

>> No.23450403

>I'd say 8, 8.5 inches is fairly normal size for an American?

>> No.23450432

He doesn’t explain in any way shape or form how the cultures perception of big/small dick is influenced by homosexual culture then he goes on a tirade on how much he hates a random black dude so much just because he gets more pussy then him. What a waste of time to read and actually pathetic

>> No.23450461

How long is it in cm

>> No.23450462

If they made me a mod on /lit/ I swear I'll purge these assholes