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File: 1000 KB, 1125x1411, Post-Schopenhauer Pessimists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23439190 No.23439190 [Reply] [Original]

Read these after Schopenhauer

>> No.23439221

The only good voluntarist was Peters but sadly he decided to mass murder Africans instead of saving philosophy.

>> No.23439580
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The only interesting development of Schopenhauer's pessimism is Nietzschean affirmation.

>> No.23439596

Completely rekt by v. Hartmann

>> No.23439611

Read Bacon, Nietzsche (Twilight of the Idols), and Whitehead if you're not a midwit.

>> No.23439614

Literally who?

>> No.23439617

>if you're not a midwit.

>> No.23439642
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Implying you're even well-equipped enough to get past his big fat prose cheeks into the sweet meat of what he's really saying.

>> No.23439683


>> No.23441149

For me it’s Cioran

>> No.23441173

What? Nietzsche destroyed Hartmann in his essay on history.

>> No.23441178

>forgetting wagner
Embarrassing. Nietzsche’s philosophy of affirmation wouldn’t even have been possible without Wagner, from The Birth of Tragedy all the way up to The Will to Power.

>> No.23441210

The only one worth reading is Von Hartmann, the other two were frankly dilettantes. I'm not saying this as some Von Hartmann fan, it's just that he's the only one anyone in the academy today cares about.

>> No.23441647

>Nietzsche immediately read Die Philosophie der Erlösung in the year it was published, before any review had appeared. The work contributed to his final separation from Schopenhauer's philosophy. In his own works, Nietzsche gave no attention to Mainländer until a decade later, that is, in the second, expanded edition of The Gay Science, the same book in which he had introduced the phrase "God is dead" in the first edition five years prior: "Could one count such dilettantes and old maids as the sickeningly sentimental apostle of virginity, Mainländer, as a genuine German? After all he was probably a Jew – (all Jews become sentimental when they moralize)."
Why was Nietzsche like this? "Jews bad because they're feeling, thinking people!", "Vulgar slave-revolt!" Cringe meme-thinker

>> No.23441650
File: 19 KB, 220x294, Chud Phenotype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dorky nigga

>> No.23441668

He's right though, and it's ironic that your argument is still just pure sentimentalism. He was the product of an imperialist culture and you are the product of a vulgar slave horde.

>> No.23441835

>the philosopher always becomes such as the result of a perplexity from which he tries to disengage himself. this is plato's thaumazein, astonishment - a very philosophical emotion (theatetus, 155D). but what distinguishes ungenuine from genuine philosophers is that this perplexity comes to the latter from looking at the world itself, to the former merely from a book, a philosophical system which lies in front of them. this was also the case with Fichte, for he became a philosopher merely over Kant's thing-in-itself, and had it not been for this would most probably have concerned himself with quite different things with much greater success, for he possessed considerable rhetorical talent.
t. schopenhauer

Same goes for the tards in op

>> No.23442909
File: 55 KB, 1024x1024, 1592251022112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're not a midwit.

>> No.23442915

>little jew boy

>> No.23442980

>[Bahnsen] was regarded as one of the most capable philosophers in the Schopenhauer Schule, rivalled only by Schopenhauer's personal literary executor — Julius Frauenstädt.
you have idea what you are talking about

>> No.23443052

I agree.

>> No.23443095

Schopenhauer literally had Kant's Critique as his Bible. I hate this idiotic retardation of criticizing ideas coming from reading, you can hate reading all you want, I agree that it can be something decadent, but saying one does not think because he reads and develops from then on is pure retardation.

>> No.23443103

What's the point of deliberately going out of your way to make your life miserable by letting people talk you into hating your existence?

>> No.23443133

How detached from reality you need to be not to witness ubiquitous misery in the world and in human condition?

>> No.23443143

Rather than living in denial. Optimists don’t exist they’re just ignorant

>> No.23443146

I've always mistaken mainlander with Nietzsche

>> No.23443148

This. Adding Zapffe, Cioran, Caraco and Ligotti to that list of things I regret to have read (Pessoa at least put beauty in his work). There's no point in reading pessimistic stuff once you already know you're a pessimist yourself, you should try instead to find things that makes you more optimistic (and happy)

>> No.23443150
File: 903 KB, 798x2026, nietzsche fappermensch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23443189

Like what? Let me guess
>have kids
>have a relationship
Gayass shit

>> No.23443198

I bet you’re gayass shit yourself

Also NTA

>> No.23443206
File: 31 KB, 564x564, 1717046778485155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I just think pessimism is not something you can escape from or grow up out of, if you can then you were only a little depressed fag who needed some back patting and "goals".
You always see this shit
>ayyyyyy im so le pessimistic, or I was until I had my kids because they are... LE SPECIAL
Fake ass shit, narcissistic needs now taking the form of a toddler you see this all the time among normalfaggots.

>> No.23443219

Oh I witness it just fine.
Do I need to read a 300 page book telling me that the world is shit and everything I like is shit and also pleasure doesn't exist or some shit?
If you're not going to act out on that information, what's the point of wasting your time on that? Yes yes I know, everything is a waste of time. Epic.
Now you know. Do you need to reinforce the same information over and over? You could go out and enjoy a nice day, or you could dwell on the misery of the human condition. But I'm wondering why the fuck would you do that? You're still going to die at the end of the day. Get busy living or get busy dying, am I right sisters?

>> No.23443224

Oh yeah, being a miserable faggots 24/7 is peak intelligence. Reading shit that makes you more miserable is peak intelligent behaviour. If you are not a useless faggot pessimist who hates life but won't kill himself you're just stupid.
But you do you.

>> No.23443231

I'm actually an optimist and i find that their work alligns with my optimistic view on life, I mean you are born in order to explore the absurdity of life, We are born to partake and experience life. We must be proud.

>> No.23443236

>most calm optimist

>> No.23443245

Is this really what optimist believe in? Sounds very deranged and for the most part pathologically selfish

>> No.23443256

>Noooo you don't get it! You MUST be miserable!
>NOOO selfishness is le bad! You must be a bleeding heart harmless faggot like me and do nothing but THINK!

>> No.23443278

>most mentally stable optimist

>> No.23443300

I just find you, optimists, and the pessimists here lack subtlety. The most precious thing in the world comes into existence in the midst of piss and shit, but it is no less beautiful and precious.

>> No.23443377

Pain is inevitable, Suffering is optional.

Self inflectuous pain is what i see from this philosophers, Kierkegaard is the greatest because through pain he atleast disregards the darkness of life and tries to enlighten people into finding the solution in a dim world by atleast having faith.

>> No.23443385

Selfishness is the key to ensuring a better healthy life but disregarding the ethics of life leads to being an irresponsible cunt who seeks to destroy the harmony of a great society. You think abhorring to Ethics is easy ? It is very easy to abolish from ethics, Nay, even to commit crime but it's very hard to be selfish yet to respect ethics. Better be a centrist, Rather than self indulge in suffering

>> No.23443386


>> No.23443592


>> No.23443611

Nigga how the fuck is suffering optional you deluded retard do you think everybody does through life as pampered as you?

>> No.23443627

I wasn't aware that every single human being (including you) was a starving African child sex slave.

>> No.23443697

>why yes im a pampered first world toddler how could you tell?
When was the last time you went to bed hungry? You are a fucking clown and deprivation is the state on which most of the world lives in you dont need to be an extreme case the experience it, but yeah that suffering is optional of course because you dont know it, I hate optimists not because of their choices on how to see life but because they are the "just lift bro" of philosophy, hopeless tards with a shortsighted view on life that does not go beyond their own ass

>> No.23443699

When was the last time you went to bed hungry?

>> No.23444176


>> No.23444343

16 year olds aren't allowed in this website