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23425397 No.23425397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this peculiar use of LoTR lore?

>> No.23425409

I do wonder who the high elves are supposed to be

>> No.23425417

What a disingenuous rat bastard. How desperate is xitter these days to let cancer like that back in?

>> No.23425426

He makes the jews seethe, that's all it matters.

>> No.23425437
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Nick Land on Fuentes

>> No.23425446

white people being treated as an object of government protection is based / necessary

>> No.23425449

>boomer anglo opinion
Who cares. They're a brainwashed k*keloving generation. Everything they say about Jews is contaminated by years of propaganda. They would deflect valid criticism of the Juden just to avoid admitting that Hitler was right.

>> No.23425458

>posted from my Huawei Neural Implant

>> No.23425460

>guy whose entire *shtick* ;) is some schizo sophistry about how god is coming back from the future to brutally manifest itself into a posthuman capitalism-elemental mindflayer and how it's so fucking over and right wingers are fools for being anti-Semites who also spends his time chudposting about blacks on twitter

it's boomer time

>> No.23425469

>hobbits can't rule themselves

Seems like he forgot the chapter where hobbit freikorps rise up against the socialist cosmopolitan elite who has taken up residence in their home and expel the migrants and refugees (((Sharkey))) was using as muscle.

Really makes you think.

>> No.23425474

"noo don't defend your own interests, that's woke!"

cuckservative/Jew moment

>> No.23425477

I think he doesn't really care whether there is something like Jewish subversion or not. He sees the world as eternal warfare, a constant Darwinian quest for power. If Jews win the game of competition and dominance, by whatever means, then that gives them the right to reign. Criticism of dominance and superiority is a form of whining and victimology.

>> No.23425479

Not all Anglos hate Germans. I find German philosophers and historians fascinating.

>> No.23425487

Pretty disgusting but w/e. I only agree with him on a few points of his worldview but the rest is garbage.

>> No.23425498

Fuck BAP
Fuck ZeroHP
Fuck Eugyppius
Fuck FbF
Fuck RussianCosmist
Fuck Anna Khachiyan
Fuck Yarvin
Fuck Sailer
Fuck Hanania
Fuck Fagentes

>> No.23425505

>If Jews win the game of competition and dominance, by whatever means, then that gives them the right to reign.
>Criticism of dominance and superiority is a form of whining and victimology.
This is contradictory because Jews got in power in great part due to weaponizing whining and victimology.

>> No.23425509

It's amazing that you people will defend to the death some journalist who writes stories about how salt shakers being racist being on Twitter, but when someone comes along and points out that your astroturfed bloggers and "thought leaders" are philosemites who happen to he jewish you lose your mind. It's totally okay when BAP spams gay pornography on the site year in and year out, but when I guy points out he's jewish it's all "omg HOW DARE Elong do this to us!"

>> No.23425511

He's doing a very childish version of Mosca/Pareto elite sociology. As with everything else in this degenerated age, stuff that was said intelligently and fully worked out in its implications a century or two ago is diluted to pap and converted into simple propositional slogans, "Elites will always rule," "Dumb peasants can't rule." All the resonances with late 19th and early 20th century critiques of democracy are lost. No one who reads this will ever go read anything. They'll just go around thinking "am i a elf or a hobbit?" and maybe projecting these categories onto some retard of the day. Curtis Yarvin is a midwit elf-cosplaying hobbit, talking to other hobbits about how he thinks he would have been an elf in the previous age, when there were still elves.

>> No.23425510

Eugyppius and Sailer are cool. The rest are shit.

>> No.23425519

>Takes the time and effort to type all this
>Millennial tier namemockery when it comes to his true nemesis (he doesn't know him)
Very feminine.

>> No.23425524

I agree, but if these threads help keep intelligent white young men away from these faggots, then all the better in the end.

>> No.23425530

All reprehensible individuals, but Fuentes is easily the worst of the lot, only slightly edging out Hanania. Fuck you all.

>> No.23425532


>> No.23425539

This falls flat because he suggest groypers are white. Its been established that not only are most groypers not white, but most don't even live in the US.
Most groypers are South American, Arab, or Black. There's a reason Nick only goes on Muslim and Black talk shows.

>> No.23425540

Are you people so friendless that you have to post twitter screenshots, twitter celebrities, and twitter topics that only twitter users care about on here? Get some friends/followers and stop shitting up this board. It's a blemish.

>> No.23425544

>all of them are le bad!
nice try jew

>> No.23425546

that's not Nick Land's X account
t. Nick Land

>> No.23425549

Why do you capitalize black but not white? Very sus.
>There's a reason Nick only goes on Muslim and Black talk shows.
This is a lie.

>> No.23425550

It amazes me how the "dissident right" has sounded all five alarms because they're being called out for not being different from mainstream media in the fact that they are completely controlled by Jews.

>> No.23425562

High IQ conscientious self-hating Jews who acknowledge White superiority >>>> low IQ brownoid spics attaching themselves to niggers and nigger rappers at every opportunity

>> No.23425577

Does Nick Land have two twitters? I was only aware of Outsideness.

>> No.23425584

> self-hating Jews
lol they're subversive jewish supremacists, don't be a retard.
It's for exposure. BAP once told his fans to "be like Kanye" then was seething after Kanye's anti-jewish phase.

>> No.23425588
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Stop sucking circumcised cock

>> No.23425589

Outsideness is inactive. The new account stated that he forgot the password or something.

>> No.23425598

Is the boomer aware you can create a new password?
>China! Technology! Transhumanism!
>can't rest password

>> No.23425608

>It's for exposure
Nigger, I tuned into your spic overlord's stream regarding L0m3z for about 15 minutes and it was nothing but groid noises. He went as far as to turn off non-nigger music saying he "only wanted to listen to Kanye". He spends all his time cavorting with niggers, and his latest obsession, Candace Owens, is, you guessed it, a nigger. Faggot's a few thousand bucks in the red away from showing up on BLACKED Gay.

>> No.23425613

>he likes Kanye!
So did BAP until Kanye named the Jew. So much for these "self-hating" Jews.

>> No.23425628

>jews equating themselves to nature loving demigods

the absolute delusion

>> No.23425630

What, his niggerlust isn't about exposure anymore?

>> No.23425636

holy shit this is embarrassing

>> No.23425645

>Be Peter Thiel, autistic math genius, right-wing controlled op guru, found data analytics company used by CIA and JP Morgan, be on Bilderberg steering committee
>but this random Jew no one cares about is the real power behind the throne!!!

Controlled op neo-nazis are such a joke

>> No.23425644
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>I shill for the Jews because I am a Jew

>> No.23425650

It's a network of subversive jews. That's the point.

>> No.23425652

Clearly Dúnedain are whites.

>> No.23425658

Neither Thiel nor Fuentes are Jewish but they're sure as fuck subversive, moreso than Moldbug

>> No.23425661

ZeroHP has good stuff tho

>> No.23425668

idk he's made other claims about how anglos/jews are similar so he probably regards anglos as 'elves' as well. the bit about the German space program also reads like a joke btw.

what i don't understand about Yarvin is what his ends are. so he wants a group of dark elves to take over the US so they can re-establish a righteous society? why does he care about virtue? why does he care how many meth heads plague NYC when he can move to a nice town in Nebraska to raise his kids?

>> No.23425671
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I watched something very interesting about Jewish "natcons" (national conservatives), basically zionists who want to strategically align with western conservatives and right-wingers but only insofar as they remain "civic nationalist" and enslaved to Israel. It's surprisingly easy for them to do this, as they hate Muslims (so they present themselves as aligning with western anti-foreigners sentiment, up to this point but no further), and they are mostly socially conservative Jews so they hate the woke shit as well (so they can co-opt right-wing grifters' anti-woke discourses).

Who was that guy on Youtube who showed that like 60% of Rogan's cultural/political guests are Jews, or weirdos like Peterson who suck zionist dick?

I am so tired of hearing about Jews and so tired of seeing little hints of their influence like this. I don't even want to gas them or anything, but I need to stop hearing about them and their fucking retarded issues and desires for a while, and I need to stop seeing them getting special treatment and still fucking whinging about how it isn't enough, real soon. I can feel myself beginning to understand why certain people really, really hated them. They don't know when to stop.

>> No.23425681

It's so funny to me that jews alternate between mocking and demoralizing white people while telling them that antisemitism is for shitskins and that they are their biggest allies.

>> No.23425682
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lotr is reddit

>> No.23425699

Very true diagnosis.
>Who was that guy on Youtube who showed that like 60% of Rogan's cultural/political guests are Jews, or weirdos like Peterson who suck zionist dick?
I don't know but someone did the same type of study on the people that Elon Musk interacts with the most. And most were Jews.

Jews know how to pervert powerful people. Just a brief look at American politics: Clinton, Biden and Trump families are intermarried with Jews.

>> No.23425700

hobbits in that post are obviously not goyim but untrendy, unhappening, uncontrarian normie right-wingers, he spells this out so you would have to either have brainworms or be posting in bad faith to think he means hobbits
OP should be embarrassed for posting this thread and you all should be embarrassed for posting in it

>> No.23425702
File: 92 KB, 700x700, a0M4YbP9_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every. Fucking. Time.


>> No.23425720


Apparently he has done it for many other alt-lite / centrist podcasts as well

This guy is so shadowbanned you can't even just google his channel name directly

>> No.23425738

I don't get the point of his statistics. Jews are overrepresented among Nobel prize winners for physics and professors of mathematics. Is he surprised to find them overrepresented in other fields?

>> No.23425743

Nice pilpul but this is a deflection.

>> No.23425749

This doesn't work anymore. I would advise you to stop doing this. You are not going to convince people. I strongly advise you to focus on developing a counter-discourse of Jews admitting they have excessive influence and prominence, ASAP, and advocating peaceful solutions to this problem, rather than trying to convince non-Jews that
>uh Jews are based actually
>uh Zionism is based actually
or for the love of God,
>uh Jews are just naturally superior, seems like you're jealous?
I strongly, strongly advise you to stop doing these three things. The first two don't work and the last one is adding fuel to the fire. People do not like you.

>> No.23425778

>the last one is adding fuel to the fire
does the fact that it's true play into the question for you at all? or just the optics

>> No.23425784

It's not true, and I agree with >>23425743, but what I'm trying to do is issue a warning to you and the other anon that ten years ago I was inclined to argue with you that it isn't true, and tolerate your obnoxious condescension in the process, whereas now I am strongly inclined to say "These people can't be reasoned with."

There was another guy who said "these people can't be argued with."

>> No.23425795

Just read Scott Alexander's fan fic and be less of a crypto faggot with your literary tastes then.

>> No.23425838

soooooo you're saying they should be.....hobbits?

>> No.23425847

>intelligent white young men away from these faggots
And toward who? Nick Fuentes? At least BAP's crowd has literary pretentions. I'll have interest in Fuentes when he discusses anything other than jews.

>> No.23425876

Scott Alexander is a guy who has seen the truth and turned away from it because he can't handle it. He isn't to be taken seriously.

>> No.23425884

It's 2024 Mosche, everyone knows Jews are overrepresented in Nobel prizes because they are also overrepresented in members of the committee that actually hands those prizes out.

>> No.23425890

You are absolutely right that Theil is THE problem. He has spent 10s of millions of dollars promoting two things in rw thought spaces: degeneracy and phiosemitism. Yarvin, BronzeAgeChazir, Lomez…they’re all Thiel’s agents. It’s so easy to spot that murderous homosexual bilderberger’s influence too. He literally gave Curtis 10 million dollars for his doxware project Urbit.

>> No.23425891

I work in computer science anon and genuinely a 1/5th of the novel algorithms studied in college or have used were also created by jews. I do think they are nepotistic but that's really not the full picture.

>> No.23425903

Do you have any proof of this whatsoever?

>> No.23425906

you guys should read The Atomic Bomb Considered As Hungarian High School Project
>but it's by a jew
who cares, just read it and be persuaded or don't

>> No.23425908

Yes... Einstein, Feynman, Bohr would be forgotten without nepotism. Lol.

>> No.23425909
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What's funny is that I distinctly remember Yarvin writing this particular blog post/Substack essay in the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. That's what REALLY freaked him out, the prospect of a legitimate victory by the social conservatives and the Religious Right. Says a lot, i think.

>> No.23425927

Kek amen brother. He's as connected and as much of a globalist kingpin as one can get and it seems like part of his job to create right-wing cultural "movements" like the network you just described, Dimes Square, etc. that are nothing more than controlled opposition. I don't think people realize the extent to which culture and politics is controlled from the top down with the plebs left debating over fraudulent positions and agents fielded by Thiel, Soros, etc. It's all an elaborate multileveled farce to keep us distracted until the NWO is fully realized.

>> No.23425933

You are extremely stupid.

>> No.23425963

>most articulate cattle person

>> No.23425968

Nick Land isn't jewish

>> No.23425981

He's an anglo boomer. Same thing, spiritually.

>> No.23425990

Your mind is occupied by schizophrenic conspiracy theories. Unfortunately what you see is what you get. Our Nations really are just run by venal, stupid, short sighted morons, something which electoral politics incentivizes. I genuinely wish there were people as capable as you seem to believe there are, because we probably wouldn't be such a dysfunctional mess if there were.

>> No.23425993

>t. high elf

>> No.23426028

And what? You think Klaus Schwab is masterminding a convoluted plot to make the goyim eat bugs for eternity? He's a glorified party planner for self important rubes who in any other world be managers at your local cinnabon. I don't say this to suggest such personalities aren't dangerous, because stupidity and mediocrity is very dangerous in fact, but the 'NWO agenda' is exactly what you'll hear on NPR or whatever shitlib outlet is in vogue.

>> No.23426035

No these theories are well researched and founded. How do you think monetary and foreign policy are decided? Or politicians elected? Are these the end results of rational debate and incremental tweaking by the populace? Why are there only 2 parties that largely agree on everything? Why do corporations and billionaires fund protest movements, and why does the press pretend like these movements are grassroots? Why is there such tight control over the opinions you're allowed to hold over certain things unless you want to be ostracized and blacklisted from employment? Why does the fed inflate the dollar every year and how was the fed created? Why do A-list musicians and actors so often have ties to political and business elites through globalist NGOs?

>> No.23426039

If there's one thing the jews are like in the lord of the rings it's the dwarves
obsessed with riches, live in the dark, convinced they are above everyone else, extremely ugly and even the one in a billion that's good is still a fucking jew

>> No.23426063

He's fundamentally correct. Most people cannot govern themselves. Although I suspect he and I would disagree on who the dark elves and high elves are.

>> No.23426068
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Why do jews keep biting the hand that feeds them?

Is this why every nation in history has eventually acted and hanged them, beheaded them, burned them, gassed them, slaughtered them, killed them, destroyed them entirely?

>picrel, a famous jew and his 'husband'

>> No.23426090

The problem I have with this is that if it really only takes some money and a few talking heads to control and subvert an entire political movement, then he is correct that those people do not deserve to govern themselves. The first step to self governance is overthrowing the oppressors.

>> No.23426101

>Fry has claimed relationship to the Fry family that founded the eponymous chocolate company, John Fry (one of the signatories to the death warrant for Charles I),[15][16][17] and the cricketer C. B. Fry.[18][19] Fry's mother is Jewish, but he was not brought up in a religious family.[20] His maternal grandparents, Martin and Rosa Neumann,[10] were Hungarian Jews who emigrated from Šurany (now in Slovakia) to the UK in 1927. Rosa's parents, who originally lived in Vienna, were sent to a concentration camp in Riga.[10][20][21] His mother's aunt and cousins were sent to Auschwitz and Stutthof and never seen again.[10]
god damn it

>> No.23426102

Pointing out when people veritably collude to promote their agenda is neither schizo nor is it a conspiracy theory. All of the Theilverse loves trying to dismiss my idea that very intelligent and malicious people hold sway over things, because they've whored themselves out to a very intelligent malicious guy themselves.

>> No.23426116


>Makes his whole career on being a quintessential Englishman
>Denies being English
>Is surprised there is even such a thing
>Firmly declares which loyalty he now professes
>Wraps it up with some sarcasm
>It's a Christmas Message

>> No.23426135

No, I don't deny any of those things. What I deny is a 'NWO agenda'

>> No.23426143
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Why can't a group of people have an agenda to direct and plot the direction of the world and all those in it?

>> No.23426144
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>Why do jews keep biting the hand that feeds them?
Their main problem is simply their arrogance. They are part of an exclusive religion that inherently tends toward viewing people outside the religion as lower, even without going into Talmudic conspiracy theory shit. It's simply the nature of any religion structured like theirs. But on top of that they are also unusually arrogant and self-worshiping, AND their religion breeds unpleasant tendencies in them (scheming/manipulating to avoid God's rules), and they've had a weird history where they constantly clashed with their host societies as pariahs while also feeling superior to them for being urban moneylender types.

AND on top of all that they are mostly secularized, so the focus of their faith has shifted onto just plain self-worship for being "special," instead of actual religious feeling. They have the worst case of main character syndrome in history.

A Jew is custom designed to both irritate people and be a smug fucking dick about it in the process, he's also filled with resentment and actively hates any host society he's in. Jews can't be Jews without at least somewhat despising their host society, it's part of the package.

>> No.23426181

nick fuentes wouldn't be able to sit down and read through a full moldbug essay...his followers are truly all brown or extremely underaged cringekids.
why are his xeets being posted on /lit/?
is this how far this board has fallen?

>> No.23426191

>They are part of an exclusive religion that inherently tends toward viewing people outside the religion as lower
as if this is not the case with /pol/ and whiteness as well

>> No.23426195

Whites are the only people in history to philosophically and politically try to integrate other races instead of subjugating them at a mass scale. Europeans invented liberalism, democracy, individualism, the abolishment of slavery, human rights, all the cornerstones of modern society which globalism coopts.

>> No.23426200

Antisemitism is more interesting and has more to offer than Nick Land.

>> No.23426203

and? /pol/ doesn't believe in any of that

>> No.23426209
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>as if this is not the case with /pol/ and whiteness as well
Every other non-white country in the world has a ruling class entirely composed of the same (or near-related) demographics of that which it rules, there are no Indians in China's leadership, no Bengali's in Japan's, there are no whites in any of these countries state apparatus.
There are countless minorities in Whites.

This needs to change.

>> No.23426210

>I'm le victim of le jews!!

>> No.23426212

This is what you get for bringing your culture war here. Enjoy your board.

>> No.23426213

Are you the crazy Persian retard? You sound like him.

>> No.23426216
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>Protecting your own ethnic self-interests against 9/10 of the world and its peoples is Left-Wing collectivism

>> No.23426224
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>> No.23426243

I'm not but it appears maybe you are. Why did they cut your dick? How is the ADL able to exert any pressure on anyone and why would anyone tolerate that?

>> No.23426276

This image was debunked here:

>> No.23426292

"""Debunking""" is a talmudic scheme. Rope

>> No.23426294
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>one of the quotes is "spliced together"
>therefore the pic is DEBUNKED

Pic related is a mainstream historian writing about how Nazi Germany was basically a utopia and even anti-Nazis loved living under it. What follows is another mainstream historian talking about how the Nazi youth movements basically created a classless utopia in Germany, and are the real reason why postwar German reconstruction succeeded so well:

In this context the Hitler Youth generation also argued that there had been
a stronger 'social side' to National Socialism than later generations
and most outsiders have been willing to acknowledge. Such things as
the training competitions, for example, the fact that there were no
school fees for the poor, the introduction of coeducation, com-
petitions for the most social factory or more generally working for
'the community' were cited as examples.

Most had formed, as we
have seen, their own complex picture of positive and negative
experiences and were now outraged by the blank negative judge-
ment being cast on the Third Reich. Even those who had never
regarded themselves as Nazis found that it was no longer permissible
to mention even the 'positive things' about the Third Reich without
being treated as such.

In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...

The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant
in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in
both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been
characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for
recognition and personal advancement.

The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewusstsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time.

>> No.23426298
File: 2.04 MB, 2172x1710, 1650930405560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps the most important positive experience was the fact that
socially, too, the HJ and other institutions helped youngsters dis-
cover new territory. Because the HJ aspired to bridge class barriers,
many of its members were able to meet youngsters or adults from
different backgrounds and thus break out of their own milieus.
Ambitious HJ members could rise up through the ranks. Sometimes
working-class children found themselves in authority over young-
sters with a grammar-school background. Those who performed
well in the HJ might well also find their social mobility enhanced
outside the organisation. A good HJ record could open up oppor-
tunities for youngsters whose parents' social status would in the past
have denied them much chance of advancement. For example,
successful HJ members might be able to get into one of the National
Socialist political academies or into a better school; they might be
able to obtain an apprenticeship in a sought after occupation or gain
entry into a white-collar profession. For many youngsters, the old
adage from the working-class milieu of the 1920s 'them up on top, us
down below', no longer seemed to fit.

The HJ also encouraged youngsters to take on positions of leader-
ship and responsibility. At some time or other almost all boys and
girls took on some office or higher rank, be it in the DJ or the HJ.
Those who joined the Jungvolk as 1 o-year-olds, for example, moved
in only their second year into positions of seniority over the new
entrants. Thus the old youth movement principle that 'youth should
be led by youth' became a reality for many young people. Those
promoted received new badges and insignia as marks of their auth-
ority. The chevrons and frogging were highly important for the
self-esteem of those involved, And, again, outside the HJ, too, the
uniform or the higher rank brought recognition. Many of our
interview partners mentioned the fact that when you wore the
uniform you 'were somebody' and could not just be dismissed as a

Many of the respondents - and not just the enthusiasts - dwelt on
the fact that they had been involved in useful and socially meaning-
ful activity. They helped on farms or in land reclamation or col-
lected metal for recycling; they looked after elderly members of the
community, collected for the Nazis' 'winter help scheme', knitted for
the poor or sent parcels to soldiers at the front. Because of the
blanket condemnation of the HJ in the post-war period, our inter-
viewees were at pains to emphasise this positive useful side.
Respondents of both sexes believed that their HJ activities had been
a lot more worthwhile than the activities of modern youth who 'just
hang around outside discos' and did nothing useful.

>Alexander von Plato, "The Hitler Youth generation and its roles in the two postwar German states," in Mark Roseman, ed., Generations in Conflict: Youth Revolt and Generation Formation in Germany, 1770-1968 (1995)

>> No.23426299 [DELETED] 

When I see jews ruining America for israel I often think about that "my kingdom for a horse!" line. All this hatred they and eventual comeuppance they whip up over themselves for the shittiest middle east nation (other than egypt)

>> No.23426315

I think that anyone who reads Moldbug is seriously fucking stupid. This shit is braindead dumb, le high elverino, le dark hobbiterino, what kind of IQ do you need to have in order to consider this hogwash in any way intellectually stimulating and profound? Midwit-core.

>> No.23426318


>> No.23426327

Moldbug was only ever cool because he did what all artists do to become cool: reintroduce old ideas in an easily digestible way, hold their ground and wait until the ideas become commonplace.

>> No.23426335 [DELETED] 

How about this?

>The problem is your fear of monarchy, which is simply the system of government that has been practiced at almost all times in human history. Moreover, it’s the system of government that produces everything around you. That microphone in front of you was created by a monarchy. If you drive a car, it was made by a monarchy. Actually, your microphone was probably made in China, so it was made by a company in China, meaning that it was made by a monarchy inside a monarchy. We see an oligarchic form of government, which is NASA, competing against a monarchical form of government, which is SpaceX. They’re both building rockets. The comparison is absurd. It’s night and day. That is true and yet if you basically tried to say: let’s imagine we tried to build a rocket in a democratic way – what would that amount to? Now, well, we’d probably crowdfund it. And maybe we’d have elections – maybe on the blockchain to decide on the design of the rocket engines. I mean, to even get something that could explode would be impressive. And so that’s sort of the orders of magnitude that I see in something like SpaceX versus NASA versus, you know, let’s build the rocket on patreon, you know, which is sort of the most democratic form that I could imagine.

>> No.23426370


>> No.23426393

The most intelligent types that I assumed in my comment shouldn’t have a compulsion to “follow” anything or anyone. These types need to stay away from BAP, etc. BAP can have the tards for all I care. They’ll eventually come back. But the gifted ones should have space to develop and should not fall into plebeian phases of “following” social media-tier personalities. By “following” I mean abstracting their entire worldview and values from these people. Too much time wasted. And I’m talking about genuine Alexis de Tocqueville aristocratic types. These people should not bother “following” Caribbean Rhythms, and if they do, they’re wasting time. But I will grant that less gifted types do require something/someone to follow and there is indeed a vacuum there.

>> No.23426395
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Back when Moldbug was writing, and even moreso during his formative years, "nerd" culture still belonged to ugly outcasts (people who looked like Moldbug, basically) and was un-PC in a snickering, sarcastic manner. Employing geek terminology was a secret handshake thing. Many old head rightoids were and still are huge sci-fi fans.

This was completely reversed over the course of the 2010s with the diversity squad seizing control over "fandoms". The neckbeards that didn't fall in line were purged from this new normie-friendly environment.

It's interesting to note that zoomers have probably always associated the big sci-fi/fantasy/comic book franchises with this latter crowd, and how there is no real hoe-scaring "alternative"/underground culture for them except to donate to Nick Fuentes or something.

>> No.23426415

Name 5 ideas from Moldbug that became commonplace.

Also, all those STUPID analogies are just baby's first Jung archetypes. He projects the most basic fantasy concept onto people like it's a commonplace occurrence while completely discarding all the other races. Le elverino controls le hobbiterino...okay what about undead? Who controls the undead? Who controls the race of sapient eagles? How about DnD, who are Modrons in terms of real nations? Is it da joos? Is it Puerto-Ricans?

Comparing fantasy races to real nations doesn't work. And it's fucking stupid.

All midwit bullshit.

>> No.23426418

>Nick Fuentes
Has anyone else legitimately advanced the JQ as much as he has in recent memory? I'm struggling to think of other examples.

>> No.23426426


His constant, tedious allusions to sci-fi as if I or anyone who matters has read that crap are insufferable. I read his blog a bit back in the manosphere heydey around 2012 or so, but his consistent refusal to get to the point led me to disregard him. When I saw that ridiculous picture of him in that ill-fitting leather jacket, I felt vindicated. High school nerd face physiognomy never goes away.

Now Roissy, there's an author.

>> No.23426432

He is a really interesting case of "low road" optics or something, most people trying to do what he's doing would have been more careful and never amounted to much, but he's got horrible optics on paper yet maintains a consistent and growing fanbase, thus normalizing the things that apparently gave him bad optics

It's a very interesting tactic, I think the only other people who can pull it off are big established celebs who go off the reservation. But then they tend to get isolated quickly rather than grow, like Kanye or that one comedian. Nick is lightning in a bottle, and I say this as someone who has watched maybe 4 minutes of his content ever, just not interested in watching influencers like him blather on about the current week's issue.

>> No.23426445

Name a philosophical idea or argument that isn't midwit. Just as a point of reference.

>> No.23426446

Not since Mearshimer (pbuh) and Walt

>> No.23426453

meant for >>23426418

>> No.23426497

Jews have high IQs and this translates to success BUT even when controlling for IQ Jews are still more successful than they should be. That's where the nepotism lies.

>> No.23426513

This, Harvard and over Ivy Leagues should be overwhelming white and east-asian based on the numbers of high-IQ people applying, instead Jews are hugely overrepresented and whites and asians are underrepresented.

>> No.23426523

What's wrong about nepotism? White identitarians practive nepotism. They select for ethnicity, not merit/intelligence. But then they critique Jewish nepotism? Lol.

>> No.23426524

Are you guys ever surprised to find out how many grifters are still hanging on to what little cult they managed to build around themselves during the 2016 moment in the zeitgeist? Like, how much longer can a grifter keep the con going even after all the favorable wind has disappeared from their sails?

On another note, as a non-american, I wonder why was the Trump presidency and its online presence the exact moment the modern chud emerged. Was the zeitgeist still too stuck in the bush era evangelicals vs. atheists feud after the 2008 crisis to shift to the next phase in the dialectic?

>> No.23426537
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Why is he rehashing Plato but with a LOTR analogy and more explicit racism?

>> No.23426543

Your brain is mush. Your entire conceptual vocabulary is fed to you through the media.

>> No.23426545

Trump and 2016 was important because it was the first campaign season and election that was significantly influenced by the internet and social media in particular.

>> No.23426551

Nepotism isn't bad in Japan or China either. It's only a problem when it's parasitical. If Chinese were setting themselves up as an elite class that favours other Chinese in a country previously dominated by another ethnic group that would be an invasion, like happened to Chinese-America previously known as Canada.

>> No.23426556
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Stephan Molyneux at his peak was naming them left and right.

>> No.23426558

Nick Land's answer:
>Imagine our science fiction scenario, in which the only parts of the earth where functional civilization remains are run by cyborgian Neo-Han with average IQs at least 2SD above the white norm. Of course the natives would be ‘second class citizens’. Giving them political power would be like putting a chimpanzee in charge of a nuclear power plant. If you were a smart native, would you want your fellow natives to acquire political power? Why? They’d just screw things up. The problem isn’t being a second class citizen, the problem is being second class.

>> No.23426559

I don't think yarvin is ethnocentric enough to actually think all "goyim" are hobbits and all jews are elves. He's talking about elite rule over the masses, as he always has. I'm inclined to agree with Nick Land here >>23425437

>> No.23426562
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It becomes a problem when you uphold a double standard, this is one of the core reasons for people hating jews. It is so egregious that they do not even try to hide it.

>> No.23426578

Is there a possibility to critisize jews without turning into a victim then? Wouldn't this spply to everything?

>> No.23426586

his ideas permeated the political landscape but without his exact terminology. the idea that there is an ideological collusion between the press, the universities and the government is commonplace even if no one calls it the cathedral. he was doing great replacement as an electoral ploy from the democrats like 15 years ago. he was pushing for the government being run as a company. he was already doing the modern leftism is just rebranded puritanism thing a decade ago too.

>> No.23426587
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Na bro, their four points of IQ compared to >>>whites totally explains them being a third of the elite enrolment of various categories despite there being more European or Asian of genius IQ than Jews total on Earth.

>> No.23426602

>ideas he agreed with permeated the political landscape
Ftfy. Imagine thinking any of those things are that new, that he invented them, gave them any good treatment or had any significant part in spreading them. These are certainly not "ideas from Moldbug".

>> No.23426613

Why can't people ever decide whether lefties are machiavellian masters of realpolitik who are just using lefty language and phrases as fronts for their actual political agenda or if they are fanatical neo-puritans driven by nothing else but the propagation of their creed to all corners of the Earth? Though I could ask the same about the mainstream liberal take on chuds, who also use the exact same dichotomy to describe right-wing radicalism without ever realizing that they are irreconcilable, that it has to be either one or the other but not both just so that you can paint the other party in the least charitable way possible in every possible situation.

>> No.23426617

What the fuck are you talking about retard?
I thought you were arguing against the "conspiracy theories" that there are Jewish supremacists trying to subjugate others?
Now you're openly a Jewish supremacist trying to subjugate the world?

>> No.23426634

>t. dual loyalty dwarf, sex pest, reproduced despite tribe genetic defect that will take their children's lives untimely as well

Silicon Valley champagne socialist sons of State Department 7th Floor Group 5th columnists belong in Guantanamo Bay, not carrying water for big gays like Peter Thiel for silly money. Moldbread was always pedlign coal to know nothings.

>> No.23426640

>white collar taqiyya

Literally all it is, if we put the ComIntern element aside 15% of the Levant are USSR expat ghouls jabbering in Russian still thanks to the Jackson-Vanik Amendment; Gaza bullshit to save Bibi's bacon was absolutely contrived with their - and Red Chinamen's - 5th columnist help

>> No.23426642

I'm saying nothing, I'm just quoting Nick Land. Maybe you didn't get it. Imagine that extra-terrestrial AI robots would land on earth and establish a new peaceful futuristic society in Germany. They would be much smarter than ethnic Germans and their society would be technologically more advanced. Now why would an ethnic German want Germans to be in charge (= ethnocentrism = ethnic nepotism)? They would have an inferior society. The argument is supposed to demonstrate that ethnocentrism is anti-meritocratic and therefore a dead-end. Instead one should align onself with intelligence (merit).

>> No.23426645

>Now you're openly a Jewish supremacist trying to subjugate the world?
Congratulations, you have discovered right-wing Jews. They're all like that.

>> No.23426667

Try being coherent next time

>> No.23426673


>> No.23426676

The German space program reference implies the Germans are the elves.

>> No.23426683

Lol you have to admit he's a fun read

>> No.23426708

Why are the elves so hellbent on crossbreeding orcs and hobbits?

>> No.23426781

Jews are literally orcs and goblins.

>> No.23426794

Settle down Whitney Webb

>> No.23426801

Pipe down, my kike in Moloch.

>> No.23426813

My thoughts are that I wish Curtis Yarvin, Nicholas Fuentes, and all readers / listeners of these two should be publicly executed.

Nick Land as well. BAP too.

The entire "Dark Enlightenment" along with them.

Kill literally every single one of these worthless "thinkers."

>> No.23426815
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I don't jive with much of his work, but this one was a banger.

>> No.23426819
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>cosmic antisemitism
That sounds so cool.

>> No.23426822

>Kikes and normies will invent thousands of excuses to explain what Hitler and his Nazis did rather than admit some people should not be allowed to live in a modern society.

>> No.23426823
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>saying he "only wanted to listen to Kanye"
That's just a dominant part of the culture. Kids are going to like retard rap music. They almost all listen to it.

>> No.23426829

Sorry but immediate disrespect for anyone who takes that faggot seriosuly. He’s just scott alexander but racist. Just read those stupid rat blogs instead of that vulgar faggot. You can imagine how ugly he is. The man admitted himself that when he was young he didnt know if he’d ever get a girlfriend unless he got famous or jacked or some shit

>> No.23426831
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He's some schizo jew.

His histrionics are fun to watch though. He flails about pathetically quite often.

>> No.23426832
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>zerohp: Jews are irrelevant! Their power is long gone!

>> No.23426834
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>Wanting to protect your ethnic identity is bad okay?

>> No.23426844

>Some guy accuses some other guy of comparing non-Jews to Hobbits
wow how fascinating

>> No.23426851

You are grossly mischaracterizing his argument. Anyone with half a brain can see the right has fallen prey to the same fragile histrionic victim-fetishizing alarmist rhetoric it once stood (or claimed to stand) against. Pathetic, but also inevitable. All movements become what it hates

>> No.23426856

Nice try, Jew, but we know all your tricks now. Cat's out of the bag and everyone hates you more and more every day. Nothing you say will stop the pendulum.

>> No.23426860


>> No.23426873
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Israel will fall and with it will be the final nail in the jew. A death spiral from which it can not recover.

>> No.23426880

>bla bla bla bla jews jews jews jews

>> No.23426882

Ok sure. And then what?

>> No.23426884

>the final nail in the jew
Isn't that how Christianity got started

>> No.23426888
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>the leftism of the right

we've reached peak directionbrain

>> No.23426895
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>> No.23426897
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>> No.23426898

He tried so hard to look distinguished.

>> No.23426900

boooooooooooooring. Get new memes.

>> No.23426911

Do you want to say that whites have a greater culture or that the white equivalent of Playstation Owners, trailer trash, are acceptable because white? Calling a spade a spade means recognizing the low as low and not pretending it's fine when it's "muh identity".

>> No.23426939

Wow, when did /lit/ started taking these twatter intellectuals seriously?? why not spend some time seriously reading text material instead of participating in these mutual jerkoff sessions??
Why not just make a shitter board for all the shitter screencap threads

>> No.23427003

People like me represent my interests. Super AI space robots don't. Monkey tribes are lead by monkeys even though elephants are smarter.

>> No.23427009

Did you read my poster you fucking nigger

>> No.23427022

These people are all very stupid because they're slaves to ideology, hence they are able to thrive in the network, but its not unreasonable to want to know what's going on and discuss it. The only one I have a certain amount of respect for is BAP, not because I approve of his destructive faggotry and misunderstanding of women (he actually should take Nietzsche seriously on the matter) but because he does seem to have a genuine appreciation for fine art

>> No.23427029

>He's using Twitter language to discount Twitter intellectuals
Curtis was a blogger.

>> No.23427035

Kanye's a big deal. like it or not he actually defines for people what it meant to be an artist in the 21st century. Yeezus actually exemplifies BAPist vitality than any other artifact I could think of. (BAP is spiritually a nigger if you haven't figured it out yet)

Its funny in the BAP sphere how most of the chuds were celebrating, Zero HP was quoting Kanye lyrics, until BAP came in to make his pronouncement that Kanye wasn't cool anymore--and then everyone fell in line. I guess you learn who's the real alpha of the sphere

>> No.23427041
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It is incredible to me, how little these soulless husks of men understand Tolkien's work, seemingly out of spiteful choice.

>> No.23427104

You have to be a jew

>> No.23427167

Bronze Age Pronounrespecter