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/lit/ - Literature

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23435981 No.23435981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. First thing I will do is stop paying rent, which should be one year or so until they evict me, will trash the place real good at the end either way. Just not going to participate anymore that's all.

>> No.23435992
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You are dying.
>Labour is Life: from the inmost heart of the Worker rises his god-given Force, the sacred celestial Life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God; from his inmost heart awakens him to all nobleness,—to all knowledge, 'self-knowledge' and much else, so soon as Work fitly begins.

>> No.23435993

/lit/ - for literature

>> No.23435994

what does this have to do with writing?

>> No.23436093


6 year olds in africa that mine cobalt barefoot bitch less than you

>> No.23436117

Source: Trust me bro

>> No.23436119

We are not your therapy or life advisors. Although, I would suggest replacing work with some form of proactiveness like art or fitness, and keeping your financial responsibility and so on, not self sabotaging more than you have to. Quitting work is one thing, ignoring contracts is headed toward suicide.

>> No.23436154

That is very niggerlike. You can stop wagecucking without giving up on life

>> No.23436160

> I don't get any benefits
I hate work too, but aren't housing and the means of subsistence pretty important benefits? What kind of indigent lifestyle are you picturing for yourself without an income, specifically?

Also why do you keep posting this exact same thread, and never responding to anyone who replies to you?

Of course he would say that. His job was 'man of letters', and he could work on whatever his spirit inclined him to. Most people currently don't have that luxury. The truism that you need to exercise your faculties to feel truly alive shouldn't be dressed up as a metaphysical justification for a lifetime of drudgery and squandered consciousness.

>> No.23436177

The manner of work matters not; it need only be true.
>All true Work is sacred; in all true Work, were it but true hand-labour, there is something of divineness.

>> No.23436189
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So... Do you want anti work(/anti CURRENT work) books or some shit? Give us something to work on here man

>> No.23436210

The kind of work done is irrelevant as long as it is true. Work is life and idleness is death.
>Idleness is worst, Idleness alone is without hope: work earnestly at anything, you will by degrees learn to work at almost all things. There is endless hope in work, were it even work at making money.

>> No.23436217

>the kind of work doesn’t matter as long as it is the right kind


>> No.23436227

"True work" in this context obviously means done in earnest. Nice strawman, though.

>> No.23436228

>You can stop wagecucking without giving up on life
How? Do you think he can make a living selling litrpg or recording tiktoks perhaps? In this world it's wageslaving or die for 90% of people

>> No.23436234

Nah, I'd be happier without having to work believe me. Working is painful AND boring

>> No.23436239

The modern concept of work is literally evil and created by, guess who?

>> No.23436244

t. Last Man

>> No.23436247

I said "and boring". Also I was pretty sure a pseudo-Nietzschean would come to say
>Pain is actually LE GOOD and pleasure is LE BAD
That faggot never worked in a factory to hold such words

>> No.23436261

>Pain is actually LE GOOD
Yes. Suffering necessary hardship (e.g. work) with the right attitude makes you a stronger, better person.

>> No.23436275
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>I must improve!!
There's no such thing as "becoming a better person" by working a job, what an incredible naive superstition

>> No.23436277

I haven't had a job in 10 years. Believe me I'm still alive. The proudest moment of my life was when I told my boss I was resigning. How did I live without a wage you ask? God provided, literally. There is meaning in the fabric of reality, you have to follow His path.

>> No.23436282

You lack imagination. Resourfulness.
You only need bread, some fruits, fresh water and a warm blanket to survive. Good books and coffee for the feeding of the soul.
There are plenty lifepathes that allow you to have that much without wagecucking.

>> No.23436284

>There's no such thing as "gaining muscle" by lifting weights, what an incredible naive superstition
Good for you, jobs are generally less than ideal so if you found something better more power to you. Nevertheless you cannot stop working. Have you been idle for ten years?

>> No.23436293

>Nevertheless you cannot stop working. Have you been idle for ten years?
I've been busy tending to my garden and my home, reading, programming for fun (I was in IT), walking in nature, listening to music and contemplating the beauty of creation.

>> No.23436311

Le Jews. Nothing wrong with work. What's wrong is that people overestimate how talented and smart they are and think they're above work. If you were really that good at whatever passion you want to pursue, you'd already be recognized for it. But here you are on 4chan. Because you're an insufferable loser who needs to blame other people for their failures.

>> No.23436346
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I don't want to pursue a passion, I don't want to work, I will parasite the system and collect neetbux. Thanks wagies, you can cope with XIXth century writers quotes all you want

>> No.23436350

No one envies you.

>> No.23436355

Good, I don't envy anyone neither! Work plenty, let me do nothing

>> No.23436359

>bread, some fruits, fresh water, a warm blanket
>Good books and coffee

How do you plan to get these without money?

>> No.23436366

Why should other people unconditionally provide for you?

>> No.23436371

not them, but I think he would say something like. They shouldn't, but they will.

>> No.23436374

I never said they should, that's just how it happens to be in socialists countries. If they offer, it would be dumb not to take

>> No.23436431

I saw that book at Barnes and Noble. I went to open it and I was surprised it wasn't just one single page that said. "All of them. The End."

>> No.23436433
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>> No.23436439

>T. Guy who never have had a job

>> No.23436445

The last man would tell you that you need both work and time off.
Meanwhile Nietzsche:
>Those who commend work. - In the glorification of 'work', in the unwearied talk of the 'blessing of work', I see the same covert idea as in the praise of useful impersonal actions: that of fear of everything individual. Fundamentally, one now feels at the sight of work - one always means by work that hard industriousness from early till late - that such work is the best policeman, that it keeps everyone in bounds and can mightily hinder the development of reason, covetousness, desire for independence. For it uses up an extraordinary amount of nervous energy, which is thus denied to reflection, brooding, dreaming, worrying, loving, hating; it sets a small goal always in sight and guarantees easy and regular satisfactions. Thus a society in which there is continual hard work will have more security: and security is now worshipped as the supreme divinity. - And now! Horror! Precisely the 'worker' has become dangerous! The place is swarming with 'dangerous individuals'! And behind them the danger of dangers - the individual!
It's been a few years since i read that quote actually, and now that i have a job it's scary how correct he was. My soul and aspirations are totally dead.

>> No.23436449

just would like to remind everyone here that "work" is not synonymous or interchangeable with "job". all life forms do some form of work to survive: hunting, foraging, scavenging, sending roots into the ground for nourishment. only human beings and insects are retarded enough to have "jobs"

>> No.23436462

>the sacred celestial Life-essence breathed into him by Almighty God
All the modern wagie will be smelling is deep fried oil if he's a restaurant wagie or h1b Pajeet stench if he works in tech

>> No.23436469

>For it uses up an extraordinary amount of nervous energy, which is thus denied to reflection, brooding, dreaming, worrying, loving, hating; it sets a small goal always in sight and guarantees easy and regular satisfactions.
this is so fuckin true. can't tell you how many times I've gotten a moment to think at work and I'll be having the best little train of thought brewing, just to be interrupted by somebody asking me to do something. the funny part is, most people think this is "good". I was standing there brooding to myself and my coworker came up and said "what are you doing?" I said, "just thinking." and she said, "oh that's not good. you don't want to think too much. that's why I always stay busy."

>> No.23436478

>and she said, "oh that's not good. you don't want to think too much. that's why I always stay busy."
This is a fabricated anecdote. A falsehood. A fib.

>> No.23436481

We know, the OP was about working as a job tho

>> No.23436608

you are incorrect. it wouldn't even occur to me to fabricate an anecdote for this site. I come here to talk about shit I can't talk about with people IRL without their eyes glazing over (as evidenced by my non-fiction anecdote). making shit up, especially something that mundane, would be counterproductive to why I'm here in the first place. you would have to be such a catastrophically pathetic loser to come on this board and post fake anecdotes. I hope you don't do that

>> No.23436675

Can you be more specific. Do you just mean your parents let you live in the basement and buy you food?

>> No.23436854

Pure, unfiltered sophist gibberish. So uninspired as well. Yawn

>> No.23436864

>you would have to be such a catastrophically pathetic loser to come on this board and post fake anecdotes. I hope you don't do that

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>> No.23436885

I basically agree but not all men are laborers at heart

>> No.23436888

That's a terrible plan. You need some way to survive. I don't want to work either. You need to at least find a way to get on state assistance or state housing if that's actually your plan. It sounds good in the moment but eventually you'll feel like you fucked up your whole life.

>> No.23436890

I realized I hate work a year in to my big law job so I resigned and got an easy remote work gig and I’ve been doing that ever since.

Personally, I think work is a means to an end and not a virtue in itself. As a general rule, workers should work and reap it’s fruits but if work is particularly disagreeable or if the fruits cannot be harvested for some reason then whether or not one should work is open question at best. I can respect the decision to not work.

>> No.23437372

No actually my parents died 10 years ago, and I was already living on my own by then, probably while you were still pissing your bed.
I made enough money through my investments to not worry about making money anymore. This money arrived after I had resigned, that's why I said it was God providing, and it makes sense since I followed His calling by resigning.

>> No.23437410


>> No.23437437
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