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23449397 No.23449397 [Reply] [Original]

Do you know any fiction&non-fiction book where people go and colonize somewhere, build a town together etc.?

>> No.23449400

Foundation, Asimov

>> No.23449401

Read any history of the Americas

>> No.23449623

The Bible? I men from expulsion from Egypt until the end of the Second Book of Kings it's one long journey to set up a kingdom
Atlas Shrugged? But it's mostly implied
I am too curious as it seems like a superhuman task
I may look into it tomorrow, AFAIK that's how Venice was founded, a group of rich and skillful people fleeing from the Huns to the Island of Torcello was a salt marsh and they enticed merchants to come buy salt (among other more expensive things)

>> No.23449642


>> No.23449678

Robinson Crusoe? But it's one guy alone, mostly, Minecraft style.

>> No.23449713

you don't go somewhere and "build a town," you go and establish a city!
unless you are not a European or Middle Easterner, in which case it will be a town even if you want it to be a city
>Gustave Le Bon's The Psychology of Peoples

>> No.23449786
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>> No.23449818
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>> No.23449823

The History of the Kings of Britain - Geoffrey of Monmouth.
It begins with Brutus colonising Britain and killing the native giants.

>> No.23449825

They don't really start a town, that is more of a side effect and unintended/unexpected. But a good book. Growth of the Soil is much the same in this regard.

>> No.23450480

aww cute image :) I would second Growth of the Soil.

>> No.23450622


A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute

>> No.23450643

Mars trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson

>> No.23451379
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>hear me out dude they are like tunnels but you also get fresh air!

>> No.23451392

Swiss Family Robinson. Just one family, but they build a sickass tree house that fueled my lifelong desire to live in a sickass tree house.

>> No.23451632
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>> No.23451708
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>In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
(John 14:2 KJV)
alternative translation gives "rooms" instead of "mansions" but the point is the same: both rooms, mansions, and cities are made by their walls
meanwhile villages have no such things, they live in common and rely on gossip and backstabbing and cannibalism... instead of relying on themselves or the Lord and enjoying each other as equals (unless they are annoying and have to be chased outside the walls, according to Greek tradition)
there are no walls where there is corruption... or even if there are, their role is only decorative, just like the role of the corrupted police

>> No.23451724

Deathworld by Harry Harrison

>> No.23452225

One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez

>> No.23452261
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>> No.23452317

The Horse Music by Maurice de la Horsius