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23433303 No.23433303 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>23428610
It's a wonderful life edition.
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>> No.23433467

I finally got my novel ready to be writ. I hope it reads like two suicide notes by the time I'm done with the first draft. Wish me fug.

>> No.23433525
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Get fugged :D:DDD haha :DD:D benis :D

>> No.23433537
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>> No.23433552

>decide to split my story into two halves
>part one is 14 chapters
>part two is 7 at best
The asymmetry is causing me stress. I don't know if I have enough content to make them roughly even.

>> No.23433606

cut the boring stuff. so either half of part 1 or all of part 2

do they need to be equal? is that an autism thing?

>> No.23433618

>do they need to be equal? is that an autism thing?
Yes. And yes.
It all goes as one story. Just after chapter 14 there is a convenient 1 month time skip where it makes sense to break it up. Also part one is "winter" and part two is "spring". And looking ahead if there is ever a sequel I will do summer and fall then.

>> No.23433641

does the late winter part only make sense in winter? i feel like it should be easy to have some parts of the rewritten into the spring part. maybe even introduce a character later or so

>> No.23433698

Yes, winter can only be winter because it ends at a ski lodge up a mountain. Then the time skip and spring starts just after St. Patrick's day and the theme changes to parent and child mending their relationship, and there is a lot of imagery of spring and birds making nests and raising babies. As long as I can squeak 3 extra chapters out I would be happy with a 14/10 division.

>> No.23433893

Reminder that if you write genreslop you should probably KYS.

>> No.23433935

Reminder that you should just write whatever the fuck you want and not be concerned with what autistic fucks on 4chan think

>> No.23433942

pyw. let me guess, you don't have any

>> No.23433954

You wouldn’t be smart enough to appreciate it.

>> No.23433990

You know nothing about me. How can you state, with absolute certainty, that I'm not smart enough to appreciate it? You display Gardner "logic".

>> No.23434028

I take that as a compliment. Gardner is the greatest of you.

>> No.23434049
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>have a playlist for each major character
>can now switch gears just by changing playlists
>can no longer write without playlists

>> No.23434120
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I wanted to make an actual literary litrpg because I thought maybe because I'm actually a good writer I could come up with something and be king of the idiots, but holy shit I really cannot compete with this kind of autism.

>> No.23434185

Is it too early for deconstructions of the genre to be a thing?

>> No.23434192

I tried writing one, and I'm about to give up and rewrite the whole thing in typical fantasy. Managing and maintaining stats and skills and expecting your reader to be invested enough in your game systems is too much. People see this crap and wonder why you didn't just make a fantasy novel instead.
The right amount of litrpg is Yajin Tensei. It's barely there, and only to quantify growth.

>> No.23434197

What concrete difference(if any) is there between writing a low-functioning autist and your regular retard? The former is what interests me the most.

>> No.23434209

I like the idea of a litrpg, but (imo) the video game conventions have to be hard rules and obstacles defining the world, not just ways to represent a world that can very well carry on without them.
No. We're just waiting on a good reconstructive work.
How is society organized, now that intelligence and wisdom are directly quantifiable and every skill or abstraction is an absolutely objective and provable thing?
What does it mean when the stat screen can objectively determine what is or is not a "human"?
Where does engineering fit in?
How does this affect the development of human thought and their ideas regarding what is or isn't possible?

>> No.23434210

The things going on inside the head. A low-functioning autist is still thinking and coming to the same answers as a higher-functioning autist (provided the same information). He just struggles to express himself.

>> No.23434213

The whole point of this was so I can have a "stable" monthly income from 2 chapters of $4-5k a week (easily doable) in which I don't agonize over the prose and everything. I wanted to have a character arc from my main series and then "fantasize" it by having it be an exaggerated story of this girl and her summer camp friends fighting in the woods and shit, pretending to be fantasy heroes. I was gonna use the stats as a low-key sort of thing for them to play around with rather than anything hardline.
I'm probably gonna do a web serial anyways, but post it on a website of my own design so I can still make some money off of it, while keeping my sanity. Plus, any "rushing" I do can be excused if I write from the character's POV. The character is probably 11 or 12 anyways.

I used the word "deconstruction" and a bunch of litRPGfags got mad and said I WILL fail because I CANNOT write a game to fit a story and ALL LitRPG's have the game first, story second. Maybe I will fail then. That mentality is atrocious.

>> No.23434216

My goal ultimately, was to start with her going to the summer camp with her sister, forming a loose "RPG" system and then the classes she took at the summer camp (dissections, survivalism, etc) could be skills and then when she plays in the woods with her friends, she "levels up."

It sounds gay, but I was trying to make a character focused story using the LitRPG mechanics to accentuate the character, instill a sense of childlike wonder, and make it actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Then, she finds a "portal" and then must use the "skills" with her party "for real"

>> No.23434217

Autistic people share this trait of being socially retarded. Things you find to be common sense do not register easily to autistic people.
A low functioning autist is like level 3 autism, you'll have someone who can read and do math but speaking is difficult for them and they might get frustrated really easily and speak in simple sentences. They find something that makes them comfortable and obsess over it all day. They usually get frustrated and lash out if something bothers them, especially if they have something like an ear infection.

A regular retard is just low IQ, they can probably be taught how to use the bathroom and eat with utensils but don't expect them to ever do anything amazing with their lives.

>> No.23434223

If you introduce an element, it should be a real part of the story. If it's nothing more than a quantitative blurb, it's wasteful.

>> No.23434224

My older brother, Jacob, is four years older than I am and is ‘of age’ to take over the family’s duties. He had been groomed his entire life for this task, and today the lucky guy gets to spend the rest of his years as a shite farmer along a fertile tract of land with no roads and no wagons.

Me? I’m sent off to become a laborer. Don’t send for me; I won’t reply.

>> No.23434226

I agree, which is why I was debating the whole RPG aspect. I wanted it to exist as a fun thing the children do among one another, but I'm debating getting rid of it

>> No.23434232

If you clarify that it's just a children's game, it's fine. Communicate it as such using dialogue and everyone will understand.

>> No.23434303

“Aye, ye’ll be makin’ nails until ye hate makin’ nails.”

The old asshole taught me how to hammer raw iron into a nail, and so I would make approximately twelve of them an hour for nine hours each day. Food was bread though occasionally we had other things like hard cheese and local vegetables.

Fuck him, I love making nails.

>> No.23434325

I just wrote this stream of consciousness and I think it's pretty good. Anyone have any feedback?
A pile of ashes. Confusion. A stake on fire in a pile of burning ashes. Worry. Frightened faces. Eyes of terror. Anxiety. A burning torch. Pitchforks. Confusion. Humans. Village homes. Pitchforks. Terrified eyes. Disbelief. Fear. Terror. Indignation. Outrage. Anger.

Anger. Anger. Anger. Anger. Anger. A terrified face. Red. A head. A man. A man. A man. A woman. A man. Pleasant warmth on hands. A man's back. A man with a torch. Eyes of terror. A searing pain in hand. Hatred. Liquid flowing down hands. Burning village homes.

Something burning. Fleshy bits. An itching on a cheek. An arm. Black smoke. A dirt road. An itching on a cheek. Blood. Sooty clawed fingers. The dirt road. The sky. Empty. Void.

>> No.23434329

I'm sure your abstract genderbent genderfluid genderqueer two-spirit yoga instructor/poetry guru will tell you it's something phenomenal but this is the 2nd/3rd time I've seen this and it doesn't make any sense

>> No.23434340

I spent some time thinking about why I hate litrpgs so much and if could I do it in a way that wouldn't make me hate myself and wish I were dead.

I thought about the system elements, like what if I designed a cool UI for the stats and made those jarring boxes into illustrative elements that actually serve the story and build atmosphere? Then I came across one highly rated litrpg at RR, where the author had also designed their own status windows and wondered why everything is so dumb HUGE. Then it hit me: of course, a big chunk of the readerbase for this crap are also filthy phone plebs! So anything else but a basic-ass, freely scalable HTML-form will be unreadable on many people's devices.
Fuck it, this shit is just unsalvageable.

>> No.23434354
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why dont you people just make a video game instead of degenerating a whole seperate artform you clearly dont know anything about?

>> No.23434355

Has this already become a copypasta?

>> No.23434356

Fuck off, 'toss

>> No.23434429

There comes a point where I'm writing fine then suddenly I hit a wall and the words won't come. It's not writer's block, it's that I literally can't think of words. It's usually around midnight.

>> No.23434439

It's called being tired. The condition usually passes when you go to sleep.

>> No.23434442

That is quite a cool idea. What music would you use?

>> No.23434444

I usually get dead tired and that's when the words come out.
I can't write in the morning, or for several hours after getting bitched at.

>> No.23434460

Again, it has to factor into the story.
This shouldn't just be an audience feature. The world should care. Guilds should have a stat requirement. People should be pushy about builds and nosy about stat distributions. Social circles should be defined by them, and anything allowing one to redistribute stats should be the holy grail of that world.

>> No.23434471

>anything allowing one to redistribute stats should be the holy grail of that world
That's how the MC from Min-Maxing TRPG works, and while it's technically a litrpg there aren't levels or adventurer's guilds, he's one of the only ones able to admin his own stats and it makes him really powerful but he's still a small fish in a large pond.

>> No.23434473

that's the point, though. the writers have a clear framework that allows them to focus on creativity, and the readers still know what to expect. it's mutually beneficial slop economy.

>> No.23434482

if i were ever to write a litrpg, i’d make it an isekai specifically for the culture shock. imagine overhearing two peasants discussing how strong, wise, etc. their crops are with reasonable medieval-fantasy-sounding jargon only to learn that they were trying to minmax their onion-turnip distribution. imagine hearing mmo/rpg jargon filtered through thousands of years of cultural development.

>> No.23434560

How do you deal with friends who laugh at you or look down on you for writing? inb4 they are not your real friends, they're normally good confidants and give helpful advice but for some reason this one thing is a joke to them.

>> No.23434562

Stop telling them about it.

>> No.23434569

I barely tell them anything because of this, but it comes up in conversation when they ask why I can't play games that night or whatever.

>> No.23434572

it also just sucks to know your friends look down on your passion. It's just these guys, everyone else I know is either unbothered or finds it interesting that I'm into writing. anyway /rant

>> No.23434576

Worth the Candle is a deconstruction something something. Standard litrpgs probably focus much more on making you feel like you're reading a video game, this one stops inserting stat screens into the text pretty early on, but it does stay crucial to the plot.
I haven't found any other LitRPGs I liked enough to keep reading.

>> No.23434582

Could you anons review a short story I wrote?

I wrote this almost a year ago for a girl I had a fling with in France for fun so she would have something to remember me by and i've never shown it to anyone else because it is so absurd and ridiculous that I'm not sure if it is good or not but I keep coming back to it and reading it and I really enjoy it so I am very curious what anons might think. I'd never wrote a short story prior to this.


>> No.23434593

It was really well written but i got trig'd by the H, and it takes a whole lot of Jesus to keep me clean lol

>> No.23434610

How do you deal with friends who you’ve mentioned writing to and a year later say “you still haven’t let me see your work” but you’re embarrassed to show them your stupid retarded shit about goblins and elves that just shows how lonely and pathetic you are and you just want to kill yourself oh my god I hate my life.

>> No.23434621 [DELETED] 

I'm about to branch off of fantasy and do something fantasy/sci-fi, the whole fantasy market is saturated.

>> No.23434644

>trig'd by the H
What does this mean?

>> No.23434660

H is a slang term for smack

>> No.23434669

is there genuinely nothing like AO3 without the smut and fanfic?

>> No.23434674


>> No.23434689

Ah okay sorry. Maybe I should have put a trigger warning up.

>> No.23434693

It's all good man. It's well-written, looks like you polished it up.

>> No.23434695

I wish Syosetu had an english language section for WN style writing.
I almost want to learn Japanese so i can write there because we don't have anything cool like that.

>> No.23434700
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Just finished this rough draft the other day and could use another set of eyes on it if anyone's available.

>> No.23434704


>> No.23434811
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I'm caught between two worlds here anons. When my current (and first) book is finished I want to start on a massive piece. I have 2 ideas I'm equally excited about.

The first is a huge multi-storied text about society and the modern day from many perspectives, a la Les Miserables, or War and Peace. Various characters with differing opinions at different levels of society, all with some interwoven central plot.

The other would be a sort of Grand narrative Game of Thrones esq plot, less focussed on combat or war. More on the idea of people, politics, manoeuvres and power plays.

Man I just want to write them both but they're going to be huge and I couldn't write them both.

>> No.23434818

You absolutely have to choose between them if they're going to be as big as you say.
Personally, the first one seems a lot more interesting to me. There's already too many GoT ripoffs.

>> No.23434907

Yeah like Dune /s

>> No.23434939

Stop getting mad at books.

>> No.23434960

Anon, are you trying to say that Dune ripped off ASOIAF?

>> No.23434962

Sometimes when i get stuck writing my shitty fantasy WN I'll break open a new LN and start reading it. The Great Cleric is fun to read.

>> No.23434965

>three words and a sarcasm tag

>> No.23434980

>sarcasm tag
oh that's what that was

>> No.23435047

so I'm conceptualizing a sci-fi futuristic story about humans spreading out into the galaxy based on some article i read about using nano satellites in a huge swarm to accelerate them to near light using a laser and then using the laser to communicate with them.
then, some kind of cargo capsule that is linear accelerated sans-life a few hundred years in advance so the two can sync up in orbit around a far-off near-earth like planet and the capsule collects the nano satellites full of human DNA, crashes into the planet, and populates the world through genetic reconstruction.
so the main character is a researcher who is like an 8th generation human who is part of this village of settlers that got deposited onto this planet and once they reach a certain critical mass, like 2500 people or something, they go off and start exploring, looking for intelligent life to maybe meet or fuck idk and theres no space ships or anything cool.
Does this kill the sci-fi if it's fantasylike?

>> No.23435059

>Does this kill the sci-fi if it's fantasylike?
This genuinely depends on the audience. If you want to appease the autists then it will be a problem. If you don't care then it's fine.

>> No.23435067
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Anyone? Or is it worldbuilding time for the next 16 hours?

>> No.23435068

I realized how close it sounds to avatar, but I'm really not trying to make it anything like that. I'd like for it to be more like star trek but more localized.

>> No.23435075

I feel like I need to be a certain audience to enjoy this. I'll give it a read though.

>> No.23435088

Sci-fi is a very peculiar kind of rot. When you put sci-fi elements into a work of any other genre, that work automatically converts to sci-fi and can't be anything else after that.

>> No.23435124

I kinda want to read the rest. You want someone to tell you it's good? It's good.

>> No.23435135
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That'll work. First impressions are important and since it's a tough draft, maybe that's all that's necessary to get me to edit it and make it better. Thanks, fren.

>> No.23435143

Yeah, I kind of think the same thing. I have more ideas for the former, too, which is probably a sign. But the second one seems like it would be far easier and more lucrative than a 1000 page lampoon

>> No.23435148 [DELETED] 

I got PTSD reading it. Great job.

>> No.23435153

You dont show them, simple as

>> No.23435156

Tell them that you are currently fucking their mom then. It's not that hard anon.

>> No.23435158

>It's not that hard anon.
true, I don't why I let it get to me so much

>> No.23435163

no one cares. we've thrown everything under like 6 genres forever. it's only a vague starting point for looking for something.

>> No.23435171

>go out
>meet the babes
>interspecies hanky panky
>oh snap she knows how to use magic
>insert my uvula into her cloaca
>jiggity giggity

>> No.23435187
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Different people are different so I use any and all music that I think captures their personalities or story arcs.

I've got a character that's a naive young woman torn between wanderlust and her obligations to her home so her playlist sounds like this:

Another character is a doctor that's fixated on curing death but is so deep in the weeds that they create something like a zombie outbreak without realizing it, so their playlist is all high-minded orchestral stuff:

Another character is schizophrenic so all of the songs on their playlist have at least two vocalists:

Another character with undiagnosed ADHD has a lot of noisy introspective songs:

Another character is leading their community through a major conflict so their playlist is very "combative":

Another character lives vicariously through the people they support because they're a coward so their playlist focuses on themes like regret and overcoming fear:

Another character is in law enforcement but also has a LOT of anger issues and struggles to be fair and just when dealing with criminals so their playlist has a lot of heavy metal and harsh vocals:

Another character is cop that was an orphan that's never fit in anywhere... until they go undercover with a criminal group and start being treated like family, so their playlist comes from a BROAD range of genres to capture them not fitting in, but every track tends to focus on themes like loneliness, not fitting in, found family, etc:

etc, etc, etc.

I like the approach so far. It does get a little tricky when writing scenes with multiple characters interacting because it's cumbersome to switch playlists constantly. I currently make an outline for major interactions that contain the major beats for each participant and write them all separately for each character and then try to integrate them piece by piece by plucking actions and responses from my outlines and placing them in the main text and editing them for coherence, if that makes sense.

My main problem is I've noticed that the side and background characters tend to match the energy of the playlists of the characters that are the main focus. If I'm listening to thrash metal because I'm writing the character with anger issues, I tend to write the one-off bad guys they're fighting with the same energy. Which is a problem if one bad guy is scared and another is composed and calm.

I'm not sure I want playlists for every side character. I'm considering some "neutral" playlists for general moods like "scared person", "sensible person", "chipper service worker", etc, but some of that might end up being elevator music or something.

>> No.23435202

[Gene Wolfe has entered the chat]
*laughs in Space Western*

>> No.23435247

>get a gf
>daily chit-chat takes up all my hours previously used for writing
Is it even possible to conciliate the two?

>> No.23435262

You have to have a conversation about your schedule. Less yapping and more quality time.

>> No.23435263

Yes, right now you're just in what is referred to as the honeymoon phase. Soon you guys will settle back down into a more normal routine, which includes you having time for things like writing and whatnot.

>> No.23435267

>ALL LitRPG's have the game first, story second
WTF even is this? Would these people be better off just reading a tabletop RPG rulebook straight through?

>> No.23435273

Should be renamed in
>Writing litrpg general

>> No.23435277

>All litrpgs have the game first, story second
Yes, listen to the dude who doesn't write or even read in the genre and is trying to get into it purely for the money, I'm sure he's a good source for 'how litrpg works'

>> No.23435283

It is the only relevant modern genre of writing, so I agree

>> No.23435293

That may do it, I will have to set a specific hour or something related to my work and my hobby. Honestly, I had this same problem with my ex, voiding her specifically because she was too attention-demanding. But I don't want to resort to this again.

She's a NEET, even if the honeymoon phase ends I don't think she would have a schedule at all.

>> No.23435295

Yes, better to interact with you, a faggot who derails conversations to kvetch about how those conversations aren’t being held for the right reasons. Do you have anything to contribute other than being a dumb bitch? Didn’t think so.

>> No.23435300

My contribution is pointing out you don't know what you're talking about :)
Though I suppose anyone dumb enough to listen to you is hopeless anyway
Why so mad?

>> No.23435303

This is literally it. People are just too lazy to actually boot up Steam, and even READ, so they go for LitRPG audiobooks

>> No.23435307

It's the perfect way for gamers to say they read without reading an actual book. No surprise that this has become big in the tiktok era

>> No.23435308

>People are just too lazy to actually boot up Steam, and even READ, so they go for LitRPG audiobooks
"People" don't read, much less read fantasy, much less read litrpg. The fuck is wrong with you retards. This genre literally doesn't exist to 99.99% of the population

>> No.23435312

>no surprise this has become big
>largest litrpg is like 10,000 ratings on goodreads, 2% the size of a sanderson novel, and most people don't know who the fuck sanderson even is
delusional thread

>> No.23435322

I'm guessing you're a litrpg reader or something?
I've had multiple normies at work talk to me about it. It's bigger than you think.

>> No.23435329

>if I should loud enough the padded walls will agree with me

>> No.23435331

You work in some turbo autistic profession? I'm not going to say it's a literal unknown, but finding people who even read fantasy books is rare IRL, and litrpg is no bigger than 5-10% the fantasy readerbase. You can literally check goodreads to verify that.

>> No.23435334

you're delusional

>> No.23435336

I have a small stack of mental disorders (diagnosed, not self-diagnosed like some Tumblr twit) and occasionally either deliberately go off my meds to write during the day or at night I'll write while on Ambien and Benadryl.
Lately, I've decided to take a stab at Science Fantasy. I made the decision (while high on sleeping medication) to make the first story this blog post.
Just kidding.
I decided to put it through the eyes of a young lieutenant from a minor aristocratic family suddenly being faced with the realities of war.
I drew influences from Dune, 40K (so Dune twice?) World War I, and the late Roman Empire/HRE.
I suppose what I'm wondering is if the random internet strangers think there is enough of a market for this to be worth writing a 300 page story?

>> No.23435341

Top rated works are filled with single review accounts or dead boomers. You should update your parameters to only include reviews from people who read day-to-day

>> No.23435345

>She's a NEET, even if the honeymoon phase ends I don't think she would have a schedule at all.
Marry her, put a baby in her and then she'll be distracted by the baby.

>> No.23435347

I am a developer so yes turbo autism except none of the litrpg people were other devs.
>litrpg is no bigger than 5-10% the fantasy readerbase
That's not a small amount, anon.
goodreads is not a source of truth bro

>> No.23435353

My doctor gives me a lot of meds and I pretend to take them. I'm afraid if I take one of these, my cognition will change for the worse and I'll lose my rhythm for writing.

>> No.23435355

Goodreads is owned by Amazon. It’s not a source of truth. It IS the truth.

>> No.23435363

there's a lot incorrect about your statement but whatever, I don't care about litrpg to debate this, but I consider anything that normies speak to me about at work to be mainstream

>> No.23435364

I'm arguing against the retarded take that litrpg is "big" and that
>People are just too lazy to actually boot up Steam, and even READ, so they go for LitRPG audiobooks

How many people do you think frequently read fantasy novels, anon? Much less litrpg...

It's a pretty good source, anon. Certainly the best we have, lacking sales numbers. In fact I think litrpg is overrepresented there because it's such a rabid, tight niche that everyone rates and reviews everything they read in that subgenre. Big fantasy novels meanwhile have swarms of normies reading them and never going to goodreads.

>> No.23435369
File: 86 KB, 750x375, IMG_0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but not.

>> No.23435371

>How many people do you think frequently read fantasy novels, anon? Much less litrpg...
>swarms of normies reading them
a lot? fantasy is massive now, especially post-GoT

>I'm arguing against the retarded take that litrpg is "big"
it's not that retarded. I'm not saying it's a household genre, but it's not a niche genre that only NEETs read.

>> No.23435382

Only if I can make it selling unedited litrpg xianxia.

>> No.23435386

IDK man, go click on the litrpg tag in amazon and look at the BSR rankings for them
Then click "Epic Fantasy" and look at the BSRs there
It really isn't even close. That's as close to an objective truth as you can get
And man, I wish I knew more people that read fantasy. I worked in IT for a bit, a nerdier profession than most, and literally none of them were frequent readers.
Anecdotal evidence will be anecdotal I guess
But the amazon sales rankings don't lie

>> No.23435390

I didn't say it was as big as fantasy but whatever, I concede that what I said was anecdotal and honestly mate I was as surprised as you when I heard people talking about it at work.
Unfortunately I've found that litrpg readers don't read much of anything else, maybe some middle grade fantasy, but it wasn't like finding a fellow reader I could chat with.

>> No.23435392

>there's a lot incorrect about your statement but whatever,
Is it not owned by Amazon?

>> No.23435398
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How do you integrate philosophy into your writing?

>> No.23435401

my problem was you saying it IS the truth, as if amazon is the only place people buy books from. It doesn't matter though I'm done with this discussion

>> No.23435403

You get it!
Art is ruled by the Muses and they demand sacrifice! Ignoring the advice of psychiatrists and therapists is worth it if I can write a few pages.
You might be able to.
"50 Shades of Gray" was originally pornographic slash fanfic for fucking "Twilight".

>> No.23435410

By either having characters thinking, characters speaking, or characters engaging.
A story is at least to a degree, a reflection of reality, even if that reflection is only metaphorical.

>> No.23435419
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I think I struggle with staying on a point. When a character needs to say something, I just have them say it, and when I need to make a point, I just make it, but there's no fluff, no artistic strokes. The greats seem to drag points out for multiple paragraphs or even pages at a time.

>> No.23435437

I'm the market for litrpg, but i prefer Japanese authors.
litrpg-styled isekai light novels are what I spend money on. Stuff like Mushoku Tensei, Min-maxing TRPG, TenSura, Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy, The Great Cleric, and stuff people don't typically consider litrpg because they're not from western authors.

>> No.23435440

I want to make dozens of dollars, too! How do I convert my magical school young adult story into a litRPG?

>> No.23435445

I'm glad you asked, for just 8 easy payments of 49.95 i can teach even you how to add pointless game stats to your generic fantasy story and make your readers swoon.

>> No.23435450

This thread becomes more pathetic by the day. It's impressive really.

>> No.23435451

Sometimes they're building up to make a point meaningful, or bringing together themes that they've also been play around with. I find that any critical event has been slowly built into a moment that best expresses it and that novice authors fail to do that, while also failing to recognize that there's a flow of tension and a critical mass that has to be built and ridden out to its logical extreme.

>> No.23435453

I should note that the more fantasy elements are on the periphery for the most part.
The story acknowledges the existence of Alchemists, Psionicists, and Imperial Paladins but they only have brief appearances.
It's mostly a young man enduring the fuckery of the Imperial Legion's army (much of it based on my real-life experiences) until his unit finally gets deployed and then the whole truth of what a war is like comes crashing down on him.
It's not going to even have some sort of victory; out of some 50 of his men, all of 9 are intended to still be alive at the end of this and only because the MC organized a retreat to avoid being overrun.

>> No.23435455

feel free to contribute

>> No.23435458 [DELETED] 

That’s because I make an effort to derail it. You people were always pricks to me, so I destroy your threads.

>> No.23435461

>This thread becomes more pathetic by the day. It's impressive really.
That's what she said.
>for just 8 easy payments of 49.95 i can teach even you how to add pointless game stats to your generic fantasy story
That should get you the "D&D Player's Handbook", "Monster Manual", "Dungeon Master's Guide" and a used copy of "Savage Species".

>> No.23435462

I always knew it was one guy who was mad that his writing was shit
Funny how being a petty troll doesn't make you a better writer

>> No.23435463

I legitimately laughed out loud. I'm here for shit posting, but because it's funny. You shitpost because you're mad at having your feelings hurt?
Christ. It's been a while since I've read something that pathetic

>> No.23435506

You and your preferences are repulsive.
Your front door is unlocked.

>> No.23435530

>using sarcasm on 4chan
Have some fucking respect you little punk

>> No.23435539

Send her snipe hunting or get her a cat

>> No.23435547
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I'm so burnt out bros... I want to start on something new but I can't... And I want to start emailing agents but it's not ready. It's so close but it's not ready but it's SO close but it's not ready and it SO CLOSE BUT IT ISN'T FUCKING READY.

>> No.23435565

You must not read a lot of litRPG. This is very common. Look at this opening, for example:


>> No.23435570

My solution to this problem is to spend genuine effort writing the dumbest, shittiest, most knuckle-draggingest shitposts i can manage. Like, exceptionally low-brow and retarded.
I don't know why this works, but it does.
You might feel like you're wasting time doing this, but you'd be wasting time anyway.

>> No.23435573

Freewriting or short stories work in the same way.

>> No.23435576
File: 420 KB, 912x1024, Based retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based schizo retard.
We make the best writers. Go nuts.

>> No.23435584

Don’t go around sharing my secrets

>> No.23435587

>oh no

>> No.23435589

anyone have a muse irl?

>> No.23435592

what the fuck is it with altered mental states and writing? i wrote some of my best prose during the time i refused to use my CPAP for multiple years, and as a result my brain was both oxygen and sleep deprived to the point that i developed severe narcolepsy.

>> No.23435593

>A cutscene, because it ain't like anyone's gonna buy it after I publish, so is it REALLY a spoiler?
The walls of the dugout shook as thunder filled the air, with one blast after another.
Outside, between blasts of shells, I could hear screams and shouts.
The previous barrages had been short, perhaps three to five rounds, but this one was continuing.
This was different.
I moved to the entry of the dugout and I was met with pandemonium.
Rounds of artillery and mortars seemed to be failing like deadly hail, erupting into fire and deadly shards of shrapnel in bursts overhead.
Vyne, of all people seemed to have found his purpose.
Boldly rushing through the killing storm of steel, he grabbed Corporal Li by his arms and tried to drag him into the trench, only for a blast to rock them both, with Vyne thrown back and Li howling in pain before suddenly going quiet, despite continuing to slowly move his limbs and mouth.
Vyne rushed back to his feet, red wounds blossoming in his uniform, bits of steel pierced him, but he ran to Li, and grabbed him again by his hands to pull him inside, only to realize that Li had been blown in half, entrails hung loose from his trunk.
He roared in frustration, and ran down the trench looking for anyone to assist, seemingly oblivious to his own condition.
Disturbingly, Li’s upper half continued to make slight movements, before eventually going still.
More rounds slammed the trench line, as the remains of my platoon scrambled to the relative shelter of the entrenchment.
Vyne and Nabac were working together to help Preston to the dugout.
Thissen was missing his left leg beneath the knee and was shrieking in pain.
Vyne was dripping blood and I was worried about just how deep some of the shell fragments had gotten.
“Senoj!” I shouted, getting my remaining sergeant’s attention. “Vyne is now injured, get him to stop, and get Nabac some help, everyone into the dugout!” I ordered.
Sergeant Senoj was shouting at the troops to get in, but the barrage was so loud that he couldn’t be heard.

>> No.23435617

>what the fuck is it with altered mental states and writing?
I don't know but I noticed while my prose significantly improves when I'm drop-dead tired, my story coherency also plummets.

That's why I storyboard sharp and well-rested, and actually write the things when tired.

>> No.23435619

Supposedly poets used to drink absinthe, and Poe and Milton were both opium users.
Going nuts is indeed part of the plan.

>> No.23435625

that's pretty good man
I'm a 40k junkie, so fucked military fiction with light fantasy really scratches my 'nads in a good way.

>> No.23435630

>I'm a 40k junkie, so fucked military fiction with light fantasy really scratches my 'nads in a good way.
Would you like an unfinished short story with big stompy mechs? I guarantee it's edgy and I guarantee it's likely not good.

>> No.23435635

Based. Keep it up, king.

>> No.23435673

Use it as a character's framework for informing moral or ethical views.
Someone who doesn't distinguish between virtue and morality might say, "the right thing to do" in a general sense.
Someone who doesn't think much about it would default to their childhood programming or their community's values.
A strong believer in utilitarianism might propose solutions which have the greatest total benefit across all parties, even if the result is unorthodox.
You should read basic overviews of philosophies (The Hundred Schools of Thought period is rich) and identify common trends.

>> No.23435705

>Muh grimdack

>> No.23435710

If you think that's grimd-ACK! then you haven't seen what foot infantry gets to experience in my short story.

>> No.23435779

I dunno man; another dude gets his junk blown off and of the 51 men in that platoon only 9 make it out alive, the majority of them with crippling injuries.
I’m sure you’re Charles Dickens, right?

>> No.23435796

>Ipso facto
How the fuck does one even use this in a sentence? It just seems like the kind of thing someone would write to try and show off.

>> No.23435819

>only 9 make it out alive
Heh. Try 0.

>> No.23435892

why are there so many litrpg fags? it's such an incredibly niche and unserious """genre""" but literally everyone here is constantly theorycrafting their rpg cashgrabs. is it just a function of anime polluting people's taste?

>> No.23435905

A bunch of them were turned into anime and now western authors want to write them too.
99% of them suck.

>> No.23435909
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Very enjoyable read anon. Thread needs more content like this. Well done.

>> No.23435911

low estimate

>> No.23435914

No, I really wish there was though. I hate sites with algorithms so much.

>> No.23435922

And also the robust tagging system. Tagging systems on other places are so barebones.

>> No.23435925

Are women good at hiding them wanting to date someone only to fill the void of another leaving them or is it usually something that is obvious?

>> No.23435930

writing? literature? literally anything other than your blog?

>> No.23435938

Most of the good ones have been turned into anime.
Overlord and Konosuba were pretty good, Danmachi was pretty good, shield hero was pretty good, Arifureta was pretty good but the anime sucked. Most of the novel versions of these are perfectly consumable.
Overlord and Konosuba are actually really well written novels.

>> No.23435940

probably the part where you can make more in patreonbucks writing them than the vast majority of tradpubbed authors

>> No.23435948

I seen people making bank with visual novels too, especially the smut variety. Before patron kicked all of the porn off their site it was full of people making bank on low effort porn

>> No.23435962

Overlord is the example of actual trash. It quickly slides in quality.

Konosuba is great though.
>Danmachi was good
No it fucking wasn't. Steaming pile of dogshit
>Shieldcuck good
No. See above.

Dungeon Meshi is the holy grail of fantasy. Konosuba is great because it doesn't take itself seriously and stays true to itself.

>> No.23435968

that's still a thing. they didn't ban porn completely, they just made the rules more stringent to comply with payment processors

>> No.23435973

>3D animation
Much, much higher effort than poorly drawn smut VN.

>> No.23435983

>poorly drawn smut VN.
plenty of those left on patreon, too.

>> No.23435984

I need there to be survivors because it’s a trilogy.

>> No.23435986

i wouldnt call any litRP "creative" by any stretch of the word. And we as creators and audience should expect the best from everything. Thats how we get better. slop is the embodiment of stagnation and decline, i.e. modern art

>> No.23435989

>a clear framework that allows them to focus on creativity
i'll never understand how you can say this with a straight face

>> No.23435990

I'm writing a woman who is only into someone to fill the void and since I'm not a woman I wonder if they should be obvious about it or not

>> No.23435995

This one guy was making like 120+k a year making his shitty ren'py VN on patreon before they bent him over and fucked him with no notice.
He's probably making more now

>> No.23435998

In my case it's a record of what went on.
Though the short story is like a side-story to the actual novel I'm kind of not really planning to write. Semi-hard scifi, strong focus on military themes and big stompy mechs and the cost of war.

>> No.23436000

>why dont you people just make a video game
Because that takes skill. Coming up with a stat window takes no skill.
Any more questions?

>> No.23436016

by that logic, they shouldnt write books either

>> No.23436022
File: 62 KB, 653x564, 1710504666888270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true you have to read alot to be able to write?
i want to write an adventure game but i don't read books at all.

>> No.23436023

yes. leave and do not return until you've read 200 books, at least 50 of which being from the western canon.

>> No.23436024

You're right.

>> No.23436026

what do you mean an "adventure game"? like a point-and-click? those are probably more inspired by movie and cartoon screenwriting than literature

>> No.23436028


You either write a lot or read a lot. Your writing will suck unless you are extremely gifted unless you do a lot of either.
This is the cope people will not tell you about.

>> No.23436039

Nah just tell chatgpt to write you a book, copy paste it on amazon, and profit literally all pajeets do in their free time. There's 100k top selling pajeet books on amazon

>> No.23436044

post some.

>> No.23436078

Not him but it is not paradoxical. Human creativity is derived from our problem-solving intelligence, so restraints - ie problems - are what it thrives on. Sandbox dowhateverthefuckery is rarely truly original.

>> No.23436083

nta but ai trash actually is taking over (and even making good profit) in stuff like self help books and recipe books. and it gets noticed and banned pretty fast but some slip through the cracks and get picked up by the algorithm
doesn't work with novels for obvious reasons.

>> No.23436106

ChatGPT actually knows its stuff. It helps me touch up my sentences a lot, like improve the structure and word order and makes them better sentences overall.

>> No.23436112

you could have chatgpt write the entire synopsis and turn it into 200k words.

>> No.23436274

i cannot fucking stand chatGPT's rewrites. it takes my prose and turns it into dollar store slop. it takes everything interesting and unique about my prose and literally just deletes it. single sentences i spend 15+ minutes making sure they're as close to perfectly aesthetic (according to my taste) as possible, completely obliterated. chatGPT is the slopmaster. don't use it.

>> No.23436297

This is why ChatJEETPG will never succeed.
I'd rather have shit and mediocre prose, instead of soulless robot gibberish.

>> No.23436301
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retards who use AI have absolutely no standard and no artistic vision. Truly creative people never use AI because creative people are extremely specific about the way everything looks, reads, sounds. Because they know every tiny part of a canvas or line in a book is important, and is uniquely their own creation.

I feel disgusted having gotten to the point in this jewish dystopia of needing to explain how art works.

>> No.23436316

not necessarily. you can read alot of shit and never learn a thing. reading 1 good book helps more than reading 1000 trash books.
Then theres the issue of dissecting the book and figuring out how it makes it good. that requires more effort than youre probably willing to do

>> No.23436330

i find it near impossible to work on my stupid ass comic if im not listening to Clarity-era Jimmy Eat World

>> No.23436332


>> No.23436337

>ask ChatGPT for a rewrite
>it gives you an alternative
>comb through my writing using my own eyes and ears
>fix and change where it helps, leave where it doesn't

>> No.23436395

Whatever, luddite. Reading on a screen isn’t real reading, writing on a computer isn’t real writing, same shit from retards like you every time new technology comes around. Go tell time on a sundial.

>> No.23436403

>Hello Future Me
The same guy who thinks Avatar the Last Airbender is the peak of writing when it comes to TV shows?

>> No.23436410

is this you

>> No.23436438

No, this is him >>23435458

>> No.23436442

Yes, yes that's the person. He also published his video scripts as books.

>> No.23436474

Provide an example. Maybe it's because I created an account and it knows my interests but usually it smooths out the rough edges of my sentences pretty well.

Robots are the future. Don't let them hear you say that.

>> No.23436493

Can you name some better shows for the same target audience and format as Avatar?

>> No.23436496

Copying from chatGPT is retarded.
Using it as inspiration for little bits and pieces works.

>> No.23436499

>what the fuck is it with altered mental states and writing?
When you live your whole life being actively forced to reinterpret and negotiate with reality because your brain doesn't sync up with it properly, you probably get pretty good at creatively expressing your thoughts.

>> No.23436613

>/wg/ tells me similes are bad and to avoid them
>reading Illustrated Man rn
>Bradbury uses 3 similes per page, at minimum
>is one of the highest respected authors of all time

>> No.23436628

Why would you ever listen to advice from these retards?
You might as well ask the fucking wall what it thinks.

>> No.23436650

How is this concept:
>MC realizes they are a popular character in a fictive universe full of tropes
>The Universe itself bends itself over to keep MC alive, looking cool, and his life interesting
>if MC tries to kill himself with a gun bullet disapear
>if he tries to stab himself fatally, the wound heals and only gives him a cool car
>if he tries to make something immoral like kicking a puppy the puppy turns into a can

>every day of MC's life plays out like 3-act movie
>they are unable to perform any "off-screen" activies without activity getting "cinematized"
>e.g. every time they go to WC, something bizarre happens like a terrorist attacks them, the ghost appears, or someone hands them MacGuffin

Plot of the story is that MC, is tired of his exhausting existence and just wants to die
He concludes that only way he could die is if he becomes unpopular, the problem is the Universe prevents him from doing anything drastic like using slurs
So, he has to outsmart the universe and subtly make his character unlikeable without the universe noticing

Does this have potential?

>> No.23436653

When do you write? How do you balance your hobby of writing with your work and other responsibilities? Have you ever put yourself on a strict schedule?

I've thought of reserving 1 hour or 1 hour and 30 minutes every day (ideally in the morning) to writing, where I do nothing but write with no other distractions in mind. And when the time's over I'm done with the manuscript for the day. There's still stuff like proof-reading, keeping notes and going back on previous chapters, but I could fit that in the reserved time itself.

>> No.23436655

I had a thought about something like this. It goes similar, but the guy basically makes a very monkey pawish wish and quickly regrets it.

>> No.23436657
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I write for 6-8~ hours a day.

>> No.23436704

people have don't have real opinions derived from personal experience. they're repeating what a youtuber said, and the youtuber was just paraphrasing what he saw getting upvotes on reddit

>> No.23436726

This sounds like a movie.

>> No.23436745
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>work and other responsibilities
I don't understand.

I can't force when I do it, it just depends on whenever I feel alert enough. It could be 2 p.m., it could be 11 p.m. I just work a little here and there throughout the day usually.

>> No.23436771
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How many words is a decently long novel for you guys when writing them?

I don't want to write something too long or too short, is there a certain sweet spot for length? I also want to make it a multiple book series.

>> No.23436792

Focus on the plot and just use that to pace.

>> No.23436808

I hear 80k-100k is the ideal range in terms of what publishers look for. Personally I don't see how a story can persist for that long without resorting to filler. As long as your scenes are well paced and have purpose just go as long as you need to.

>> No.23436812
File: 51 KB, 735x553, 561d3fe4e6e74a2442ddc973301b52ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp gentlemen, here's a complete novella. I think it's the best thing I've ever written, ands that's after 300,000+ words of unpublished novels, though that may not being saying much. Pastebin will not post it due to "objectionable language" so I had to post it on "ControlC" instead. The internet gets worse everyday.

I would welcome feedback. If you want to skip the first act, which is largely developing the main character and might be a bit slow ctrl f "Chusan" to get close to the second act, but you are probably missing a lot of the the background if you do that.


>> No.23436835

But he writes genreslop. (Though it's less horror, and more just plain horrible.) I guess that means you think he should khs?

>> No.23436839

>Pastebin will not post it due to "objectionable language"
lul what did you say?

>> No.23436843

“oriental” is the only thing I can think of. Seriously that’s it.

>> No.23436846

ok boomer

>> No.23436932

>waah waah you hurt muh precious little feelings
go back to plebbit
also, trolling outside of /b/ is a reportable offense

>> No.23436947

>also, trolling outside of /b/ is a reportable offense
Not him, but reporting trolls is for pussies; it's 4chan, and it's a bad sign if the boards have more rules than faceplant or plebbit.

>> No.23436980
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i started reporting posters after Gardner got me banned for making him look like a putz. captcha: TWAT

>> No.23437010

Similes are low tier but okay in moderation. Three per page is overkill though.

>> No.23437011
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>have severe ADHD
>doctor doesn't realize how debilitating it is to be forced to miss medication for days
>doesn't renew prescription because appointment coming up soon despite explaining that desk job is impossible without medication
>gonna get fired because of this shit
>creativity is overflowing but can't sit down to write for more than 60 seconds at a time

>> No.23437068

>gonna get fired because of this shit
If they do you can probably sue over it. You're not allowed to fire someone for a health issue, afaik.

>> No.23437088

you are a sucker and you have shit taste

>> No.23437147

Do you name your chapters or just stick with numbers?

>> No.23437212

My story is a fantasy story where the main antagonist is the MC's brother. She kills him before the story starts, and develops a guilt complex that makes her have an incestual relationship with his ghost. She eventually breaks free from her guilt and kills said ghost.

That said, I'm having trouble having the MC realize her brother is a ghost. Do I go with Magic, so I don't explain shit, or some other foreshadow?.

>> No.23437238

Does she not realize it's her brother's ghost because she doesn't know what a ghost is?
Is it because she doesn't realize it's her brother?
Does she realize, but pretend not to?
Is she dreaming?

>> No.23437267

How do you kill a ghost?

>> No.23437313

You do understand that for something to be considered bad practice, someone, many writers, will have had to do it before, to the point that people got fed up with it? No, of course you don't. You understand nothing.

>> No.23437320

If it was bad practice people wouldn't keep copying it to the point that people got fed up with it.

>> No.23437326

Not sure if that's a good thing

>> No.23437327

Was about to write the same question

>> No.23437357

People copy others because they're popular, not because they write well, retard.

>> No.23437412

Sounds interesting. I'm writing something like that too, but drawing more heavily on my WW1 Autism and fantasy. Good luck on your writing!

>> No.23437414

More of a phantom/eidolon, or summoning of some sort than an actual ghost.

The ghost is summoned through huge bursts of mana from them fucking around with mana-machines when they were younger. So the brother's plot is to destroy the new mana technology like done crazed enviormentalist.

She figures it out later. I'm going to go with Mom telling her.

>> No.23437418

What are some clear signs a girl is just using a guy to make herself feel better?
>Doesn't want to be seen in public with him
>Isn't physically affectionate
>Doesn't remember anything about him
>Only talks to him to ask him to psych herself up

>> No.23437429


>> No.23437440

Would you guys purchase the next great chudcore book?
It describes two empires, each of which are (based on) some form of "national socialism", albeit one focuses on the dark and brutal aspects and one focuses on the light and idealic side.

>> No.23437454

no chudcore is tiring and I get enough of that shite on here

>> No.23437458

I wouldn't buy that, no. Not because it's "chudcore" (if that's even a term), but because direct juxtapositions in a void are lifeless.

>> No.23437460
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>brother reads my newest chapter faster than usual and gets back to me with a very encouraging comment, saying my writing is professional level
>creative writing teacher singles me and 3 other people in his class out as being good enough to get published
>make it through the preliminaries of a writing contest, make it into a group of 20 chosen from 250 participants that will be whittled down to 3-5 winners

>> No.23437462

But its like fun chudcore.
The juxtaposed empires exist in their own cannon, though are reconciled in the epilogue

>> No.23437468

If you're writing it because it's fun for you, go for it, but if you're doing it specifically to make 'chudcore' then it's probably worth your time to come up with another story
just remember that if the point of the book is to be a vessel for your political views then you're no better than the sjws who have ruined modern media

>> No.23437479

I wouldn't buy anything you write

>> No.23437490

Vacuum cleaner

>> No.23437497

Naming is better but harder. I think it's useful while writing to have something like a name that grabs the essence of each chapter. Keeps you on track.

>> No.23437506

I got the idea when I realized I was doing a lot of ideating on brutal regimes (like the Khmer Rouge) in a sort of sadistic fantasy as a way to cope with my own depression. Eventually I realized that all of my brooding had created a somewhat unique, somewhat interesting conceptual society that might be fun to read about in narrative format.
About 2 days later, I realized that such a concept served as an extreme, and though didnt represent my actual ideals, did still fulfill certain fundamental tenets of them. This then presented the idea of a polar alternate, which inspired me to write about the dynamic between the two as a way to elucidate the legitimate ideal (truthfully, some combination of the two).
The book/novella will be split into two parts the "Black Empire" which is the "dark one", and the "White Empire" which is the "light one". Both pursuant to the same ideals although very different in their execution and emphasis.

TL;DR its fun and personal for me, but also servers to progress things I care about in an artistic manner.

I have been awake all night.

>> No.23437522

Similes aren't bad inherently but they are often used poorly by amateurs in the form of aimless, superficial window dressing that don't serve any particular artistic purpose beyond "this is what authors do, right?". As a result, many anons in this general associate them with bad prose the same way motorists associate dodge chargers with bad driving. A dodge charger is a perfectly good car, great in skilled hands even, but they are so often driven by inconsiderate retards that you get cautious when you see one.

>> No.23437523
File: 33 KB, 657x527, proud pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I name my chapters first and come up with the content based on the title.

>> No.23437583

I don't have the inspiration i had for writing anymore. I am sure it might come back later but I don't like how I feel after seeing what gpt 4o is now capable of.

>> No.23437597

In the small town of Bedford Falls, George Bailey sat alone on a bridge, the cold winter air chilling him to the bone. He was on the brink of despair, feeling that his life had been a series of disappointments and missed opportunities. As he stared into the icy waters below, contemplating a final escape from his troubles, a figure appeared beside him.

"Thinking of jumping in?" the stranger asked with a gentle smile.

Startled, George turned to see a kindly old man with twinkling eyes and a worn, but warm, overcoat. "Who are you?" George demanded.

"I'm Clarence," the man replied. "Your guardian angel."

George scoffed. "A guardian angel? Some guardian you've been."

Clarence didn't seem offended. Instead, he offered, "How about we take a walk, George? There's something I need to show you."

Curiosity and a strange sense of calm overtook George, and he agreed. As they walked, Clarence explained how every life touches so many others, often in ways we can't see. "You see, George, you've had a far greater impact than you realize."

With a wave of his hand, Clarence showed George what Bedford Falls would have been like without him. It was a bleak and joyless place, full of despair and corruption. The people George had helped over the years were struggling or lost. His brother, Harry, had died as a child because George wasn't there to save him. Mary, his beloved wife, was alone and unhappy.

"All this because I wasn't born?" George asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Clarence nodded. "You see, George, you've really had a wonderful life. You just needed to see it."

Overwhelmed with emotion, George realized how much he meant to those around him. He begged Clarence to bring him back, to give him another chance.

Suddenly, he was back on the bridge, the snow gently falling around him. His heart swelled with gratitude as he raced home, eager to see his family. Bursting through the front door, he was met with the warm embrace of Mary and the joyful laughter of his children.

That night, as friends and family gathered to celebrate Christmas, George felt a profound sense of love and connection. He looked at the people he cherished and whispered a silent thank you to Clarence, wherever he was.

George Bailey had come to understand the true value of his life and the difference one person can make. He had found his way back from the brink, realizing that indeed, it was a wonderful life.

>> No.23437627

>As he stared into the icy waters below, contemplating a final escape from his troubles, a figure appeared beside him.
>"Thinking of jumping in?" the stranger asked with a gentle smile.
This is extremely heavy-handed, detached, authorial, and unmoving. Instead of simply telling your reader that the character is thinking of killing himself, fucking show it. Get into his head and give all the evidence from which a reader can only conclude that he wants to kill himself. It's a good premise but you need to actually write the scene and show all its depth and nuance if you want it to resonate. Don't look away from the scene and summarize it with analytical language. Dive in head-first.

>> No.23437638

Isn't this a summary of A Christmas Carol?

>> No.23437679

It's A Christmas Story you goof

>> No.23437696

There are people out there who create literal art with their words, who can put the reader into the head of their characters and make you feel the emotions they feel.
Here I am reading low effort Japanese crap and that's what I like, and so that's what i write.

>> No.23437712

Anyone got a prompt?

>> No.23437740
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Work has completely consumed life, 12 hour shifts in the sun and 2 hour commute, leaves 2 hours off the clock to get good sleep. Through this struggle will reach higher ground.

>> No.23437752
File: 1.45 MB, 374x498, Pig in a blanket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I don't work.

I will never be rich by working, so why bother?

>> No.23437775

It's nice to have money. Autismbucks only go so far

>> No.23437810



Prose far too purply. Trim the fat a bit. Not every action needs a latinate adjective

>> No.23437822

She's fucking her brother, dude.
Obviously, she's had a mental break; why would you need any explanation for this lapse in realization beyond "she's gone mad"?>>23437523
You should be set on fire for naming chapters.
I do some things that are kind of dumb, but not THAT dumb.
I have multiple MCs, but I write in 1st person, and each chapter is numbered and "named" but the name is just the MC so the reader knows who it is.
Also, my chapters are never more than two or three pages. My longest ever was maybe seven?
And all of that being said, I STILL won't name my chapters some stupid inside joke that the reader won't get.

>> No.23437829

that's not very useful feedback. it's more a statement of your personal philosophy towards prose stylism than anything actionable. it's more like a call to battle than a suggestion. you can do better than that, fren.

>> No.23437883

>>>reddit is that way

>> No.23437890

>sarcasm tag

>> No.23437902

There is a problem with lack of variety in sentence structure (or, more accurately, sentence subject) that slows the descriptive passages down. You could eliminate most of the place setting and just develop a consistent sense of where everything is as you go.

You also have a few instances of incorrect word order or nonstandard choice of words, although the grammar and form are otherwise mostly ok.

>> No.23437948

I thought the writing style was great. Putting the reader into the head of your characters so that you can feel their emotions and actions is something I'm not used to.

>> No.23437950

Hey newfriend, it's time to change your dirty diaper.

>> No.23437958

Shut the fuck up redditor nigger scum.

>> No.23438008

smack like drugs?

>> No.23438012

Very cool Anon. I love the idea.

>> No.23438023


>> No.23438029

I would say a balance between the two is necessary. You should read for sure but I don't think you need to go crazy with it. Time wise too, maybe just pick up a book for a chapter daily? The important thing is you get ideas, see structure, etc. I think it also matters what you read. If you read slop, your writing is going to likely be similar style/genre. This isn't a bad thing. I would also say you get heavily influenced by the media you consume, for better or worse.

>> No.23438039

Capable of what exactly? It only seems faster and slightly more creative. I think it lacks the subtlety that it could have, you still have to steer hard.

>> No.23438092

Play, chipmunk, play. The weasel cried.

>> No.23438245

If I dont have a prose atm, do I just read more and get better with time ? Or am I already fucked ?

>> No.23438260

If you’re not great from the start you may as well not bother. “Practice” is just a loser’s cope to justify wallowing in mediocrity.

>> No.23438265
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>> No.23438267

My sincer and honest opinion is that you sound insufferable.

>> No.23438278

Its not really practice, just havent read enough in some time. Other forms of media fuck with your brain, reading helps it.

>> No.23438287

the ghost of hegel strikes again

>> No.23438309

>Obviously, she's had a mental break; why would you need any explanation for this lapse
in realization beyond "she's gone mad?
Probably this. But if you really need anything, add drugs and/or alcohol to the mix. Both being high and drunk may make her not think too much about the ghost, or abstinence causes hallucinations and can make her disoriented enough to not be in touch with reality.

>> No.23438315

So I fit right in, then. Cool.

>> No.23438504
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1622487460994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I write today is garbage AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.23438693

How about what you wrote yesterday?

>> No.23438706

Food anal-ogy:
>what you write today is your meal. it's okay, but not as good as you dreamed of.
>what you wrote is the shit you took. it's done and you shouldn't touch it anymore.
>what you haven't written yet is the platonic ideal of a good meal. you should strive for it

>> No.23438769
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>> No.23438783

Good afternoon, fellow writing sirs. Pleased to telling me prompts for soulful adventures? I am wanting to write serialized webnovel for fun and profit.

>> No.23438804

If it's not slopRPG it will not sell, unless you cuck out to the chinks because you're brown.

>> No.23438838

Good afternoon, fellow writing sirs. Pleased to telling me prompts for slopRPG? I am wanting to write serialized webnovel for fun and profit.

>> No.23438923

Just copy any top rated litRPG slop and tell the robot to rewrite it with different names sir, nobody will notice anyway.

>> No.23439012

I've been reading Gravity's Rainbow. How does Pynchon combine words like that?

>> No.23439018

If you disable the bodies innate white blood cell limiter and increase the cells by like a millon times per second would they not just turn into a giant tumor?

>> No.23439023


>> No.23439024

Energy doesn't come for free.

>> No.23439027

So instead of causing proto cancer have it just drain their life dry?

>> No.23439028

Drugs & education

>> No.23439030
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>haven't written anything in weeks

>> No.23439036

That's what cancer already does. I imagine some form of gigacancer would cause extremely painful tumors that are instantly life-threatening and then physically kill someone by internal bleeding or restricting blood flow or other gnarly biological shit like that.

>> No.23439041

Oooooh, alright I got it thank you. I just wanted to double check that it would work so I dont have to have someone tell me it wouldn't.

>> No.23439081

Don't let it stop you. Akira didn't care.

>> No.23439213

>a few instances of incorrect word order

>> No.23439236

I do. In fact, I’m gooning right now.

>> No.23439271

Some of them resemble characteristically ESL errors, but I suspect they are pesudo-Tolkien literary style choices, as you sometimes see in fantasy works. Whichever it is, they are conspicuous.

>> No.23439330

probably one of the best things posted here in recent weeks. is there more?

>> No.23439412

Has anyone here tried writing a chapter on paper instead of typing it on a computer? I swear it unlocks a different part of your brain.

>> No.23439544

I have depleted two notebooks in the past four months.
When I type, I find myself bactracking to edit or reconsider passages to the point of distraction which cucks my flow and slows everything down. For some reason this isn't a problem on paper.
And something about the tactile engagement really activates my creative almonds. I don't know. Maybe im gay or autistic or something.
It also forces me to do a complete re-write (of sorts), which is very helpful in finding insufficiencies and pacing problems within the text, and is generally beneficial to the quality of the end product.
It also gives me a reason to use my fountain pen.

>> No.23439573

I wrote a whole novella more or less longhand and did two drafts on a typewriter. I'm good. Once you can tap into it, you can do it on a tablet with your favorite doujin artist's new drop in splitscreen and not be distracted. It's like riding a unicycle, you're too autistic to forget if you even did it in the first place.

>> No.23439595

I think I'm starting to write better but I still suck ass at dialogues. Any exercises/material to write better dialogues?

>> No.23439698

There are two, but you're not going to like them.

>> No.23439729

I'm all ears

>> No.23439742

1. Reading dialogue
2. Talking to people

>> No.23439755


>> No.23439768


>> No.23439773

What a dogshit video.
>dialog must do SOMETHING!
Simply conveying the character is enough. It doesn't have to forward the plot or be some retarded back and forth like a good guy vs bad guy cartoon.

>> No.23439775

The US has shitty protections for ADHD. Basically no symptom qualifies for accommodation. For example, the cheapest and easiest one is flexible start times, because people with ADHD have time blindless and are often either 30 minutes early or 30 minutes late to everything. Letting people with ADHD start work anywhere in a 2 or 3 hour window and adjust their end time appropriately is simple and effective but it's impossible to make a company implement that even for roles that don't require rigid shifts.

eg: If you work remote as a software programmer, your employer can declare that your hours are 8am-5pm every day and punish you for clocking in at 7:45am or 8:20am if they feel like it even if you can prove that you can't measure time properly and the only way to start work at 8am on the dot every day is to always aim for 7:30am and sometimes waste 30 minutes sitting around before clocking in.

Every ADHD accommodation is a trivial expense to the company for huge benefits to the employee but none of it is required by law.

PS: Didn't get fired but did miss some meetings and an appointment.

>> No.23439779

>It doesn't have to forward the plot
Then why have it? It should have at least some basic purpose, otherwise it's just taking up space.

>> No.23439781

>Then why have it?
Because readers might enjoy it.
It's fucking idiots that boil art to a math equation that will never write anything good.

>> No.23439799

If they enjoy it then its purpose is to entertain. I'm talking fluff conversations where it's just two characters shooting the shit. That's boring and unnecessary.

>> No.23439803

>Establishing characters and attitudes
>Highlighting a background element or "apparent" feature
>Directing reader attention or providing perspective
>Breaking up long stretches of observation/action/summary
>Changing the tone of a scene
>Giving readers things to latch onto

>> No.23439806

Why are so many of you so focused on litrpg? Did some anon drop in and brag that he was making bank and now a bunch of neets are chasing?

>> No.23439818

Konosuba aired season 3 recently so it's the new hot stuff.

>> No.23439825

Everyone wants those royalroad patreon bux

>> No.23439827

And all of those are furthering an agenda. That dialogue is okay, but like he said in the video, two characters walking up and going "hey what's up?" then "hi" and "what are you doing?" is trash.

>> No.23439828

>royalroad patreon bux
I am not aware there any to be made.

>> No.23439833

Just have ChatGPT shit out a story and post it. You'll be a thousandaire in no time.

>> No.23439842

It isn't ridiculously lucrative or anything, but it's piss-easy and most (some) people here are going to be writing for fun either way. Might as well make some money from it.

>> No.23439845

Is there a guide with check boxes for litrpg I can use? I never did one before.

>> No.23439847

Awful meandering plot with no goal.
Obligatory harem.
MC has to have sex at least once every 3 6000 words.
MC has to be either the paragon of good or snarky edgelord.
MUST HAVE OP unique powers nobody else has. MC cannot, CANNOT rise to power through long effort and struggle.
Everyone who crosses MC must lose and be humiliated.
Stat screen shown at least once.

Start working on it.

>> No.23439852

It looks easy enough, might as well throw my hat into the ring and see if I can score something. If not, oh well. Back to what I usually write (horror and gay romance)

>> No.23439854

I hope it involves cute vampires

>> No.23439861

How did you know...?

>> No.23439864

People on royal road love gay romance (romance which i would call gay), so you're already a step ahead.

>> No.23439878

It can still paint a character or environment

>> No.23439882

Mine has a cute vampire, however she's a loli and she's not gay.

>> No.23439886

all romance is gay

>> No.23439889

>Awful meandering plot with no goal.
Generally true unfortunately

>Obligatory harem.
Will instantly kill your story on rr, litrpg is not anime. they hate romance of all forms

>MC has to have sex at least once every 3 6000 words.
Either trolling or a moron

>MC has to be either the paragon of good or snarky edgelord.
Somewhat true, if generalizing

>MUST HAVE OP unique powers nobody else has.

>MC cannot, CANNOT rise to power through long effort and struggle.
This is just hard to pull off, audience will definitely appreciate it if you can

>Everyone who crosses MC must lose and be humiliated.
This is a xianxia trope, only half true in litrpg

>Stat screen shown at least once.
one of the top 3 patreons in litrpg literally doesn't use stats

Overall, you are probably a troll, if not, just an idiot who likes to speak authoritatively about things you are clueless on

>> No.23439901

>one of the top 3 patreons in litrpg literally doesn't use stats
It can't be an rpg if it doesn't use stats

>> No.23439906

your definitons don't matter, only the fans of the genre. who definitely call the wandering inn a litrpg

>> No.23439913

>Overall, you are probably a troll, if not, just an idiot who likes to speak authoritatively about things you are clueless on
Sorry but I'm literally writing a litRPG.

>> No.23439917

wow it's a pretty shit one then.
link, or you're just the seething pseud shitting up threads recently. either way, opinion disregarded

>> No.23439919


>wow it's a pretty shit one then.
Among the worst!

>> No.23439921

yikes. why are you giving advice anon? you clearly don't know the genre

>> No.23439924

Do you?

>> No.23439925


>> No.23439926

You people are dumber than rocks. It's a summary of "It's A Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart. "A Christmas Carol" is Dickens, "A Christmas Story" is the one with "you'll shoot your eye out". The absolute state of 4chan

>> No.23439927

Post your work then, the holy grail of litRPG.

>> No.23439928

I actually have an audience and thus a reason not to associate with 4chan, so no
But everything I've said is easily verifiable. Just go look at what's on Popular This Week and what sells most on Amazon BSR lists

>> No.23439931

I have an audience too. I'll just assume you are not lying on the internet, because nobody would do that.

>> No.23439933

Just gloss over the whole "you can go verify yourself" part, sure

>> No.23439935

I believe you, anon. You must be a seasoned litRPG expert, however, I have an audience regardless of committing the cardinal litRPG sins.

>> No.23439941

you can write whatever you want King, but the advice you're giving is the opposite of how to make a popular litrpg
as 100 followers after so many chapters would indicate, lol

>> No.23439942


>> No.23439944
File: 18 KB, 535x342, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this shit
you tryna to be japanese nigga?
yellow nigga??
here in america town we use " and " and occasionally ' and '
not 「 and 」because they fucks with our shit, nigga!!
this shit is repulsive nigga!!

>> No.23439946

>this shit is repulsive nigga!!
Thank you, your heinous. It means a lot to me.

>> No.23440765

>modern sci-fi is absolute generic garbage and feels like it's beating you over the head with modern day political moralising
>start to build my own near future solar system setting, laying down plotlines and such
>feel like I have something pretty cool in the works
>several chapters in
>realise its pretty much a futile effort because no publisher will pick up my work unless I make the most politically safe of settings and never touch on any political, racial, sexual issues
>only other option is to self publish which is a crapshoot and basically guaranteed waste of time or to release as webnovels and the audience for those is only interested in generic slop

All feels so pointless sometimes bros. I don't even want to write about chud shit but it just seems impossible to avoid anything that will get you shitcanned.