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23430146 No.23430146 [Reply] [Original]

How is this not the dumbest idea ever? Imagine the worst thing imaginable happening to you right now. How are you gonna love it and accept it?

>> No.23430152

You WILL love your fate

>> No.23430237

It's pretty dumb, I would say.

>> No.23430250

>t. never been to the brink of death
>t. never tasted the forbidden fruit
>t. never even been in an abusive relationship

>> No.23430293

I agree, this is pretty dumb.

>> No.23430301
File: 28 KB, 402x402, 1715803976751363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nietzsche’s amor fati is somewhat overdone, and like an ailing Superman he tries to be always one jump ahead of fate. Siegfried is more cautious: he conquers father Wotan and sets out to win Brünhilde.

>> No.23430303

There is probably a limit to amor fati but often you can handle more than you think.

>> No.23430307

So you're left with cowering in fear. GG

>> No.23430324

This is a blue board, so it's up to you to do research about the possible things that can happen to you and still keep you alive. Then, talk about loving fate.

>> No.23430341

Most of the philosophy that people actually care about is just a way of coping with how shitty life can be. There will probably never be a true utopia, if you don't like the idea of amor fati, the alternatives are those more ascetic philosophies like Stoicism, Buddhism etc. but they have their own problems. If your life is just pure, abject hell there is just nothing you can do and I think in some cases suicide might be justified but that's not the fault of philosophy, it's just life.

>> No.23430350

>if you don't like the idea of amor fati, the alternatives are those more ascetic philosophies like Stoicism, Buddhism etc.
Pretty big leap.

>> No.23430356

It makes sense to me to broadly categorise philosophies into those that embrace the chaos of life and those that reject it and try to minimise our desires and involvement with the world. What other alternatives do you see?

>> No.23430363

Aristotle: Happiness here on Earth.

>> No.23430366

>if i was a child sold into sex slavery and tortured to death at 2 years old... i would love to repeat it in an eternal cycle!


>> No.23430382


>> No.23430402

It's just my interpretation, but I think of amor fati like memento mori, it's a threat: are you living in a way that you will be comfortable with recurring eternally? It's not just slavery to fate, it's both the carrot and the stick to make you actually live your life

>> No.23430406
File: 184 KB, 1000x1386, hell_the-wood-and-the-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never say that suicide is justified, since we're the beings in the image of god. Destroying this consciousness would result in a direct insult against god. He created us from dust, made us the epitome of evolution, destroying this creation is like destroying nature itself, which is something I also consider bad.

I grew up in horrid conditions and after the death of my mother suicide seemed like a good and easy way out. A permanent solution. After living through 20 years of hell, my life turned out really good. Now the bad memories are not the present ones. I'm married, aspiring to have children (which I can hopefully give a better life than I had) and looking forward to finishing my engineering degree.

What would a suicide contribute to a bad existence? Now I still have the chance to add good to this forsaken planet. Eradicating my existence on the other hand would only result in a net zero, or net negative.

I don't believe in the need for suicide, even the most horrible conditions on this planet might feel joy, might give life and allow it to prosper. Our and every animals faite has always been like this. Look for example at the paitings from Jan luyken and his depictions of torture and death during medieval times. Human beings withstood all of this cruelty, living through pain, torture, poverty, hunger... If we would just off ourselves because of any of this, our whole species wouldn't survive.

In south america crickets were observed that stopped chirping, because invasive flies "heard" the sounds and started to drop their eggs on the crickets back. Instead of just saying "well fuck it, some new enemy of my species started dropping their eggs on my back and the maggots will crawl in my body the second they begin to hatch and eat me slowly alive, let's better kill myself now", they actually made even more crickets. After just 20 generations! which is extraordinary, they evolved their wings, that cause the chirping at night and stopped making the sounds one hears when wandering in nature in summer.
The pain stopped, for the future generations and the 20! generations (which is quick in evolution) never experienced the feeling of not getting eaten alive by maggots till you slowly die because your organs fail (since the maggots have eaten them).

Suicide is inherently egoistic, an insult against god and to the transcendental order of things. Plus I have experienced that hard work ultimately results in a good life.

To end this Ted talk, here is a picture of Dante Alighieri's depiction of the people who killed themselves, now in hell, transformed into a tree. Through your branches runs your blood and harpies pick the growing leaves and eat them, which feels like flesh getting ripped out of your body. Your memories fade whenever a branch breaks off.

>> No.23430413


>> No.23430414

Well, I'm not a Christian. I agree with you that some people take suicide too lightly but I can think of scenarios where I think it's justified, I don't mean situations where you are a little sad because your wife left you or something like that. If you were captured by an enemy army and would be tortured daily with no real chance of escape, with the very real possibility of leaking sensitive information, what's the point of staying alive? I would say just end it in such extreme circumstances.

>> No.23430425
File: 518 KB, 850x681, Jan-Luyken-The-beheading-of-Wolfgang-Pinder-1685-etching-11-5-14-7-cm-in-Tieleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in this specific case suicide is not justified, for you don't see the future. Maybe your tortures will all get slaughtered and you are a free man once again in the very next second after your sorry soul leaves your body.

You only consciously experience the torturing room in this very moment and don't know if anyone is outside ready to free you. A war will end at some point
In Luyken's print we see Pinder's executioner in the midst of a nervous breakdown, as he is unable to behead his victim in a single strike and is forced to use his sword as a glorified knife. Such a gruesome sight would not have been uncommon in the early modern era.

>> No.23430430

And if you survive, are you just gonna spend your life crying about it or whimpering?

>> No.23430433

>Have you ever said Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you have said Yes too to all woe. All things are entangled, ensnared, enamored; if ever you wanted one thing twice, if ever you said, "You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!" then you wanted all back. All anew, all eternally, all entangled, ensnared, enamored—oh then you loved the world. Eternal ones, love it eternally and evermore; and to woe too, you say: go, but return! For all joy wants—eternity.
This is how. Amor fati is very Heraclitean, except Nietzsche uses it as a litmus test to gauge whether you're part of his intellectual elite or not.

>> No.23430443

No matter how bad it is the worst part is made up by you. Infants and animals bite off their limbs to escape traps while you would sit and whine until you die from hunger.

>> No.23430453

Just because those animals survive that doesn't show it's better than death.

>> No.23430464

>ananke, dolma, "necessity", "matter of course", "the way of things"

One is in the 'blockchain' of absolute necessity and an incontrovertible moment in the history of being.

>> No.23430470

What are you talking about retard? The point is most of your suffering is self imposed. All these statements you're pretending are some holy truths are just your deranged fantasies, suffering porn. You never lost a limb, I have and I didn't even notice until I saw it was gone and the imposed mental suffering kicked in.

>> No.23430475

>Imagine the worst thing imaginable happening to you right now. How are you gonna love it and accept it?
nietzche is an atheist so he really wants people to accept relativism, and accept that there is no truth and it's le random chaos

>> No.23430500

>You never lost a limb, I have
That's true and I think your personal experience gives you an edge over my theorizing. I'm not being ironic.
I don't think I'm creating suffering porn though, I think the possibility of suicide is actually a good thing and I'm really just talking about extreme circumstances. We aren't like the other animals, our thinking is an integral part of us and its basis is as physiological as digestion. I don't think you had a real possibility of not "imposing" that mental suffering on yourself, although I might be wrong, I think it's just automatic.
The good thing about the possibility of suicide is that it makes it easier to take risks because there will always be a limit to negative consequences.

>> No.23430501

>and accept that there is no truth
It's not that there's no truth, but that there's only the veil. This allows us to continue the artistic task of creating better veils.

>> No.23430502

>loving fate is bad
>hating fate is good
pascal sissies lost

>> No.23430526
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it's about viewing your life as a work of art, as a unity/narrative that is beautiful in itself, having that stance makes anything apparently negative a necessary part of the whole, and it can be repeated eternally such that the beauty of the whole work wouldn't be lessened.

That viewing yourself in the larger narrative context is essential, all of the counter points totally fail to due that, it's like people just aren't rationally engaged w/ their life as a whole.

alisdair macintyre's ethics in the conflicts of modernity might help people understand that

just a side note for retards
nieztche did not think the world eternally repeated

it's about an attitude towards your own life.
I think the kvetching about it is because people do such stupid bullshit and waste so much fucking time the idea of their life having any narrative or aesthetic unity to them is totally impossible to imagine. Yes for all intents and purposes your attitude towards what you are doing should be that you are doing it eternally in a recurrent way because that-which-is your life can only be constituted and created and resolved in one manner.
On that note the shit about kids, yes if you are some child slave you probably will never even be capable of this attitude. If someone gives you brain damage you are retarded, it's tragic but we shouldn't approach life from the perspective of a retard and limit ourselves to what they are capable of.

good movie, normies/sheeple will never understand this scene, hearing them cry about it is mad funny

>> No.23430581

>I don't think you had a real possibility of not "imposing" that mental suffering on yourself, although I might be wrong, I think it's just automatic.
It's degrees. The physical problem can be an inconvenience or it can take over your nervous system so you're numb to everything else. Healthy animals move on, humans and to a lesser degree animals in cages get stuck in their heads and amplify minor issues.
>your personal experience gives you an edge
So does yours. As far as you're a product of your circumstances to love yourself you have to love the suffering.

>> No.23430606

>love fatties

>> No.23430648

Really is odd how catholics defend their practices

>> No.23430672

It's mainly a pointless and unphilosophical idea. It's self-help bs at best

>> No.23430829


Yes. And?

>> No.23430836

>it's about viewing your life as a work of art, as a unity/narrative that is beautiful in itself

Absolutely Evil (not to mention Catholic, i.e. pagan) claim. Even, and especially, if true.

>> No.23430846

Like memento mori, it doesn't work on everyone. Especially people who don't buy into the underlying assumption: that you can eith certainty "live life to the fullest"

>> No.23430924

>accident happens
>get surgery
>mope about it or get over it
>nooo i will mope about it why is god punishing me nooo

>> No.23430934

>Absolutely unhinged strawman
This doesn't prove Amor Fati is bullshit, it just shows you're insane.

>> No.23430936


How so?

>> No.23430943

Anyone that thinks Amor Fati is a bad idea has never dealt with chronic pain or physical disability.

Those of us who experience those things understand that bitching and moaning about it is worthless, the best you can do is try and make the best of the hand you're dealt.

>> No.23430958

Because a two year old would not be even remotely capable of understanding suffering, they can't even form memories.

It's, and I can't believe I have to point this out to you, a scenario where the concept of Amor Fati cannot even begin to be applied.

Someone who lost the ability to walk due to accident or illness would be more suited for an actual counter-argument.

>> No.23430971


What does "capable of understanding suffering" mean? Would this not be more congruent with NEETzschean drivel, if anything?

>> No.23430986

Why do retards say this? It's a Heraclitean acceptance of the necessity of pain and death. You're "beyond good and evil" if you can acknowledge that all phenomena is inextricably tied together, and you affirm life if you affirm this unity of pleasure and pain.

>> No.23431060

Do not be a lummox, WILL TO POWER!

>> No.23431067

It's just a thought experiment, bro

>> No.23431073

Its a tautology

>> No.23431186

Man is a machine, he is born in sleep and in sleep he dies. Everything is determined, including your innate ability to withstand emotional suffering. We are in a gnostic prison hell with 99.9% chance of no escape, ever. Simple as.

>> No.23431195

For Nietzsche, it's an aspiration to always say yes to life and all life entails. He's not saying "If someone came up and stabbed me in the eye right now I would really love it."

>> No.23431255

As others have said, it's an exultation for the reader to embrace life rather than reject it, to deny nothing nd take everything on. Not an actual prescription of being content about being double amputated.

>> No.23431285

>Maybe your tortures will all get slaughtered and you are a free man once again
This is not included in the idea of Amor Fati.

>> No.23431290

You are told to LOVE it.

>> No.23431310
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>> No.23431393

Amor Fati is not just acceptance. It's looking back and not wanting anything to be different. I'm sure you'd prefer to not have lost that limb.

>> No.23431459

>your personal experience gives you an edge

>> No.23431653

What is this reply? Did you also lose a piece of your brain?

>> No.23431670

>abusive relationship
novlang fag

>> No.23431679

>live your best life, girlie

>> No.23431684

>I don't believe in the need for suicide,

Just read yourself again. You stink. I can tell from miles away you're full of yourself. Probably a young cunt in an academic environment. And I just read that.


>> No.23431686
File: 193 KB, 512x371, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his intellectual elite

>> No.23431707

>I'm sure you'd prefer to not have lost that limb.
Why are you so sure about all this dumb shit?

>> No.23431719

are you a tranny by any chance ?

>> No.23431762

I crushed the tip of my finger and value the experience more than the tip of my finger. If you lost an arm you're a product of that so preferring that it never happened is preferring that "you" never existed.
You are a spiritual tranny, a misfiring cancer eating all thought and communication.

>> No.23431765

The child would not even be aware that it's suffering. To love life, one must be aware that one is even alive.

>> No.23431775


>> No.23431791

>I crushed the tip of my finger and value the experience more than the tip of my finger.
I like your attitude.

>> No.23431835
File: 633 KB, 530x802, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you lost an arm you're a product of that so preferring that it never happened is preferring that "you" never existed.

You're a retarded dwarf riding a horse too big for you. Regretting a mistake doesn't amount to regretting your own existence. Let's suppose you lost your finger because you put it into some hinge (door, chair, metro door, whatever). Then you better regret losing that finger, at least in the form of identifying the mistake you made so that it doesn't happen again. No point in embarking onto that grandiloquent ride about amor fati.

This whole amor fati bullshit is just a cope for people teetering on the edge of nihilism (and reading Nietzsche, you know how well this rings true). They’re so close to admitting that life’s a meaningless shitshow that they have to pull this mental gymnastics routine to avoid falling into the abyss. So instead of facing the void, they dress up their fuck-ups and tragedies as some grand narrative they’re destined to embrace.

>Imagine standing there with your mangled hand, blood dripping down your arm, and instead of thinking, "I better not do that again," you're all like, "Oh, this is my destiny, I must embrace it."

It’s a desperate bid to find meaning where there probably isn’t any, and it’s as transparent as a tranny’s fishnets.

>> No.23431842

>hey cool thebworst possible thing happened, it's all an improvement from here
>ooo this will level me up as I deal with it
>how do I make this terrible situation better? Oh, like that, cool

>> No.23431846

>I like your attitude.

>Moral grandstanding
>Performative activism

>> No.23431884

>>Imagine standing there with your mangled hand, blood dripping down your arm, and instead of thinking, "I better not do that again," you're all like, "Oh, this is my destiny, I must embrace it."
This is actually what I aspire to.

>> No.23431888

I remember the exact moment my life changed forever. It wasn't some grand epiphany or a near-death experience; it was the day I lost my little finger in a freak accident involving a door hinge. The pain was excruciating, but the emotional toll was far worse. You see, that finger wasn't just a part of my hand—it was a part of me. Losing it felt like losing a piece of my soul.

I took to /lit/ to share my profound experience, expecting empathy and understanding from my fellow intellectuals. Instead, I was met with ridicule and mockery. "Oh no, he lost his pinky! Call the wahmbulance!" one user jeered. Another chimed in, "Did you write a sonnet about it yet, you pretentious fuck?"

But they didn't understand. They couldn't. My little finger was more than just a digit; it was a symbol of my struggle, my sacrifice. I had endured the Holocaust of my thumb, and that made me superior to these philistines. They hadn't lived through the tragedy of losing a part of themselves, so how could they possibly comprehend the depth of my suffering?

"Dear Pinky," I wrote in one particularly poignant post, "you were more than just a finger. You were my muse, my guiding light. Without you, I am but a shadow of my former self." The replies were predictably cruel. "Get over yourself, you melodramatic asshole," one user wrote. "It's just a fucking finger," another added.

But I knew better. My loss was monumental, and their derision only proved their ignorance. As I sat there, typing with my nine remaining fingers, I felt a sense of superiority wash over me. I had faced the abyss and emerged stronger for it. My little finger may be gone, but its spirit lives on, guiding me through the trials and tribulations of this cruel, indifferent world.

So laugh all you want, you unfeeling bastards. I have endured the ultimate sacrifice, and that makes me better than you.

>> No.23431896
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>> No.23431908

What makes Ignatius such an absurd and comical figure is that he applies a resignation to fate to everyone else, but continues to bitch about the trivial inconveniences he himself experiences.

>> No.23431930

>Mixes up amor of fate with amor of accidents in his life


>> No.23432199

Thats the point of amor fati you dont get to choose your fate, the only thing you cant do is either deny it or love it

>> No.23432205

>worst thing imaginable
>How are you gonna love it and accept it?
For what came, it made me who I am. For what comes, it would make me who I am to become.
Amor Fati isn't necessarily loving the event that is happening, it's loving the outcome.

>> No.23432242 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 856x1172, Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He stole it
>By benignant fever-paroxysms is Life rooting out the deep-seated chronic Disease, and triumphs over Death. On the roaring billows of Time, thou art not engulfed, but borne aloft into the azure of Eternity. Love not Pleasure; love God. This is the EVERLASTING YEA, wherein all contradiction is solved: wherein whoso walks and works, it is well with him

>> No.23432254

>amor fatty

>> No.23432264

Only way to move forward is by accepting. You cannot change what happend and trying to do so will just lead you to being stuck in past and suffering

>> No.23432274
File: 100 KB, 856x1172, Thomas_Carlyle_lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carlyle did it first.
>On the roaring billows of Time, thou art not engulfed, but borne aloft into the azure of Eternity. Love not Pleasure; love God. This is the EVERLASTING YEA, wherein all contradiction is solved: wherein whoso walks and works, it is well with him.

>> No.23432279
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>> No.23432383

>good movie,
can i suggest films to u anon

>> No.23432499


This is nonsense.

>> No.23432547

A finger is not a limb, it's a digit.

>> No.23432618

the whole point is that everything is necessary. you cannot think of the worst possible thing imaginable happening to you without taking the rest of your life with it. you cannot erase a single moment of your life, because all of it is necessary. what made you miserable was just as necessary as everything that moved you, every loveable moment of joy in your life, and you must take it all together. it's just the same as the concept of the taiji, in its essence. there is no light without darkness and for dawn to rise you need twilight and night. for life to be possible, death is necessary, the existence of pain presupposes the existence of pleasure and vice versa. the moment you accept that the bad was part of your fate and cannot be changed, modified or removed, you will learn to accept it and move on. strenght is the ability to go on living in spite of pain, suffering and the awareness of life's meaninglessness, or rather, its lack of a teleological end or cause. to go on living and to fight for your own goals and values even when you know life has no purpose and your struggle will be futile means being stronger than death itself. that's what amor fati is about.

>> No.23432634

All that circumlocution and nothing of substance.

>> No.23432691

emphasizing a concept by adorning it while presenting it is not really circumlocation. the substance is there: amor fati is just like taiji, the dao, amor dei intellectualis, the idea that everything is necessary and you must accept it all.

>> No.23432724


>> No.23432730


>> No.23432911

>be born
>be caveman baby
>mom immediately crushes my head against a rock because the tribe doesn't have enough food for a new person
>only experience in life is painfully dying
>some germanfag 10000 years later says that I should be happy to eternally relive this life over and over
I honestly can't imagine how sheltered you have to be to even think of amor fati.

>> No.23433093

You seriously wrote all this vapid reddit shit? It's adorable when retards like you think you're part of a discussion but you never even understand a single word said.

>> No.23433113

You are not literate, you're an idiot.

>> No.23433134

So fate excludes getting your finger chopped off? Why?

>> No.23433142

What use is there to not accept it? All of us are going to die including you and me. If you refuse to acknowledge this fact all you are doing is living in denial. Trying to fight this fact will only result in eventual failure like a Chinese guy drinking liquid mercury because he thinks it will make him immortal.

>> No.23433145

The petulant rage of a child who was proven wrong.

>> No.23433155

Then go on lecture me you fat fuck. Make a shame of yourself by pompously spreading fate-jam on that toast of a thumb

Absolutely. Amor casus is cheap cope for narcissists who don't have a destiny.

>> No.23433159

Okay, but why? Why would there be some no-fate zone carved out around getting your finger chopped off?

>> No.23433169



Elaborating on that point: Nietzsche had a fate because he saw himself as something that was bound to inevitably happen throughout the development of occidental philosophy. "I'm not a man, I'm dynamite" doesn't mean "I'm da shit". Another hint, paraphrasing: "Reading Schopenhauer, I felt as if he had specifically written for me", "Zarathustra, a book for all and none".

>> No.23433176

This is not what Amor Fati is.

>> No.23433180

You didn't/can't answer my question.

>> No.23433199

Because you haven't tied the ablation of your finger to your life story arc and beyond.

Hit your foot with a stick and die of the resulting infection and there is no link with fate. Do it while playing a character on stage, and you're Moliere.

>> No.23433211

fate /fāt/

The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.
"Fate did not favor his career."
The inevitable events predestined by this force.
"It was her fate to marry a lout."
A final result or consequence; an outcome.
"What was the fate of your project?"

>> No.23433224

Narrative necessity is the predeterminator (hence the focus of Nietsche on tragedy).

Moliere be like:

>Manipulation: Molière is driven by a passion to transform society's views through the medium of comedy and theatre.

>Competence: He becomes an adept playwright and performer, gaining significant acclaim and influence in the theatrical world.

>Performance: While performing "The Imaginary Invalid," Molière strikes his foot with a stick, leading to a severe medical complication. He insists on finishing the performance, demonstrating his dedication to his art.

>Sanction: Molière's injury symbolizes the tragic intertwining of his life and art—his commitment to theatre leading directly to his death. His demise underscores the eternal struggle and sacrifice of the artist.

Your story be like:

Performance: i lost my finger
Sanction: I'm an ubermensch

a bit lite don't you think ?
It's not too late. You can still make this an epic tragedy. But it needs more substance than you haven't provided yet.

>> No.23433365

>Then go on lecture me you fat fuck.
Read what's already been written sincerely and we can move forward. You're just making retard noises as if you can't read.

>> No.23433379

>you haven't tied the ablation of your finger to your life story arc and beyond.
How do you know? I didn't lose my finger, but, for the sake of discussion.

You're clearly using an idiosyncratic definition of "fate," but I'll let it slide because bickering about word definitions is usually tedious and annoying.

>> No.23433413
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Amor fati is a way the nihilist has found to maintain himself above nihilism in some critical stability than can only lead to a catastrophe.

>"Unless I discover the alchemical trick of turning this -- muck into gold, I am lost." - Friedrich Nietzsche

1 ... that predetermines ...
2 The inevitable ... predestined ...
3 final ... consequence ... outcome

You need a bigger context – a narrative arc – that joe-fingerless hasn't provided yet. Wait, but he has:

>I crushed the tip of my finger and value the experience more than the tip of my finger.

That's it. He was predetermined to value fate by fate itself. Total tautology.

Reminds me of this passage from the Karamazovs bros:

>I once knew a young lady still of the last “romantic” generation who, after several years of enigmatic love for a certain gentleman, whom, by the way, she could have married quite easily at any moment, ended up, after inventing all sorts of insurmountable obstacles, by throwing herself on a stormy night into a rather deep and swift river from a high bank somewhat resembling a cliff, and perished there decidedly by her own caprice, only because she wanted to be like Shakespeare’s Ophelia. Even then, if the cliff, chosen and cherished from long ago, had not been so picturesque, if it had been merely a flat, prosaic bank, the suicide might not have taken place at all.

>> No.23433435

Wow holy shit calm down, I don't understand how anything he said can make you upset and taking pride in the value of suicide seems like a very sad thing to do.

>> No.23433451

>I don't understand how anything he said can make you upset

Because obviously I have failed at my own fate, or fullfiled it too well.

>taking pride in the value of suicide

Not what I was implying, rather mimesis, following a model.

>> No.23433477

Why are you being cryptic? You seem to take a nihilistic stance for someone who is so passionate about suicide, I still don't understand why you're mad.

>> No.23433480

Would Schopenhauer have BTFO of Neet if they had met face to face.

>> No.23433483

>He was predetermined to value fate by fate itself.
Which makes me a better and more powerful force than you by divine decree. I understand you resent fate and hate God for making you so clearly inferior but why not simply try to not be a retarded faggot all the time?

>> No.23433507

How? How are you even gonna get into the coping bullshit like memento mori and amor fati if you don't even know how to read?

>> No.23433540

As opposed to what? "Don't"?

>> No.23433541

This is a stupid analogy because animals do not fear death, they have no concept of such a thing. They survive merely off of survival instinct and comparing an organism that is aware of death and beyond to one that doesn't is like asking a blind man to parkour his way out of a collapsing building, nonsensical.

>> No.23433542

ngl, I was predetermined to encounter fate by fate itself too somehow and my destiny is just as circularly empty (which doesn't mean it is inexistent, or more precisely it is in the same proportion as an air cathedral).

I resent Nietzsche specifically for his stance on resentment and all the naggers he has dragged in his wake. Funny how he was able to put everything in the perspective of "say yes to life" to the exception of resentment. Solely for the sake of imitation: he ended up crucified and saw it coming, it was his key stone and our ended up as our corner stone because backworlds wield their influence not through what they symbolize in our minds, but by the kind of icons they turn their speakers into.

>> No.23433547

based lifepilled and maxxmaxxer

>> No.23433647

You're reiterating the fact that what you fear and resent is a product of your thoughts not the actual physical event.
Notice that if humans had three arms you would be here talking about the horror of having only two arms. You're making up these standards you appeal to as you go but you keep acting like everyone should accept them.
You asked to be "nagged". Continuing to be a retarded faggot will affect your life more than it will mine. The people giving you replies are trying to help you understand concepts you're refusing to even consider.
If you touch a hot stove deal with it and stop touching stoves unless you have a good reason. Having touched it instead of creating a big mental block out of it before ever experiencing what you're avoiding means you can touch it if the situation requires it. If you could choose a fate for the next version of you or whatever you should let the child touch the stove again.

>> No.23433670

>Continuing to be a retarded faggot will affect your life more than it will mine.

You have no cause to speak to me that way.

>> No.23433723

>The people giving you replies are trying to help you understand concepts you're refusing to even consider.

Didn't happened. I was just served with "retarded faggot". You drop your "you don't even know how to read" punchlines as a way to avoid to backing up your point with arguments (the philosophical equivalent of "trust me bro my dad works at nintendo"), because indeed you've none. Also I gave you you a chance to embellish your finger ablation story arc, I'm still waiting. What are you ? Where does the tragedy hit ? Are you a professional gamer whos perspective have been crushed ? Or a respected porn actor know as the dowser for your unmatched digital abilities ? I'm waiting.

>If you touch a hot stove deal with it and stop touching stoves unless you have a good reason.

Bro. The burning sensation is my fate. Roast me to death, I say yes to the eternally returning humiliation.


>> No.23433751

>Bro. The burning sensation is my fate. Roast me to death, I say yes to the eternally returning humiliation.
This is why you're a retarded faggot. Nothing I say registers on any level and all you know is how to work as hard as you can to be as retarded and gay as you possibly can. What do you expect in return? Do you actually think you're showing the slightest hint of civility? Directly calling you a retarded faggot is more civil, it's more honest and direct. You don't know how to read or communicate, you're a retarded faggot.

>> No.23433761

This is exaclty the point you're making with your finger. Com'on tell us how you lost it.

>> No.23433842

I've always kind of thought of it as Nietzsche's fanciful 'rebranding' of Emerson's just as fanciful 'self-reliance'. In order to be who you are at any given time you've had to experience just what you've experienced, etc. Essentially, this is merely Love Thyself (always) or Emerson's more direct re-working of Socrates: Trust thyself. Practically, these are 'good' attitudes to have in one's daily commerce with the world (according to both).

>> No.23434065


>> No.23434104

Most of philosophy is finding eloquent ways to describe your cope.

>> No.23434157

>some germanfag 10000 years later says that I should be happy
He doesn't say the baby should be happy. He's saying the baby is very low on the totem pole of eternal recurrence because it'll never be capable of elevating its spirit to the point of grasping the unity of all pain and pleasure in the universe and be spiritually free enough to rejoice in this nature. The being who is capable, on the other hand, has passed one major threshold towards becoming the overman.

>> No.23434158

Me as the big nigga pushing the rock uphill, waiting for the satisfaction of it rolling back down so I can do it again. The thing nobody tells you is that if I could make it all the way up, it'd just roll down the other side anyway. If there's nothing to be done, you might as well make the best of it.

>> No.23434165

Nah, sometimes people get handed more than anyone can handle and they collapse, dying. Comfy thinkers will talk about embracing everything that comes at you as a way of rising above it. Nice idea, but kinda arrogant.

Life can really hurt you, getting through it without much pain at all is a kind of sleeping through.

>> No.23434211

What about that Japanese dude who suffered radiation burns? Ouchi or something.

>> No.23434212

Have you ever been *near* a two year old? They barely understand they're alive. All they care about is mummy and daddy, food, and whatever other stimuli catches their attention.

>> No.23434219

I don't understand how retarded one has to be to come up with these absolutely insane strawmen. Someone check the hard drives of these fuckers.

>> No.23434239
File: 104 KB, 1698x169, Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 01-35-59 Infanticide - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insane strawman
Infanticide was extremely common in neolithic times. In fact, it was common just about everywhere until the spread of Christianity and Islam, which both have an unusual bias against killing children. Besides that, there was still high infant mortality because of a wide variety of factors. Seriously, ever wondered why humans constantly feel horny while many other animals have dedicated breeding seasons? It's because babies suck at being alive, so we evolved to just keep replacing them.

>> No.23434306

>Infanticide was extremely common in neolithic times
As well as gerontocide. Mesolithic and neolithic groups valued mobility over everything else.

>> No.23434467

This is a good point, but Nietzsche addresses it head on by demanding the revaluation of all values. Certainty isn't part of the equation, but determining your own values is a prerequisite of having a chance at living your life compatibly with his amor fati.

>> No.23434511
File: 4 KB, 532x55, bluntright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine the worst thing imaginable happening to you right now.
>be me
>conceive of the worst thing that can happen to me

>> No.23434553


Logically, being an amputee is part of life thus, according to NEETzsche, one should not deny it.

>> No.23434557


Nowhere in this shit-eating reply is the claim that said baby should be happy, according to your cretin, refuted.

>> No.23434602

But an infant cannot affirm life, it can't really think abou such things.
You're just using infanticide as an insane example to show that you disagree with Amor Fati.

>> No.23434609

>Siegfried is a simp
Checks out

>> No.23434738

It's not about SHOULD. If you think you SHOULD believe or feel something, you're of a lesser nature than the overman. The overman WANTS.

>> No.23434742

amor fati isn't a challenge nietzsche asks you to take up, it's a mark of a good and strong person, if you don't love your fate, you are a shit person. that is the logic. you don't get a choice.

>> No.23434755

If it wasn't a blue board, I'd post here a webm of a russian soldiers offing themselves on a battlefield, using grenades, rifles and pistols, and it would refute all midwit romanticised bullshit that sheltered sperg ever produced.

>> No.23434767

I'll change the example to fit your arbitrary criteria.

>be born
>immediately be sold into slavery
>get tortured everyday
>live up to 20

Now are you gonna Amor Fati all over the place?

>> No.23434775

You are retarded. Accidents happen to everyone. It's a common fucking thing to get surgery. Don't bunch a normal thing that happens to everyone in with that other example. Maybe we should check your hard drive instead since you got the idea.

>> No.23434790

No... that's a—that's a strawman because... because it's like so over the the top or something.

>> No.23434823

What is wrong with your brains? You can't even try thinking for a second as an experiment? Why do you always believe your deranged suffering porn is some checkmate about anything?
>I know all about this subject I refuse to even think about because I just do ok but I also refuse to elaborate except by repeating braindead stories about people not doing so great
>get tortured everyday
What's the alternative retard? What's your strategy in that situation? If you can't engage with the actual subject can you at least fucking say something?

>> No.23434826


>> No.23434840

Amor Fati gets away by being a floating abstraction. Once you bring it down to reality, such as the multiple examples of immense suffering provided, it's revealed to be dumb.
Here's Nietzsche on Amor Fati:
>My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity.
In the examples provided, the person has no control over their suffering, either because they are a baby or because they were sold into slavery. The point implicitly made is that one would prefer otherwise because those lives are infinitely unpreferable.

>> No.23434842

Such a being is an inferior part of the whole and thus wouldn't be able to rejoice in amor fati.

>> No.23434846


>> No.23434851

Lol amor fati isn't literally about sitting down and accepting something like slavery or torture. It's about not wallowing in regret or fantasies of another world, which are both useless impulses. If one is born a slave, the great thing to do would be to work toward one's own emancipation given the conditions and resources one is faced with, rather than what most slaves do, sit around going omgggg why tf am I a slave this is so unfair imagine if I wasn't a slave!!! Then it would all be different!!! Then I'd show em!!!!

Lmao is this really what you guys have been arguing about for an entire thread? A very simple misunderstanding of a simple concept

>> No.23434858

>Lol amor fati isn't literally about sitting down and accepting something like slavery or torture.
This is not what is being said. Let's say in the slavery example that you ended up escaping. Amor fati says that you should not prefer your past to be different. Would you prefer it tk be different?

>> No.23434864

That's exactly what it is saying. Nietzsche is saying you cannot change the past, so thoughts about how you wish the past were different are pathological and useless. Which is true

>> No.23434876

>In the examples provided, the person has no control over their suffering, either because they are a baby or because they were sold into slavery. The point implicitly made is that one would prefer otherwise because those lives are infinitely unpreferable.
>because those lives are infinitely unpreferable.
According to an illiterate retard who likes to wallow in imaginary torture chambers. You're not presenting any standard, no actual reason why the slave should become a retarded a faggot like you. In reality they don't tend to adopt your perspective, only the most spoiled hedonists do which directly contradicts all your yapping.
If you were spoiled enough by luxury you would consider your current life "infinitely unpreferable".

>> No.23434883

>Would you prefer it tk be different?
The question is incoherent nonsense.
>would you prefer to be Michael Jordan
Then it's not you.

>> No.23434917

We got a bunch of badasses who are not phazed by immense suffering

>> No.23434932

>In the examples provided, the person has no control over their suffering, either because they are a baby or because they were sold into slavery. The point implicitly made is that one would prefer otherwise because those lives are infinitely unpreferable.
you're getting tripped up on the idea that amor fati is something that is obtainable for everyone, or even intentional at all. it's basically something that is genetic, or more accurately fate. nietzsche is not saying "if you wish to be great, you must love your fate." he is saying "if you are great, you will love your fate."

>> No.23434942

I think he's just saying don't be full of bullshit feelings that sap your energy like regret or wishing for something else. Noy because irs bad per se but bc it doesnt lead anywhere. It's really not that complicated.
Most of the guys philosophy was about avoiding resentment

>> No.23434947

Maybe but I thought of it like this
>My formula for greatness in a human being is amor fati: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backward, not in all eternity.
>My formula for greatness
Formula: Amor Fati = Greatness
Therefore, to achieve greatness you need to internalize Amor Fati.

>> No.23434952


Pardon? NEETzsche's whole claim is precisely that the "overman" SHOULD want.

>> No.23434972

The overman doesn't do anything from "should," you don't understand the concept if you think so.

>> No.23434974

nietzsche believes that thoughts are a surface level phenomenon that justifies pre-existing physiological states, or affects, so I don't really think it's about telling resentful people to not be resentful, that is like telling a person with a headache to stop having a headache:
>Religion and morality say: "A people or a society are destroyed by license and luxury." My revalued reason says: when a people degenerates physiologically, when it approaches destruction, then the result is license and luxury (that is, the craving for ever stronger and more frequent stimulation necessary to arouse an exhausted nature). This young man easily turns pale and faints; his friends say: that is because of this or that disease. I say: he became diseased, he could not resist the disease, because of his pre-existing impoverished life or hereditary exhaustion. The newspaper reader says: this party destroys itself by making such a mistake. My higher politics says: a party that makes such a mistake has already reached its end; it has lost its sureness of instinct. Every mistake (in every sense of the word) is the result of a degeneration of instinct, a disintegration of the will: one could almost equate what is bad with whatever is a mistake. All that is good is instinctive — and hence easy, necessary, uninhibited. Effort is a failing: the god is typically different from the hero. (In my language: light feet are the first attribute of divinity.)

>> No.23434977


>> No.23434991


NEETzsche's baffling illiteracy and Logical bankruptcy are only matched by his propensity for prescriptive statements. His faggy books are nothing but THOU SHALT.

>> No.23434994

Maybe. But if thats what he thought then I think he's a fucking idiot. I've thought this more and more about him as I've aged.
But he also contradicts himself often, so you've to bear that in mind to.

>> No.23434997

what about thinking this makes him a fucking idiot? j/w

>> No.23435030

I dont believe people are deterministic let alone materially deterministic

>> No.23435035

ok, but does that really make nietzsche a fucking idiot?

>> No.23435042

If that's genuinely what he believed as evidenced by that passage (and negated by other ones), then imo, yes

>> No.23435045

Don't forget to mention that a lot of the amor fati apologetics sidestep, contort, or omit the 'amor'. Especially after being hypothetically tortured

>> No.23435048

why is that? I believe in fate, and I don't think I am a fucking idiot by any reasonable standard

>> No.23435051

Because I don't believe that's true so believing something that is untrue despite being intelligent enough to grasp otherwise is what I'd label "idiocy." It's just my opinion.

>> No.23435057

what if it is true though

>> No.23435064

Because amor fati, just like everything about Nietzsche's philosophy, is not meant to be universal commandment for all human beings to do, but directed at his target audience, namely those who are (innately) strong enough to overcome life's struggles and thus the only ones fit to love life.

Like he doesn't expect the inferior man to love life and his lot in it, at all. It's not something he's capable of doing, his weakness forbids it. Stop reading Nietzsche as if he were an universalist.

>> No.23435080

>Because amor slavery, just like everything about Nietzsche's philosophy, is not meant to be universal commandment for all slaves to do, but directed at his target audience, namely those who are (innately) strong enough to overcome slavery's struggles and thus the only ones fit to love slavery.

>Like he doesn't expect the inferior slave to love slavery and his lot in it, at all. It's not something he's capable of doing, his weakness forbids it. Stop reading Nietzsche as if he were an universalist.

>> No.23435083

Prove it
I can provide evidence for my position.

>> No.23435089

I don't think I am capable of proving it, it's just something I believe because the alternative seems very dubious

>> No.23435093

At the quantum layer of reality, certainty is impossible because all calculations are probabilistic and non linear. This implies that the base layer of reality is made solely of potential that doesn't get actuated until a pathway is "chosen."

>> No.23435104

sure but that doesn't say anything about how humans experience fate unless you can freely choose the pathways, like if you get zapped by some bullshit in space and it makes you order pepsi instead of coke that doesn't have much to do with what the conception of fate is here

>> No.23435110

If humans are an extension of reality, which they are, then yes it does. All life has will.

>> No.23435112

>accept where you are so you can take increased control of your life
>incomprehensible to basement dwellers

>> No.23435122

I don't think that is true, because there is no reason to think these 'laws' apply to consciousness in the way you're proposing at all (at the level of actionable will). a rock or whatever is given the same conception of "will" in the argument you're making, and I don't see a reason to make a special case for why quantum whatever can be harnessed and manipulated consciously. a human wills, but he does not will what he wills

>> No.23435123

>What's the alternative retard?
My suggestion: Abhor Fati. Fuck fate, only weak-minded faggots accept things the way they are, Nietzsche was a faggot with a slave mentality and was wrong: the path of the Übermensch is to overcome fate.

>> No.23435126

>a human wills, but he does not will what he wills
Prove it

>> No.23435128

Nietzsche never advocated for being passive.

>> No.23435131

ok, logically if a human wills what he wills it would lead to an infinite regress, because in order to choose what you will make yourself will you already have to have a will to make yourself will what you want to will which required a will behind that too

>> No.23435134

How do you will what you will what you will? Ergo infinite regress, ergo false. qed

>> No.23435173

Infinite regress = false?
According to what?

>> No.23435180

This is a bad faith thread, don't bother.

>> No.23435287


>> No.23436611

Kierkegaard explained it best

>Most people live dejectedly in worldly sorrow and joy; they are the ones who sit along the wall and do not join in the dance. The knights of infinite resignation are dancers and possess elevation. They make the movements upward, and fall down again; and this too is no mean pastime, nor ungraceful to behold. But whenever they fall down they are not able at once to assume the posture, they vacillate an instant, and this vacillation shows that after all, they are strangers in the world. This is more or less strikingly evident in proportion to the art they possess, but even the most artistic knights cannot altogether conceal this vacillation. One need not look at them when they are up in the air, but only the instant they touch or have touched the ground–then one recognizes them. But to be able to fall in such a way that the same second it looks as if one were standing and walking, to transform the leap of life into a walk, absolutely to express the sublime in the pedestrian–that only the knight of faith can do–and this is the only prodigy.

Basically its about loving life no matter what happens because it IS. instead of being hesitant, being sad about the bad things that happen, you allow yourself to actually experience it fully, because you understand it cant be anything else.

>> No.23436623

You are gonna die faggot, good luck overcoming that. Hopefully you figure out what Nietzsche meant before then

>> No.23436633

Nietzsche wrote his books for his "future philosophers," "good Europeans," "hyperboreans," "party of life" etc., in order to provide a manual for them to work off of to pave the way for the overman. This is why you see a lot of "thou shalt" in his work. However, we were talking about the overman, not Nietzsche's readers — the overman doesn't operate from a "thou shalt," but from an "I will." The eternal recurrence, for the overman, is not a theory to be proven or a doctrine to be followed, but a reality that the overman wants and thus wills into existence. Nietzsche describes amor fati and the eternal recurrence as part of his illustration of what kind of being the overman will be; the individual who wants eternal recurrence to be reality and deeply feels amor fati regarding his own life, not due to a "thou shalt" but as a natural expression of being, will be the overman.

>> No.23436977

>Nietzsche describes amor fati and the eternal recurrence as part of his illustration of what kind of being the overman will be; the individual who wants eternal recurrence to be reality and deeply feels amor fati regarding his own life, not due to a "thou shalt" but as a natural expression of being, will be the overman.
That still doesn't make sense. No matter who you are, whether or not you want eternal return is more about the life you lived than who you are as a person. Like, a slave who doesn't want to get beaten and raped every day of their life anymore is being rational in response to their circumstances. To create the overman, you have to create a world in which people would actually want to relive life over and over.

>> No.23436994

A bird shitting on me would hit with more impact than you retards' interpretations of philosophy.

>> No.23437070

good post
whats that poem from by the way?

>> No.23437095

>To create the overman, you have to create a world in which people would actually want to relive life over and over.
Not people, just one individual, and yes, having a wonderful life worth reliving for eternity is part of what makes someone the overman. But what you're ignoring about amor fati is that it's not merely about the pleasurable aspects of one's life, but about the realization that both pain and pleasure are part of an inseparable narrative whole, so it's not enough to live a soft and cushioned life, the overman must also be aware of suffering and be capable of seeing the necessity of it.

>> No.23437229

Nietzsche didn't believe that ego consciousness has unlimited power, he was very physiological in his approach. For him there was no idea that could completely elevate you just by intellectual reflection if you don't have the necessary talents or are in a completely hopeless life situation. If you are a slave and get beaten so hard that it destroys your body and brain then there is probably nothing you can do, you will never be the next Napoleon (who he called a "great man" which is not the same as the overman).

I actually think that amor fati is not just a psychological attitude that he tells some people to adopt but that it's also meant as a way to judge your life in retrospect, if you weren't able to live the life that makes it possible to love your fate, you just aren't a great man. This is not necessarily your fault but what's the point of talking about "faults", that sounds like moralising.

>> No.23437259

In woke liberal America, it's Amor Fatty

>> No.23437396

no it is a psychological attitude, the greatness is in being able to love life even when it sucks and is basically irredeemable to most people. its nothing to do with success or achievement, just the character of the person.

>> No.23437607

>the greatness is in being able to love life even when it sucks
So like insane retards?

>> No.23437629


So...even further removed not only from Philosophical rigor (goes without saying for NEETzsche) but even from reality? Syphilitic stammering.

>> No.23437643


The supposedly causal and psychological (both causality and psychology are absolutely false, of course) connection here is bolted on. Why would understanding that life cannot be anything but what it is lead to loving it?

>> No.23437843

And why is the overman not real to you?

>> No.23437846

Amor farti XD

>> No.23437849

>In woke liberal America
Ironically, the strength of such principles that banish shame among other at least questionable albeit typical-historical 'reactions' exemplify how such doctrines once adopted as unconscious aspects of 'attitude' are far more powerful in practice than when weakly 'read' by an agglomeration of retard incels. A few here seem to get it
*though no overman required, obviously. Absolutely anyone can become infected with Amor Fati

>> No.23437861


I don't have syphilis.

>> No.23437879

Neither did Nietzsche.

>> No.23438553

Intro poems to the gay science

>> No.23438888
File: 1.16 MB, 1399x987, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nietzsche couldnt(didnt?) even get a fucking wife at such times(when you could pickup several wives at a supermarket or while playing a flute) and had his drooling cleaned by that evil bitch of a nazi sister
>muh will to power muh transcendance
why are we putting him on a pedestal?as much as he is /ourguy/ he is just another guy with high ideals and not much to back it up but he surely is someone to look up to

>> No.23438949

>nietzsche couldnt(didnt?) even get a fucking wife at such times(when you could pickup several wives at a supermarket or while playing a flute)
Kierkegaard in Either/Or says that you just have to work a random office job 5 hours a day and then you automatically get a wife who does everything around the house, cooks, and helps you with everything, including your jobs and hobbies. This was considered a horrible but necessary "ethical" existence.

>> No.23439017

stop being a little bitch, better?

>> No.23440026

Great 8's. He's 'on a pedestal' anon because he wrote great- fun to read-books. Do the same and the pedestal's yours

>> No.23440281

yes my grandpa got 2 wives(1st one was a bitch) despite not being some lord or something.old times were literally a hack

>> No.23440503

>no but that will hurt

holy shit this boards iq is in the gutter

>> No.23440516

We got a badass over here.

>> No.23440748

H-Hot . . .

>> No.23440862

Kierkegaard also describes how the loving wife will help you to not go insane from autism. I'm paraphrasing a bit here, but he describes an autistic intellectual who is into, I don't know, sacred Hindu texts or something like that, and has three translations of them, and in one of them there is a dot in the middle of one sentence completely changing its meaning. He compares the three texts incessantly and his brain goes haywire and he doesn't leave his study and goes insane.

But when he has a wife, the wife cooks him lunch and waits for him to come outside, and when she sees that he's not coming out for lunch she goes into the study and kisses him and asks what's wrong and he explains it to her and she blows on the paper and the dot flies off because it was just a speck of dust.

This is what they've taken from us.

>> No.23440969

Imagine your favorite story
Then imagine how bad and boring it would be if the worst imaginable thing wasn't happening to the characters all the time
Amor fati is the essence of conflict which is the essence of storytelling which is the essence of life

>> No.23441620

Well I do agree. Why would you deny being an amputee if you are an amputee. What are you going to do? Pray to get amagic arm?
It's part of your life.

>> No.23442844

It doesn't get better anon

>> No.23442886

>Fry your means, your body and your mind like a live wire writing down your deepest insights so they can be misinterpreted for the following centuries by edgelords, psychopaths and pseudo-intellectuals.
The pedestal is looking as enviable as ever.

>> No.23443015

Thoughts? I strongly disliked them all. Wtf was this nigga thinking?

>> No.23443033

It's not a prescription, it's a diagnosis.

>> No.23443843

a wife in old age is needed for peace no matter how much she makes noise.there is an aura of relaxation from women in the household that man cant give

>This is what they've taken from us.
go to your nearest church anon

>> No.23443870

>another guy with high ideals
Will to power isn't an "ideal," it's an immanent ontology. The people who put him on a pedestal don't understand him. Nietzsche wanted to cultivate a new aristocracy and understood the aristocratic spirit as one of a slower, more contemplative tempo, capable of passion, deep relationships, high intellectual curiosity, and profound creativity — the complete opposite of the "last man," which the modern rat race of capitalist democratic-globalist work culture produces at a highly effective rate.

>> No.23444426

Kek, wish I could disagree, but I guess all things exact a certain price

>> No.23444451

I can't afford to give my possibility-wife the quality of life she deserves

>> No.23444744


>> No.23444749

>go to your nearest church anon
Ok, then what?

>> No.23444755
File: 595 KB, 498x498, 82168e2a49530193a66b0396f925aba0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask her to hold (hands) at first then give a little teeheee
>trust me it works

>> No.23444757

Women my age (40) don't go to church in my country, it's just grannies and couples with kids.

>> No.23444765

kek just go for young girls then.many young girls are into dad bods

>> No.23444767

Dude get a grip.

>> No.23444768

>many young girls are into dad bods
The world would be a different place if this were true.

>> No.23444794

what?i know several girls of my age(22,asian) lust over dad bods