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/lit/ - Literature

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23443042 No.23443042 [Reply] [Original]

Magic Castle Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23425174

>> No.23443158

You know what's cooler than a magic castle? Sewers. Sewer sections are so cool.

>> No.23443214
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is it good?

>> No.23443369

What did Frank Herbert mean when he wrote the teen male using his sexual prowess to subdue and subordinate the middle aged prostitute?

>> No.23443370

>galbatorix used to tell murtagh stories of that time he won his war by kicking vrael in the nuts
based paolini, thank you for continuing the cringe kino tradition

>> No.23443421
File: 148 KB, 1443x2200, I Who Have Never Known Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Who Have Never Known Men (1995,1997/2022) - Jacqueline Harpman, translated from French by Ros Schwartz

Thirty nine women and a child are imprisoned. The guards never interact with them other than to warn, punish, or feed. None know how they got here, why they're here, or how long it's been. The thirty nine women remember what life was like before they arrived, but the child doesn't. How does a person develop bereft of society, culture, family, and almost all other signifiers of what it means to be human? What sort of person will they become? How will this person function if they're freed? This is science fiction in the sense that it explores a singular idea to exclusion of all else. The speculative elements give the story an absurd and surreal feeling. I have experienced other works that have similarities and I can say without qualification that this explores it the best and most thoroughly of anything I know.

This is a profoundly sad story about alienation, or at least that's closest word I know for what it's about. The title is a bit misleading, as there are men in the story, though they are unknowable. However, it's a vast improvement over the original English title, The Mistress of Silence. If it were to be more emotionally accurate to the contents, it'd be I Who Have Never Known Humanity, which would work in multiple ways and be ironic. This is a philosophical and psychological novel and nothing else. There's essentially zero plot, most of the characters are irrelevant, there's literally minimal worldbuilding, and almost no action. There's mystery, though it's existential and unresolvable.

I may have cried more reading this short novel than I have with any other work of fiction. That's rare unless I'm experiencing something that's especially emotionally resonant, in which case it's not uncommon. What sense is there in reading fiction if you don't emotionally engage with it? Intellectual engagement is important, but I think it leaves a lot to be desired if that's how you solely interact with entertainment. When it's both, that's even better, as it was with this for me. I found it be extremely meaningful and due to its relatively short length it's likely that I'll read this again in the future, which is unusual for me.

I read this because it was the monthly book selected for me to read. If it hadn't been recommended to me, then I don't know if I would have ever came across it, let alone read it. So, thanks J, I greatly appreciate what you chose. I may have enjoyed this book more than any other personal recommendation that I've been given. It's also the best translated book, from French in this case, that I've ever read. That's wonderful, but it also makes me wonder how many other great books there are that I may never find without the help of others.

Rating: 5/5

I read the 2022 revised translation, read the link below for more details

>> No.23443431

It's a sapphic enemies to lovers romance novel that focuses on teasing and poetry. Opinions are very mixed.

>> No.23443487

Only troons say sapphic

>> No.23443501

Pre-tolkenian brotherhood when?

>> No.23443502

Been replaying a lot of 80s CRPGs lately and doing so has made me want to get into some stereotypical high fantasy genre fiction books. What are some essential books/series that one should read if they're approaching the genre in this regard?
Currently reading The Hobbit for the first time. Gonna start the LotR when I'm done with it. Never seen any of the movies so I'm going in pretty blind, but enjoying it thus far.
I've looked into a few suggestions from the charts mega, but I'm trying to weed through anything that's too "high art" or whatever. I'm just looking for the most pulp fiction-tier fantasy books, if that makes sense. Should I be looking into just beginner-tier fantasy books? Epic fantasy? High Fantasy? Any and all suggestions appreciated. Thanks.

>> No.23443516

This book title is a magic castle, and no anon can find it hidden in the misty pocket fiction mountains.

Can you guys help me find a Sci-Fi title? I can't remember the name, nor the author.
It's about a female protagonist. She's some sort of agent in a military force. Future space story with colonized moons and planets in the solar system. Earth is mostly devastated by an attack that crippled the entire solar system prior to the beginning of the book by an alien race that somehow transmitted a technological virus through radio signals. Radios are banned in the solar system. They use some other forms of tech for comms. The aliens are building a space station since they've returned, and they have to figure out how to deal with them.
For the life of me, I can't find it. It's just a one-off pocket sci-fi novel.
Another detail is I remember her suit. It could basically transform into practically any utility purpose, tied to her thoughts.

>> No.23443552

It's the twitter/goodreads crowd that uses the word sapphic, troons just happen to be a significant percentage of those websites userbase

>> No.23443555

I still feel dirty after reading the final bit of Kaiju: Battlefield Surgeon's epilogue. I'm slowly reading Godclads at the moment but it hasn't sucked me in yet. It is novel for being fucking weird, in a world of same shit different author.

>> No.23443556

Why don't you like Tolkien?

>> No.23443654

kill yourself

>> No.23443657
File: 26 KB, 254x392, TheWizardKnight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is this really about a dying fetus earning his way into heaven?

>> No.23443675

your """reviews""" are SHIT. fuck off

>> No.23443711

I believe the archetypes and extensive mythopoeia of Tolkien in particular had been a corrupting influence on the creation of fantasy literature, hence the name "Pre-Tolkenian".

>> No.23443736
File: 219 KB, 2048x874, alien_0_09_31_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is a really stupid question comparing a movie to literature but are there any good sci-fi novels that have the same 'analog' sci-fi feel and aesthetic as Alien?

>> No.23443746
File: 63 KB, 252x390, OurLadyOfDarkness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Fritz Leiber. Just read this and his prose is great. The plot is very by the numbers but he really has a more literary edge than other SFF writers.

>> No.23443768

If you like that, you might like “The City we Become” it has lovecraft elements but by a modern setting

>> No.23443770

like that clunky, lifeless, dirty feel the cargo ship has? The Sten Chronicles has similar technology but it's not horror it's an anti-monarchist/capitalist space opera from the 80s

>> No.23443815

You mean 'Became?' That's what shows up on Google. I'll try to find it but English language fiction is rare where I live. The Leiber book I got from a torrent and converted to PDF.

>> No.23443823

Nah, I never bought that interpretation. It requires you to ignore all the explicit "real world" stuff and put vague symbols before explicit plot points. Classic over-interpreting.

>> No.23443826

>I am not Able

>> No.23443836

troons this troons that
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.23443838

I don't think so. The protagonist is a Minnesota Vikings fan.

>> No.23443842
File: 119 KB, 1200x800, Examples-of-Theme-in-Literature-22_27c5571306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite literary themes in scifi and fantasy?

>> No.23443858
File: 191 KB, 1280x853, Mommy and son pinky promise, mommy gives you a rimjob sophia-locke-johnny-love-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power of love (but specifically mother/son love or perhaps older woman/younger man love)

>> No.23443990
File: 2.11 MB, 1928x1088, SpaceMonkee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Starships Mage.

>> No.23443992

Why should I read Starship Mage?

>> No.23443996


>> No.23444023

Probably any scifi written before 1990. Digital is as old as hell, but the idea of software that can change the state and context a machine is running it is quite new.

>> No.23444026

>Magic battles in space
>Male main character
>Codes of honor
>No trooning

>> No.23444028

This Starship's Mage sounds good. I should check it out.

>> No.23444030

>magic castle edition
whats your favorite magic castle

>> No.23444044

It's got the most horrendous purple prose I've ever read. Some cool imagery here and there and an interesting idea as a backbone, but the character voices become indistinguishable after the first couple of back and forth messages.

>> No.23444311
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>Never seen any of the movies
LotR movies are great. More action , war focused. A different feeling from the books but still feels like a great adaption.
I would say look at the classics or most popular and pick what looks good to you.
Maybe a Game of thrones. I know its never going to be finished and you might find the later books too long but its pulpy.
>improvement over the original English title, The Mistress of Silence.
The original had me thinking of a anti man book. Not sure the original works well either. It sounds like a story about prison, does it have many new elements beside a kid?

>> No.23444389
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>> No.23444397

>LotR books
10/10, unironically the most important English lit of the 20th century.

>LotR movies
Also great and an achievement in their own medium. Read the books first though cause the movies are so well-made that you won't be able to unsee them. Trust me on this.

>Game of Thrones
Absolute midwit shit. Incredibly boring and narcissistic. Plus there are ten of them or something and they're pretty long.

>> No.23444460
File: 185 KB, 932x1000, A1Gmj9gWIcL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when does The Belgariad actually get good? I'm at book 2 part 2 now and so far it's all just been a boring travelogue with some very basic plot happening for like 10% of it. Is it really worth sticking with it? I see people praising it and saying it's essential reading but so far I just don't see it. Is it just nostalgia or does it actually get good if I just stick with it a bit more?

>> No.23444509
File: 549 KB, 1920x1080, ss_d76668281ca5a0c25bcfe01616e623e71500d493.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien is my favorite movie
The Invincible - Stanislaw Lem
It's very good, written in the 1963. The technology is analog and the atmosphere is great. Very different to alien, at least aesthetically, but still similar it how it helps the story to seem more grounded.
There was a slop videogame based on the book, pic rel
I read it before the game and they've done a great job at capturing the same atmosphere that the book does in regards to the technology.

>> No.23444598

so it's shounenshit

>> No.23444648

>It's got the most horrendous purple prose I've ever read

>> No.23444663

>The original had me thinking of a anti man book. Not sure the original works well either. It sounds like a story about prison, does it have many new elements beside a kid?
The title in French is "Moi qui n'ai pas connu les hommes". When it was first published in English in 1997 the title was "The Mistress of Silence". Later English editions of the book use the literally translated title "I Who Have Never Known Men". It's not anti-man because the women grieve for the lack of men. There are several reviews I saw that dislike the book for its supposed outdated and conservative views about women, though I think they don't understand either. It is a story about prison, literally so for the opening, and then metaphorically for the rest of the book. I don't know what you're asking when you say "does it have many new elements beside a kid".

>> No.23444666

Sapphic is the appropriate word to use for postgender beings.

>> No.23444668

Thoughts on kate elliot? Leddit seems to like her. Would recommend?

>> No.23444714

>I may have cried more reading this short novel than I have with any other work of fiction.
You're a faggot.

>> No.23444737

Cant dispute that, Satan.

>> No.23444764

If you aren't into it by now It's best to drop it. The rest of the series is more of the same travelogue in the same style but he gets better with his powers and his relationship with the hot girl develops

>> No.23444807

>ten of them
Did you confuse GoT with Malazan or is my reading comprehension failing me

>> No.23444836
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Medieval fantasy with lovecraftian undertones. Does such a thing exist?

>> No.23444846
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>> No.23444866

Read the Averoigne stories by Clark Ashton Smith, they're part of the Cthulhu mythos.

>> No.23444884
File: 40 KB, 783x391, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some books with meat worlds?

>> No.23445042
File: 236 KB, 1679x693, 1317779397569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted this several threads ago, are you genuinely not entertained by road-trip adventures?

>> No.23445089
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>> No.23445186
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>> No.23445224

It fascinates me when it's not possible to tell the intent of the poster. Are they ignorant? Inattentive? Trolling? Some combination thereof? Is there only purpose to get replies and nothing else matters? Why else would they post something so obviously and easily disproven due to being so incorrect?

>> No.23445235

>so obviously and easily disproven due to being so incorrect?
Okay, go for it. Give it your best shot.

>> No.23445308

There's barely any Lovecraft influences (a good thing), but it's a based book nonetheless.

>> No.23445340

A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons

That's 5. Not 10 or 7, let alone 17. You've misunderstood what the numbers mean.

>> No.23445343

My gf's probably getting me A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms for my birthday in a few weeks. What am I in for?

>> No.23445389

3 fantasy novellas about the adventures of Dunk and Egg

>> No.23445417

Thank you, anon

>> No.23445490

Do you think i made that screenshot?

>> No.23445492

you guys told me lightbringer was worse than dark age, what gives? its a noticeable improvement in almost every metric.

>> No.23445606

No I didn't

>> No.23445620

Based on its filename, yes.

>> No.23445643
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>> No.23445662

>Why are my feelings different than others? I was told that I ought to feel a certain way when I read this, but I didn't. Why was my experience with it different? How come I enjoyed Light Bringer more than Dark Age? That's not how it was meant to be. How can I reconcile the differences of what others told me with what happened? Is there something wrong with them or with me? We can't possibly have different experiences. Our opinions must be the same or else we will no longer be the same.

>> No.23445670

Looks cool, honestly.

>> No.23445723

Dogscape. it's actually pretty good too

>> No.23445790
File: 148 KB, 1024x1024, dgjk4pw-9a6dc4e0-cbaf-41fd-90eb-1bcf3a8bf413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23445800
File: 50 KB, 479x280, hbe5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this image right now

>> No.23445814
File: 116 KB, 1024x1024, dgjk6ki-4c07563b-57c2-4529-b2f4-e3546b870b73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to but it says it says I have to wait longer

>> No.23445906
File: 33 KB, 126x94, 1685835880476048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23445910

Deletion is 10 minutes minimum.

>> No.23445935

>looking at fingers when female genitals are showing
tell me how I know you're gay

>> No.23445966

>A Storm of Swords
remember to stop reading here

>> No.23445972

Yeah last time I had read the first one, now I'm reading the second one after people told me this is the one it picks up in but I'm not really seeing any improvements so far. I'll probably just finish this one and see if I feel any different about it by the end of it and if I don't I'll most likely drop it.

>> No.23445992
File: 240 KB, 900x1359, 9781250017376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Let the boy die!" Merlin shouted from the ladder. "He's nothing to you, Arthur. A by-blow of a King, a bastard born to a whore."

"And what else am I?" Arthur shouted, "but a by-blow of a King, a bastard born to a whore?"

great scene and I did not expect that this was coming

>> No.23446048
File: 18 KB, 405x399, 1701266752981926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female genitals

>> No.23446082

Feast has some of George's best POVs though

>> No.23446091
File: 138 KB, 400x600, 58643-tenebroum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Tenebroum

>> No.23446125

Apart from him seemingly completely dropping both the parasite and abomination storyline I agree. I felt dark age was a bit too drawn out at times and light bringer was a lot tighter paced, I still loved them both though. He might revisit those two plot points in the last one but right now it feels like he just changed his mind and dropped them which was a bit jarring.

>> No.23446130

Entropy always wins in the end.

>> No.23446180

Read the Belgariad/Malloreon
if you aren't into it when Aunt Pol goes berserk to save Garion at the end of the book then just drop it.

>> No.23446186

Just finished mistborn book 1, ending was a bit rushed so was a little disappointed rip Kell but liked it for the most part.

Really like how book 2 is dealing with the consequences of their actions though. At first i thought this was gonna take multiple books due to the pacing. It's easy to overthrow an empire, impossible to run one. Funny enough it reminds me a lot of Black Company in a way that the only way to successfully run an immortal empire is to be an immortal yourself.

Not sure how well Vin can carry the story by herself. Kelsier was really the reason why I kept reading but I did like Vin in her role as the student/prodigee.

>> No.23446188
File: 46 KB, 323x522, 81S+HqepWwL._SY522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanderson improved since Elantris

>> No.23446197
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forgot pic

>> No.23446210

Sci fi and fantasy being blended is pretty based IMO.
Laser revolvers and magic and sword fights in space and druids is neat.

>> No.23446223

name 5 (five) books like that are NOT webnovelslop, chinkslop or YA

>> No.23446235
File: 86 KB, 800x540, Dol_guldur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23446367

The Shadow of the Torturer
The Claw of the Conciliator
The Sword of the Lictor
The Citadel of the Autarch
The Urth of the New Sun

>> No.23446373

Just started Malazan. What am I in for?

>> No.23446389

I would say an eternity, but at least its finished unlike ASOIAF

>> No.23446391


>> No.23446408

No you haven't.

>> No.23446441

girls with big butts and femdom

>> No.23446458

Really liked The Broken Sword what else would you suggest I pick up next from Anderson?

>> No.23446463

queen of air and darkness

>> No.23446466

>post uses quantitative valuation
>anon responds with discourse on qualitative valuationg
uh... kill yourself?

>> No.23446503
File: 1.24 MB, 1082x619, 1548666312351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>erm... like... le heckin kill yourself???

>> No.23446513

your """replies""" are SHIT. fuck off

>> No.23446515 [SPOILER] 
File: 244 KB, 700x1147, Trioculus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars: Heir to the Empire
Star Wars: Dark Force Rising
Star Wars: His Last Command
Star Wars: The Courtship of Princess Leia
Star Wars: Jedi Prince

>> No.23446537

>The Courtship of Princess Leia
huuuooohhh red headed amazons and gothic milf witches, erotic!

>> No.23446578

i need to quit reading. when i enjoy reading i ignore everyone and everything else and just read. its amplifying my autism

>> No.23446583

I only recently got back into reading and I agree. But... it brings me a lot of joy.

>> No.23446613

>thinks there's a difference between the the two in terms of entertainment

>> No.23446617
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, image_67169793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are we reading tonight /lit/?

>> No.23446619
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>> No.23446628

>in terms of entertainment
the thing i never mentioned?

>> No.23446634
File: 1.91 MB, 3975x2712, image_67145217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23446647

The Red Rising Saga is a book series and is entertainment.

>> No.23446684

Alright little buddy, let's hear your "metrics".

>> No.23446689

Youre using two different definitions of entertainment interchangably.

Entertainment is a qualitative measure of a subjective experience of a given work.
A work is an objective result if craftsmanship and is therefore able to be quantitatively measured.

Entertainment, as in a thing that is meant to entertain, is just a synonym for a work.

>> No.23446692

I'll get back to you in a bit. Working atm.

>> No.23446698

There are no objective results. All quantative measures are shorthand for the qualitative.

>> No.23446702

I'll adress this when I respond to the other anon. In short though, youre a fucking sophist and no argumentation or evidence of quantitative measurments of art is capable of disabusing you of your delusions. They are, after all, delusions.

>> No.23446882

I can't, but I want to see them

>> No.23446910

if you're looking for something that's in the same vein as the CRPGs you're playing it's hard to go wrong with the early Dragonlance novels, as many of those games are based on them.

While many don't enjoy the series The Wheel of Time is one of my favorites, it does for me what Tolkien doesn't (I just don't like the writing style)

>> No.23447063
File: 10 KB, 181x279, duncton wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally finished this tonight. Very dense novel that spans a whole generation of lives. Apparantly the other books are really hard to find 2ndhand so I may never get to read the others.

>> No.23447076

Ebooks exist.

>> No.23447180
File: 952 KB, 814x910, dalady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always think of this when i read about The Lady in the black company

>> No.23447321

Good luck finding it.

>> No.23447472
File: 148 KB, 474x388, RubberNening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll admit there are a couple of mage fights that have talking as a move, but it never gets anything remotely close to shounenshit levels.

>> No.23447555

>fans donated over $1.25 million to fatfuck rothfuss for a charity and he didn't even manage to edit the chapter he promised he would release for that money
>it's now been like a decade since the last book
How do authors get away with this shit without having GRRM levels of wealth coming in from side projects?

>> No.23447572

Can you recommend something with a strong humanist message like Kurt Vonnegut or A Canticle for Leibowitz?

>> No.23447573

Because the industry and community at large is ran by women. And in spaces ran by women, tone matters most. It doesnt matter who you are, or what youve done so long as you maintain a gordial tenor and contextually appropriate tone. This sort of social environment allows one to get away with anything so long as youre not rude. Even if you offend someone, if you do it from the position if weakness, youre golden. And Cuckfuss has done this very well over the years. Watch his stream where he excused the charity situation. It's a master class in tone politics.

Rothfuss will be torn to shreds the moment he gets kicked out of the ingroup, just wait.

>> No.23447588

Cultivation chads, what we reading?

>> No.23447622
File: 869 KB, 605x1000, 1686608971882444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read pic related and holy shit you guys weren't joking. This is the best fantasy book I've ever read!

>> No.23447641
File: 25 KB, 501x550, gaav6iz3zfd51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even rothfuss's editor bitches about him on facebook

>> No.23447660
File: 42 KB, 443x669, Sky Storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23447707

WoT or Witcher?

>> No.23447752

WoT. The first Witcher book with the short stories is entertaining, the rest sucks.

>> No.23447769

witcher is just amateur hour work propped up by the polish govt so they can claim they have some kind of cultural export that isn't slags, maids, and slag-maids

>> No.23447814

Just read 'The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth' - 10/10.

>> No.23447867

Weird to keep coming back and replying to this guy over and over again.

>> No.23447887

it's called ritualposting, newfag. way to out yourself.

>> No.23447937

This was like 5 years ago already. Dude is basically the biggest hack there is. Many of his normie fans even hate him now, between the charity thing and rewriting a novella instead of working on book 3. GRRM on the other hand seems to somehow still have a good number of retards making excuses for him.

>> No.23447958

Rothfuss is 50 and still streams himself eating pizza and playing games at 3am while whining about how hard his life is, it is unironically just pathetic

>> No.23447995

It's ritual posting to samefag 3 posts? Weird must have changed the definition retard. Go read one of the gorilla posters recommendations.

>> No.23448003
File: 836 KB, 940x1101, bakker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has he abandoned us?

>> No.23448045
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Does anyone else find Lord of the Rings to go downhill after Fellowship? The focus on the mysteries of the world and fallen kingdoms is sidelined for more action and politiking with the world of men. Not as many poems either. I'm halfway through the Two Towers fwiw

>> No.23448048

Because his fans are all a bunch of cringy fags, and that reminded him too much of himself.

>> No.23448050

What a fucking pseud

>> No.23448052

Thats not very nice. Did you just not understand what was said?

>> No.23448083

Yo, looking for a well written adventure story with a young male protagonist that's both heroic and nice.

Any recs?

>> No.23448101

Wheel of Time

>> No.23448108

it's drivel

>> No.23448111

ok but good

>> No.23448134
File: 2.03 MB, 1200x1899, Spaceside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaceside, Planetside #2 - Michael Mammay (2019)

Planetside, book 1: >>/lit/thread/23247660#p23251011

Roughly two years after the events of the first book, ex-Colonel Carl Butler has settled into a comfy corporate executive job nominally overseeing their security. He does very little and is paid very well. All's well in its boring and predictable way. That is until the CEO tasks him with a security issue regarding a competitor that's better suited for an intelligence operative. Nonetheless, he accepts and begins investigating the matter. Things go badly quickly and it seems like it may be a repeat of what came before. Even when there's a chance to back out, once he's started something it has to be seen through to its conclusion, no matter the consequences.

Once again it's mostly investigation, though not nearly as interesting, exciting, or dramatic this time. Mostly it's wandering around town and events out of Butler's control happen and he can't do much about it. There's a real lack of agency throughout the book, which tends to annoy me, even when it's trying to make a point about how common that is. The military aspect is mostly gone, though there's still some combat, arguably anyway. Butler's PTSD has greatly worsened and there's a lot of emotional wallowing in ways I prefer not to read. Aside from all that though it does well enough in presenting a logical sequence of events that I don't have any problems with. The twists provide some interesting conversations that can only happen in very specifically crafted situations. In terms of characters, the highlight for me was easily the return of Ganos from the first book. There was a lack of supporting characters when it really needed it. Butler just isn't able to carry the book on his own, especially not with his behavior in this one.

This one never really came together for me. It's at least somewhat the case that Mammay doesn't quite seem to know what he was going for either. Unfortunately it also seems to be pursuing the one narrative path that I didn't want it to follow. That really hurts its in my estimation, which isn't its fault, but also doesn't change how I feel about it at all. I didn't want to write about it like this, but that's how it is. I'm disappointed, but it isn't a bad book. It's decent in every way except for the theme that it's going for, which would spoiler both the previous book and this one to say. I'll still be reading the next book to see how it goes, though I don't expect much. As was noted by a member in a comment on the first book, I overrated the first book. He was right with his criticism and I was wrong and overly defensive. That's mostly because the first book I read from Mammay I gave five stars so I wanted to give the benefit of the doubt for this series, which it seems may have been unwarranted. Hopefully the remaining books prove me wrong again, because I'd much rather enjoy myself than be right.

Rating: 2.5/5

>> No.23448141
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Colonyside, Planetside #3 - Michael Mammay (2020)

Carl Butler has retired to an undeveloped farming planet at the edge of civilization and wants to live out his days in peace. It's been a couple years since the last book and he thinks that part of his life is over. The arrival of his former commander, the retired General Serata puts an end to such notions. The third wealthiest man in the galaxy has personally requested Butler through the President to go to a frontier jungle planet that his corporation is developing to find his missing daughter. This has happened before and Butler is somewhat more self-aware now, so he knows he's being manipulated, but agrees anyway, with conditions. He also knows that once he starts he literally won't be able to stop because he pathologically has to always follow through regardless of the consequences. Everyone knows that and that's exactly what they're counting on, though they continually seem to underestimate exactly what that means in practice.

Fortunately most of what bothered me about the previous book has been changed. The previous plotline and themes have been dropped. There's a far greater focus on the supporting cast who are used as supporting characters ought to be. All of the characters are better in general. Butler has regained his agency. There's much discussion that specifically talks through the relevant mysteries. The military science fiction aspect that was in the first book is even more played down, to where it doesn't matter much. Each book is increasingly more focused on investigation and discussion rather than action. It's all steps in the right direction for me even though I don't know what I even want from the series at this point. If I hadn't read Generation Ship first I don't know that I'd be reading this. So goes the importance of what you first read from an author.

I don't know how many who've read this thought it was going be a trilogy. I never did because it seems like it's an open-ended series where he'll write as many books in it that can he get published. I could be wrong about that, though a fourth book will be published later this year. The main reason why I believe it's a open-ended series is because there's literally no overarching story so far and each one doesn't have much continuity between them. I think it'd be entirely fine reading only this one or any other. It'd probably be fine to read them out of order, I don't know why you would intentionally do so, but I don't think it'd matter that much. I wonder how much of structure for this series is intended versus what happened for whatever reason. In this book's acknowledgements Mammay says that the second book never really came to together until the end and that he had to rewrite 60% of this book due to its issues. That seems to have worked because I'd say I like this the most thus far of the series, though I'm wary of giving it 4 stars because of the preceding books.

Rating: 3.5/5

>> No.23448171


>> No.23448213

I liked house of suns anon, give me more recent sf to read, thanks

>> No.23448220

>16 years ago is recent

>> No.23448224

>Absolute midwit shit. Incredibly boring and narcissistic. Plus there are ten of them or something and they're pretty long.
based retard

>> No.23448236

I want a sexy female protagonist that can do no wrong. She can solve the hardest of cases, beat the toughest of enemies with no help, solve to the most confounding problems, and has knowledge that supersedes the wises of sages.

>> No.23448324

What do you dislike about WoT?

>> No.23448328

we hate gynocentrism here

>> No.23448543
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>> No.23448547

You are not even human. Whether bot or not, you are not even human.

>> No.23448554

My rereads of the series usually peter out after Fellowship.

>> No.23448582

Best Scifi/fantasy novels that deal with spiritual themes? I'm an introvert so i can't relate to gun/sword fights and sex having characters.

>> No.23448603

The Lord of the Rings

>> No.23448607

Please, no mythology. I'm not a nerd.

>> No.23448609

>cool cover
I will read your book

>> No.23448610

Fourth Mansions

>> No.23448650

sex with Atiaran

>> No.23448727
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>> No.23448734

Google Images just shows pills.

>> No.23448736

Kill yourself

>> No.23448745

Can you blend fantasy and sci fi?

>> No.23448748

It's called fantasy science.

>> No.23448750

>the samefag changes to his phone
NTA, but just stop it. You're only digging a deeper hole for yourself.

>> No.23448762

I've never heard of this term before.
I'm not saying it doesn't exist or it hasn't existed a long time but I may just be retarded.

>> No.23448764

Reading through the Forgotten Ruin series rn. Ranger-wank (as in 75th RR) isekai for those who don't know.
It's pretty enjoyable for what it is, and it's always fresh to have someone who actually knows TTPs writing combat, but goddamn does Talker's (MC) meandering rants and sudden tangents up the wazoo drive me up the fucking wall after a while.

As an artistic choice to maybe depict the mind of someone writing a journal and winging it while hopped up on 2 hours sleep, coffee addiction, and suddenly being thrust into constant combat with freaky fantasy shit, I can respect it, but I just can't stand it by the fourth book, and it makes me want to bash this motherfucker's head in for still writing like it well after they get settled down. I actually found myself cheering when Talker supposedly died and thinking now maybe we can get someone else to write this shit. AND THEN HE WASN'T FUUUUUUUUUU


>> No.23448770

Just kidding. I made it up. There's nothing like that.

>> No.23448780
File: 18 KB, 512x468, sadpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw. You got my hopes up to discover something different.
Ah well. Maybe I'l create it and one days you guys will call me a fag or something.

>> No.23448805

What are some books about male-to-female genderbending?

>> No.23448811


>> No.23448813

>not a nerd
>reading books
you're a nerd

>> No.23448818

Fantasy science does exist. It's not a mainstream genre though.

>> No.23448820

>writing complete sentences without every word being abbreviated
We're all nerds here.

>> No.23448841


>> No.23448846

you are not only a fag but a retard if you don't know science fantasy exists

>> No.23448851

Define "spiritual themes"
About as vague of a term as "content creation" or "mental health issue"

>> No.23448864
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>> No.23448867

I'm a writer. If I was smart I'd just be in the trades or STEM.

>> No.23448870

It's generally not used in any practical context though. Works with elements of both fantasy and scifi are usually classified as one or the other depending on their overall aesthetic. Warhammer 40k for example draws as much from fantasy as science fiction, but because it's in space and the characters use guns it's just scifi.

>> No.23448871

>prologue is more than 10% of the book
why is robert jordan like this?

>> No.23448886

is he right?

>> No.23448891
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>> No.23448894

What's the most recent release that's worth reading?

>> No.23448906

Can you provide any examples of note? Or even just readable examples?

>> No.23448936

Alright I finished it now and I have to say it got a lot better in the last 50-100 pages or so. Feels like things are finally starting to happen now. First half had me feeling like I wouldn't continue after this one but I'll be giving at least the next one a chance too. (and by then I'll probably be sunk cost fallacied into finishing them all)

>> No.23448937

i really enjoyed Islingtons Will of the Many
not amazing, but i found it to be much better than any of the other recent stuff

>> No.23448947

opinion discarded

>> No.23448950

>not dying
absolutely true
>receding as genres often do from time to time
Absolutely true

>> No.23448952

The ones I've posted about.

>> No.23448955

Yeah things really start happening (though not in ways you might expect) in books 3-10 (counting Malloreon as part of the same series which it really is). Queen of Sorcery is the real filter, if you finish that and don't like David Eddings, you never will.

>> No.23448961

Dream Thief by Stephen Lawhead
and yeah, Fourth Mansions

>> No.23448966

good luck trying to force yourself to finish Gardens of the Moon
i couldnt do it

>> No.23448979

Literally anything by Stephen R. Lawhead. He takes Christianity very seriously and that worldview permeates all his writing but he's never transparently preaching Sunday School lectures directly at you like some (bad or amateurish) Christian authors tend to do. Same deal with Tolkien and C.S. Lewis.

The first two books of Gillian Bradshaw's "Down the Long Wind" trilogy do this well, though I'd strongly recommend against reading the final novel in the series, it completely repudiates everything good about the first two.

Possibly Tim Powers' "Declare" and "The Drawing of the Dark".

>> No.23449023
File: 299 KB, 2048x1355, Vinland Saga Thorfinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devotion to a cause. Its strength, but also destructive capabilities.

>> No.23449028

The importance of being willing to give your life for others.

>> No.23449034

Not by much.

>> No.23449037

Shittiest trope ever

>> No.23449055

The only important trope ever. Our society only exists because people are willing to say, "yes, I could die, but if others will profit from my sacrifice and continue on, it will be worth it."

>> No.23449066

That's not a theme. Let alone a trope.

>> No.23449069

The sacrifice of the self so others may live is not only a trope but a theme.

>> No.23449078

That's called heroism. Heroism is the theme.
What is this sacrifice of the self? are you stupid or just ESL?

>> No.23449084

You are the ESL if you insist that the only aspect of heroism is sacrifice of one's life.

>> No.23449101

the NPC trope

>> No.23449149

GRRM doesn't need to finish his books, is the thing. He's already as successful as he's ever going to be. The HBO adaptation of his series was a mega hit that made him a millionaire several times over and won him so many other media deals that he never needs to write another ASoIaF book.

Rothfuss, the goober, tried to live that kind of celebrity author lifestyle that GRRM had but without even finishing his debut trilogy and having no adaptations of his work.

>> No.23449163

Yeah people have been doing it for decades. Perhaps you've heard of this thing called "Star Wars", it's a pretty famous example of it where there's space ships and aliens and lasers and stuff, but also mystical wizards with magic powers.

There's more than a few books that do it too. A common premise in the sci-fi/fantasy mashup is "far future fantasy" where something happens to the earth that causes it to resemble a fantasy world, but there's still remnants of old technology lying around.

>> No.23449164

I'll be honest, if GRRM is going to write anything else, he should just let SoIaF die. The adaptation has already put a dagger in the series back.

>> No.23449173

My guess is the way the show ended killed a lot of his enthusiasm for the story and he's just kicking it around trying to rework things so it doesn't turn out as shitty as that.

>> No.23449185

Fellowship is gripping, but Two Towers feels like a drag once it gets to Rohan. At least that's my take on it.

>> No.23449188

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn

>> No.23449193
File: 72 KB, 466x658, Phantasy star 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as popular as it was.

>> No.23449204

I don't blame him.
Can you imagine trusting people with your baby, and they decide to fuck it over?
I can only assume that it was deliberate sabotage for tax purposes.

>> No.23449210

I'm unfamiliar with this series. What's it like?

>> No.23449211

From what I recall the show runners were offered some big project by Netflix, or maybe Disney, and wanted to wrap up the last season of GoT fast so they could move onto their huge hundred million dollar deal or whatever ridiculous price tag it had. What we got was the disaster that was season 8. The show had been shitty for several season by then, but season 8 was so bad that even the people who'd gladly swallowed the earlier bad seasons were rejecting it. Probably hard for George not to feel betrayed.

>> No.23449223

Another reason why you should never surrender creative control if you sell your work.
You can always just refuse to sell it so it can't be raped.

>> No.23449229

i assume its your typical YA schlock

>> No.23449241

There's basically no way to get adapted if you don't surrender control. Hollywood hates having to deal with hands-on authors. GRRM didn't have that kind of clout when he was approached, best he could do was insist he be part of the production team and get 1 episode per season to write himself (his work history as a TV writer more than qualified him for that, at least).

GRRM very much wanted the adaptation to happen so he had to compromise and give up control. It's the only way it would happen. There's very few authors who are big enough that they could insist on full creative control. Rowling, for instance, at this point could fund a production out of her own pockets if she wanted to, so anyone approaching her for adaptations would need to bow and scrape to her every whim.

>> No.23449249

My advice?
Don't sell the control and wait to get big.
If you don't get big, it wasn't meant to be.
Fuck Corpos and their committees of people who haven't even put a thought into making an interesting work.

>> No.23449250

Cover looks more like typical high fantasy that's being produced now. Has the [noun] [preposition] [noun] naming pattern, photoshopped models on a two-tone mostly white background, and the word "ashes" in there somewhere. Feel like every third novel released in the last 5 years has "ash" or "ashes" in the title or part of the series name.

>> No.23449256

The Emyprean Series is working out well.
I do think it's unrealistic that someone in a militant society would give a fuck about hurting people, though.

>> No.23449273

Prologues for RJ mean one-off perspectives you won't see in the main story, which provide some context / clues for what's going to happen in the book. To that effect, they're as long as they need to be. Not exactly a traditional prologue.

>> No.23449274
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What's the most badass, masculine, enthralling fantasy book/series out there?

>> No.23449282

This seems to pretty much be Sandersons tactic. He's stated he's had many talks and had major studios approach him about adaptations and he won't agree to anything unless he has creative control and final say. Whatever else you might think about him I think it's pretty based behavior from him.

>> No.23449286

>he won't agree to anything unless he has creative control and final say
means he wants more money

>> No.23449290

>Can you imagine trusting people with your baby, and they decide to fuck it over?
>and they decide to fuck it over?
that's the thing they didn't and that's why he isn't publishing shit

>> No.23449292

>Religious nutjob
>Opposes human rights
>based behavior

>> No.23449294

You guys don't know. I'll wait for the anon who posted the image to tell me. In the mean time, I'm in the mood for an adventure. I've read most of what this thread typically recommends. Do you have anything worthwhile?

>> No.23449301

>Opposes human rights
I'm translating this as "doesn't support bodily mutilation by mentally ill people".

>> No.23449302

>religious nutjob
Citation needed
a Good thing. Murdering someone before they're born because 'you can't afford to raise them' defeats the point of a social safety net
>opposes human rights
Citation needed
>based behavior

>> No.23449324

The dude has built a massive underground bond villain lair in his house, he has enough fuck you money to not have to care about anything else other than getting a good adaptation made.

>> No.23449327
File: 39 KB, 534x459, 1716747731956497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something to suggest that people who read a lot of books would maybe not have read? I need something for a book club and they read tenfold more than I do.

>> No.23449333

>reading comprehension

>> No.23449342

This, except for scifi books only

>> No.23449350

List the last ten books they have nominated as books to read for the club.

>> No.23449379

First book of Two Towers is great, it's all battles and mystical wizard shit

>> No.23449382

You wouldn't like anything listed anyway.

>> No.23449385

No idea. We just started. It's the first round. They read a fucking lot of books though. I think generally I gotta find something on the newer side to recommend

>> No.23449405

That is the complete opposite of everything he asked for aside from young male protagonist.

>> No.23449415
File: 82 KB, 694x1000, 71hCflkGQZL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody read this? Propaganda? Any good? It sounds kind of interesting

>> No.23449425

Don't know anything about it.

>> No.23449461

who says

>> No.23449667

The problem with new books is that unless they're from an established author they haven't been vetted by time so you've just got to hope that the few random people who've read them have similar tastes to yours.

>> No.23449684

>tfw when you constantly tell anons about new books and it's mostly to no avail and they keep asking, even within the same thread

>> No.23449698

Looks like a popular YA fantasy author's take on Twilight to me at glance. Probably more romance than fantasy with the current surge of romantasy, as to be expected of a woman. Read at your own peril.

>> No.23449730

>male vampire on human female
i slepp

>> No.23449748
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Probably something by David Gemmell

>> No.23449750
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Is this good?

>> No.23449801
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I enjoyed this. How bad is my taste?

>> No.23449814

Is his new series Decimus Fate worth reading?

>> No.23449813

What an interesting attempt by a single anon to try to get the thread going faster again.

>> No.23449817

What you really mean is that is this suited towards my antiquated chud tastes right?

>> No.23449828

Who started the multi-POV trend? Whenever I read a blurb with multiple characters described it kills any desire to read.

>> No.23449852

Why does it bother you?

>> No.23449856

because most publications are multi-pov and I hate them.

>> No.23449867
File: 460 KB, 168x209, 122888700895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm.
Because if you cannot tell a engaging story with a mostly single character focus you have ADHD and are trying to give it to your readers.

>> No.23449885

It's phony and it's obvious it's publishers telling authors that since *insert popular series* does it you have to do it. Most authors can't handle it and even those who can still have the problem of massive amounts of bloat that is hard to avoid

>> No.23449889

>BALFRUSS is a battlemage, sworn to fight and die for a country that fears his kind.

>VARGUS is a common soldier - while mages shoot lightning from the walls of his city, he is down on the front line getting blood on his blade.

>TALANDRA is a princess and spymaster, but the war will force her to risk everything, and make the greatest sacrifice of all.

>> No.23449901

The use of multiple perspectives has been a feature of the English novel from its earliest days. Samuel Richardson's Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded (1740), often considered the first novel in English, itself uses multiple narrators. This shows that multiple perspectives were part of the English novel from its very inception.

Richardson further developed this technique of multiple perspectives in his next novel, Clarissa (1748), which is written as a series of letters between several correspondents. Jane Austen too adopted this epistolary technique in her first novel, Lady Susan (1794?; published 1871).

Austen is, in fact, credited with moving the English novel away from the multiple points of view prevalent in the 18th century to the characteristic third person limited that became the default over the 19th and 20th centuries. As Mullan notes, Emma (1815) was a radical innovation in the history of the novel. That we can take it for granted shows how far its success has obscured the English novel's beginnings, where multiple perspectives were the norm.

>> No.23449912


>> No.23449922
File: 45 KB, 314x475, 13569581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forgive Anthony Ryan

>> No.23449925

useless as always Chatgpt

>> No.23449945

is red rising worth reading, it's been a decade since I read a sci-fi book

>> No.23449981

What an unusually high rate of mostly asking "is this worth reading?" and similar.

>> No.23449985

The single person limited POV is the anomaly.

>> No.23450024

it's the whole point of this general

>> No.23450051

it's almost like.. people want to read... or something........

>> No.23450064

You aren't good at this.

>> No.23450068

the irony of this post

>> No.23450133
File: 92 KB, 611x1000, 81pJXhRLdoL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is seriously supposed to be his best work I feel confident I can be done with him after reading this slop

>> No.23450293

The Mormon church accepts two years spent shilling Sanderson online in lieu of overseas missionary work, so there's always a contingent of Mormon shills on 4chan. They even play a version of good cop/bad cop where one of them will oversell a Sanderson series and after he gets pushback from anons another shill will chime in with more modest praise that slips by the distracted gatekeepers.

>> No.23450302

What a stupid, thoughtless post.

>> No.23450308

Yes. First book isn't really breaking a lot of new ground and is a bit derivative and has some editing issues. Still very enjoyable if you can enjoy the tropes it uses. It goes sharply upwards from there though and book 2 and 3 are simply amazing. Don't skip the novellas either, they're great. You can start with The Fall or read it after book 1, it doesn't matter and you can get it free as ebook on his website. I started with it and I thought that worked great.

>> No.23450318

Based schizo

>> No.23450328

There's always been multiple POVs. What I assume you're referring to is the need to have full crisscrossing story arcs for each individual POV. My guess is that it comes from ASOIAF. I'm okay with multiple POVs so long as the author doesn't try to cram a full story for each character when most of the time it's not necessary. Even GRRM, who did a good job in the first three books of having completely different character stories suffered in the long run from bloat.

>> No.23450339

Your reviews are great, anon. Keep up the good work :)

>> No.23450370

>Who started the multi-POV trend?
In fantasy? Pretty sure it was dragonlance

>> No.23450376

Being able to convey a complex concepts in a comprehensibly is a sure sign of intelligence (see anecdotes regarding von Neumann). Dressing up simple concepts in flowery language is pseud behaviour.

>> No.23450481

Because one character invariably ends up being far more interesting than the rest (or the inverse, one is far worse), and every time the PoV switches to the shitty characters it just feels like the story is dragging and you want nothing more than to skip them, but can't.

>> No.23450565

What if it was one pov instead and but it wasn't the one character you liked. Would that improve or worsen the book?

>> No.23450575

The Elder Empire series already solved this discussion. It's a Multi PoV story, except the author just split it up into two different series, one for each major PoV, so you have Sea and Shadow trilogies. Sea is far more interesting. I ended up reading Shadow because I wanted to know what was happening from the other PoV.
If they had been mixed together however, both would have been worse. Sea because it would constantly be getting interrupted by Shadow, and Shadow because it would constantly be contrasted with Sea. They were better as separate stories than they would have been together.

>> No.23450576

Yeah, I think people think that multiple POV = chapter titled after said character or something when in fact multiple POV has always been the norm.

>> No.23450681

They do this to appeal to different demographics so that their work has more overall appeal. Like grrm's Sansa chapters are in the tradition of Jane Eyre to appeal to the female audience

>> No.23450777


>> No.23450977

No that's pure reddit. It's just dumb to reduce Wolfe's work to some sappy "it was all a dream" variant and pat yourself on the ass to say "I solved the puzzle."

Wolfe himself said he wanted to write a story of chivalry/Arthurian legend, but without Christianity.

He also said that the changeling element of the tale, with a boy from our world becoming a hero in the faerie world, was a narrative vehicle, a style choice.

You can take it from there and find more themes and little hidden plot elements, but to boil it all down to 'its about a dying fetus' is just retarded.

Maybe that angle is present (I'm not convinced), but even if so, it's of little significance compared to other angles of interpretation.

>> No.23451134

I think his idea of characterizing the cognition of Tekne, the principles of Consult, and the TSA concept of the soul through Consult's relation to paradoxes is kinda fun, but not nearly as smartass as it presents itself.

>> No.23451184


>> No.23451192
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In new fantasy they don't rape no more. They just act gay and appeal to women. And if you want to read about rape you have to read "lit"rpgs. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.23451286
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>chivalry/Arthurian legend, but without Christianity
that's just plain old arthurian legend, though. imagine if someone said "i want to write a story based off of Greek mythology but without Christianity". sure, one might have become more influenced by Christianity than the other (and arguably that one is Greek mythology in reality), but at the core it's still a weird thing to say.

>> No.23451298


I haven't read Mallory's Le Morte d'Arthur from the 15th c., but I understand that he imparts Christianity on Arthur, even if "the real king arthur" was more likely Celtic/Pagan.

The only Arthur story I've read and enjoyed was Thomas Berger's Arthur Rex (so entertaining, highly recommended). Berger presents Arthur's Christianity as primitive, superstitious, alien and confusing to the characters. A clumsy new mode of thinking.

Anyway, I'd be curious to read the legends pre-Mallory, but never looked into it. Got any good books on the subject?

>> No.23451309


>> No.23451316

>Arthurian legend, but without Christianity
>that's just plain old arthurian legend
Well, no, the final form of Arthurian legend as we have it is deeply influenced by Christianity. The oldest non-Christian stuff you can get are the Welsh legends which are very different from later (re)tellings.

Arthurian Romances Unrepresented In Malory's "Morte d'Arthur"

>> No.23451397

A little help here.

>> No.23451505

>but without Christianity
the Wizard Knight literally has the Archangel Michael appear to Able as he tells him of the Most High God

The Arthurian legends are profoundly Christian from the very beginning. Britain had some of the highest populations of Christian converts by the time the Diocletianic persecution started around 300 AD and was pretty thoroughly Christianized south of Hadrian's Wall by 400 AD. The Britons (Welsh) took to the religion very quickly and very earnestly, the Saxon foederati less so. Meanwhile, the earliest estimations of the historical Arthur's life/reign/activities extends from 480 AD and ends no later than about 536 AD. He was a Christian warrior/warlord who worked for a federation of Christian kings against pagan Saxon invaders. The earliest direct mentions of Arthur in literature are from the 7th century, within 100 years of Arthur's presumed life.
As for the Anglo-Saxons, they were also converted rather easily; between the time Raedwald became the first king to convert in 620, there was only about 60 years before Christian monks report that paganism had been paganism had been virtually eliminated from England (south of Hadrian's wall). It is well after this time that the majority of Arthurian literature is composed, the Welsh oral traditions flourishing during the Anglo-Saxon period in both mainland Britain and Less Britain (Armorica/Brittany, in northwestern France), and only around the 11th-12 century that people actually started writing them down - and by people, I of course mean monks, or at least clerics, because these were typically the only people that could write. Christianity is totally inseparable from Arthurian legend.

>> No.23451526

I read a lot of science fiction.
I hated this book so much.
It is good in that it won't take long to complete and move on with your life if you chose to pick it up.

>> No.23451549

>The oldest non-Christian stuff you can get are the Welsh legends which are very different from later (re)tellings.
Culwch and Olwen is the oldest Arthurian tale, but it dates to the 11th or 12th century. It's included within the modern compilations of the Mabinogion, but the Mabinogion itself wasn't written until the 11th-12th centuries, and can scarcely be considered authoritative on pre-Christian Celtic tradition 600 years after the fact. Snorri Sturlusson's Prose Edda, Christian influenced as it was, was at least compiled within a century or two of the last living Germanic/Scandinavian pagans.

As for 'Arthurian Romances Unrepresented In Malory's "Morte d'Arthur" ' I'd recommend The Great Book of King Arthur by John Matthews and illustrated by John Howe as something eminently more readable; this compiles almost every major Arthurian tale that Malory left out that had been translated into English or French, though it neglects Italian and German tales like La Pulzella Gaia (The Gay Maiden) and Diu Crone (The Crown). However, there was an amateur translation of The Gay Maiden on reddit that proved to be quite readable.
Another book my John Matthews, "Sir Gawain: Knight of the Goddess" is a more scholarly work that summarizes a few of these untranslated texts for the purposes of examining the elements of pre-Christian religion that survived into the iconography and storytelling of the Arthurian mythos.
Incidentally, most of these untranslated works involve Gawain on account of his rather obvious pagan provenance; the conversion of such to the Christian chivalrous ideal proved irresistible to the mindset of Italian and German poets, but which the French and English of the later medieval period tended to despise.

>> No.23451550
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Neighbor is getting rid of their books. Any I should take?

>> No.23451553

take everything except the Dark Tower and the Boy in the Striped Pajamas

>> No.23451558


>> No.23451566
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>Thomas Berger's Arthur Rex (so entertaining, highly recommended)
>reviewers noted the changes to the Arthurian legend made by the author, evidently to enhance the story's "appeal in contemporary American society."

>> No.23451613
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Holy shit. I thought beyond apollo anon was just a weirdo. Is he still here? It's legit a masterpiece

>> No.23451666

The Left Hand of Darkness
Triton, or an Ambiguous Heterotopia

>> No.23451770

Of course Satan replies to the post about heresy

>> No.23451821

ty for recommendation

got damn right, fuck the brits, Berger is very funny, using pigeon old english in a humorous way, and he clearly loves the subject matter.

>> No.23451857

Frank Herbert is a surprisingly bad writer on a sentence level. I feel like an ass for having to point it out, I wasn't setting out to criticize him. I recognize he wrote a remarkably complex story across 5 books. But goddamn he's clunky at times.

>> No.23451890

There's a reason he never won an uncontested Hugo (back when it was a serious award)

>> No.23451920

Take A Fire on the Deep, everything else goes to the charity shop

>> No.23451972

I've only read the first Dune, and I didn't find his prose unpleasant at all. I've certainly read worse.

>> No.23452397
