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23438270 No.23438270 [Reply] [Original]

Post quotes or passages that genuinely make your tear up

>> No.23438293

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub. L.Tooltip Public Law (United States) 88–352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) is a landmark civil rights and labor law in the United States that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. It prohibits unequal application of voter registration requirements, racial segregation in schools and public accommodations, and employment discrimination. The act "remains one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history".

>> No.23438306

"OP is a fag."
t. Aristotle

>> No.23438312

My diary desu

>> No.23438484


>> No.23438567

The ending to Don Quixote was really tough. Going from a funny clown to a respected character to suddenly becoming disillusioned and dying was harsh, especially when Sancho was so earnestly trying to cheer him up. Also the ending to Karamazov when they were burying that little boy with his father freaking out and running back and forth. I've never been so emotionally touched by a book than by that.

>> No.23438572
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>what did you expect

>> No.23438573

Posted on /b/ more than a decade ago
/b/tard raised by a single mom, she worked two jobs, saved money to send him to college, no man for 18 years as she concentrated on her son.
He grew up to be a moody cunt, pushed her away, refused to go home from uni to see her during holidays, got angry if she called. Didn't invite her to his graduation
She killed herself.

>> No.23438600

based Stoner enjoyer. I have that quote written on a sticky note on my bulletin board.

>> No.23438619

baby shoues for sale, never whore

>> No.23438743

fuck that guy i hope he kills himself

>> No.23438771
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Martin Eden by Jack London was rather bleak, especially the stretch where the protag toils in a boiling infernal hotel laundry as his aspirations of reading and writing in his free time are crushed into exhaustive sleep and drink to cope
not that I can relate or anything

>> No.23438778

kind of a cunt move

>> No.23440248

"Still I wonder what it's like to be loved, instead of hiding in myself." -Black Sabbath, "You Won't Change Me" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5SIJQXyq7o

>> No.23440315

>when the boy tells his father to toss bread at his grave so the birds will come and he won't be so lonely
I cri everytim

>> No.23440323

the news today oh boy

>> No.23440336

A picture on the wall in my grandparents' house with a text that translates to
"It's still the flowering golden time
Still are the days of roses"

Always crept me out as a child already, hit me immensely when cleaning out their house after both my grandparents had died

>> No.23440348
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"I made a promise to you once… Don't have much time left to keep it." Walter Booker, in Fatale, the comic series written by Ed Brubaker.

>> No.23440365

Latest read that got me was Sebald's Austerlitz. It's like hearing ghost talking.

>> No.23440367

Based Fatale enjoyer

>> No.23440374

Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity. What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun? One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

>> No.23440385

Literally, kys faggot. Why are Zoomers so fucking gay?

>> No.23440389
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I don't know for sure, there's lots of stuff, but you're all raycis so I won't tell you.

>> No.23440390

fuck, that hit me in the feels. I can understand having a rocking relationship with your parents but that is tragic

>> No.23440425
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>> No.23440439

what a retard (the mom)

>> No.23440492

She must have been kicked unseen or brushed by a car.
Too young to know much, she was beginning to learn
To use the newspapers spread on the kitchen floor
And to win, wetting there, the words, "Good dog! Good dog!"

We thought her shy malaise was a shot reaction.
The autopsy disclosed a rupture in her liver.
As we teased her with play, blood was filling her skin
And her heart was learning to lie down forever.

Monday morning, as the children were noisily fed
And sent to school, she crawled beneath the youngest's bed.
We found her twisted and limp but still alive.
In the car to the vet's, on my lap, she tried

To bite my hand and died. I stroked her warm fur
And my wife called in a voice imperious with tears.
Though surrounded by love that would have upheld her,
Nevertheless she sank and, stiffening, disappeared.

Back home, we found that in the night her frame,
Drawing near to dissolution, had endured the shame
Of diarrhoea and had dragged across the floor
To a newspaper carelessly left there. Good dog.

>> No.23440522

Fantine’s death

>> No.23440562
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>“Keep at it, John. Someday, if you’re spared, you may make a soldier.” He bowed his head once slightly. It came over Buford like a sunrise that he had just received Reynolds’ greatest compliment. At that moment it mattered very much. “Now,” Reynolds said, “let’s go surprise Harry Heth.”
There are so many moments like this in the book. It is perhaps the most emotional work I’ve ever read.

>> No.23440568
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>“He looked from face to face. The enormity of it, the weight of the line, was a mass too great to express. But he could see it as clearly as in a broad wide vision, a Biblical dream: If the line broke here, then the hill was gone, all these boys from Pennsylvania, New York, hit from behind, above. Once the hill went, the flank of the army went. Good God! He could see troops running; he could see the blue flood, the bloody tide.”

>> No.23440575
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>“To be a good soldier you must love the army. But to be a good officer you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love. That is…a very hard thing to do. No other profession requires it. That is one reason why there are so very few good officers. Although there are many good men.”

>> No.23440734

"Oh, Rosemund."

>> No.23440829

Your diary desu

>> No.23440840

Honestly her fault for raising him without a father. That causes massive psychological social damage.

>> No.23440872

From the Author's Note at the end of A Scanner Darkly

"There is no moral in this novel; it is not bourgeois; it does not say they were wrong to play when they should have toiled; it just tells what the consequences were. In Greek drama they were beginning, as a society, to discover science, which means causal law. Here in this novel there is Nemesis: not fate, because any one of us could have chosen to stop playing in the street, but, as I narrate from the deepest part of my life and heart, a dreadful Nemesis for those who kept on playing. I myself, I am not a character in this novel; I am the novel. So, though, was our entire nation at this time. This novel is about more people than I knew personally. Some we all read about in the newspapers. It was, this sitting around with our buddies and bullshitting while making tape recordings, the bad decision of the decade, the sixties, both in and out of the establishment. And nature cracked down on us. We were forced to stop by things dreadful.

If there was any “sin,” it was that these people wanted to keep on having a good time forever, and were punished for that, but, as I say, I feel that, if so, the punishment was far too great, and I prefer to think of it only in a Greek or morally neutral way, as mere science, as deterministic impartial cause-and-effect. I loved them all. Here is the list, to whom I dedicate my love:
To Gaylene… deceased
To Ray… deceased
To Francy… permanent psychosis
To Kathy… permanent brain damage
To Jim… deceased
To Val… massive permanent brain damage
To Nancy… permanent psychosis
To Joanne… permanent brain damage
To Maren… deceased
To Nick… deceased
To Terry… deceased
To Dennis… deceased
To Phil… permanent pancreatic damage
To Sue… permanent vascular damage
To Jerri… permanent psychosis and vascular damage
. . . and so forth.
In Memoriam. These were comrades whom I had; there are no better. They remain in my mind, and the enemy will never be forgiven. The “enemy” was their mistake in playing. Let them all play again, in some other way, and let them be happy."

— Philip K. Dick, 1977

>> No.23440883

A Scanner Darkly is a funny book tho

>> No.23440893
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>In this particular lifestyle the motto is “Be happy now because tomorrow you are dying,” but the dying begins almost at once, and the happiness is a memory.

>> No.23440900
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>mfw boule de suif is crying and everyone is ignoring her

>> No.23440926
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أغرى امرؤٌ يوماً غُلاماً جاهلاً
بنقوده حتى ينال به الوطرْ

قال : ائتني بفؤادِ أمك يا فتى
ولك الدراهمُ والجواهر والدررْ

فمضى وأغرز خنجراً في صدرها
والقلبُ أخرجهُ وعاد على الأثرْ

لكنه من فرطِ سُرعته هوى
فتدحرج القلبُ المُعَفَّرُ إذا عثرْ

ناداه قلبُ الأمِ وهو مُعفرٌ:
ولدي ، حبيبي ، هل أصابك من ضررْ ؟

فكأن هذا الصوتَ رُغْمَ حُنُوِّهِ
غَضَبُ السماء على الوليد قد انهمرْ

ورأى فظيع جنايةٍ لم يأتها
أحدٌ سواهُ مُنْذُ تاريخِ البشرْ

وارتد نحو القلبِ يغسلهُ بما
فاضتْ به عيناهُ من سيلِ العِبرْ

ويقول : يا قلبُ انتقم مني ولا
تغفرْ ، فإن جريمتي لا تُغتفرْ

واستلَّ خنجرهُ ليطعنَ صدرهُ
طعناً سيبقى عبرةً لمن اعتبرْ

ناداه قلبُ الأمِّ : كُفَّ يداً ولا
تذبح فؤادي مــرتــيــن ِ على الاثر

>> No.23441203

Boromir! I cried. Where is thy horn? Whither goest thou? O Boromir! But he was gone. The boat turned into the stream and passed glimmering on into the night. Dreamlike it was, and yet no dream, for there was no waking.

>> No.23441258
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Unironic kino

>> No.23441265
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Holy fuck

>> No.23441284
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>> No.23441306

>“Indeed - why should I not admit it? - in that moment, my heart was breaking.” - Remains of the day.
By itself it doesn't look like much, but in the context of the novel it's devastating

>> No.23442099

I had considered hard hard drugs in the past, the risk of death never scared me that badly. What nobody tells you is that you sometimes don't die and you end up with half of your brain gone, shitting your pants for the rest of your life. It is the saddest thing ever to have it happen to someone close to you. The guy I know sometimes begs us to kill him.

>> No.23442144
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bros wtf im... feeeeeeeling

>> No.23442169

>Cronica de una muerte anunciada
Nothing more sad than dying without knowing why people you know are killing you. More sad when you know he was killed because a woman lied and said he punched her when his multimillonary bf did it.

>> No.23442244

they did her dirty, those uppity cunts

>> No.23442302

Made me tear up just like A Dog Named Bo.

>> No.23442424
File: 48 KB, 509x437, And He Couldn't Feel And Nothing Was Real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Nevsky Prospect by Gogol to be desperately sad. Poor Piskarev.

>> No.23442524

The finals chapters of Elective Affinities by Goethe

>> No.23443782

what drugs do that to you?

>> No.23444603

seriously this is the most despair inducing yeats quote:

"Robartes: A rat or water-hen
Splashed, or an otter slid into the stream.
We are on the bridge; that shadow is the tower,
And the light proves that he is reading still.
He has found, after the manner of his kind,
Mere images; chosen this place to live in
Because, it may be, of the candle-light
From the far tower where Milton's Platonist
Sat late, or Shelley's visionary prince:
The lonely light that Samuel Palmer engraved,
An image of mysterious wisdom won by toil;
And now he seeks in book or manuscript
What he shall never find.

Aherne: Why should not you
Who know it all ring at his door, and speak
Just truth enough to show that his whole life
Will scarcely find for him a broken crust
Of all those truths that are your daily bread;
And when you have spoken take the roads again?"

Long to me Thy Coming by Patrick Pearse is a pretty desperate one too:
Long to me thy coming,
Old henchman of God,
O friend of all friends,
To free me from my pain.

O syllable on the wind,
O footfall not heavy,
O hand in the dark,
Your coming is long to me.

>> No.23445570
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Picrel is pretty fucking brutal. I'm only 159 pages in, and it's just aggressively depressing.

>> No.23446196

he probably blamed her for not having a father and was right to do so
>le she worked two jobs
that's her fault, not his.

>> No.23446217

I don't know bro forced integration hasn't worked out so well.

>> No.23446246


>> No.23446663

How is Phaedo sad for you, i think this was hopeful

>> No.23446672

For me it’s the end of Journey to the end of the night when Bardamu couldn’t be the man that Robinson needed when he was dying

>> No.23446679

"I realized trans was not real, but I had already cut my dick off."

>> No.23446693

>jesus' parable of the rich man and the widow but for tarbreaths

>> No.23446699

I don’t tear up

>> No.23446780

I've barely read any books. But I finished Catcher in the Rye today and Holden talking about his dead brother Allie made me teary eyed. I also got teary eyed a few times when he talked about how depressed certain things made him, or when he was trying to gloss over clearly traumatizing events. And of course the scene where he describes how he'd like to be a catcher in the rye. I'm way too old to resonate with the book but I really do.

>> No.23446810

Someone’s jimmies got rustled methinks

>> No.23446820

Unironically? The Sermon on the Mount.

>> No.23446983

Chasing the dragon

>> No.23447118

Not the saddest thing I've ever read but I am re-reading Anna Karenina for the millionth time (favorite book ever) and the scene when Vronsky loses the horse race and then just beats the horse when it's down really makes me almost tear up, especially with how incredible the build up is to the race and the foreshadowing of Vronsky seeing Anna, his discovery of her pregnancy, the weird tension he has with Seryozha etc.

>> No.23447494

Elementary Particles, where the main character gets cucked and desribes his feelings of alienation while lying in tent, also the ending of The Dead by J.J., when the lust and anger of the main character gives way to aloof melancholy

>> No.23447514

are we talking sad as a statement of fact or sad as in it made me cry? because there's plenty of history books that are full of sad, fucked-up shit
but the only thing that ever made me cry, at least that i can remember was the metamorphosis and speer's inside the third reich where he describes the defeated way hitler said goodbye to him. i'm not even right-wing, but the way it was written really hit me in the feels

>> No.23447517

if anyone's wondering, here's the part i mean for the second
>By now it was about three o'clock in the morning. Hitler was awake again. I sent word that I wanted to bid him good-by. The day had worn me out, and I was afraid that I would not be able to control myself at our parting. Trembling, the prematurely aged man stood before me for the last time; the man to whom I had dedicated my life twelve years before. I was both moved and confused. For his part, he showed no emotion when we confronted one another. His words were as cold as his hand: "So, you're leaving? Good. Auf Wiedersehen." No regards to my family, no wishes, no thanks, no farewell. For a moment I lost my composure, said something about coming back. But he could easily see that it was a white lie, and turned his attention to something else. I was dismissed.

>> No.23447581

No book has ever made me feel a thing. It's just words on a page

>> No.23447583

I don’t think quotes can carry the sadness of entire books of buildup and will always look underwhelming out of context.

I cried a bit at the end of The Road, the feeling of giving everything you got and finally running out of time hit close to home. Just some last words of encouragement and hope before being lost forever.

Mice and Men made me sad as well, at the predictable place.

>> No.23447586

"She will not remember her father."
single line Kamikaze death poem

>> No.23447587

The ending will fuck you up (in a good way)

>> No.23447662
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This entire memoir had me either tearing up, or going on a long smoke walk in the night with how much depressing and violent shit going on it.

>> No.23448515


>> No.23449113

-Nick Land
“Space echoes like an immense tomb, yet the stars still burn. Why does the sun take so long to die ?”

>> No.23449168

I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood.