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/lit/ - Literature

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2344744 No.2344744 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2344745

>liberal arts is

>> No.2344747

>going to university in the US

>> No.2344748

"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."

--C. S. Lewis

>> No.2344751

>inb4 Brave New World

>> No.2344752

this puts science, math, and engineering outside the category "degrees which contribute to humanity"

>> No.2344754

I regret not getting into mathematics and sciences in high school. I lacked guidance.

This shit's good too. Can't always make it to the upper-classes in one generation.

>> No.2344762
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The only degree which contributes to humanity is the degree of wisdom, obtained from the university of life.

>> No.2344769
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>mfw I'm pursuing a degree in engineering while additionally studying liberal arts in my free time.

>> No.2344771

I agree in a sense that hard sciences are a lot more demanding than soft sciences, but ultimately one should study whatever he/she loves or is good at.

>> No.2344774

Enjoy welfare.

>> No.2344775

what, you look like a little chink fag who's jealous of william shatner?

>> No.2344789
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If I were in america. Fortunately, I'm not.

>> No.2344796

>implying science and math aren't liberal arts

>> No.2344812 [DELETED] 

One of the most stupid kids I know is ranked in the top ten at my University's engineering program, which is ranked one of the highest in the world.

That motherfucker is as bright as dry mud but he study's damn hard.

Brains don't get you far in math and science these days, it's a hard head.

>> No.2344819

some of the smartest guys I know study liberal arts.

Some of the others study science.

I'm not one of the smartest guys I know, I work.

>> No.2344820

>implying maths doesn't have an 's' on the end

>> No.2344841

Liberal arts degrees are for people that like liberal arts.
Maths degrees are for people who like maths.
This fucking elitism is bullshit, if you want to do a degree in engineering and go work at an oil company or whatever and rake in the big bucks, that's fine, go do it, have fun, I hope you succeed. Not everyone wants the same things from life.

>> No.2344851

> Not everyone wants the same things from life.
But they should!

Just like there is a book that is objectively superior to any other book! Everything can be ranked because there is objective intelligible truth in everything! Yay!

This got me so riled up, i think ima make a thread about the objectively best things on the respective boards...

>> No.2344864

But liberal arts folks have to pay the price by being unemployed and poor.

>> No.2344866

What a boring troll thread.

>> No.2344871

>not getting a hard science degree and reading in your spare time

>> No.2344895

it makes more sense in abbreviating to chop off the end of word than to chop off the end of the word AND THEN stick the S back on.

>> No.2344914

I'm just going to leave this here:

Average iq of college majors:

>> No.2344923

Oh man, I better declare in math or English soon so I can bump up a few IQ points.

>> No.2344938

>But they should!

Nope. They shouldn't.

>> No.2344943
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>> No.2344949

Not when the word is plural.

>I sell telephones
I sell phones
>Bicycles are fun
Bikes are fun
>Aeroplanes are marvellous
Planes are marvellous
>I study mathematics
I study... math?

It's not hard to spot the odd one out.

>> No.2344950

It doesn't.

>In English, the noun mathematics takes singular verb forms. It is often shortened to maths or, in English-speaking North America, math.

Unless you write "colour" and "grey" you should cut that shit out.

>> No.2344951

Is for people too autistic to fuck bitches and get money.

>> No.2344954

OP is just jelly that he's a nerd who is surrounded by other nerds and can't handle the fact that hipsters into philosophy, art, and music are living happily by doing drugs, getting laid, and are having a good time in general. The difference between humanities/liberals departments and math/science/engineering departments is like night and day.

>> No.2344958

>telephones to phones
He said chop the end off
>Aeroplanes to planes
He said chop the end off
>Bicycles to bikes
Now you're chopping the end off, but adding -kes where there was -cycles

>> No.2344962

Nobody has ever pursued a liberal arts degree as anything other than preparation for law school.

>> No.2344963

And if you're fat and stupid, keep it going.

>> No.2344966

That's right, let's fight dumb stereotypes with more dumb stereotypes.

>> No.2344975

My brother went to a school where, if you changed your major three times, then on the third time, they stick you in Lib Arts and you're stuck there until you transfer schools or graduate. I'm sure a couple of those kids were in no way able or willing to give law school a try

>> No.2344983

>contributing to society


>> No.2344984

>if you changed your major three times, then on the third time, they stick you in Lib Arts

Wow, I don't know what's more worse: The administration thinking of the arts like a punishment, or forcing kids into supposedly useless fields just because they couldn't be bother to deal with a student's self discovery.

>> No.2344993
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>If the purpose of a college education is for students to learn, academe is failing, according to Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, a book being released today by University of Chicago Press.

>“students…majoring in traditional liberal-arts fields…demonstrated significantly higher gains in critical thinking, complex reasoning and writing skills over time than students in other fields of study. Students majoring in business, education, social work , and communications had the lowest measurable gains”;

let's get this shit started

>science, math, and engineering students

>> No.2344994

You know, mathematics counts as a liberal art right

>> No.2345004

Even though this is very simple trolling, I feel obligated to disagree here.

I really believe that media, and especially entertainment media, is of huge value to society. It really upsets me when entertainers say shit like "Well, now I want to do something that actually helps society." Entertainment IS helpful. It's used as social currency, it affects people deeply, it makes people feel better, etc. One of the first things humans did with language was tell stories, and I don't think that was some kind of accident. It's not easy to craft a good story, and it's not useless either.

>> No.2345008

Double majoring in nursing and chemistry

>> No.2345009

scientists and engineers do as much drinking, smoking, and fucking as liberal arts hipsters. At least at my uni that's the case

>> No.2345011

Though with all the piracy and complaining from corporations, media is dying

>> No.2345021

There was a time when people used to learn for the sake of knowledge, then you could figure out later what you wanted to do to earn money, then the ownership class decided that they needed more bodies to work the fields, so the government took over public schooling and made everybody think from age five they had to figure out what career they wanted and if you didnt have it figured by the time you finished high school you were going to be a bum or living with your parents until you finally give up and work at a gas station.

>> No.2345031

That's one way to look at it.

Another way is to say that digital media and the internet are allowing enormous amounts of people to create their own media, mostly outside of the restraints of corporations, and many of these people release their media completely for free simply because they're passionate about it. I think that's really beautiful. And even if a lot of this amateur media is not very impressive at the moment, it certainly is going to get better as time goes on.

>> No.2345033

>Students majoring in business...social work , and communications

Were too afraid to take the Liberal Arts they really wanted, and not willing to slug through the difficulty of a hard science degree. Instead of min-maxing like every RPG ever has taught us, they allot their experience points equally in a failed SpellSword setup, and fail utterly in the endgame dungeons (real life).

Education was the only exception.

>> No.2345034


smoking cigarettes and fucking fat girls doesn't count

>> No.2345036

if scientists want to help humanity so bad why is all they post about in career threads their salaries?

>> No.2345037

Yes, I like that

Pretty much cut out the middle man

If you're good you'll succeed

>> No.2345042

I don't think that's right. Up until very recently people had very little choice in what careers they could do for a living, usually just going into the family business.

Public education suddenly created a literate and informed society that was much more socially mobile.

>> No.2345047


oopsy forgot pic


>> No.2345048

I gotta tell you, I'm a shy introvert and my brother is an engineer who's popular and always out partying and blah blah, etc etc.

>> No.2345053

wtf am i reading.
when did /lit/ start making up random stereotypes?

>> No.2345056

If I was a nerd, I'd think smoking cigarettes and fucking easy-as-hell fat girls was partying as well.

>> No.2345060

There are no fat girls in engineering classes. Only petite little Chinababies.

>> No.2345061


Most of the geologists at my university are pretty wild. Lot's of drinking, drugs and strippers.

>> No.2345067

stereotypes aren't made up my friend

>> No.2345068

In my experience there barely are any women in engineering, and the ones who are there quickly get hunted to extinction.

>> No.2345069


Yeah, it's pretty funny, two engineering guys I know are both "alpha"/party/outgoing guys who lift. It's like a living 4chan troll caricature. Incidentally, both are in mechanical engineering. Is mechanical engineering like the easiest engineering field? Neither of these guys come off as exceptionally intelligent/brainy.

I mean, there are loads of neckbeards in engineering too, probably more than the normal guys, but the "partier" engineer seems to be a pretty big subset. I knew an electrical engineeringfag who was the biggest neckbeard ever..

>> No.2345074

>implying doing drugs and fucking someone is everything there is to existence

>> No.2345078

IMO; electronics > mechanical > computer > structural > industrial > rest, in terms of difficulty

>> No.2345079

ITT: My experience, my opinion or what I think. Has anyone actually done anything that contributed to society?

>> No.2345080

I don't know what you morons are talking about, but all the science and engineering majors at my school are on the football team and bag girls on a weekly basis. All the nerds and dorks are either philosophy, lit, or art majors. My coke and weed dealer has a masters in engineering.

>> No.2345082

Now guys, we all know OP's thread is shit, why would you add more crap?

>> No.2345086

>implying football players aren't 90% Comm. Arts.

Seriously, dude.

>> No.2345088

you craazy

>> No.2345093
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Oh you..

>> No.2345098

you must either have a very small school or a very big football team

>> No.2345100
File: 170 KB, 991x660, 1327197800915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, well my coke dealer shot 3 nigger dealers near Rutgers Newark, stole their weed, is on the football team, president of the student association and is in medicine.

>> No.2345109

i totally knew this engineer once and he was, like, such a cool engineer and way popular and when he'd go by everybody would be all, "there goes that cool engineer!" and they'd be all, "come drink alcohol with us!"

yeah and we'd totally like smoke coke together and stuff he was such a cool guy...

>> No.2345110

>Ray Rice's life story

>> No.2345111
File: 39 KB, 562x437, hahaha oh, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every part

>> No.2345113
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>mfw I'm a Chemistry/English double major

>> No.2345117

Computer engineer here. This is the mind-set that annoys me the most about science/math/engineering students and professionals. These points have no validity. If you're going to major in something, major in something you like to do, or something you're good at. Doing it because you think it will make you rich or because your parents told you to is just pathetic.

>> No.2345118

well my black tar guy is a pimp and is running for public office and has a masters in Astrophysics and is getting a second one in radiology and worked as a ghost writer for Carl Sagan in the '80s and put Stephen Hawking in a wheel chair but it got covered up.

>> No.2345125

How come every post of yours is shit? I mean, really. Take a look at this:



What the fuck man. How can a human being spew that much crap? Do you use a text generator or something?

>> No.2345133


what do you post thats so great idiot fucker

>> No.2345138

>Not making use of the information age and studying everything

>> No.2345141

I don't have a tripcode. I don't think every post of mine must be remembered and associated with a unique name. I have nothing against tripcode but for the love of God, stop shitposting.

>> No.2345142

>Interestingly, my associate who holds a Masters degree in actuarial mathematics and masters in anthropology is now a PhD canditate in differential fluxual transgretions in higgs particle at Oxford. He found the Higgs particle at the Cern research center, only being a research assistant. At the very same time selling secrets to Russian spies and running a human trafficking/prostution operation out of Serbia.

>> No.2345147


you are under no obligation to remember my posts

you need to learn to forget and move on, anon

>> No.2345157

wow someone really struck a chord.
I'm gonna have to remember this technique.

>> No.2345159

>I'm a metro and bus driver, beat that bitch.

>> No.2345190

>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

When you're anonymous, your responsibility over a post's quality ends with the end of the post. That is to say, when you post shit, people will say you're a retard, but they're only saying it based on the content of ONE post. That's not very harmful - except when everyone starts shitposting at the same time, it's called cancer.

However, as a tripfag, you have to be more responsible. You are being judged about ALL your posts; and thanks to the archivers, we have a much larger amount of data and we exactly know how to judge a tripfag. Mind the quality of your post when you're using a tripcode.

Now, there are good tripfags. Some tripfags on /sci/ are cool, and many tripfags on /tg/ are awesome. That's because they post worthwhile contributions to a thread and increase the board's overall quality with their posts. I've noticed you don't belong to this category of tripfags, as this shitposting in >>2345125 can attest. Please reconsider your use of a tripcode and/or the quality of your posts when using that tripcode.

>> No.2345199
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>Some tripfags on /sci/ are cool

>> No.2345203

Yes yes one form of thought is superior to another. I think about things that matter and the rest of you are dumb children staring at your bellybuttons. I'm proDUCTive, I work towards a goal, united with my fellows, we fuck and orgy our way towards something new and beautiful. Except some of us have to die, to lose, to be used. Just the way that it goes right. No choice in the matter. The sea carries us away.

>> No.2345205


Psistar and Josef are. They do post math and physics, and that's all it needs in a board about science and math.

>> No.2345211

Josef is gone. He couldn't cope with the constant shit, I couldn't either. I stopped visiting/posting on /sci/ a couple weeks ago.

Psistar's knowledge extends to a treatment of remedial calculus and 1st year physics. He's a troll, for the most part. /sci/ literally became /b/ 2.0 over the last couple of months.

>> No.2345221

/sci/ has been trolled so much that it thinks everyone is a troll. At least Psistar CAN do physics and math, and that makes him a worthier contributor than 90% of /sci/. Also he can solve Putnams.

What /sci/ needs is /phi/ - Religion and Philosophy.

>> No.2345222


do let's be real here, friend: any post in a rehashed offtopic trollthread like this one is going to perforce be a shitpost

when an op posts something this uninspired and gets replies, clearly the social contract among posters has broken down -- the injunction contra shitposting is suspended, and indeed, it becomes a responsibility to shitpost

these posts are the posts this thread deserves and at least i have had the good graces to sage them; can you say the same?

>> No.2345230

just because someone posts a thread doesn't mean you have to reply. just because someone acts stupid doesn't mean you should.
also lol at how earnestly yr trying to save face

>> No.2345231

>do let's be real here, friend: any post in a rehashed offtopic trollthread like this one is going to perforce be a shitpost

That's no reason to make it shittier.

>when an op posts something this uninspired and gets replies, clearly the social contract among posters has broken down -- the injunction contra shitposting is suspended, and indeed, it becomes a responsibility to shitpost

No it doesn't. When a dog starts shitting on the street will you place your butt at his side and shit with him?

>these posts are the posts this thread deserves and at least i have had the good graces to sage them; can you say the same?
My bad; the captcha always steals my sage.

>> No.2345236

Well, my brother's just how you described, and he's aerospace, which I suspect isn't too easy.

>> No.2345242

>Psistar's knowledge extends to a treatment of remedial calculus and 1st year physics.
How would you know this

>> No.2345244
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Now I feel bad, I majored in comm.

>> No.2345287

>not being born into wealth and dropping out of high school and living it up all day erryday.

Get on my level.

>> No.2345307
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pic related, it's required reading for every trust fund loser

>> No.2345313

>being born wealthy
>not following unpragmatic abstract passions

nouveau riche detected

>> No.2345317
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>92 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Have we been invaded by /sci/ now, or have you just fallen for a troll thread again?

>> No.2345322

Who's saying I haven't?

>> No.2345323
File: 97 KB, 500x323, tumblr_ly2vu61ku51qdh0yeo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW I double majored in political science and history at the taxpayers expense because my parents were too poor to put me through college. That means: I did not pay a single dime for my 4 year liberal arts degrees at a Public Ivy. Room, board and tuition were all free. Get on my fucking level, bitches.

>> No.2345324

separated at birth??

>> No.2345327


>> No.2345331

you. unless your "living it up errday" is your "unpragmatic abstract passion"

>> No.2345332
File: 44 KB, 211x342, masefield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It frustrates me that there isn't a simple answer when it comes to what to major in. I've got the "smarts" for anything but I lack direction. Already almost halfway through college and I'm terrified I'm going to fuck everything up by picking something awful.

This is the problem of having no real goals in life aside from being comfy and writing shit on the side.

>> No.2345335

unless you're using some idiotically personal definition of "living it up", then you did.

>> No.2345336

Goals are for faggots.

>> No.2345343

That's easy to say in any other situation, not so easy when you're busy straddling the business and science sides of the school and getting weird looks from both.

>> No.2345354

Pursuing unpragmatic abstract passions can't be considered 'living it up'? I won't get into specifics but my interests are eccentric and their pursuit entails the highest form of personal satisfaction.

>> No.2345355

>I like to masturbate

>> No.2345358

>i have a fetish and jerk off all day

do you even know what abstract means

>> No.2345370

I love sluts

(sorry dunno how to greentext lol)

>> No.2345376

>On 4chan
>Living the dream

>> No.2345410


There is, it's called The Bible.

>> No.2345936

Correct, Christianity is what benefits humanity.

>> No.2345944
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>I have none of those

>> No.2345966

I just graduated from a liberal arts school in the god-tier northeast (Connecticut aka smartypantsville swag). Didn't read shit, call people gay, etc.

>> No.2345975

>mfw I'm pursuing a PhD in Psychology
>mfw I can be employed and conduct research
>mfw I can still explore the human condition and all that "meaning of it all" stuff.
>mfw I have no face

Seriously, why doesn't anyone who wants to write, paint, etc just study Psych?

>> No.2346030

liberal arts is for intellectuals who don't give a fuck about the general public.

go fuck yourself, OP.

>> No.2346032

collectivist faggot detected

kill yourself

>> No.2346038

angsty 15 year old detected.

grow up.

>> No.2346055


Puremathfag here. I get to not care about the general public, do nothing of practical use, and still get the respect of academics in pretty much every discipline. U mad?

>> No.2346067

My grades allow me to become almost anything I want to. Considered biology for some time, but decided to become an artist.

My family hates me for it.

>> No.2346074

>collectivist calling someone else a fifteen year old

so cute.


hi fellow mathfag what's your field?

>> No.2346082

Ate you implying mathematics does not contribute to humanity?

>> No.2346087

most mathematicians don't really care about doing that. maths for maths' sake seems to be the general idea.

>> No.2346114

I agree, liberal arts are mastubartion, sexual intercourse is better, and real sciences are the real deal. And I can only hope I become a man of science, have sex on regular basis and never masturbate ever again.

>> No.2346115


Don't knock masturbation. It's sex with someone I care about.

>> No.2346133

promicuous sex is a disgusting degenerate thing.

>> No.2346142


How come?

>> No.2346145

What, psychology is that low?

Over here you need an excellent GPA to even get admitted for psychology classes at most universities.

>> No.2346149

cuz reality and morality?
>it feels good so it has to be good

>> No.2346150

Over hear you need a vagina and a rich daddy.

>> No.2346151


Psychology's only got a bad reputation because of all the people who graduate from it and go into Social Work.

PhD in Psych is master race.

>> No.2346153


>reality and morality

Try again and say something substantial this time.

>> No.2346156

I think it's more of "more people can pretend to be smart in liberal arts cause they can't be proven wrong"

>> No.2346157

While liberal arts are a lot more opinion based, they are by no means complete stranger to empiricism.

>> No.2346161


Speaking as a LibArts (Psych and Philosophy) major, this is true to a large extent. Subjectivity does tend to breed navel-gazing.

However, the highly developed use of language that most Arts graduates emerge with is hard to learn by any other means.

>> No.2346426

>However, the highly developed use of language that most Arts graduates emerge with is hard to learn by any other means.

Except for reading that is.

>> No.2346466
File: 36 KB, 500x366, memes_come_at_me_bro1_Memebase_52-s500x366-192888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mathematics and philosophy dual major.

Come at me.

>> No.2346471

...why? So you can count the change from my Frappe Mocha without looking at the register?

>> No.2346474
File: 28 KB, 413x395, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2346476

Enjoy not being specialized enough in either to do any amount of research.

>> No.2346477

You're my hero.

>> No.2346489

Wrong change pisses me off. So does instant coffee, you savage.

>> No.2346491

I'll probably end up getting a PhD in mathematics, but, if I could go back in time, I wouldn't trade my years studying philosophy for anything. The stuff I've learned is useful beyond a purely academic vantage point. So is math, but philosophy, not to sound cliche, is really the study of life.

>> No.2346495

Objectivity is boring.

>> No.2346500
File: 202 KB, 1070x898, tiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get this shit started.

>> No.2346519


Differentiate analytical and continental philosophy, put analytical philosophy in top tier.

Everything in that picture that's in top tier needs to move to mid tier.

Medicine, engineering, astronomy should go in top tier.

Economics should be moved up to mid tier.

>> No.2346522

It's funny that engineers think they're the "master race", when in reality it's just tech school on steroids. Any idiot with a good work ethic can make it through, as long as they do the homework as a daily ritual.

That's the thing; most people don't/can't work that hard. They lack the persistence and drive to actually slog through all of those labs, all of the book exercises, the group projects, etc.

For original thinking, (unless you were an astounding tinkerer who built models, ran tests in the spare time), I would have to give distinction to liberal arts majors, specifically literature/philosophy.

However, for hard work (which honestly, is much rarer than intelligence), I would have to give to the science/engineering majors.

>> No.2346529

>analytical philosophy

>> No.2346532


You're right, god tier is more suitable.

>> No.2346537

Economics is mid tier. I agree with that. Astronomy should move down to Top though. Engineering is too broad and should also move down, although Rocket Engineering/ Chemical Engineering is vastly superior to Civil or Mechanical.
Medicine requires a shit ton of knowledge though. As such, it should remain in god tier.

>> No.2346549


>Astronomy should move down to Top though.

I said that.

>Engineering is too broad and should also move down, although Rocket Engineering/ Chemical Engineering is vastly superior to Civil or Mechanical.

I can agree with that.

>Medicine requires a shit ton of knowledge though. As such, it should remain in god tier.

No. Simply because it requires you to memorize a bunch of shit does not mean it should go in god tier. It fits much nicer into the top tier category.

>> No.2346551

>For original thinking, (unless you were an astounding tinkerer who built models, ran tests in the spare time)
I disagree. A good example is the use of metaphor in design; "We designed the building around the idea of a boat". That's the trick, not "And I think you'll find that this particular length of member is optimal", because students don't know dick about the reality of the application, and seem to take ages to work out that design is iterative.

This is the same, more or less, for any discipline. It's the academic criticism that's different.

>> No.2346554

Medic here. You're a bunch of fucking idiots for trying to compare unrelated degrees like this. Whilst I did quite well at English in school, and my course probably does have a bit more work involved, there's no way I could get a good degree in English because epic poems like Paradise Lost and so on do absolutely nothing for me and from what I've heard about literary criticism it sounds really fucking boring. Different people have different talents, there's not really this ascending scale of difficulty or usefulness or whatever you're trying to point out with these inane 'tier' threads.

>> No.2346560


>Different people have different talents, there's not really this ascending scale of difficulty or usefulness or whatever you're trying to point out with these inane 'tier' threads.

I agree completely, but we shouldn't be surprised. This is all human nature. We want to feel part of a group and nothing endues a group with a sense of belong quite as much as its hatred and contempt towards another group.

>> No.2346561

>being a non-holistic medic
Yeah, sure, absolutely nothing is related to anything else.

>> No.2346564


>medic here ask me anything reddit yes i'm a medic.

>> No.2346565

>still holding a idealistic image of college where one gains knowledge, explores and blossoms, and actually befriend intellectually stimulating people
>not realizing college education is a commodity
>i don't know what's more hilarious, students or teachers inspired by dead poets society

>> No.2346569
File: 284 KB, 580x382, 1315629501041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It may be a commodity, but at least it gets you a job!