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23440804 No.23440804 [Reply] [Original]

Would you approach a girl reading a book that you liked?

>> No.23440808

I would approach her, wrest the book out of her hands, look with contempt at the cover and ridicule her saying she likely missed important plot points and the overall meaning went over her head as she's a dumb woman whose place is on her knees sucking my cock. Then I would hit her in the face with said book and scurry away

>> No.23440826

I would give her a flower and a note with my phone number on it.

>> No.23440830

I'd say something like "You won't get it" to test her and see if she's a fun person or a self-absorbed psycho who takes offense at every little thing.
If the former then it's very easy to go on from there, if the latter I abscond immediately.

>> No.23440843

i hope this is a joke

>> No.23440853

It's not. Why would it be? If any woman will appreciate a quiet gesture, it's a literary one. As that's the sort of woman I want, that's the sort of gesture I'll give. Contrived personas are for normies. Graceful sincerity is for the patrician.

And I'll make it plain I do just fine with women, since you're implying I don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.23440855

I would ask how they felt about James Joyce and his weird fart fetish.

>> No.23440863

This. Probably one of the least cringe cold approaches one can do.

>> No.23440891

>Graceful sincerity is for the patrician.
Have you considered starting a conversation as a normal human being?

>> No.23440894

No one wants to interact with someone whose first thought is 'I gotta test whether she's a self-absorbed psycho' instead of 'Cool book'. Why would it be unreasonable to find you offputting when your idea of a fun way to open is to smugly neg her? What's even the joke in 'You wouldn't get it'?

>> No.23440895

hi autist

>> No.23440902

What does that even mean!

>> No.23440903

That you have zero understanding of social behaviors

>> No.23440904

Women are vile. They have poison juices inside of them. Stay pure my fellow anons. Don’t let women corrupt you with their vile juices.

>> No.23440914

Ok thanks for showing me the light, dude. Teasingly saying 'You wouldn't get it' - I'll have to remember that zinger for next time I see a woman enjoying a book. And if she doesn't welcome my advances, I'll be secure in the knowledge that it's only because she's a psycho narcissist.

>> No.23440916

It's important how you say it, but of course in your mind everything is spoken in the same monotone autistic "professional" way, and you are completely oblivious to playfulness

>> No.23440929

It's a given that you shouldn't try to flirt if you don't have the IQ for it

>> No.23440933

Sure. I'd do a slight neg like "Ulysses? Still on the 100 books everyone should read list?" with a cute smirk and then work from there.

>> No.23440937

Nah, but only because the books I like are so rarely read by women that I couldn't help but immediately think she doesn't get it anyway and there's nothing worse for bonding than that.
I'd be less suspicious if she did read normieslop like your picrel.

>> No.23441019

I would tell her I didn't get it, then laugh and run my fingers through my hair, and ask if she understood it, nay, if she "got" it. And if she did, could she explain it to me?

Nothing is more sure than the stoking of ones ego.

>> No.23441023

Write my dick length on a bookmark and give it to her.

>> No.23441025

>I would tell her I didn't get it, then laugh and run my fingers through my hair, and ask if she understood it, nay, if she "got" it.
What zero testosterone will do to a fucker.

>> No.23441026

>This is Clifford the big red dog you retard.
>Im only buying this for my nephew.

>> No.23441045
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>Would you approach a girl

>> No.23441116

I should have gone harder on the joke, as it stands it's not evident enough what I was going for and just seems cringe. Ignore my post anon.

>> No.23441150

don't be too hard on yourself king

>> No.23441234
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Just comment on the author and ask what they think about it.

>> No.23441250

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.23441272

if you'd turn 360 degrees you would die moron

>> No.23441286

I've tasted some of those juices and they're delicious

>> No.23441332

I only approach God, not women.

>> No.23441333

Approach? No I'm not a desperate simp who thinks in autistic pickup lingo. I would chat with her.

>> No.23441373
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Of course.

>> No.23441400 [DELETED] 

Fuck yeah, If she's reading Fear And trembling or any book by Milan Kundera then damn right i'm gonna give her what she wants which is "attention"

>> No.23441407

>Nay, if she got it
Kek we got a comedian

>> No.23441413

I'm gonna tell her "you're still struggling in page 1 or you're just going through it without understanding it ahaha" because i'm sure women can't read the books I read

>> No.23441455

This guy fucks

>> No.23441481


>> No.23441490

.... hairy men

>> No.23441508 [DELETED] 

Yes, because I would assume that any girl who reads one of the only few books I still like was clearly a manifestation of my mind, therefore mine.

>> No.23441873

No. I'm not a normal human being. Besides, if you actually read books, you'd know being interrupted is annoying.

>> No.23441878

How is that edition so small? mine is twice as thick and it's not like it has big font or anything.

>> No.23441884

No, since I decided to live in solitude for the rest of my days.

>> No.23441893

>Graceful sincerity
you lack fundamental social skills

>> No.23441908

It's a study of Joyce's Ulysses by Stuart Gilbert. It's not the novel itself.

>> No.23441914

I don't expect miracles but even if I ever saw a chick reading some of my favorite garbage I would give it a go.
Some chick reading book 6 of wheel of time would have to beat me off with a stick for example

>> No.23441915

Keep coping. I make friends easily and do well with women. I'm just high IQ and don't care about what society deems normal.

>> No.23441991

>Someone sharing genuine experience in a well written way
>lazy fuck replies with insult that isn't even funny with no additional content or value
Nta, but someone in this conversation lacks social skills, but it's not who you think it is

>> No.23442692

You sound unpleasant to be around

>> No.23442736

Yeah autismos like you generally don't like being around sociable people like me

>> No.23442754

Look at you. Performing circus tricks in exchange for "pussy". The goyim are rancid pigs.

>> No.23442785

At least in ancient societies if I rape her I’d have to marry her, which is better than being thrown in jail.

>> No.23442787


>> No.23443690

What "circus tricks are you even suggesting he would perform? I don't see that he suggested any. You're just toxic. Besides, who said it's about pussy? Interest in a woman can be about more than that, and if we're such rancid pigs, what are you doing here among us, hypocrite?

>> No.23443700

keep the note but drop the flower
say she looks cute and would like to catch up another time to talk about the book
then skedaddle asap
I've done this once and it worked and I got a date

>> No.23443756

Absolutely not. The flower is critical. I won't like a woman who doesn't like flowers.

>> No.23444612

jej you didnt actually say that
>beat me off with a stick for example

heres a little idea maybe to motivate you guys: think about the last time a stranger approached you in public. How did you feel about it? Probably anyone you choose to approach will feel the same way.
If you see someone reading a book you like or buying a book you like in a bookshop, you might as well say hello... the outcome could only be positive or neutral.

>> No.23444647

>Bitch, you're in my spot, and you're reading my book

>> No.23444687

She's trying to read FFS.
Leave her alone and mind your own business.

>> No.23444694

ITT: autistic virgins who can't read body language, and try to screw women without any sign of interest from them.

>> No.23444703

We'd be colleagues, and she'd be not a girl, but a woman. As for the approaching romantically: there's a boundary there that I do not cross anymore, but we'd work well together.

>> No.23444704

No. White guys need to leave women alone.

>> No.23444746
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>That's a pretty cool book haha which part are you at?
>Oh that one's pretty good, you're gonna love the ending.
Then if she's not one of those completely self-absorbed people that don't ask questions back, she'll just kick off a convo.
If she is like that:
>let me know when you finish it so we can talk about it a bit next time we meet
There, you buffoons

>> No.23444798

>Then if she's not one of those completely self-absorbed people that don't ask questions back, she'll just kick off a convo.
Delusional kek
>interrupt someone reading a book
>expect them to drop everything and engage you in conversion
Extroverts are completely fucking insufferable

>> No.23444805

If they were extroverts, they'd know how to function in social situations. What they really are is autistic-level introverts.

>> No.23444806
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>everyone in the world either drops everything they're doing and pays attention to me when i request it
>or they're "one of those completely self-absorbed people that don't ask questions back"

>> No.23444813
File: 245 KB, 1440x1080, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picture of anon, colorized

>> No.23444814

>everyone is a cynical asshole that avoids social interactions like me
You guys have to at least try sometimes

>> No.23444820

You don't have to be cynical to prefer to be left alone. Some people prefer not to be bothered. When in doubt, look at the body language. Staring deeply into an open book is not an invitation for social interaction. It's literally the most socially-forboding sign there is. The book might as well say FUCK OFF, I'M READING on the cover.

>> No.23444825

I think this is pretty doable. I mean, if the girl actually shows interest in you (that is, you're not ugly/don't give off a shitty "vibe"), she'll just do some small talk where you'll have to be able to carry it. At the end of it, she'll either give you her number, do small talk again next time, not talk to you next time or just call you a creep.

>> No.23444837

>"How's the book, whore?"

>> No.23444853
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It really just seems like you're projecting, brochacho. Most people, especially women, love to talk about themselves and what they're doing. I run a decently sized book/film club at university and about half of the people that are in it were invited by me after I just approached them while they were reading and just hit off talking about literature. I wouldn't say I'm handsome or a complete extrovert, but interacting with other people gets easier when you realize that not everyone is as gloomy as you think. Also have to say that you only get good at conversations by actually talking to people.
Thank you for the observations, lad