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23423605 No.23423605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>when he reads books

>> No.23423615
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Women should be pregnant by 21. They should be mothers in their 20s. It's unnatural for a woman to be "stuck" in eternal debutante/whore mode into her 20s, let alone her 30s and 40s. Women are suffering and need us to save them by depriving them of the "right" to be eternal debutante-whores. A woman whose life revolves around feebly preserving her youthful attractiveness will never be happy, whereas a woman whose live revolves around her wonderful children and family will always be happy. You can save women by saving them from themselves.

>> No.23423629

okay but when i post about this on facebook i just get ostracized. but yeah pretty much agree with everything you said

>> No.23423635
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You've posted this on /tv/ before. You've posted this here before.
I'd really like to see the true unique traffic stats on this site because I have a feeling you guys who spam threads endlessly are mostly just spamming the eyeballs of a few regulars on each board... who all know that the posts are regular spam, which hurts the demoralization value for you I would think, since there is no illusion of you just being some chad doing a drive by shitpost to demoralize anons.

>> No.23423646

>Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is characterized by a pervasive pattern of attention-seeking behaviors and a theatrical level of emotional reactions. The condition is usually life-long, though onset is typically in late adolescence or early adulthood.

Something tells me that your threads in r9k weren't getting many attentions, Well keep at it you desperate loser.

>> No.23424068
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, men should be fit, lean and strong and not be interested in video games, tv and media. They should have served in labor corps and the military by the time they marry in their early 20s.

The only way to save women is forcibly correct men.

>> No.23424091

So true king

>> No.23424098

Found the incel thread.

>> No.23424108
File: 14 KB, 341x225, 98a038c4-f129-448c-97c4-483a631e8095_341x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this describes me, other than being short

>> No.23424134

In practice this just does not and will never work now. The problem is rapid technological advances which is propagated by the motor of capitalism, unironically what Kaczynski said about conservatives being fools. You can't RETVRN by changing human behaviour when human behaviour is being moulded by industrial society. Industrial society makes the traditional agricultural model of the family (which required women to be pregnant in their early 20s to provide workers for the farm) not economically viable -- instead it pushes families to have fewer children at an older age and invest more in resources and education for them.

>> No.23424142

Me except I'm a neet and banged a handful of hot arthoes before they became repulsed by my insecurity and failed normie status

>> No.23424165

Notable in this is that no one is a debutante since there is no debut. The modern confusion about age gaps is only possible because we do not have an equivalent of quinceanera, bar and bat mitzvah, or other rite of passage which declares to the community the end of adolescence moving into marriageable age. There cannot even be a promiscuous person since marriage vows are not socially enforced. Argue for the legal right to financial disownment of a child not agreed upon by the father before the end of legal abortion along feminist and egalitarian lines, and against divorce for the same reason. If gay couples can be married, what reason does the state have to enforce such agreements for the benefit of the child? This is the only question you should pull the Uno reverse card on, and in every other inquiry pronounce sexual difference.

>> No.23424287

>yep I'm 5'9
>do have a beard, but no glasses because I'd rather die blind than wear them

>> No.23424316

I'm over 6" tall and she usually pays for the meals. Why do I still browse /lit/?